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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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ECB payment mechanism; EPM; European Central Bank Payment Mechanism
meicníocht íocaíochta an Bhainc Ceannais Eorpaigh
ECB; European Central Bank
an Banc Ceannais Eorpach; BCE
Executive Board of the ECB; Executive Board of the European Central Bank
Bord Feidhmiúcháin BCE
Governing Council; Governing Council of the ECB; Governing Council of the European Central Bank
Comhairle Rialaithe an Bhainc Ceannais Eorpaigh; Comhairle Rialaithe BCE
Protocol on the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank
Prótacal maidir le Reacht an Chórais Eorpaigh Bhanc Ceannais agus an Bhainc Ceannais Eorpaigh
Statute of the ESCB; Statute of the ESCB and of the ECB; Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank
Reacht CEBC; Reacht CEBC agus BCE
Vice-President of the ECB; Vice-President of the European Central Bank
Leas-Uachtarán an Bhainc Ceannais Eorpaigh; Leas-Uachtarán BCE
Rules of Procedure of the ECB; Rules of Procedure of the European Central Bank
Rialacha Nós Imeachta an Bhainc Ceannais Eorpaigh (BCE)
key for capital subscription; key for subscription of the ECB's capital; key for subscription to the capital of the European Central Bank; key for subscription to the European Central Bank’s capital; subscription key to the ECB's capital
an scála le haghaidh shuibscríobh an chaipitil
President of the ECB; President of the European Central Bank
Uachtarán an Bhainc Ceannais Eorpaigh
Rules of Procedure of the General Council of the European Central Bank
Rialacha Nós Imeachta Chomhairle Ghinearálta an Bhainc Ceannais Eorpaigh
Vice-President of the Executive Board; Vice-President of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank
Leasuachtarán an Bhoird Feidhmiúcháin
Single Supervisory Mechanism Supervisory Board; SSM Supervisory Board; Supervisory Board; Supervisory Board of the ECB; Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank
bord maoirseachta den BCE (giorr.); bord maoirseachta den Bhanc Ceannais Eorpach