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Auxilliary glossaries
EOBT; estimated off-block time
am gluaiste measta
climate change policy; climate policy; policy for responding to climate change
beartas don athrú aeráide
doctrine of legitimate expectations; legitimate expectation; principle of legitimate expectations; principle of protection of legitimate expectations; principle of the protection of legitimate expectations
prionsbal an ionchais dhlisteanaigh
ECCP; European Climate Change Programme
an Clár Eorpach um Athrú Aeráide
climate change response measure; response measure
beart freagartha; beart freagartha um an athrú aeráide
EAR; estimated average requirement
meánriachtanas measta; MRM
accounting estimate
meastachán cuntasaíochta
estimated error rate; most likely error; most likely error rate
ráta earráide is dóichí; ráta earráide measta
estimate; forward estimate
meastachán; réamh-mheastachán
estimate; estimate of revenue and expenditure
meastachán ar ioncam agus ar chaiteachas
estimate of revenue
meastachán ar ioncam
estimate of expenditure
meastachán ar chaiteachas
different estimate
meastacháin éagsúla; meastachán difriúil
draft estimate
climate modelling
samhaltú aeráide
Convention relating to the Establishment of the Maternity of Illegitimate Children
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Gaol a Dhearbhú idir Máithreacha agus Leanaí Neamhdhlisteanacha
Convention Extending the Competence of Authorities Qualified to Record the Affiliation of Illegitimate Children
an Coinbhinsiún a leathnaíonn inniúlacht na n-údarás atá cáilithe chun cleamhnacht leanaí neamhdhlisteanacha a thaifeadadh
Convention on Legitimation by Marriage
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Dlisteanú trí Phósadh
EPOCH; European Programme on Climatology and Natural Hazards
an Clár Eorpach um Chlíomeolaíocht agus um Ghuaiseacha Nádúrtha
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; IPCC
an Painéal Idir-Rialtasach ar an Athrú Aeráide; IPCC
estimated cost
costas measta
pay-as-you-earn; PAYE
ÍMAT; íoc mar a thuillir
economic climate
cúinsí eacnamaíochta
European Agreement on Mutual Assistance in the matter of Special Medical Treatments and Climatic Facilities
an Comhaontú Eorpach um Chúnamh Frithpháirteach maidir le Coireálacha Speisialta Leighis agus Saoráidí Aeráide
WCP; World Climate Programme
an Clár Domhanda Aeráide; WCP
Convention on Climate Change; FCCC; UNFCCC; United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Coinbhinsiún ar an Athrú Aeráide; Creat-Choinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe ar an Athrú Aeráide; UNFCCC
Acquired Rights Directive; Council Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the safeguarding of employees' rights in the event of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of undertakings or businesses
an Treoir um Chearta Faighte
legitimate interest
leas dlisteanach
the penultimate paragraph
an mhír leathdheireanach
animated film
scannán beochana
climate change
an t-athrú aeráide
Conference of the Parties; Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC; Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; COP
Comhdháil na bPáirtithe; Comhdháil Pháirtithe Chreat-Choinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir leis an Athrú Aeráide; COP
AR; Assessment Report; Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Tuarascáil Mheasúnachta; Tuarascáil Mheasúnachta ón bPainéal Idir-Rialtasach ar an Athrú Aeráide
ultimate parent undertaking
máthairghnóthas deiridh
body search; non-intimate body search
difficult topography and climate
topagrafaíocht agus aeráid achrannach
Kyoto Protocol; Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Prótacal Kyoto; Prótacal Kyoto a ghabhann le Creat-Choinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe ar Athrú Aeráide
ultimate holding company; ultimate parent; ultimate parent company; ultimate parent entity; ultimate parent undertaking
cuideachta sealbhaíochta deiridh; máthairchuideachta deiridh
domestic violence; family violence; intimate partner violence
foréigean baile; foréigean páirtí dlúthchaidrimh; foréigean teaghlaigh; IPV
climate change mitigation; mitigation; mitigation of climate change
maolú; maolú ar an athrú aeráide
business climate
cúinsí gnó
neamhdhíobhálach don aeráid
estimate of amounts receivable; estimate of the amount receivable
meastúchán ar an méid is infhaighte
SCCF; Special Climate Change Fund
an Ciste Speisialta don Athrú Aeráide; SCCF
appraised value; estimated value
luach measta
budget estimate
meastachán buiséid
radiometric estimate of attenuation
meastachán radaiméadrach ar an maolú
approximation equation
cothromóid neastacháin
estimated expenditure
caiteachas measta
summary estimate
meastachán achomair
barrier to legitimate trade
bacainn ar thrádáil dhlisteanach
estimated realisable value
luach inréadaithe measta
legitimate business interests
leasanna dlisteanacha gnó
estimated import requirement
riachtanas allmhairiúcháin measta
estimate of revenue
meastachán ar ioncaim
economic working life; estimated useful life
saolré ionchais eacnamaíoch
estimated useful life; technical working life
saolré ionchais theicniúil
favourable estimate; overestimate of costs
rómheastachán ar chostais
estimated assessment
measúnú measta
adjustments for overprovisions in previous years; prior year corrections of estimated amounts
coigeartuithe toisc rósholáthairtí sna blianta roimhe sin
pay as you earn; PAYE
ÍMAT; íoc mar a thuillir
legitimate trade
trádáil dhlisteanach
first Council Directive to approximate the laws of the Member States relating to trade marks
an chéad Treoir ón gComhairle maidir le comhfhogasú dhlíthe na mBallstát a bhaineann le trádmharcanna
residual standard deviation; sample standard deviation around the regression line; SEE; standard error of estimate
earráid chaighdeánach an mheastacháin; ECM
unbiased estimator; unbiassed estimator
meastóir neamhlaofa
estimator of the standard deviation
meastóir an diallta chaighdeánaigh
unbiased estimator of the variance
meastóir neamhlaofa an athraithis
total estimation error
earráid iomlán sa mheastachán
bias of estimator
laofacht meastóra
estimation of the mean of a population
meastachán ar mheán daonra
estimation of the expectation of a probability distribution
meastachán ar ionchas dáileacháin dóchúlachta
estimation of the variance of a population
meastachán ar athraitheas daonra
estimation of the variance of a probability distribution
meastachán ar athraitheas dáileacháin dóchúlachta
altitude acclimatisation
clíomúchán airde; cuibhiú airde
expenditure on estimate basis
caiteachas ar bhonn meastacháin
work climate; working atmosphere; workplace climate
atmaisféar oibre
industrial relations climate
atmaisféar caidrimh thionsclaíoch
potential market appraisal; potential market estimate
meastachán den mhargadh féideartha
ultimate waste disposal
diúscairt deiridh dramhaíola radaighníomhaí
EET; estimated elapsed time
am caite measta
total estimated elapsed time
iomlán an ama mheasta chaite
estimated time of arrival; ETA
am teachta measta
beneficial owner; UBO; ultimate beneficial owner
úinéir tairbhiúil
consensus estimate; consensus forecast; consensus service data; market consensus
réamhaisnéis na coitiantachta
climatic bubo; LGV; lymphogranuloma venereum; lymphopathia venerea; Nicolas-Durand-Favre disease; Nicolas-Favre disease; tropical bubo; venereal lymphogranuloma
limfeagranalóma véinéireach
risk estimate
meastachán ar an riosca
estimate at price cost
meastachán ag costphraghas
estimated quality; quality estimation
measúnú ar cháilíocht
ultimate biodegradation
bithmhilleadh deiridh
GCRI; greenhouse climate response index
GCRI; innéacs na freagartha ar an iarmhairt cheaptha teasa
ozone layer and climate protection
cosaint an chisil ózóin agus na haeráide
climate statistics
staidreamh aeráide
estimate of transport costs
meastachán ar chostais iompair
CCL; climate change levy
tobhach athraithe aeráide
EBV; estimated breeding value
luach póraithe measta
climate proofing
díonadh ar an athrú aeráide
Covenant of Mayors; Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy; EU Covenant of Mayors; EU Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy
Cúnant na Méaraí
COP/CMP; United Nations Climate Change Conference
Comhdháil na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir leis an Athrú Aeráide
own estimates approach; own estimates of volatility adjustments approach
cur chuige bunaithe ar a mheastacháin féin
business estimate
meastachán gnó
operational risk estimates
meastacháin ar rioscaí oibriúcháin
tail of the loss estimate
earr na meastachán ar chaillteanas
Barroso package; Climate Action and Renewable Energy Package; Climate and Energy Package; integrated energy and climate change package
pacáiste comhtháite um fhuinneamh agus athrú aeráide; pacáiste comhtháite um fhuinneamh agus um an athrú aeráide
GCCA; Global Climate Change Alliance
an Comhaontas Domhanda um an Athrú Aeráide; GCCA
loss estimate
meastachán ar chaillteanas
own estimates
a mheastacháin féin
PD estimates
meastacháin PD
robustness of the estimates
stóinseacht na meastachán
Bali Conference on Climate Change
Comhdháil Bali ar Athrú Aeráide
post-Kyoto agreement on climate change
Comhaontú iar-Kyoto maidir leis an athrú aeráide
volatility estimate
meastachán luaineachta
GCFM; Global Climate Financing Mechanism
Sásra Domhanda Maoinithe don Chomhrac in aghaidh an Athraithe Aeráide
legitimate purpose
cuspóir dlisteanach
default-probability estimate
meastachán ar dhóchúlacht mhainneachtana
own LGD estimate
a mheastachán LGD féin
climate change regime
réimeas um athrú aeráide
climate change diplomacy; climate diplomacy
taidhleoireacht aeráide
15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; COP 15; Copenhagen Conference on climate change; The COP15 Climate Conference; United Nations Climate Conference
an 15ú Comhdháil de na Páirtithe i gCreat-Choinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe ar an Athrú Aeráide; Comhdháil Chóbanhávan ar an Athrú Aeráide; COP 15
adaptation to climate change; climate change adaptation
oiriúnú don athrú aeráide
ultimate aerobic biodegradation
bithmhilleadh aeróbach deiridh
Major Economies Forum; Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate; Major Economies Forum on Energy Security and Climate Change; MEF
Fóram na Mórgheilleagar ar an bhFuinneamh agus ar an Aeráid; Fóram na Mórgheilleagar ar Shlándáil Fuinnimh agus ar an Athrú Aeráide
climate migrant; climate refugee
dídeanaí aeráide; imirceach aeráide
Greenland Dialogue; Greenland Ministerial Dialogue on Climate Change
Idirphlé na Graonlainne
climate-proof; climate-resilient
aeráid-díonach; aeráidseasmhach; forbairt atá seasmhach ó thaobh na haeráide
collimation-telescope system
córas teileascóip comhlíniúcháin
collimation-telescope test
triail teileascóip comhlíniúcháin
Global Framework for Climate Services
Creat Domhanda um Sheirbhísí Aeráide
climate resilience; resilience to climate change
athléimneacht in aghaidh an athraithe aeráide
Commissioner for Climate Action
an Coimisinéir um Ghníomhaíocht ar mhaithe leis an Aeráid; Comhalta den Choimisiún atá freagrach as Gníomhaíocht ar mhaithe leis an Aeráid
climate change finance; climate change financing; climate finance; climate financing
maoiniú don troid i gcoinne an athraithe aeráide
GCF; Green Climate Fund
an Ciste Glas don Aeráid
climate neutral
neodrach ó thaobh díobháil aeráide de
DG Climate Action; Directorate-General for Climate Action
an Ard-Stiúrthóireacht um Ghníomhú ar son na hAeráide
adverse climatic event
teagmhas díobhálach aeráide
Commission for the Environment, Climate Change and Energy; ENVE Commission
an Coimisiún um an gComhshaol, Athrú Aeráide agus Fuinneamh; coimisiún ENVE
accounting estimate
meastachán cuntasaíochta
accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors
beartais chuntasaíochta, athruithe i meastacháin chuntasaíochta agus in earráidí cuntasaíochta
best estimate
meastachán is fearr
estimated costs
costais mheasta
estimated future cash flows
sreabhadh airgid todhchaí measta
reasonable estimate
meastachán réasúnta
ultimate controlling party
páirtí rialaithe deiridh
intermediate or ultimate parent entity
máthaireintiteas idirmhéanach nó deiridh
High-level Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing
an Grúpa Comhairleach Ardleibhéil um an gComhrac in aghaidh an Athraithe Aeráide
combating climate change
an t-athrú aeráide a chomhrac
ECF; European Climate Foundation
Fondúireacht na hEorpa um an Aeráid
ultimate biodegradability
in-bhithmhillteacht deiridh
Climate Change, Coordination and Horizontal Affairs Unit; Unit 1B - Climate Change, Coordination and Horizontal Affairs
an tAonad um an Athrú Aeráide, um Chomhordú agus um Ghnóthaí Cothrománacha
CAB; Climate Awareness Bond
banna um fheasacht aeráide; CAB
preliminary draft budget estimates; preliminary draft estimates
réamhdhréacht den mheastachán buiséid
essential value; intrinsic value; principle value; terminal value; ultimate importance
luach intreach
Mediterranean Climate Change Initiative; Mediterranean Initiative on Climate Change
Tionscnamh na Meánmhara um an Athrú Aeráide
Climate Technology Center and Network; CTCN
Lárionad agus Líonra Teicneolaíochta Aeráide
climate change windows
deiseanna athrú aeráide; idirthréimhsí athrú aeráide
acute toxicity estimate; ATE
meastachán géarthocsaineachta
climate feedback
aiseolas ar aeráid
BEEL; best estimate of expected loss; ELBE
an meastachán is fearr ar an gcaillteanas ionchasach
fiscal estimates; fiscal outlook
ionchas fioscach
short lived climate forcer; short-lived climate pollutant; SLCF; SLCP
gníomhaí fórsála gearrshaolach aeráide; truailleán gearrshaolach aeráide
Global Climate and Biodiversity Fund
an Ciste Domhanda um Aeráid agus Bithéagsúlacht
Dangerous Preparations Directive; Directive 1999/45/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 May 1999 concerning the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous
Treoir 1999/45/CE ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle an 31 Bealtaine 1999 maidir le comhfhogasú dhlíthe, rialacháin agus fhorálacha riaracháin na mBallstát a bhaineann le hullmhóidí contúirteacha a aicmiú, a phacáistiú agus a lipéadú; Treoir na nUllmhóidí Contúirteacha
Council Directive 67/548/EEC of 27 June 1967 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substances; Dangerous Substances Directive; Directive on Dangerous Substances
an Treoir maidir le Substaintí Contúirteacha; Treoir 67/548/CEE ón gComhairle an 27 Meitheamh 1967 maidir le comhfhogasú dlíthe, rialachán agus forálacha riaracháin i ndáil le haicmiú, pacáistiú agus lipéadú substaintí contúirteacha
legitimate travel
taisteal dlisteanach
legitimate child
leanbh dlisteanach
child born out of wedlock; illegitimate child; natural child
leanbh neamhdhlisteanach; páiste ceo; páiste gréine; páiste raithní
CLIMATE-ADAPT; EU Climate Change Adaptation Clearing House; European Climate Adaptation Platform; European Union Clearing House on Adaptation
Teach Imréitigh AE i ndáil le hOiriúnú d'Athrú Aeráide
17th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; COP 17/CMP 7; Durban Climate Change Conference; United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Durban, South Africa, COP 17/CMP 7
Comhdháil Durban; Comhdháil Durban na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir leis an athrú aeráide
radioactive ultimate waste; ultimate radioactive waste; ultimate waste
dramhaíl deiridh radaighníomhach
agri-environment-climate payment
íocaíocht agra-chomhshaoil-aeráide
agri-environment-climate commitment
gealltanas agra-chomhshaoil-aeráide
Climate Governance and Information
Rialachas agus Faisnéis um an Aeráid
country particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change
tír a bhfuil leochaileacht faoi leith aici d'éifeachtaí díobhálacha an athraithe aeráide
estimated concentration threshold
tiúchan measta tairsí
estimated concentration three
tiúchan measta trí
agricultural practice beneficial for the climate and the environment; greening practice
cleachtas glasúcháin
unadjusted estimate
meastachán neamhchoigeartaithe
confounder-adjusted estimate
meastachán coigeartaithe chun go n-áirítear mearbhlaitheoirí
unadjusted estimate
meastachán gan choigeartú
UFR; ultimate forward rate
réamhráta deiridh
climate stress; climatic stress
strus aeráide
climate-smart agriculture; climate-smart farming; CSA
talmhaíocht aeráidchliste
climate action mainstreaming; climate change mainstreaming; climate mainstreaming; mainstreaming of climate change
an t-athrú aeráide a phríomhshruthú
gross best estimate
an t-ollmheastachán is fearr
CCAC; Climate and Clean Air Coalition; Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short Lived Climate Pollutants
Comhghuaillíocht Aeráide agus Aer Glan chun Truailleáin Aeráide Ghearrshaolacha a Laghdú
AECM; agri-environment-climate measure
beart agra-chomhshaoil-aeráide
climate security
slándáil aeráide
climatic derivative; weather derivative
díorthach aimsire
Doha Climate Gateway
Tairseach Aeráide Doha
ECV; essential climate variable
Athróga Sár-riachtanacha i leith na hAeráide; ECVanna
flash estimate
meastachán sealadach; tobmheastachán
Loss and Damage Mechanism; Warsaw International Mechanism; Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage; Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts; WIM
Sásra Idirnáisiúnta Vársá; Sásra Idirnáisiúnta Vársá do Chaillteanas agus Damáiste a bhaineann le Tionchair an Athraithe Aeráide
Climate Summit 2014
Cruinniú Mullaigh Aeráide 2014
climate friendliness
neamhdhíobhálacht don aeráid
green direct payment; green payment; greening component; greening payment; payment for agricultural practices beneficial for the climate and the environment
glasíocaíocht; íocaíocht do chleachtais talmhaíochta a dhéanann leas na haeráide agus an chomhshaoil; íocaíocht ghlas
2030 climate and energy framework; 2030 framework for climate and energy policies
Creat 2030 i gcomhair beartais aeráide agus fuinnimh; creat aeráide agus fuinnimh 2030; creat beartais 2030 don aeráid agus don fhuinneamh
Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy
an Coimisinéir um Ghníomhú ar son na hAeráide agus Fuinneamh
CP4 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase; CP4 EPSPS
CP4 EPSPS; siontáis f2 5-eanólpiorúvailsiciomáit-3-fosfáite CP4
climate action
gníomhú ar son na haeráide
climate-resilient development
forbairt atá athléimneach ó thaobh aeráide de
climate diplomacy action plan
plean gníomhaíochta don taidhleoireacht aeráide
climate-sensitive agriculture
talmhaíocht aeráid-íogair
NAZCA; Non-State Actor Zone for Climate Action
Limistéar Gníomhaithe Neamhstáit um Ghníomhú ar son na hAeráide
climate forcing; forcing
fórsáil aeráide
climate projection
réamh-mheastachán aeráide
United for Climate Action
Aontaithe chun Gníomhú ar son na hAeráide
Paris Agreement; Paris Agreement on climate change; Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; Paris climate agreement
Comhaontú Pháras; Comhaontú Pháras faoi Creat-Choinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe ar an Athrú Aeráide; Comhaontú Pháras maidir leis an athrú aeráide
climate neutrality
ultimate parent entity
máthaireintiteas deiridh
climate justice
ceartas aeráide
ultimate aerobic biodegradability
in-bhithmhillteacht aeróbach deiridh
Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy; new integrated Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy
Cúnant na Méaraí don Aeráid & d’Fhuinneamh; Cúnant nua comhtháite na Méaraí don Aeráid & d’Fhuinneamh
21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; COP21
21ú Chomhdháil de na Páirtithe i gCreat-Choinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe ar an Athrú Aeráide; COP21
COP21/CMP11; Paris Climate Change Conference
Comhdháil Pháras maidir leis an Athrú Aeráide; COP21/CMP11
climate risk insurance
árachas riosca aeráide
European Topic Centre for Air Pollution and Climate Change Mitigation
Lárionad Téamach Eorpach maidir le hAerthruailliú agus an tAthrú Aeráide a Mhaolú
cooperative climate action
gníomhú comhair ar son na haeráide
Climate Action & Energy
Gníomhú ar son na hAeráide agus Fuinneamh
CAB; Climate Awareness Bond
banna um fheasacht aeráide; CAB
normal approximation
neastachán normalach
GCCA+; Global Climate Change Alliance Plus; Global Climate Change Alliance+
an Comhaontas Domhanda um Athrú Aeráide+
Marrakech Action Proclamation; Marrakech action proclamation for our climate and sustainable development
Forógra Gníomhaíochta Marrakech; Forógra Gníomhaíochta Marrakech ar son ár n-aeráide agus na forbartha inbhunaithe
climate action champion; climate champion
curadh aeráide
GCAA; Global Climate Action Agenda
an Clár Oibre maidir le Gníomhaíocht Dhomhanda ar son na hAeráide
FSB Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures; Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures; TCFD
Tascfhórsa FSB um Nochtuithe Airgeadais a bhaineann leis an Aeráid
Global Estimates of Child Labour: Results and trends
Meastacháin Dhomhanda ar Shaothrú Leanaí: Torthaí agus treochtaí
supplementary estimate
meastachán forlíontach (fir1, ai: meastacháin fhorlíontacha)
dlisteanach (a1)
approximate line of departure
neaslíne imeachta (bain4)
approximate line of resistance
neaslíne friotaíochta (bain4)
cóngarach (a1)
neasgar (a1)
approximate estimate
garmheastachán (fir1, gu: garmheastacháin, ai: garmheastacháin, gi: garmheastachán)
fomheastachán (fir1, gu: fomheastacháin, ai: fomheastacháin, gi: fomheastachán)
crest clearance collimator
comhlínitheoir cíorghlanta (fir3)
direction collimator
treo-chomhlínitheoir (fir3, gu: treo-chomhlínitheora, ai: treo-chomhlínitheoirí, gi: treo-chomhlínitheoirí)
detailed estimate
meastachán sonraithe (fir1)
enemy strength estimate
meastachán ar líon namhad (fir1)
Army pension estimate
meastachán Armphinsean (fir1)
error in the estimate
earráid sa mheastachán (bain2)
Army estimate
meastachán Airm (fir1)
mental estimate
meastachán intinneach (fir1)
estimate of the situation
meastachán ar an staid (fir1)
rough estimate
buille faoi thuairim (fir4)
rough estimate
garbhmheastachán (fir1, gu: garbhmeastacháin, ai: garbhmeastacháin, gi: garbhmeastachán)
outline of an estimate
creatlach meastacháin (fir1)
estimated lead
tosach measta (fir1)
estimated time of arrival
am sroichte measta (fir1)
estimated time of completion
am críochnaithe measta (fir3)
estimated time of departure
am imeachta measta (fir3)
intelligence estimate
meastachán faisnéise (fir1)
mental estimate
meastachán san intinn (fir1)
rómheastachán (fir1, gu: rómheastacháin, ai: rómheastacháin, gi: rómheastachán)
over-estimate distance
déan meastachán ró-ard ar fhad slí (br)
under-estimate distance
fomheas fad slí (br)
estimate of yield
meastachán ar fhuinneamhthoradh (c. bith ) (fir1)
fógra deiridh (fir4)
comhlínitheoir (fir3, gu: comhlínitheora, ai: comhlínitheoirí, gi: comhlínitheoirí)
critical opinion, critical estimate
tuairim léirmheastach, meastachán léirmheastach
make an estimate of the situation
déan meastachán ar an staid
the degrees are only approximate (musketry)
níl na céimeanna cruinn ar fad