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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
FTE; full-time equivalent
coibhéiseach lánaimseartha; FTE
goods for resale
earraí le hathdhíol
calendar of meetings
féilire na gcruinnithe
committed equivalent dose
dáileog choibhéiseach thiomanta
drug dealer; drug trafficker
gáinneálaí drugaí
wholesale customer
custaiméir mórdhíola
GGE; gross grant equivalent; nominal grant equivalent
coibhéis deontais chomhláin
instantaneous bandwidth
bandaleithead meandrach
L<SUB>night</SUB>; night equivalent level; night-time noise indicator
táscaire torainn oíche
Party of Wales; PC; Plaid; Plaid Cymru
Páirtí na Breataine Bige; PC; Plaid Cymru
analeptic; stimulant
Beaufort scale; Beaufort wind force scale; Beaufort wind scale
scála Beaufort
1-naphthalene acetic acid; NAA; naphthalene acetic acid
NAA; naftailéinaigéad aicéiteach
Queen Alexandra's birdwing
féileacán éaneiteach na banríona Alexandra
online sales; online selling; sales made over the internet
díolacháin ar líne
female infanticide
naíonmharú baineann
ASP; average sales price; average selling price
meánphraghas díola
WEM; wholesale electricity market
margadh mórdhíola leictreachais
constant returns to scale
torthaí tairiseacha ar scála
Berlin International Film Festival; Berlinale
Berlinale; Féile Scannán Idirnáisiúnta Bheirlín
deoxynivalenol; DON; vomitoxin
dí-ocsainiviléanól; DON
broken hyperlink; broken link; dead hyperlink; dead link; stale link
nasc briste
aggregate anthropogenic carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of greenhouse gases
astaíochtaí antrapaigineacha comhiomlána de gháis ceaptha teasa léirithe mar choibhéis dé-ocsaíde carbóin
baleen whale
míol mór bailíneach
toothed whale
míol mór fiaclach
cachalot; pot whale; sperm whale; spermacet whale
fodder kale; forage kale
cál farae
authorised dealer in foreign exchange
déileálaí údaraithe i malairt eachtrach
Convention on the Law Applicable to the International Sale of Goods
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Dlí is Infheidhme ar Dhíolachán Idirnáisiúnta Earraí
resale right; right (of a true owner) to follow property (in the hands of another)
ceart athdhíola
precision scales
meá bheachtais
early warning system; EWS; rapid alert system; RAS
córas mear-rabhaidh; córas réamhrabhaidh
doorstep sales; doorstep selling; door-to-door sale; door-to-door selling
díol ó dhoras go doras; mangaireacht tairsí
diseconomy of scale
díbharainneacht scála
European Convention on the Equivalence of Diplomas leading to Admission to Universities
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Comhluach Dioplómaí lena gceadaítear Iontrálacha Isteach in Ollscoileanna
Protocol to the European Convention on the Equivalence of Diplomas leading to Admission to Universities
an Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Comhluach Dioplómaí as a leanann Iontrálacha in Ollscoileanna
coefficient of equivalence; equivalence coefficient
comhéifeacht choibhéise
CISG; UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods; United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods; Vienna Sales Convention
Coinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir le Conarthaí faoi Dhíol Idirnáisiúnta Earraí
European Convention on the Equivalence of Periods of University Study
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach um Chomhionannas Tréimhsí Staidéir Ollscoile
Convention relating to a Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
an Coinbhinsiún a bhaineann le Dlí Comhionann maidir le Foirmiú Conarthaí um Dhíolachán Idirnáisiúnta Earraí
Convention relating to a Uniform Law on the International Sale of Goods; ULIS Convention
an Coinbhinsiún a bhaineann le Dlí Comhionann um Dhíol Idirnáisiúnta Earraí; Coinbhinsiún ULIS
scale of size categories
scála catagóirí méide
artisanal fishery; artisanal fishing; non-industrial fishing; small-scale fishery; small-scale fishing
iascach ar mhionscála; iascaireacht ar mhionscála
alewife; allice shad; allis shad; rock herring
sead alósach
Biscayan right whale; black right whale; North Atlantic right whale; North Cape whale
ceartmhíol mór an tuaiscirt; míol mór an oighir
Arctic right whale; bowhead whale; great Polar whale; Greenland right whale
míol mór ceann bogha
grey back; grey whale
míolta móra glasa
Pacific grey whale
míol mór glas
míol mór
beluga whale; white whale
míol mór bán
pilot whale
killer whale
cráin dhubh
blue whale
míol mór gorm
common finback; common rorqual; fin whale; finner; herring whale; razorback
coalfish whale; pollack whale; Rudolph's rorqual; sei-whale
droimeiteach na saíán
humpback whale
míol mór dronnach
Davidson's whale; lesser rorqual; little piked whale; minke whale; pikeheaded whale; sharp headed finner whale
droimeiteach beag
Palestine Liberation Organisation; PLO
Eagraíocht Shaoirse na Palaistíne; PLO
curly kale
cál catach
oil shale
scealla ola
pragmatic calendar; pragmatic timetable
féilire pragmatach
allocation key; contribution key; contribution scale
scála ranníocaíochtaí
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East; UNRWA
Gníomhaireacht na Náisiún Aontaithe um Fhóirithint agus Oibreacha ar mhaithe le dídeanaithe Palaistíneacha sa Neasoirthear; UNRWA
toe; tonne of oil equivalent; tonne oil equivalent; tonne petroleum equivalent; tpe
coibhéis tona ola
quarter of a calendar year
ráithe de bhliain féilire
...ar scála ilchríochach
european scales
scála Eorpach
measures having equivalent effect
beart comhéifeachta
equivalent safeguard
coimirce choibhéiseach
large-scale integration; LSI
comhtháthú mórscála; LSI
Medium-Scale Integration; MSI
comhtháthú meánscála; MSI
Convention on the Law Applicable to Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
an Coinbhinsiún um an Dlí is Infheidhme maidir le Conarthaí faoi Dhíolacháin Idirnáisiúnta Earraí
wholesale and retail distribution
dáileachán miondíola agus mórdhíola; imdháileadh miondíola agus mórdhíola
black hake; Senegalese hake
colmóir Seineagálach
marrow stemmed kale; marrowstem kale
cál gas smeara
collective redundancies; large-scale redundancies; mass redundancies
Protocol for Limiting and Regulating the Cultivation of the Poppy Plant, the Production of, International and Wholesale Trade in, and Use of Opium
Prótacal maidir le saothrú an phoipín, agus táirgeadh óipiam, trádáil idirnáisiúnta agus mórdhíola agus úsáid óipiam a theorannú agus a rialú
common list of aliens for whom an alert has been issued for the purposes of refusing entry
comhliosta d'eachtrannaigh a bhfuil foláireamh eisithe ina leith ar mhaithe le hiontráil a dhiúltú dóibh
alert for the purposes of refusing entry
foláireamh chun cead isteach a dhiúltú
naphthalene and anthracene
naftailéin agus antraicéin
to frame their conditions of sale
cum a gcoinníollacha díola
equivalent transactions
idirbheart coibhéiseach
provisions equivalent to reserves
soláthairtí is comhionann le cúlchistí
scale of prices
scála praghsanna
... shall have equivalent obligations in relation to ...
gabhfaidh... a gcomhionann sin d'oibleagáidí ... i ndáil le...
conditions of sale
coinníollacha díola
sliding scale
scála aistritheach
the scale of the programme
scála an chláir
scale of financing
scála an mhaoinithe
acetamino-5 hydroxy-4 (phenylazo)-3 naphthalene-2,7 disulfonic acid
aigéad aicéataimín-5-hiodrocsa-4-(fionalasó)-3-naftailéin-2,7-déshulfónach
profits arising out of transit operations or sales of transhipment
brabús as oibríochtaí idirthurais nó as athlastáil a dhíol; brabús as oibríochtaí idirthurais nó as díolachán athlastála
a sum equivalent to the deduction
suim is comhionann leis an tsuim asbhainte
wholesale markets and ports
margadh mórdhíola agus calafort
naphthalene sulphonic acid
aigéad naftailéin sulfónach
receipts from the sale of international air tickets
fáltais as aerthicéid idirnáisiúnta a dhíol
scadán abhann
equivalent provisions
foráil choibhéiseach
the end of the current calendar year
deireadh na bliana féilire reatha
taxable dealer
déileálaí inchánach
General Sales List medicine; GSL medicine
cógas ar an Liosta Díolachán Ginearálta
sales tax; TT; turnover tax
cáin láimhdeachais
purchase and resale agreement; reverse repo; reverse repo agreement; reverse repurchase agreement; reverse sale and repurchase agreement
comhaontú athcheannaigh droim ar ais
repo; repurchase agreement; RP; sale and repurchase agreement
comhaontú athcheannaigh
New Caledonia
an Nua-Chaladóin
fraud on an international scale
calaois ar scála idirnáisiúnta
Convention on the Agency in the International Sale of Goods
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Gníomhaireacht i nDíol Idirnáisiúnta Earraí
European Convention on the General Equivalence of Periods of University Study
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach um Chomhionannas Ginearálta Tréimhsí Staidéir Ollscoile
aleutian Canada goose
gé Ailiúit
maleo; maleo megapode
keel-scaled boa; Round Island boa
bua lannchíleach Oileán Round
alerce; Chilean false larch
snall-scaled tree apngolin
pangailin chrainn mionghainní
A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level; LAeq; LpAeq
LAeq; leibhéal fuaimbhrú leanúnach coibhéiseach A-ualaithe
wholesale trade and intermediaries in trade, industry and crafts
trádáil mhórdhíola agus idirghabhálaithe trádála, tionscail agus ceardaíochta
Convention on the Law Governing Transfer of Title in International Sale of Goods
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Dlí is Infheidhme ar Aistriú Teidil i nDíolachán Idirnáisiúnta Earraí
Convention on the Jurisdiction of the Selected Forum in the case of International Sales of Goods
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Dlínse an Fhóraim Roghnaithe i gcás Díolachán Idirnáisiúnta d'Earraí
Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sale of Goods
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Tréimhse Theorann i dtaca le Díolachán Idirnáisiúnta Earraí
Chinese key; fingerroot; galingale
long-fin pilot whale; pilot whale
píolótach fadeiteach
beaked whale; Cuvier's beaked whale; goose-beaked whale
míol mór Cuvier
beaked whales
míolta móra socacha
Sowerby's whale
míol mór socach na Mara Thuaidh
equivalent dose
dáileog choibhéiseach
PA; Palestinian Authority; Palestinian National Authority; PNA
Údarás Náisiúnta na Palaistíne
caorthann corraigh
wholesale funding
cistiú mórdhíola
Palestinian president; president of the Palestinian Authority; president of the Palestinian National Authority
Uachtarán na Palaistíne; uachtarán Údarás na Palaistíne; Uachtarán Údarás Náisiúnta na Palaistíne
female circumcision
ciorrú ball giniúna ban
Portuguese kale
cál Portaingéalach
collard greens; collards; cow cabbage; fodder kale
cabáiste bó
ACPO; Association of Chief Police Officers; Association of Chief Police Officers of England, Wales and Northern Ireland
Comhlachas na nArd-Oifigeach Póilíneachta
female circumcision; female gender mutilation; female genital cutting; female genital mutilation; FGM; FGM/C
ciorrú ball giniúna ban
industrial fishing; large-scale fishery; large-scale fishing; large-scale industrial fishery; LSF
iascaireacht ar mhórscála
equal pay for equal work principle; equal pay principle; principle of equal pay; principle of equal pay for equal work; principle of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value; principle of equal pay for male and female workers for equal work; principle of equal pay for male and female workers for equal work or work of equal value; the principle that men and women should receive equal pay for equal work
an prionsabal go bhfuil pá comhionann as obair chomhionann nó obair ar comhionann a luach ag dul d'oibrithe fireanna agus d'oibrithe baineanna
carbon dioxide equivalent; CO2 equivalent; CO2e; CO2-eq
coibhéis CO2; coibhéis dé-ocsaíde carbóin
Palestinian territories
críocha Palaistíneacha
outright sale
díolachán glan amach
FTE; full-time equivalent
coibhéis lánaimseartha
Southern right whale
ceartmhíol mór an deiscirt
short-finned pilot whale
píolótach gearreiteach
Palermo Protocol; Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, Supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime
an Prótacal chun gáinneáil ar dhaoine, go háirithe ar mhná agus ar leanaí, a chosc, a chur faoi chois agus pionós a ghearradh ina leith, ar Prótacal é lena bhforlíontar Coinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe in aghaidh Coireachta Eagraithe Trasnáisiúnta; Prótacal Palermo
Palermo Convention; TOC Convention; United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime; UNTOC
Coinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe in aghaidh Coireachta Eagraithe Trasnáisiúnta; Coinbhinsiún Palermo
short sale; short selling; shorting
díol folamh
Palermo Protocol; Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime; UN Protocol on Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air
Prótacal in aghaidh Inimircigh a Smuigleáil ar Tír, ar Muir nó san Aer, ar Prótacal é lena bhforlíontar Coinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe in aghaidh Coireachta Eagraithe Trasnáisiúnta
National Assembly for Wales; NAW; Welsh Assembly
Tionól Náisiúnta na Breataine Bige
scaled sardines
sairdín scálaithe
pigmy whale
bailíneach beag
NAR; narwhale; unicorn whale
Optional Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography; Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography
Prótacal Roghnach a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún um Chearta an Linbh maidir le díol leanaí, striapachas leanaí agus pornagrafaíocht leanaí
large-scaled gurnard
cnúdán mórghainneach
petrale sole
sól Calafoirniach
beaked whale; BEW
míol mór socach Baird
BOW; northern bottlenose whale
míol mór bolgshrónach
false killer whale
cráin dhubh bhréige
BRW; Bryde's whale
míol mór Bryde
Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed; RASFF
an Córas Mear-rabhaidh um Bia don Duine agus d'Ainmhithe; an Córas Mear-rabhaidh um Bia-ábhair agus Beathú; RASFF
Caucasian goat's rue; Galega orientalis; perennial grass
rú Cugasach
concealed work
obair cheilte
scale of sentences
scála pianbhreitheanna
HALE; High-Altitude Long-Endurance
aerfheithicil mhórairde fad-aga
MALE; Medium-Altitude Long-Endurance
aerfheithicil mheánairde fad-aga
HASS; high-activity sealed radioactive source; high-activity sealed source
foinse radaighníomhach shéalaithe ardghníomhaíochta
halogen sealed-beam headlamp unit; HSB unit
aonad ceannlampa halaigine léis-séalaithe
Balearic Islands; Balearics
na hOileáin Bhailéaracha
fractional bandwidth
bandaleithead codánach
electronic point of sale; EPOS
díolphointe leictreonach; EPOS
TEQ; toxic equivalent
coibhéis thocsaineach
Palestinian Housing Council; PHC
Comhairle Tithíochta na Palaistíne; PHC
University of Wales,Aberystwyth; UWA
Ollscoil Na Breataine Bige, Aberystwyth
CI food yellow 3; Crelborange S; disodium 2-hydroxy-1-(4-sulfonatophenylazo)naphthalene-6-sulfonate; FD&C Yellow No. 6; Orange yellow S; sunset yellow F; Sunset Yellow FCF
Buí oráiste; déshóidiam 2- hiodrocsa-1-(4-sulfónáitifeiniolasa) naftailéin-6-sulfónáitv
circular scale polarimeter
polaraiméadar cuarscála
coefficient of equivalence
comhéifeacht choibhéise
domestic wholesale fish trading
trádáil mhórdhíola bhaile éisc
fish wholesale trader
trádálaí mórdhíola éisc
Community scale for grading pig carcases; grading scale
scála an Chomhphobail chun conablaigh muc a ghrádú
natural cheese equivalent
coibhéis cáise nádúrtha
small-scale market-gardening area
limistéar garraíodóireachta ar mhionscála don mhargadh
distraint; distress; forced sale of collaterals
account sales
sonrasc díolacháin
cash equivalent at end of financial year
a choibhéis airgid ag deireadh na bliana airgeadais
CMS; cytoplasmic male sterility
steirilíocht fhireann chíteaplasmach
returns to scale
torthaí ar scála
co-operative wholesale society; wholesale cooperative
comharchumann mórdhíola
equivalent goods
earraí coibhéiseacha
F-2 toxin; zearalenone
unsolicited postal sale
díol poist gan iarraidh
senior salesman
díoltóir sinsearach
sale by sample
díol de réir sampla
bioequivalence; bio-equivalence
cash-and-carry wholesale trade
mórdhíol íoc is iompair
scale inhomogeniety
neamh-aonchineálacht scála
ACCE; active calcium carbonate equivalent; active carbonate; active lime; active limestone
aolchloch ghníomhach
cash equivalents; near cash; near-cash assets; near-money; quasi-money
coibhéisí airgid; gar-airgead
consumer sales appeal; sales appeal; shelf sales appeal
mealltacht chun ceannaigh; mealltacht do thomhaltóirí
equivalent inertia
táimhe choibhéiseach
activities of daily living scale; ADL scale
scála gnáthghníomhaíochtaí laethúla
pyrometallurgical processing; pyrometallurgy; pyro-processing
maleo fowl
alerce; Fitzroy's cypress; lahuan; patagonian fitzroy
pale-winged indigobird; Wilson's indigobird
plúiríneach Wilson
shoebill; whale-headed stork
sale at a loss; selling at a loss
díol faoina luach
female unemployment
dífhostaíocht na mban
wholesale banking
baincéireacht mhórdhíola
retail sales monopoly
monaplacht ar an miondíol
wash sale; wash sale transaction
díol cothromacain
Land equivalency ratio; Land equivalent
coibhéis talún
inhalation corticosteroid; inhaled corticosteroid
cortacaistéaróideach análaithe
forced sale
díol éigeantach
solemn affirmation equivalent to an oath
deimhniú sollúnta comhionann le mionn
butter equivalent
coibhéis ime
ground-glass female joint; ground-glass socket
soicéad gloine meilte
full scale deflection
sraonadh lánscála
antiscalant; scale inhibitor
sales channel
bealach díolacháin
Equivalent Measurement of Support
beart coibhéiseach tacaíochta
area of low pest or disease prevalence
limistéar ina bhfuil leibhéal íseal lotnaidí nó galar
substantially equivalent obligation
oibleagáid atá coibhéiseach cuid mhaith
restriction on resale of services
srian ar athdhíol seirbhísí
calendar year of the authorized publication
bliain féilire an fhoilseacháin údaraithe
balance pan; scale pan
panna scála
pailéaluibheolaíocht; pailéifíteolaíocht
sale subsidiary
fochuideachta díola
producer's price scale
scála praghasanna táirgeora
export sales agency
gníomhaireacht faoi choinne díolacháin onnmhairí
after-sales service
seirbhís iardhíola
opening times for retail sales
tráthanna oscailte le haghaidh miondíola
prohibiting the resale(of goods)at a loss
toirmeasc ar athdhíol faoi ráta
California scale; Chinese scale; pernicious scale; San José Scale
feithid ghainneach San José
equivalent nominal capacity of a steam generator of a thermal station
cumas ainmniúil coibhéiseach de ghineadóir gaile de chuid stáisiúin theirmigh
sales lead
ábhar custaiméara
whale catcher; whaler; whaling ship; whaling vessel
bád míolta móra
dealer aid advertising; dealer aids; dealer help
ábhar a chuidíonn leis an déileálaí
dealer imprint
inphrionta déileálaí; inphriontáil déileálaithe
sale of butter
díol ime
wholesale distributor
dáileoir mórdhíola
sales experience
taithí díolacháin
specialist salesperson(m/f)
saindíoltóir (f/b)
dealer in securities
déileálaí in urrúis; déileálaí urrús
cyano(3-phenoxyphenyl)methyl 2-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-methylbutanoate; fenvalerate
(<I>S</I>)-cyano(3-phenoxyphenyl)methyl (2<I>S</I>)-2-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-methylbutanoate; (α<I>S</I>)-α-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl (2<I>S</I>)-2-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-methylbutyrate; esfenvalerate
fixed sale
díol seasta
national sales organization
eagraíocht náisiúnta díolachán
Community scale for the classification of carcases
scála an Chomhphobail um aicmiú conablach
dealer in works of art
déileálaí i saothair ealaíne; déileálaí saothar ealaíne
percentage of the sales price
céatadán den phraghas díola
organizer of a public sale
eagraí díolacháin phoiblí
reference scale
scála tagartha
annual sales; annual turnover
láimhdeachas bliantúil
retail distribution; retail sale; retail sales; retail trade; retailing; sale by retail
imdháileadh miondíola; trádáil miondíola
discount allowed; sales discount
lascaine amach
sales journal
leabhar cúnta díolachán
commission goods; merchandise for sale on commission; merchandise on consignment
earraí coimisiúin
debtor/sales ratio
cóimheas féichiúnaí/díolachán
credit sale
díol ar cairde; díol creidmheasa
commission sale; consignment sales
díolachán coimisiúin; díolachán coinsíneachta
sale with right of repurchase
díol maille le ceart athcheannaigh
credit-sale; hire purchase; instalment credit sale; instalment sale; sale on instalment
discount sale
díolachán lascaine
gross sales
díolachán comhlán
net sales
small farmer; smallholder; small-scale farmer
feirmeoir beag
corn chandler; corn merchant; grain dealer
ceannaí gráin
pale potato cyst nematode; potato cyst nematode; white potato cyst nematode
néimeatóid ciste práta
charlock; charlock mustard; corn mustard; field kale; field mustard; kedlock; wild mustard
praiseach bhuí
sea kale
praiseach thrá
marketable; merchantable; saleable; sellable
indíolta; inmhargaidh
commodity sales finance undertaking
gnóthas airgeadais um dhíolachán tráchtearraí
cash equivalent
a chomhluach in airgead tirim
putting up for sale
cuir ar díol
auction or quayside sales
ceant nó díolachán cé; ceant nó díolachán taobh na cé
market tracking services; retail tracking services; sales tracking services
seirbhísí rianúcháin miondíola
aerodynamic equivalent diameter
trastomhas coibhéiseach aeraidinimiciúil
sealed housing for evaporation determination; sealed housing for evaporative determination; SHED
áras séalaithe chun galú a dhearbhú
abac scale
nómagram abac
alerting service; ALRS
seirbhís foláirimh
CNEL; community noise equivalent level
leibhéal coibhéiseach torainn i gcomharsanacht
EAS; equivalent airspeed
aerluas coibhéiseach
equivalent blade chord
corda lainne coibhéiseach
market weight; sale weight
meáchan díola; meáchan margaidh
gross profit on sales
brabús comhlán ar dhíolacháin
equivalent continuous noise level; equivalent continuous sound level; equivalent continuous sound pressure level; Equivalent Sound Level; Leq; time average sound pressure level
leibhéal fuaimbhrú leanúnach coibhéiseach
sealed radioactive source; sealed source
foinse shéalaithe; foinse shéalaithe radaighníomhach
charge number; valence
amplifier's bandwidth; bandwidth
bandaleithead; bandaleithead aimplitheora
valence band
statement of the total amount of the VAT resources base for the previous calendar year; VAT statement
ráiteas CBL
exclusive sales agreement
comhaontú faoi dhíol eisiach
dealer cartel
cairtéal déileálaithe; cairtéal na ndéileálaithe
salary scale
scála tuarastail
revenue; sales revenue; top line; total revenue; turnover
carbaryl; naphthalen-1-yl methylcarbamate
commercial scale
scála tráchtálach
carbon equivalent
coibhéis charbóin
Ringelmann microscale
micreascála Ringelmann
noise evaluation scale
scála measúnaithe torainn
wholesale trading centre
ionad trádála mórdhíola
equivalent area; equivalent valley area
limistéar coibhéiseach
commercial promotion; sales promotion
promóisean díolachán; promóisean tráchtálach
franchise sale documents; franchise sale papers
doiciméid maidir le díol saincheadúnais
point of sale location; point of sale situation; salespoint location
ionad an díolphointe; ionad an POS
exclusive sales method; exclusive sales technique
modh díola eisiach; teicníc díola eisiach
voluntary chain association; wholesale-and-retail association
comhlachas sreang-ghnólachtaí deonacha
model shop sales area; pilot shop sales area
ionad díolacháin an tsiopa phiolótaigh; ionad díolacháin i siopa samplach
shale oil
ola scealla
corn dealer
déileálaí arbhair
bill of sale
bille díola
point-of-sale terminal; POS terminal
críoch-ionad díolphointe; teirminéal POS
quantitative scale method
modh an scála chainníochtúil
value scale method
modh scála luacha
loose sales
díolachán ar an mórchóir; díolachán d'earraí gan ceangal
p.e.; population equivalent
CA; coibhéis áitritheora
hermetically sealed container
coimeádán séalaithe go heirméiteach
primary packaging; sales packaging
pacáistíocht díolacháin; príomh-phacáistíocht
(1<I>R</I>,4<I>S</I>,4a<I>S</I>,5<I>S</I>,8<I>R</I>,8a<I>R</I>)-1,2,3,4,10,10-hexachloro-1,4,4a,5,8,8a-hexahydro-1,4:5,8-dimethanonaphthalene; aldrin
female worker
oibrí mná
debit ledger; sales ledger
mórleabhar díolachán; mórleabhar dochair
unsealed radioactive material; unsealed source
foinse neamhshéalaithe
stocks of goods purchased for resale
stoic earraí arna gceannach lena n-athdhíol
Government-turnover tax-VAT; State-sales tax
cáin Stáit ar dhíolacháin
purchases of goods for resale
ceannach earraí le hathdhíol; ceannacháin earraí le hathdhíol
sales of manufactured finished goods
díolacháin earraí críochnaithe monaraithe
sales of work in progress
díolacháin táirgí idir lámha
sales of by-products and scrap
díolacháin seachtháirgí agus draimh
sales of goods purchased for resale
díolacháin earraí arna gceannach lena n-athdhíol
proceeds from sale of assets
fáltais ó shócmhainní a dhíol
bandwidth; digital bandwidth; network bandwidth
minimum equivalent legal requirements
riachtanas dlí coibhéiseach íosta
cost of sales
costas díolachán
crackles; rales
gliogar anála
monovalent vaccine; univalent vaccine
vacsaín aonfhiúsach
multivalent vaccine; polyvalent vaccine
vacsaín ilfhiúsach
hidreacarbón aramatach; naftailéin
covalent bond
nasc comhfhiúsach
confirmation of purchase or sale
daingniúchán ceannaigh nó díolacháin
equivalent continuous sound level
leibhéal fuaime leanúnach coibhéiseach
fare sales point
ionad díolta ticéad
sales director
stiúrthóir díolachán
male connector
nascóir fireann
sales quota
cuóta díolachán
marketing difficulties; sales difficulties
deacrachtaí díolaíochta; deacrachtaí margaíochta
arable equivalent area
achar coibhéiseach de thalamh arúil
remuneration in excess of the agreed scale
luach saothair de bhreis ar an scála comhaontaithe
calendar year; civil year
bliain féilire
sales outside the enterprise
díolacháin taobh amuigh den ghnó
open market sales and purchases
díolachán agus ceannachán ar an margadh oscailte
offshore sale
díolachán easchósta
equivalence point; stoichiometric point
pointe stócaiméadrach
value added of wholesale trade
breisluach trádála mórdhíola
wholesale trade density
dlús mórdhíola
multivalent association; multivalent configuration
cumraíocht ilfhiúsach
multipurpose vessel; polyvalent vessel
soitheach ilchuspóireach
bale capacity; bale cubic capacity; bale measure
toilleadh burlaí
bailer; baler; scoop; skeet
gunnel; gunwale
tell-tale lamp
solas rabhaidh
EIRP; equivalent isotropic radiated power; equivalent isotropically radiated power
cumhacht choibhéiseach radaithe go hiseatrópach
female connector
nascóir baineann
log scale; logarithmic scale
scála logartamach
necessary bandwidth
bandaleithead riachtanach; leithead banda riachtanach
occupied bandwidth
bandaleithead sealbhaithe; leithead banda sealbhaithe
equivalent satellite link noise temperature
teocht torainn choibhéiseach ó nasc satailíte
stale B.L.; stale bill of lading
bille luchta as dáta
dollar equivalent
a chomhluach in dollair
sales area
réigiún díola
real estate appraisal and sales services
seirbhísí meastóireachta agus díola eastáit réadaigh
sales kit
maingín díolacháin
sales promotion
tionscnamh díolacháin
dealer tag
iarlua déileálaí
sidewalk sale
díolachán sráide
sales forecast; sales projection
réamh-mheastachán díolacháin
attitude scale
scála dearcaidh
advertising allowance; dealer allowance
liúntas déileálaí; liúntas fógraíochta
dealer displays
fógraíocht ag an díolphointe
distribution by manufacturers' salesmen
dáileachán arna dhéanamh ag díoltóirí na monaróirí
missionary salesmen
díoltóir ceannródaíoch
face-to-face sales; face-to-face selling; personal selling
díol pearsanta; díolacháin aghaidh ar aghaidh
calendar poster
féilire i bhfoirm póstaeir
consumer-directed sales promotion
tionscnamh díolacháin dírithe ar thomhaltóirí
on sale date
dáta díola
sales force
foireann díolacháin
resale product
táirge athdhíola
sales invoice
public telephone sales
díolacháin teileafón poiblí
sales code
cód díolacháin
sales promotion
tionscnamh díolacháin
sales aid
áis díolacháin
stale cheque; stale dated check
seic rite
all sales final; final sale
díol deiridh
planned sales
díolacháin phleanáilte
projected sales
díolacháin réamh-mheasta
advertising and sales promotion coordinator
comhordaitheoir fógraíochta agus tionscnamh díolacháin
sales engineer
innealtóir díolachán
drug peddler; small-scale dealer; small-scale peddler
mionmhangaire drugaí
public sale; sale by auction
díol ar ceant; díol poiblí
gross sales; gross turnover
díolachán comhlán; láimhdeachas comhlán
cash equivalents
coibhéisí airgid
cash and cash equivalents
airgead tirim agus coibhéisí airgid; airgead tirim agus coibhéisí airgid thirim
cash sale
díol ar airgead síos
clearance sale
fuíoll ar díol
distance sales; distance selling; sales through distance contracts
Palestinian Economic Development and Reconstruction Authority; PEDRA
an tÚdarás Palaistíneach um Fhorbairt Eacnamaíoch agus um Atógáil; PEDRA
big customer; large user; wholesale user
custaiméir mór
chromium(VI); hexavalent chromium
cróimiam heicsifhiúsach
Dutch Wholesalers Association
Comhlachas Mórdhíoltóirí na hÍsiltíre
sales organisation
eagraíocht díolacháin; gréasán díolacháin
capped brood; sealed brood
ál séalaithe
large-scale programming; PITL; programming-in-the-large
ríomhchlárú ar an mórchóir
wholesale interconnection service
seirbhís idirnaisc san earnáil mhórdhíola; seirbhís idirnasc mórdhíola
MEA; modern equivalent asset
sócmhainn choibhéiseach nua-aoiseach
blue shark; blue whaler; great blue shark
siorc gorm
leafscale gulper shark; leaf-scale gulper shark
siorc slogach gainneach duille
brushtooth lizardfish; large-scale lizardfish
carp; common carp; koi carp; mirror carp; scale carp
grey rockcod; scaled notothenia
trosc carraige liath
dealer-owned/dealer-operated; DO/DO
faoi úinéireacht déileálaí/arna oibriú ag déileálaí
bandwidth management; packet shaping; traffic shaping
rialú bandaleithid; rialú paicéid
principle of equivalence
prionsabal an chomhionannais
sales engineer
innealtóir díolachán
20-foot equivalent unit; TEU; TFEU; twenty-foot container equivalent unit; twenty-foot equivalent unit
PRICAT; price/sales catalogue message
teachtaireacht maidir le praghsanna agus díolacháin ón gcatalóg
abbreviated injury scale; AIS
scála díobhála giorraithe
IIS; injury impairment scale
scála tromchúise gortuithe
economies of scale
barainneacht scála
wholesale dealer; wholesaler
resale price maintenance; RPM
cothabháil praghsanna athdhíola
active sales
díol gníomhach
passive sales
díolacháin éighníomhacha; díolachán éighníomhach
draught scale
scála tarraingthe
contract of sale; sales contract
conradh díolacháin
Jerusalem artichoke spirit; topinambur
biotáille bhliosán gréine; topinambur
Community scale
scála an Chomhphobail
ARGUS; general rapid alert system
ARGUS; córas mear-rabhaidh ginearálta
dry vapour pressure equivalent; DVPE
coibhéis galbhrú thirim
credit quality assessment scale
scála measúnachta maidir le cáilíocht chreidmheasa
captive sales
díolacháin faoi chuing
special arrangements for taxable dealers
socruithe speisialta do dhéileálaithe inchánacha
special arrangements for sales by public auction
socruithe speisialta do dhíolacháin ar ceant poiblí
EU COPPS; EUPOL COPPS; European Union Coordinating Office for Palestinian Police Support; European Union Police Mission for the Palestinian Territories
Misean Póilíneachta an Aontais Eorpaigh do na Críocha Palaistíneacha
trade sale
díolachán trádála
male circumcision
timpeallghearradh fear
AFS; available-for-sale
ar fáil le díol
trading and sales
trádáil agus díolachán
area of low pest prevalence
limistéar ar leibhéal íseal lotnaidí
decreasing returns to scale
torthaí laghdaitheacha ar scála
consolidated sales
díolacháin chomhdhlúite
optical tell-tale; tell-tale; visual tell-tale
leideoir optúil
obligor rating scale
scála rátála féichiúnaithe
rating system's facility scale
scála saoráide córais rátála
total annual sales
díolachán bliantúil iomlán
reported sales
díolachán tuairiscithe
small scale cogeneration
comhghiniúint ar mhionscála
point prevalence
leitheadúlacht an mheandair; leitheadúlacht trátha
period prevalence
leitheadúlacht tréimhse
population prevalence; prevalence in the population
leitheadúlacht an phobail; leitheadúlacht i measc an phobail
gains on sales
gnóthachain ó dhíolacháin
scale of operations
scála oibríochtaí
delta equivalent effective notional value
deiltechoibhéis an luacha bharúlaigh iarbhír
stale position
suíomh stálaithe
small scale wind turbine; small wind turbine; SWT
miontuirbín gaoithe
lowfin gulper shark
siorc slogach ísealeite
facility rating scale
scála rátála saoráide
Since the objectives of this [specify the type of act], (if relevant, specify the objectives) cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States [give reasons] but can rather, by reason of [specify the scale or effects of the action], be better achieved
Ós rud é nach féidir leis na Ballstáit cuspóirí [an Rialacháin/na Treorach/an Chinnidh] seo … [más iomchuí, sonraigh na cuspóirí] a ghnóthú go leordhóthanach … [tabhair cúiseanna] agus, de bharr … [sonraigh fairsinge nó éifeachtaí na gníomhaíochta], gur f; Ós rud é nach féidir leis na Ballstáit cuspóirí an Rialacháin seo [ainm an achta] a bhaint amach go leordhóthanach (tabhair cúiseanna), eadhon (sonraigh an gníomh agus na cuspóirí), agus gur fearr is féidir dá bhrí sin (sonraigh an scála agus eifeachtaí a
díol; díolachán
New Caledonian parakeet; New Caledonian red-crowned parakeet; red-crowned parakeet
pearaicít dheargchorónach
International Day against Female Genital Mutilation; International Day Of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation; International Day of Zero Tolerance of Female Genital Mutilation
Lá idirnáisiúnta na Neamhfhulaingthe ar Chiorrú Ball Giniúna Ban
female parent; seed parent
male parent; pollen parent
small-scale server
freastalaí mionscála
wholesale credit market
margadh mórdhíola creidmheasa
occupied Palestinian territories; occupied Palestinian territory; oPt
an chríoch Phalaistíneach faoi fhorghabháil
Palestinian Water Authority; PWA
an tÚdarás Uisce Palaistíneach; PWA
European Network of Female Entrepreneurship
Gréasán Eorpach d'Fhiontraíocht Ban
primal cut; wholesale cut
bunghearradh; gearradh le haghaidh mórdhíola
TEF; Toxic Equivalency Factor
Fachtóir Tocsaineachta Coibhéisí; TEF
equivalency testing
tástáil choibhéiseachta
EU Agency for Large-Scale IT Systems; eu-LISA; European Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice; European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice; IT Agency
Gníomhaireacht an Aontais Eorpaigh chun Bainistiú Oibríochtúil a dhéanamh ar Chórais Mhórscála TF sa Limistéar Saoirse, Slándála agus Ceartais; Gníomhaireacht IT