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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
industrial design
dearadh tionsclaíoch
FDIC; Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
an Chorparáid Fheidearálach Árachas Taiscí
written declaration
dearbhú i scríbhinn
declaration of financial interests
dearbhú maidir le leasanna airgeadais
UDHR; Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Dearbhú Uilechoiteann Chearta an Duine; DUCD
affirmative action; positive action; positive discrimination; reverse discrimination; special measures
idirdhealú dearfach
‘EC’ declaration of verification of the subsystem; EC declaration of verification
dearbhú CE maidir le fíorú an fhochórais
brotulas; cusk-eels
brotulaí; tusceascanna bándearga
red-legged partridge
patraisc chosdearg
PFE; potential future credit exposure
neamhchosaint fhéideartha todhcaí ar chreidmheas
House Standing Committee on Refugees, Enclaved, Missing and Adversely Affected Persons
an Buanchoiste um Dhídeanaithe, Daoine atá in Iamhchríoch, Daoine atá ar iarraidh agus Daoine a ndearnadh Dochar dóibh
Madeira International Ship Register; Madeira's International Shipping Register
Longchlár Idirnáisiúnta Mhaidéara
bridging study; toxicological bridging study
staidéar eachtarshuímh; staidéar eachtarshuímh tocsaineolaíoch
potential exposure
nochtadh féideartha
CELS; Centre for Legal and Social Studies
CELS; Ionad um Staidéar Dlí agus Sóisialta
softshell red crab
portán dearg blaoscbhog
periodic declaration; periodic return
dearbhú tréimhsiúil
declaration of origin; origin declaration
dearbhú tionscnaimh
Centre for National Defence Studies; Higher Centre for National Defence Studies; Spanish Centre for National Defence Studies
an tArdionad um Staidéar ar Chosaint Náisiúnta
Japanese crane; Manchurian crane; red-crowned crane
grús deargchorónach
red-fronted macaw
macá uchtdearg
pink pigeon
colm bándearg
red-cheeked cordonbleu
cardainbliu deargleicneach; cordainbliu deargleicneach
red-headed malimbe
mailimbe ceanndearg
Beijing Declaration
dearbhú Bhéising
measure; measurement
dearbhú tomhais
in absolute terms
i ndearbhthéarmaí
cuirín dearg
action seeking a declaration; application for a declaration
caingean chun dearbhaithe
industrial design
dearadh tionsclaíoch
the institution whose failure to act has been declared contrary to this Treaty
an institiúid ar dearbhaíodh a neamhghníomh a bheith contrártha don Chonradh
Institute for Prospective Technological Studies; IPTS
an Institiúid um Staidéar ar Ionchais Teicneolaíochta
absolute priority region
réigiún dearbhthosaíochta
MNE Declaration; Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy
an Dearbhú Tríthaobhach Prionsabal maidir le Fiontair Ilnáisiúnta agus Beartas Sóisialta
... shall cause...to be translated
cuirfidh ... faoi deara go ndéanfar ... a aistriú
Agreement between the Member States of the Council of Europe on the issue to Military and Civilian War-Disabled of an International Book of Vouchers for the repair of Prosthetic and Orthopaedic Appliances
Comhaontú idir Ballstáit Chomhairle na hEorpa maidir le Leabhar Dearbhán le haghaidh Deisiúchán Fearas Próistéiteach agus Ortaipéideach a Dháileadh ar Dhaoine Míleata agus Sibhialta atá faoi mhíchumas de dheasca cogaidh
European Agreement on continued Payment of Scholarships to students studying abroad
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le hÍocaíocht Leantach Scoláireachtaí do Mhic Léinn atá ag Staidéar Thar Lear
home use declaration
dearbhú chun úsáide sa stát
Declaration Recognising the Right to a Flag of States having no Seacoast
Dearbhú ag Aithint Ceart chun Brataí ag Stáit gan Chósta
Solemn Declaration on European Union; Stuttgart Declaration; Stuttgart Solemn Declaration
Dearbhú Sollúnta ar an Aontas Eorpach
red hake
colmóir dearg
red fescue
feisciú dearg
Declaration on the Construction of Main International Traffic Arteries
Dearbhú maidir le Tógáil Príomhbhealaí Tráchta Idirnáisiúnta
Hague Agreement; The Hague Agreement concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs
Comhaontú na Háige i dtaca le Clárú Idirnáisiúnta Dearaí Tionscail
Locarno Agreement; Locarno Agreement establishing an International Classification for Industrial Designs
Comhaontú Locarno lena mBunaítear Aicmiú Idirnáisiúnta i gcomhair Dearaí Tionscail
Convention relating to the Establishment of Death in Certain Cases
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Dearbhú Báis i gCásanna Áirithe
UEF; Union of European Federalists
Aontas na bhFeidearálach Eorpach
EC declaration of conformity; EU declaration of conformity
Dearbhú Comhréireachta AE
Alaska deep sea crab; Japanese crab; king crab
ríphortán dearg
northern prawn; northern shrimp
séacla Artach; séacla bándearg
Aesop shrimp
séacla bándearg
East Atlantic red gurnard; red gurnard
cnúdán dearg
humpback salmon; pink salmon
bradán bándearg
Autonomous Region of Madeira
Réigiún Féinrialaithe Mhaidéara
definite preparatory measures
bearta dearfa ullmhúcháin
ar a bheith dearfa; ós deimhin leo
dearbhú; ráiteas
declaration of termination
dearbhú foirceanta
customs declaration; customs entry; entry for customs purposes
dearbhú custaim; iontráil chustaim
to declare
to have special provision made for...
cuir faoi deara go ndéantar foráil speisialta do ...; déan foráil speisialta do...
prizes for excellence
duais dearscnaitheachta; duais sármhaitheasa
Centre for European Policy Studies; CEPS
an Lárionad don Staidéar ar Bheartas na hEorpa; CEPS
endowment life assurance
árachas saoil dearlaice
herd declared officially free of tuberculosis; officially tuberculosis-free herd
tréad atá dearbhaithe go hoifigiúil a bheith glan ón eitinn
export declaration
dearbhú onnmhairiúcháin
Terms of Reference of the International Nickel Study Group
Téarmaí Tagartha an Ghrúpa Idirnáisiúnta um Staidéar ar Nicil
JDI; Joint Declaration of Intent
Dearbhú Comhpháirteach Intinne
dose range-finding study; dose-finding study; dose-ranging study
staidéar ar an raon dáileoige
Terms of Reference of the International Copper Study Group
Téarmaí Tagartha an Ghrúpa Idirnáisiúnta um Staidéar ar Chopar
Terms of Reference of the International Tin Study Group
Téarmaí Tagartha an Ghrúpa Idirnáisiúnta um Staidéar ar Stán
joint declaration; joint statement
comhráiteas; dearbhú comhpháirteach
Comhaontú maidir le Caomhnú nó Athbhunú na gCeart Maoine Tionsclaíochta a ndearna an Cogadh Domhanda difear dóibh
experimental study
staidéar turgnamhach
decision declared void
cinneadh a dearbhaíodh a bheith ar neamhní
in cases of extreme urgency
i gcás fíorphráinne; i gcásanna deargphráinne
detailed study
following the deposit of the declaration
i ndiaidh thaisceadh an dearbhaithe; tar éis an dearbhú a thaisceadh
the injured Member State
an Ballstát dá ndearnadh dochar; an Ballstát díobhálaithe
multidisciplinary state of mind
dearcadh ildisciplíneach
the Court shall have jurisdiction in actions to have ... declared void on grounds of lack of competence
beidh dlínse ag an gCúirt i gcaingne chun dearbhú a fháil go bhfuil ... ar neamhní mar gheall ar easpa inniúlachta
solid red
dearg seasmhach
for monochrome pictures (positives)
do phictiúir mhonacrómacha (dearbhchlónna)
Comhaontú maidir le Caomhnú nó Aisghabháil na gCeart Maoine Tionsclaíochta a ndearna an Dara Cogadh Domhanda difear dóibh
in a positive spirit
de mheon dearfach
in the spirit of the Declaration of Intent
le díograis don dearbhú intinne
positive realisation of the objectives
gnóthaigh cuspóir go dearfa
to withdraw a declaration
tarraing siar dearbhú
INSG; International Nickel Study Group
an Grúpa Idirnáisiúnta um Staidéar ar Nicil; INSG
Agreement establishing the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies
an Comhaontú lena mbunaítear an Lárionad Idirnáisiúnta um Ardstaidéar Agranamaíoch i Réigiún na Meánmhara
invoice declaration
dearbhú sonraisc
spotted redshank
cosdeargán breac
contest; design contest
comórtas deartha
pink-headed duck
lacha cheann-bhándearg
Japanese crane; Manchurian or red-crowned crane
grús deargchorónach
Moluccan cockatoo
cocató cíor-bhándearg
Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs); OHIM
an Oifig um Chomhchuibhiú sa Mhargadh Inmheánach (Trádmharcanna agus Dearaí); OHIM
Declaration on European Identity
Dearbhú ar an bhFéiniúlacht Eorpach
for the purpose of establishing the existence of infringements to ... before a final decision is taken
d'fhonn a shuíomh an ndearnadh sáruithe ar ... sula nglacfar cinneadh críochnaitheach
IUCN Red List; IUCN Red List of Threatened Species; RLTS
Liosta Dearg IUCN; Liosta Dearg IUCN na Speiceas faoi Bhagairt
Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power
Dearbhú Bhunphrionsabail an Cheartais d'Íospartaigh na Coireachta agus na mí-úsáide cumhachta
Declaration on Minorities; Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities
Dearbhú maidir le Cearta Daoine a bhaineann le Mionlaigh Náisiúnta nó Eitneacha, Creidimh agus Teanga
palm print
lorg dearnan
sighting and reporting
dearcadh agus tuairisciú
Joint Political Declaration
dearbhú comhpháirteach polaitiúil
Barcelona Declaration
Dearbhú Barcelona
Petersberg Declaration
Dearbhú Petersberg
Agreement among the European Atomic Energy Community, the Government of Japan, the Government of the Russian Federation, and the Government of the United States of America on cooperation in the engineering design activities for the international thermonuc
an Comhaontú idir an Comhphobal Eorpach do Fhuinneamh Adamhach, Rialtas na Seapáine, Rialtas Chónaidhm na Rúise agus Rialtas Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá maidir le comhar i ngníomhaíochtaí a bhaineann le dearadh innealtóireachta don imoibreoir trialach teirm
European red elder; red elderberry; red-berried elder
trom dearg
megalops shrimp; pink-speckled shrimp
séacla breac bándearg
designer drug
druga dearthóra
Red List of Wadden Sea species and biotopes
Liosta Dearg na Speiceas agus na mBiotóp sa Mhuir Wadden
red snapper; southern red snapper
sclamhaire dearg deisceartach
giant red shrimp
séacla mór dearg
Declaration on enhanced cooperation between the European Union and the Western European Union
Dearbhú maidir le comhar feabhsaithe idir an tAontas Eorpach agus Aontas Iarthar na hEorpa
tiripín cluasdearg
Declaration on the consolidation of the Treaties
Dearbhú maidir leis na Conarthaí a chomhdhlúthú
Declaration on the abolition of the death penalty
Dearbhú maidir le pionós an bháis a dhíothú
Declaration (No 31) on Western European Union
Dearbhú (Uimh. 31) maidir le hAontas Iarthar na hEorpa
Declaration on the status of churches and non-confessional organisations
Dearbhú maidir le stádas eaglaisí agus eagraíochtaí neamhfhaoistiniúla
Declaration on the preservation of the level of protection and security provided by the Schengen acquis
Dearbhú maidir leis an leibhéal cosanta agus slándála arna chur ar fáil in acquis Schengen a chaomhnú
Declaration regarding persons with a disability
Dearbhú maidir le daoine faoi mhíchumas
Declaration on the organisation and functioning of the Commission
Dearbhú maidir le heagrúchán agus oibriú an Choimisiúin
Declaration on the provisions relating to transparency, access to documents and the fight against fraud
Dearbhú maidir leis na forálacha maidir le trédhearcacht, le rochtain ar dhoiciméid agus leis an gcalaois a chomhrac
red drum
grágaire dearg
Energy Charter Declaration
Dearbhú na Cairte Fuinnimh
Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work; ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
Dearbhú na hEagraíochta Idirnáisiúnta Saothair (EIS) maidir le Prionsabail Bhunúsacha agus Cearta Bunúsacha san Obair
Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators
Cumann Feidearálach na nAteangairí agus na nAistritheoirí
séacla dearg riabhach
Madeiran sardinella
mionsairdín Maidéarach
Atlantic round herring; red-eye round herring
scadán cruinn deargshúileach
southern pink shrimp
séacla bándearg deisceartach
Geneva Act; Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs
Acht na Ginéive; Acht na Ginéive de Chomhaontú na Háige i dtaca le Clárú Idirnáisiúnta Dearaí Tionscail
royal red shrimp
séacla dearg
so-iny mullet
lannach dearg
bar jack
bolmán dearg
mangrove red snapper; RES
sclámhaire dearg mangrove
Northern red snapper; red snapper; SNR
sclamhaire dearg
red coral; Sardinia coral
coiréalach dearg
DEP; pink dentex
déadach bándearg
red pandora
garbhánach dearg
REA; red-banded seabream
garbhánach deargbhandach
golden goatfish
iasc gabhair dearg
JES; Joint Exercise Study
Staidéar maidir le Freachnaimh Chomhpháirteacha
CUC; red cusk-eel
tusceascann dearg
Northern pink shrimp
séacla bándearg tuaisceartach
LOR; red rock lobster
cráifisc Nua-Shéalannach; gliomach carraige dearg
risk assessment of potential crises
measúnú riosca ar ghéarchéimeanna féideartha
Military Capabilities Commitment Declaration
Dearbhú Tiomantais fad a bhaineann le Cumais Mhíleata
red bait; SSR
ascaid Pyura stolonifera; baoite dearg
coiréalaigh dhearga agus bhándearga
EUISS; European Union Institute for Security Studies
EUISS; Institiúid an Aontais Eorpaigh um Staidéar Slándála
dwarf chickling-vetch; flatpod peavine; flat-pod peavine; flat-podded vetchling; lesser chickpea.
peasairín dearg
status as a potential candidate for EU membership
stádas mar iarrthóir féideartha ar bhallraíocht san AE
Where declarations, conclusions or resolutions have been formally adopted by the Council, this is indicated in the heading for the item concerned and the text is placed between quotation marks.
Sa chás inar ghlac an Chomhairle dearbhuithe, conclúidí nó rúin go foirmiúil, cuirtear sin in iúl sa cheannteideal den ítim lena mbaineann agus cuirtear an téacs idir comharthaí athfhriotail.
IJSG; International Jute Study Group
an Grúpa Idirnáisiúnta um Staidéar ar Shiúit; IJSG
deep-sea red crab; deep-water red crab
portán dearg domhainuisce
Agreement establishing the Terms of Reference of the International Jute Study Group
Comhaontú lena mbunaítear Téarmaí Tagartha an Ghrúpa Idirnáisiúnta um Staidéar ar Shiúit 2001
slippery elm
leamhán dearg
declaration of enforceability
dearbhú um infhorghníomhaitheacht
International Organisation for Succulent Plant Study; IOS
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta um Staidéar ar Phlandaí Súmhara
International Organisation for the Study of Human Development; IOSHD
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta um Staidéar ar Fhorbairt Dhaonna
International Red Locust Control Organisation for Central and Southern Africa; IRLCO-CSA
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta um Shrianadh Lócaistí Dearga i Lár agus i nDeisceart na hAfraice
TEPSA; Trans European Policy Studies Association
an Cumann Tras-Eorpach do Staidéar Beartais; TEPSA
Federal Chancellery
Seansailéireacht Fheidearálach
erythrocyte count; RBC count; red blood cell count; red count; total red blood cells
áireamh eiritricítí; áireamh fuilcheall dearg
HKMAES; Hong Kong and Macau Association for European Studies
Comhlachas Hong Cong agus Macau um Staidéar Eorpach
feasability study
staidéar féidearthachta; staidéar indéantachta
PDI; potential daily intake
iontógáil laethúil fhéideartha; PDI
allura red AC; CI food red 17
dearg alúra; E129
cultivation declaration
dearbhú maidir le saothrú
Fast Red E; solid red E
dearg seasmhach E
neglected land
talamh a ndearnadh faillí ann
adjudication of bankruptcy; declaration of bankruptcy; decree of bankruptcy
dearbhú féimheachta
absolute viscosity; dynamic viscosity
RBT; Rose Bengal plate test; Rose Bengal test
tástáil rósdearg Beangál
positive financial compensation
cúiteamh dearfach airgeadais
declaration for transit; transit declaration
dearbhú custaim maidir le hidirthuras; dearbhú maidir le hidirthuras
simplified customs declaration; simplified declaration
dearbhú simplithe
supplementary customs declaration; supplementary declaration
dearbhú forlíontach
absolute bar to proceedings
dearbh-urchosc ar imeachtaí
lysimeter study
staidéar lísiméadair
clerical error; clerical mistake
dearmad cléireachais; earráid chléireachais
absolute temperature; thermodynamic temperature
dearbhtheocht; teocht theirmidinimiciúil
absolute filter; HEPA; HEPA filter; High Efficiency Particulate Air filter
aerscagaire ardéifeachtúil caithníneach; dearbhscagaire
import declaration
dearbhú allmhairiúcháin
positive rate of return
ráta dearfach fáltais
positive monetary compensatory amounts
suimeanna cúiteacha airgeadaíochta dearfacha
multi-client study
staidéar il-chliant
sub-chronic inhalation toxicity study
staidéar ar thocsaineacht ionanálaithe fho-ainsealach
crossover design
dearadh trasach
descriptive study
staidéar tuairisciúil
human intervention study; intervention study
staidéar idirghabhála
observational study
staidéar breathnóireachta
New Zealand parakeet; red-fronted kakariki; red-fronted parakeet
pearaicít uchtdearg
red vanda
vanda dearg
red and green macaw
macá dearg agus glas
red-vented malimbe
mailimbe tolldearg
red-headed quelea
cuília ceanndearg
red-eyed dove
colm súildearg
red-vented cockatoo
cocatú Filipíneach; cocatú tolldearg
red sanders wood; red santal wood
crann santail dearg
family endowment
dearlaic theaghlaigh
positive income
ioncam dearfach
endowment capital of branches; funds from branches
caipiteal dearlaice ó bhrainsí; cistí ó bhrainsí
factor endowment
dearlaic tosca
declare the oral procedure closed
dearbhaigh go bhfuil clabhsúr curtha ar an nós imeachta ó bhéal
defendant on whom an application initiating proceedings has been duly served
cosantóir a ndearnadh doiciméad tionscanta imeachtaí a sheirbheáil air go cuí
clerical mistake
dearmad cléireachais
declare the oral procedure closed at the end of the hearing
dearbhaigh ag deireadh na héisteachta go bhfuil clabhsúr curtha ar an nós imeachta ó bhéal
protected layout-design
dearadh leagan amach cosanta
design position of the seat back; design seat-back angle
dearadh uillinn chúl an tsuíocháin
design voltage of a circuit of an electric line
voltas deartha chiorcad líne leictreachais
cash-back coupon
dearbhán aisairgid
fíon Maidéarach
potential alcoholic strength
neart alcóil féideartha
potential alcoholic strength by mass
neart alcóil féideartha de réir maise
attitude study
staidéar ar dhearcadh
positive goods declaration
dearbhú maidir le hearraí
negative goods declaration
dearbhú diúltach maidir le hearraí
luncheon voucher
dearbhán bialainne
case of extreme urgency
cás deargphráinne; cás fíorphráinne
cut throat competition
to declare the contract voided
dearbhaigh an conradh a bheith ar neamhní
open-item system; voucher accounting
córas míreanna oscailte; cuntasaíocht dearbhán
returned voucher
dearbhán arna thabhairt ar ais
summary voucher
dearbhán achomair
red-footed falcon
fabhcún cosdearg
red chestnut; sorrel; sorrel horse
capall deargrua
...not previously declared bankrupt
...nár dearbhaíodh ina fhéimheach roimhe sin
flat-rate guarantee voucher; TC32
dearbhán ráthaíochta cothromráta; dearbhán ráthaíochta ráta chomhréidh
toxicokinetic study
staidéar tocsainchinéiteach
ECIS; European Centre for Infrastructure Studies
Lárionad Eorpach um Staidéar Bonneagair
CADD; computer-aided design and drafting
dearadh agus líníocht ríomhchuidithe; dearadh agus línitheoireacht ríomhchuidithe
International Organisation for the Study of the Old Testament; International Organisation of Old Testament Scholars; IOOTS; IOSOT
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta um Staidéar ar an Sean-Tiomna
centred absolute moment of order q
dearbhmhóimint láraithe d'ordú q
centred absolute moments; joint centred moment of orders q and s
cómhóimint láraithe d'oird q agus s; dearbhmhóimint láraithe
cumulative absolute frequency
dearbhmhinicíocht charnach
absolute altimeter
absolute altitude; flight altitude
absolute ceiling
absolute instrument
absolute pressure sensor; APS
design airspeed
aerluas dearaidh
design ejection envelope
imchlúdach deartha um eisteilgean
design evaluation tests
tástálacha measúnaithe dearaidh
design gross weight
ollmheáchan dearaidh
design redundancy
iomarcaíocht sa dearadh
féidearthacht; indéantacht
flight envelope
imchlúdach eitilte; léaráid inlíochta; léaráid theorainneacha deartha an eitleáin; léaráid theorainneacha feidhmíochta an eitleáin
methyl red
dearg meitile
cohort study
staidéar cohóirt
design basis
bonn deartha
environmental impact declaration
dearbhú faoin tionchar ar an gcomhshaol
environmental impact study
staidéar ar an tionchar ar an gcomhshaol
potential activity
gníomhaíocht fhéideartha
potential pollution
truailliúchán féideartha
absolute magnitude
potential market appraisal; potential market estimate
meastachán den mhargadh féideartha
franchise feasibility
féidearthacht saincheadúnais
potential alcoholic strength by volume
neart alcóil féideartha de réir toirte
source document; supporting documents; voucher
dearbhán; doiciméad foinseach; doiciméad tacaíochta
DBA; design basis accident
tionóisc a shamhlaítear chun críocha deartha; tionóisc thagartha
anaplectes rubriceps; red-headed weaver
fíodóir ceanndearg
to be as familiar as possible with the requirements of potential users
bheith chomh heolach agus is féidir ar riachtanais na n-úsáideoiri féideartha
foreseeable liabilities and potential losses
dliteanais intuartha agus caillteanais fhéideartha
3-amino-7-dimethylamino-2-methylphenazine hydrochloride; C.I. 50040; Neutral Red; toluylene red
dearg neodrach
absolute braking distance
dearbhachar coscánaithe
brake assurance
córas dearbhaithe coscánaithe
competing opportunity model
samhail d'fhéidearthachtaí iomaíochta
conceptual design
dearadh coincheapúil
design capacity
toilleadh deartha
design hourly volume
toirt deartha in aghaidh na huaire
design load
ualach deartha
design year
bliain dearaidh
opportunity model
samhail féidearthachtaí
comhartha; dearbhán
transport study
staidéar ar iompar
declaration for export; export declaration
dearbhú onnmhairiúcháin
completely randomised design
dearadh lánrandamach
red cabbage
cabáiste dearg
PDP; positive displacement pump
caidéal dearbh-dhíláithriúcháin
collection permit; collection voucher
cead bailiúcháin; dearbhán bailiúcháin
money-off coupon; reduction voucher
dearbhán laghdúcháin; dearbhán praghasghearrtha
declarations on the consignment note
dearbhuithe ar an nóta coinsíneachta
economic study
staidéar eacnamaíoch
absolute value
absolute gain; isotropic gain
dearbhneartúchán; neartúchán iseatrópach
phenol red
dearg feanóil
red wine
fíon dearg
time study
red label
lipéad dearg
attitude scale
scála dearcaidh
poster designer
dearthóir póstaer
potential user
úsáideoir féideartha
cash receipt voucher
dearbhán fáltais airgid
questionnaire design
dearadh ceistneora
adjustment voucher
dearbhán coigeartúcháin
money saving coupon
dearbhán praghasghearrtha
product design engineer
innealtóir deartha táirgí
fee voucher
dearbhán táille
attitudinal question
ceist dearcaidh; ceist o thaobh dearcaidh
Declaration on the Environment
Dearbhú maidir leis an gComhshaol
rehabilitation study
staidéar ar athshlánú
Red clause credit
creidmheas dearg
design value
luach dearaidh
case study
negative security assurance; NSA
dearbhú slándála diúltach
Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises
Dearbhú Tríthaobhach Prionsabal maidir le Fiontair Ilnáisiúnta
insurance declaration
dearbhú árachais
advertising design; advertising drawing
dearadh fógraíochta; líníocht fógraíochta
allegation of injury
líomhain go ndearnadh díobháil
allegation of dumping
líomhain go ndearnadh dumpáil
feasibility study
staidéar féidearthachta; staidéar indéantachta
CAD; computer-aided design; computer-aided drafting; computer-assisted design
dearadh ríomhchuidithe; DRC
absolute return required by operator
dearbhtháirgeacht arna héileamh ag an oibreoir; dearbhthoradh arna éileamh ag an oibreoir
individual guarantee by means of vouchers; individual guarantee voucher
dearbhán ráthaíochta aonair
QIS; quantitative impact study
staidéar tionchair cainníochtúil
pedestrian friendly design
dearadh ar leas coisithe
multimodal connection protection; multi-modal connection protection
dearbhú nasc idir córacha iompair
1979 Declaration; Declaration on trade measures taken for balance-of-payments purposes
Dearbhú 1979; Dearbhú maidir le bearta trádála arna nglacadh chun críocha chomhardú na n-íocaíochtaí
take or pay contract
conarthaí lena ngabhann dearbhoibleagáid íocaíochta
absolute territorial protection
dearbhchosaint chríche
BaFin; Federal Financial Supervisory Authority
an tÚdarás Feidearálach um Maoirseacht Airgeadais; Údarás Phoblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine um Maoirseacht Airgeadais
Committee on Fees, Implementation Rules and the Procedure of the Boards of Appeal of the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (trade marks and designs)
an Coiste um Tháillí, Rialacha Cur Chun Feidhme agus Nós Imeachta Bhoird Achomhairc na hOifige um Chomhchuibhiú sa Mhargadh Inmheánach (trádmhairc agus dearaí)
transhipment declaration
dearbhú trasloingsithe
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; UNDRIP
Dearbhú na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir le Cearta na bPobal Dúchasach
Working Party on Intellectual Property (Design)
an Mheitheal um Maoin Intleachtúil (Dearadh)
Warsaw Declaration
Dearbhú Vársá
long-term supplier's declaration
dearbhú soláthraí fadtéarmach
pink abalone
cluas mhara bhándearg
affirmative duty; positive obligation
dualgas dearfach; oibleagáid dhearfach
Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness
Dearbhú Pháras maidir le hÉifeachtacht Cabhrach
energy-plus building; positive-energy building
foirgneamh dearfach ó thaobh fuinnimh
London Act; London Act of the Hague Agreement concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs
Acht Londan; Acht Londan de Chomhaontú na Háige i dtaca le Taisceadh Idirnáisiúnta Dearaí Tionscail
Hague Act; Hague Act of the Hague Agreement concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs
Acht na Háige; Acht na Háige maidir le Comhaontú na Háige i dtaca le Clárú Idirnáisiúnta Dearaí Tionscail
Berlin Declaration; Declaration on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the signature of the Treaties of Rome
Dearbhú Bheirlín; Dearbhú tráth chomóradh caoga bliain shíniú Chonarthaí na Róimhe
ENS; entry summary declaration
dearbhú iontrála achomair
exit summary declaration; EXS
dearbhú imeachta achomair
Lima Declaration; Lima Declaration of Guidelines on Auditing Precepts
Dearbhú Lima; Dearbhú Lima ar Threoirlínte maidir le hOrduithe Iniúchóireachta
absolute floor
longest-dated potential receivable
an t-infháltas féideartha is faide ó dháta
design for all; DfA; universal design
dearadh uilíoch
EC declaration of suitability for use
Dearbhú CE maidir le hoiriúnacht chun úsáide
declaring the default of the borrower
dearbhaigh mainneachtain an iasachtaí; dearbhú gur mhainnigh an iasachtaí
declaration of security
dearbhú slándála
ecologic study
staidéar éiceolaíochta
absolute emissions
pre-departure declaration
dearbhú réamh-imeachta
redspotted shrimp
séacla deargbhallach
the more prudent side of bid/offer
glacadh leis an dearcadh is stuama ar an tairiscint
declaration; interpretative declaration
dearbhú; dearbhú léiritheach
red crab; red deepsea crab
portán dearg domhainmhara
PASS; post-authorisation safety study; post-authorisation study; post-marketing safety study
staidéar sábháilteachta iarúdaraithe
declaration of non-infringement
dearbhú nár sáraíodh paitinn
shedding study
staidéar faoi scoitheadh
Prague declaration
dearbhú Phrág
ASPO; Association for the Study of Peak Oil & Gas
Comhlachas um Staidéar ar an mBuaicphointe Ola agus Gáis
design torso angle; seat back angle
dearadh uillinn na cabhlach; uillinn cúil suíocháin
Centre for Russian, Central and East European Studies; CRCEES
Lárionad um Staidéar Rúiseach, Lár-Eorpach agus Oir-Eorpach
meitheal saineolaithe freagrach as staidéar a dhéanamh ar an meascán foinsí fuinnimh is fearr don Bheilg sa mheántéarma agus san fhadtéarma
declaration in the form of a disposition of property upon death; statement in the form of a disposition of property upon death
dearbhú i bhfoirm diúscairt maoine tráth báis; ráiteas i bhfoirm diúscairt maoine tráth báis
declaration concerning the acceptance or the waiver of the succession or of a legacy
dearbhú maidir leis an gcomharbas nó leagáid a ghlacadh nó a tharscaoileadh
magairlín eipifíteach fuildearg
magairlín Maidéarach
adónas dearg
trilliam dearg
Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU
Dearbhú ón Ardionadaí thar ceann AE
dose-ranging study; sighting study
staidéar féachana; staidéar tionscnaimh
declaratory relief
faoiseamh dearbhaitheach
right to be forgotten; RTBF
an ceart go ligfí i ndearmad; an ceart go ndéanfaí ligean i ndearmad
occupational study
staidéar ar ghairm
repeated dermal dose study; repeated dermal exposure toxicity study
staidéar ildáileog deirmeach
Declaration of Madrid
Dearbhú Mhaidrid
repeated dose oral study; repeated dose oral toxicity study; repeated dose oral toxicology study
staidéar ar ildáileog bhéil; staidéar ar thocsaineacht ildáileog bhéil
subchronic study; subchronic toxicity study
staidéar tocsaineachta meathainsealaí
aeronautical design
dearadh aerloingseoireachta
DDP; Declaration of Design and Performance
Dearbhú Dearaidh agus Feidhmíochta
repair design
dearadh deisiúcháin
red and pink coral
coiréalach dearg agus bándearg
verification of a customs declaration
fíorú dearbhaithe custaim
post-marketing surveillance study
staidéar faireachais iarmhargaithe
bioavailability study; bioequivalence study; comparative bioavailability study; relative bioavailability study
staidéar bithchoibhéise
Academic network for legal studies on immigration and asylum in Europe
an Líonra Acadúil "Odysseus" um Staidéar Dlí ar Inimirce agus Tearmann san Eoraip
consolidation and equity method – potential voting rights and allocation of ownership interests
modh an chomhdhlúthaithe agus an chothromais – cearta féideartha vótála agus leithdháileadh leasanna úinéireachta
dilutive potential ordinary shares
gnáthscaireanna féideartha caolúcháin
potential ordinary share
gnáthscair fhéideartha
potential voting rights
cearta féideartha vótála
take-or-pay contract
conradh lena ngabhann dearbhoibleagáid íocaíochta
technical feasibility and commercial viability of extracting a mineral resource
an fhéidearthacht theicniúil agus an inmharthanacht tráchtála a bhaineann le hastarraingt acmhainne mianraí
declaration of performance
dearbhú feidhmíochta
Joint declaration on transitional measures applicable to the budgetary procedure after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty
dearbhú comhpháirteach um bearta idirthréimhseacha is infheidhme maidir leis an nós imeachta buiséadach tar éis theacht i bhfeidhm Chonradh Liospóin
absolute pitch
financial endowment
dearlaic airgeadais
positive control; positive control chemical
cóimheastóir dearfach
security assurance
dearbhú slándála
Aberdeen Declaration
Dearbhú Obar Dheathain
Doha Ministerial Declaration
Dearbhú Airí Doha
nutrition declaration
dearbhú cothúcháin
dermal <i>in vivo</i> study; in vivo dermal study
staidéar deirmeach in vivo
in vivo eye study; in vivo eye test
staidéar súile in vivo; tástáil súile in vivo
interlaboratory validation study
staidéar bailíochtaithe idirshaotharlainne
EU-US Joint Declaration on Aviation Security; Toledo Declaration
Dearbhú Comhpháirteach AE-SAM maidir le Slándáil Eitlíochta; Dearbhú Toledo
Counter-Terrorism Declaration
Dearbhú Frithsceimhlitheoireachta
challenge area
achar faoi staidéar
inhalation study
staidéar ionanálaithe
date on which the decision appealed against was notified to the appellant
an dáta ar tugadh fógra don achomharcóir faoin gcinneadh a ndearnadh achomharc ina choinne
prenatal developmental toxicity study
staidéar ar an tocsaineacht fhorbarthach réamhbhreithe
two-generation reproduction toxicity study
staidéar tocsaineachta ar atáirgeadh thar dhá ghlúin
red blood cell photo-haemolysis test
tástáil fótahaemalaithe d'fhuilchealla dearga
European Design Innovation Initiative
Tionscnamh Eorpach um Nuálaíocht Dearaidh
European Design Leadership Board
Bord Eorpach Ceannaireachta sa Dearadh
European design excellence label
Lipéad Eorpach Feabhais sa Dearadh
design for disassembly; DFD
dearadh le haghaidh díchóimeála
EEDI; Energy Efficiency Design Index
EEDI; innéacs éifeachtúlachta fuinnimh dearaidh
repeated dose systemic toxicity study; repeated dose toxicity testing
staidéar ar thocsaineacht shistéamach ildáileog
beefy red
case-control study
staidéar cás-rialaithe
cross-sectional study
staidéar trasghearrthach
Strasbourg Declaration on Roma
Dearbhú Strasbourg maidir leis na Romaigh
judicial declaration of paternity
dearbhú tuismíochta; ordú atharthachta
judicial declaration of maternity
dearbhú máithreachais; dearbhú tuismíochta
deartháir céile
deartháir leasghaolmhar
intolerability of living together
neamhfhéidearthacht bheith in aontíos
declaration of lack of capacity
dearbhú easpa inniúlachta
acknowledgement of maternity; declaration of maternity
dearbhú mháithreachais
acknowledgement of paternity; declaration of paternity
dearbhú atharthachta
positive crossmatch
crosmheaits dearfach
Rio Political Declaration on Social Determinants of Health
Dearbhú Polaitiúil Rio ar Dheitéarmanaint Shóisialta na Sláinte
EED; European Endowment for Democracy
an Dearlaic Eorpach i gcomhair Daonlathais
declaration for temporary storage; temporary storage declaration
dearbhú stórais shealadaigh
positive displacement pipette
pípéad dearbh-dhíláithriúcháin
standard customs declaration
dearbhú caighdeánach custaim
This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 (1999) and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.; This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.
Ní dochar an t-ainmniú seo do sheasaimh ar stádas, agus tá sé ag teacht le UNSCR 1244 (1999) agus le tuairim CBI maidir le Dearbhú Neamhspleáchais na Cosaive.
accept a customs declaration; acceptance of a customs declaration
glac le dearbhú custaim
sentinel study
staidéar faire
non-interventional PASS; non-interventional post-authorisation safety study
staidéar sábháilteachta iar-údarúcháin neamh-idirghabhálach
entry in the declarant's records
iontráil i dtaifid an dearbhóra
clinical study
staidéar cliniciúil
accessible design
dearadh inrochtana
material by design
ábhar deartha de réir cuspóra
declared place of residence; officially declared place of residence
áit chónaithe atá dearbhaithe go hoifigiúil
rose bengal
rósdearg Beangál
possible daily intake
iontógáil laethúil fhéideartha
Windhoek Declaration; Windhoek declaration on the tenth anniversary of the United Nations Transition Assistance Group
Dearbhú Windhoek; Dearbhú Windhoek tráth chomóradh deich mbliana Ghrúpa Cúnaimh Idirlinne na Náisiún Aontaithe
declared capacity for heating
acmhainneacht teasa dearbhaithe
dearbhú maidir le hísliú cáilíochta
dearbhú dí-aicmithe
assurance engagement
dearbhú iontaofachta
master confirmation agreement; MCA
máistir-chomhaontú dearbhaithe
DEAR; Development Education and Awareness Raising
DEAR; Oideachas agus Múscailt Feasachta maidir le Forbairt
clinical performance study; diagnostic clinical performance study
staidéar ar fheidhmíocht chliniciúil
interventional clinical performance study
staidéar feidhmíochta cliniciúil idirghabhálach
potential EDC; potential endocrine disruptor; potential endocrine-disrupting chemical; potential endocrine-disrupting compound; potential endocrine-disrupting substance; potential hormone disrupting chemical
suaiteoir inchríneach féideartha
Declaration of the European Ministers responsible for the Integrated Maritime Policy and the European Commission, on a Marine and Maritime Agenda for growth and jobs; Limassol Declaration
Dearbhú ó na hAirí Eorpacha atá freagrach as an mBeartas Muirí Comhtháite agus ón gCoimisiún Eorpach, maidir le Clár Mara agus Muirí le haghaidh fáis agus post
design extension analysis
anailís ar fhairsingiú dearaidh
semi-field study
staidéar allamuigh iata
heterosexist attitude
dearcadh heitrighnéasaíoch
repeat-dose (90-day) toxicity testing; repeated dose 90-day oral toxicity study; repeated dose 90-day toxicity test
staidéar 90 lá ar thocsaineacht ildáileog bhéil
Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Journalists; Munich Charter
Cairt München; Dearbhú maidir le Cearta agus Dualgais Iriseoirí
residue depletion study
staidéar ar ídiú iarmhair
Public Opinion Monitoring Unit
An tAonad um Fhaireachán ar an Dearcadh Poiblí
sustainable design
dearadh inbhuanaithe
environment-friendly design; green design
dearadh glas
asset declaration; asset disclosure
dearbhú sócmhainní
registration; registration with the police; report on entry; reporting; reporting to the police/immigration officer
dearbhú iontrála; deimhniú clárúcháin inimirce
student visitor visa
víosa ghearrfhanachta staidéir; víosa staidéar C
exclusion on grounds of criminality; refusal of asylum on grounds of criminality
diúltú dearbhú gur dídeanaí duine a dheonú tar éis dó nó di a bheith ciontaithe le breithiúnas críochnaitheach i gcion; diúltú iarratas ar thearmann ar bhonn coiriúlachta
red chard; red Swiss chard
seardas Eilvéiseach dearg
red leaf beet; red leaf chard
biatas bán deargdhuilleach
designer drug
druga dearthóra
absolute bioavailability study; bioavailability study
staidéar bith-infhaighteachta
reproduction toxicity study
staidéar ar thocsaineacht maidir le síolrú
developmental neurotoxicity study
staidéar ar néarthocsaineacht fhorbarthach
design month
possible sun duration
ré fhéideartha gréine
self-declared environmental claim
maíomh féindearbhaithe maidir leis an gcomhshaol
blueberry red ringspot soymovirus; blueberry red ringspot virus; BRRV
víreas fáinnebhall dearg an fhraocháin ghoirm
range-finding study
staidéar raonaimsíochta
satellite study
staidéar satailíte
absolute lethal concentration
dearbhthiúchan marfach
EUIPO; European Union Intellectual Property Office
EUIPO; Gníomhaireacht an Aontais Eorpaigh um Thrádmharcanna agus Dearaí; Oifig Maoine Intleachtúla an Aontais Eorpaigh
ICT Innovation Vouchers Scheme
Scéim Dearbhán Nuálaíochta TFC