Líon torthaí a aimsíodh
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Cineál oisté-airtrítis ar sheanghortú ailt is cúis leis
A type of osteoarthritis caused by an old injury to a joint
Nódú fíocháin ó dheontóir den speiceas céanna leis an bhfaighteoir, ach gan a bheith comhionann ó thaobh na ngéinte de
A tissue graft from a donor of the same species as the recipient but not genetically identical.
foirmiú ailt righin trí na dromhchlaí sionóibhiacha a thabhairt le chéile; comhtháthú dhá chnámh arbh éagsúil i dtosach iad
the formation of a stiff joint by consolidation of the articulating surfaces; the coalescence of two bones originally distinct
X-ghathú ar mhaithe le struchtúr cnámh a fheiceáil, i ndiaidh leacht codarsnachta a instealladh i réigiún an ailt
An x-ray to view bone structures following an injection of a contrast fluid into a joint area
Polladh máinliachta ailt, go háirithe i gcás asú sreabháin ón alt
Surgical puncture of a joint especially for aspiration of fluid from the joint
Díluailiú máinliachta ailt, sa chaoi is go bhfásann na cnámha go daingean lena chéile
The surgical immobilization of a joint so that the bones grow solidly together
Crapadh nó righneas leanúnach ailt nó alt; go sonrach ceann de ghrúpa siondróm a bhfuil crapadh ó bhroinn alt éagsúil ina chomhartha sóirt acu, go háirithe i gcás na lámh agus na gcos, agus baint acu chomh maith le mínormáltachtaí éagsúla fíocháin mhatánaigh, néaróige nó tacaíochta
Persistent contracture or rigidity of one or more joints; spec. (more fully arthrogryposis multiplex congenita) any of a group of syndromes characterized by congenital contractures of a number of joints, esp. of the hands and feet, and associated with various abnormalities of muscle, nerve, or connective tissue
Scóp snáthoptaice a chuirtear isteach in alt le haghaidh gnáthamh diagnóiseach agus cóireála laistigh den alt; is féidir é a úsáid le haghaidh diagnóise nó deisithe
A thin, fiberoptic scope introduced into a joint for diagnostic and treatment procedures inside the joint; can be used for diagnosis or repair
Ionsú fíocháin cnáimhe agus fósú cnáimhe nua ag an am céanna; féin-athnuachan, féinchneasú agus féin-athailíniú leanúnach cnáimhe, i bpáirt trí ath-threoshuíomh an phláta fáis.
The absorption of bone tissue and the simultaneous depositing of new bone; a bone’s continuous self-renewal, self-healing and self-realignment, partially through reorientation of the growth plate.
an ballnasc, i gcroílár na glúine, a rialaíonn casadh agus tulghluaiseacht na tibia (cnámh na lorga)
the ligament, located in the center of the knee, that controls rotation and forward movement of the tibia (shin bone)
Cineál bindealáin, a shocraítear i gcruth déise
A form of bandage, the arrangement of which is suggestive of an ear of wheat or barley.
Alt bréagach, go háirithe ceann a dhéantar nuair a theipeann ar tháthú dhá chuid de chnámh scoilte
A false joint, esp. one formed when the two parts of a fractured bone fail to unite
Cannúl a chur isteach (i gcuas coirp, orgán, féith srl.)
To insert a cannula into (a body cavity, organ, vessel, etc.).
gearradh capsúil, go háirithe i lionsa na súile i máinliacht chatarachta
the incision of a capsule, spec. that of the lens of the eye in an operation for cataract.
Stróic nó gearradh máinliachta in aon chapsúl a dheisiú; go háirithe capsúl ailt a uamadh sa chaoi is nach dtarlóidh asaltú arís agus arís eile
Repair of a tear or a surgical incision in any capsule; specifically, suture of a joint capsule in such a way to prevent recurring dislocation of the articulation.
Líonadh máinliachta veirteabra atá gortaithe nó sleabhctha
The surgical filling of an injured or collapsed vertebra
Cruit; cuaire mhínormálta an cholúin veirteabraigh agus an droim ag gobadh amach
Humpback; abnormal curvature and dorsal prominence of the vertebral column
míchuma láimhe lena bhaineann diall nó sraonadh méar
a deformity of the hand marked by deviation or deflection of the fingers
Freanga nó sraith freangaí de chrapadh agus ligean matán
A spasm or series of spasms of alternate muscular contraction and relaxation
Is ionann cnagadh cnáimhe agus torann cnagarnach de thoradh cuimilt píosaí scoilte cnáimhe in aghaidh chéile. Agus is ionann cnagadh ailt agus braistint díoscáin de thoradh cuimilt dromchlaí tirime sionóibhiacha alt in aghaidh a chéile
Bony crepitus, the crackling sound produced by the rubbing together of fragments of fractured bone; joint crepitus, the grating sensation caused by the rubbing together of the dry synovial surfaces of joints
píosa de chnámh mharbh a scaradh ón gcnámh fholláin le linn neacróise
a piece of dead bone that has become separated from the sound bone during the process of necrosis
Tarraingt le chéile fíocháin scartha i gcneá nó scoilteadh.
The drawing together of the separated tissue in a wound or fracture.
Cos an duine, nó an chuid deiridh chomhfhreagrach de ghéag dheiridh ainmhí veirteabraigh
The human foot, or the corresponding terminal segment of the hindlimb of a vertebrate animal.
Scaradh cnámh gan scoilteadh, mion-asaltú; chomh maith leis sin, scaradh dhá cheann scoilte cnáimhe
Separation of bones without fracture, slight dislocation; also, separation of the fractured ends of a bone.
Baint mháinliachta diosca idirveirteabraigh nó cuid den diosca
Surgical removal of the whole or a part of an intervertebral disc
scaradh neamhghnách eipifisis ón bhfearsaid cnáimhe
abnormal separation of an epiphysis from the bone shaft
táthú roimh am an eipifisis leis an diaifiseas, agus cosc curtha ar an bhfás mar thoradh
premature union of the epiphysis with the diaphysis, resulting in cessation of growth
fás cnáimhe feadh ceann amháin de chnámha alt an chromáin nó feadh an dá cheann
a growth of bone along one or both bones that form the hip joint
Fórsa atá ina chúis le sciorradh idir péire de phíosaí alta comhtheagmhálacha i dtreo atá comhthreomhar leis an bplána ina ndéanann siad teamháil.
Any force that causes slippage between a pair of contiguous articulated parts in a direction that parallels the plane in which they contact.
A dhéanann athlasadh a chosc nó a mhaolú
Preventing or relieving inflammation
Gnáthamh máinliachta ina ndéantar leath d'alt an chromáin a athchur
A surgical procedure that involves replacing half of the hip joint
éalang ó bhroinn den dromlach ina dteipeann ar thaobh amháin de veirteabra forbairt i gceart
a congenital defect of the spine in which one side of a vertebra fails to develop completely
riocht ina léirítear teannas iomarcach sna matáin
the condition of exhibiting excessive muscular tone or tension
gluaiseacht géige nó baill fhorimeallaigh sa chaoi is ndéanann an ceann aimhneasach ciorcal a tharraingt a fhad is a fhanann an ceann neasach daingean
movement of a limb or extremity so that the distal end describes a circle while the proximal end remains fixed
Nódú bainte de leathchúpla comhionann an fhaighteora nó d'ainmhí den tréithchineál ionphóraithe céanna
A graft taken from an identical twin of the recipient or from an animal of the same inbred strain
Méadú mínormálta ceann amháin nó níos mó de na méara nó ladhracha
Abnormal enlargement of one or more fingers or toes
Cuid uachtarach chnámh na lorga, díreach thíos faoin nglúin. Is minic a bhíonn an chuid seo den lorga i gceist i gcás athchur glúine.
The upper part of the shin bone, just below the knee. This part of the shin is often involved during knee replacement.
eisceadh máinliachta mheinisceas na glúine nó an ailt uisinne is mandabail
surgical excision of a meniscus of the knee or temporomandibular joint
An chuid chúng de chnámh fhada idir an eipifiseas agus an diaifiseas
The narrow portion of a long bone between the epiphysis and the diaphysis
X-ghathú ar chorda an dromlaigh, tar éis meán radaitheimhneach a instealladh ann
An X-ray of the spinal cord, after injection with a radio-opaque medium
Táthú píosaí de chnámh scoilte i suíomh lochtach
Union of the fragments of a fractured bone in faulty position
Galar ar chailleadh sealadach nó buan soláthair fola do na cnámha is cúis leis
A disease caused by the temporary or permanent loss of blood supply to bones
cnámh a scoilteadh d'aon turas, go háirithe ar mhaithe le míchuma a cheartú
intentional fracturing of a bone, esp. to correct a deformity
siad neamhurchóideach a bhfuil idir chnámh agus loingeán ann
a benign tumor that contains both bone and cartilage
cineál obráide ina ndéantar na cnámha thart timpeall ar an aicéatablam a ghearradh, ar mhaithe le feabhas a chur ar ailíniú cheann an fhéimir laistigh den aicéatablam
a type of surgery in which the bones surrounding the acetabulum are cut and repositioned in order to better align the femoral head within the acetabulum
scian, a úsáidtear le cnámh a ghearradh, a bhfuil dhá thaobh a faobhair beibhealta
a knife, used for cutting bone, in which both sides of the cutting edge are bevelled
(Neacróis cnáimhe)
dlús méadaithe na gcnámh mar thoradh ar chnámh fhéatach réamhbhreithe nár iompaigh ina cnámh líontánach
increased bone density resulting from prenatal fetal bone that has not converted to cancellous bone
forsaí meicniúla galair a mbíonn tionchar diúltach acu ar struchtúr agus ar fheidhmiú an choirp
the mechanical forces of a disease that adversely change the body's structure and function
An truaill thart timpeall ar bheart néarshnáithíní i néaróg imeallach
The sheath surrounding a bundle of nerve fibers in a peripheral nerve
athlasadh an tsaicín, áit a sleamhnaíonn an slinneán agus creat na n-easnacha thar a chéile
an inflammation of the bursa located where the shoulder blade and rib cage slide across each other
Scoilteadh i gcondalóid an húiméiris aimhneasaigh nó an fhéimir
Fracture involving the condyle of the distal humerus or femur
Briseadh ag, i nó thar phláta fáis
A break that occurs at, into or across a growth plate
Scoilteadh gar do ach taobh amuigh de chapsúl an ailt
Fracture near, but outside of the joint capsule
Athlasadh na gcnámh seasamain i gcuid tosaigh na coise
An inflammation of the sesamoid bones in the front part of the foot
táthú na gcnámh trí mheán loingeán snáithíneach nó leaisteach
the union of bones by means of fibrous or elastic cartilage
riocht ina bhfuil dhá ladhar nó níos mó tar éis fás nó greamú lena chéile
the condition in which two or more toes are more or less completely grown together or adherent
comhbhrú nó fáscadh na néaróige tibiaiche cúil feadh an taoibh istigh den rúitín
the compression, or squeezing, of the posterior tibial nerve along the inside of the ankle
Táthú dhá chnámh nó níos mó le cnámh aonair a dhéanamh
Union of two or more separate bones to form a single bone
Tástáil ar fheidhmiú, agus go háirithe ar sheoladh leictreach, na néaróg luaileach agus céadfach
A test to evaluate the function, especially the ability of electrical conduction, of the motor and sensory nerves
Daingniú teannáin; ceann teannáin a uamadh le cnámh
Tendon fixation; suturing of the end of a tendon to bone
gnáthamh máinliachta ina ndéantar teannán a shaorú ó ghreamáin thart timpeall air
a surgical procedure to free a tendon from surrounding adhesions