▼ Sports
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▼ Rugby
▼ Rugbaí
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Áiseanna & Trealamh
International Competitions
Comórtais Idirnáisiúnta
Rules & Refereeing
Rialacha & Réiteoireacht
Technique & Tactics
Teicníocht & Bearta
Líon torthaí a aimsíodh
Number of matches found
(where an infringement has taken place, where a penalty must be taken from)
advance the mark
tabhair an marc ar aghaidh
to stand in the way of an opposing player
seasamh sa bhealach ar chéile comhraic
he obstructed the run
chuir sé bac ar an rith
choisc sé an rith
he strayed offside
sháraigh sé líne na himeartha
(while the ball is still in play)
(of the ball)
make a timely pass
tabhair pas in am trátha
succession of passes
sraith pasanna
shooting from a pass
scaoileadh tar éis pas a fháil
(the opposition)
(of the ball to the scrum)
Seán got his second yellow card and got sent off.
Fuair Seán an dara cárta buí agus cuireadh den pháirc é.
The referee has full permission to send a particular player off for such a foul.
Má dhéantar feall mar sin, tá lán-chead ag an réiteoir imreoir a dhíbirt den pháirc.