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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
cash crop; commercial crop
barr margaidh
core meltdown
leá croíleacáin
macroeconomic accounts; NA; national accounts
cuntais mhaicreacnamaíocha; cuntais náisiúnta
cross-subsidisation; cross-subsidy
marine macroalgae; seaweeds
macralgaí muirí
1-(6-methyl-2-oxohexahydropyrimidin-4-yl)urea; crotonylidenediurea
PNRSV; prunus necrotic ringspot ilarvirus; prunus necrotic ringspot virus
ilivíreas fáinnebhall neacróiseach an chrainn plumaí; víreas fáinnebhall neacróiseach an chrainn plumaí
arable crop
barr curaíochta
cross-border crime; transnational crime
coireacht thrasnáisiúnta
rape seed hull
crotal síol ráibe
overcrowding in prisons; prison overcrowding
plódú i bpríosúin
anonymised microdata
micreashonraí i ndíth ainm
Croatian Democratic Union
Aontas Daonlathach na Cróite
IRC; Irish Red Cross
Crois Dhearg na hÉireann
Japanese crane; Manchurian crane; red-crowned crane
grús deargchorónach
American crocodile
crogall Meiriceánach
broad-snouted crocodile; marsh crocodile; mugger crocodile
crogall corraigh
colm corónach
crop failure
drochfhómhar; teip na mbarr
UATUC; Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia
Aontas Cheardchumainn Fhéinrialaitheacha na Cróite
level-crossing accident
tionóisc ag crosaire comhréidh
CEA; Croatian Employers' Association
CEA; Cumann Fostóirí na Cróite
estuarine crocodile; saltwater crocodile
crogall inbhir
chip card; ICC; integrated circuit card; microcircuit card; smart card
cárta cliste
energy crop; fuel crop
barr breosla; barr fuinnimh
crop protection product; pesticide; phytopharmaceutical product; plant health product; plant protection product; PPP
táirge cosanta plandaí
sucrose syrup
síoróip shiúcróis
elm phlöem necrosis mycoplasm; elm phloem necrosis phytoplasma
fíteaplasma neacróise fhléam an leamháin
Working Party on Arable Crops (Seeds)
an Mheitheal um Barra Curaíochta (Síolta)
micro-prudential measure; prudential measure; prudential requirement; prudential rule
beart stuamachta; ceanglas stuamachta; riail stuamachta
cross-border commuter; cross-border worker
oibrí trasteorann
crop rotation
uainíocht na mbarr
birdsfood trefoil
crobh éin
micro, small and medium-sized enterprises; MSMEs; small and medium-sized enterprises; small and medium-sized undertakings; SMEs; SMU
FBM; fiontair bheaga agus mheánmhéide; micreaghnóthais agus gnóthais bheaga agus mheánmhéide; micrifhiontair agus fiontair bheaga agus mheánmhéide
ICRC; International Committee of the Red Cross
CICD; Coiste Idirnáisiúnta na Croise Deirge
non-sucrose substance; non-sugar
neamhshiúcra; substaint neamhshiúcróis
crucian carp
carbán crosach
crosóg mhara
red starfish
crosóg mhara dhearg
pullet carpet shell
breallach croise eireogach
illegal entry; irregular border crossing; irregular entry; unauthorised border crossing; unauthorised crossing of a border; unauthorised entry
iontráil neamhdhleathach; teacht isteach neamhdhleathach
addition of sucrose in aqueous solution; sugaring and watering
siúcrós a chur le tuaslagán uisciúil; siúcrú agus uisciú
genetically modified micro-organism; GMM
miocrorgánach géinmhodhnaithe
compulsory cross-licensing; compulsory licence in respect of dependent patents
ceadúnas éigeantach i leith paitinní spleácha
glycerol lyes
buac ghliocróil
in chronological order
in ord croineolaíoch
infection with infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus; infectious haematopoietic necrosis
neacróis fhuilghinte thógálach
mixed cropping
E 422; glycerol
sucrose content
cion siúcróis
antimicrobial; antimicrobial agent; antimicrobial drug; antimicrobial medicine; antimicrobial substance
ábhar frithmhiocróbach; oibreán antaimhiocróbach
infectious pancreatic necrosis; IPN
neacróis phaincréasach thógálach
BCP; border crossing point
pointe trasnaithe teorann
theoretical macroscopic neutron physics
fisic neodrónach macrascópach teoiriciúil
border crossing permit; document authorising border crossing
cead um thrasnú teorann
cross-border surveillance
faireachas trasteorann
COM; computer output on microfilm; computer-output microfiche
aschur ríomhaire ar mhicreascannán; COM
knitted and crocheted goods; knitted articles; knitwear
éadaí cniotáilte; earraí cniotáilte agus cróiseáilte
glycerol triacetate
trí-aicéatáit ghliocróil
border crossing; crossing of borders; crossing of frontiers
trasnú teorainneacha
micro-crystalline wax
céir mhicricriostalta
glycerol diacetate
dé-aicéatáit ghliocróil
glycerol monoacetate
mona-aicéatáit ghliocróil
orange RN
flannbhuí croicéine
cross-frontier pollution
truailliú trasteorann
glycerol triacetate
trí-aicéatáit ghliocróil
for monochrome pictures (positives)
do phictiúir mhonacrómacha (dearbhchlónna)
micro-crystalline wax
céir pheitriliam; nó céir mhianrach bhitiúmanach, dríodair phairifíneacha
cross-border payment
íocaíocht trasteorann
Croatia; Republic of Croatia
an Chróit; Poblacht na Cróite
Federated States of Micronesia; Micronesia
an Mhicrinéis; Stáit Chónaidhme na Micrinéise
Cirefi; CIREFI (Centre for Information, Discussion and Exchange on the Crossing of Frontiers and Immigration)
an Lárionad um Fhaisnéis, um Plé agus um Malartú maidir le Trasnú Teorainneacha agus maidir le hInimirce; CIREFI
cróch bréige
Montagu's harrier
cromán liath
marsh harrier
cromán móna iartharach
hen harrier
cromán na gcearc
macroprudential risk; systemic risk; system-wide risk
riosca macrastuamachta; riosca sistéamach
Japanese crane; Manchurian or red-crowned crane
grús deargchorónach
Esquimo curlew
crotach Artach
slender-billed or long-billed curlew
crotach gobchaol
red-browed parrot; red-crowned parrot
pearóid dheargmhalach
noisy scrub-bird; Western scrub-bird
éan scrobarnaí callánach
American crocodile
crogall Meiriceánach
African sharp-nosed crocodile; African slender-snouted crocodile
crogall soc-chaol Afracach
Orinoco crocodile
crogall na hOranócó
Morelet's crocodile
crogall Morelet
African crocodile; Nile crocodile
crogall Níleach
Philippine or Mindoro crocodile
crogall Filipíneach
broad-snouted crocodile; marsh crocodile; mugger
crogall corraigh
Cuban crocodile
crogall Cúbach
Siamese crocodile
crogall Siamach
African dwarf crocodile
mionchrogall iar-Afracach
Chinese crocodile lizard
laghairt chrogaill Shíneach
Working Party on Arable Crops (Oilseeds)
an Mheitheal um Barra Curaíochta (Olashíolta)
EURES cross-border partnership; EURES-T
comhpháirtíocht trasteorann EURES; EURES-T
IFRC; International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies; League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies; League of Red Cross Societies
Cónaidhm Idirnáisiúnta Chumainn na Croise Deirge agus an Chorráin Dheirg; IFRC
cross-border cooperation
comhar trasteorann
macroeconomic conditions; macroeconomic context; macroeconomic environment
timpeallacht mhaicreacnamaíoch
cross-border crime; transnational crime
coireacht trasteorann
macrofinancial assistance
tacaíocht mhacra-airgeadais
Working Party on Arable Crops
an Mheitheal um Barra Curaíochta
Working Party on Arable Crops (Protein Crops)
an Mheitheal um Barra Curaíochta (Barra Próitéine)
Working Party on Arable Crops (Cereals)
an Mheitheal um Barra Curaíochta (Gránaigh)
Community initiative concerning border development, cross-border cooperation and selected energy networks; Interreg II
Interreg II; tionscnamh Comhphobail maidir le forbairt réigiúin teorann, comhar trasteorann agus gréasáin fuinnimh roghnaithe
Phare CBC programme; Phare cross-border cooperation programme; programme for cross-border cooperation in the framework of the Phare programme
clár PHARE um chomhar trasteorann
International Red Cross; International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement; IRC
Gluaiseacht Idirnáisiúnta na Croise Deirge agus an Chorráin Dheirg
International Convention to Facilitate the Crossing of Frontiers for Passengers and Baggage Carried by Rail
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Trasnú Teorainneacha a Éascú do Phaisinéirí agus do Bhagáiste a Iompraítear d’Iarnród
International Convention to Facilitate the Crossing of Frontiers for Goods Carried by Rail
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Trasnú Teorainneacha a Éascú i gcomhair Earraí a Iompraítear d’Iarnród
cross-product netting
glanluacháil trastáirgí
Working Party on Arable Crops (Rice)
an Mheitheal um Barra Curaíochta (Rís)
Working Party on Arable Crops (Dried Fodder)
an Mheitheal um Barra Curaíochta (Farae Triomaithe)
cross-border hot pursuit; hot pursuit
tóir thrasteorann
autumn crocus; saffron crocus
cróch safrón
macroeconomic stabilisation
cobhsú maicreacnamaíoch
macroeconomic stability
cobhsaíocht mhaicreacnamaíoch
Atlantic croaker
grágaire Atlantach
CCC; cross-curricular competency; transversal competency
inniúlacht idirdhisciplíneach; inniúlacht traschuraclaim
microfinance; micro-financing
Protocol on external relations of the Member States with regard to the crossing of external borders
Prótacal maidir le caidreamh eachtrach na mBallstát i dtaca le teorainneacha seachtracha a thrasnú
eco-conditionality; environmental conditionality; environmental cross-compliance
traschomhlionadh comhshaoil
cross-border flow of personal data; transborder flow of personal data
sreabh trasteorann sonraí pearsanta
EARS-Net; European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network; European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System
an Líonra Eorpach Faireachais um Fhrithsheasmhacht in aghaidh Ábhar Frithmhiocróbach; EARS-Net
acquired antimicrobial resistance; acquired resistance; AMR; antimicrobial resistance; resistance
AMR; frithsheasmhacht in aghaidh ábhair fhrithmhiocróbacha
Basel core principles; BCP; core principles; core principles for effective banking supervision
croíphrionsabail Basel; croíphrionsabail do mhaoirseacht baincéireachta éifeachtach
National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Cumainn Náisiúnta na Croise Deirge agus an Chorráin Dheirg
Each Member State shall determine the sanctions to be imposed where the provisions of this Regulation are infringed. Such sanctions shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive. Pending the adoption, where necessary, of any legislation to this end, th
Socróidh gach Ballstát na smachtbhannaí a bheidh le forchur nuair a shárófar forálacha an Rialacháin seo. Beidh forálacha den sórt sin éifeachtach, comhréireach agus athchomhairleach. Go dtí go nglacfar, más gá, reachtaíocht ar bith chun na críche sin, ci
Handbook on cross-border police cooperation; police cooperation handbook; Schengen police cooperation handbook
lámhleabhar comhair póilíneachta; lámhleabhar maidir le comhar póilíneachta trasteorann
golden carpet shell
breallach croise órga
microcredit; microloan
PA; PF; precision agriculture; precision farming; site-specific crop management; SSCM
feirmeoireacht bheacht; talmhaíocht bheacht
saffron cod
trosc cróch
African weakfish; AWE; geelback croaker
grágaire Geelbek
black croaker; black-mouth croaker; CRL
grágaire béaldubh
large yellow croaker; LYC
grágaire mór buí
spot croaker
grágaire ballach
southern kingcroaker
rí-ghrágaire deisceartach
Gulf kingcroaker; KGG
rí-ghrágaire Murascailleach
CKM; white-mouth croaker
grágaire béalbhán
white flower croaker; YED; yellow drum
grágaire buí
HOC; honnibe croaker; yellow drum
grágaire buí
tigertooth croaker; tiger-toothed croaker
grágaire tíograch
CRY; yellow croaker
grágaire buí
law croaker
grágaire seineagálach
bobo croaker
grágaire bobo
cassava croaker
grágaire Seineagálach
West African croakers
grágaire Iar-Afracach
longneck croaker; PTY
grágaire fadmhuineálach
Argentine croaker; CKY
grágaire Airgintíneach
crocodile icefishes
CRO; crocodiles
CNG; New Guinea crocodile
crogall Nua-Ghuineach
Companies Registration Office; CRO
an Oifig um Chlárú Cuideachtaí
EU-Croatia Stabilisation and Association Agreement; Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Croatia, of the other part
an Comhaontú Cobhsaíochta agus Comhlachais idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus a mBallstáit, de pháirt, agus Poblacht na Cróite, den pháirt eile
ESAC; ESAC-Net; European Surveillance of Antibiotic Consumption; European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption; European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption Network
an Tionscadal Eorpach um Fhaireachas ar Thomhailt Ábhar Frithmhiocróbach; ESAC
prudent antimicrobial use; prudent use of antimicrobial agents
úsáid stuama oibreán frithmhiocróbach
crowd control
chelated micro-nutrient
micreachothaitheach crágtha
complexed micro-nutrient
micreachothaitheach coimpléascaithe
COMPCRO Working Party; Working Party on Competitiveness and Growth
an Mheitheal um Iomaíochas agus Fás
serious cross-border crime
coireacht thromchúiseach thrasteorann
residential micro CHP; residential micro-cogeneration
micrea-chomhghiniúint chónaithe
contactless chip; contactless microchip
slis éadadhaill
microprocessor card
cárta micreaphróiseálaí
ICRO; International Cell Research Organisation
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta um Thaighde Ceall
bark necrosis; bark split; pear bark necrosis disease; pear bark split disease
galar scoilte coirte an chrainn piorraí
gas chromatography with an electron capture detector
crómatagrafaíocht gháis le brathadóir leictreonghabhála
geosynchronous orbit; GSO
fithis gheoisioncronach
CMB; cosmic microwave background
cúlra micreathonnach cosmach
advanced synthetic aperture radar; ASAR
ard-radar cró shintéisigh
Microgravity User Support Centre; MUSC
an tIonad Tacaíochta d'Úsáideoirí sna hEolaíochtaí Micrea-dhomhantarraingthe
sucroglycerides; sugar glycerides
polyglycerin esters of fatty acid esters; polyglycerol esters of fatty acids; polyglycerol fatty acid esters; polyglycol esters of fatty acids
eistir pholaigliocróil d'aigéid shailleacha
partial polyglycerol esters of polycondensed fatty acids of castor oil
eistir pholaigliocróil pháirteacha d'aigéid shailleacha pholaichomhdhlúite d'ola ricne
glyceryl triacetate; triacetin
trí-aicéatáit ghliocróil; trí-aicéatin
glycerol esters of condensed castor oil fatty acids; polyglycerol esters of interesterified ricinoleic acid; polyglycerol esters of polycondensed fatty acids from castor oil; polyglycerol polyricinoleate
polairicineoláit pholaigliocróil
specialised crop; specialized crop; specialized cultivation
barr speisialaithe
hollow heart
croí toll
allogamous species; cross-fertilized species
speiceas trastoirchithe
total crop
barr iomlán
gilt house
cró céise
crop-rotation restriction
srian ar uainíocht barr
account payee; account-only check; cheque only for account; collection-only cheque; crossed cheque
seic crosáilte
crossed check
seic crosáilte
check crossed generally; cheque crossed generally
seic a bhfuil gnáthchrosáil air
check crossed specially; cheque crossed specially
seic sainchrosáilte
symbiont; symbiote; symbiotic microorganism
miocrorgánach siombóiseach
in vitro vegetative propagation; micropropagation
microgravity; micro-gravity
cross-linking agent; interlacing agent
oibreán trasnascthach
bias-ply tire; cross-ply tyre
bonn crosdualach
inorganic micronutrient fertiliser; micronutrient fertiliser
leasachán neamhorgánach micreachothaitheach
undersown crop
blue asbestos; crocidolite; crocidolite asbestos
aispeist ghorm; croicidilít
contra heading; contra-entry; cross-entry
iontráil contra
autopsy; necropsy; post-mortem; post-mortem examination
scrúdú iarbháis
crosspolarized beacon
rabhchán traspholaraithe
back scatter cross-section
an trasghearradh den chúlscaipeadh; trasghearradh cúlscaipthe
cross-polar isolation
aonrú traspholach; leithlis thraspholach
cross-polar channel
cainéal traspholach
residual cross-polar vector
veicteoir traspholach iarmharach
on-axis cross-polar discrimination
idirdhealú traspholach ar an ais; idirdhealú traspholach ar-ais
cross-polar component
comhábhar traspholach
crosspolar channel locked to the copolar signal
cainéal traspholach glasáilte ar an gcomhartha comhpholach
residual cross-talk
traschaint iarmharach
extinction cross-section
trasghearradh cealúcháin
lower cross-polarization constant
tairiseach íochtarach traspholarúcháin
cross polar discrimination for two frequencies
idirdhealú traspholach le haghaidh dhá mhinicíocht
method of scaling cross-polar discrimination
modh chun idirdhealú traspholach a scálú
cross-polar component due to the atmosphere
comhábhar traspholach de bharr an atmaisféir
negligible attenuation at microwave frequencies
maolúchán diomaibhseach ag minicíochtaí micreathonnacha
cross-polar phasor
pasóir traspholach
cross-polar phase for circular polarisation
pas traspholach le haghaidh polarú ciorclach
hardware cross-polar cancellation network
líonra crua-earraí le haghaidh trasnaíocht thraspholach a chealú
cross-polar phase histogram
histeagram de phas traspholach
cross-polar database
bunachar sonraí traspholach
bore; cylinder bore
cró sorcóra
micro switch
ischemic heart disease
galar iscéimeach croí
piston crown; piston head; piston top
ceann loine
crossover design
dearadh trasach
Orinoco crocodile
crogall na hOranócó
Morelet's crocodile
crogall Morelet
Nile crocodile
crogall Níleach
Mindoro crocodile; Philippine crocodile
crogall Filipíneach
Cuban crocodile
crogall Cúbach
Siamese crocodile
crogall siamach
African dwarf crocodile
mionchrogall Iar-Afracach
Eskimo curlew
crotach Artach
red-crowned Amazon parrot
pearóid Amasónach dheargchorónach
noisy scrub-bird
éan scrobarnaí callánach
brown blossom pearly mussel; brown-blossom naiad; tan rifle shell
diúilicín rocshliogánach crón
Beecroft's flying squirrel; Beecroft's scaly-tailed squirrel
iora eitilte Beecroft
golden bishop; Napoleon weaver; yellow-crowned bishop
easpag buíchorónach
chestnut-crowned sparrow-weaver
fíodóir gealbhain ruachorónach
chinese crocodile lizard
laghairt chrogaill shíneach
Baillon's toucan; saffron toucanet
túcáinín cróch
to dip into the reserves; to draw up on the reserves; to encroach on the reserves
tarraingt as na cúlchistí
escrow account
cuntas eascró
core curriculum
maturity mismatch
aisioncronacht aibíochta
cross-border advertising
fógraíocht trasteorann
crown wheel
roth corónach
efficiency of cross-border payments
éifeachtúlacht íocaíochtaí trasteorann
capillary column gas chromatography; capillary gas chromatography; CC/GC; CGC
crómatagrafaíocht gháis ribeach
liquid chromatograph
crómatagraf leachta
crowding out; crowding-out effect
brú amach; plódú
CBC; cross-border cooperation
comhar trasteorann
aperture area; collector aperture; collector aperture area
achar cró tiomsúcháin
movable point crossing; moveable point frog; swing nose crossing
froga pointí inghluaiste
chromatid break
briseadh crómaitide
homolog; homologous chromosome; homologue
crómasóm homalógach; homalóg
microcredit; microlending
cross-border purchase
ceannach trasteorann; ceannachán trasteorann
suspension mounting
gléasadh crochta
height adjustable suspension; suspension adjustable for height
crochadh le hairde inchoigeartaithe
crosshead screwdriver
scriúire Phillips
crown imperial; fritillaria
microbe; microorganism
miocrób; miocrorgánach
cró lampa
lamp bracket; lantern bracket
brac lampa; cró lampa
alligator clip; crocodile clip
fáiscín crogaill
dissecting microscope; dissection scope; stereo microscope; stereomicroscope; stereoscopic microscope
micreascóp diosctha; micreascóp steiréascópach
phase contrast microscope
micreascóp paschodarsnachta
chromosome band; chromosome banding
banda crómasóim
cross supplies
cross-border link
nasc trasteorann
right of veto; veto right
ceart crosta
crane's bill; cranesbill; geranium
crobh fola; geiréiniam
flat-bottomed microtitre plate
pláta réthónach micrithítear
orbital shaker
croiteoir fithiseach
shaker; shaking device; shaking machine
shaft cross-section
trasghearradh sloic
pallid harrier
cromán bánlíoch
Montagu's harrier
cromán liath
Eurasian marsh-harrier; European marsh harrier; marsh harrier; Western marsh-harrier
cromán móna iartharach
bearded reedling; bearded tit
meantán croiméalach
crop production; plant production
táirgeadh barr
crop-share; share farming; share leasing; share tenancy; sharecropping
macroelement; macronutrient; major nutrient
flora; microbial flora; microbiota; microflora
micro-element; micronutrient; oligo-element; trace element
micreachothaitheach; riandúil
crossing over; crossing-over
crossbreeding; cross-breeding; crossing; outbreeding
crop remains; crop residue; crop residues
fuíoll bairr
agriculture on terraces; cropping on terraces; terrace cultivation; terraced culture; terracing
saothrú léibheannach
catch crop; follow-on crop; intermediate crop
barr breise
crop disease; plant disease
galar barr; galar planda
black-eyed pea; crowder-pea; southern-pea
pis bhó
common lungwort
crotal coiteann
craw; crop; ingluvies
alternation of crops; crop rotation; rotation
uainíocht barr
simple hybrid; single cross hybrid; single hybrid
hibrid shimplí
Budapest Treaty; Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure
Conradh Bhúdaipeist um Aitheantas Idirnáisiúnta a Thabhairt do Thaisceadh Miocrorgánach chun críocha Nóis Imeachta Paitinní
aerobic colony count; aerobic plate count; APC; mesophilic count; TAMC; total aerobic microbial count; total plate count
áireamh coilíneachtaí aeróbacha; APC
high resolution gas chromatography; HRGC
crómatagrafaíocht gháis ardtaifigh
gas chromatography/mass spectrometry; gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy; gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; GC/MS; GC-MS
crómatagrafaíocht gháis/mais-speictriméadracht
LC-MS; liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
crómatagrafaíocht leachta in éineacht le mais-speictriméadracht; LC-MS
ion pair chromatography; IPC
crómatagrafaíocht iandíse
belted tyre; bias-belted tyre; cross-ply tyre; diagonal tyre
bonn crosdualach
acrobatic flight
eitilt aeraclaíochta
blade core
croí lainne; croíleacán lainne
chromate filming; chromate passivation; chromate treatment
éighníomhú crómáite
chrome pickle
correlation detection; cross correlation detection
aimsiú comhghaoil
cranked wing
sciathán crománach
cross acceleration
trasnán soilse ascnaimh
cross flow
cross rolling
crosrolladh; trasrolladh
cross seam
cross-wind force
fórsa trasghaoithe
dynamic suspension
crochadh dinimiciúil
hard chromium
cróimiam crua
load ring
fáinne crochta
pionna cromáin
micro hardness
microburet; microburette
gas chromatography; GC
crómatagrafaíocht gháis
chromatographic column; chromatography column
colún crómatagrafach; colún crómatagrafaíochta
column chromatography
crómatagrafaíocht cholúin
crossbreeding; cross-breeding; crossing; outbreeding
inverted microscope
micreascóp aisiompaithe
microalga; microphyte
chromaticity coordinates; chromaticity co-ordinates
comhordanáidí crómatachta
synchronous generator
gineadóir sioncronach
asynchronous generator; induction generator
gineadóir aisioncronach
cross-border data flow; transborder data flow; transfrontier data flow; transnational data flow
sreabh sonraí trasteorann; sreabhadh trasteorann sonraí
bottleneck; traffic bottleneck
scrogall tráchta
pedestrian crossing; zebra crossing
trasrian síogach
level crossing
crosaire comhréidh
pedestrian underpass; subway; undercrossing; underground crossing; underpass
alligator cracking; cracking; crazing; crocodile cracking
mionscoilteadh dromchlaí bóthair
micro-wave discharge
díluchtú micreathoinne
micro-organic assimilation
comhshamhlú miocrorgánach
Ringelmann microscale
micreascála Ringelmann
cross-currency swap; cross-currrency rate swap
babhtáil trasairgeadra
alternative agricultural production; alternative crops; substitute agricultural production
barra malartacha
hanging ratio
cóimheas crochta
microscopic examination; microscopy
micreascópacht; scrúdú micreascópach
bead bundle; bead core; bead filler; heel bead wire
croí feirbín boinn
cross linking; crosslinking
outer valance; valance
intra-Community sea crossing; intra-Union sea crossing
turas farraige laistigh den Aontas; turas farraige laistigh den Chomhphobal
LC; liquid chromatography; liquid column chromatography
crómatagrafaíocht leachta
microbial strain; strain
tréithchineál; tréithchineál miocróbach
micronisation; micronising
gel chromatography; gel filtration; gel filtration chromatography; gel permeation chromatography; GFC; GPC; mol sieve; molecular exclusion chromatography; molecular sieve chromatography; SEC; size exclusion chromatography
crómatagrafaíocht criathair mhóilínigh
cross currency interest rate swap
babhtáil ráta úis trasairgeadra
heliosynchronous orbit; solar synchronous orbit; sun-synchronous orbit
fithis ghriansioncronach
earth-synchronous satellite; geosynchronous satellite
satailít gheoisioncronach
IEC; ion exchange chromatography
crómatagrafaíocht malartaithe ian
thin layer chromatography; thin-layer chromatography; TLC
crómatagrafaíocht chaolchisil
malignant chromatophoroma
crómatafóróma urchóideach
alveolar plastic; cellular plastic; expanded cellular plastic; expanded plastic; foam; foam plastic; foamed plastic; micro-cellular plastic; plastic foam
cúr; cúr plaisteach
bronze diabetes; congenital pigmentary cirrhosis; haemochromatosis; hemochromatosis
chromogen; chromogenic
crómaigin; crómaigineach
acentric chromosome; acentric chromosome fragment
crómasóm aiceintreach
chromosomal duplication; chromosome duplication; gene amplification; gene duplication
macasamhlú crómasóim
biological exogamy; outbreeding; out-crossing
aschrosáil; easphórú
cast crown; thimble crown
coróin mhéaracáin; coróin mhúnla
alternate hemiplegia; alternating hemiplegia; crossed hemiplegia
heimipléige ailtéarnach
chromosome condensation
comhdhlúthú; comhdhlúthú crómasóm
biomicroscope; corneal microscope; slit-lamp microscope
micreascóp lampa scoiltínigh
micro element; micromineral; oligo-element; trace element; trace mineral
riandúil; rianmhianra
cross-dressing; transvestism
chip; IC; integrated circuit; integrated semiconductor; microchip; microcircuit; microelectronic circuit; silicon chip
ciorcad comhtháite; ciorcad iomlánaithe; IC; micrishlis; slis sileacain
microcircuit; microelectronic circuit; microminiature circuit; microminiature module; microminiaturised circuit; microminiaturized circuit
cross-platform interchange
acomhal trasardáin
cross-section count
comhaireamh tráchta bunaithe ar thrasghearradh
diamond crossing
crosaire muileata
facing crossover
trasnasc aghaidhe
double crossover; scissors crossing; scissors crossover
trasnasc dúbailte
point follower control system; synchronous network control
rialú sioncrónach an ghréasáin
crossing of lines; crossing of tracks; track crossing
trasnú ráillrianta
trailing crossover
trasnasc cúil
vehicle suspension
crochadh feithicle
wheel suspension
crochadh rotha
maser; microwave laser
léasar micreathonnach
coefficient of correlation; correlation coefficient; cross-correlation coefficient
comhéifeacht comhghaolúcháin
frontier crossing value
luach trasteorann
frontier crossing goods traffic
trácht earraí trasteorann
other textile crops
barra teicstíle eile
heart failure
cliseadh plúchtach croí
aberration of the chromatid type; chromatid aberration; chromatid-type aberration
saobhadh struchtúrtha crómaitide
in vivo mammalian erythrocyte micronucleus test; mammalian erythrocyte micronucleus test; mammalian in vivo micronucleus test; micronucleus test
tástáil micreanúicléis; tástáil micreanúicléis eiritricíte i mamaigh
polychromatic erythrocyte
eiritricít pholacrómatach
mitotic crossing-over
crosmhalartú miotóiseach
common crossing; crossing frog; frog
cathode ray oscillograph; cathode-ray oscilloscope; CRO
ascalascóp ga-chatóideach
SAR; synthetic aperture radar
radar cró shintéisigh
capsule; crown cap; crown seal
blind; hide
cró folaigh
canopy cover; crown cover
ceannbhrat; ceannbhrat duilliúir
crossing; cross-pollination
crown; tree canopy
crop establishment; establishment; plant establishment
bunú na mbarr; bunú plandaí
crosfhána; fána trasna; trasfhána
intercropping; interplanting; intertilling
idirchuraíocht; idirphlandáil; idirshaothrú
pathogen; pathogenic agent; pathogenic micro-organism; pathogenic organism
oibreán pataigineach; pataigin
artificial crop; artificial stand; man-made forest; plantation
forest crop; stand
clampa; clampa foraoise
chromosome map; cytogenetic map
mapa crómasómach
crosstie; railroad tie; railway sleeper; railway tie; sleeper; tie
crown closure
dúnadh ceannbhrait
cross licensing agreement
comhaontú cros-cheadúnúcháin
cross licensing
cros-cheadúnú; cros-cheadúnúchán
macroeconomics; macroeconomy
cross balance; cross-check
hanging rack
raca ar crochadh
aberration; chromosomal aberration; chromosomal damage; chromosome aberration
saobhadh crómasóim
footbridge; overhead crossing; pedestrian bridge; pedestrian overpass
droichead coisithe
core competency
noyau dur; stable shareholders
croíghrúpa scairshealbhóirí cobhsaí
chromosomal replication; chromosome duplication; chromosome replication
macasamhlú crómasóim
lagging chromosome
crómasóm chun deiridh
banding analysis; chromosomal banding; chromosome banding
bandáil crómasóm
scrogall; scroig
mechanical suspension
crochadh meicniúil
talamh curaíochta
cockpit; flight crew compartment; flight deck
cró an phíolóta
absorption chromatography; AC; adsorption chromatography; liquid-solid chromatography; LSC
crómatagrafaíocht asúcháin
IC; ion chromatography
crómatagrafaíocht ian
SFC; supercritical-fluid chromatography
crómatagrafaíocht sreabháin fhorchriticiúil
microcapillary column 530 microns
colún micriribeach 530 miocrón
microbial disinfection
dífhabhtú miocróbach
solid phase microextraction; SPME
micreastóscadh pas sholadaigh; SPME
MF; micro filtration; microfiltration
MF; micreascagachán
band microscreen
micrichriathar banda
microwave waste treatment
cóireáil dramhaíola mhicreathonnach
high performance liquid chromatography; high-pressure liquid chromatography; HPLC
crómatagrafaíocht leachta ardfheidhmíochta; HPLC
cross selling
cross section; transverse section
compound microscope
micreascóp comhshuite
cross-default clause
clásal trasmhainneachtana; clásal um thrasmhainneachtain
chromium(VI); hexavalent chromium
cróimiam heicsifhiúsach
anti-competitive cross-subsidy
tras-fhóirdheontas frithiomaíoch
cross-border interconnection service
seirbhís idirnaisc trasteorann
core network business
gnó líonra croíleacáin
cross-border interconnection between operators of established networks
idirnasc trasteorann idir oibreoirí de líonraí bhunaithe; idirnasc trasteorann idir oibreoirí líonraí bunaithe
crucian carp
carbán crosach
genetically modified herbicide tolerant crop; GMHT crop
barr luibhicídfhulangach géinathraithe; barr luibhicídfhulangach géinmhodhnaithe