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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
easpa dídine
raspberry ringspot nepovirus; raspberry ringspot virus; raspberry Scottish leaf curl virus; red currant ringspot virus; RpRSV
víreas fáinnebhall sú craobh
apple flat apple virus; cherry rasp leaf cheravirus; Cherry rasp leaf nepovirus; cherry rasp leaf virus; CRLV
víreas raspdhuilleog an chrainn silíní
ASP; average sales price; average selling price
meánphraghas díola
sleep deprivation
easpa codlata
defect of consent; lack of consent
easpa toilithe
Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction; Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction
an Coinbhinsiún ar na Gnéithe Sibhialta a bhaineann le Fuadach Idirnáisiúnta Leanaí; Coinbhinsiún na Háige
asphaltic rock
carraig asfailt
economic aspects
gné eacnamaíoch
border post
trasphointe teorann
acquired immune deficiency syndrome; acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; AIDS
SEIF; siondróm easpa imdhíonachta faighte
trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights; TRIPS
gnéithe de chearta maoine intleachtúla a bhaineann le trádáil; TRIPS
CCEE; Council of European Bishops' Conferences
Comhairle Chomhdhálacha Easpag na hEorpa
European Convention on Certain International Aspects of Bankruptcy; Istanbul Convention
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Gnéithe Idirnáisiúnta Áirithe den Fhéimheacht
lus súgach
lack of competence
easpa dlínse
the Court shall have jurisdiction in actions to have ... declared void on grounds of lack of competence
beidh dlínse ag an gCúirt i gcaingne chun dearbhú a fháil go bhfuil ... ar neamhní mar gheall ar easpa inniúlachta
asparagus (asparagus plumosus)
lus súgach cleitiúil
tor sútha craobh
1925 Geneva Protocol prohibiting the use in war of chemical and biological weapons; CBW; Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare
Prótacal maidir le húsáid gás aisfisceach, nimhiúil nó eile i gcogadh, mar aon le modhanna baictéareolaíocha cogaíochta, a thoirmeasc; Prótacal na Ginéive (1925) a thoirmisceann airm cheimiceacha agus bhitheolaíocha a úsáid i gcogadh
Caspian snowcock
coileach sneachta Caispeach
Arctic bramble; Arctic raspberry; nectarberry
dris Artach
COTER Working Party; Working Party on Terrorism (International Aspects)
an Mheitheal ar an Sceimhlitheoireacht (Gnéithe Idirnáisiúnta); Meitheal COTER
Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights; TRIPS Agreement
an Comhaontú maidir le Gnéithe de Chearta Maoine Intleachtúla a bhaineann le Trádáil; Comhaontú TRIPS
Energy Charter Protocol; Energy Charter Protocol on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects; PEEREA
an Prótacal um Chairt Fuinnimh; Prótacal um Chairt Fuinnimh maidir le héifeachtúlacht fuinnimh agus gnéithe gaolmhara comhshaoil
crann glasphlumaí
yardlong bean
pónaire asparagais
Protocol on the application of certain aspects of Article 14 of the Treaty establishing the European Community to the United Kingdom and to Ireland; Protocol on the application of certain aspects of Article 26 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to the United Kingdom and Ireland
Prótacal maidir le gnéithe áirithe d'Airteagal 14 den Chonradh ag bunú an Chomhphobail Eorpaigh a chur i bhfeidhm ar an Ríocht Aontaithe agus ar Éirinn ; Prótacal maidir le gnéithe áirithe d'Airteagal 26 den Chonradh ar Fheidhmiú an Aontais Eorpaigh a chur i bhfeidhm ar an Ríocht Aontaithe agus ar Éirinn
Civcom; Committee for Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management
an Coiste um Ghnéithe Sibhialtacha den Bhainistíocht ar Ghéarchéimeanna; CIVCOM
United Nations Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects
Comhdháil na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir le Trádáil Aindleathach i Mionairm agus in Airm Éadroma i nGach Ceann dá Gnéithe
Black and Caspian Sea sprat; Black Sea sprat
salán mhuir mheoid
Co-ordinating Mechanism for Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management
Meicníocht Chomhordúcháin do Ghnéithe Sibhialtacha den Bhainistíocht Géarchéime
AZA; azaspiracid
Additional Protocol to the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, on Transplantation of Organs and Tissues of Human Origin
Prótacal Breise a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún maidir le Cearta an Duine agus leis an Bithleigheas, mar a bhaineann le Trasphlandú Orgán agus Fíochán de bhunús daonna
American Society of Planning Officials; ASPO
Cumann Oifigeach Pleanála Mheiriceá
NMD; nutritional muscular dystrophy
diostróife mhatánach ó easpa cothaithe
raspberry bushy dwarf idaeovirus; raspberry bushy dwarf virus; RBDV
víreas abhcach dosach sú craobh
(<I>S</I>)-3-amino-<I>N</I>-[(<I>S</I>)-1-methoxycarbonyl-2-phenylethyl]succinamic acid; aspartame; aspartyl phenylalanine methyl ester
maximum buying-in price
uasphraghas ceannach isteach
HIV; human immunodeficiency virus
VEID; víreas easpa imdhíonachta daonna
caesairít; diaspór
crosspolarized beacon
rabhchán traspholaraithe
cross-polar isolation
aonrú traspholach; leithlis thraspholach
cross-polar channel
cainéal traspholach
residual cross-polar vector
veicteoir traspholach iarmharach
on-axis cross-polar discrimination
idirdhealú traspholach ar an ais; idirdhealú traspholach ar-ais
cross-polar component
comhábhar traspholach
crosspolar channel locked to the copolar signal
cainéal traspholach glasáilte ar an gcomhartha comhpholach
lower cross-polarization constant
tairiseach íochtarach traspholarúcháin
conditional exponential law
dlí easpónantúil coinníollach
cross polar discrimination for two frequencies
idirdhealú traspholach le haghaidh dhá mhinicíocht
method of scaling cross-polar discrimination
modh chun idirdhealú traspholach a scálú
cross-polar component due to the atmosphere
comhábhar traspholach de bharr an atmaisféir
cross-polar phasor
pasóir traspholach
cross-polar phase for circular polarisation
pas traspholach le haghaidh polarú ciorclach
hardware cross-polar cancellation network
líonra crua-earraí le haghaidh trasnaíocht thraspholach a chealú
exponential behaviour of the variate
iompraíocht easpónantúil na hathráide
cross-polar phase histogram
histeagram de phas traspholach
cross-polar database
bunachar sonraí traspholach
Caspian snowcock
coileach sneachta Caispeach
golden bishop; Napoleon weaver; yellow-crowned bishop
easpag buíchorónach
black-winged red bishop
easpag dubheiteach
orange bishop
easpag flannbhuí
ASAT; aspartate aminotransferase; aspartate transaminase; AST; glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase; GOT; serum aspartate aminotransferase; serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase; serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase; SGOT
trasaimíonáis aspartáite
plea of lack of competence
easpa dlínse nó do-ghlacthacht
NA engine; naturally aspirated engine
inneall gnáthshúiteach
asparagus broccoli; broccoli; calabrese; sprouting broccoli
sú craobh
environmental aspect
gné chomhshaoil
maximum prices
asphalt; asphaltic bitumen
aerospace medicine
leigheas aeraspáis
aspect ratio
cóimheas crutha; cóimheas threoíocht na n-eiteog
blade aspect ratio
cóimheas threoíocht na lainne; cóimheas treoíochta na lainne
burning rate exponent
easpónant an ráta dócháin
aspect ratio; nominal aspect ratio
cóimheas treoíochta
asphalt; asphalt cement; bitumen
asphalt concrete; asphaltic concrete; bitumen macadam; bituminous concrete
coincréit asfailt
autograft; autologous graft; autologous transplant; autoplastic transplant; autoplasty
nódú uathlógach; trasphlandú uathlógach
Directive 2003/88/EC concerning certain aspects of the organization of working time; Working Time Directive
Treoir 2003/88/CE maidir le gnéithe áirithe a bhaineann le heagrú ama oibre
immediate package; immediate packaging
aminosuccinic acid; aspartic acid
aigéad aspartach
biological exogamy; outbreeding; out-crossing
aschrosáil; easphórú
díogarnach anála
dispatch aspect
comhartha imeachta
exponential smoothing
smúdáil easpónantúil
lus súgach
hawse pipe; hawsepipe
fire point
dóphointe; lasphointe
avian infectious bronchitis; gasping disease; IB; infectious bronchitis; infectious bronchitis of poultry
broincíteas tógálach éanúil
gamma glutamyl transpeptidase; gamma glutamyltransferase; gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase; gamma-GT; GGT; GGTP; γ-glutamyl trans-peptidase
gáma glútaimiol traspheipeadáis; gáma glútaimioltrasfaráise; GGT
Asperger syndrome; Asperger's disorder; Asperger's syndrome
neamhord Asperger; siondróm Asperger
ASP M L C; Asp Mar Law Cas; ASP MLC; Asp. M.L.C.; Asp.M.L.C.; Asp.Mar.Law Cas.; Aspinall's Maritime Cases; AspMLC
Aspinall's Maritime Cases
asphalt planings
scilteáin asfailt phlánáilte
porous asphalt
asfalt póiriúil; asfalt scagach
SMA thin surfacing; stone mastic asphalt thin surfacing
caoldhromchlú d'asfalt maisteogach cloiche; caoldhromchlú SMA
Army Space Program Office; ASPO; United States Army Space Program Office; USASPO
Oifig Chlár Spáis Arm Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá
Reflection Group on the Future of the European Civil Service
GRASPE; Grúpa Machnaimh maidir le Todhchaí na Seirbhíse Sibhialta Eorpaí
hypospadia; hypospadias
amnesic shellfish poison; ASP; DA; domoic acid
aigéad dómóch; nimh aimnéiseach ó shliogiasc
SAL; security aspects letter
doiciméad ar ghnéithe slándála
JASPERS; Joint Assistance to Support Projects in European Regions
Comhchúnamh chun tacú le Tionscadail i Réigiúin na hEorpa; JASPERS
nominal aspect ratio
cóimheas ainmniúil crutha
SASP; Single Authorisation for Simplified Procedures
SASP; údarú amháin do nósanna imeachta simplithe
ASPO; Association for the Study of Peak Oil & Gas
Comhlachas um Staidéar ar an mBuaicphointe Ola agus Gáis
transplacental infection
ionfhabhtú trasphlacainteach
air comparison pycnometer; gas comparison pycnometer
aerphicniméadar comparáide; gásphicniméadar comparáide
EASP; European Aviation Safety Programme
an Clár Eorpach um Shábháilteacht Eitlíochta; EASP
fresh mounted bone marrow aspirate
aershúch smeara nuashuite
bone marrow aspirate
asúch smeara
data exporter
easpórtálaí sonraí pearsanta
protection of an adult lacking capacity; protection of an adult with incapacity
cosaint duine fásta le heaspa inniúlachta
child protection and protection of the adult lacking capacity
cosaint leanaí agus cosaint duine fásta le heaspa inniúlachta
declaration of lack of capacity
dearbhú easpa inniúlachta
adult lacking capacity; adult with incapacity
duine fásta le heaspa inniúlachta iomláine
lack of valid consent to marriage
easpa toiliú bailí le pósadh
practical aspects of medical radiological procedures
gnéithe praiticiúla de ghnáthaimh mhíochaine a bhaineann le raideolaíocht
[(8R)-8-(3,5-difluorophenyl)-10-oxo-6,9-diazaspiro[4.5]dec-9-yl]acetic acid
aigéad [(8R)-8-(3,5-défhluaraifeinil)-10-ocsói-6,9-dé-asaispirea[4.5]deic-9-il]aicéiteach
2,3-dihydroxy-2,3-bis(phenylcarbonyl)butanedioic acid -- ethyl [(8R)-8-(3,5-difluorophenyl)-10-oxo-6,9-diazaspiro[4.5]dec-9-yl]acetate (1:1)
2,3-déhiodrocsai-2,3-bis)feinil)aigéad bútáindé-óch --eitil [(8R)-8-(3,5-défhluaraifeinil)-10-ocsói-6,9-dé-asiaspiri[4.5]deic-9-il]aicéatáit (1:1)
L-α-aspartyl-L-α-glutamyl-L-asparaginyl-L-prolyl-L-valyl-L-valyl-L-histidyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-lysyl-L-asparaginyl-L-isoleucyl-L-valyl-L-threonyl-L-prolyl-L-arginyl-L-threonine tetraacetate
teatraicéatáit L-α-aspairtil-L-α-glútaimiol-L-asparaginiol-L-próiliol-L-vailiol-L-vailil-L-histidil-L-feiniolalainil-L-feiniolalainil-L-lísiol-L-asparaginil-L-isileoiciol-L-vailil-L-tréóiniol-próilil-L-argainil-L-tréóinín
transplant commercialism
tráchtálachas d'orgáin trasphlandúcháin
travel for transplantation
taisteal le haghaidh trasphlandaithe
transplant tourism
turasóireacht trasphlandúcháin
distal protected aspirate; DPA
asúch cosanta aimhneasaigh; DPA
intraspecific hybrid
hibrid inspeiceasach
export cable
cábla easpórtála
cellular xenotransplantation
xéinea-thrasphlandú ceallach
tissue xenotransplantation
xéineatrasphlandú fíocháin
organ xenotransplantation
xéinea-thrasphlandú orgán
RevCon; Review Conference on the Programme of Action on small arms and light weapons; United Nations Conference to Review Progress Made in the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects
Comhdháil na Náisiún Aontaithe chun athbhreithniú a dhéanamh ar an dul chun cinn atá déanta maidir le cur chun feidhme an chláir ghníomhaíochta d'fhonn trádáil aindleathach i mionairm agus in armáin éadroma a chosc, a chomhrac agus a dhíothú ar fad
MASP; Multi-Annual Strategic Plan
MASP; Plean Straitéiseach Ilbhliantúil
raspberry yellow mosaic virus; rubus yellow net virus; RYNV
víreas buíochana mósáice drise
black raspberry necrosis virus; BRNV
víreas neacróise sútha craobh dubha
raspberry leaf mottle virus; RLMV
víreas breac dhuilleoga an tsú craobh
raspberry leaf spot virus; RLSV
víreas baill duille sú craobh
raspberry vein chlorosis virus; RVCV
víreas clóróise féitheacha sú craobh
apple stem pitting virus; ASPV; pear stony pit virus; pear vein yellows virus
víreas tollta gas úll
raspberry yellow spot
ball buí sú craobh
Directive 2001/29/EC on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society; InfoSoc Directive
Treoir 2001/29/CE maidir le comhchuibhiú gnéithe áirithe den chóipcheart agus cearta gaolmhara sa tsochaí faisnéise; Treoir na Sochaí Faisnéise
European agreement concerning certain aspects of the organisation of working time in inland waterway transport
Comhaontú Eorpach a bhaineann le gnéithe áirithe i ndáil le heagrú ama oibre san iompar ar uiscebhealaí intíre
Operation Aspida (Shield)
Oibríocht Aspida (Sciath)
Directive (EU) 2016/343 on the strengthening of certain aspects of the presumption of innocence and of the right to be present at the trial in criminal proceedings; PDI
Treoir ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle maidir le gnéithe áirithe de thoimhde na neamhchiontachta a neartú mar aon leis an gceart bheith i láthair ag an triail in imeachtaí coiriúla
account servicing payment service provider; ASPSP
ASPSP; soláthraí seirbhíse íocaíochta a sheirbhísíonn cuntas
EASp; EPAS; European Aviation Safety Plan; European Plan for Aviation Safety
an Plean Eorpach um Shábháilteacht Eitlíochta; EASp
gravely deficient control system
córas rialaithe agus easpaí tromchúiseacha air
Malta Declaration; Malta Declaration by the members of the European Council on the external aspects of migration: addressing the Central Mediterranean route
Dearbhú Mhálta ó chomhaltaí na Comhairle Eorpaí maidir le gnéithe seachtracha na himirce: aghaidh a thabhairt ar bhealach na Meánmhara Láir
EODD; European Day for Organ Donation and Transplantation; European Organ Donation Day; European Organ Donor Day
Lá Eorpach um Dheonú agus Trasphlandú Orgán
asphalt kiln
áith asfailt
antimicrobial stewardship programme; ASP
clár maoirseachta ar fhrithmhiocróbáin
maximum reference price
uasphraghas tagartha
EASPD; European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities
Comhlachas Eorpach na Soláthraithe Seirbhíse le haghaidh Daoine faoi Mhíchumas; EASPD
asfalt (fir1, gu: asfailt)
absence of casualties
easpa taismeach (bain4)
easpa (bain4, gu: easpa, ai: easpaí, gi: easpaí)
asparagus soup
anraith lus súch (fir4)
time aspect
gné ama (bain4)
clasp-knife [Grenade Training]
fáiscscian (bain2, gu: fáiscscine, ai: fáiscsceana, gi: fáiscsceana)
gas escape
gáspholl (fir1, gu: gásphoill, ai: gásphoill, gi: gáspholl)
easpónant (fir1, gu: easpónaint, ai: easpónaint, gi: easpónant)
alternate grasp
greim malartach (fir3)
gas-port [Grenade Training]
gásphort (fir1, gu: gásphoirt, ai: gásphoirt, gi: gásphort)
insufficient gas
easpa gháis (bain4)
déan treaspásáil (br)
transphlandáil (br, abr: trasphlandáil, aidbhr: trasphlandáilte)
asparagas (fir1, gu: asparagais)
lus súch (fir3)
Caspian Sea
Muir Chaisp (bain3, gu: Mhuir Chaisp)
gné (bain4, gu: gné, ai: gnéithe, gi: gnéithe)
every aspect of the question
gach gné den cheist
absence of fire and its effect
easpa lámhaigh agus a héifeacht sin