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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
front elevation
boiling point elevation
ardú an fhiuchphointe
solar altitude; solar altitude angle; solar elevation; solar elevation angle
airde na gréine; uillinn airde na gréine
aerodrome elevation
airde aeradróim
creep at elevated temperature
dífhoirmiú téaltaitheach
side elevation
connecting ramp; superelevation ramp
rampa chun an uasbhealaigh
levator ani
levator ani
ardaitheoir (fir3, gu: ardaitheora, ai: ardaitheoirí, gi: ardaitheoirí)
alteration in elevation
athrú ardais (fir)
angle of elevation
uillinn ardais (bain2)
angle of tangent elevation
uillinn tadhallardais (bain2)
elevating arc
stua ardaithe (fir4)
elevation arc
stua ardais (fir4)
packing nut elevating washer
leicneán ardaithe an chnó phacála (fir1)
elevating wheel
roth ardaithe (fir3)
elevating wheel bush
braicille rotha ardaithe (fir4)
elevating wheel feather
cleite rotha ardaithe (fir4)
elevating wheel nut
cnó rotha ardaithe (fir4)
elevating wheel bush collar
coiléar braicille rotha ardaithe (fir1)
elevation bubble
bolgóid ardais (bain2)
chain for securing elevation screw
slabhra ceangail scriú ardaithe (fir4)
tangent sight elevating head
ceann ardaithe tadhalltreorach (fir1)
tangent sight elevating screw
scriú ardaithe tadhalltreorach (fir4)
tangent elevation
tadhallardas (fir1, gu: tadhallardais, ai: tadhallardais, gi: tadhallardas)
elevation board
clár ardais (fir1)
elevation level
leibhéal ardais (fir1)
elevating gear
giar ardaithe (fir1)
elevating gear housing
cumhdach giar ardaithe (fir1)
elevating gear jamming bolt
bolta pulcaithe giar ardaithe (fir4)
airde (bain4, gu: airde, ai: airdí, gi: airdí)
ardas (fir1, gu: ardais)
elevation arc adjusting screw
scriú coigeartach stua ardais (fir4)
elevation arc pointer
pointeoir stua ardais (fir3)
average elevation
meánardas (fir1, gu: meánardais, ai: meánardais, gi: meánardas)
elevation table
tábla ardais (fir4)
quadrant elevation
ardas ceathramháin (fir1)
tangent elevation racket
brac tadhallardais (fir1)
tangent elevation gear
giar tadhallardais (fir1)
error in elevation
earráid ardais (bain2)
elevating gear housing
cumhdach an ghiar ardaithe (fir1)
elevating gear jamming bolt
bolta pulctha an ghiar ardaithe (fir4)
elevating clamp handle
hanla clampála ardaithe (fir4)
elevating joint
alt ardaithe (fir1)
elevating joint bracket
brac ailt ardaithe (fir1)
elevating joint pin
biorán ailt ardaithe (fir1)
minimum elevation
an t-ardas íosta (fir1)
elevating mechanism
meicníocht ardaithe (bain3)
elevating nut
cnó ardaithe (fir4)
elevating screw
scriú ardaithe (fir)
elevating screw casing
cásáil scriú ardaithe (bain3)
elevating screw tube
feadán scriú ardaithe (fir1)
outer elevating screw
scriú ardaithe forimeallach (fir4)
inner elevating screw
scriú ardaithe inmheánach (fir4)
elevating pointer
pointeoir ardaithe (fir3)
elevating stop
bac ardaithe (fir1)
elevating stop screw
scriú baic ardaithe (fir4)
sighting elevation
ardas treorála (fir1)
elevating sleeve
muinchille ardaithe (bain4)
elevating gear tumbler
timbléar gléis ardaithe (fir1)
laying for elevation line
pointeáil le haghaidh ardais/líne (bain)
determine direction and elevation
déan amach treo agus airde
have the sighting true for direction and elevation
an treoráil a bheith i gceart le haghaidh treo agus ardais
a shot to verify elevation
urchar chun an t-ardas a fhíorú
elevation and plan views of aerial
radhairc ingearchló agus bonncló aeróg