▼ Transport
▼ Iompar
► Aviation
► Eitlíocht
Commercial Transport
Iompar Tráchtála
Pleanáil agus Rialú
Public Transport
Iompar Poiblí
Transport by Water
Iompar ar Uisce
► Vehicles
► Feithiclí
Líon torthaí a aimsíodh
Number of matches found
maximum flow rate of trains,vehicles or passengers which can be accommodated by a public transport station
tool to establish equilibrium flows and travel times on a transportation network, given the travel demand and infrastructure characteristics
'alternative clean fuels' means fuels such as electricity, hydrogen, biofuels (liquids), synthetic fuels, methane (natural gas (CNG and LNG) and biomethane) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) which serve, at least partly, as a substitute for fossil oil sources in the supply of energy to transport, contribute to its decarbonisation and enhance the environmental performance of the transport sector.
'ciallaíonn 'breoslaí glana malartacha' breoslaí amhail leictreachas, hidrigin, bithbhreoslaí (leachtanna), breoslaí sintéiseacha, meatán (gás nádúrtha (GNC agus GNL) agus bithmheatán) agus gás peitriliam leachtaithe (GPL) a chuirtear in ionad, ar a laghadh go páirteach, foinsí ola iontaise sa soláthar fuinnimh le haghaidh iompair agus lena gcuirtear leis an méid carbóin atá ann a ísliú, agus lena bhfeabhsaítear feidhmíocht chomhshaoil na hearnála iompair.'
train consisting of many carriages using electricity as the motive power
process that allows commercial vehicles to pass a checkpoint at normal highway speeds without stopping to be checked for hard copy credentials, weight and safety status
Emergency Vehicle Only
Feithicil Éigeandála Amháin
(spent fuel, gas)
# epicyclic · eipicioglach # epicyclic gear-change · giarathrú eipichioglach