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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
aeroplane flight manual; AFM; aircraft flight manual; flight manual
lámhleabhar eitilte
IFR flight
eitilt IFR
pre-flight check; pre-flight checking; preflight inspection; pre-flight inspection
seiceáil réamh-eitilte
flight safety
sábháilteacht eitilte
FCL; Flight Crew Licence
ceadúnas pearsanra eitilte
AFCS; automatic flight control system
AFCS; córas uathrialaithe eitilte
flight cycle
timthriall eitilte
flight envelope
imchlúdach eitilte
filed flight plan; FPL
plean eitilte comhadaithe
flight procedure
nós imeachta eitilte
demonstration flight
eitilt taispeána
FE; Flight Examiner
scrúdaitheoir eitilte
FH; flight hours
uaireanta eitilte
repetitive flight plan; RPL
plean eitilite atriallach
fleshings and lime split waste
screaball súdaireachta agus blúire aoil
coolant; cooling fluid
floating caliper
cailpéar saor
butterflies; butterfly
ensign; national flag
bratach náisiúnta; meirge
undue influence
tionchar míchuí
to fluctuate
Flemish Bloc; Flemish Interest; Vlaams Belang
Bloc Pléimeannach; Leas na bPléimeannach
CFBC; circulating fluidised bed combustion
dóchán scaire sreabhaí athfhilltí
solar flux
flosc gréine
CFL; compact fluorescent lamp
dlúthsholas fluaraiseach; DSF
Community Reference Laboratory for avian influenza; EU reference laboratory for avian influenza
Saotharlann Tagartha an Aontais Eorpaigh um an bhFliú Éanúil
Code of Conduct; Code of Conduct for Members of the European Parliament with respect to financial interests and conflicts of interest
cód iompair
conflict of interest
coimhlint leasa; coinbhleacht leasa
floating equipment; floating structure
fearas snámhach
NOx Protocol; Protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides; Protocol to the 1979 Convention on long-range transboundary air pollution concerning the control of emissions of nitrogen oxides or their transboundary fluxes
Prótacal a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún 1979 maidir le Truailliú Aeir Trasteorann Fadraoin, a bhaineann le Rialú Astaíochtaí Ocsaídí Nítrigine nó a bhFloscanna Trasteorann
deflection-limiting volume; DLV
toirt lena gciorraítear sraonadh
CFV; critical flow venturi; critical nozzle; sonic nozzle; sonic Venturi-nozzle
CFV; Venturi sreabhaidh chriticiúil
Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora; FFHD; Habitats Directive
an Treoir maidir le Gnáthóga
wet electrostatic precipitator; wet ESP
deascaire leictreastatach fliuch
flexible retirement
scor solúbtha
flowering of the culture of the Member States; flowering of the cultures of the Member States
borradh chultúir na mBallstát
flour milling
muilleoireacht plúir
flexible form of employment
cineál solúbtha fostaíochta
party to a conflict
páirtí i gcoinbhleacht
inverse floating rate instrument
ionstraim inbhéartach ráta chomhlúthaigh
floating rate instrument
ionstraim ráta chomhlúthaigh
Angolan flying squid
scuid eitilte Angólach
flow-proportional composite sample; flow-proportional sample
sampla comhiomlán sreabh-chomhréireach
Rodrigues flying fox; Rodrigues fruit bat; Rodrigues Island flying fox
ialtóg meas Rodrigues
FFV; flex fuel vehicle; flexible fuel vehicle
feithicil ilbhreosla
conflict free
saor ó choinbhleacht
Florida tomato virus; TMoV; tomato mottle bigeminivirus; tomato mottle virus
víreas breac an phlanda trátaí
apple flat apple virus; cherry rasp leaf cheravirus; Cherry rasp leaf nepovirus; cherry rasp leaf virus; CRLV
víreas raspdhuilleog an chrainn silíní
grenade rifle
raidhfil gránáide
octafluoropropane; perfluoropropane
ochtafluaraprópán; sárfhluaraprópán
acid reflux; acid regurgitation; gastric reflux; gastro-oesophageal reflux; gastro-oesophageal reflux disease; GER; GOR; GORD
aife aigéadach
inflation forecast
réamhaisnéis bhoilscithe
Comoro black flying-fox
ialtóg dhubh na meas Oileáin Chomóra
swallowtail butterflies
féileacán fáinlearrach
birdwing butterflies
féileacán éaneiteach
Kaiser-I-Hind butterfly
féileacán Kaiser-I-Hind
cauliflower corals
pasteurellosis; pasteurellosis in rabbits; rabbit pasteurellosis; snuffles
paistéallaróis coiníní
Special Representative of the Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict; SRSG/CAAC
Ionadaí Speisialta an Ard-Rúnaí maidir le Leanaí agus Coinbhleacht Armtha
Flight Training Device; FTD
feiste oiliúna eitilte
rifle grenade launcher
lansaire gránáidí raidhfil; teilgeoir gránáidí raidhfil
discounted cash flow rate
ráta sreabhaidh airgid lascainithe
flag out; flagging out
aistrigh bratach; bratach a aistriú
accompanying measure; back-up measure; flanking measure; support measure
beart tacaíochta; beart tionlacain
fibre flax; flax
líon snáithín
grandparent flock; grandparent stock
stoc síolraíochta den dara glúin
common sunflower; sunflower
lus na gréine
flexible budget
buiséad solúbtha
cash inflow
insreabhadh airgid
cash flow; gross self-financing margin
sreabhadh airgid thirim
flow chart; flow diagram; process chart
flow production
inflationary pressure
brú boilscitheach
pent-up inflation
boilsciú folaigh
fixed-rate aid; flat-rate aid; lump-sum aid
cabhair ar ráta comhréidh
GDP-deflator; GDP-price deflator
díbhoilsceoir praghsanna OTI
flavoured spa waters
uisce mianra blaistithe
Agreement on the Importation of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials; Florence Agreement
an Comhaontú maidir le hábhair oideachasúla, eolaíocha agus chultúrtha a allmhairiú; Comhaontú Fhlórans
Declaration Recognising the Right to a Flag of States having no Seacoast
Dearbhú ag Aithint Ceart chun Brataí ag Stáit gan Chósta
winter flounder
leith gheimhridh
yellowtail flounder
leith earrbhuí
passion flower
avian influenza; bird flu; infection with avian influenza viruses
fliú éanúil; fliú na n-éan
linseed; seed flax
choice of law rule; conflict rule; conflict-of-laws rule; rule of conflict of laws
riail na heasaontachta dlíthe
deflection of trade; diversion of trade; trade deflection; trade diversion
sraonadh trádála
Helsinki Protocol; Protocol on the Reduction of Sulphur Emissions; Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution on the Reduction of Sulphur Emissions or their Transboundary Fluxes by at least 30 per cent
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún ar thruailliú aeir fadraoin trasteorann maidir le hastaíochtaí sulfair, nó a bhfloscanna trasteorann, a ísliú 30 faoin gcéad ar a laghad
flexibility clause
clásal solúbthachta
CITES; Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; Washington Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Trádáil Idirnáisiúnta i Speicis Fauna agus Flora Fiáine i mBaol; CITES; Coinbhinsiún Washington
Convention for the Settlement of Certain Conflicts of Laws in connection with Cheques
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le heasaontachtaí áirithe dlíthe a shocrú i ndáil le seiceanna
Convention for the Settlement of certain Conflicts of Laws in Connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le heasaontachtaí áirithe dlíthe a shocrú i ndáil le billí malairte agus nótaí gealltanais
Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le maoin chultúrtha a chosaint i gcás coinbhleacht armtha
Convention on the Conflicts of Law relating to the Form of Testamentary Dispositions
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Neamhréireacht Dlíthe a bhaineann le Foirm Diúscairtí Tiomnacha
Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-international Armed Conflicts (Protocol II)
Prótacal breise a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiúin na Ginéive an 12 Lúnasa 1949 agus a bhaineann le híospartaigh coinbhleachtaí armtha neamh-idirnáisiúnta a chosaint (Prótacal II)
Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I)
Prótacal Breise a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiúin na Ginéive den 12 Lúnasa 1949, agus a bhaineann le hÍospartaigh Coinbhleachtaí Armtha Idirnáisiúnta a Choimirciú (Prótacal I)
flatfish; flatfishes
iasc leathógach; leathóg
IFR; instrument flight rules
IFR; rialacha um eitilt de réir uirlisí
FIR; flight information region
FIR; réigiún faisnéise eitilte
DCF; discounted cash flow
sreabhadh airgid lascainithe
durum; durum wheat; flint wheat; hard wheat
cruithneacht chrua; cruithneacht dúraim; dúram
floor price; minimum price
Advisory Committee on Flax and Hemp
an Coiste Comhairleach um Líon agus Chnáib
flag State
fillet; fish fillet; FL
filléad; filléad éisc
deflationary gap
bearna dhíbhoilscitheach
vessel flying the flag of ...; vessel sailing under the flag of ...
soitheach faoi bhratach ...
national flag vessel; vessel flying a national flag
soitheach faoi bhratach náisiúnta
fly shooting seine; Scottish seine; SSC
eangach shaighne Albanach; SSC
megrim; sail-fluke; whiff
European flounder; flounder
European flat oyster
oisre Eorpach coiteann
European plaice; hen fish; plaice; plaice-fluke
leathóg bhallach; Pleuronectes platessa
witch flounder
leathóg bhán; sól bán
flap-shelled spotted turtle; Indian flap-shelled turtle; Indian soft-shelled turtle; Indo-Gangetic flap-shelled turtle
turtar liopabhlaoscach Ind-Ghainséiseach; turtar liopabhlaoscach Indiach
flag airline carrier; flag carrier; flagship carrier
cuideachta aerlíne náisiúnta
trade flow
sreabhadh trádála
HFR; HFR reactor; high-flux reactor
imoibritheoir ardfhlosca
fluid fertiliser
leasachán leachtach
Working Party on Special Plant Products (Floriculture)
an Mheitheal um Tháirgí Speisialta Plandaí (Bláthadóireacht)
flight simulator; FS
FS; ionsamhlóir eitilte
Seabed Treaty; Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Seabed and the Ocean Floor and in the Subsoil thereof
an Conradh um Ghrinneall na Farraige; an Conradh um thoirmeasc ar airm núicléacha agus airm eile ollscriosta a shuí ar leaba na farraige, ar ghrinneall an aigéin agus ar a bhfo-ithir
fluctuation in value; variation in value
athruithe luacha
flours or meals (of seeds)
plúr nó min
flexibility provisions
forálacha solúbthachta
loingeas trádála
fluctuations in catches (fisheries)
luaineacht i ngabhálacha
fluid oil
ola shreabhach
complex fluorine salts
salainn choimpléascacha fluairín
flimsy paper
páipéar tanaí
central flow-management unit; CFMU
láraonad bainistithe an tsrutha aerthráchta
ship flying the flag of a Member State; vessel flying the flag of a Member State
soitheach faoi bhratach Ballstáit
level that shall reflect the relationship ...
leibhéal a bheidh ag teacht leis an ngaol ....; leibhéal a fhreagróidh don ghaol ...
flexible adaptation
oiriúnú solúbtha
Fronta Pobail i gcomhair Shaoirse na Palaistíne; PFLP
summer flounder
leith shamhraidh
cost-push inflation
boilsciú de bharr costbhrú
labour market flexibility
solúbthacht mhargadh an lucht saothair
flavoured sugar
siúcra blaistithe
cockpit crew; cockpit personnel; flight crew
foireann aeir; foireann eitilte
1905 Effects of Marriage Convention; Convention relating to conflicts of laws with regard to the effects of marriage on the rights and duties of the spouses in their personal relationship and and with regard to their estates
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hEasaontachtaí Dlíthe a bhaineann leis na hÉifeachtaí atá ag an bPósadh ar Chearta agus ar Dhualgais Céilí agus i dtaca lena nEastáit
control of inflation
rialú an bhoilscithe
fowl plague; highly pathogenic avian influenza; HPAI
fliú éanúil ardphataigineach
common flat-rate scheme for farmers
comhscéim ráta comhréidh d'fheirmeoirí
sovereign right
ceart ceannasach; ceart flaithiúnta
bout of inflation
babhta boilscithe
conflict resolution
réiteach coinbhleachta
anti-inflationary measures
beart frithbhoilscithe
migration flow; migratory flow
sreabh imirce
conflict of laws
easaontacht dlíthe
cut flowers
bláthanna gearrtha
floating debt
fiachas comhlúthach
flat-rate farmer
feirmeoir ar ráta comhréidh; feirmeoir cothromráta
internal flight
eitilt intíre
monetary inflation
boilsciú airgeadaíochta
flat-rate compensation
cúiteamh ar ráta comhréidh; cúiteamh cothromráta
fluctuation band; fluctuation margin; margin of fluctuation
banda luaineachta; lamháil luaineachta
capital flight; flight of capital
teitheadh caipitil
cash flow; liquidity flow
sreabhadh airgid
Convention Governing Conflicts of Laws concerning Marriage
an Coinbhinsiún lena rialaítear Easaontachtaí Dlíthe i dtaca leis an bPósadh
wide-eyed flounder
leith shúil-leata
rifled barrel
bairille eitreach
flashed glass
gloine fhleasctha
to exert direct influence on ...
tionchar díreach a fheidhmiú ar ...
pump for special fluids
caidéal le haghaidh sreabhán speisialta
reactor with a high fast-neutron flux
imoibreoir ardfhlosca mearneodróin; imoibreoir ardfhlosca neodróin mear
chlorine trifluoride
trífhluairíd chlóirín
boron trifluoride
trífhluairíd bhóróin
E 712; flavophospholipol
E 712; flavafosfoilipeol (Flavomycin)
lithium fluoride
fluairíd litiam
UF6; uranium hexafluoride
heicseafluairíd úráiniam; UF6
fluidity of trade
so-athraitheacht na trádála
spreading of livestock effluents
leathadh eisilteach beostoic
to seek to influence the members
féachaint le tionchar a oibriú ar na comhaltaí; iarraidh tionchar a oibriú ar na comhaltaí
orange RN
flannbhuí croicéine
crushed or broken stone; flint
breochloch; cloch bhrúite
non-inflationary economic growth
fás eacnamaíoch neamhbhoilscitheach
potential for additional non-inflationary growth
an acmhainneacht forás neamhbhoilscitheach breise a ghnóthú
photographic cameras; photographic flashlight apparatus and flashbulbs
ceamara fótagrafach
conflicting competence
neamhréireacht dhlínse
overflow room
seomra éisteachta
cash position; cash(flow) situation; liquidity position; treasury position
staid airgid; staid leachtachta
FIC; flight information centre
FIC; ionad faisnéise eitilte
FIS; flight-information service
FIS; seirbhís faisnéise eitiltí
NAIRU; non-accelerating-inflation rate of unemployment
NAIRU; ráta dífhostaíochta gan éifeacht ar bhoilsciú
sustainable and non-inflationary growth
fás inbhuanaithe neamhbhoilscitheach
Protocol to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution concerning the Control of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds or their Transboundary Fluxes; VOC Protocol
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún maidir le Truailliú Aeir Trasteorann Fadraoin a bhaineann le Rialú Astaíochtaí Comhdhúl Orgánach Soghalaithe nó a bhFloscanna Trasteorann
cróch bréige
waste flow; waste stream
sruth dramhaíola
reflag; reflagging
aistriú clár loingseoireachta; athrú brataí
hog flu; swine flu; swine influenza
fliú muc
conflict of jurisdiction
easaontas dlínse
NFZ; no-fly zone
limistéar faoi chosc eitilte
Chinese river dolphin; white fin dolphin; white flag dophin; Yangtze River dolphin
deilf na hIaing-tsí
Florida panther; Florida puma
púma Florida
flat-headed cat
cat ceannleathan
Andean flamingo
lasairéan Aindéach
Chilean flamenco
lasairéan Sileach
Bengal bustard; Bengal florican
flóiriceán Beangálach
Rueck's blue flycatcher, Rueck's niltava
cuilire gorm Rueck
Venus fly-trap
cuilghaiste Véineas
dove flower; dove orchid; Holy Ghost; Holy Ghost flower
magairlín an Spioraid Naoimh
long-eared flying squirrel
iora eitilte cluasach
sannadh brataí
to maintain the trade flow
an sreabhadh trádála a choinneáil ar bun
reflationary policy; stimulus policy
beartas spreagtha
flag state implementation; FSI
cur chun feidhme ag an mbratstát; FSI
conflict of jurisdiction
coinbhleacht dlínse
reflection group
meitheal mhachnaimh
mass influx of refugees
flag Member State; Member State whose flag the vessel flies
Ballstát a bhfuil a bhratach ar foluain ar an soitheach; Ballstát brataí
CFR identification number; CFR; CFR number; common fleet register number; EU Fleet Register number
cláruimhir chabhlaigh AE; uimhir chlár an chomhchabhlaigh
armed conflict
coinbhleacht armtha
post-conflict rehabilitation
athshlánú iarchoinbhleachta
Convention concerning Settlement of Conflicts between the Law of Nationality and the Law of Domicile
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Réiteach Coinbhleachtaí idir Dlí na Náisiúntachta agus Dlí an tSainchónaithe
Convention relating to the Settlement of the Conflict of Laws and Jurisdictions concerning Divorce and Separation
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Socrú Easaontachtaí Dlíthe agus Dlínsí a bhaineann le Colscaradh agus le hIdirscaradh
Flemish Community; Flemish Community of Belgium
an Pobal Pléimeannach
big-seed false flax; false flax
garden orache; mountain spinach
spionáiste eilifleoige
IFPS; Integrated Initial Flight Plan Processing System
Córas Cómhtháite um Thúsphróiseáil Pleananna Eitilte
passion flower
lus na páise
immigration flow
sreabh inimirce
yellow passion flower
lus na páise buí
full-function joint venture; fully-fledged joint venture
comhfhiontar lánfheidhme
orange roughy
gainneachán flannbhuí
decisive influence
tionchar cinntitheach
reshuffle; reshuffling
athdháileadh; athrú
Florida pompano
pampanó Florida
SFA; stock-flow adjustment
coigeartú sreabhaidh i leith stoic
influence peddling; trading in influence; trafficking in influence
mangaireacht tionchair
post-conflict peace-building
cothú na síochána i ndiaidh coinbhleachta
RCLR; recoilless gun; recoilless rifle
gunna neamh-athchasta
flexicurity; flex-security
solúbthacht agus socracht
cross-border flow of personal data; transborder flow of personal data
sreabh trasteorann sonraí pearsanta
bubbling fluidised bed combustion
dóchán scaire sreabhaí boilgearnaí
loop flow
flexible mechanism; Kyoto mechanism
meicníocht Kyoto; meicníocht sholúbtha
flexible working arrangements
socruithe solúbtha oibre
flexible work; flexible working
obair sholúbtha
management of migration flows
sreabha imirce a bhainistiú; sreafaí imirce a bhainistiú
flat oysters; OYX
oisrí leathana
flagless vessel; stateless ship; stateless vessel; vessel without a flag; vessel without nationality
soitheach gan náisiúntacht
infection with low pathogenic avian influenza viruses; low pathogenic avian influenza; LPAI
fliú éanúil lagphataigineach
PoC; protection of civilians; protection of civilians in armed conflict
cosaint saoránach; cosaint saoránach i gcoinbhleacht armtha
conflict prevention
coinbhleachtaí a chosc; cosc coinbhleachtaí
AAR; aerial refuelling; airborne refuelling; air-to-air refuelling; IFR; in-flight refuelling
athbhreoslú san aer
éisc eitilte
white flower croaker; YED; yellow drum
grágaire buí
Brazilian flathead; FLA
récheannach na Brasaíle
Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict; Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict
Prótacal Roghnach a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún um Chearta an Linbh maidir leis an bpáirt a bhíonn ag leanaí i gcoinbhleacht armtha
BUK; butterfly kingfish
rí-iasc féileacáin
major regional conflict; major theatre war; MTW
mórchoinbhleacht réigiúnach
lefteye flounders
leitheanna súile clé
four-spot flounder
leith cheathairbhallach
BAH; bastard halibut; olive flounder
leith glasbuí
CIF; cinnamon flounder
leith chainéil
ARF; arrow-tooth flounder
leith shaigheadfhiaclach
North Pacific sole; roundnose flounder
leith chruinnsocach
flathead flounder; Pacific false halibut
haileabó bréige récheannach
flathead sole; FTS
sól ceannchothroim
Arctic flounder
leith Artach
smooth flounder
leith mhín
starry flounder
leith réaltach
sand flounder
leith ghainimh Nua-Shéalannach
Chilean flat oyster
oisre leathan Sileach
Olympia flat oyster; Olympia oyster
oisre Oilimpia
three-star flag officer
ceannasóir trí réalta
jumbo flying squid
ollscuid eitilte
TSQ; Wellington flying squid
scuid eitilte Wellington
Japanese flying squid; SQJ
scuid eitilte Sheapánach
4-star flag officer
ceannasóir ceithre réalta
conflict management
bainistíocht coinbhleachta
conflict prevention operation
oibríocht chun coinbhleachtaí a chosc
LJFL; lower jaw - fork length; lower jaw fork length; lower jaw to fork length
an fad ón ngiall íochtarach go gabhal an eireabaill
Fronta Pobail i gcomhair Shaoirse na Palaistíne - Ceannas Ginearálta; PFLP-GC
EU Programme on the Prevention of Violent Conflicts; Göteborg Programme
Clár AE um Chosc ar Choinbhleachtaí Foréigneacha; Clár Göteborg
dwarf chickling-vetch; flatpod peavine; flat-pod peavine; flat-podded vetchling; lesser chickpea.
peasairín dearg
Siberian flying squirrel
iora eitilte Sibéarach
blood diamond; conflict diamond; war diamond
diamaint choinbhleachta
eitleán snámha
flagging-out; flag-out
clárú feithicle thar lear
F-gas; fluorinated gas; fluorinated greenhouse gas
gás ceaptha teasa fluairínithe
medevac flight; medical evacuation flight
eitilt aslonnaithe taismeach
bolt-action rifle
raidhfil boltála
FLEGT; Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade
FLEGT; Forghníomhú an Dlí, Rialachas agus Trádáil i dtaca le Foraoisí
joint flight; joint return flight
flying fox; fruit bat
ialtóg meas
undue influence
tionchar míchuí
violent conflict
coinbhleacht fhoréigneach
conflict transformation
trasfhoirmiú coinbhleachta
EU Guidelines on Children and Armed Conflict
Treoirlínte AE maidir le Leanaí agus Coinbhleacht Armtha
discussion paper; reflection paper
páipéar machnaimh; páipéar plé
AFBC; atmospheric fluidised bed combustion
dóchán scaire sreabhaí faoi bhrú atmaisféarach
TIFS; total in-flight simulator
ionsamhlóir iomlán eitilte
UAFS/T; Universal Aircraft Flight Simulator/Trainer
Ionsamhlóir Eitilte Uilíoch
5,6-benzoflavone; β-naphthoflavone
highly flammable
rí-inlasta; sár-inlasta; thar a bheith inlasta
gastroesophageal reflux disease; GERD
galar athfhlosca ghaistréasafagaigh
floating rate loan
iasacht ráta chomhlúthaigh
OOF; other official flows
sreafaí oifigiúla eile
flavour enhancer
blastán; méadaitheoir blais
reflection of the crystals
frithscáil na gcriostal
wide-necked erlenmeyer flask
fleascán leathanmhuineálach erlenmeyer
fluid vegetable oil
ola phlandúil shreabhach
reflux condenser
comhdhlúthadán aife
off-flavour oil
ola mhíbhlasta
thin flank
cliathán tanaí
flat-rate reference income
ioncam tagartha cothromráta; ioncam tagartha ráta chomhréidh
limestone flour
plúr aolchloiche
chestnut flour; mold chestnut; mould chestnut
plúr cnó capaill
non-return net
líon flapach
fly angling
fleshiness; meatiness
gluten flour
plúr glútain
distant-water fleet
cabhlach cianuisce
flow pasteuriser
sáslach paistéartha sreafa
four quarter flank
cliathán na ceathrún tosaigh
immature fly
cuileog anabaí
edible flowered vegetable
glasra bláthanna inite
angular diameter of the reflex reflector
trastomhas uilleach an fhrithchaiteora athfhilltigh
active flight control system
córas gníomhach rialaithe eitilte
flow cytometry
cítiméadracht sreibhe
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; NSAID
druga frith-athlastach neamhstéaróideach; NSAID
floater; floating rate bond; floating rate note; FRB; FRN
banna ráta chomhlúthaigh; FRB
DCF method; discounted cash flow method; discounted cash flow model
modh an tsreabhaidh airgid lascainithe
flax yarn
abhras lín
flax fibres
snáithíní lín
FDR; flight data recorder
taifeadán sonraí eitilte
CFC; chlorofluorocarbon
CFC; clórafluaracarbón
fluid brake; hydraulic brake
coscán hiodrálach
radar reflectivity data
sonraí frithchaiteachta an radair
antenna output flange
feire aschurtha na haeróige
differential reflectivity of the rain
frithchaiteacht dhifreálach na báistí
peak reflectivity in the bright band
buaic frithchaiteachta sa bhanda geal
wet bulb thermometer
teirmiméadar fliuchbholgáin
volume flow rate; volumetric flow rate
sreabhráta toirte
flexing valve; reed valve
flash point; flashing point; flash-point
ILI; influenza-like illness
tinneas atá cosúil leis an bhfliú
inflation; price inflation
boilsciú; boilsciú praghsanna
floating interest rate; floating rate; variable interest rate; variable rate
ráta comhlúthach
floating exchange rate
ráta malairte comhlúthach
capital inflow; capital influx; inward capital movements
insreabhadh caipitil
capital export; capital outflow; export of capital; outflow of capital
eis-sreabhadh caipitil
flotation; flotation on the stock market; going public; initial public offering; IPO; stock market launch
tairiscint tosaigh don phobal; TTP
galloping inflation; rampant inflation; runaway inflation
boilsciú ar luas
hyperinflation; runaway inflation
inflationary gap
bearna bhoilscitheach
inflation spiral; inflationary spiral; wage-price spiral
bís bhoilscitheach; bís phá agus phraghsanna
inflation rate
ráta boilscithe
deflation; price deflation
TFT; trifluorothymidine
heated flame ionization detector; HFID
brathadóir ianúcháin le lasair théite; HFID
laminar flow meter; laminar flowmeter
sreabhmhéadar lannach
FBC; fluidised bed combustion; fluidised-bed combustion
dóchán scaire sreabhaí
FGD; flue gas desulfurisation; flue-gas desulphurisation; SO2 scrubbing; sulfur dioxide scrubbing
díshulfarú gáis mhúcháin; sciúradh dé-ocsaíde sulfair
flow cytometer
cítiméadar sreibhe
chlorophyll fluorescence
fluaraiseacht clóraifille
sovereign issuer
eisitheoir flaithiúnais
Cyprian mouflon; Cyprus mouflon
caora mouflon Chipireach
Florida sandhill crane
grús Ceanadach móinfhéir
Bengal Florican
flóiriceán beangálach
Old World flycatchers; true flycatchers
cuilire an tsean-domhain
Rueck's blue flycatcher
cuilire gorm Rueck
brown blossom pearly mussel; brown-blossom naiad; tan rifle shell
diúilicín rocshliogánach crón
butterfly palm
pailm féileacáin
paradise fly catcher
cuilire parthais mascarene
Beecroft's flying squirrel; Beecroft's scaly-tailed squirrel
iora eitilte Beecroft
Lord Derby's flying squirrel
iora eitilte an Tiarna Derby
Pel's flying squirrel
iora eitilte Pel
Long-eared flying squirrel
iora eitilte cluasach
orange weaver
fíodóir flannbhuí
insular flying fox
ialtóg meas Oileáin Tonga
Venus-fly trap
cuilghaiste Véineas
orange bishop
easpag flannbhuí
cost fixed as a flat rate
costas socraithe mar chothromráta; costas socraithe mar ráta comhréidh
dividend flow
sreabhadh díbhinní
credit flow; credit flux
sreabhadh creidmheasa
flight to quality
teitheadh chun ardchaighdeáin
profit from the operation of ship under foreign flag
brabús ó fheidhmiú loinge faoi bhratach eachtrach
inflation forecast; inflation outlook; inflation projection
tuar boilscithe
flag of registration
bratach chláraithe
imported inflation
boilsciú isteach
sovereign risk
riosca flaithiúnais
seminal fluid
sreabhán seamhnach
cereal flakes
calóga gránach
flat bottom flask
fleascán réthónach
Kjeldahl flask
fleascán Kjeldahl
pear shaped flask; pear-shaped flask
fleascán piorra-chruthach
normal fluctuation margin
gnáthlamháil luaineachta
FITC; fluorescein isothiocyanate
isitiaicianáit fluaraisine
floaters; skimmings
anti-inflammatory drug; anti-inflammatory substance
druga frith-athlastach
full scale deflection
sraonadh lánscála
floating establishment
bunaíocht shnámhach
simléar bladhaire
fluid coking; fluidised bed coking
heat transfer fluid; heat-carrying fluid
sreabhán traschurtha teasa
flat plate solar collector; flat-plate collector
tiomsaitheoir leacaithe grianteasa
antireflection coating; anti-reflection coating
bratú in aghaidh frithchaitheamh
mass flow rate
ráta ollsreafa
mass flow
sreabhadh maise
flow meter; flowmeter
piggyback; piggyback transport; TOFC; trailer-on-flat-car transport
iompar leantóra ar vaigín plánach
air cushion restraint system; air safety bag; airbag; inflatable airbag
mála aeir
flying boat
bád aeir
flap; wing flap
flapa sciatháin
drifting longline; floating longline; pelagic longline; surface longline
spiléar ar fuaidreamh
flare; flare bleeder; gas flare
bladhaire gáis
DCF; discounted cash flow
sreabhadh airgid lascainithe
flaring; gas flaring
bladhmadh gáis
hydrogen fluoride
fluairíd hidrigine
sevenstar flying squid; squid
scuid eitilte réaltach
PFBC; pressurised fluidised bed combustion
dóchán scaire sreabhaí brúchóirithe; PFBC
fleet overcapacity; overcapacity of the fleet
róthoilleadh cabhlaigh
attempted deflection of trade
iarracht ar shraonadh trádála
flexible multiannual financial framework
creat airgeadais ilbhliantúil solúbtha
floor line
líne urláir
flat-ended ram
reithe récheannach
anti-smear air deflector
sraonaire aeir frithsmearaidh
chest deflection
dí-áitiú cliabhraigh
actual flow
sreabhadh iarbhír
flight configuration
cumraíocht eitilte
block flying hours; block time; block to block time; chock to chock time; flight time
aga eitilte
actual flight time
aga eitilte iarbhír
air log; flight log; log book; logbook; log-book
fleet optimization
barrfheabhsú cabhlaigh
FL; fork length
fad go gabhal an eireabaill
air-flow sensor
braiteoir aersreafa
flow of funds statement
ráiteas faoi shreabhadh cistí
cereal flour
plúr gráin
wheat flour; wheat meal
plúr cruithneachta
flaxseed; linseed
ros lín
sunflower oil; sunflower seed oil
ola lus na gréine
ceramic flux; flux
polytetrafluoroethylene; PTFE
polaiteitreafluaireitiléin; PTFE
fluorhydric acid; fluoric acid; hydrofluoric acid
aigéad hidreafluarach
thermos flask; vacuum bottle; vacuum flask
calibrated flask; graduated flask; measuring flask; volumetric flask
fleascán toirtmhéadrach
flan; planchet
butterfly nut; fly nut; wing nut
cnó cluasach; cnó eiteach
flash smelting furnace
foirnéis splancbhruithnithe
flexible conduit; flexible hose; flexible pipe; flexible tube; hose
píobán solúbtha
rifle grenade
gránáid raidhfil
floor polisher; waxer
snasaire urláir
fluorimeter; fluorometer
carbon tetrafluoride; perfluoromethane; tetrafluoromethane
teitreafluairíd charbóin
flat-rate aid for the production
cabhair ar chothromráta don táirgeacht; cabhair ar ráta comhréidh don táirgeacht
drink driving offence; drink-driving; drinking and driving; driving under the influence of alcohol; driving while intoxicated; drunk driving; drunken driving; DWI; inappropriate drinking and driving
tiomáint faoi mheisce; tiomáint faoi thionchar an óil
full-flow dilution system
córas caolúcháin lánsreafa
partial-flow-dilution system
córas caolúcháin pháirtsreafa
dominant influence
tionchar ceannasach
(<I>RS</I>)-α-cyano-4-fluoro-3-phenoxybenzyl (1<I>RS</I>,3<I>RS</I>;1<I>RS</I>,3<I>SR</I>)-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate; cyano(4-fluoro-3-phenoxyphenyl)methyl 3-(2,2-dichloroethenyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate; cyfluthrin
SFT; supercritical fluid technology
teicneolaíocht sreabháin fhorchriticiúil
to determine or appreciably influence imports
allmhairí a dhíriú nó tionchar suntasach a imirt orthu
to avoid deflection of trade
sraonadh trádála a sheachaint
to influence directly imports or exports between Member States
imir tionchar díreach ar allmhairí nó ar onnmhairí idir na Ballstáit
to influence indirectly imports or exports between Member States
imir tionchar indíreach ar allmhairí nó ar onnmhairí idir na Ballstáit
to avoid deflections of trade and distortions of competition
d'fhonn sraonadh trádála agus saobhadh iomaíochta a sheachaint
deflections in trade
sraonadh sa trádáil; sraonta trádála
administration of the flag State; flag administration; flag State administration
córas riaracháin an Stáit brataí
wet barrel
bairille fliuch
material influence; significant influence
tionchar suntasach
consolidated funds flow statement; consolidated funds statement; consolidated statement of source and application of funds
ráiteas comhdhlúite faoi shreabhadh cistí
profit arising from inflation
brabús de bharr boilscithe
cash flow
sreabhadh airgid
cash budget; cash flow forecast
buiséad airgid; réamhaisnéis faoin sreabhadh airgid
angiosperms; flowering plants
flue gas
gás múcháin
inflation of an organ
teannadh orgáin
flat-bottomed microtitre plate
pláta réthónach micrithítear
confluent cell monolayer culture; confluent monolayer cell culture
saothrán cille aonchisil cumarach
fluorescent antibody test
tástáil antasubstaintí fluaraiseacha
breeding flock; breeding stock
stoc síolraíochta
reflecting telescope; reflector
frithchaiteoir; teileascóp frithchaiteach
greater flamingo
lasairéan mór
spotted flycatcher
cuilire liath
oscillatory flow meter; vortex flow meter; vortex shedding flow meter
sreabhmhéadar cuilithí
information leaflet
bileog eolais