Líon torthaí a aimsíodh
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Literature closure of poem in syllabic metre through repetition of opening phrase, word, syllable, or letter at end of poem
Literature last word of poem repeating first word; binding quatrain of poem
Litríocht an focal deireanach i ndán ag déanamh athrá ar an gcéad fhocal; an rann ceangail i ndán
(of verse form)
Literature a dialogue in song with a refrain between verses
Litríocht amhrán agallaimh le loinneog idir na véarsaí
(stressed syllable)
(siolla aiceanta)
Literature the first word of a rhyming end-pair in deibhidhe metre
Litríocht an chéad fhocal i bpéire focal a dhéanann comhardadh deireadh líne lena chéile i meadaracht an deibhidhe
# (no English equivalent) · airdrinn#
Literature rhyme (in deibhidhe metre) between stressed syllable at end of line and unstressed syllable of longer word at end of following line
Litríocht an rím (i meadaracht an deibhidhe) a dhéantar idir an siolla aiceanta ag deireadh líne amháin agus an siolla neamhaiceanta san fhocal le siolla breise ag deireadh na chéad líne eile
Literature (type of) rhetorical verse composition; rhapsodical chant; (Early Irish) alliterative verse
Litríocht cineál reitriciúil véarsaíochta; cantaireacht rapsóideach; véarsaíocht uamach (Luath-Ghaeilge)
Literature (title of) collection of ancient Irish law-tracts
Literature poem consisting of three syllabic quatrains and a quatrain in stressed metre
Litríocht dán atá comhdhéanta de thrí rann shiollacha agus rann amháin i meadaracht an amhráin