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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
dál · dia · dia- · diail · diall
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bus system providing radio-controlled dispatched point-to-point service whereby a bus is summoned by phone and routed by computer or manual means to respond to a number of calls, or it may operate on a fixed route with diversions to pick up passengers upon telephoned requests
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
CDL; Configuration Deviation List
Liosta Diallta Cumraíochta
anticoccidial; coccidiostat
coicideastat; frithchoicideach
custodial penalty; custodial sanction; custodial sentence; deprivation of liberty; imprisonment; incarceration
dialogue between management and labour; dialogue between the social partners; social dialogue
idirphlé sóisialta
corrective action; corrective measure; remedial action; remedial measure
beart ceartaitheach; beart feabhais; gníomh ceartaitheach
intercultural dialogue
idirphlé idirchultúrtha
custodial sentence; deprivation of liberty; penalty involving deprivation of liberty
cailleadh saoirse
structured dialogue
idirphlé struchtúrtha
ASEM; ASEM dialogue; ASEM process; Asia-Europe Meeting
ASEM; Cruinniú na hÁise-na hEorpa; próiseas ASEM
policy dialogue
idirphlé beartais
political dialogue
agallamh polaitiúil; idirphlé polaitiúil
political and security dialogue
idirphlé polaitiúil agus slándála
saddled seabream
garbhánach diallaite
energy dialogue
idirphlé faoi fhuinneamh
human rights dialogue
idirphlé maidir le cearta an duine
competitive dialogue
idirphlé iomaíoch
ACD; Asia Cooperation Dialogue
ACD; Idirphlé maidir le Comhar san Áise
TLD; Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue
Idirphlé Trasatlantach Reachtóirí
interfaith dialogue; inter-faith dialogue; interreligious dialogue
idirphlé idirchreidmheach
radial tyre; radial-ply tyre
bonn ga-dhualach
radial path
conair ghathach
S.D.; SD; standard deviation
diall caighdeánach
solar declination
diallas gréine
SDC; Social Dialogue Committee
an Coiste um Idirphlé Sóisialta
DIAL; differential absorption Lidar; differential absorption light detection and ranging
ionsú difreálach LIDAR
estimator of the standard deviation
meastóir an diallta chaighdeánaigh
angle of deviation
uillinn an diallais; uillinn an diallta
blade sweep
buille scuaibe lainne; diall tadhlaíoch; raon buille lainne; scuab-bhuille lainne
blade tilt
claoine lainne; diall lainne; diall lainne ón ais; lann ar leathmhaig
léaráid diallais
intermediate radial strut
teanntóg ghathach idirmheánach
diallóir scairde
main radial strut
príomhtheanntóg ghathach
radial engine
inneall gathach
frequency deviation
diall minicíochta
lateral deviation
diallas cliathánach; diallas taobhach
saved number re-dial
feidhm diailithe uimhreach sábhála
last number re-dial
feidhm athdhiailithe uimhreach deireanaí
dialysis-electrodialysis membrane
scannán scagdhealaithe agus leictrea-scagdhealaithe
pericardial effusion
eisleathadh peireacairdiach
dial-a-bus; dial-a-ride
bus ar ghlaoch
radial network
gréasán gathach
saddle monorail system
córas aonráille diallaite
deviation clause
clásal diallais
direct dial-in number
uimhir dhiailithe isteach dhírigh
dominance deviation
diall ceannais
geometric standard deviation; GSD
diall caighdeánach geoiméadrach
relative standard deviation; RSD
diall caighdeánach coibhneasta
5+5 Dialogue; Forum for Dialogue in the Western Mediterranean; Western Mediterranean Dialogue; Western Mediterranean Forum
an tIdirphlé 5+5; Fóram 5+5 maidir le Réigiún na Meánmhara Thiar; Fóram um Idirphlé i Réigiún na Meánmhara Thiar
European Year of Intercultural Dialogue; EYID
Bliain Eorpach an Chomhphlé Idirchultúrtha
empiric standard deviation
diall caighdeánach eimpíreach
sectoral dialogue committee; sectoral social dialogue committee
an Coiste um Idirphlé Earnála
non-custodial arrangement
socrú neamhchoinneála
angular position deviation
diall an tsuímh uilligh
EU Forum for University Business Dialogue; University-Business Forum
Fóram an Aontais Eorpaigh um Idirphlé idir Ollscoileanna agus Gnólachtaí
Greenland Dialogue; Greenland Ministerial Dialogue on Climate Change
Idirphlé na Graonlainne
angle of deviation; angular deviation; deviation angle
diall uilleach; diallas uilleach
optical deviation
diall optúil
per cent standard deviation; percent standard deviation; percentage standard deviation
diall caighdeánach faoin gcéad
operational clearance; radial clearance; running clearance; working clearance
lateral deviation (of contact wire)
diall cliathánach
iridial response
freagairt inteacháin
EU-LAC Dialogue on Migration; EU-LAC Structured and Comprehensive Dialogue on Migration
Idirphlé AE-MLC maidir leis an Imirce; Idirphlé Cuimsitheach agus Struchtúrtha AE-MLC maidir leis an Imirce
primordial follicle; primordial ovarian follicle
falacail phríomhordúil; falacail ubhagánach phríomhordúil
PD; peritoneal dialysis
scagdhealú peireatóinéim
Social Dialogue Working Group
an Mheitheal um Idirphlé Sóisialta
EERD; European Employment Research Dialogue
an t-Idirphlé Eorpach ar an Taighde Fostaíochta
SAP Dialogue; SAPD; Stabilisation and Association Process Dialogue
Idirphlé maidir le Próiseas Cobhsaíochta agus Comhlachais
Africa-EU Platform for dialogue on Governance and Human Rights
Clár Oibre na hAfraice agus AE um Idirphlé ar Rialachas agus Cearta an Duine
remedial measures
bearta feabhais
Euro-African Dialogue on Migration and Development; Euro-African Migration and Development Process; Rabat Process
Idirphlé idir an tAontas Eorpach agus an Afraic maidir leis an Imirce agus le Forbairt; Próiseas Rabat
Migration and Mobility Dialogue
Idirphlé maidir le himirce agus soghluaisteacht
high level accession dialogue
idirphlé ardleibhéil maidir le haontachais
managlinat dialanetil
manaiglineat dialaineitil
radial crack
scoilt ghathach
custodial payment
íocaíocht chumhdaigh
risk profile deviation
diall próifíle riosca
postprandial glycaemic response
freagairt ghlicéime iarbhéile
dialogue facilitation
éascú idirphlé
costly remedial action; remedial action with costs
gníomh feabhais lena bhfuil costais san áireamh
non-costly remedial action; remedial action without costs
gníomh feabhais gan chostais
Transatlantic Legislators' Dialogue
Idirphlé Trasatlantach Reachtóirí
Legislative Dialogue Unit
An tAonad um Idirphlé Reachtach
Interinstitutional Relations and Social Dialogue Service
An tSeirbhís um an gCaidreamh Idirinstitiúideach agus um Idirphlé Sóisialta
dial number recognition; DNR
Aithint Uimhreach Diailithe
citizens' dialogue
comhphlé leis na saoránaigh
transstadial transmission
tarchur traschéime
Civil Society Dialogue Network; CSDN
an Líonra um Chomhphlé leis an tSochaí Shibhialta
READI; Regional EU-ASEAN Dialogue Instrument
Ionstraim Idirphlé Réigiúnaigh AE-ASEAN; READI
radial arm maze
cathair ghríobháin ghathach
Vice-President for the Euro and Social Dialogue; Vice-President for the Euro and Social Dialogue, also in charge of Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
an Leas-Uachtarán um an Euro agus Idirphlé Sóisialta
remedial security action with costs
gníomh slándála feabhais lena bhfuil costais san áireamh
remedial security action without costs
gníomh slándála feabhais gan chostais
custodial account
cuntas cumhdaigh
custodial institution
institiúid chumhdaigh
KAICIID; King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue
KAICIID; Lárionad Idirnáisiúnta an Rí Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz um Dhialóg Idir-reiligiúnach agus Idirchultúrtha
civil dialogue group
grúpa idirphlé shibhialta
EU-Africa Migration and Mobility Dialogue
Idirphlé idir AE agus an Afraic maidir leis an Imirce agus an tSoghluaiseacht
EU-Turkey High Level Energy Dialogue; High Level Energy Dialogue
Idirphlé Ardleibhéil i ndáil le Fuinneamh; Idirphlé Ardleibhéil i ndáil le Fuinneamh idir AE agus an Tuirc
cross-track lateral deviation
diall cliathánach traschonaire
World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development
Lá Domhanda na hIlchineálachta Cultúrtha ar son Comhphlé agus Forbartha
facilitative dialogue; Talanoa Dialogue
Idirphlé <I>Talanoa</I>; idirphlé éascaitheach
Enhanced READI; Enhanced Regional EU-ASEAN Dialogue Instrument; E-READI
E-READI; Ionstraim Fheabhsaithe maidir le hIdirphlé Réigiúnach AE-ASEAN
READI HRF; Regional EU-ASEAN Dialogue Instrument Human Rights Facility
READI HRF; Saoráid Chearta an Duine den Ionstraim maidir le hIdirphlé Réigiúnach AE-ASEAN
cyber dialogue
idirphlé maidir le cibearspás
bearing receiving dial
diail ghlacadóireachta treo-uillinne (bain2)
easterly variation
diall soir (fir1)
westerly variation
diall siar (fir1)
technical or other deviation
diall teicniúil nó eile (fir1)
dial sight
diailtreoir (bain5, gu: diailtreorach, ai: diailtreoracha, gi: diailtreoracha)
magnetic declination
diallas adhmainteach (fir1)
deviation in direction
diall maidir le treo (fir3)
deviation in range
diall maidir le raon (fir3)
dial drum
druma diaile (fir4)
deflection dial
treodhiail (bain2, gu: treodhiaile, ai: treodhiaileanna, gi: treodhiaileanna)
fuse dial
diail aidhnín (bain2)
dial plate
pláta diaile (fir4)
dial plate push button
brúchnaipín pláta diaile (fir4)
dial plate pointer
pointeoir pláta diaile (fir3)
range receiving dial
diail raonghlacadóireachta (bain2)
transmitting dial
diail raontiomarnaíochta (bain2)
bearing transmitting dial
diail tiomarnaíochta treouillinne (bain2)
fan of saddle
sciathán diallaite (fir1)
luminous radial index
ga-threoir shoilseach (bain5)
unit journal
dialann aonaid (bain2)
roast and stuffed saddle of lamb
diallait uaineola rósta is dingthe (bain2)
observation post log
dialann post breathnadóireachta (bain2)
raidiúil (a2)
radial pressure
brú radiúil (fir4)
radial graduations
gathanna raidiúla (fir)
radial line
líne raidiúil (bain4)
diallaiteoir (fir3, gu: diallaiteora, ai: diallaiteoirí, gi: diallaiteoirí)
radial pressure
brú radúil (fir4)
dial sight
dialltreoir (bain5, gu: dialltreorach, ai: dialltreoracha, gi: dialltreoracha)
pointer of dial
diail (bain2, gu: diaile, ai: diaileanna, gi: diaileanna)
pointer of dial
pointeoir treodhiaile (fir3)
radial graduations
céimranna gathacha (bain)
mean deviation
meándiall (fir1, gu: meándiallta)
diallait (bain2, gu: diallaite, ai: diallaití, gi: diallaití)
diail (bain2, gu: diaile, ai: diaileanna, gi: diaileanna)
canúint (bain3, gu: canúna, ai: canúintí, gi: canúintí)