▼ Matamaitic
▼ Mathematics
▼ Céimseata
▼ Geometry
▼ Céimseata Chomhordanáideach
▼ Coordinate Geometry
Líon torthaí a aimsíodh
Number of matches found
(not exact)
Bain úsáid as an táscpháipéar le garluach pH gach tuaslagáin a fháil.
Use the test paper to approximate the pH value of each solution.
In mathematics and computer programming, Index notation is used to specify the elements of an array of numbers. The terms "index notation", or "indicial notation" are sometimes used to refer to Einstein notation
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht (Bunachair shonraí) Séard atá i gceist le normalú ná an próiseas a bhogann gaol ó bheith i bhfoirm normalach amháin go foirm normalach níos airde. (SSADM) Comhchiallach le hAnailís ar na Sonraí Coibhneasta, bealach chun sonraí neamhstruchtúrtha a thrasfhoirmiú go grúpaí loighciúla íosta, sa chaoi is go ngrúpáiltear gach tréith lena deitéarmanant aonair agus le tréithe eile atá páirteach sa deitéarmanant sin, agus leo sin amháin. Is é aidhm an normalaithe a chinntiú go mbíonn gach aonán sa riocht ar a dtugtar an Tríú Foirm Normalach.
Computers, Computer Science (Databases) Normalization is the process which moves a relation from one normal form to a higher normal form. (SSADM) A synonym for Relational Data Analysis, a way of transforming unstructured data into minimal logical groupings, such that each attribute is grouped only with its sole determinant and other attributes that share that determinant. The aim of normalization is to ensure that every entity is in the condition know as Third Normal Form.
(of number system)
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Giotánra ríomhaire atá á chur i ngníomh nó á phróiseáil. Tagraíonn sé do shonra de ghnáth.
Computers, Computer Science A computer word that is being acted on or being processed. Generally applied to a datum.
(work out)
Ní raibh ar a chumas freagra na ceiste a fháil.
He couldn’t work out the answer to the question.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Gníomh a chuirtear i bhfeidhm ar aonán, nó ar theaglaim d'aonáin, arb é a thoradh ná aonán nua a chruthú.
Computers, Computer Science An action which is applied to an entity, or to a combination of entities, the result of which is the creation of a new entity.
X oiread an trastomhais.
X times the diameter.
3 huaire chomh fada le x.
Three times the length of x.
Timpeall 3 1/7 (nó 3.14) uair níos mó ná x.
About 3 1/7 (or 3.14) times x.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Tiúnadh samhla de bhunachar sonraí chun í a chumasú le riachtanais feidhmíochta na sonraíochta a riar. Téarma leathan is ea optamú a chuimsíonn cineálacha éagsúla gníomhaíochtaí, mar shampla gníomhaíochtaí ón tSamhail Loighciúil de Shonraí a athrú, láithriú fisiciúil na míreanna sonraí ar na dioscaí a athchóiriú, nó leasú a dhéanamh ar an tslí a oibríonn loighic an fheidhmchláir.
Computers, Computer Science Tuning of a database model to enable it to meet the performance requirements of the specification. Optimization is a broad term to cover several kinds of activities, that range from changing the Logical Data Model, to altering the physical placement of data items on the disks, to amending the way that the program logic works.
Matamaitic » Céimseata » Céimseata Chomhordanáideach Is ionann ord grúpa nó foghrúpa agus líon a eilimintí.
Mathematics » Geometry » Coordinate Geometry The order of a group or subgroup is the number of its elements.
Airgeadas 1. Comhionannas idir praghsanna tráchtearraí, airgeadraí, nó urrús ar mhargaí leithleacha. 2. An méid d'airgeadra eachtrach coibhéiseach le suim shonraithe d'airgeadra intíre ag pair na malairte.
Finance 1. An equality between prices of commodities, currencies, or securities on separate markets. 2. The amount of a foreign currency equivalent to a specified sum of domestic currency at the par of exchange.
Matamaitic » Céimseata » Céimseata Chomhordanáideach Tairiseach nó athróg a dhéanann cásanna speisialta de ghnáthshlonn matamaiticiúil a idirdhealú. Mar shampla, sa ghnáthfhoirm den chothromóid do líne, y = mx + c tá na paraiméadair m agus c ag léiriú grádáin agus y-idirlíne aon líne ar leith.
Mathematics » Geometry » Coordinate Geometry A constant or variable that distinguishes special cases of a general mathematical expression. For example, the general form of the equation for a line, y = mx + c contains parameters m and c, representing the gradient and y- intercept of any specific line.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Tairiseach nó athróg a dhéanann cásanna speisialta de ghnáthshlonn matamaiticiúil a idirdhealú. Mar shampla, sa ghnáthfhoirm den chothromóid do líne, y = mx + c tá na paraiméadair m agus c ag léiriú grádáin agus y-idirlíne aon líne ar leith.
Computers, Computer Science A constant or variable that distinguishes special cases of a general mathematical expression. For example, the general form of the equation for a line, y = mx + c contains parameters m and c, representing the gradient and y- intercept of any specific line.