Líon torthaí a aimsíodh
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(tástáil ar ainmhithe)
fréamhshamhail de bhogearraí agus táirgí a sheoladh amach chuig raon leathan daoine go ndéanfaidis tástáil orthu, seachas an tástáil seo a dhéanamh go hinmheánach.
sending out prototype software and products to broad groups of people for testing rather than having testing performed internally
GAtástáil bain3 staitistiúil pharaiméadrach neamhlíneach▼
ai tástálacha staitistiúla paraiméadracha neamhlíneacha
# teip ó thuirse · strusteip · fatigue failure # teorainn strustuirse · fatigue limit#
test cycle consisting of eight speed and load modes (with the respective weighing factor for each mode) which cover the typical operating range of variable speed engines or of five load modes (with the respective weighing factor for each mode) all at rated speed which cover the typical operating range of constant speed engines
A large tank into which models are freely launched for observation of their behaviour when landing on water.