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Teachtaireacht rúnda nó scáileán i bhfolach i bhfeidhmchlár a úsáidtear le creidiúintí na foirne forbartha nó teachtaireacht ghreannmhar a thaispeáint.
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
CECAF; Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic
an Coiste Iascaigh um an Atlantach Thoir Láir; CECAF
OECS; Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States
an Eagraíocht um Stáit i Muir Chairib Thoir; OECS
CCEE; CEEC; Central and Eastern European Countries; the countries of Central and Eastern Europe
TELT; Tíortha na hEorpa Láir agus Thoir
Eastern Republic of Uruguay; Uruguay
Poblacht Oirthearach Uragua; Uragua
Eastern cougar
púma oirthearach
COEST Working Party; Working Party on Eastern Europe and Central Asia
an Mheitheal um Oirthear na hEorpa agus an Áise Láir; Meitheal COEST
COMESA; Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
an Cómhargadh in Oirthear agus i nDeisceart na hAfraice; COMESA
Regional Table of the Stability Pact; South-Eastern Europe Regional Table
Bord Réigiúnach den Chomhshocrú Cobhsaíochta; Bord Réigiúnach Oirdheisceart na hEorpa
Stability Pact; Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe
Comhshocrú Cobhsaíochta le haghaidh Oirdheisceart na hEorpa
Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group; ESAAMLG
ESAAMLG; Grúpa Oirthear agus Dheisceart na hAfraice in aghaidh sciúradh airgid
Committee on aid for economic restructuring in Poland and Hungary; Committee on economic assistance to certain central and eastern European countries and for coordination of aid to the applicant countries in the framework of the pre-accession strategy; Phare Committee; Phare Management Committee
Coiste Bainistíochta PHARE; Coiste um chabhair eacnamaíoch do thíortha áirithe san Eoraip Láir agus Thoir agus um chabhair chomhordúcháin do na stáit iarrthacha faoi chuimsiú na straitéise réamhaontachais (PHARE)
eastern equine encephalitis; eastern equine encephalomyelitis; EEE
EEE; einceifealaimiailíteas eachaí oirthearach
BD; Borna disease; enzootic encephalomyelitis; Near Eastern equine encephalomyelitis
einceifealaimiailíteas eansótach; galar Borna
Eastern Public Livestock Market
Margadh Poiblí Beostoic an Oirthir
Eastern bloc; second world countries
Bloc an Oirthir; tíortha an dara domhan
Action plan for coordinated aid to Poland and Hungary; Phare programme; Phare-Community programme for assistance for economic restructuring in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe; Pre-accession assistance for Central and Eastern European Countries
Clár PHARE; Cúnamh réamhaontachais faoi choinne Thíortha na hEorpa Láir agus Thoir
East Turkestan Islamic Movement; Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement; ETIM; TIP; Turkestan Islamic Party
ETIM; Gluaiseacht Ioslamach na Turcastáine Thoir
eastern dimension of the ENP; eastern dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy
diminsean oirthearach de Bheartas Comharsanachta na hEorpa
EaP; Eastern Partnership
Comhpháirtíocht an Oirthir
Eastern European Group; EEG; Group of Eastern European States
an Grúpa de Stáit in Oirthear na hEorpa; Grúpa Oirthear na hEorpa
Eastern Partner; Eastern Partnership country
Comhpháirtí an Oirthir; Tír Chomhpháirtíochta an Oirthir
Eastern Neighbours Contact Group; Eastern Neighbours Follow-up Committee
Coiste Leantach na gComharsan ón Oirthear
Eastern Partnership Facility
Saoráid Chomhpháirtíocht an Oirthir
Eastern Neighbourhood
Comharsanacht an Oirthir
ESA-IO Region; Region of Eastern and Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean
réigiún ATT-AI; Réigiún na hAfraice Thoir agus Theas agus an Aigéin Indiaigh
EaPIC; Eastern Partnership Integration and Cooperation programme
an Clár Lánpháirtíochta agus Comhair le haghaidh Comhpháirtíocht an Oirthir
Eastern Partnership Summit
Cruinniú Mullaigh Chomhpháirtíocht an Oirthir
Unit for Europe: Eastern Partnership and Russia
An tAonad don Eoraip: Comhpháirtíocht an Oirthir mar aon leis an Rúis
East Atlantic bluefin tuna; Eastern bluefin tuna
tuinnín gorm Atlantach oirthearach
Central East South Europe Gas Connectivity High Level Group; CESEC High Level Group; CESEC HLG; High Level Group on Central and South Eastern Europe Gas Connectivity
an Grúpa Ardleibhéil maidir leis an Nascacht Gháis do Lár agus Oirdheisceart na hEorpa
Eastern Mediterranean and Western Balkans route
bealach na Meánmhara Thoir agus na mBalcán Thiar
Eastern Mediterranean route; Eastern route
bealach na Meánmhara Thoir
Central and South-Eastern European Gas Connectivity; CESEC
an Nascacht Gháis do Lár agus Oirdheisceart na hEorpa; CESEC
Interim Agreement establishing a framework for an Economic Partnership Agreement between the Eastern and Southern Africa States, on the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, on the other part
Comhaontú Eatramhach lena mbunaítear creat maidir le Comhaontú Comhpháirtíochta Eacnamaíche idir Stáit Oirthear agus Dheisceart na hAfraice, de pháirt amháin, agus an Comhphobal Eorpach agus a Bhallstáit, den pháirt eile
OSCE Survey on the Well-being and Safety of Women; OSCE Survey on the Well-being and Safety of Women in South East Europe and Eastern Europe; OSCE Survey on the Well-being and Safety of Women in South East Europe, Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus
Suirbhé ESCE ar Fholláine agus Sábháilteacht Ban; Suirbhé ESCE ar Fholláine agus Sábháilteacht Ban in Oirdheisceart agus Oirthear na hEorpa
Eastern Pacific bonito; Pacific bonito
boiníotó an Aigéin Chiúin
6 Eastern Reserve Brigade [Units and Sub-units: The Reserve Defence Force]
6ú Briogáid Chúltaca an Oirthir (bain2)
Eastern Reserve Group [Units and Sub-units: The Reserve Defence Force]
Grúpa Cúltaca an Oirthir (fir4)
Headquarters, 2 Eastern Brigade [Units and Sub-units: Camp Staff]
Ceanncheathrú Dhara Briogáid an Oirthir (bain5)
Eastern area
líomatáiste an Oirthir (fir4)
easterly variation
diall soir (fir1)
Eastern Brigade
Briogáid an Oirthir (bain2)
Eastern Command
Ceannasaíocht an Oirthir (bain3)
Easter privilege leave
saoire phribhléide na Cásca (bain4)
easterly wind
gaoth anoir (bain2, ai: gaotha anoir)
Headquarters 2 Eastern Brigade
Ceanncheathrú Dhara Briogáid an Oirthir (bain5)
Cáisc (bain3, gu: Cásca, ai: Cáisceanna, gu: Cáisceanna)
eastern area
líomatáiste an oirthir
area of the Eastern Brigade
líomatáiste Bhriogáid an Oirthir