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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
íol · l · mol · mól · O
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Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
retail industry; retail sector
earnáil miondíola
powered sailplane
seoleitleán cumhachtaithe
MET; meteorological services; meteorological services for air navigation
MET; seirbhísí meitéareolaíocha; seirbhísí meitéareolaíocha aerloingseoireachta
AFCS; automatic flight control system
AFCS; córas uathrialaithe eitilte
takeoff roll
rothlúchán roimh éirí de thalamh
ACAS; airborne collision avoidance system
córas seachanta imbhuailtí ar eite
Commercial Pilot Licence; CPL
ceadúnas píolóta tráchtála
oil strainer
síothlán ola
active ingredient; active substance; pharmacologically active substance
substaint atá gníomhach ó thaobh na cógaseolaíochta de; substaint ghníomhach
dropout; drop-out; lost to follow-up
biological production
táirgeadh bitheolaíoch
common tariff policy
comhbheartas taraife
diffuse pollution
truailliú idirleata
endangered animal species
speiceas ainmhí i mbaol
endangered plant species
speiceas planda i mbaol
environmental impact of transport
tionchar an iompair ar an gcomhshaol
environmental science
eolaíocht an chomhshaoil
environmental technology
teicneolaíocht an chomhshaoil
biological corridor; conservation corridor; green corridor; wildlife corridor
conair fiadhúlra; limistéar fiadhúlra
industrial pollution
truailliú tionsclaíoch
polaiméiriú; polaiméiriúcháin
radioactive pollution
truailliú radaighníomhach
rolling noise
torann rollta
seed dressing
cóiriú síolta
commercial policy; trade policy
beartas trádála
VOC; volatile organic compound
comhdhúil sho-ghalaithe orgánach
waste avoidance
laghdú dramhaíola; seachaint diomailte
residual heat; waste heat
waste generator; waste producer
táirgeoir dramhaíola
waste transport
iompar dramhaíola
waste generation
giniúint dramhaíola
waste management infrastructure
bonneagar bainistithe dramhaíola
climate change policy; climate policy; policy for responding to climate change
beartas don athrú aeráide
actual collective consumption
tomhaltas comhchoiteann iarbhír
bad debt; irrecoverable debt; uncollectible account
changes in net worth due to other changes in volume of assets
athruithe ar ghlanfhiúchas i ngeall ar athruithe eile ar mhéid na sócmhainní
collective consumption expenditure
caiteachas ar thomhaltas comhchoiteann
goods for resale
earraí le hathdhíol
GNDI; gross national disposable income
OIIN; ollioncam indiúscartha náisiúnta
materials and supplies
ábhair agus soláthairtí
monetary gold
ór airgeadaíochta
non-cultivated biological resources
acmhainní bitheolaíocha neamhshaothraithe
non-profit institutions serving households; NPISH
institiúidí neamhbhrabúis a fhónann do theaghlaigh
other changes in volume of assets account
cuntas athruithe eile ar mhéid na sócmhainní
other land and associated surface water
talamh eile agus uisce dromchla gaolmhar
recreational land and associated surface water
talamh áineasa agus uisce dromchla gaolmhar
postáil bholscaireachta; postáil fógraíochta
coolant; cooling fluid
directly controlled wheel
roth dír-rialaithe
dynamic rolling radius
ga rollacháin dinimiciúil
indirectly controlled wheel
roth faoi rialú indíreach
speed symbol; speed symbol (of a tyre) [ISO 4000/1-1985]
siombail luais
cruise control; cruise control system
córas luasrialaithe
consolidation of shares; reverse split
comhdhlúthú scaireanna
dissident; political dissident
activation policy
beartais ghníomhachtúcháin
control group
grúpa cóimheasa; grúpa cóimheastóra; grúpa rialaithe; riailghrúpa
cephalopod; cephalopod mollusc
life science
eolaíocht bheatha
pollutant load
ualach truailleáin; ualach truailleán
natural risk analysis
anailís ar an mbaol nádúrtha
tacit knowledge
eolas neamhinste
whole grains
Les Verts; The Greens - Europe - Ecology
Na Glasaigh - Eoraip - Éiceolaíocht
B'Tselem; Israeli Information Centre for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories
Ionad Eolais Iosrael um Chearta an Duine sna Críocha faoi Fhorghabháil
gross value added; GVA
OBL; oll-bhreisluach
GAM; Mutual Support Group for the Reappearance of our Relatives Alive
an Grúpa Tacaíochta Frithpháirtí um Thabhairt ar Ais Beo ár nGaolta Fuadaithe
NADEFCOL; NATO Defence College; NDC
Coláiste Cosanta ECAT
Abolition of Racially Based Land Measures Act
An tAcht um Dhíothú Beart Talún Bunaithe ar Chine
South Tyrol People's Party; SVP
Páirtí Phobal an Tioróil Theas
applied metrology; industrial metrology
méadreolaíocht thionsclaíoch
Political Bureau
Biúró Polaitiúil
College of Quaestors
Coláiste na gCaestóirí
roll-call vote; vote by roll call
vótáil le glaoch rolla
draft legislative resolution
dréachtrún reachtach
waiver of immunity
díolúine a tharscaoileadh
oldest Member
an Feisire is sine
Scientific Committee on Cosmetology
an Coiste Eolaíoch Cosmaideolaíochta
solar flux
flosc gréine
replacement cost
costas athsholáthair
air pollutant; airborne pollutant; atmospheric pollutant
truailleán aeir; truailleán atmaisféarach
ES; expert system
córas saineolach
ecological recovery
teacht aniar éiceolaíoch
Athens Piraeus Water Supply Company; Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company; EYDAP SA
Cuideachta na hAithne um Sholáthar Uisce agus Séarachais
SCAN; Scientific Committee on Animal Nutrition
an Coiste Eolaíoch um Chothú Ainmhithe
Cooperation Agreement for the protection of the coasts and waters of the north-east Atlantic against pollution; Lisbon Agreement
an Comhaontú um chomhar maidir le Cóstaí agus Uiscí an Atlantaigh Thoir Thuaidh a Chosaint ar Thruailliú; Comhaontú Liospóin
follow-up procedure
nós imeachta leantach
absolute majority of the votes cast
tromlach glan de na vótaí a caitheadh; tromlach glan de na vótaí arna gcaitheamh
conduct of sittings
seoladh suíonna
political affinity
cleamhnacht pholaitiúil
CFL; compact fluorescent lamp
dlúthsholas fluaraiseach; DSF
Conference on the Human Environment; Earth Summit; Stockholm Conference; UNCHE; United Nations Conference on the Human Environment
Comhdháil na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir leis an Timpeallacht Dhaonna; Comhdháil Stócólm
Calvinist Party; Calvinist Political Party; Political Reformed Party; SGP
An Páirtí Athchóirithe Polaitíochta
Decree on protection against waste
Foraithne maidir le Cosaint in aghaidh Dramhaíola
motion for a resolution
tairiscint i gcomhair rúin
Guide to the Reform of the Structural Funds
Eolaire maidir le hAthchóiriú na gCistí Struchtúracha
non-legislative motion for a resolution
tairiscint neamhreachtach i gcomhair rúin
recommendation for second reading
moladh don dara léamh
joint motion for a resolution
comhthairiscint i gcomhair rúin
dispute resolution; dispute settlement
réiteach díospóidí
VER; voluntary export restraint; voluntary export restriction
srian deonach ar onnmhairí
cold start
social actors; social stakeholders
páirtithe leasmhara sóisialta
CA; conditional access
rochtain choinníollach
mega-electron volt; megaelectronvolt
NOx Protocol; Protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides; Protocol to the 1979 Convention on long-range transboundary air pollution concerning the control of emissions of nitrogen oxides or their transboundary fluxes
Prótacal a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún 1979 maidir le Truailliú Aeir Trasteorann Fadraoin, a bhaineann le Rialú Astaíochtaí Ocsaídí Nítrigine nó a bhFloscanna Trasteorann
high-voltage direct current; HVDC
HVDC; sruth díreach ardvoltais
SIPRI; Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
Institiúid Idirnáisiúnta Stócólm um Thaighde ar an tSíocháin; SIPRI
waste incineration plant; waste incinerator
loisceoir dramhaíola
CL; computational linguistics
ACP/EU Sugar Protocol; Sugar Protocol
an Prótacal Siúcra
continuously variable transmission; CVT
traiseoladh athraitheach leanúnach
state-sponsored violence
foréigean stát-tionscanta
photovoltaic energy; photovoltaic solar energy
grianfhuinneamh fótavoltach
block exemption
hidden reserve
cúlchiste folaigh
roll-over protection structure; rollover protective structure; ROPS
ROPS; struchúr cosanta i gcás iompaithe
deflection-limiting volume; DLV
toirt lena gciorraítear sraonadh
particulate pollutant
truailleán cáithníneach
selling, general and administrative costs; selling, general and administrative expenses; SG&A costs; SGA expenses
costais díola, ghinearálta agus riaracháin; costais SGA
critically endangered species
speiceas i mbaol criticiúil
Ebola virus
víreas Ebola
blank control
cóimheastóir caoch
Independent Expert
saineolaí neamhspleách
IKBS; intelligent knowledge-based system; KBS; knowledge-based system
córas bunaithe ar eolas
diffuse pollution source; diffuse source; non-point source
foinse idirleata
TMA-N; trimethylamine-nitrogen
nítrigin trímheitiolaimín; TMA-N
formaldehyde solution; formalin; formol
palliative care
cúram maolaitheach
satellite broadcasting
craoladh satailíte
International Seed Testing Association; ISTA
an Comhlachas Náisiúnta um Thástáil Síolta
New York Protocol; Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees
an Prótacal maidir le Stádas Dídeanaithe
TDI; toluene diisocyanate
dé-isicianáit tolúéine; TDI
special scheme for investment gold
scéim speisialta um ór infheistíochta
investment gold
ór infheistíochta; ór seachas ór infheistíochta
retinol acetate; retinyl acetate; vitamin A acetate
aicéatáit reiteanóil; aicéatáit vitimín A
solid fuel
breosla soladach
bromocresol green
uaine bhrómaicréasóil
cherry leaf roll virus; CLRV
víreas rollta duilleog an chrainn silíní
insurance policyholder; policy holder; policyholder
sealbhóir polasaí
flexible retirement
scor solúbtha
solidarity mechanism
meicníocht dlúthpháirtíochta
SIT; tolar na Slóivéine
provisioning rate
ráta soláthair
political group
grúpa polaitiúil
monolithic IC; monolithic integrated circuit
ciorcad iomlánaithe monailiotach
international nuclear non-proliferation obligations or understandings
oibleagáidí nó tuiscintí idirnáisiúnta maidir le neamhleathadh núicléach
preventive medical care; preventive medical treatment; preventive treatment; prophylactic treatment; prophylaxis
cóireáil choisctheach; cóireáil phróifiolacsach
supply of reserves
soláthar cúlchistí
ECU; electronic control unit
aonad rialaithe leictreonach
associate professor
ollamh comhlach
EUI; European University Institute
an Institiúid Ollscoile Eorpach; IOE
European Voluntary Service; European Voluntary Service for young people; EVS
an tSeirbhís Dheonach Eorpach
multiple addiction; multiple drug abuse; multi-substance abuse; panaddiction; polydrug use; poly-drug use; polysubstance abuse
il-andúil i ndrugaí
information system for public procurement; SIMAP
córas faisnéise um sholáthar poiblí; SIMAP
mineral oil
ola mhianrach
volatile acid
aigéad so-ghalaithe
rape seed hull
crotal síol ráibe
capacity; cylinder capacity; displacement; engine capacity; engine displacement; engine total swept volume; swept volume
toilleadh innill
political arrest
gabháil pholaitiúil
wholesale customer
custaiméir mórdhíola
White-Collar Workers' Pension Fund
Ciste Pinsean na nOibrithe Bóna Bháin
child combatant; child soldier
leanbhshaighdiúir; saighdiúir linbh
wholly obtained product
táirge arna fháil go hiomlán
traffic light; traffic light signal; traffic signal
solas tráchta
framework programme for research, technological development and demonstration activities; RTD Framework Programme
Creatchlár um Thaighde agus um Fhorbairt; Creatchlár um thaighde agus um fhorbairt theicniúil
ECRI; European Commission against Racism and Intolerance
an Coimisiún Eorpach i gcoinne an Chiníochais agus na hÉadulaingthe; ECRI
bridging study; toxicological bridging study
staidéar eachtarshuímh; staidéar eachtarshuímh tocsaineolaíoch
phytosterol; plant sterol
Daphne Programme; Programme of Community action (2004 to 2008) to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at risk; Programme of Community action (the Daphne Programme) (2000-2003) on preventive measures to fight violence against children, young persons and women; Specific programme (2007-2013) to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at risk (Daphne III programme) as part of the General Programme Fundamental Rights and Justice
an Clár gníomhaíochta Comhphobail (2004 go 2008) chun an foréigean i gcoinne leanaí, daoine óga agus ban a chosc agus a chomhrac agus chun íospartaigh agus grupaí atá i mbaol a chosaint; an Clár gníomhaíochta Comhphobail (an Clár Daphne) (2000 - 2003) maidir le bearta coisctheacha chun an foréigean in aghaidh leanaí, daoine óga agus ban a chomhrac; an Clár Sonrach (2007-2013) chun an foréigean i gcoinne leanaí, daoine óga agus ban a chosc agus a chomhrac agus chun íospartaigh agus grúpaí atá i mbaol a chosaint (Clár Daphne III) mar chuid den Chlár Ginearálta "Cearta Bunúsacha agus Ceartas"; Clár Daphne; Clár Daphne II; DAPHNE
Preparatory Committee for the NPT Review Conference; Preparatory Committee for the Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
Coiste Ullmhúcháin na Comhdhála Athbhreithnithe de chuid na bPáirtithe sa Chonradh maidir le Neamhleathadh Arm Núicléach; Coiste Ullmhúcháin na Comhdhála Athbhreithnithe NPT
Agreement on Social Policy
Comhaontú maidir le Beartas Sóisialta
protocol on social policy; Social Policy Protocol
Prótacal maidir leis an mBeartas Sóisialta
activity involving chemical agents
gníomhaíocht a mbíonn gníomhaithe ceimiceacha i gceist léi
risk of subsidence; subsidence risk
baol turnaimh
emotional integrity; mental integrity; psychological integrity
iomláine mheabhrach; iomláine mhothúchánach
poll card; polling card; voting card
cárta vótála
agri-meteorological system; agro-meteorological system
córas agraimeitéareolaíoch
active tooling unit
aonad uirlisithe gníomhach
human rights abuse; human rights violation
sárú ar chearta daonna
consolidating democracy; consolidation of democracy; democratic consolidation
comhdhlúthú an daonlathais; comhdhlúthú daonlathach
spirit of tolerance
meon na caoinfhulaingthe
public broadcasting system
córas craolacháin phoiblí
voluntary repatriation
aisdúichiú deonach
scientific excellence
sármhaitheas eolaíochta
gas supply; supply
soláthar gáis
abolition of capital punishment; abolition of the death penalty
pionós an bháis a dhíothú
geolbhach gorm
conditions of detention; prison conditions
coinníollacha coinneála; coinníollacha príosúin
detention centre for refugees; holding centre for asylum seekers; refugee detention centre
ionad coinneála d'iarrthóirí tearmainn
Cold War
an Cogadh Fuar
CCT; Clean Coal Technology
teicneolaíocht ghuail ghlain
electronic money holder; holder of electronic money
sealbhóir ar ríomh-airgead
public health threat; threat to public health
baol don tsláinte phoiblí
digital revolution
réabhlóid dhigiteach
supply contract
conradh soláthair
labour supply
soláthar saothair
supply of work
soláthar oibre
aftertreatment technology; exhaust aftertreatment technology
teicneolaíocht iarchóireála gáis sceite
zero tolerance of violence against women
neamhfhulaingt ar fhoréigean in aghaidh na mban
solvency risk
riosca sócmhainneachta
seed unit
aonad síolta
citations and recitals; preamble
seed source
foinse síolta
Copenhagen political criteria
critéir pholaitiúla Chóbanhávan
gross earnings
flexible form of employment
cineál solúbtha fostaíochta
WCAR; World Conference against Racism; World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance
an Chomhdháil Dhomhanda in aghaidh an Chiníochais; an Chomhdháil Dhomhanda in aghaidh Ciníochais, Idirdhealú Ciníoch, Seineafóibe agus aon Éadulaingt atá bainteach leo; WCAR
gross human rights violation; gross violations of human rights
sárú tromchúiseach ar chearta an duine; sáruithe tromchúiseacha ar chearta an duine
free and informed consent
saorthoiliú feasach; toiliú saor agus eolasach; toiliú saor agus feasach
respect for private and family life
meas ar an saol príobháideach agus ar shaol an teaghlaigh
freedom and pluralism of the media
saoirse agus iolrachas na meán
freedom of the arts and sciences
saoirse na n-ealaíon agus na n-eolaíochtaí
collective expulsion
ionnarbadh comhchoiteann
right of collective bargaining and action
ceart chun cómhargála agus chun caingne
Solemn proclamation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
Forógra sollúnta maidir leis an gCairt um Chearta Bunúsacha an Aontais Eorpaigh
waste facility
saoráid dramhaíola
PCM; Project Cycle Management
bainistíocht saolré tionscadail; PCM
gender role
ról inscne
involvement of employees
rannpháirtíocht fostaithe
Decision on a regulatory framework for radio spectrum policy in the European Community; Radio Spectrum Decision
Cinneadh maidir le creat rialála don bheartas speictream raidió sa Chomhphobal Eorpach; Cinneadh maidir le speictream raidió
title transfer collateral arrangement; title transfer financial collateral arrangement; TTCA
socrú comhthaobhachta airgeadais aistrithe teidil
collateral pooling system
córas comhthiomsaithe comhthaobhachta
International Week of Science and Peace; IWOSP
Seachtain Idirnáisiúnta na hEolaíochta agus na Síochána
IGC; Inter-Governmental Consultations on Asylum, Refugee and Migration Policies in Europe, North America and Australia
Comhairliúcháin Idir-Rialtasacha maidir le Beartais a bhaineann le Tearmann, le Dídeanaithe agus le hInimirce san Eoraip, i Meiriceá Thuaidh agus san Astráil; IGC
ACAT; Action by Christians against Torture; Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture
ACAT; Gníomhaíocht ag Críostaithe i gcoinne na Céastóireachta
PNC; Police National Computer
Ríomhchóras Náisiúnta na bPóilíní
WAVAW; Women Against Violence Against Women
Mná in aghaidh Foréigin in aghaidh na mBan; WAVAW
Gentle Revolution; Velvet Revolution
Réabhlóid na Veilbhite
An Páirtí Daonlathach Éiceolaíoch
Abu Nidal Organisation; ANO; Fatah Revolutionary Council; FRC
Comhairle Réabhlóide Fatah; FRC
LCC; life-cycle costing; whole life costing; WLC
costáil saolré
Polish People's Party; PSL
Páirtí Phobal na Polainne
SANROC; South African Non-Racial Olympic Committee
Coiste Oilimpeach Neamhchiníoch na hAfraice Theas; SANROC
blood money
airgead fola
Angolan flying squid
scuid eitilte Angólach
ABV; alcohol by volume
alcól de réir toirte
CAN; Controller Area Network
CAN; Líonra Achair Rialaitheora
multinucleated giant cell
ollchill ilnúicléatach
VOA; voluntary offer agreement
comhaontú tairisceana deonaí
SSAC; state system of accounting for and control of nuclear material
SSAC; Státchóras um Ábhar Núicléach a Chuntas agus a Rialú
aircraft address
seoladh digiteach aerárthaigh
indolent non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; slow-growing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
liomfóma neamh-Hodgkin leasc; liomfóma neamh-Hodgkin mallfháis
Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research; TNO
Eagraíocht na hÍsiltíre um Thaighde Eolaíoch Feidhmeach; TNO
olfactory impairment; smell impairment
lagú boltanach
solar fraction
grey singing finch; grey-fronted canary; white-rumped seedeater
síoliteoir bánphrompach
lean-burn concept; lean-burn engine concept; lean-burn engine technology; lean-burn technology
teicneolaíocht dó ísil
apple proliferation mycoplasm; apple proliferation mycoplasma-like organism; apple proliferation phytoplasma; apple witches' broom phytoplasma
fíteaplasma iomadaithe an chrainn úll
patrol boat; patrol vessel; PB
soitheach patróil
bean golden mosaic begomovirus; bean golden mosaic bigeminivirus; bean golden mosaic geminivirus; bean golden mosaic virus; BGMV
víreas mósáice órga an phónaire
Andean potato latent tymovirus; Andean potato latent virus; APLV
víreas folaigh an phráta Aindéach
STLCV; strawberry latent C virus
víreas C folaigh sú talún
ICZN; International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature
an Coimisiún Idirnáisiúnta um Ainmníocht Zó-eolaíoch
Belgian Interregional Environment Agency
Gníomhaireacht Idir-réigiúnach na Beilge um an gComhshaol
coordination of economic policies; coordination of economic policy; economic policy coordination
comhordú an bheartais eacnamaíoch; comhordú ar an mbeartas eacnamaíoch; comhordú ar na beartais eacnamaíocha; comhordú na mbeartas eacnamaíoch
contouring control
comhrianú a rialú; rialú comhrianaithe
European Union Youth Orchestra; EUYO
Ceolfhoireann Óige an Aontais Eorpaigh; EUYO
TPN; Transatlantic Policy Network
an Líonra Beartais Trasatlantach
ECU; EMS; engine control unit; engine management system
córas stiúrtha innill
whole genome
géanóm iomlán
haemolytic uremic syndrome; HUS
siondróm úiréimeach haemalaíoch
variable rate technology; VRT
teicneolaíocht ráta athraithigh; VRT
SLRSV; strawberry latent ringspot virus
víreas fáinnebhall folaigh sú talún
solenocerid shrimps
séaclaí solanacraideacha
polystegan seabreams
garbhánach polaistigeánach
golden trevally
bolmán órga
goldstripe sardinella
mionsairdín órstríocach
giant clams
breallach mór; ollbhreallach
golden-capped fruit bat
ialtóg meas órchaipíneach
giant armadillo
orange-bellied parakeet; orange-bellied parrot
pearóid bholg-fhlannbhuí
Western rufous bristlebird
colgeán ruadhonn iartharach
Galápagos giant tortoise
olltoirtís oileáin Galápagos
Bolson tortoise; Mexican giant gopher tortoise
toirtís Bolson
giant salamanders
golden toad; orange toad
buaf órga
Asian bony-tongue; Asiatic bony-tongue; golden arowana; golden dragon fish; kelesa
aruána na hÁise
giant catfish
ollchat mara
school leaving certificate
American Society of Allied Health Professions; ASAHP; Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions
Comhlachas Scoileanna na nGairmeacha Gaolmhara Sláinte
ART; assisted reproduction technology; assisted reproductive techniques; assisted reproductive technology
teicneolaíocht an atáirgthe cuidithe
Central European University; CEU
OLE; Ollscoil Lár na hEorpa
meat animal
ainmhí feola
Polish Academy of Sciences
Acadamh Eolaíochtaí na Polainne
Irish Cultural Movement
Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann
PSI; Psychological Society of Ireland
Cumann Síceolaithe Éireann; Cumann Síceolaithe na hÉireann
Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps; IRGC; Islamic Revolution Guard Corps; Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps; Pasdaran
Cór Gharda na Réabhlóide Ioslamaí
retail payment system
córas íocaíochta miondíola
gasoline direct injection; GDI
GDI; instealladh díreach gásailín
unicoloured tree kangaroo
cangarú crainn aondathach
black colobus
moncaí colabach dubh
colpeo fox
sionnach culpaech
colm corónach
western bronze-naped pigeon
colm baicumhaí iartharach
pink pigeon
colm bándearg
afep pigeon
colm aonchriosach
Namaqua dove
colm Namaqua
mourning-collared dove
fearán baicdhubh gubhach
African collared-dove
fearán baicdhubh Afracach
laughing dove
colm gáiriteach
Bruce's green-pigeon
colm glas Bruce
Rodriguez brush-warbler
ceolaire scuaibe Rodriguez
seven-coloured tanager
tanagair seachtdathach
West African seedeater
síoliteoir Iar-Afracach
black-bellied firefinch
glasán tine bolgdhubh
grey-headed olive-back
droimghlas ceannliath
red-collared widowbird
baintreach dheargmhuinceach
cauliflower corals
(8S,13S,14S,17R)-17-hydroxy-13-methyl-17-prop-2-enyl-1,2,6,7,8,14,15,16-octahydrocyclopenta[a]phenanthren-3-one; allyl trenbolone; allyltrenbolone; altrenogest
treanbólón ailille
Assembly of Heads of State and Government
Tionól na gCeann Stáit agus Rialtais
B2C; business-to-consumer
gnólacht le tomhaltóir
absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion; ADME
ADME; ionsú, dáileadh, meitibileacht agus eisfhearadh
cobot; collaborative robot; cooperative robot
róbat comhoibríoch
Institute of Technology and Renewable Energies; ITER
an Institiúid Teicneolaíochta agus Fuinneamh Inathnuaite; ITER
multiplex PCR; multiplex polymerase chain reaction
imoibriú slabhrúil polaiméaráise ilphléacsach
offshore patrol vessel; OPV
OPV; soitheach patróil amach ón gcósta
total volatile organic carbon; total volatile organic compounds; TVOC; TVOCs
comhdhúile so-ghalaithe orgánacha iomlána; TVOC
BA; Baltic Assembly
an Tionól Baltach
KRRiT; National Broadcasting Council
An Chomhairle Náisiúnta Craoltóireachta
adolescent pregnancy; child pregnancy; early pregnancy; teenage pregnancy
toircheas i measc déagóirí; toircheas i measc ógánach
Keyhole; poll eochrach
madrassa; religious school
madrassa; scoil reiligiúnach
I.C.B.N.; ICBN; International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
an Cód Idirnáisiúnta um Ainmníocht Luibheolaíoch
household registration; hukou
clárú teaghlaigh
Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association; SMD
Cumann Soláthróirí Bainne Uachtarlainne na hÉireann
single-nucleotide polymorphism; SNP
polamorfacht aon-núicléitíde
Monetary Policy Council; MPC
an Chomhairle um Beartas Airgeadaíochta
cryptographic algorithm; cryptologic algorithm; encipherment algorithm; encryption algorithm
algartam cripteagrafach; algartam criptiúcháin
online sales; online selling; sales made over the internet
díolacháin ar líne
Bucharest Convention; Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Muir Dhubh a Chosaint ar Thruailliú; Coinbhinsiún Bhúcairist
budget control; budgetary control
rialú buiséadach
HLT; human language technology; language technology; LT
teicneolaíocht teanga
whole grain; whole grain food
bia slánghráin; slánghrán
narrow-track tractor
tarracóir caolriain
protective frame; roll-bar frame; rollbar roll-over protective structure; rollbar ROPS; safety frame
fráma sábhála
Directory of National Machinery for the Advancement of Women
Eolaire na Meicníochtaí Náisiúnta um Chur chun Cinn na mBan
ICD; I-cell disease; ML II; mucolipidosis II
múcailipideois II
collective intelligence
intleacht chomhchoiteann
photovoltaic panel; PV panel; solar panel
grianphainéal; painéal gréine
AECC; Association for Emissions Control by Catalyst
AECC; an Comhlachas um Rialú Astaíochtaí trí Chatalaíoch
PMLD; polyhandicap; profound and multiple impairment; profound and multiple learning disabilities; severe and multiple impairment
compulsive gambling; gambling addiction; gambling disorder; pathological gambling
andúil cearrbhachais
CDO; collateralised debt obligation
oibleagáid fiachais atá comhthaobhaithe
SCLC; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Southern Leadership Conference; Southern Leadership Conference on Transportation and Nonviolent Integration
Comhdháil Cheannaireachta Críostaí an Deiscirt; SCLC
PABSEC; Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation
Tionól Parlaiminteach na Mara Duibhe um Chomhar Eacnamaíochta
bioindustry; biotechnology industry; biotechnology-based industry
ASP; average sales price; average selling price
meánphraghas díola
WEM; wholesale electricity market
margadh mórdhíola leictreachais
simplified prospectus
réamheolaire simplithe
spin doctor
Irish Musicians Organisation
CCÉ; Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann
CIF; collective investment fund
ciste comhinfheistíochta
unsolicited commercial communication
cumarsáid tráchtála gan iarraidh
craoladh gréasáin
Organisation of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture
Eagraíocht na Stát Ibéir-Mheiriceánach um Oideachas, um Eolaíocht agus um Chultúr
IDCP; International Dolphin Conservation Programme
an Clár Idirnáisiúnta um Chaomhnú Deilfeanna; IDCP
social and solidarity economy; SSE
geilleagar dlúthpháirtíochta sóisialta
Belgian Commission of Psychologists; Commission of Psychologists
Coimisiún na Síceolaithe
deoxynivalenol; DON; vomitoxin
dí-ocsainiviléanól; DON
phytostanol; plant stanol
technology neutral
neodrach ó thaobh na teicneolaíochta de
International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition
an Lá Idirnáisiúnta Cuimhneacháin ar Thrádáil Sclábhaithe agus ar a Díothú
MLCA; Money Laundering Control Authority
an tÚdarás um Rialú ar Sciúradh Airgid; MLCA
golden parachute
paraisiút órga
political correctness
ceartaiseacht pholaitiúil
circulatory collapse
cliseadh imshruthaithe
district heating and cooling system
córas téimh agus fuaraithe ceantair
pharmacological effect
éifeacht chógaseolaíochta
retail brokerage; retail stockbroking
bróicéireacht mhiondíola
Benevolence International Foundation; BIF
BIF; Fondúireacht Idirnáisiúnta Dea-Mhéine
debt refinancing; debt rollover
tar-rolladh fiachais
material reception conditions
coinníollacha ábhartha glactha
victim of violence
íospartach foréigin
urrús comhthaobhach a sholáthar
CCHS; congenital central alveolar hypoventilation; congenital central hypoventilation syndrome; idiopathic central alveolar hypoventilation; Ondine syndrome; Ondine's Curse; sleep-induced apnea
siondróm hiopanálaithe lárnaigh ó bhroinn; siondróm Ondine
EuroCOP; European Confederation of Police
Cónaidhm Eorpach na bPóilíní
materiality level; materiality limit; materiality threshold
tairseach ábharthachta; tairseach na hábharthachta
control risk; CR
riosca maidir le rialú
qualified opinion
tuairim choinníollach
test of controls
tástáil rialuithe
internal control procedure
nós imeachta rialaithe inmheánach
acceptable error rate; tolerable error rate
ráta earráide inghlactha
compensating control
rialú cúiteach
internal control system
córas rialaithe inmheánaigh
presentation; presentation and publication; publication
tíolacadh agus foilsiú na gcuntas
ex-post control; ex-post verification
rialú ex post
ex-ante check; ex-ante control; ex-ante verification
fíorú ex ante
in absolute terms
i ndearbhthéarmaí
government procurement
soláthar rialtais
bleaching; decolourisation
baleen whale
míol mór bailíneach
toothed whale
míol mór fiaclach
solar battery
remote control; telecommand
coalfish; coley; pollock; saithe
glasán; mangach
Atlantic horse mackerel
bolmán Atlantach
coll Turcach
féinsoláthar; neamhthuilleamaíocht
credit containment; credit control
rialú creidmheasa
legal hiatus; legal vacuum
folús dlíthiúil
consolidation; documentary consolidation; informal consolidation
comhdhlúthú doiciméadach
to adjust a monopoly
coigeartaigh monaplacht
Working Party on Wines and Alcohol (Spirit Drinks)
an Mheitheal um Fhíonta agus um Alcóil (Deochanna Biotáilleacha)
connexity; related actions; relatedness
Political Directors
Stiúrthóir Polaitiúil
Convention Abolishing the Legalisation of Documents in the Member States of the European Communities
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le deireadh a chur le dlisteanú doiciméad i mBallstáit na gComhphobal Eorpach
Protocol on the Statute of the Common Appeal Court
Prótacal ar Reacht na Comhchúirte Achomhairc
Convention on Assistance in the case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency
an Coinbhinsiún um Chúnamh i gcás Taisme Núicléach nó Éigeandáil Raideolaíoch do Tharlú
College of Europe
Coláiste na hEorpa
PIC; pilot-in-command
píolóta i gceannas
process aid; processing aid; technological adjuvant
breiseán próiseála
milk collection centre
ionad bailithe bainne; lárionad bailithe bainne
collection centre; collection place
lárionad bailithe
food chain; food supply chain
biashlabhra; slabhra soláthair bia
embryo collection centre
lárionad bailithe suthanna
semen collection centre
lárionad bailithe seamhain
domestic refuse; domestic waste; household refuse; household waste
dramhaíl tí
essential oils
production control
rialú ar tháirgeacht
olive tree
crann ológ
licence holder; licensee
giant pumpkin; squash pumpkin
Working Party of Veterinary Experts (Animal Husbandry)
Meitheal na Saineolaithe Tréidliachta (Feirmeoireacht Ainmhithe)
Batavian endive; broad-leaf endive; broad-leaved endive; escarole; plain-leaved endive; scarole
searbhán muc
solidungulate; soliped
grandparent flock; grandparent stock
stoc síolraíochta den dara glúin
alcohol content; alcoholic strength
méid alcóil
carnation leaf-roller; carnation tortrix
leamhan lus na gile
consolidated account(s)
cuntas comhdhlúite
addressograph operator
oibreoir seoladhghraif
presenting and auditing accounts
cuntas a thíolacadh agus a iniúchadh
background information
eolas cúlra
behavioural sciences
eolaíocht iompraíochta
biohazard; bio-hazard; biological hazard; biological risk
flexible budget
buiséad solúbtha
Colombo Plan; Colombo Plan for Cooperative Economic and Social Development in Asia and the Pacific
tíortha Phlean Colombo
business combination
comhcheangal gnó; comhcheangal idir gnólachtaí
Advisory Committee of the Euratom Supply Agency; Euratom Supply Agency Advisory Committee
Coiste Comhairleach Ghníomhaireacht Soláthair CEFA; Coiste Comhairleach Ghníomhaireacht Soláthair Euratom
general conditions
coinníollacha ginearálta
anticyclical policy; conjunctural policy; contracyclical policy; short-term economic policy
beartas in alt na huaire
process control
rialú próisis
Convention between Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden concerning the Waiver of Passport Control at the Intra-Nordic Frontiers; Convention on the Abolition of Passport Controls at Intra-Nordic Borders; Nordic Passport Agreement
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Rialú Pasanna a chur ar ceal ag Teorainneacha idir Tíortha Nordacha
Convention on the Law Applicable to the International Sale of Goods
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Dlí is Infheidhme ar Dhíolachán Idirnáisiúnta Earraí
latent defect
locht neamhfhollas
dissolution; winding-up
díscaoileadh cuideachtaí
energy supply; supply of energy
soláthar fuinnimh
equity holding; equity investment; equity participation
rannpháirtíocht chothromais
exchange rate policy; policy with regard to rates of exchange
beartas ráta malairte
factory farm; industrial holding; intensive farm
feirm mhonarchan
financial controller
rialtóir airgeadais
foliar fertiliser
leasachán duilleach
Article 133 Committee (Full Members); TPC (Full members); Trade Policy Committee (Full Members)
an Coiste um an mBeartas Trádála (Lánchomhaltaí); Coiste Airteagal 133 (Lánchomhaltaí)
dollar gap
uireasa dollar
gold drain
dísciú óir
main-beam headlamp
ceannsolas príomhléis
Fund Convention; International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta ar Bhunú Ciste Idirnáisiúnta le haghaidh Cúitimh as Damáiste ó Ola-Thruailliú
new technologies
gross private domestic investment
oll-infheistíocht phríobháideach intíre
front fog lamp
ceosholas tosaigh
rear registration plate lamp
solas uimhirphláta cúil
reversing lamp; reversing light
solas cúlaithe
sole licence
ceadúnas aonair
manifold classification
rangú ilchóipe
Convention on the Control and Marking of Articles of Precious Metals; Hallmarking Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Rialú agus Marcáil Earraí Miotail Lómhair; Coinbhinsiún maidir le Hallamharcáil
ageing worker; older worker
oibrí scothaosta
ophthalmic optician
optaiméadraí; radharceolaí oftalmach
Institute for Prospective Technological Studies; IPTS
an Institiúid um Staidéar ar Ionchais Teicneolaíochta
compulsory school age; mandatory school age
aois éigeantach scoile
pent-up inflation
boilsciú folaigh
cooling-off period
tréimhse mharana
orientation debate; policy debate
díospóireacht bheartais
polluter pays principle; PPP
an prionsabal gurb é údar an truaillithe a íocfaidh as
procedure for presenting and auditing accounts
nós imeachta um thíolacadh agus um iniúchadh na gcuntas
Working Party on the Environment; WPE
an Mheitheal um an gComhshaol
intangible movable property
maoin shochorraithe dholáimhsithe
provision of services; supply of services
soláthar seirbhísí
beart díoltais
comitology; comitology procedure; committee procedure
coisteolaíocht; nós imeachta coiste
rights and duties arising out of a family relationship, parentage, marriage or affinity
cearta agus dualgais a eascraíonn as gaol teaghlaigh, tuismíochta, pósta nó cleamhnais