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Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Rangaíonn sé sonraí na timpeallachta próiseála atá á húsáid don chur i ngníomh. Is minic a shainíonn sé an timpeallacht forbartha, freisin.
Computers, Computer Science Classifies the details of the processing environment used for implementation. It frequently defines the development environment, too.
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gu samhla den phróiseas nuashonraithe, ai samhlacha den phróiseas nuashonraithe
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Léaráid den struchtúr SSADM a shainíonn an seicheamh próiseála d'idirbheart nuashonraithe. Sintéis é de na Startha Aonán, leis na Léaráidí den Chomhfhreagras Éifeachta a bhaineann leo, agus liostaíonn sé na hoibríochtaí a dhéantar ar an mbunachar sonraí i rith próiseála.
Computers, Computer Science SSADM structure diagram that defines the processing sequence of an update transaction. It is a synthesis of Entity Life Histories, with the associated Effect Correspondence Diagrams, and lists the operations on the database that are carried out during the processing.
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Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht Bailiúchán de na sonraí próiseála go léir atá corpraithe sa Dearadh Loighciúil.
Computers, Computer Science The collection of all processing details incorporated in Logical Design.
A joint technical working group of the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government (PISG) and the European Commission. Its purpose is to support Kosovo in its EU-compatible structural reforms through policy advice and guidance to help keep Kosovo firmly on track in its progress towards Europe.
Ríomhairí, Ríomheolaíocht An t-aschur ó Chéim 360. Cuimsíonn sé na táirgí díolamtha seo a leanas: Ról an Úsáideora/Maitrís Feidhme, Sainithe Feidhme, LDM an Chórais atá de Dhíth, Startha Aonán, agus Léaráidí de Chomhfhreagairt na dTionchar. D'fhéadfadh go n-aithneodh forbairt an táirge seo earráidí sna comhpháirteanna (e.g., b'fhéidir go mbeadh roinnt teagmhas ar na ELH-anna nár léiríodh riamh sna Léaráidí de Chomhfhreagairt na dTionchar). Nuair is amhlaidh an cás, ní mór athchuairt a thabhairt ar na táirgí agus ar na teicnící ábhartha.
Computers, Computer Science The output from Step 360. It comprises the following assembled products: User Role/Function Matrix, Function Definitions, Required System LDM, Entity Life Histories, and Effect Correspondence Diagrams. The development of this product may identify errors in the component parts (e.g., there may be some events on the ELHs never reflected in the Effect Correspondence Diagrams). When this is the case, a revisiting of the relevant products and techniques is called for.
process of rapid milk evaporation whereby milk in the form of fine mist is dried by means of hot air in a suitably designed chamber, the spray giving a very large superficial area for a given quantity of milk