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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
nervous system toxicity; neurotoxicity
nitrogen oxide; NOX
ocsaíd de nítrigin
nitrogen oxides; NOx; oxides of nitrogen
NO<sub>x</sub>; ocsaídí nítrigine
Luxembourg Socialist Workers' Party; POSL
Páirtí Oibrithe Sóisialacha Lucsamburg
nitrogen oxides emissions; NOx emissions
astaíochtaí NOx; astaíochtaí ocsaídí nítrigine
NOx Protocol; Protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides; Protocol to the 1979 Convention on long-range transboundary air pollution concerning the control of emissions of nitrogen oxides or their transboundary fluxes
Prótacal a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún 1979 maidir le Truailliú Aeir Trasteorann Fadraoin, a bhaineann le Rialú Astaíochtaí Ocsaídí Nítrigine nó a bhFloscanna Trasteorann
capture of CO2; carbon dioxide capture; CO2 capture
gabháil dé-ocsaíde carbóin
2,3,7,8-TCDD; 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-para-dioxin; 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; dioxin
selective non-catalytic reduction; SNCR
dí-ocsaídiú neamhchatalaíoch roghnaitheach; SNCR
developmental toxicity
tocsaineacht fhorbarthach
preventive medical care; preventive medical treatment; preventive treatment; prophylactic treatment; prophylaxis
cóireáil choisctheach; cóireáil phróifiolacsach
tocsaineacht imdhíonachta
child pornography; child sexual abuse material; CSAM
pornagrafaíocht leanaí
bridging study; toxicological bridging study
staidéar eachtarshuímh; staidéar eachtarshuímh tocsaineolaíoch
dioxin-like PCB; dioxin-like PCB congener
PCB de chineál dé-ocsaine
H&E; H&E stain; H&E staining; haematoxylin and eosin stain
ruaim H&E; ruaim haematocsailine agus eoisine
COX; cyclooxygenase
multiplex PCR; multiplex polymerase chain reaction
imoibriú slabhrúil polaiméaráise ilphléacsach
NADPH; nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate; reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
FDAN+; fosfáit dénúicléitíd adainín nicitíonaimíde dhí-ocsaídithe
deoxynivalenol; DON; vomitoxin
dí-ocsainiviléanól; DON
aggregate anthropogenic carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of greenhouse gases
astaíochtaí antrapaigineacha comhiomlána de gháis ceaptha teasa léirithe mar choibhéis dé-ocsaíde carbóin
E 220; sulphur dioxide
dé-ocsaíd sulfair; E-220
boric oxide
ocsaíd bhórach
phosphorus pentoxide
peantocsaíd fosfair
Agreement between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the European Atomic Energy Community and the International Ato; EURATOM/IAEA Verification Agreement; VA; Verification Agreement
an Comhaontú Fíorúcháin; an Comhaontú idir Ríocht na Beilge, Ríocht na Danmhairge, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, Éire, Poblacht na hIodáile, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg, Ríocht na hÍsiltíre, an Comhphobal Eorpach do Fhuinneamh Adamhach agus an Ghníomhaireacht Idirnáisiúnta do hui
photochemical oxidant
ocsaídeán fótaiceimiceach
Scientific Advisory Committee on the Toxicity and Ecotoxicity of Chemical Compounds; Scientific Advisory Committee to examine the toxicity and ecotoxicity of chemical compounds
Coiste Comhairleach Eolaíoch chun tocsaineacht agus éiceatocsaineacht chomhdhúl ceimiceach a scrúdú
Convention between Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands on Assistance between Customs Administrations; Convention between Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands on the Provision of Mutual Assistance by their Customs Authorities; Naples I
an Coinbhinsiún idir an Bheilg, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, an Fhrainc, an Iodáil, Lucsamburg agus an Ísiltír maidir le Cúnamh Frithpháirteach idir Údaráis Chustaim na dTíortha sin
Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention; Biological Weapons Convention; BTWC; BWC; Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hAirm Bhitheolaíocha agus Thocsaine; an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Toirmeasc ar Fhorbairt, Táirgeadh agus Stoc-Charnadh Arm Baictéareolaíoch (Bitheolaíoch) agus Tocsaine agus maidir lena nDíothú; BTWC
twaite shad
sead fhallacsach
single-dose toxicity
tocsaineacht aon dáileoige amháin
acute toxicity
subacute toxicity
tocsaineacht mheathghéar
Treaty on Extradition and Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Conradh maidir le hEiseachadadh agus Cúnamh Frithpháirteach in Ábhair Choiriúla idir Ríocht na Beilge, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg agus Ríocht na hÍsiltíre
Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union; BLEU
Aontas Eacnamaíochta na Beilge-Lucsamburg; BLEU
p-hydroxybenzoic acid
aigéad p-hiodrocsaibeansóch
oxygen compound; oxygenate
comhdhúil ocsaigine; ocsaigionáit
aluminium hydroxide
hiodrocsaíd alúmanaim
aluminium oxide
ocsaíd alúmanaim
stock index forward; stock index future; stock index futures contract
conradh todhchaíochtaí innéacsanna stoic; todhchaíocht innéacsanna stoic
emission of oxides of sulphur
astú ocsaídí sulfair
catalytic reduction
dí-ocsaídiú catalaíoch
chronic toxicity; long-term toxicity
tocsaineacht ainsealach; tocsaineacht fhadtéarmach
reducing sugar; reducting sugar
siúcra dí-ocsaídithe
single-dose toxicity test; single-dose toxicity testing
tástáil tocsaineachta aon dáileoige
repeat-dose toxicity; repeated-dose toxicity
tocsaineacht ildáileog
1990 Schengen Convention; CISA; Convention Implementing the Schengen Agreement; Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of checks at their common borders; CSA; Schengen Convention
an Coinbhinsiún lena ndéantar Comhaontú Schengen an 14 Meitheamh 1985 idir Rialtais Stáit Aontas Eacnamaíoch Benelux, Phoblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine agus Phoblacht na Fraince maidir le seiceálacha ag a gcomhtheorainneacha a dhíothú de réir a chéile a c; Coinbhinsiún Schengen
subchronic toxicity
tocsaineacht mheathainsealach
SOFC; solid oxide fuel cell
breosla-chill ocsaíde soladaí; SOFC
hydrogen peroxide (including solid hydrogen peroxide)
sárocsaíd hidrigine (lena n-áirítear sárocsaíd hidrigine sholadach)
iron hydro-oxides
hiodrocsaíd iarainn
lithium hydroxide
hiodrocsaíd litiam
E 524; sodium hydroxyde
E 524; hiodrocsaíd sóidiam
beryllium oxide
ocsaíd bheirilliam
iron oxides
ocsaíd iarainn
aluminium oxide and hydroxide (alumina)
ocsaíd agus hiodrocsaíd alúmanaim (alúmana)
acetamino-5 hydroxy-4 (phenylazo)-3 naphthalene-2,7 disulfonic acid
aigéad aicéataimín-5-hiodrocsa-4-(fionalasó)-3-naftailéin-2,7-déshulfónach
titanium dioxide
dé-ocsaíd tiotáiniam
nitrogen dioxide
dé-ocsaíd nítrigine
sodium/ammonium hydroxide
hidrocsaíd amóiniam; hiodrocsaíd sóidiam
animals vaccinated against brucellosis
ainmhithe atá vacsaínithe in aghaidh na brúsalóise
arsenic pentoxide
peantocsaíd arsanaice
titanium oxides
ocsaíd tíotáiniam
vanadic pentoxide
peantocsaíd vanaidiam
diazo-, azo- and azoky-compounds
diazo-, azo- agus azocsa-chomhdhúile
facsimile machine; fax; fax machine
meaisín facsála
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg; Luxembourg
Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg; Lucsamburg
short-term repeated-dose toxicity; short-term toxicity
tocsaineacht ghearrthéarmach ildáileog
taxonomic identity; taxonomic name
ainm tacsanomaíoch
Treaty between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Member States of the European Communities), the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland, ; Treaty concerning the accession of the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland, the Kingdom of Norway and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the European Economic Community and to the European Atomic Energy Community
an Conradh idir Ríocht na Beilge, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, Poblacht na Fraince, Poblacht na hIodáile, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg, Ríocht na hÍsiltíre (Ballstáit na gComhphobal Eorpach), Ríocht na Danmhairge, Éire, Ríocht na hIorua, agus Ríocht Aonta
Treaty between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nort; Treaty concerning the accession of the Hellenic Republic to the European Economic Community and to the European Atomic Energy Community
an Conradh i dtaobh aontachas na Poblachta Heilléanaí le Comhphobal Eacnamaiochta na hEorpa agus leis an gComhphobal Eorpach do Fhuinneamh Adamhach; an Conradh idir Ríocht na Beilge, Ríocht na Danmhairge, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, Poblacht na Fraince, Éire, Poblacht na hIodáile, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg, Ríocht na hÍsiltíre, Ríocht Aontaithe na Breataine Móire agus Thuaisceart Éireann (Ballstái
Treaty between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Hellenic Republic, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the United Kingdom of; Treaty concerning the accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic to the European Economic Community and to the European Atomic Energy Community
an Conradh i dtaobh aontachas Ríocht na Spáinne agus Phoblacht na Portaingéile le Comhphobal Eacnamaíochta na hEorpa agus leis an gComhphobal Eorpach do Fhuinneamh Adamhach; an Conradh idir Ríocht na Beilge, Ríocht na Danmhairge, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, an Phoblacht Heilléanach, Poblacht na Fraince, Éire, Poblacht na hIodáile, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg, Ríocht na hÍsiltíre, Ríocht Aontaithe na Breataine Móire agus Thu
comprehensive safeguards agreement; CSA; full scope safeguards agreement
an Comhaontú maidir le Coimirciú Cuimsitheach
Prótacal um Aontachas Phoblacht na hOstaire don Chomhaontú idir Ríocht na hIsiltíre, Ríocht na Beilge, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine agus Poblacht na Fraince maidir le seiceálacha ag na comhtheorainneacha a dhíothú de réir a ch
gamma hydroxybutyrate; GHB
gámahiodrocsabútaráit; GHB
carbon sink; sink
linn CO2; linn dé-ocsaíd charbóin
Interinstitutional Agreement of 20 December 1994 - Accelerated working method for official codification of legislative texts
Comhaontú Idirinstitiúideach an 20 Nollaig 1994 - Modh oibre luathaithe chun téacsanna reachtacha a chódú go hoifigiúil
marker vaccine
vacsaín marcála
carbon dioxide equivalent; CO2 equivalent; CO2e; CO2-eq
coibhéis CO2; coibhéis dé-ocsaíde carbóin
Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals
Lámhleabhar um Thástálacha Diagnóiseacha agus um Vacsaíní Ainmhithe Talún
pectenotoxin; PTX
yessotoxin; YTX
Treaty between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands,; Treaty concerning the accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and; Treaty of Accession 2003; Treaty of Athens
an Conradh i dtaobh aontachas Phoblacht na Seice, Phoblacht na hEastóine, Phoblacht na Cipire, Phoblacht na Laitvia, Phoblacht na Liotuáine, Phoblacht na hUngáire, Phoblacht Mhálta, Phoblacht na Polainne, Phoblacht na Slóvéine agus Phoblacht na Slóvaice l; an Conradh idir Ríocht na Beilge, Ríocht na Danmhairge, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, an Phoblacht Heilléanach, Ríocht na Spáinne, Poblacht na Fraince, Éire, Poblacht na hIodáile, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg, Ríocht na hÍsiltíre, Poblacht na hOstaire, Pob; Conradh Aontachais 2003; Conradh na hAithne
Office for infrastructure and logistics in Luxembourg
an Oifig um Bonneagar agus Lóistíocht i Lucsamburg; OIL
carboxylic acid
aigéad carbocsaileach
carboxyl; carboxyl group
hydroxyl group
International Red Locust Control Organisation for Central and Southern Africa; IRLCO-CSA
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta um Shrianadh Lócaistí Dearga i Lár agus i nDeisceart na hAfraice
basic oxygen furnace; BOF
bunfhoirnéis ocsaigine
alpha-hydroxytoluene; benzenemethanol; benzyl alcohol; phenylcarbinol; phenylmethanol; phenylmethyl alcohol
alcól beinséine; alcól feinilmeitile; alfa-hiodrocsatolúéin; beinséinmeatánól; feinealcairbíonól; feinilmeatánól
dissolved oxygen uptake rate; DOUR; OUR; oxygen uptake rate
ráta ionsúite ocsaigine tuaslagtha
alkyl phenol ethoxylate
eatocsaláit ailcilfeanóil
reactive oxygen species; ROS
speiceas ocsaigine imoibríche
TEQ; toxic equivalent
coibhéis thocsaineach
CI food yellow 3; Crelborange S; disodium 2-hydroxy-1-(4-sulfonatophenylazo)naphthalene-6-sulfonate; FD&C Yellow No. 6; Orange yellow S; sunset yellow F; Sunset Yellow FCF
Buí oráiste; déshóidiam 2- hiodrocsa-1-(4-sulfónáitifeiniolasa) naftailéin-6-sulfónáitv
propyl p-hydroxybenzoate
p-hiodrocsaibeansóáit phróipile
sodium propyl p-hydroxybenzoate
sóidiam p-hiodrocsaibeansóáite phróipile
n-propyl ester of 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic acid; propyl 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoate; propyl ester of gallic acid; propyl gallate
3, 4, 5-tríhiodrocsaibeansóáit próipile; eistear próipile d'aigéad gálach; galláit phróipile
n-octyl ester of 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic acid; octyl 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoate; octyl gallate; οctyl ester of gallic acid
3,4,5-tríhiodrocsaibeansóáit ochtaile; eistear n-ochtaile d'aigéad 3,4,5-tríhiodrocsaibeansóch; eistear ochtaile d'aigéad gálach; galláit ochtaile
dodecyl 3,4,5-tri-hydroxybenzoate; dodecyl ester of gallic acid; dodecyl gallate; lauryl ester of 3,4,5-trihydroxy-benzoic acid; lauryl gallate; n-dodecyl ester of 3,4,5-trihydroxy-benzoic acid
dóidicil 3, 4, 5-tríhiodrocsaibeansóch; galláit dóidicile
3-tertiary-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole; 4-methoxy-2-tert-butyl-phenol; butylated hydroxyanisole; butylhydroxyanisole
búitil-4-hiodrocsanasól 3-treasach; búitilhiodrocsanasól
6-ethoxy-2,2,4-trimethyl-1,2-dihydroquinoline; ethoxyquin
E324; eatocsacuin
ethyl citrate; triethyl 2-hydroxypropan-1,2,3-tricarboxylate; triethyl citrate
eitil chiotráite; trí-eitil 2-hiodrocsaprópán-1,2,3-trícharbocsaláit; trí-eitil chiotráite
deoxyribonucleic acid; DNA
aigéad dí-ocsairibeanúicléasach; DNA
horseradish peroxidase; Horse-Radish Peroxidase; HRP
sárocsaíodáis raidise fiáine
oxidoreductase; oxido-reductase
ocsaídi dí-ocsaíodáis
inactivated vaccine; killed vaccine
vacsaín dhíghníomhaithe
subunit vaccine
vacsaín fo-aonaid
carbon dioxide
dé-ocsaíd charbóin
carbon monoxide
aonocsaíd charbóin
dioxin; PCDD; polychlorinated dibenzo-<i>p</i>-dioxin; polychlorinated dibenzo-<i>para</i>-dioxin; polychlorinated dibenzodioxin; polychlorodibenzodioxin
débheinsi-dé-ocsain pholaclóirínithe; débheinsi-p-dé-ocsain pholaclóirínithe; dé-ocsain; PCDD
ocsaídiú; ocsaídiúchán
hexanoic acid
aigéad heacsánóch
subacute toxicity test
tástáil tocsaineachta meathghéire
ornithine decarboxylase
ornaitín dícharbocsaláise
toxic response
freagairt thocsaineach
sub-chronic inhalation toxicity study
staidéar ar thocsaineacht ionanálaithe fho-ainsealach
HGPRT; HGPRTase; HPRT; hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase
trasfaráis fhosfarabaisíleach hiopocsaintín-ghuainín
5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine; bromodeoxyuridine
FGD; flue gas desulfurisation; flue-gas desulphurisation; SO2 scrubbing; sulfur dioxide scrubbing
díshulfarú gáis mhúcháin; sciúradh dé-ocsaíde sulfair
TCO; transparent conductive oxide
ocsaíd sheoltach thrédhearcach
stock market index future; stock-index future contract
conradh todhchaíochtaí innéacsanna stoic
live attenuated virus vaccine
vacsaín bheo le víreas caolaithe
neurotoxic response
freagairt néarthocsaineach
carboxyl terminus; C-terminus
deireadh carbocsaile
oxidative stress
strus ocsaídiúcháin
oxidation-reduction reaction; redox reaction
imoibriú ocsaídiúcháin agus dí-ocsaídiúcháin
H2-O2 cell
cill hidrigine-ocsaigine
2,3-dihydro-5,6-dimethyl-1,4-dithiin 1,1,4,4-tetraoxide; dimethipin
2,3-déhidrea-5,6-démheitil-1,4-dé-itín 1,1,4,4-teitrea-ocsaíd; démheitipin
pest resistance; pest resistance to pesticides; pesticide resistance
frithsheasmhacht lotnaidí in aghaidh lotnaidicídí; frithsheasmhacht lotnaidí in aghaidh tocsaine
dermal toxicity
tocsaineacht dheirmeach
genotoxic activity; genotoxic effect
éifeacht ghéineatocsaineach; gníomhaíocht ghéineatocsaineach
oxidation catalyst; oxidation catalytic converter; two-way catalyst; two-way catalytic converter
catalaíoch ocsaídiúcháin
attenuated virus vaccine
vacsaín le víreas caolaithe
environmental toxicology; ETOX
tocsaineolaíocht chomhshaoil
marine biotoxins
biotocsain mhuirí
reducing sugar
siúcra dí-ocsaídithe
E220; sulphur dioxide
dé-ocsaíd sulfair
arsenic trioxide; arsenious acid anyhdride; arsenous acid anhydride; diarsenic trioxide; white arsenic
aigéad arsanúil; trí-ocsaíd arsanaice; trí-ocsaíd dhé-arsanach
lithium hydroxide
hiodrocsaíd litiam
3,5,3',5'-tetraiodothyronine; thyroxine
1,2-epoxyethane; ethylene oxide; oxirane
1,2-eapocsa-eatán; ocsaíd eitiléine; ocsaíorán
thermal reduction
dí-ocsaídiú teirmeach
Community Reference Laboratory for marine biotoxins; EU reference laboratory for the monitoring of marine biotoxins; EURLMB; European Union Reference Laboratory for Marine Biotoxins
Saotharlann Tagartha an Aontais Eorpaigh um Biotocsainí Muirí
pneumo jab; pneumococcal vaccine; pneumonia vaccine
vacsaín niúmacocúil
O2-electrode; oxygen electrode
leictreoid ocsaigine
oxygen meter
méadar ocsaigine
chemical reduction
dí-ocsaídiú ceimiceach
emergency vaccination
vacsaíniú éigeandála
active ingredient; active substance
substaint ghníomhach; substaint thocsaineach
toxicokinetic study
staidéar tocsainchinéiteach
MOBLO; molecular oxygen for black liquor oxidation
ocsaigin mhóilineach i gcomhair ocsaídiú licéir dhuibh
anti-oxidative stability; oxidation stability; oxidative stability
cobhsaíocht ocsaídiúcháin
peroxide index; peroxide value
innéacs sárocsaíde
altitude hypoxia
hiopocsa airde
bail out bottle; emergency oxygen bottle
buidéal ocsaigine éigeandála
basic oxygen steelmaking
déanamh cruach bunata le hocsaigin
closed circuit oxygen equipment
trealamh ocsaigine le ciorcad iata
constant flow oxygen equipment; continuous flow oxygen equipment
trealamh soláthar leanúnach ocsaigine
CO2 welding
táthú CO2; táthú dé-ocsaíde carbóin
demand oxygen equipment
trealamh ocsaigine ar éileamh
demand oxygen regulator; oxygen pressure demand regulator
rialtán "ocsaigin ar éileamh"; rialtán ocsaigine ar éileamh
duplex ageing
aosú déphléacsach
emergency oxygen
ocsaigin éigeandála
emergency oxygen system
córas ocsaigine éigeandála
epoxy varnish
vearnais eapocsach
lox-hydrogen engine
ineall faoi thiomáint ocsaigine leachtai agus hidrigine leachtaí; inneall ocsaigine-hidrigine leachtaí
loxodrome; rhumb; rhumb line
locsadróm; rumlíne
oxidant; oxidizer
nitrogen dioxide
dé-ocsaíd nítrigine
hydroxy-acid; oxyacid
magnesium oxide
ocsaíd mhaignéisiam
cytotoxic effect
iarmhairt chíteatocsaineach
delayed neurotoxicity
néarthocsaineacht mhoillithe
neurotoxic substance; neurotoxicant
substaint néarthocsaineach
oxy-fuel burner
dóire ocsaibhreosla
oxidising; oxidizing
ocsaídiú; ocsaídiúchán
diethyl ether; ether; ethoxyethane; ethyl ether
eatocsa-eitéin; éitear dé-eitile
3,4-methylnedioxymethylamphetamine; Adam; ecstasy; MDMA; XTC
3,4-meitiléindé-ocsaimeitilamfataimín; Adam; E; eacstais; MDMA; XTC
builder's lime; calcium hydroxide; hydrated lime; lime hydrate; slaked lime
aol hiodráitithe; aol teilgthe; hiodrocsaíd chailciam
display box
bocsa taispeána; bocsa taispeántais
SCR; selective catalytic converter reduction; selective catalytic reduction
dí-ocsaídiú roghnaitheach catalaíoch
toxic and dangerous waste storage
stóráil dramhaíola tocsainí agus contúirtí
toxic and dangerous waste collect center
lárionad bailithe dramhaíola tocsainí agus contúirtí
toxic and dangerous waste check list
seicliosta de dhramhaíl thocsaineach agus chontúirteach
toxic and dangerous waste packing
pacáil dramhaíola tocsainí agus contúirtí
toxic and dangerous waste management
bainistíocht dramhaíola tocsainí agus contúirtí
plant for toxic and dangerous waste elimination
gléasra um dhramhaíl thocsaineach agus contúirteach a dhíothú
plant for toxic and dangerous waste treatment
gléasra um dhramhaíl thocsaineach agus contúirteach a chóireáil
fluid sampling instrument for solid toxic and dangerous waste
samplóir sreabhán le haghaidh dramhaíola soladaí atá contúirteach tocsaineach
wet air oxidation
ocsaídiú fliuch aeir
supercritical water oxidation
ocsaídiú le huisce forchriticúil
toxic and dangerous waste chemical oxidation
ocsaídiú ceimiceach i ndramhaíl thocsaineach agus chontúirteach
toxic and dangerous waste pre-treatment
réamhchóireáil dramhaíola tocsainí agus contúirtí
toxic and dangerous waste producer
táirgeoir dramhaíola tocsainí agus contúirtí
toxic and dangerous waste recycling
athchúrsáil dramhaíola tocsainí agus contúirtí
toxic and dangerous waste recovery
aisghabháil dramhaíola tocsainí agus contúirtí
toxic and dangerous waste regeneration
athghiniúint dramhaíola tocsainí agus contúirtí
toxic and dangerous waste
dramhaíl thocsaineach agus chontúirteach
toxic and dangerous waste reutilization
athúsáid dramhaíola tocsainí agus contúirtí
toxic and dangerous waste identification system
córas aitheanta dramhaíola tocsainí agus contúirtí
toxic and dangerous waste treatment
cóireáil dramhaíola tocsainí agus contúirtí
WRS oxidation process
próiseas ocsaídiúcháin WRS
environmental impact of the toxic and dangerous waste neutralization process
tionchar an phróisis neodraithe dramhaíola contúirtí agus tocsainí ar an gcomhshaol
iron-oxid smoke
deatach ocsaíd iarainn
very toxic substance
substaint an-tocsaineach
CI Pigment White 6; titanium dioxide
dé-ocsaíd tíotáiniam
reducing agent
reducer; reducing agent; reductant
dí-ocsaídeoir; oibreán dí-ocsaídithe
biochemical oxygen demand; biological oxygen demand; BOD; BOD-5
éileamh bithchemiceach ar ocsaigin
marine biotoxin
biotocsain mhara
D<sub>2</sub>O; deuterium oxide; DO; heavy water; HW
ocsaíd deoitéiriam; tromuisce
chemical oxygen demand; COD; oxygen demand
éileamh ceimiceach ar ocsaigin
bacterial endotoxin; endotoxin
hydrogen peroxide
sárocsaíd hidrigine
glyoxalic acid; glyoxylic acid; oxoacetic acid
aigéad gliocsalach
organic peroxide
sárocsaíd orgánach
dinitrogen monoxide; dinitrogen oxide; laughing gas; nitrous oxide
gás gáire; monocsaíd dénítrigine; ocsaíd dénítrigine; ocsaíd nítriúil
mononitrogen monoxide; nitric oxide; nitrogen monoxide; NO
aonocsaíd nítrigine; ocsaíd nítreach
dissolved oxygen; dissolved oxygen concentration; DO
ocsaigin thuaslagtha
oxidative phosphorylation
fosfairiliú ocsaídiúcháin
redox indicator
táscaire ocsaídiúcháin agus dí-ocsaídiúcháin
primary vaccination; primary vaccination course
vacsaíniú príomhúil
inoculate; vaccinate
ionaclaigh; vacsaínigh
preventive vaccination; prophylactic immunisation; prophylactic inoculation; prophylactic vaccination; protective vaccination
vacsaíniú próifiolacsach
monovalent vaccine; univalent vaccine
vacsaín aonfhiúsach
multivalent vaccine; polyvalent vaccine
vacsaín ilfhiúsach
nervous system toxicity; neurotoxicity
anti-rabies vaccine; rabies vaccine
vacsaín frithchonfaidh
vaccine strain
straidhn vacsaíne
alumina; aluminium oxide; aluminum oxide
alúmana; ocsaíd alúmanaim
epilayer; epitaxial film; epitaxial layer
ciseal eipeatacsach
jeepney; jitney; shared taxi
tacsaí comhroinnte
taxi; taxi cab
taxi service
seirbhís tacsaithe
CD8 cell; CD8 lymphocyte; CD8 T lymphocyte; CD8+ cell; CD8+ T cell; cytotoxic T cell; cytotoxic T lymphocyte; T8 cell; T8 lymphocyte
limficít chíteatocsaineach
genotoxic carcinogen
carcanaigin ghéineatocsaineach
sub-chronic toxicity
tocsaineacht fho-ainsealach; tocsaineacht mheathainsealach
toxicokinetic parameter
paraiméadar tocsainchinéiteach
combined chronic toxicity carcinogenicity test; combined chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity test
comhthástáil ar thocsaineacht ainsealach agus ar charcanaigineacht
auxotrophic heteroallelic strain
tréithchineál heitrailléileach ácsatrófach
non-genotoxic carcinogen
carcanaigin neamh-ghéineatocsaineach
theoretical oxygen demand; ThOD
éileamh teoiriciúil ar ocsaigin; ThOD
abiotic oxygen uptake
iontógáil aibitheach ocsaigine
duplex operation
oibríocht dhéphléacsach
semi-duplex operation
oibríocht leath-dhéphléacsach
oxidant; oxidiser; oxidising agent
ocsaídeoir; oibreán ocsaídithe
Mellow Drug of America; MDA; methylenedioxyamphetamine
MDA; meitiléindé-ocsamfataimín
indium oxide
ocsaíd indiam
thermal oxidation; thermal oxidation of Si; thermal oxidation of silicon
ocsaídiú teirmeach; ocsaídiú teirmeach sileacain
recombinant vaccine; vaccine based on recombinant DNA
vacsaín athchuingreach
basic oxygen furnace gas; BOF gas; BOS gas; converter BOF gas; converter gas; LD gas; oxygen steel furnace gas
gás bunfhoirnéise ocsaigine; gás foirnéise cruach ocsaigine
poisonous substance; toxic chemical; toxic substance; toxicant
ceimiceán tocsaineach; substaint thocsaineach; tocsain
total oxidized nitrogen
nítrigin ocsaídithe iomlán
oxygen analyzer
anailíseoir ocsaigine
nitrogen dioxide sensor; NO2 sensor
braiteoir dé-ocsaíde nítrigine
carbon dioxide sensor; CO2 sensor
braiteoir dé-ocsaíde carbóin
SO2 sensor; sulfur dioxide sensor; sulphur dioxide sensor
braiteoir dé-ocsaíde sulfair
zirconium oxide oxygen sensor
braiteoir ocsaigine ocsaíd siorcóiniam
electrochemical oxygen detector; electrochemical oxygen sensor
braiteoir leictriceimiceach ocsaigine
carousel oxidation ditch
díog ocsaídiúcháin rothlach
SO2 concentration in ambient air; sulfur dioxide concentration in ambient air; sulphur dioxide concentration in ambient air
tiúchan dé-ocsaíde sulfair san aer comhthimpeallach
extrathoracic convention
gnás eachtarthóracsach
thoracic convention
gnás tóracsach
oxygen sag curve
cuar an laghdaithe ocsaigine
ultra violet fluorescence sulfur dioxide analysis; ultra violet fluorescence sulphur dioxide analysis; UV fluorescence SO2 analysis; UV fluorescence sulfur dioxide analysis; UV fluorescence sulphur dioxide analysis
anailís fluaraiseachta ultraivialaite ar dhé-ocsaíd sulfair; anailís fluaraiseachta UV ar dhé-ocsaíd sulfair
toxicity test with continuous renewal
tástáil tocsaineachta le hathnuachan leanúnach
toxicity test with periodic renewal
tástáil tocsaineachta le hathnuachan thráthrialta
toxicity test without renewal
tástáil tocsaineachta gan athnuachan
extrathoracic fraction
codán eachtarthóracsach
thoracic fraction
cion tóracsach
biochemical oxidation
ocsaídiúchán bithcheimiceach
wet oxidation; WETOX
ocsaídiú fliuch
molten salt oxidation; MSO
MSO; ocsaídiúchán salainn leáite
autogenous vaccine; autovaccine
vacsaín uathghineach
2,6-ditertiary-butyl-<I>p</I>-cresol; 4-methyl-2,6-ditert-butyl-phenol; 4-Methyl-2,6-ditertiarybutylphenol; butylated hydroxytoluene
2,6-búitil-p-créasól déthreasach; hiodrocsatolúéin bhúitilithe
twaite shad
sead alósach; sead fhallacsach
predictive text; predictive text input; predictive text messaging; predictive typing; T9; T9 Text Input
tuarthéacs; tuarthéacsáil
cross-linked carboxymethyl cellulose; cross-linked cellulose gum; cross-linked CMC; cross-linked sodium carboxymethylcellulose; cross-linked sodium CMC
ceallalós carbocsaimeitile sóidiam trasnasctha
melanoma vaccine
vacsaín meileanóma
oxygenated fuel
breosla ocsaiginithe
CDCA; chenodeoxycholic acid
aigéad sein-dé-ocsacólach
xanthine oxidase
ocsaíodáis xaintín
phylogenetic nomenclature; phylogenetic taxonomy
tacsanomaíocht fhíliginiteach
dobharthacsaí; tacsaí ar uisce
attenuated live vaccine; live attenuated vaccine; live vaccine
vacsaín chaolaithe bheo
carbon capture; carbon dioxide capture; CO<sub>2</sub> capture
gabháil dé-ocsaíd charbóin
European paradox
an paradacsa Eorpach
2-(4,5-dihydro-4-methyl-5-oxo-3-propoxy-1<I>H</I>-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl) carboxamidosulfonylbenzoicacid-methylester; propoxycarbazone
Convention between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Austria on the stepping up of cross-border cooperation; Prüm Treaty
an Coinbhinsiún idir Ríocht na Beilge, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, Ríocht na Spáinne, Poblacht na Fraince, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg, Ríocht na hÍsiltíre agus Poblacht na hOstaire maidir le géarú comhar trasteorann, go háirithe chun an sceimhlitheoire; Conradh Prüm
benzophenone-3,3',4,4'-tetracarboxylic dianhydride; benzophenone-3,3':4,4'-tetracarboxylic dianhydride; BTDA
BTDA; dé-ainhidríd beinseafeanóin-teitreacarbocsailigh -3,3'',4,4''
carbon capture and geological storage; carbon capture and storage; carbon dioxide capture and geological storage; carbon dioxide capture and storage; CCS; CO2 capture and storage
gabháil agus stóráil charbóin; gabháil agus stóráil dé-ocsaíd charbóin
5,7-dichloro-4-(4-fluorophenoxy)quinoline; 5,7-Dichloro-4-(p-fluorophenoxy)quinoline; quinoxyfen
acute dermal toxicity
géarthocsaineacht dheirmeach
acute inhalation toxicity
géarthocsaineacht ionanálaithe
acute oral toxicity
géarthocsaineacht bhéil
reproduction toxicity; reproductive organ toxicity; reproductive toxicity; reprotoxicity
tocsaineacht maidir le síolrú
specific target organ toxicity; STOT
tocsaineacht sain-spriocorgáin
1,2,3,4-butanetetrol; erythrite; erythritol; meso-erythritol; tetrahydroxybutane
1,2,3,4-bútáinteatról; eiritríotól; eiritrít; méiseiritríotól; teitrihiodrocsabútán
ocean carbon sink
linn dé-ocsaíd charbóin an aigéin
oxidation factor
toisc ocsaídiúcháin
indexation scheme
scéim innéacsaithe
toxic disease
galar tocsaineach
acute toxic class method; ATC method
modh aicmithe géarthocsaineachta; modh ATC
embryo-foetal toxicity
tocsaineacht shuth-fhéatach
perinatal toxicity
tocsaineacht imbhreithe
vaccination coverage; vaccination coverage rate; vaccine coverage; vaccine uptake
cuimsiú vacsaínithe
dry extract
eastócsán tirim
MLV vaccine; MLVV; modified live-virus vaccine
vacsaín bheo mhodhnaithe
carbon dioxide geological storage; CO2 geological storage; geological storage of carbon dioxide; geological storage of CO<sub>2</sub>
stóráil gheolaíoch CO2; stóráil gheolaíoch dé-ocsaíd charbóin
pandemic influenza vaccine; pandemic vaccine
vacsaín paindéime
indices of difficulty
innéacsanna deacrachta
carbon dioxide removal; CDR
baint dé-ocsaíde carbóin
hydroxy analogue
analóg hiodrocsa
oxidising air-acetylene flame
lasair ocsaídiúcháin aeraicéitiléine
TEF; Toxic Equivalency Factor
Fachtóir Tocsaineachta Coibhéisí; TEF
immunoperoxidase monolayer assay; IPMA
measúnacht imdhíon-sárocsaíodáise aonchisil
PAP; peroxidase-antiperoxidase staining procedure
smálú sárocsaídais-frithshárocsaíodáise
plaque reduction neutralisation; PRN
neodrú dí-ocsaídiúcháin plaice
cross-reactive vaccine
vacsaín chros-fhrithghníomhach
vaccine antiserum
frithshéiream vacsaíne
homologous vaccine strain
tréithchineál homalógach vacsaíne
oil adjuvanted vaccine
vacsaín ola-aidiúvaithe
standard potency vaccine
vacsaín ghnáthnirt
peroxidase-conjugated MAb; peroxidase-conjugated monoclonal antibody
antasubstaint mhonaclónach atá comhchuingithe le sárocsaíodáis
neutralising peroxidase-linked assay
measúnacht sárocsaíodáis-nasctha neodraitheach
recombinant live vaccine; recombinant live vector vaccine
vacsaín beoveicteora athchuingreach
homologous vaccine
vacsaín homalógach
auto-oxidation; autoxidation
uathocsaídiú; uathocsaídiúchán
live modified vaccine; modified live vaccine
vacsaín bheo mhodhnaithe
crospovidone; cross linked polyvidone; insoluble polyvinylpyrrolidone; poly-[1-(2-oxo-1-pyrrolidinyl)-ethylene]; polyvinylpolypyrrolidone
crospovadón; pola-[1-(2-ocsa-1-piorólaidinil)-eitiléin]; polaiveadón trasnasctha; polaivinilpioróladón dothuaslagtha; polaivinilpolapioróladón
SAOS; starch aluminium octenyl succinate
stáirse alúmanaim ochtainiolsucsanáite
evident toxicity
tocsaineacht fhollasach
sign of toxicity; toxic sign
comhartha tocsaineachta
delayed toxicity
tocsaineacht mhoillithe
toxic effect
éifeacht thocsaineach
toxicokinetic property
airí tocsainchinéiteach
systemic toxicity
tocsaineacht shistéamach
Taxonomic Serial Number; TSN
Sraithuimhir Thacsanomaíoch; TSN
repeated dose oral study; repeated dose oral toxicity study; repeated dose oral toxicology study
staidéar ar ildáileog bhéil; staidéar ar thocsaineacht ildáileog bhéil
subchronic study; subchronic toxicity study
staidéar tocsaineachta meathainsealaí
(<I>EZ</I>)-3-(2-chloro-thiazol-5-ylmethyl)-5-methyl-[1,3,5]oxadiazinan-4-ylidene-<I>N</I>-nitroamine; 3-[(2-chloro-1,3-thiazol-5-yl)methyl]-5-methyl-<I>N</I>-nitro-1,3,5-oxadiazinan-4-imine; thiamethoxam
tCO2e; tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent; tonne of CO2 equivalent
coibhéis tona dé-ocsaíde carbóin
anti-rabies vaccination; rabies vaccination
vacsaíniú frithchonfaidh
May cause or intensify fire; oxidiser.
D’fhéadfadh sé a bheith ina chúis le tine nó cur le tine; ocsaídeoir.
May cause fire or explosion; strong oxidiser.
D’fhéadfadh sé a bheith ina chúis le tine nó le pléascadh; an‑ocsaídeoir.
May intensify fire; oxidiser.
D’fhéadfadh sé cur le tine; ocsaídeoir.
Toxic if swallowed.
Tocsaineach má shlogtar.
Toxic in contact with skin.
Tocsaineach i dteagmháil leis an gcraiceann.
Toxic if inhaled.
Tocsaineach má ionanálaítear.
Very toxic to aquatic life.
An-tocsaineach don saol uisceach.
Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
An-tocsaineach don saol uisceach, le héifeachtaí fadtréimhseacha.
Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Tocsaineach don saol uisceach, le héifeachtaí fadtréimhseacha.
May form explosive peroxides.
D’fhéadfadh sé sárocsaídí pléascacha a chruthú.
Contact with water liberates toxic gas.
I dteagmháil le huisce scaoiltear gás tocsaineach.
Contact with acids liberates toxic gas.
I dteagmháil le haigéid scaoiltear gás tocsaineach.
Contact with acids liberates very toxic gas.
I dteagmháil le haigéid scaoiltear gás an-tocsaineach.
Toxic by eye contact.
Tocsaineach trí theagmháil leis an tsúil.
Contains epoxy constituents. May produce an allergic reaction.
Comhábhair eapocsacha ann. D’fhéadfadh sé a bheith ina chúis le frithghníomh ailléirgeach.
acute lethal toxicity; acute toxicity
géarthocsaineacht; géarthocsaineacht mharfach
toxic stimulation
spreagadh tocsaineach
toxicity control; toxicity control sample
cóimheastóir tocsaineachta
apparatus for carbon dioxide scrubbing; carbon dioxide scrubber
sciúrthóir dé-ocsaíde carbóin
CO<sub>2</sub>-free; free from carbon dioxide
saor ó CO<sub>2</sub>; saor ó dhé-ocsaíd charbóin
ThCO2; theoretical carbon dioxide
dé-ocsaíd charbóin theoiriciúil
oxidisability indicator
táscaire inocsaídeachta
fleascán BOD; fleascán éilimh bhithchemicigh ar ocsaigin
chemical oxygen consumption
ídiú ceimiceach ocsaigine
life-cycle toxicity test
tástáil tocsaineachta i dtaca le saolré
neurotoxic action; neurotoxic effect
éifeacht néarthocsaineach
immunotoxic action; immunotoxic effect
éifeacht imdhíon-thocsaineach
selective toxicity
tocsaineacht roghnaitheach
CO<SUB>2</SUB> weighted tonne; CWT
tona ualaithe ar bhonn CO<sub>2</sub>; tona ualaithe ó thaobh na dé-ocsaíde carbóin de
electrolytic reduction
dí-ocsaídiú leictrealaíoch
toxicokinetic data
sonraí tocsainchinéiteacha
neurotoxic potential
acmhainneacht néarthocsaineach
delayed occurrence of toxic effect; delayed toxic effect
comharthaí moillithe d''éifeacht thocsaineach; éifeacht thocsaineach mhoillithe
subchronic dermal toxicity
tocsaineacht dheirmeach mheathainsealach
non-cytotoxic substance
substaint neamh-chíteatocsaineach
oxidising mutagen
só-ghineach ocsaídiúcháin
sub-chronic inhalation toxicity
tocsaineacht ionanálaithe fho-ainsealach
chronic toxicity test
tástáil tocsaineachta ainsealaí
chronic systemic toxicity
tocsaineacht shistéamach ainsealach
percutaneous toxicity
tocsaineacht thréchraicneach
concentration-related toxic effect
éifeacht thocsaineach atá bainteach le tiúchan
withdrawal toxicity
tocsaineacht éirí as
prenatal developmental toxicity study
staidéar ar an tocsaineacht fhorbarthach réamhbhreithe
developmental neurotoxicity
néarthocsaineacht fhorbarthach
developmental toxicology
tocsaineolaíocht fhorbarthach
tocsaineacht fhéatach
one-generation reproduction toxicity test
tástáil tocsaineachta ar atáirgeadh aonghlúine
two-generation reproduction toxicity study
staidéar tocsaineachta ar atáirgeadh thar dhá ghlúin
cervical cell
cill cheirbheacsach
mid-thoracic region
réigiún lárthóracsach
cytotoxic marker
marcóir cíteatocsaineach
in vitro 3T3 NRU phototoxicity test
scrúdú fótatocsaineachta 3T3 NRU in vitro
photocytotoxicity; photo-cytotoxicity
photocytotoxic chemical
ceimiceán fótai-cíteatocsaineach
phototoxic chemical
ceimiceán fótatocsaineach
behavioural neurotoxicity; neurobehavioral toxicity
néarthocsaineacht iompraíoch
histopathological neurotoxicity
néarthocsaineacht histeapaiteolaíoch
acute toxicity estimate; ATE
meastachán géarthocsaineachta
non-lethal toxic effect
éifeacht thocsaineach neamh-mharfach
maternal toxicity
tocsaineacht mháthartha
excess toxicity
excess maternal toxicity
róthocsaineacht mháthartha
frank toxicity; overt toxicity
tocsaineacht shoiléir
postnatal developmental toxicity
tocsaineacht fhorbarthach iarbhreithe
gamma hydroxy valerate; gamma-hydroxyvalerate; gamma-hydroxyvaleric acid; GHV
aigéad gáma-hiodrocsavailéarach
delayed neurotoxicant
substaint néarthocsaineach mhoillithe
delayed neurotoxic response
freagairt néarthocsaineach mhoillithe; frithluail néarthocsaineach mhoillithe
phototoxic effect
éifeacht fhótatocsaineach
phototoxic reaction
frithghníomhú fótatocsaineach
3T3 Neutral Red Uptake Phototoxicity Assay; 3T3 NRU phototoxicity test; 3T3 NRU PT
measúnacht fótatocsaineachta um iontógáil dhearg neodrach 3T3; tástáil fótatocsaineachta 3T3 NRU
repeated dose systemic toxicity study; repeated dose toxicity testing
staidéar ar thocsaineacht shistéamach ildáileog
systemic toxic effect
éifeacht thocsaineach shistéamach
EHEC; enterohaemorrhagic E. coli; enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli; Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli; STEC; verocytotoxigenic escherichia coli; verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli; verotoxigenic Escherichia coli; verotoxin-producing E. coli; VTEC
Escherichia coli véaraicíteatocsaigineach
Shiga toxin; verotoxin
tocsain Shiga; véaratocsain
reverse vaccinology; RV
vacsaíneolaíocht bunaithe ar sheicheamh géanóim; vacsaíneolaíocht bunaithe ar thaighde in silico; vacsaíneolaíocht trí bhíthin faisnéis ghéiniteach
NDL-PCB; non-dioxin-like PCB; non-dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyl
défheinil pholaclóirínithe neamh-dhé-ocsaineach; DPC neamh-dhé-ocsaineach
PCV; pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
vacsaín chomhchuingeach niúmacocúil
afterburner; thermal oxidiser
iardhóire; ocsaídeoir teirmeach
RECSA; Regional Centre on Small Arms; Regional Centre on Small Arms in the Great Lakes Region, the Horn of Africa and Bordering States
Ionad Réigiúnach um Mionairm
overt systemic toxicity
tocsaineacht shistéamach shoiléir
gE deleted vaccine; glycoprotein E-deleted vaccine
vacsaín gliceapróitéine E-scriosta
deletion vaccine; gene deleted vaccine; gene-inactivated vaccine
vacsaín dhíghníomhaithe
instantaneous oxidation
modh ocsaídiúcháin mheandraigh
MCV4; quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine
MCV4; vacsaín chomhchuingeach mheiningeacocúil cheathairfhiúsach
oxidative death
éag de bharr ocsaídiúcháin
téacsáil théisiúil
benzyl (3S)-6,7-dimethoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline-3-carboxylate hydrochloride
hidreaclóiríd (3S)-6,7-démheatocsa-1,2,3,4-teitrihidriseacuineoilín-3-carbocsaláit beinsile
(1R,2S)-2-(3,4-difluorophenyl)cyclopropanaminium (2R)-hydroxy(phenyl)ethanoate
(1R,2S)-2-(3,4-défhluaraifeinil)cioglaprópánaimíniam (2R)-hiodrocsai(feinil)eatánóáit
(1R,2S,3R,4R,5R)-4-azido-2-{[(4aR,6S,7R,8S,8aR)-7,8-bis(benzyloxy)-2-phenylhexahydropyrano[3,2-d][1,3]dioxin-6-yl]oxy}-6,8-dioxabicyclo[3.2.1]oct-3-yl acetate
aicéatáit (1R,2S,3R,4R,5R)-4-aisídi-2-[(4aR,6S,7R,8S,8aR)-7,8-bis(beinsiolocsa)-2-feinilheicsihidripireanai[3,2-d][1,3]dé-ocsain-6-il]ocsa-6,8-dé-ocsáidéchiogl[3.2.1]ocht-3-ail
(1S)-1,5:7,10-dé-ainhidri-12,13-bis-O-[treas-bhúitil(démheitil)silil]-2,3,4,6,8,11-heicsead-ocsai-1-2- [(2S,5S)-5-(3-hiodrocsapróipil)-3-meitilidéinteitrihidreafúráin-2-il]eitil-3-meitil-9-O- meitil-4-meitilidéin-8-[(feiniolsulfáinil)meitiol-D-arabanó-D-a
(1S,3S,5S)-2-azabicyclo[3.1.0]hexane-3-carboxamide methanesulfonate
meatánsulfónáit (1S,3S,5S)-2-asaidéchioglai[3.1.0]heacsán-3-carbocsaimíde
sulfónáit meatán (1S,3S,6S,9S,12S,14R,16R,18S,20R,21R,22S,26R,29S,31R,32S,33R,35R,36S)-20-[(2S)-3-aimíni-2-hiodrocsapróipil]-21-meatocsai-14-meitiléin)-2,19,30,34,37,39,40,41-ochta-ocsanónaciogla[,32.13,33.16,9.112,16.018,22.029,36.031,35]heintei