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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
obstacle clearance altitude /height; obstacle clearance height; OCH
airde glanta constaicí; OCH
subsonic speed
luas foshonach
active ingredient; active substance; pharmacologically active substance
substaint atá gníomhach ó thaobh na cógaseolaíochta de; substaint ghníomhach
import subsidies
fóirdheontais ar allmhairí
other subsidies on production
fóirdheontais eile ar tháirgeadh
other subsidies on products
fóirdheontais eile ar tháirgí
subsidies on products
fóirdheontais ar tháirgí
BSP; Bulgarian Socialist Party
Páirtí Sóisialach na Bulgáire
Legislative Observatory; OEIL
Faireachlann Reachtach
absolute majority of the votes cast
tromlach glan de na vótaí a caitheadh; tromlach glan de na vótaí arna gcaitheamh
comhalta ionaid
‘EC’ declaration of verification of the subsystem; EC declaration of verification
dearbhú CE maidir le fíorú an fhochórais
cross-subsidisation; cross-subsidy
IKBS; intelligent knowledge-based system; KBS; knowledge-based system
córas bunaithe ar eolas
subsidised import
allmhaire fóirdheonaithe
deep-sea crabs; geryons
gearóin; portáin domhainmhara
capital subscription; subscription to the capital of the ECB
suibscríbhinn le caipiteal BCE; suibscríobh an chaipitil
multiple addiction; multiple drug abuse; multi-substance abuse; panaddiction; polydrug use; poly-drug use; polysubstance abuse
il-andúil i ndrugaí
organ absorbed dose
dáileog ionsúite orgáin
risk of subsidence; subsidence risk
baol turnaimh
countervailable subsidy
fóirdheontas in-fhrithchúitithe
priority substance
substaint tosaíochta
scheduled substance
substaint sceidealaithe
National Human Rights Monitoring Centre; National Observatory for Human Rights; ONDH
Faireachlann Náisiúnta um Chearta an Duine
lobsterettes; true lobsters
ABA; abscisic acid
aigéad scoiteach
aircraft observation
grinniú ón aer
bacteraemia; blood poisoning; blood stream infection; bloodstream infection; BSI
king crabs
Indian Ocean lobsterette
gliomóg an Aigéin Indiaigh
Black Sea Economic Cooperation Area; BSEC Region
Limistéar Chomhar Eacnamaíoch na Mara Duibhe
absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion; ADME
ADME; ionsú, dáileadh, meitibileacht agus eisfhearadh
CMBS; commercial mortgage-backed security
urrús tráchtálach le taca morgáistí
PABSEC; Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation
Tionól Parlaiminteach na Mara Duibhe um Chomhar Eacnamaíochta
antibody titration
toirtmheascadh antasubstainte
substance over form
réaltacht thar fhoirm dhlíthiúil
substantive testing strategy
straitéis tástála substaintí
subsequent event
in absolute terms
i ndearbhthéarmaí
debarment; loss of rights for failing to observe a time-limit
substitution effect
iarmhairt ó ionadú
Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Substaintí Síceatrópacha, 1971
anti-subsidy duty; countervailing duty; CVD
dleacht frithchúitimh
substantive law
dlí substainteach
staonadh ó vótáil
absolute priority region
réigiún dearbhthosaíochta
Basel Committee; Basel Committee on Banking Supervision; BCBS; Committee on Banking Regulations and Supervisory Practices; Cooke Committee
CBMB; Coiste Basel um Maoirseacht ar Bhaincéireacht
anti-subsidy measure; countervailing measure
beart frithchúitimh; beart frith-fhóirdheontais
absence of an opinion
easnamh tuairime
thermal nuclear absorption
ionsúchán núicléach teirmeach
to abstain from doing so
staon óna dhéanamh
to abstain from any measure
staon ó aon bheart
subsequent dependent patent
paitinn spleách ina dhiaidh sin
subsonic jet aeroplane
scairdeitleán foshonach
Agreement on Interpretation and Application of Articles VI, XVI and XXIII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures; Code on Subsidies and Countervailing Duties
an Comhaontú maidir le Fóirdheontais agus le Bearta Frithchúitimh; Cód maidir le Fóirdheontais
Agreement for cooperation in dealing with pollution of the North Sea by oil and other harmful substances; Bonn Agreement
an Comhaontú maidir le Comhar faoi Dhéileáil le Truailliú na Mara Thuaidh ag Ola agus ag Substaintí Dochracha Eile; Comhaontú Bhonn
Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures; ASCM; SCM Agreement
an Comhaontú maidir le Fóirdheontais agus le Bearta Frithchúitimh
European Agreement on the Exchange of Therapeutic Substances of Human Origin
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le Malartú Substaintí Teirpeacha de Bhunús Daonna
substantive patent law
dlí substainteach na bpaitinní
essential validity; material validity; substantive validity
bailíocht ábhartha
dumped or subsidised imports
allmhairí dumpáilte nó allmhairí ar tugadh fóirdheontais ina leith
Additional Protocol to the European Agreement on the Exchange of Therapeutic Substances of Human Origin
Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú Eorpach maidir le Malartú Substaintí Teirpeacha de Bhunús Daonna
Protocol relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Pollution by Substances other than Oil
Prótacal a bhaineann le hIdirghabháil ar an Mórmhuir i gcás Truailliú ag Substaintí seachas Ola
Montreal Protocol; Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
Prótacal Montréal; Prótacal Montréal um Shubstaintí a Ídíonn an Ciseal Ózóin
Land-Based Sources and Activities Protocol; Land-Based Sources Protocol; LBS Protocol; Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution from Land-based Sources and Activities
Prótacal maidir le Cosaint na Meánmhara ar Thruailliú ó Fhoinsí agus Gníomhaíochtaí ar Talamh
Emergency Protocol; Protocol concerning Cooperation in Combating Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by Oil and Other Harmful Substances in Cases of Emergency
an Prótacal a bhaineann le Comhar maidir le Truailliú na Meánmhara de bharr Ola agus Substaintí Dochracha Eile i gCásanna Éigeandála a Chomhrac
Subscriptions to Newspapers and Periodicals Agreement
an Comhaontú um shíntiúis le nuachtáin agus tréimhseacháin
Artiodactyla; artiodactyls; cloven-hoofed animals; cloven-hoofed mammals; even-toed hoofed mammals; even-toed ungulates
ainmhithe crúbscoilte; artadachtalaigh
absorption capacity; absorptive capacity
acmhainn ionsúcháin
IBSFC; International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission
an Coimisiún Idirnáisiúnta um Iascach Mhuir Bhailt; IBSFC
Convention concerning Prevention and Control of Occupational Hazards caused by Carcinogenic Substances and Agents; Occupational Cancer Convention, 1974
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosc agus Rialú Priacal Ceirde ar Substaintí agus Oibreáin Carcanaigineacha is cúis leis; an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hAilse Cheirde
CAS; Chemical Abstracts Service
CAS; Seirbhís na gCoimrithe Ceimiceacha
fertilising substance; nutrient
cothaitheach; substaint leasacháin
non-sucrose substance; non-sugar
neamhshiúcra; substaint neamhshiúcróis
American lobster
gliomach Meiriceánach
bovine somatotrophin; bovine somatotropin; BST
BST; sómatatróipin bhuaibheach
ESO; European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere; European Southern Observatory
an Eagraíocht Eorpach um Thaighde Réalteolaíoch sa Leathsféar Theas; an Réadlann Eorpach sa Leathsféar Theas; ESO
swimming crabs
European lobster; lobster
gliomach Eorpach
palinurid spiny lobsters
gliomach spíonach; gliomach spíonach pailionúrach
rock lobsters
gliomach carraige
Norway lobster
gliomach na hIorua
principle of subsidiarity; subsidiarity
prionsabal na coimhdeachta
NABS; Nomenclature for the analysis and comparison of science budgets and programmes
an Ainmníocht le haghaidh anailís agus comparáid a dhéanamh ar bhuiséid agus ar chláir eolaíocha; NABS
Seabed Treaty; Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Seabed and the Ocean Floor and in the Subsoil thereof
an Conradh um Ghrinneall na Farraige; an Conradh um thoirmeasc ar airm núicléacha agus airm eile ollscriosta a shuí ar leaba na farraige, ar ghrinneall an aigéin agus ar a bhfo-ithir
EINECS; European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances
EINECS; Fardal Eorpach de Shubstaintí Ceimiceacha Tráchtálacha Reatha
failing this; in the absence thereof
ina éagmais sin
to submit observations
barúlacha a chur faoi bhráid...; barúlacha a chur isteach
duly substantiated request
iarraidh chuí-réasúnaithe
organic matter
ábhar orgánach; substaint orgánach
substantive rule
riail shubstainteach
European Employment Observatory; European Employment Survey
an Fhaireachlann Eorpach um Fhostaíocht
written observations
barúlacha i scríbhinn
to have sufficient means of subsistence
gléas leordhóthanach beatha a bheith ag ...
in substitution for quotas
mar mhalairt ar chúotaí
to absorb the variation
an difríocht a laghdú; athrúchán a laghdú
to observe the principles
urramaigh na priosabail
jobs where women are under-represented
poist mar a bhfuil mná faoi ghannionadaíocht
conversion subsidy
fóirdheontas um athchóiriú
Electricity Supply Board; ESB
Bord Soláthair an Leictreachais; BSL
ASEP; South American Agreement on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
ASEP; Comhaontú Mheiriceá Theas maidir le drugaí támhshuanacha agus substaintí síceatrópacha
absenteeism due to illness
neamhláithreacht de dheasca breoiteachta
absenteeism rate
ráta neamhláithreachta
Convention on the Unification of Certain Points of Substantive Law of Patents for Invention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hAontú Pointí Áirithe den Dlí Substainteach i leith Paitinní Aireagáin
base station; BS
stáisiún bunáite
United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
Coinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe i gcoinne Gáinneáil Aindleathach Drugaí Támhshuanacha agus Substaintí Síceatrópacha
wild cloven-hoofed animal
ainmhí crúbscoilte fiáin
antimicrobial; antimicrobial agent; antimicrobial drug; antimicrobial medicine; antimicrobial substance
ábhar frithmhiocróbach; oibreán antaimhiocróbach
Working Party on Technical Harmonisation (Dangerous Substances and Preparations); Working Party on Technical Harmonisation (Dangerous Substances)
an Mheitheal um Chomhchuibhiú Teicniúil (Substaintí agus Ullmhóidí Contúirteacha); an Mheitheal um Chomhchuibhiú Teicniúil (Substaintí Contúirteacha)
rock crabs
portán carraige
daily allowance; daily subsistence allowance; per diem; per diem allowance
liúntas cothaithe laethúil; liúntas laethúil
dangerous substance; hazardous substance
substaint chontúirteach; substaint ghuaiseach
International Convention for the Suppression of the Circulation of and Traffic in Obscene Publications
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Scaipeadh Foilseachán Gáirsiúil, agus Gáinneáil orthu, a Dhíchur
Arrangement for the Suppression of the Circulation of Obscene Publications
Comhshocraíocht maidir le scaipeadh foilseachán gáirsiúil a dhíchur
albuminoidal substances
substaintí albaimineoideacha
substantial purchases
ceannacháin thábhachtacha
substantial relaxation in the rules ...
maolú substaintiúil ar na rialacha...
to retain (subsidy)
coimeád ar bun (fóirdheontas)
anti-tumour substance
substaint fhrithshiadach
discharge of dangerous substances
sceitheadh substaintí contúirteacha
absolute majority of its component members
tromlach glan de na comhaltaí a chomhdhéanann í
to subscribe to the analysis
bheith i bpáirt leis an anailís
provided that the conditions are observed
ar chuntar go n-urramaítear na coinníollacha
subscribed capital
caipiteal suibscríofa
photographic cameras; photographic flashlight apparatus and flashbulbs
ceamara fótagrafach
Imprisonment by way of substitution for ...
príosúnacht in ionad ...
key for capital subscription; key for subscription of the ECB's capital; key for subscription to the capital of the European Central Bank; key for subscription to the European Central Bank’s capital; subscription key to the ECB's capital
an scála le haghaidh shuibscríobh an chaipitil
Offshore Protocol; Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution Resulting from Exploration and Exploitation of the Continental Shelf and the Seabed and its Subsoil
Prótacal maidir le cosaint na Meánmhara i gcoinne Truailliú a tharlódh mar thoradh ar Thaiscéalaíocht agus ar Shaothrú na Scairbhe Ilchríochaí agus an Ghrinnill agus a Fho-ithreach
subsistence allowance
liúntas cothaithe
ECOMOG; ECOWAS Ceasefire Monitoring Group; ECOWAS Military Observer Group; ECOWAS Monitoring Group; Military Observer Group of ECOWAS; Military Observer Group of the Economic Community of West African States
ECOMOG; Grúpa Breathnóireachta Míleata i gComhphobal Eacnamaíoch Stáit na hAfraice Thiar
CBSS; Council of the Baltic Sea States
CBSS; Comhairle Stáit Mhuir Bhailt
material field of application; material scope; scope in relation to subject matter; scope ratione materiae; substantive scope
raon feidhme ábhartha; raon feidhme substainteach
Black Sea Economic Cooperation; BSEC; Organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation
BSEC; Eagraíocht na Mara Duibhe um Chomhar Eacnamaíochta
provisions which are substantially reproduced
foráil atá atáirgthe go substaintiúil
organise statistical work at appropriate administrative levels and duly observe the need for statistical confidentiality
obair staidrimh a eagrú ar leibhéil riarthacha iomchuí agus riachtanas na rúndachta staidrimh a urramú go cuí
the classification of these judgements, the drawing up and publication of translations and abstracts
rangú na mbreithiúnas sin, aistriúcháin agus achoimrí a tharraingt suas agus a fhoilsiú; rangúchán na mbreithiúnas sin, aistriúcháin agus achoimrí a tharraingt suas agus a fhoilsiú
substantiating document
doiciméad a thugann bunús leis an éileamh
hazardous and noxious substances; HNS
HNS; substaintí guaiseacha agus díobhálacha
HNS Convention; International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea; International convention on liability and compensation for damage in connection with the carriage of hazardous and noxious substances by sea, 1996; International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea, 2010
an Coinbhinsiún idirnáisiúnta maidir le dliteanas agus cúiteamh i gcás damáiste i dtaca le hiompar substaintí guaiseacha agus díobhálacha ar muir (IMO, 1996)
SBI; Subsidiary Body for Implementation
an Fochomhlacht um Chur Chun Feidhme; SBI
SBSTA; Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice
an Fochomhlacht um Chomhairle Eolaíoch agus Theicneolaíoch; SBSTA
absence without leave; failure to rejoin one's unit; failure to report for military service
loiceadh teacht i láthair le haghaidh seirbhíse míleata; neamhláithreacht gan chead
observer (WEU)
breathnóir (AIE)
Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures
Coiste um Fhóirdheontais agus um Bearta Frithchúitimh
illicit trafficking in hormonal substances and other growth promoters
gáinneáil aindleathach ar shubstaintí hormónacha agus ar thionscnóirí fáis eile
Commissioner of the CBSS on Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, including the Rights of Persons belonging to Minorities
Coimisinéir an CBSS um Institiúidí Daonlathacha agus um Chearta an Duine, lena n-áirítear na cearta atá ag daoine ar de ghrúpaí mionlaigh iad
illicit trafficking in nuclear or radioactive materials; trafficking in nuclear and radioactive substances
gáinneáil substaintí núicléacha agus radaighníomhacha
Agreement on Illicit Traffic by Sea, Implementing Article 17 of the UN Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
an Comhaontú maidir le Gáinneáil Aindleathach ar Muir, a Chuireann chun Feidhme Airteagal 17 de Choinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe i gcoinne Gáinneáil Aindleathach Drugaí Támhshuanacha agus Substaintí Síceatrópacha
pyrotechnic substance
substaint phiriteicniúil
SBSTTA; Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice
an Fochomhlacht um Chomhairle Eolaíoch, Theicniúil agus Theicneolaíoch; SBSTTA
constructive abstention
staonadh inchiallaithe
substantive amendment
leasú ar shubstaint; leasú substainteach
obscuration angle
uillinn doiléire
Other decisions (Adopted without discussion. In the case of legislative acts, votes against or abstentions are indicated. Decisions containing statements which the Council has decided may be released to the public or explanations of vote are asterisked; t
Cinntí eile (Arna nglacadh gan díospóireacht. I gcás gníomhartha reachtacha, léirítear vótaí in aghaidh nó staonadh. Is trí réiltín a chuirfear in iúl cinntí arna nglacadh le ráitis nó míniúchán ar vótáil ar shocraigh an Chomhairle go bhféadfaí iad a eisi
MBS; mortgage backed security
urrús morgáiste
complementary forms of protection; subsidiary protection
cosaint choimhdeach
Baltic Sea States Subregional Cooperation; BSSSC
Comhar Foréigiúnach Stáit Mhuir Bhailt
controlled substance
substaint rialaithe
marine crabs n.e.i.
portáin mhara nach n-áirítear in áit eile; portáin mhuirí nach n-áirítear in áit eile
craylets; squat lobsters
gliomach gogaideach
non-countervailable subsidy
fóirdheontas neamh-in-fhrithchúitithe
qualify its abstention by making a formal declaration
a staonadh ó vótáil a cháiliú trí dhearbhú foirmiúil a dhéanamh
Protocol on the application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality
Prótacal maidir le prionsabail na coimhdeachta agus na comhréireachta a chur i bhfeidhm
webmaster; website administrator
stiúrthóir gréasáin
non-scheduled precursor chemical; non-scheduled substance
ceimiceán réamhtheachtach neamhsceidealaithe
Hill Livestock Compensatory Allowance; HLCA
LCBS; Liúntas Cúiteach Beostoic Sléibhe
substantive amendment; substantive change
leasú substainteach
Working Party on Substantive Criminal Law
an Mheitheal um Dhlí Coiriúil Substainteach
web hosting; website hosting
CCBSP; Convention on the Conservation and Management of Pollock Resources in the Central Bering Sea
an Coinbhinsiún um Chaomhnú agus um Bainistiú Acmhainní Mangach sa Mhuir Bheiring Láir
loop flow
CESDP; Common European Security and Defence Policy; Common Security and Defence Policy; CSDP; ESDP; European Security and Defence Policy
an Comhbheartas Slándála agus Cosanta; Beartas Eorpach Slándála agus Cosanta; CBSC
Black Sea Trade and Development Bank; BSTDB
Banc na Mara Duibhe um Thrádáil agus um Fhorbairt; BSTDB
Copernicus; European Earth monitoring programme; European Earth Observation Programme; Global Monitoring for Environment and Security; GMES; Union Earth observation and monitoring programme
clár an Aontais um fhaire agus um fhaireachán na Cruinne; Copernicus; GMES; Monatóireacht Dhomhanda don Chomhsaol agus don tSlándáil
Asian barbs; spotted barbs
FAB; feachrán Áiseach
Tristan da Cunha rock lobster; Tristan rock lobster
gliomach carraige Tristan da Cunha
crawfish; spiny lobsters
LOR; red rock lobster
cráifisc Nua-Shéalannach; gliomach carraige dearg
Australian spiny lobster; Juan Fernandez rock lobster; LOF
gliomach spíonach Astrálach
green rock lobster; LOG
gliomach carraige glas
LOS; slipper lobsters
gliomach slipéir
KCS; king crabs
Pacific snow crabs; snow crabs; Tanner crabs
portáin sneachta; portán sneachta
Andaman lobster; NEA; Southern langoustine
gliomach andaman
police substitution mission; substituting for local police forces; substitution mission
misean ionadaíochta póilíneachta
controlled substance; substance under control
substaint rialaithe
drinking water abstraction point
pointe astarraingte uisce óil
VDSL; Very high speed Digital Subscriber Line
Líne Dhigiteach Rannpháirtí ar Rí-Ardluas
ILEOM; international limited election observation mission; LEOM; limited election observation mission
misean teoranta idirnáisiúnta breathnóireachta toghchán
election observation mission; EOM; IEOM; international election observation mission
misean breathnóireachta toghchán; misean idirnáisiúnta breathnóireachta toghchán
BSA; burden-sharing agreement
comhaontú comhroinnte dualgas
ABS; access and benefit-sharing
rochtain agus comhroinnt tairbhí
letter of abstention
litir staonta
Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference; BSPC
Comhdháil Pharlaiminteach Mhuir Bhailt; CPMB
EU election observation mission; EU EOM
EU EOM; misean breathnóireachta AE um thoghcháin
actual carrier; performing carrier; substitute carrier
iompróir iarbhír; iompróir ionadach
ERSO; European Road Safety Observatory
an Fhaireachlann Eorpach um Shábháilteacht ar Bhóithre
balanced salt solution; BSS; buffered salt solution; physiologically balanced buffer solution
BSS; tuaslagán salainn cothromaithe
FBS; fetal bovine serum
séiream féatais buaibheach
broadcast satellite service; broadcasting-satellite service; BSS
seirbhís satailíte chraolacháin
corrosive; corrosive substance
cnaíteach; creimneach
BSEC Council; BSECC; Council of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs
BSECC; Comhairle na nAirí Gnóthaí Eachtracha
acid brilliant green BS; brilliant green BS; CI food green 4; green S
E142; uaine aigéadach lonrach BS
fatty substance
substaint shailleach
to restructure by substituting securities
athstruchtúrú trí urrúis a ionadú
neurotransmitter; transmitter substance
tarchuradóir néarógach
psychotropic drug; psychotropic substance
substaint shíceatrópach
Ab; antibody
anti-idiotype antibody; anti-idiotypic antibody
antasubstaint antai-iditíopach
earth sounding radar; georadar; GPR; ground probing radar; ground-penetrating radar; subsurface radar
absolute viscosity; dynamic viscosity
organometallic compound; organometallic substance
comhdhúil orgánaimhiotalach
absorber plate
pláta ionsúire
pectic substances
substaint pheicteach
interest rate subsidy; interest rebate; interest subsidy
fóirdheontas úis
auxiliary account; subsidiary account
substantive test; substantive testing
tástáil shubstainteach
absolute bar to proceedings
dearbh-urchosc ar imeachtaí
operating subsidiary
fochuideachta oibriúcháin
absolute privilege
pribhléid iomlán
substantive criminal law
dlí coiriúil substainteach
volumetric absorption coefficient
comhéifeacht ionsúcháin thoirtmhéadraigh
radar observation of the atmosphere
breathnadóireacht radair an atmaisféir
absolute temperature; thermodynamic temperature
dearbhtheocht; teocht theirmidinimiciúil
absolute filter; HEPA; HEPA filter; High Efficiency Particulate Air filter
aerscagaire ardéifeachtúil caithníneach; dearbhscagaire
subsidiary undertaking
import subsidy; subsidy for imports
fóirdheontas allmhairiúcháin
fasting blood glucose; fasting blood sugar; fasting glucose; FBG; FBS
glúcós fola céalacain
base pair substitution mutagen; base substitution mutagen
só-ghineach lena spreagtar ionadú péire bunaidh
built-in obsolescence; planned obsolescence
dífheidhmeacht ionsuite; dífheidhmeacht phleanáilte
observational study
staidéar breathnóireachta
xenobiotic; xenobiotic compound; xenobiotic substance
wage subsidy
fóirdheontas pá
stripe-necked mongoose
mongús píbstríocach
dividend distributed by a subsidiary
díbhinn arna dáileadh ag fochuideachta
profit in a subsequent year
brabús i mbliain ina dhiaidh sin
treatment of losses of subsidiaries
caillteanais fochuideachtaí a chur san áireamh
taking into account subsidiary's losses
caillteanais na fochuideachta a chur san áireamh
obsolete investment
infheistíocht atá imithe i léig
DCS; direct credit substitute
DCS; ionadach creidmheasa díreach
receipt from the subsidiary company
fáltas ón bhfochuideachta
OBS business; off-balance-sheet business
gnó lasmuigh den chlár comhardaithe
deficiency in subsidiary
easnamh i bhfochuideachta
call for subscribed capital; capital call
glaoch ar chaipiteal
import substitution
ionadú allmhairí
substance of the application
ábhar an iarratais; substaint an iarratais
consideration of the substance of the application
breithniú ar shubstaint an iarratais
statement of written observations
ráiteas barúlacha i scríbhinn
supplementary statement of written observations
ráiteas forlíontach barúlacha i scríbhinn
written observations
barúil i scríbhinn
reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses
aisíoc costas taistil agus cothaithe
dispose of the substantive issues in part only
gan na saincheisteanna substainteacha a réiteach ach go páirteach; ná réitigh na saincheisteanna substainteacha ach go páirteach
antibody titre
títear antasubstainte
anti-inflammatory drug; anti-inflammatory substance
druga frith-athlastach
absorption; absorption of electromagnetic radiation
ionsúchán; ionsúchán radaíochta leictreamaighnéadaí
Black Sea Economic Business Cooperation Council; BSEC Business Council
Comhairle Ghnó BSEC; Comhairle Ghnó um Chomhar Eacnamaíoch na Mara Duibhe
molar absorbance coefficient; molar absorption coefficient; molar absorptivity; molar decadic absorption coefficient; molar extinction; molar extinction coefficient
comhéifeacht ionsúiteachta mólaraí
atomic absorption spectrophotometer
speictreafótaiméadar ionsú adamhaigh
substantia nigra
substaint dhubh
absolute bioavailability; bioavailability
citric acid cycle; Krebs cycle; TCA cycle; tricarboxylic acid cycle
timthriall aigéid chitrigh; timthriall Krebs
subsonic aircraft
aerárthach foshonach
market observation
grinniú margaidh
radioactive substance
substaint radaighníomhach
prevention of circumvention of export subsidy commitments
cosc ar shárú ceangaltas a bhaineann le fóirdheontais onnmhairiúcháin
non-actionable subsidy
fóirdheontas neamh-inchaingne
subsidy contingent upon export performance
fóirdheontas atá ag brath ar fheidhmíocht onnmhairiúcháin
ad valorem subsidization
fóirdheonú ad valorem
amount budgeted for the subsidy
méid arna bhuiséadú don fhóirdheontas
substitution drawback system
córas aisíocaíochta na n-ionaduithe
tax-related subsidy
fóirdheontas atá bainteach le cáin
substantially equivalent obligation
oibleagáid atá coibhéiseach cuid mhaith
substantive meeting with the parties
cruinniú substainteach leis na páirtithe
decision on the substance of the case
breith ar shubstaint an cháis
oral observations
barúil i scríbhinn nó ó bhéal
European system for observing the inland goods transport markets
córas Eorpach chun na margaí a bhaineann le hiompar earraí intíre a bhreathnú
substantial alteration of the competitive structure
athrú substaintiúil ar an struchtúr iomaíoch
sale subsidiary
fochuideachta díola
subsequent recovery of import duties
dleachtanna ar allmhairí a ghnóthú iardain
subsequent recovery of export duties
dleachtanna ar onnmhairí a ghnóthú dá éis
complaint concerning subsidies
gearán maidir le fóirdheontais
anti-subsidy investigation; countervailing duty investigation
imscrúdú ar dhleacht frithchúitimh; imscrúdú frith-fhóirdheontais
GATT anti-subsidy code
cód cúiteach CGTT
compensatory leave; compensatory leave of absence; compensatory time off
cead neamhláithreachta cúiteach; saoire chúiteach
abstraction; abstraction of water; water abstraction
astarraingt; astarraingt uisce
resin; resinous substance
absalóideach; bláthola absolute; úscra absalóideach
visual observation
breathnú leis an tsúil
material subsidiary
fochuideachta shuntasach
ECICS; European Customs Inventory of Chemical Substances
an Fardal Eorpach Custam maidir le Substaintí Ceimiceacha
cereal substitute
ionadach gránach
NAFO pilot observer scheme
scéim phíolótach breathnóirí NAFO
SBS; structural business statistics
staidreamh struchtúrach gnó
EAO; European Audiovisual Observatory
an Fhaireachlann Eorpach Closamhairc
a dominant position within the common market or in a substantial part of it
ceannasacht sa chómhargadh nó i gcuid mhór de
depreciation on account of obsolescence
dímheas de bharr dífheidhmeachta
subsidiary trial balance
fochomhardú trialach
to transfer subsidiary totals
fo-iomláin a aistriú
detail account; subsidiary account
cuntas mionsonraí; fochuntas
formation by subscription in specie
foirmíocht trí shuibscríbhinn in specie
negative volume variance; unabsorbed overhead; unfavourable volume variance
forchostas tréimhsí ísealtáirgeachta
abstract analysis; analysis
pre-emption right; preemptive right; pre-emptive right; preemptive subscription right; right of pre-emption; subscription privilege; subscription right
ceart suibscríbhinne
abstract of account; account statement; statement of account; summary
ráiteas cuntais
subsidiary; subsidiary company; subsidiary undertaking
subsidiary ledger
book of original entry; subsidiary book; subsidiary journal
foleabhar; leabhar túsiontrála
absorption costing
costáil ionsú
cost apportionment; overhead absorption
cionroinnt na gcostas; ionsú forchostas
balance carried; balance carried forward to new account; balance to be carried over; carry forward into subsequent period; carry-forward; opening balance; profit balance to be carried forward; profit carried forward; surplus carried forward to new account
iarmhéid atá le tabhairt ar aghaidh
grant; grant aid; subsidy
deontas; fóirdheontas
interstitial absorbing coating; interstitial opaque coating
bratú teimhneach scáineach; bratú teimhneach súiteach
antithyroid drug; thyrostatic; thyrostatic drug; thyrostatic substance
druga tíreastatach; substaint thíreastatach; tíreastatach
artiodactyl; bi-ungulate; bi-ungulate animal; cloven-hoofed animal; even-toed ungulate
ainmhí crúbscoilte; artadachtalach
fluorescent antibody test
tástáil antasubstaintí fluaraiseacha
jig saw; jigsaw
subsoil tillage; subsoiling
curaíocht fo-ithreach
active ingredient; active substance
substaint ghníomhach; substaint thocsaineach
amount ratio; amount-of-substance ratio; molar ratio; mole ratio; substance ratio
import-absorbing capacity
cumas glactha allmhairí
subsistence costs; subsistence expenses
costais chothaithe; speansais chothaithe
subsidy which causes injury
fóirdheontas is cúis le díobháil
storage premium; storage subsidy
fóirdheontas stórála; préimh stórála
ABS; anti-block braking system; anti-blocking system; anti-lock braking system
ABS; córas coscánaithe frithghlasála
SBT; Steering Board for Trade
an Bord Stiúrtha um Thrádáil; BST
DIAL; differential absorption Lidar; differential absorption light detection and ranging
ionsú difreálach LIDAR
DAS-ELISA; double antibody sandwich ELISA
ELISA dhá shraith antasubstainte dúbailte
MBS; Money and Banking Statistics
staitisticí airgid agus baincéireachta
centred absolute moment of order q
dearbhmhóimint láraithe d'ordú q
centred absolute moments; joint centred moment of orders q and s
cómhóimint láraithe d'oird q agus s; dearbhmhóimint láraithe
absolute frequency; size
méid; minicíocht absalóideach
cumulative absolute frequency
dearbhmhinicíocht charnach
cumulative absolute frequency polygon
polagán de dhearbhmhinicíocht charnach
paired observations
breathnuithe péireáilte
absolute altimeter
absolute altitude; flight altitude
absolute ceiling
absolute instrument
absolute pressure sensor; APS
absorption atelectasis
ataileachtáis trí ionsú
ABS; acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
stiréin bhútaidhé-éine aicrilinítríle
air observer
automatic observer
taifeadán uathoibríoch
brake-specific fuel consumption; BSFC
ídiú sonrach breosla bunaithe ar each-chumhacht an choscáin
lowest observed frequency
an mhinicíocht bhreathnaithe is ísle
obstacle clearance limit; OCL
OCL; teorainn airde glanta constaicí
subsonic aeroplane
eitleán foshonach
interfering compound; interfering substance
comhdhúil trasnaíochta; substaint trasnaíochta
AAS; atomic absorption spectrometry; atomic absorption spectroscopy
speictreascópacht ionsú adamhaigh; speictriméadracht ionsú adamhaigh
carcinogen; carcinogenic substance
absorption spectrum
speictream ionsúcháin
nutrient; nutritional substance; nutritive substance
sickness absence
neamhláithreacht bhreoiteachta
volatile; volatile chemical; volatile compound; volatile substance
substaint sho-ghalaithe
neurotoxic substance; neurotoxicant
substaint néarthocsaineach
chemical mutagen; mutagen; mutagenic substance
só-ghineach; substaint shó-ghineach
impaired life; substandard life
saol ardriosca; saol lagaithe
discounted present value of interest subsidies; discounted value of interest subsidies
luach lascainithe na bhfóirdheontas úis
advances against capital increases by subsidiaries
airleacain i leith méaduithe caipitiúla ag fochuideachtaí
subsidiary companies
anti-noise barriers; sound absorbing shields; sound resistant screens
bacainn fuaim-mhaolaithe
electrical substation; substation
acoustic absorption; sonic absorption; sound absorption
ionsú fuaime
absorptance; absorption factor; absorption ratio
broadcasting service; BS
craolachán; seirbhís chraolacháin
BABS; beam approach beacon system; blind approach beacon system
córas rabhcháin ascnaimh gan feicseanacht; córas rabhcháin ascnaimh léis; córas rabhcháin léis le haghaidh ascnaimh
absorbed dose
dáileog ionsúite
absence from work
neamhláithreacht ón obair
justified absence from work
neamhláithreacht chuí ón obair
leave of absence
cead neamhláithreachta
jobseeker's allowance; JSA; unemployment benefit
liúntas cuardaitheora poist; sochar dífhostaíochta
flash strike; lightning strike
unofficial strike; wildcat strike
tobstailc neamhoifigiúil
reduced-rent accommodation; subsidised housing
cóiríocht ar chíos laghdaithe; tithíocht fóirdheontais
jobseeker; job-seeker; person seeking work
cuardaitheoir poist
flammable substance
substaint inadhainte
water soluble substance
substaint uiscethuaslagtha
(4R,4aR,7S,7aR,12bS)-9-methoxy-3-methyl-2,4,4a,7,7a,13-hexahydro-1H-4,12-methanobenzofuro[3,2-e]isoquinoline-7-ol; (5R,6S,9R,13S,14R)-4,5-epoxy-3-methoxy-N-methyl-7-morphinen-6-ol; 7,8-didehydro-4,5α-epoxy-3-methoxy-17-methylmorphinan-6α-ol; codeine; methylmorphine; morphine 3-methyl ether; O<sup>3</sup>-methylmorphine
nuclear substance
substaint núicléach
very toxic substance
substaint an-tocsaineach
harmful substance; noxious substance
substaint dhíobhálach
dangerous substance for the environment
substaint atá contúirteach don chomhshaol
absolute magnitude
alternative agricultural production; alternative crops; substitute agricultural production
barra malartacha
groundwater flow; interflow; subsurface flow; subsurface runoff; underground runoff
rith chun srutha faoi dhromchla
branched company; company with subsidiaries
cuideachta bhrainseach
substitutional cost
costas ionadúil
acute autoimmune neuropathy; acute idiopathic polyneuritis; acute idiopathic polyradiculoneuritis; acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy; acute inflammatory polyneuropathy; acute inflammatory polyradiculoneuropathy; AIDP; GBS; Guillain-Barré syndrome; Guillain-Barré-Strohl syndrome; infectious polyneuritis; Landry-Guillain-Barré Syndrome; Landry's paralysis; LGBS
géarpholaifhréamhán-néarapaite dhímhiailinitheach athlastach; siondróm Guillain-Barré
absorber tube
feadán ionsúcháin
chronic obstructive lung disease; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; COLD; COPD
galar scamhóige toirmeascach ainsealach
job enrichment
mAb; moAb; monoclonal antibody
antasubstaint mhonaclónach
bitter substances
substaint shearbh
active substance of a biocidal product; biocidal active substance
subsonic jet
scairdeitleán foshonach
ODS; ozone killer; ozone-depleting substance; substance that depletes the ozone layer
substaint ídithe ózóin
chlorinated chemical; chlorinated compound; chlorinated substance; chlorine compound; chlorine species; chlorine-containing species; chlorine-containing substance
comhdhúil chlóirín
debts and loans from subsidiaries
fiacha agus iasachtaí ó fhochuideachtaí; fiachais agus iasachtaí ó fhochuideachtaí
subscribed capital unpaid
caipiteal suibscríofa neamhíoctha
absorbent; absorbent substance
ionsúiteán; substaint ionsúiteach
Adair Dighton syndrome; Blegvad-Haxthausen syndrome; brittle bone disease; brittle bone syndrome; glass bone disease; Lobstein disease; Lobstein’s disease; osteogenesis imperfecta; osteogenesis imperfecta tarda; osteogenesis imperfecta type I
galar na gcnámh briosc; oistéigineas neamhfhoirfe de chineál I
brain abscess; cerebral abscess
neascóid inchinne
Pel-Ebstein disease; Pel-Ebstein fever; Pel-Ebstein syndrome
fiabhras Pel-Ebstein
childhood absence epilepsy; pyknolepsy
absolute block
bloc aontraenach
absolute braking distance
dearbhachar coscánaithe
club bus; subscription bus
seirbhís bus síntiúis
energy absorption zone
crios ionsúcháin fuinnimh
fare subscription
síntiús táillí
subscription service
seirbhís síntiúis
emergency signal; substitute signal
comhartha ionadach
jobs to be filled; manpower requirements
riachtanais daonchumhachta
balance sheet item; BSI
mír den chlár comhardaithe
price observation
breathnóireacht praghsanna
grant; subsidy
deontas; fóirdheontas
subsample; sub-sample
IMSI; international mobile station identity; international mobile subscriber identity
aitheantas suibscríobhaí shoghluaiste idirnáisiúnta; IMSI
observation platform; platform; remote sensing platform
ardán grinnithe
bovine spongiform encephalopathy; BSE; mad cow disease
einceifileapaite spúinseach bhólachta; ESB; galar na bó buile
IgE-antibody; immunoglobulin E antibody
antasubstaint den ghlóbailin imdhíonachta E; antasubstaint IgE
base pair substitution; gene point mutation; point mutation; substitution mutation
ionadú péire bunaidh
cutaneous absorption; dermal absorption; percutaneous absorption; skin absorption
ionsúchán craicneach; ionsúchán tréchraicneach
no observed effect concentration; NOEC
NOEC; tiúchan nach mbreathnaítear aon iarmhairt ina leith
damper; shock absorber
maolaire turrainge
block signal; BS
comhartha bloc
absolute value
Earth observation satellite
satailít Domhanbhreathnóireachta
absolute gain; isotropic gain
dearbhneartúchán; neartúchán iseatrópach
blanketing; obscuration
lignified tissue; lignocellulose; wood substance
fíochán lignithe; ligniceallalós
basis weight; substance weight
bunmheáchan; bunmheáchan páipéir
high-speed wind tunnel; high-subsonic-speed wind tunnel; HSWT; subsonic wind tunnel
gaoth-thollán ardluais; gaoth-thollán foshonach
absorption costing
costáil ionsú
absorption costing
costáil ionsú
substitute goods; substitutional goods
earraí ionaid
absorptive capacity
cumas ionsú
absorption costing; full cost; full costing
costáil ionsú
reference substance
substaint tagartha
ABS; asset-backed security
ABS; urrús de bhun sócmhainní
barrier to trade; obstacle to trade; trade barrier; trade irritant
bacainn trádála
absolute majority
tromlach glan
foshraith; substráit
absence epilepsy; petit mal; petit mal epilepsy
petit mal; titimeas neamhláithreachta
psychoactive drug; psychoactive substance
druga sícighníomhach
database processor; DBP
PBS; próiseálaí bunachar sonraí
site; website
láithreán gréasáin; suíomh gréasáin
poisonous substance; toxic chemical; toxic substance; toxicant
ceimiceán tocsaineach; substaint thocsaineach; tocsain
nutrient; nutritional substance; nutritive substance
absorption chromatography; AC; adsorption chromatography; liquid-solid chromatography; LSC
crómatagrafaíocht asúcháin
ultraviolet light absorption method; UV absorption method
modh ionsúite solais ultraivialait
readily biodegradable agent; readily biodegradable substance
substaint atá in-bhithmhillte go héasca
conservative substance; persistent substance; recalcitrant substance; refractory substance
substaint imchoimeádach
amount fraction; amount-of-substance fraction; molar fraction; mole fraction; percentage by amount of substance
codán móil; mólchodán
Substitute goods
earraí ionaid
bead wire
presubscription account
cuntas réamhshuibscríbhinne
subsistence agriculture; subsistence farming
feirmeoireacht leorchothaitheach
interflow; rapid subsurface flow
anti-competitive cross-subsidy
tras-fhóirdheontas frithiomaíoch
absolute return required by operator
dearbhtháirgeacht arna héileamh ag an oibreoir; dearbhthoradh arna éileamh ag an oibreoir
subscriber line charge
táille líne rannpháirtí
SBS; sector budget support; sectoral budget support
tacaíocht bhuiséadach earnála
biosafety level; BSL; containment level
leibhéal bithshábháilteachta
anti-subsidy proceeding
nós imeachta frith-fhóirdheontais
obstructive sleep apnea; obstructive sleep apnea syndrome; OSA; OSAS
siondróm aipnia chodlata bhacúil; siondróm aipnia chodlata toirmeascach
behavioral observation; behavioural observation
breathnóireacht iompraíochta
absorptive barrier
bacainn ionsúiteach
vehicle subsystem
fochóras feithicle
fare subsidies
fóirdheontas táillí
kerbside detection
brath cholbha an chosáin
traveler subsystem; traveller subsystem
fochóras do thaistealaithe
LBS; logistics brokerage system
córas bróicéireachta lóistíochta
EDC; endocrine disrupting compound; endocrine disruptor; endocrine toxicant; endocrine-disrupting chemical; endocrine-disrupting chemical substance; endocrine-disrupting substance; hormone-disrupting chemical
suaiteoir inchríneach
EBS; European Business Summit
an Cruinniú Mullaigh Eorpach Gnó
absolute territorial protection
dearbhchosaint chríche
Committee for the Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Directives on Dangerous Substances and Preparations; Committee for the Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Directives on Removal of Technical Barriers to Trade in respect of Dangerous Substances and Preparations; Committee on the Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Directives for the Elimination of Technical Barriers to Trade in Dangerous Substances and Preparations
an Coiste chun na Treoracha maidir le Bacainní Teicniúla ar Thrádáil Substaintí agus Ullmhóidí Contúirteacha a Oiriúnú d'Ascnamh Teicniúil
black list of very dangerous ships; indicative black-list of substandard ships
dúliosta long contúirteach