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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
CEP; constructed export price
praghas onnmhairiúcháin comhdhéanta
special scheme for travel agents
scéim speisialta do ghníomhairí taistil
precarious employment; precarious job; precarious work
fostaíocht fhorbhásach; jab forbhásach; obair fhorbhásach
zero-hours contract
conarthaí uaireanta-nialasacha
casual employment; casual work
obair ócáideach
commercial air transport; commercial air transportation
aeriompar tráchtála
DA; decision altitude
airde tráth cinnidh; DA
decision height; DH
airde tráth cinnidh; DH
direct transit area
limistéar idirthurais dhírigh
aeroplane flight manual; AFM; aircraft flight manual; flight manual
lámhleabhar eitilte
hypsometric tints
imir hipsiméadrach
MDA; minimum descent altitude
íosairde na tuirlingthe; MDA
MDH; minimum descent altitude/height; minimum descent height
íosairde na tuirlingthe
obstacle clearance altitude /height; obstacle clearance height; OCH
airde glanta constaicí; OCH
air operator; operator
handling agent
gníomhaire láimhseála
aeroplane; airplane
emergency landing; forced landing
tuirlingt éigeandála
airworthiness code
cód aeracmhainneachta
minimum navigation performance specifications; MNPS
íos-sonraíochtaí feidhmiúcháin aerloingseoireachta
ground staff
foireann talún
MET; meteorological services; meteorological services for air navigation
MET; seirbhísí meitéareolaíocha; seirbhísí meitéareolaíocha aerloingseoireachta
maximum take-off mass; MTOM
MTOM; uasmhais éirí de thalamh
descending air current
siorradh anuas
minimum sector altitude; MSA
íosairde ceantair
final reserve fuel
breosla cúltaca deiridh
pressure altitude
airde brú
takeoff roll
rothlúchán roimh éirí de thalamh
ACAS; airborne collision avoidance system
córas seachanta imbhuailtí ar eite
Crew Resource Management; CRM
bainistiú acmhainní foirne
TRE; Type Rating Examiner
Scrúdaitheoir Rátála Cineáil
aircraft cabin; cabin
cabin attendant; cabin crew member
ball den fhoireann cábáin
air-cargo aircraft; cargo aircraft; transport aircraft
aerárthach lastais
proper shipping name
ainm ceart iompair
large aircraft
aerárthach mór
airworthiness requirements
ceanglais aeracmhainneachta
area navigation; RNAV
loingseoireacht limistéir
FE; Flight Examiner
scrúdaitheoir eitilte
landing gear strut
teanntóg fearais tuirlingthe
FH; flight hours
uaireanta eitilte
by virtue of; in pursuance of; pursuant to; under
de bhua; de bhun
ICSR; individual case safety report
tuairisc shábháilteachta do chás ar leith
decentralised agency; European Union decentralised agency
gníomhaireacht dhíláraithe; gníomhaireacht dhíláraithe de chuid an Aontais; gníomhaireacht dhíláraithe de chuid an Aontais Eorpaigh
dregs and green liquor sludge (from black liquor treatment)
dríodar agus sluda licéir uaine (ó chóireáil licéir dhuibh)
fleshings and lime split waste
screaball súdaireachta agus blúire aoil
biological production
táirgeadh bitheolaíoch
botanical garden
gairdín lusanna
catalytic converter
tiontaire catalaíoch
diffuse pollution
truailliú idirleata
domestic trade
trádáil intíre
environmental hazard
guais chomhshaoil
environmental impact of transport
tionchar an iompair ar an gcomhshaol
environmental monitoring
faireachán comhshaoil
environmental science
eolaíocht an chomhshaoil
environmental technology
teicneolaíocht an chomhshaoil
financial management
bainistíocht airgeadais
biological corridor; conservation corridor; green corridor; wildlife corridor
conair fiadhúlra; limistéar fiadhúlra
iron industry
tionscal iarainn
kerosene; kerosine
labour force; workforce
lucht saothair
land reclamation
míntíriú talún
land restoration
athchóiriú talún
marine environment
metallurgical industry
tionscal miotalóireachta
periurban space
spás peirea-uirbeach
polaiméiriú; polaiméiriúcháin
production residue; residue
iarmhar; iarmhar an táirgthe
respiratory tract disease
galar sa chonair riospráide
seed dressing
cóiriú síolta
transitional arrangement
socrú idirthréimhseach
waste generator; waste producer
táirgeoir dramhaíola
willingness-to-pay; WTP
fonnmhaireacht chun íoc; toilteanas chun íoc
talamh portaigh
forgery of money and means of payment
brionnú airgid agus modhanna íocaíochta
grievous bodily injury
mórdhíobháil choirp
motor vehicle crime
coir mhótarfheithicle
racketeering and extortion
cambheartaíocht agus sracaireacht
suspicious transaction
idirbheart amhrasach
acquisitions less disposals of valuables
éadálacha lúide diúscairtí earraí luachmhara
actual collective consumption
tomhaltas comhchoiteann iarbhír
actual final consumption
tomhaltas críochnaitheach iarbhír
actual individual consumption
tomhaltas aonair iarbhír
bad debt; irrecoverable debt; uncollectible account
central government
rialtas láir
classification of products by activity; CPA; statistical classification of products by activity
aicmiú táirgí de réir gníomhaíochta; CPA
closing balance sheet
clár comhardaithe deiridh
currency and deposits
airgeadra agus taiscí
current international cooperation
comhar idirnáisiúnta reatha
economic disappearance of non-produced assets
imeacht eacnamaíoch sócmhainní neamhtháirgthe
exports of goods and services
onnmhairí earraí agus onnmhairí seirbhísí
exports of goods
onnmhairí earraí
exports of services
onnmhairí seirbhísí
external balance of goods and services
comhardú seachtrach earraí agus seirbhísí
financial auxiliaries
corparáidí cúntacha airgeadais
financial corporations
corparáidí airgeadais
financial derivatives
díorthaigh airgeadais
import subsidies
fóirdheontais ar allmhairí
imports of goods
allmhairí earraí
imports of services
allmhairí seirbhísí
individual consumption expenditure
caiteachas ar thomhaltas aonair
land underlying buildings and structures
talamh faoi fhoirgnimh agus faoi dhéanmhais
materials and supplies
ábhair agus soláthairtí
monetary gold
ór airgeadaíochta
other buildings and structures
foirgnimh agus déanmhais eile
other economic disappearance of non-produced assets
imeacht eacnamaíoch eile sócmhainní neamhtháirgthe
other equity
gnáthscaireanna eile
other financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pension funds
idirghabhálaithe airgeadais eile, cé is moite de chorparáidí árachais agus cistí pinsin
other subsidies on production
fóirdheontais eile ar tháirgeadh
other subsidies on products
fóirdheontais eile ar tháirgí
other taxes on production
cánacha eile ar tháirgeadh
recipients of pensions
faighteoirí pinsean
recipients of property income
faighteoirí ioncaim ó mhaoin
social assistance benefits in cash
sochair chúnaimh shóisialta in airgead tirim
social contributions and benefits
ranníocaíochtaí sóisialta agus sochair shóisialta
social security benefits in cash
sochair slándála sóisialta in airgead tirim
human resources; personnel; staff
subsidies on products
fóirdheontais ar tháirgí
taxes on production and imports
cánacha ar tháirgeadh agus ar allmhairí
taxes on products
cánacha ar tháirgí
third countries and international organisations
tríú tíortha agus eagraíochtaí idirnáisiúnta
trade credits and advances
creidmheasanna trádála agus airleacain
transport equipment
trealamh iompair
goods in process; WIP; work in process; work in progress
obair idir lámha
local staff
foireann áitiúil
overtime pay; remuneration for overtime
íocaíocht ragoibre; luach saothair ragoibre
social benefits other than social transfers in kind
sochair shóisialta seachas aistrithe sóisialta comhchineáil
postáil bholscaireachta; postáil fógraíochta
diagonal split braking system; diagonally-split braking circuit
córas coscánaithe trasnánach-scoilte
directly controlled wheel
roth dír-rialaithe
full trailer
indirectly controlled wheel
roth faoi rialú indíreach
lock actuator
gníomhróir glais
split braking circuit; split braking system
córas coscánaithe scoilte
lambda probe; lambda sensor; oxygen sensor
braiteoir lambda
ply-rating number; PR number
uimhir rátála dhualach
marine law; maritime law; sea law
dlí muirí; dlí na mara
building contract; construction contract
conradh foirgníochta; conradh tógála
crimination; incrimination; inculpation
ensign; national flag
bratach náisiúnta; meirge
chairman of the board
cathaoirleach an bhoird
consolidation of shares; reverse split
comhdhlúthú scaireanna
attorney-client privilege; legal privilege; legal professional privilege; LPP
pribhléid ghairmiúil dlíodóra
fair trial
triail chóir; triail chothrom
interim financial statement
ráiteas airgeadais eatramhach
Bille Luchta an Chonartha Chairtfhostaithe
beneficial ownership
úinéireacht thairbhiúil
financial stress
strus airgeadais
direct loss
caillteanas díreach
champarty; champerty
malpractice; professional negligence
faillí ghairmiúil
encumbrance; security interest
eire; leas urrúis
Chief Adviser
print industry; printing industry
an tionscal clódóireachta
athiontrálaí sa mhargadh saothair
DIP joint
alt idirfhalangach aimhneasach
alt idirfhalangach neasach
model risk
riosca de bharr samhaltaithe; riosca de thairbhe an tsamhaltaithe
issuer; issuer of securities; security issuer
eisitheoir; eisitheoir urrúis
agency staff; interim staff; temporary agency worker
foireann na gníomhaireachta
transport cost
costas iompair
Muir Chaisp
innovation relay centre; IRC
ionad athsheachadta nuálaíochtaí
bring to justice
tabhairt faoi réim an cheartais
African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights
an Chairt Afracach um Chearta an Duine agus um Chearta Pobal; an Chairt um Chearta an Duine agus um Chearta Pobal san Afraic
BSP; Bulgarian Socialist Party
Páirtí Sóisialach na Bulgáire
Movement for Rights and Freedoms; MRF
Gluaiseacht na gCeart agus na Saoirsí
National Commission on Human Rights and Freedoms; NCHRF
an Coimisiún Náisiúnta um Chearta an Duine agus um Shaoirsí
LC; Lord Chancellor; Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain
Ard-Seansailéir; LC; Tiarna Ard-Seansailéir na Breataine Móire
IAS; Immigration Advisory Service; UKIAS; United Kingdom Immigrants Advisory Service
Seirbhís Chomhairleach na Ríochta Aontaithe d'Inimircigh
Cons.; Conservative and Unionist Party; Conservative Party; Conservatives
an Páirtí Caomhach; an Páirtí Coimeádach
Democratic Unionist Party; DUP
an Páirtí Aontachtach Daonlathach; DUP
Lab.; Labour Party
Páirtí an Lucht Oibre
Scottish National Party; SNP
Páirtí Náisiúnta na hAlban; SNP
Ulster Unionist Party; UUP
Páirtí Aontachtach Uladh; UUP
LD; Lib Dems; Liberal Democrats; SLD; Social and Liberal Democrats
an Páirtí Daonlathach Liobrálach; Lib Dems; na Daonlathaithe Liobrálacha
French Communist Party; PCF
Páirtí Cumannach na Fraince
ACC; Arab Cooperation Council
an Chomhairle um Chomhar Arabach
C; Conservative People's Party; KF
Páirtí an Phobail Chaomhaigh
A; S; Social Democratic Party
An Páirtí Sóisialach Daonlathach
Danish Socialist People's Party; F; SF; Socialist People's Party; SPP
Páirtí an Phobail Shóisialaigh
Liberal Party; V
An Páirtí Liobrálach
B; Radical Liberal Party; Social Liberal Party
An Páirtí Radacach ar Chlé
IIHR; Inter-American Institute of Human Rights
an Institiúid Idir-Mheiriceánach um Chearta an Duine
F.D.P.; FDP; Free Democrat Party; Free Democratic Party
An Páirtí Saor-Dhaonlathach
Federal Constitutional Court
Cúirt Bhunreachtúil na Cónaidhme
Federal Law Gazette
Iris Oifigiúil Chónaidhm na Gearmáine
GAM; Mutual Support Group for the Reappearance of our Relatives Alive
an Grúpa Tacaíochta Frithpháirtí um Thabhairt ar Ais Beo ár nGaolta Fuadaithe
Prosecutor for Human Rights
Ionchúisitheoir um Chearta an Duine
motion sensor
braiteoir gluaisne
experimental development
forbairt thurgnamhach
WCIP; World Council of Indigenous Peoples
Comhairle Dhomhanda na bPobal Dúchais
career break
sos gairme
hour of overtime; overtime hour
uair ragoibre
Community reference laboratory for residue testing; EU reference laboratory for residues of veterinary medicines and contaminants in food of animal origin
Saotharlann Tagartha an Aontais Eorpaigh um Thástáil ar Iarmhair de Chógais Tréidliachta agus d'Éilleáin i mBia de bhunadh ainmhíoch; Saotharlann Tagartha an Chomhphobail um Thástáil ar Iarmhair
CDM; Christian Democratic Movement; Christian Democratic Party
an Páirtí Daonlathach Críostaí
BLA; Black Lawyers Association
BLA; Comhlachas na nDlíodóirí Gorma
NADEL; National Association of Democratic Lawyers
Comhlachas Náisiúnta na nDlíodóirí Daonlathacha; NADEL
Population Registration Act Repeal Act
an tAcht chun an tAcht um Chlárú Daonra a aisghairm
GAA; Group Areas Act
an tAcht um Ghrúplimistéir
PDV; prune dwarf ilarvirus; prune dwarf virus
víreas abhcach an chrainn prúnaí
CFBC; circulating fluidised bed combustion
dóchán scaire sreabhaí athfhilltí
Joint Norwegian-Russian Fisheries Commission
an Coimisiún Comhpháirteach Iascaigh Ioruach-Rúiseach
M; Moderate Party; Moderate Unity Party; MS
an Páirtí Measarthach
European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless; FEANTSA
Cónaidhm Eorpach na nEagraíochtaí Náisiúnta atá ag Obair le Daoine gan Dídean; FEANTSA
European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association; European Venture Capital Association; EVCA
an Comhlachas Eorpach um Chothromas Príobháideach agus um Chaipiteal Fiontair; EVCA
Lab.; Labour; Labour Party
LO; Páirtí an Lucht Oibre
Democratic Party; DP
An Páirtí Daonlathach
Christian Social Party; PCS
An Páirtí Sóisialach Críostaí
Luxembourg Socialist Workers' Party; POSL
Páirtí Oibrithe Sóisialacha Lucsamburg
LN; Northern League
Comhcheangal an Tuaiscirt
South Tyrol People's Party; SVP
Páirtí Phobal an Tioróil Theas
Democratic Left Party; Democratic Party of the Left; Party of the Democratic Left; PDS
An Páirtí Daonlathach at Chlé; PDS
CHD; Conference on the Human Dimension; Conference on the Human Dimension of the CSCE
an Chomhdháil maidir le Gné Chearta an Duine; Comhdháil an CSCE maidir le Gné Chearta an Duine
Party of European Socialists; PES
Páirtí na Sóisialaithe Eorpacha; PSE
distance working; remote working; telecommuting; tele-commuting; teleworking
teileachomaitéireacht; teilea-oibriú
virtual reality; VR
réaltacht fhíorúil; VR
protection of the dignity of women and men at work
dínit ban agus fear ag an obair a chosaint
CCC; Consumers’ Consultative Council
CCC; Comhairle Chomhairleach Tomhaltóirí
Community programme of action on the subject of the vocational training of customs officials; Exchange programme of customs officials; MATTHAEUS
an Clár gníomhaíochta Comhphobail maidir le gairmoiliúint le haghaidh oifigeach custaim; MATTHAEUS
College of Quaestors
Coláiste na gCaestóirí
Commission Delegation; European Commission delegation
Toscaireacht ón gCoimisiún Eorpach
International Women's Day; IWD; United Nations Day for Women's Rights and International Peace
Lá Idirnáisiúnta na mBan; Lá na Náisiún Aontaithe um Chearta na mBan agus um Shíocháin Idirnáisiúnta
joint meeting
comhchruinniú; cruinniú comhpháirteach
inadmissibility of a matter
neamh-inghlacthacht ábhair
procedural motion
tairiscint nós imeachta
dispute on voting
díospóid maidir leis an vótáil
incompatibility; incompatible office
neamhréireacht; oifig neamhréireach
request for urgent debate
iarraidh ar dhíospóireacht phráinneach
call to order
glaoigh chun oird
oldest Member
an Feisire is sine
Legislative Observatory; OEIL
Faireachlann Reachtach
committee of inquiry; temporary committee of inquiry
coiste fiosrúcháin; coiste fiosrúcháin sealadach
Conference of Community and European Affairs Committees of Parliaments of the European Union; Conference of European Affairs Committees; Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs; Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the European Union; COSAC
an Chomhdháil de na Coistí Parlaiminteacha um Ghnóthaí an Aontais de chuid Pharlaimintí an Aontais Eorpaigh; an Chomhdháil de na gCoistí um Ghnóthaí Eorpacha
EPP; European People's Party
Páirtí an Phobail Eorpaigh; PPE
bottoms; lees; wine lees
searbhas; seirbhe
replacement cost
costas athsholáthair
EHRF; European Human Rights Foundation
an Fhondúireacht Eorpach um Chearta an Duine; EHRF
relinquish office; resignation; resignation from office
éirí as oifig
air pollutant; airborne pollutant; atmospheric pollutant
truailleán aeir; truailleán atmaisféarach
Joint Relief Partnership; JRP
Comhpháirtíocht na Fóirithinte
primary production
táirgeadh príomhúil
OEM; original equipment manufacturer
déantúsóir buntrealaimh; OEM
Athens Piraeus Water Supply Company; Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company; EYDAP SA
Cuideachta na hAithne um Sholáthar Uisce agus Séarachais
FUNAI; National Indian Foundation
Fondúireacht Náisiúnta um chosaint na nIndiach; FUNAI
CDDPH; Council for the Defence of Human Rights; Council for the Defence of Individuals' Rights; Council for the Protection of Human Rights; Human Rights Defence Council
an Chomhairle um Chosaint Chearta an Duine
Cooperation Agreement for the protection of the coasts and waters of the north-east Atlantic against pollution; Lisbon Agreement
an Comhaontú um chomhar maidir le Cóstaí agus Uiscí an Atlantaigh Thoir Thuaidh a Chosaint ar Thruailliú; Comhaontú Liospóin
calendar of meetings
féilire na gcruinnithe
Sakharov Prize; Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought
Duais Sakharov; Duais Sakharov um Shaoirse Smaointeoireachta
closure of a debate
críochnú na díospóireachta; díospóireacht a chríochnú
question for oral answer; question for oral answer with debate
ceist i gcomhair freagra ó bhéal; Ceist i gcomhair freagra ó bhéal maille le díospóireacht
right of inquiry
ceart fiosrúcháin
minority opinion
tuairim an mhionlaigh; tuairim mhionlaigh
Conference of Committee Chairs
Comhdháil Chathaoirligh na gCoistí
standing interparliamentary delegation
buantoscaireacht idirpharlaiminteach
Communist Party of Greece; KKE
Páirtí Cumannach na Gréige
opinion in the form of a letter
tuairim i bhfoirm litreach
third reading
an triú léamh
delegation to the Conciliation Committee
toscaireacht chuig an gCoiste Idir-réitigh
additional part-session; additional plenary session; mini-session
páirtseisiún breise
eMARS; Major Accident Reporting System; MARS
Córas Tuairiscithe ar Mhórthionóiscí; MARS
question for written answer
ceist i gcomhair freagra i scríbhinn; ceist i gcomhair freagra scríofa
joint debate
point of order
pointe oird
study journey; study mission
aistear staidéir; misean staidéir
committee asked for an opinion
an coiste ar iarradh tuairim air
draftsman; rapporteur for the opinion
dréachtóir; rapóirtéir don tuairim
interparliamentary delegation
toscaireacht idirpharlaiminteach
declaration of financial interests
dearbhú maidir le leasanna airgeadais
first Vice-President
an chéad Leas-Uachtarán
list of speakers
liosta cainteoirí
Centre for Information, Discussion and Exchange on Asylum; CIREA
Ionad um Fhaisnéis, Díospóireacht agus Malartú maidir le tearmann
Community Reference Laboratory for fish diseases; EU reference laboratory for fish diseases
Saotharlann Tagartha an Aontais Eorpaigh um Ghalair Éisc
UN High Commissioner for Refugees; United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Ard-Choimisinéir na NA le haghaidh Dídeanaithe; Ard-Choimisinéir na Náisiún Aontaithe le haghaidh Dídeanaithe
International Refugee Organisation; IRO
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta um Dhídeanaithe
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian and Economic Assistance Programmes relating to Afghanistan; United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance to Afghanistan
Oifig na Náisiún Aontaithe um Chláir Chúnaimh Dhaonnúla agus Eacnamaíocha maidir leis an Afganastáin a Chomhordú
International Conference on Human Rights
Comhdháil Idirnáisiúnta um Chearta an Duine
Conference on the Human Environment; Earth Summit; Stockholm Conference; UNCHE; United Nations Conference on the Human Environment
Comhdháil na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir leis an Timpeallacht Dhaonna; Comhdháil Stócólm
International Year of the World's Indigenous People; International Year of the World's Indigenous People, 1993
Bliain Idirnáisiúnta Phobail Dúchais an Domhain
CERD; Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
an Coiste um Idirdhealú Ciníoch a Dhíothú; CERD
Human Rights Council Advisory Committee; Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities; Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights
Coiste Comhairleach na Comhairle um Chearta an Duine
International Year of the Family; IYF
Bliain Idirnáisiúnta an Teaghlaigh
Department of Humanitarian Affairs; DHA; UNDHA; United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs
an Roinn Gnóthaí Daonnúla
ICPD; International Conference on Population and Development
Comhdháil Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Daonra agus Forbairt
Labour Party; PvdA
Páirtí an Lucht Oibre
Calvinist Party; Calvinist Political Party; Political Reformed Party; SGP
An Páirtí Athchóirithe Polaitíochta
People's Party for Freedom and Democracy; VVD
Páirtí an Phobail um Shaoirse agus Daonlathas
labour; labour force; manpower
daonchumhacht; lucht oibre; lucht saothair
National Institute for Public Health and Environmental Protection; National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection
Institiúid Naisiúnta um Shláinte Phoiblí agus Caomhnú Comhshaoil
Decree on protection against waste
Foraithne maidir le Cosaint in aghaidh Dramhaíola
motion for a resolution
tairiscint i gcomhair rúin
Ad Hoc Group on Immigration; Ad hoc Working Group on Immigration; AHGI
an Grúpa ad hoc um an Inimirce; Grúpa ad hoc um Inimirce; Meitheal Oibre ad hoc um Inimirce
non-attached Member
feisire neamhcheangailte
Act concerning the election of the members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage; Act concerning the election of the representatives of the Assembly by direct universal suffrage; Electoral Act
Ionstraim maidir le toghadh comhaltaí de Pharlaimint na hEorpa trí vótáil chomhchoiteann dhíreach; Ionstraim maidir le toghadh ionadaithe do Pharlaimint na hEorpa trí vótáil chomhchoiteann dhíreach
Euro Coop; Eurocoop; European Community of Consumer Cooperatives
Comharchumainn Tomhaltóirí an Chomhphobail Eorpaigh
right to petition the European Parliament
an ceart chun achainí a chur os comhair na Parlaiminte; an ceart chun achainí a dhéanamh chuig Parlaimint na hEorpa
Community Register of Medicinal Products
Clár Comhphobail de Tháirgí Íocshláinte
minutes of the sitting
miontuairiscí an tsuí
Guide to the Reform of the Structural Funds
Eolaire maidir le hAthchóiriú na gCistí Struchtúracha
motion for rejection; proposal for rejection; proposal to reject
tairiscint chun diúltú do [...]; togra chun diúltú do [...]
first reading
an chéad léamh
right of initiative; right of legislative initiative
an ceart maidir le tionscnamh reachtach; ceart tionscnaimh
non-legislative motion for a resolution
tairiscint neamhreachtach i gcomhair rúin
procedure in plenary without amendment and debate
nós imeachta sa suí iomlánach gan leasú agus gan díospóireacht
joint motion for a resolution
comhthairiscint i gcomhair rúin
elect by acclamation
toghadh d'aon gháir
single vote
vótáil aonair
Code of Conduct; Code of Conduct for Members of the European Parliament with respect to financial interests and conflicts of interest
cód iompair
VER; voluntary export restraint; voluntary export restriction
srian deonach ar onnmhairí
biomedical engineering; BME
innealtóireacht bhithleighis
financial implications
impleacht airgeadais
Member; Member of the European Parliament; MEP
comhalta de Pharlaimint na hEorpa; Feisire de Pharlaimint na hEorpa; FPE
employee council; works council
comhairle fostaithe
freedom of religion; freedom of religious belief
saoirse creidimh reiligiúnaigh; saoirse reiligiúin
indirect discrimination
idirdhealú indíreach
affirmative action; positive action; positive discrimination; reverse discrimination; special measures
idirdhealú dearfach
IHL; international humanitarian law
an dlí daonnúil idirnáisiúnta; DDI
foreign exchange forward; foreign-exchange forward transaction; forward exchange transaction; FX forward
idirbheart malairte eachtraí réamhcheaptha
gainful occupation
post sochair
economic crime; financial crime
coireacht eacnamaíoch
social actors; social stakeholders
páirtithe leasmhara sóisialta
part-time contract
conradh ar bhonn páirtaimseartha
‘EC’ declaration of verification of the subsystem; EC declaration of verification
dearbhú CE maidir le fíorú an fhochórais
mechanical supercharger; supercharger
sárluchtaire meicniúil
domestic currency; national currency
airgeadra náisiúnta
monitoring committee
coiste faireacháin
Consultative Committee of the ECSC; Consultative Committee of the European Coal and Steel Community; ECSC Consultative Committee
Coiste Comhairleach an CEGC
radar dome; radome
cón radair
ICICR; International Conference on Indo-Chinese Refugees
Comhdháil Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Dídeanaithe Ind-Síneacha
NOx Protocol; Protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides; Protocol to the 1979 Convention on long-range transboundary air pollution concerning the control of emissions of nitrogen oxides or their transboundary fluxes
Prótacal a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún 1979 maidir le Truailliú Aeir Trasteorann Fadraoin, a bhaineann le Rialú Astaíochtaí Ocsaídí Nítrigine nó a bhFloscanna Trasteorann
HCNM; High Commissioner on National Minorities
Ard-Choimisinéir um Mionlaigh Náisiúnta; HCNM
Article 19, Global Campaign for Free Expression; Article 19, International Centre Against Censorship; International Centre Against Censorship - Article 19
Airteagal 19: an Lárionad Idirnáisiúnta i gcoinne na Cinsireachta
high-voltage direct current; HVDC
HVDC; sruth díreach ardvoltais
ICFTU; International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
Cónaidhm Idirnáisiúnta na Saor-Cheardchumann
SIPRI; Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
Institiúid Idirnáisiúnta Stócólm um Thaighde ar an tSíocháin; SIPRI
ILHR; International League for Human Rights
an Conradh Idirnáisiúnta um Chearta an Duine; an Léig Idirnáisiúnta um Chearta an Duine
ONP framework directive
treoir réimse ONP
livestock production; livestock rearing; stockfarming
feirmeoireacht stoic; togáil stoic
generic service
seirbhís chineálach
broad bean; field bean; pigeon bean
pónaire leathan
waste incineration plant; waste incinerator
loisceoir dramhaíola
production premium
préimh táirgeachta
processed product
táirge próiseáilte
general product safety
sábháilteacht ghinearálta táirgí
cultural tourism
turasóireacht chultúrtha
environmental labelling
lipéadú comhshaoil
Statement of Madrid concerning Doctors, Ethics and Torture
Ráiteas Mhaidrid maidir le Dochtúirí, Eitic agus Céasadh
nitrification inhibitor
coscaire nítriúcháin
cross-subsidisation; cross-subsidy
performance guarantee; retention money guarantee
ráthaíocht airgid coinneála
carriage paid to; CPT
carraeireacht íoctha go dtí
E2PROM; EEPROM; electrical erasable programmable read-only memory; electrically erasable programmable read-only memory
cuimhne inléite amháin in-ríomhchláraithe in-léirscriosta go leictreach; EEPROM
deflection-limiting volume; DLV
toirt lena gciorraítear sraonadh
main compensating product
príomhtháirge cúiteach
SCP; secondary compensating product
táirge cúiteach tánaisteach
NDIR analyser; non-dispersive infrared analyser
anailíseoir infridhearg neamhspréite; anailíseoir NDIR
EUDC; extra-urban cycle; extra-urban driving cycle
timthriall tiomána seach-uirbeach
eco-refugee; environmental migrant; environmental refugee
dídeanaí comhshaoil
transitional allowance; transitional end-of-service allowance
liúntas idirthréimhseach
sufficiently processed product
táirge leorphróiseáilte
Ebola virus
víreas Ebola
continental farm
feirm intíre
counterpart funds; CPF; matching funds
cistí contrapháirte; cistí contrapháirteacha
customs office of transit
oifig custaim idirthurais
Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora; FFHD; Habitats Directive
an Treoir maidir le Gnáthóga
blank control
cóimheastóir caoch
serum neutralisation test; SN test; SNT
tástáil neodraithe séirim
extrajudicial execution; extrajudicial killing; extra-legal, arbitrary and summary executions; summary execution
bású achomair; bású seachbhreithiúnach
enteric redmouth disease; ERM; Hagerman disease; yersiniosis
ERM; iairsíonóis
diffuse pollution source; diffuse source; non-point source
foinse idirleata
cash account
cuntas airgid
partnership principle
prionsabal na comhpháirtíochta
National Coalition Party
An Páirtí Comhghuaillíochta Náisiúnta
Swedish People's Party
Páirtí an Phobail Shualannaigh
Centre Party; Centre Party of Finland
An Páirtí Láir
New York Protocol; Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees
an Prótacal maidir le Stádas Dídeanaithe
airworthiness certificate; certificate of airworthiness
deimhniú aeracmhainneachta
anthropogenic air emissions; anthropogenic atmospheric emissions; anthropogenic emissions
astaíochtaí antrapaigineacha
ad hoc aid
cabhair <i>ad hoc</i>
non-reusable pack; one-way packaging
pacáistíocht aonuaire
LDV; light passenger and commercial vehicle; light vehicle; light-duty vehicle
feithicil éadrom; feithicil saothair éadroim; LDV
European Citizens' Charter
Cairt na Saoránach Eorpach
particulate filter; particulate trap
scagaire cáithníní
drive axle; driving axle; powered axle
acastóir tiomána
steered axle
acastóir faoi stiúir
marine macroalgae; seaweeds
macralgaí muirí
ancillary banking service; banking type of ancillary service
seirbhísí coimhdeacha baincéireachta
EAR; emergency aid reserve; reserve for emergency aid
cúlchiste um chabhair éigeandála
light work
obair éadrom
treatment facility
saoráid cóireála
terephthalic acid; TPA
aigéad teireatalach
aistrí; tairbhí
sensitive post
post íogair
border resident; frontier zone inhabitant
cónaitheoir teorann
indirect taxation
cánachas indíreach
import duty; import tariff; import tax
dleacht allmhairiúcháin
central circulatory system
lárchóras imshruthaithe
1-(6-methyl-2-oxohexahydropyrimidin-4-yl)urea; crotonylidenediurea
IBDU; isobutylidenediurea; N,N''-(isobutylidene)diurea
IBDU; iseabúitilídéindé-úiré
economic indicator
táscaire eacnamaíoch
environmental quality standard; EQS
caighdeán cáilíochta comhshaoil
aid for research and development
cabhair le haghaidh taighde agus forbartha
individual guarantee
ráthaíocht aonair
PNRSV; prunus necrotic ringspot ilarvirus; prunus necrotic ringspot virus
ilivíreas fáinnebhall neacróiseach an chrainn plumaí; víreas fáinnebhall neacróiseach an chrainn plumaí
wet electrostatic precipitator; wet ESP
deascaire leictreastatach fliuch
ApMV; apple infectious variegation virus; apple mosaic virus; European plum line pattern virus; plum line pattern virus; rose infectious chlorosis virus; rose mosaic virus
víreas mósáice an chrainn úll
cherry leaf roll virus; CLRV
víreas rollta duilleog an chrainn silíní
conformance testing; conformity test
tástáil chomhréireachta
insurance policyholder; policy holder; policyholder
sealbhóir polasaí
carer; family carer; informal carer
cúramóir; cúramóir neamhfhoirmiúil; cúramóir teaghlaigh
tactile warning of danger
rabhadh tadhlach contúirte
green corridor; greenway
conair ghlas; glasbhealach
intervention buying; intervention buying-in
ceannach idirghabhála
flexible retirement
scor solúbtha
correction factor; corrective factor; weighting
fachtóir ceartaitheach; fachtóir ceartúcháin; ualú
solidarity mechanism
meicníocht dlúthpháirtíochta
sensitive item; sensitive product
táirge íogair
acceptable operator exposure level; AOEL
leibhéal na neamhchosanta atá inghlactha ag an oibreoir
treaty shopping
siopadóireacht conarthaí
brewers' dried grains
triosc tirim
provisioning rate
ráta soláthair
Court of Justice of the EFTA States; EFTA Court; EFTA Court of Justice
Cúirt Bhreithiúnais Stáit CSTE
subsidised import
allmhaire fóirdheonaithe
counterfeit currency; counterfeit money
airgeadra góchumtha
PS; Socialist Party
An Páirtí Sóisialach
services market
margadh na seirbhísí
legal retirement age; statutory retirement age
aois dhlíthiúil scoir; aois scoir reachtúil
industrial good; industrial product
táirge tionsclaíoch
Audit Authority; Court of Audit
an Chúirt Iniúchóireachta
labour leasing
léasú lucht saothair
legal advice; legal counselling
comhairleoireacht dhlíthiúil
Lord President of the Council
Uachtarán Tiarna na Comhairle
Minister for the Civil Service
an tAire Státseirbhíse
Prime Minister; Taoiseach
Príomh-Aire; Taoiseach
code of good agricultural practice; code of good farming practice
cód dea-chleachtais feirmeoireachta; cód dea-chleachtais talmhaíochta
flowering of the culture of the Member States; flowering of the cultures of the Member States
borradh chultúir na mBallstát
professional profile
próifíl ghairmiúil
direct-acting hydraulic pressing
fáscadh hiodrálach dírghníomhach
film integrated circuit; film type integrated circuit
ciorcad iomlánaithe scannánach
cadmium telluride; CdTe
teallúiríd chaidmiam
monolithic IC; monolithic integrated circuit
ciorcad iomlánaithe monailiotach
international nuclear non-proliferation obligations or understandings
oibleagáidí nó tuiscintí idirnáisiúnta maidir le neamhleathadh núicléach
national court
cúirt náisiúnta
over-legislation; over-regulation
ró-reachtóireacht; ró-rialáil
preventive medical care; preventive medical treatment; preventive treatment; prophylactic treatment; prophylaxis
cóireáil choisctheach; cóireáil phróifiolacsach
freedom of expression
saoirse cainte; saoirse tuairimí a nochtadh
racial discrimination
idirdhealú ciníoch
Committee of Senior Labour Inspectors; Senior Labour Inspectors Committee; SLIC
Coiste na gCigirí Sinsearacha Saothair; SLIC
clay; clay soil
cré; cré-ithir; ithir chréúil
Convention on the Western Indian Ocean Tuna Organisation; Western Indian Ocean Tuna Organisation Convention; WIOTO convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Eagraíocht um Thuinnín an Aigéin Indiaigh Thiar
Canary Island county council; island council
comhairle oileánda
sufficiently worked product
táirge leoroibrithe
kindergarten teacher; nursery teacher
múinteoir naíscoile
Industrial Training Authority; Training and Employment Authority
an Foras Áiseanna Saothair; FÁS
Cedefop; European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
an Lárionad Eorpach um Fhorbairt na Gairmoiliúna; Cedefop
HCLD; heated chemiluminescent detector
brathadóir ceimealonrach téite
freedom to choose an occupation; professional freedom
saoirse gairme
European Voluntary Service; European Voluntary Service for young people; EVS
an tSeirbhís Dheonach Eorpach
physical disability
míchumas coirp; míchumas fisiceach
freedom of conscience
saoirse coinsiasa
freedom of thought
saoirse smaointeoireachta
first come, first served basis; first come first served
bonn "tagadh do sheal mar a tháinig tú féin"
African swine fever virus; ASFV
víreas fhiabhras Afracach na muc
criminal behaviour
iompraíocht choiriúil
conformity of production; CoP
comhréireacht táirgeachta
AEM; agri-environment measure; agri-environmental measure
beart agra-chomhshaoil
cross-border crime; transnational crime
coireacht thrasnáisiúnta
heat treatment; heating
flour milling
muilleoireacht plúir
distillers' dark grains
dúthriosc driogaireachta