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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
pace of work; rate of work; speed of work; work rhythm
luas na hoibre
air operator; operator
overtime pay; remuneration for overtime
íocaíocht ragoibre; luach saothair ragoibre
borrowing operation
oibríocht faighte iasachta; oibríocht trína bhfaightear iasacht
low-skilled person; low-skilled worker
oibrí ar bheagán oiliúna
Lab.; Labour Party
Páirtí an Lucht Oibre
hour of overtime; overtime hour
uair ragoibre
Lab.; Labour; Labour Party
LO; Páirtí an Lucht Oibre
Luxembourg Socialist Workers' Party; POSL
Páirtí Oibrithe Sóisialacha Lucsamburg
distance working; remote working; telecommuting; tele-commuting; teleworking
teileachomaitéireacht; teilea-oibriú
working document
doiciméad oibre
draft agenda
dréacht den chlár oibre; dréachtchlár oibre
final draft agenda
dréachtchlár oibre críochnaitheach
Labour Party; PvdA
Páirtí an Lucht Oibre
labour; labour force; manpower
daonchumhacht; lucht oibre; lucht saothair
Ad Hoc Group on Immigration; Ad hoc Working Group on Immigration; AHGI
an Grúpa ad hoc um an Inimirce; Grúpa ad hoc um Inimirce; Meitheal Oibre ad hoc um Inimirce
foreign worker; guest worker; immigrant worker
oibrí eachtrannach; oibrí ón gcoigríoch
stabiliser; stabilising agent
oibreán cobhsaitheach
adventitious agent
oibreán teagmhasach
homeworker; outworker
eachtoibrí; oibrí amuigh
glass fibre
snáithín gloine
employment system; organisation of work; work organisation
córas fostaíochta; eagrú na hoibre
acceptable operator exposure level; AOEL
leibhéal na neamhchosanta atá inghlactha ag an oibreoir
sufficiently worked product
táirge leoroibrithe
health of workers
sláinte oibrithe
restructuring of the workforce
athstruchtúrú an lucht oibre
White-Collar Workers' Pension Fund
Ciste Pinsean na nOibrithe Bóna Bháin
HRFOR; Human Rights Field Operation in Rwanda
Oibríocht Mhachaire um Chearta an Duine i Ruanda
hazardous chemical agent
oibreán ceimiceach guaiseach
mobile worker
oibrí taistil
night worker
oibrí oíche
low-paid worker; low-wage worker
oibrí ar phá íseal
transnational hiring-out of workers
fruiliú trasnáisiúnta oibrithe
low-skilled worker
oibrí ar bheagán oiliúna
supply of work
soláthar oibre
labour cost
costas lucht oibre; costas saothair
workers' right to information and consultation within the undertaking
ceart na n-oibrithe chun faisnéise agus chun dul i gcomhairle laistigh den ghnóthas
joint working document
doiciméad oibre comhpháirteach
redeployment of workers
ath-imlonnú oibrithe
Federal Labour Court
Cúirt Oibreachais na Cónaidhme
HSWP; Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party
Páirtí Oibrithe Sóisialacha na hUngáire
chief operating officer; COO
príomhoifigeach oibriúcháin
Labour Party; LP; Malta Labour Party; MLP
Páirtí an Lucht Oibre
operating costs; operating expenses
costas oibriúcháin; speansas oibriúcháin
<i>in situ</i> hybridisation; ISH
hibridiú <i>in situ</i>; hibridiú in situ
European Centre for Workers' Questions; EZA
an Lárionad Eorpach do Cheisteanna na nOibrithe; EZA
parallel hybrid
hibrid chomhthreomhar
series hybrid
hibrid shrathach
cobot; collaborative robot; cooperative robot
róbat comhoibríoch
multiplex PCR; multiplex polymerase chain reaction
imoibriú slabhrúil polaiméaráise ilphléacsach
RCF; refractory ceramic fibre; vitreous siliceous fibre
RCF; snáithín ceirmeach teasfhulangach
internal ratings based approach; IRB Approach; IRBA
cur chuige bunaithe ar rátálacha inmheánacha; cur chuige IBR
calibration gas
gás calabrúcháin
decent work agenda
clár oibre um obair chuibhiúil
economically dependent worker; EDW
oibrí atá i gcleithiúnas go heacnamaíoch
Brugada syndrome; idiopathic ventricular fibrillation; sudden unexpected death syndrome
fibriliú ideapatach méadailíneach; siondróm Brugada
operational failure
teip oibríochtúil
reality of operations
réaltacht oibríochtaí
cost of labour; labour cost
costas lucht oibre; costas saothair
work day; working day
lá oibre
annotated draft agenda
dréachtchlár oibre anótáilte
public works contract; works contract
conradh oibreacha; conradh oibreacha poiblí
self-employed person; self-employed worker
duine féinfhostaithe; oibrí féinfhostaithe
fibre flax; flax
líon snáithín
addressograph operator
oibreoir seoladhghraif
Governing Board of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Bord Rialúcháin an Fhorais Eorpaigh chun Dáláí Maireachtála agus Oibre a Fheabhsú
AOO; area of operations; operation area; theatre; theatre of operations; TO
limistéar oibríochtaí; líomatáiste oibríochtaí
capital redemption operations
oibríochtaí fuascailte caipitil
Convention on Cooperation in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries; NAFO Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le comhoibriú iltaobhach sa todhchaí in iascaigh an Atlantaigh thiar thuaidh; Coinbhinsiún NAFO
experienced office worker
oibrí oifige a bhfuil taithí aige; oibrí oifige cleachta
ageing worker; older worker
oibrí scothaosta
operative part of the judgment; operative provisions of the judgment
an chuid oibríochtúil den bhreithiúnas
employee participation; worker participation
páirteachas fostaithe; páirteachas lucht oibre
progress of the proceedings; state of discussions; state of play; state of work
staid na himeartha; staid na hoibre
cross-border commuter; cross-border worker
oibrí trasteorann
worker retired before legal retirement age
oibrí a chuaigh ar scor roimh an aois scoir dhlíthiúil
automatic baiting of long line
spiléar a bhaoiteáil go huathoibríoch
hybrid; hybrid financial instrument; hybrid instrument; hybrid security
ionstraim hibrideach
operating lease; operating leasing; operational lease; operational leasing
léas oibriúcháin
operational appropriations
leithreasuithe faoi chomhair oibríochtaí
operational budget line; operational expenditure
caiteachas oibríochtúil
budgetary equilibrium
comhardú buiséid
principle of equilibrium
prionsabal na cothromaíochta
Additional Agreement to the Agreement on the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine against Pollution
Comhaontú breise a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú, arna shíniú i mBeirn ar 29 Aibreán 1963, maidir leis an gCoimisiún Idirnáisiúnta um Chosaint na Réine ar Thruailliú
Agreement on the Working Conditions of Rhine Boatmen
an Comhaontú maidir le Dálaí Oibre Bhádóirí na Réine
European Agreement on the Exchanges of Blood-grouping Reagents
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le Malartú Imoibrithe Fuilghrúpála
European Agreement on the Exchange of Tissue-Typing Reagents
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le hImoibreáin Tíopála Fíocháin a Mhalartú
Operating Agreement relating to the International Telecommunications Satellite Organisation "INTELSAT"
an Comhaontú Oibriúcháin a bhaineann le hEagraíocht Satailíte Teileachumarsáide Idirnáisiúnta "INTELSAT"
core pressure vessel; pressure vessel; reactor pressure vessel; reactor vessel; RPV
árthach brú imoibreora
operating space
spás oibríochta
calabrú; calabrúchán
incapacity for work
éagumas chun oibre
Additional Protocol to the European Agreement on the Exchange of Blood-grouping Reagents
Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú Eorpach maidir le Malartú Imoibrithe Fuilghrúpála
Oil Spills Protocol; Protocol concerning Cooperation in Combating Oil Spills in the Wider Caribbean Region
an Prótacal um Chomhoibriú chun Doirteadh Ola sa Mhór-Réigiún Cairibeach a Chomhrac
Additional Protocol to the European Agreement on the Exchange of Tissue-Typing Reagents
Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú Eorpach maidir le hImoibreáin Tíopála Fíocháin a Mhalartú
Prótacal lena leasaítear an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Comhoibriú um Shábháilteacht na hAerloingseoireachta "Eurocontrol" an 13 Nollaig 1960
Advisory Committee on Freedom of Movement for Workers
an Coiste Comhairleach um Shaorghluaiseacht Oibrithe
Joint Committee on Social Problems of Agricultural Workers
an Comhchoiste um Fhadhbanna Sóisialta Oibrithe Talmhaíochta
Abolition of Penal Sanctions (Indigenous Workers) Convention, 1955; Convention concerning the Abolition of Penal Sanctions for Breaches of Contract of Employment by Indigenous Workers
Coinbhinsiún maidir le Pionóis Choiriúla a Dhíothú ar Oibrithe Dúchasacha as Conarthaí Fostaíochta a Shárú
Convention concerning Sickness Insurance for Agricultural Workers; Sickness Insurance (Agriculture) Convention, 1927
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hÁrachas Breoiteachta d'Oibrithe Talmhaíochta
Convention concerning Sickness Insurance for Workers in Industry and Commerce and Domestic Servants; Sickness Insurance (Industry) Convention, 1927
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hÁrachas Breoiteachta d''Oibrithe in earnáil na Tionsclaíochta agus in earnáil na Tráchtála agus d''Oibrithe Tí
Convention concerning Conditions of Employment of Plantation Workers; Plantations Convention, 1958
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Coinníollacha Fostaíochta Oibrithe Plandála
Contracts of Employment (Indigenous Workers) Convention, 1947; Convention concerning the Maximum Length of Contracts of Employment of Indigenous Workers
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Fad Uasta Conarthaí Fostaíochta d''Oibrithe Dúchasacha
Convention concerning Employment and Conditions of Work and Life of Nursing Personnel; Nursing Personnel Convention, 1977
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Fostaíocht agus Dálaí Oibre agus Saoil Pearsanra Altranais
European Convention on the Legal Status of Migrant Workers
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Stádas Dlíthiúil Oibrithe Imirceacha
Convention on Conduct of Fishing Operations in the North Atlantic
an Coinbhinsiún um Stiúradh Oibríochtaí Iascaireachta san Atlantach Thuaidh
Convention on Future Multilateral Cooperation in North-East Atlantic Fisheries; NEAFC Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le comhoibriú iltaobhach sa todhchaí in iascaigh an Atlantaigh thoir thuaidh; Coinbhinsiún NEAFC
Convention concerning the Maximum Permissible Weight to be Carried by One Worker; Maximum Weight Convention, 1967
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Uasmheáchan is ceadmhach d'Oibrí Amháin a Iompar
EUROCONTROL International Convention relating to Cooperation for the Safety of Air Navigation
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Comhoibriú um Shábháilteacht na hAerloingseoireachta
Convention concerning Hours of Work and Rest Periods in Road Transport; Hours of Work and Rest Periods (Road Transport) Convention, 1979
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hUaireanta Oibre agus Tréimhsí Sosa san Iompar de Bhóthar
Convention concerning Equal Opportunities and Equal Treatment for Men and Women Workers: Workers with Family Responsibilities; Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention, 1981
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Comhionannas Deiseanna agus leis an gCóir Chomhionann d'Fhir agus do Mhná ar Oibrithe iad: Oibrithe le Freagrachtaí Teaghlaigh
Convention concerning Occupational Safety and Health and the Working Environment; Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Sábháilteacht agus Sláinte Cheirde agus leis an Timpeallacht Oibre
Convention concerning Migrations in Abusive Conditions and the Promotion of Equality of Opportunity and Treatment of Migrant Workers; Migrant Workers (Supplementary Provisions) Convention, 1975
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hImircí i nDálaí Eagóracha agus le Comhionannas Deiseanna agus Cóir Chomhionann d'Oibrithe Imirceacha a Chur chun Cinn
Convention concerning Organisations of Rural Workers and their Role in Economic and Social Development; Rural Workers' Organisations Convention, 1975
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hEagraíochtaí d'Oibrithe Tuaithe agus an Ról atá acu san Fhorbairt Eacnamaíoch agus Sóisialta
Convention concerning Prevention and Control of Occupational Hazards caused by Carcinogenic Substances and Agents; Occupational Cancer Convention, 1974
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosc agus Rialú Priacal Ceirde ar Substaintí agus Oibreáin Carcanaigineacha is cúis leis; an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hAilse Cheirde
Convention 108; Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data
an Coinbhinsiún chun Daoine Aonair a Chosaint maidir le Sonraí Pearsanta a Phróiseáil go hUathoibríoch; Coinbhinsiún 108
Convention concerning Protection and Facilities to be afforded to Workers' Representatives in the Undertaking; Workers' Representatives Convention, 1971
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hIonadaithe na nOibrithe sa Ghnóthas a Chosaint agus leis na Saoráidí atá le cur ar fáil dóibh ann
Convention concerning the Protection against Accidents of Workers Employed in Loading or Unloading Ships (Revised), 1932; Protection against Accidents (Dockers) Convention (Revised), 1932
an Coinbhinsiúnmaidir le cosaint i gcoinne tionóisce a thabhairt d''oibrithe atá fostaithe chun longa a luchtú nó a dhíluchtú (Athbhreithnithe 1932)
Convention concerning the Protection of Workers against Ionising Radiations; Radiation Protection Convention 1960
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint i gCoinne Radaíochta; an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Oibrithe i gCoinne Radaíochtaí Ianúcháin
Convention concerning the Protection of Workers against Occupational Hazards in the Working Environment Due to Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration; Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration) Convention, 1977
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le cosaint oibrithe i gcoinne priacail cheirde sa timpeallacht oibre mar gheall ar aerthruailliú, ar thorann agus ar chreathadh
full-time worker
oibrí lánaimseartha
disadvantaged worker
oibrí faoi mhíbhuntáiste
international thermonuclear experimental reactor; ITER
Imoibreoir Trialach Teirmeanúicléach Idirnáisiúnta; ITER
Arrangement regarding International Trade in Textiles; Geneva Arrangement; MFA; Multifibre Arrangement
Comhshocraíocht Ilsnáithíní; Comhshocraíocht maidir le Trádáil Idirnáisiúnta Teicstílí; CSI
reintegration and late integration of women into working life
athlánpháirtiú agus lánpháirtiú déanach na mban i saol na hoibre
IBRD; International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; World Bank
an Banc Idirnáisiúnta Athfhoirgníochta agus Forbartha; BIAF
BCC; Business Cooperation Centre
an Lárionad um Chomhoibriú Gnó; LCG
reactor line; reactor type
aicme imoibreoirí; cineál imoibreoirí
console operator
oibreoir consóil
bivalve molluscs; bivalves; clams; lamellibranchs
débhlaoscaigh; moilisc dhébhlaoscacha
Commission staff paper; Commission staff working document; CSWD; CSWP; staff working document; SWD
doiciméad inmheánach oibre; doiciméad inmheánach oibre de chuid an Choimisiúin
HFR; HFR reactor; high-flux reactor
imoibritheoir ardfhlosca
agency worker; temp; temporary agency worker
oibrí gníomhaireachta sealadach; oibrí sealadach
maximum equilibrium catch; maximum sustainable yield; MSY; potential yield
uastáirgeacht inbhuanaithe; uastoradh inbhuanaithe
public works concession
lamháltas oibreacha poiblí
Brussels Treaty; Treaty of Economic, Social and Cultural Collaboration and Collective Self-defence
an Conradh um Chomhoibriú Eacnamaíoch, Sóisialta agus Cultúrtha agus um Fhéinchosaint Chomhchoiteann; Conradh na Bruiséile
hybrid ryegrass
seagalach hibrideach
PIACT; Programme for the Improvement of Working Conditions and Environment
an Clár idirnáisiúnta chun na dálaí oibre agus an timpeallacht oibre a fheabhsú
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East; UNRWA
Gníomhaireacht na Náisiún Aontaithe um Fhóirithint agus Oibreacha ar mhaithe le dídeanaithe Palaistíneacha sa Neasoirthear; UNRWA
separative work unit; SWU
AOD; aonad oibre deighilte
under the action of electromagnetic forces
faoi oibriú fórsaí leictreamaighnéadacha
Advisory Committee on Social Security for Migrant Workers
an Coiste Comhairleach um Shlándáil Shóisialta d'Oibrithe Imirceacha
the construction or operation of aircraft or land vehicles
tógáil nó oibriú aerárthaí nó feithiclí talún
rate of cover (financing of intervention operations)
ráta cumhdaigh (maoiniú oibríochtaí idirghabhála)
the deliberations of the Select Committee shall be based on an agenda
is ar chlár oibre a bhunófar pléití an Roghchoiste
net loss on financial operations
glanchaillteanas ar oibríochtaí airgeadais
reactor dynamics
dinimic imoibreora
to operate against ...
oibriú in aghaidh ...
plastic fibre
snáithín plaisteach
the functioning of the Communities
oibriú na gComhphobal; oibriúchán na gComhphobal
operational rules
rialacha oibríochtúla
worker made redundant
oibrí iomarcach
BC-NET; Business Cooperation Network
an Gréasán um Chomhoibriú Gnó; GCG
UNBRO; United Nations Border Relief Operation
Oibríocht Fóirithinte Teorann na Náisiún Aontaithe; UNBRO
Convention concerning the Regulation of Hours of Work in Commerce and Offices; Hours of Work (Commerce and Offices) Convention, 1930
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Rialáil Uaireanta Oibre sa Tráchtáil agus in Oifigí
Convention on the Liability of Operators of Nuclear Ships
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Dliteanas Oibreoirí Long Núicléach
fundamental labour rights; workers' rights
cearta oibrithe bunúsacha
Community Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers
Cairt an Chomhphobail um Chearta Sóisialta Bunúsacha le haghaidh Oibrithe; Cairt Chomhphobail um chearta sóisialta bunúsacha le haghaidh oibrithe
readaptation of the work force
athoiriúnú an lucht oibre
work superintendent
maoirseoir oibre
skilled worker
oibrí oilte
resettlement of the work force
athlonnú an lucht oibre
senior reprographic operative
oibrí athghrafaice sinsearach
agenda item
mír ar chlár oibre
protection of the health of workers and the general public
sláinte oibrithe agus sláinte an phobail i gcoitinne a chosaint
under-employed worker
oibrí breacfhostaithe
go huathoibríoch
migrant labourer; migrant worker
oibrí imirceach; spailpín fánach
salaried worker
oibrí tuarastail
Management and Co-ordination Advisory Committee on Nuclear Fission Energy: Reactors and Safety, Control of Fissile Materials
Coiste Comhairleach Bainistíochta agus Comhordúcháin um Fhuinneamh Eamhnach Núicléach: Imoibreoirí agus Sábháilteacht, Rialú Ábhar Inscoilte; Coiste Comhairleach maidir le Bainistíocht agus Comhordúchán um Fhuinneamh Eamhnach Núicléach: Imoibreoirí agus Sábháilteacht, Rialú Ábhar Inscoilte
fixed or working capital
caipiteal oibre nó seasta
borrowing operation
oibríocht faighte iasachta; oibríocht trína bhfaightear iasacht
balance of payments imbalances; disequilibrium in the balance of payments; external imbalance; trade imbalance
éagothromaíocht sa chomhardú íocaíochtaí; neamhchomhordú seachtrach
Convention concerning Wages, Hours of Work on Board Ship and Manning (Revised 1958); Wages, Hours of Work and Manning (Sea) Convention (Revised), 1958
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Pá, Uaireanta Oibre ar Bord Loinge agus Líon Foirne
Protocol to the Treaty concerning the Permanent Neutrality and Operation of the Panama Canal
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gConradh maidir le Buan-Neodracht agus Oibriú Chanáil Phanama
Convention concerning Equal Remuneration for Men and Women Workers for Work of Equal Value; Equal Remuneration Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le luach saothar comhionann d'oibrithe fireanna agus baineanna ar obair arb ionann a luach
International Convention on Migrants; International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Cearta gach Oibrí Imirceach agus Daoine dá Theaghlach a Chosaint; an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta um Imircigh
business operation
oibriú gnó
employment relations; industrial relations; labour relations
caidreamh oibreachais; caidreamh tionsclaíoch
Convention concerning Compulsory Old-Age Insurance for Persons Employed in Industrial or Commercial Undertakings, in the Liberal Professions, and for Outworkers and Domestic Servants; Old-Age Insurance (Industry, etc.) Convention, 1933
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hÁrachas Seanaoise Éigeantach do Dhaoine atá Fostaithe i nGnóthais Thionsclaíocha nó Thráchtálacha, sna Gairmeacha Beatha Liobrálacha agus d'Oibrithe Seachtracha agus d'Oibrithe Tí
Convention concerning Compulsory Invalidity Insurance for Persons Employed in Industrial or Commercial Undertakings, in the Liberal Professions, and for Outworkers and Domestic Servants; Invalidity Insurance (Industry, etc.) Convention, 1933
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hÁrachas Easláine Éigeantach do Dhaoine atá Fostaithe i nGnóthais Thionsclaíocha nó Thráchtálacha, sna Gairmeacha Beatha Liobrálacha agus d'Oibrithe Seachtracha agus d'Oibrithe Tí
Convention concerning Compulsory Widows' and Orphans' Insurance for Persons Employed in Industrial or Commercial Undertakings, in the Liberal Professions, and for Outworkers and Domestic Servants; Survivors' Insurance (Industry, etc.) Convention, 1933
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hÁrachas Éigeantach Baintrí agus Dílleachta do Dhaoine atá Fostaithe i nGnóthais Thionsclaíocha nó Thráchtálacha, sna Gairmeacha Beatha Liobrálacha agus d'Oibrithe Seachtracha agus d'Oibrithe Tí
Convention concerning Workmen's Compensation for Occupational Diseases; Workmen's Compensation (Occupational Diseases) Convention, 1925
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cúiteamh don Lucht Oibre ar Ghalair Cheirde
Convention concerning Workmen's Compensation for Occupational Diseases (Revised); Workmen's Compensation (Occupational Diseases) Convention (Revised), 1934
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cúiteamh don Lucht Oibre ar Ghalair Cheirde
Convention concerning Workmen's Compensation in Agriculture; Workmen's Compensation (Agriculture) Convention, 1921
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cúiteamh don Lucht Oibre sa Talmhaíocht
Convention concerning Workmen's Compensation for Accidents; Workmen's Compensation (Accidents) Convention, 1925
Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cúiteamh don Lucht Oibre as Tionóiscí
lending operation
oibríocht trína dtugtar iasacht; oibríocht tugtha iasachta
Convention Limiting the Hours of Work in Industrial Undertakings to Eight in the Day and Forty-eight in the Week; Hours of Work (Industry) Convention, 1919
an Coinbhinsiún lena dteorannaítear uaireanta oibre i ngnóthais thionsclaíocha go hocht n-uaire an chloig sa lá agus go hocht n-uaire an chloig is daichead sa tseachtain
exchange transactions; foreign-exchange operations
idirbhearta malairte; oibríochtaí um malairt eachtrach
automatic budget stabiliser; automatic stabiliser
cobhsaitheoir uathoibríoch
Convention concerning the Rights of Association and Combination of Agricultural Workers; Right of Association (Agriculture) Convention, 1921
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cearta Comhlachais agus Cuallachtais Oibrithe Talmhaíochta
Convention concerning Equality of Treatment for National and Foreign Workers as regards Workmen's Compensation for Accidents; Equality of Treatment (Accident Compensation) Convention, 1925
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cóir Chomhionann d'Oibrithe Náisiúnta agus ón gCoigríoch i dtaca le Cúiteamh d'Oibrithe i gcás Taismí
(Shelved) Protection against Accidents (Dockers) Convention, 1929; Convention concerning the Protection against Accidents of Workers Employed in Loading or Unloading Ships
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le cosaint i gcoinne tionóisce a thabhairt d''oibrithe atá fostaithe chun longa a luchtú nó a dhíluchtú
Convention Limiting Hours of Work in Coal Mines; Hours of Work (Coal Mines) Convention, 1931
an Coinbhinsiún lena dteorannaítear uaireanta oibre i mianaigh ghuail
Convention for the Regulation of Hours of Work in Automatic Sheet-Glass Works; Sheet-Glass Works Convention, 1934
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le rialáil uaireanta oibre i monarchana uathdhéantúsaíochta gloine leatháin
Convention Limiting Hours of Work in Coal Mines (Revised), 1935; Hours of Work (Coal Mines) Convention (Revised), 1935
an Coinbhinsiún lena dteorannaítear uaireanta oibre i mianaigh ghuail (athbhreithnithe 1935)
Convention concerning the Reduction of Hours of Work to Forty a Week; Forty-Hour Week Convention, 1935
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le huaireanta oibre a laghdú go daichead uair an chloig in aghaidh na seachtaine
Convention concerning the Reduction of Hours of Work in Glass-Bottle Works; Reduction of Hours of Work (Glass-Bottle Works) Convention, 1935
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Laghdú Uaireanta Oibre i Monarchana Buidéal Gloine
Convention concerning the Regulation of Certain Special Systems of Recruiting Workers; Recruiting of Indigenous Workers Convention, 1936
Coinbhinsiún maidir le Córais Speisialta Áirithe um Earcaíocht Oibrithe a Rialáil; Coinbhinsiún maidir le Rialáil Córais Speisialta Áirithe um Earcaíocht Oibrithe
Convention concerning the Reduction of Hours of Work on Public Works; Reduction of Hours of Work (Public Works) Convention, 1936
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Laghdú Uaireanta Oibre ar Oibreacha Poiblí
Convention concerning Hours of Work on board Ship and Manning; Hours of Work and Manning (Sea) Convention, 1936
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hUaireanta Oibre ar bord Loinge agus Líon Foirne
Convention concerning the Reduction of Hours of Work in the Textile Industry; Reduction of Hours of Work (Textiles) Convention, 1937
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Laghdú Uaireanta Oibre sa Tionscal Teicstíle
financing operation
oibríocht mhaoiniúcháin
Convention concerning Statistics of Wages and Hours of Work in the Principal Mining and Manufacturing Industries, Including Building and Construction, and in Agriculture; Convention concerning Statistics of Wages and Hours of Work, 1938
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Staitisticí a bhaineann le Pá agus le hUaireanta Oibre sna Príomhthionscail Mianadóireachta agus Déantúsaíochta lena n-áirítear an Fhoirgníocht agus an Tógáil, agus sa Talmhaíocht
Contracts of Employment (Indigenous Workers) Convention, 1939; Convention concerning the Regulation of Written Contracts of Employment of Indigenous Workers
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Rialáil Conarthaí Fostaíochta i Scríbhinn d''Oibrithe Dúchasacha
Convention concerning Penal Sanctions for Breaches of Contracts of Employment by Indigenous Workers; Penal Sanctions (Indigenous Workers) Convention, 1939
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Pionóis Choiriúla do Sháruithe ar Chonarthaí Fostaíochta ag Oibrithe Dúchasacha
Convention concerning the Recruitment, Placing and Conditions of Labour of Migrants for Employment; Migration for Employment Convention, 1939
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hEarcaíocht, Socrú agus Dálaí Oibre Imirceach ar thóir Fostaíochta
Convention concerning the Regulation of Hours of Work and Rest Periods in Road Transport; Hours of Work and Rest Periods (Road Transport) Convention, 1939
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Rialáil Uaireanta Oibre agus Sosanna san Iompar de Bhóthar; Coinbhinsiún maidir le hUaireanta Oibre agus Sosanna san Iompar de Bhóthar a Rialáil
Convention concerning Wages, Hours of Work on board Ship and Manning; Wages, Hours of Work and Manning (Sea) Convention, 1946
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Pá, Uaireanta Oibre ar Bord Loinge agus Líon Foirne
radio officer; radio operator
oibreoir raidió; oifigeach raidió
Convention concerning Wages, Hours of Work on Board Ship and Manning (Revised 1949); Wages, Hours of Work and Manning (Sea) Convention (Revised), 1949
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Pá, Uaireanta Oibre ar Bord Loinge agus le Líon Foirne (Athbhreithnithe 1949)
annual work programme; Commission Work Programme; Commission's annual work programme
clár oibre bliantúil
credit operations
oibríochtaí creidmheasa
reactor safety
sábháilteacht imoibreora
population of working age; working age population
daonra in aois oibre
provisional agenda
clár oibre sealadach
antimicrobial; antimicrobial agent; antimicrobial drug; antimicrobial medicine; antimicrobial substance
ábhar frithmhiocróbach; oibreán antaimhiocróbach
working conditions
dálaí oibre
aircraft operator
oibreoir aerárthaigh
voluntary work; volunteering
obair dheonach; oibriú go deonach
free movement of labour; free movement of workers
saorghluaiseacht oibrithe
high-power reactor; power reactor
imoibreoir cumhachta
unskilled worker
oibrí neamhoilte
skilled worker
oibrí oilte
EFBWW; European Federation of Building and Woodworkers
Cónaidhm Eorpach na nOibrithe Tógála agus Adhmaid
semi-automatic short firearm
arm tine gearr leath-uathoibríoch
semi-automatic long firearm
arm tine fada leath-uathoibríoch
Working Group on Irregularities and Mutual Assistance - Agricultural Products
Grúpa Oibre um Neamhrialtachtaí agus Cúnamh Frithpháirteach - Táirgí Talmhaíochta
automatic firearm; automatic weapon; fully automatic firearm; fully automatic type weapon; fully automatic weapon
arm tine uathoibríoch
the Foundation shall commence its functions and become operative ...
cuirfear an Fhondúireacht ar bun agus tiocfaidh sí chun a bheith oibríochtúil ...
manifest disequilibrium
éagothromaíocht fhollasach
to defray operating expenses
speansais oibriúcháin a ghlanadh
to work out the basic standards
na bunchaighdeáin a oibriú amach
serious disequilibrium
éagothromaíocht mhór
buiséad oibre; buiséad oibriúcháin
economic equilibrium
cothromaíocht eacnamaíoch
meters for hand-operated petrol pumps
méadar le haghaidh caidéil pheitril lámhoibrithe
reactor with a high fast-neutron flux
imoibreoir ardfhlosca mearneodróin; imoibreoir ardfhlosca neodróin mear
redundant workers
oibrí iomarcach
reactor control
rialú imoibreora
materials-testing reactor
imoibreoir tástála ábhar
homogeneous reactor
imoibreoir aonchineálach
reactor kinetics
cinéitic imoibreora
reduction in labour requirements
laghdú ar cheanglais oibre; laghdú ar cheanglais shaothair
to manage a policy
beartas a bhainistiú; beartas a oibriú
profits arising out of transit operations or sales of transhipment
brabús as oibríochtaí idirthurais nó as athlastáil a dhíol; brabús as oibríochtaí idirthurais nó as díolachán athlastála
the business cooperation network (BC-Net)
an Gréasán um Chomhoibriú Gnó; GCG
voicing the interests of workers
friotal a chur ar leas an oibrí; leasanna na n-oibrithe a chur os ard
the functioning of the Consultative Committee
oibriúchán an Choiste Chomhairligh
to seek to influence the members
féachaint le tionchar a oibriú ar na comhaltaí; iarraidh tionchar a oibriú ar na comhaltaí
joint operation
oibríocht chomhpháirteach
financial operation
oibríocht airgeadais
development of a power reactor
forbairt imoibreora cumhachta
operating record
taifead oibriúcháin
automatic electronic telephone sets
gléas leictreonach uathoibríoch teileafóin
machine-tools operating by electro-erosion or other electrical processes; ultrasonic machine-tools
meaisín-uirlis a oibrítear trí leictrichreimeadh nó trí phróiseanna leictreacha eile; meaisín-uirlis ultrasonach
integrated operational digital units
aonad oibriúcháin comhtháite digiteach
working part
an pháirt oibríoch
accredited representative of workers
ionadaí creidiúnaithe do na hoibrithe
Automated Central Documentation Service; Community System for Access to Documentation; Community System for Accessing Documentation; SCAD
Lársheirbhís Uathoibrithe Doiciméadúcháin; SCAD
to satisfy their labour requirements
chun freastal dá riachtanais le lucht oibre
yarn of other vegetable textile fibres; yarn of sisal
snáth sisil
reactor simulator
ionsamhlóir imoibreora
withdraw from the agenda
tarraing siar ón gclár oibre
shift worker
KADEK; KGK; Kongra-Gel; Kurdistan Freedom and Democracy Congress; Kurdistan Workers' Party; PKK
Comhdháil Saoirse agus Daonlathais na Cordastáine; KADEK; Páirtí Oibrithe na Cordastáine; PKK
machine-made mineral fibres; man-made mineral fibres; MMMF; SMF; synthetic mineral fibres
SMDD; snáithíní mianracha de dhéantús an duine
distance working; telecommuting; telework; teleworking
teileachomaitéireacht; teilea-oibriú
Action programme relating to the implementation of the Community charter of basic social rights for workers
Clár gníomhaíochta maidir leis an gCairt Chomhphobail um chearta sóisialta bunúsacha le haghaidh oibrithe a chur chun feidhme
WANO; World Association of Nuclear Operators
Comhlachas Domhanda na nOibreoirí Núicléacha
labour migration
imirce lucht oibre
air operator certificate; air operator's certificate; AOC
teastas aeroibreora
operating licence
ceadúnas oibríochta
skills gap; skills shortage
ganntanas oibrithe oilte
JAR-OPS; joint aviation requirements - operations; OPS
comhriachtanais eitlíochta - oibríochtaí; JAR-OPS
Council Directive 92/85/EEC on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health at work of pregnant workers and workers who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding; Maternity Directive; Maternity Leave Directive
Treoir 92/85/CEE ón gComhairle maidir le bearta a thabhairt isteach arb é is aidhm dóibh feabhsúcháin a chur ar aghaidh ag an obair i dtaca le sábháilteacht agus sláinte oibrithe toircheasacha agus oibrithe atá tar éis leanbh a shaolú nó atá i mbun beathú; Treoir maidir le saoire mháithreachais
foreign-exchange working balances
iarmhéideanna oibre malairte eachtraí
frontier worker
oibrí imeallchríche
Operating Agreement on the International Mobile Satellite Organisation
an Comhaontú Oibriúcháin maidir le hEagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta na Satailítí Moibíleacha
office worker
oibrí oifige
Agreement on Cooperation in Research, Conservation and Management of Marine Mammals in the North Atlantic
an Comhaontú maidir le Comhoibriú ar Thaighde, ar Chaomhnú agus ar Bhainistiú na Mamach Farraige san Atlantach Thuaidh
artisan; craftsman; skilled worker; tradesman
ceardaí; oibrí oilte
Convention concerning Working Conditions in Hotels, Restaurants and similar Establishments; Working Conditions (Hotels and Restaurants) Convention, 1991
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le dálaí oibre in óstáin, i mbialanna agus i mbunachais dá samhail.
Protocol for the accession of the Portuguese Republic and the Kingdom of Spain to the Treaty of Economic, Social and Cultural Collaboration and Collective Self-Defence, signed at Brussels on 17 March 1948, as amended by the "Protocol modifying and complet
Prótacal i dtaobh aontachas Phoblacht na Portaingéile agus Ríocht na Spáinne leis an gConradh um Chomhoibriú Eacnamaíoch, Sóisialta agus Cultúrtha agus um Féinchosaint Chomhchoiteann a síníodh sa Bhruiséil an 17 Márta 1948, arna leasú leis an bPrótacal le
Article 29 Data Protection Working Party; Article 29 Working Party; Working Party on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data
an Mheitheal um Dhaoine Aonair a Chosaint ó thaobh Sonraí Pearsanta a Phróiseáil; Meitheal Oibre Airteagal 29
rufous-necked hornbill
cornóg phíbruadhonn
Convention concerning the Protection of Workers' Claims in the event of the Insolvency of their Employer; Protection of Workers' Claims (Employer's Insolvency) Convention, 1992
Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Éileamh Oibrithe i gCás Dhócmhainneacht a bhFostóra
landfill operator; operator
well-being of workers; worker wellbeing; workers' well-being
dea-bhail na n-oibrithe
worker with motor disabilities
duine a bhfuil a shoghluaisteacht nó a soghluaisteacht laghdaithe; oibrí faoi mhíchumas luaile
ETNO; European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association
an Comhlachas Eorpach d'oibreoirí líonraí teileachumarsáide; ETNO
the corresponding bodies shall work to strengthen contacts between them in an organised and regular manner
oibreoidh na comhlachtaí comhfhreagracha chun na tadhaill eatarthu a neartú ar dhóigh eagraithe rialta; oibreoidh na comhlachtaí comhfhreagracha chun na teagmhálacha eatarthu a neartú ar dhóigh eagraithe rialta
suspension of the operation of a treaty
oibriú conartha a chur ar fionraí
Convention for the protection of the Danube; Convention on cooperation for the protection and sustainable use of the river Danube; Danube River Protection Convention; DRPC
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Comhoibriú um Chosaint agus um Úsáid Inbhuanaithe na Danóibe; an Coinbhinsiún um Chosaint na Danóibe
posted worker
oibrí ar postú
posting of workers
oibrí a phostú
operating grant
deontas oibriúcháin
technical specification for interoperability; TSI
sonraíochtaí teicniúla don idir-inoibritheacht; STI
peacemaking operation
oibríocht déanta síochána
non-automated data
sonraí neamh-uathoibrithe
analysis file; analysis work file; AWF; work file for the purposes of analysis
comhad oibre le haghaidh anailíse
New Transatlantic Agenda; NTA
an Clár Oibre Nua Trasatlantach
agenda items released to the public concerning the final adoption of Council acts
míreanna ón gclár oibre arna scaoileadh don phobal maidir le glacadh críochnaitheach gníomhartha ón gComhairle; míreanna ón gclár oibre arna scaoileadh don phobal maidir le glacadh deiridh gníomhartha ón gComhairle
Agreement among the European Atomic Energy Community, the Government of Japan, the Government of the Russian Federation, and the Government of the United States of America on cooperation in the engineering design activities for the international thermonuc
an Comhaontú idir an Comhphobal Eorpach do Fhuinneamh Adamhach, Rialtas na Seapáine, Rialtas Chónaidhm na Rúise agus Rialtas Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá maidir le comhar i ngníomhaíochtaí a bhaineann le dearadh innealtóireachta don imoibreoir trialach teirm
Japanese apricot
crann aibreog Seapánach
CLS; core labour standards
bunchaighdeán oibre
notice of meeting and provisional agenda
fógra cruinnithe agus clár oibre sealadach
Beijing Platform for Action; Beijing Platform for Action of the Fourth World Conference on Women; BPfA
clár oibre gníomhaíochta Bhéising; clár oibre gníomhaíochta Bhéising, arna ghlacadh ag an gceathrú comhdháil dhomhanda ar stádas na mban
Interinstitutional Agreement of 20 December 1994 - Accelerated working method for official codification of legislative texts
Comhaontú Idirinstitiúideach an 20 Nollaig 1994 - Modh oibre luathaithe chun téacsanna reachtacha a chódú go hoifigiúil
ETF; European Transport Workers' Federation
Cónaidhm Oibrithe Iompair na hEorpa
Convention concerning the inspection of seafarers' working and Living conditions; Labour Inspection (Seafarers) Convention, 1996
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hIniúchadh Dálaí Oibre agus Maireachtála Maraithe
Convention concerning Seafarers' Hours of Work and the Manning of Ships; ILO Convention (No. 180) concerning Seafarers' Hours of Work and the Manning of Ships; ILO Convention No 180; International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention 180 concerning Seafarers' Hours of Work and the Manning of Ships; Seafarers’ Hours of Work and the Manning of Ships Convention, 1996
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le huaireanta oibre maraithe agus foireannú long
Protocol consolidating the EUROCONTROL International Convention relating to Cooperation for the Safety of Air Navigation of 13 December 1960, as variously amended
Prótacal lena gcomhdhlúthaítear Coinbhinsiún idirnáisiúnta EUROCONTROL an 13 Nollaig, 1960 maidir le comhoibriú um shábháilteacht na haerloingseoireachta arna leasú i slite éagsúla cheana
equal pay for equal work principle; equal pay principle; principle of equal pay; principle of equal pay for equal work; principle of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value; principle of equal pay for male and female workers for equal work; principle of equal pay for male and female workers for equal work or work of equal value; the principle that men and women should receive equal pay for equal work
an prionsabal go bhfuil pá comhionann as obair chomhionann nó obair ar comhionann a luach ag dul d'oibrithe fireanna agus d'oibrithe baineanna
operational cooperation
comhar oibríochtúil
Declaration on the organisation and functioning of the Commission
Dearbhú maidir le heagrúchán agus oibriú an Choimisiúin
SAR operation; search and rescue operation
oibríocht chuardaigh agus tarrthála
longer-term refinancing operation; LTRO
LTRO; oibríocht athmhaoinithe fhadtéarmach
fine-tuning operation
oibríocht mhionchoigeartaithe
peace operation; peace support operation; PO; PSO
oibríocht tacaíochta síochána
international police operation; international policing operation
oibríocht idirnáisiúnta póilíneachta; oibríocht idirnáisiúnta póilíní
cutting agent
oibreán lagaithe
Protocol No.2 to the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Cooperation between Territorial Communities or Authorities concerning interterritorial co-operation
Prótacal Uimh. 2 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Imlíneach Eorpach um chomhoibriú trasteorann idir comhphobail agus údaráis chríche maidir le comhoibriú idir chríocha
mobile worker
oibrí taistil
transmission system operator; TSO
OCT; oibreoir córais tarchurtha
co-operative joint venture
comhfhiontar comhoibríoch
sting operation
oibríocht chealgach
flexible working arrangements
socruithe solúbtha oibre
fixed-term contract worker; fixed-term worker
oibrí ar théarma seasta
Tampere Convention on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations
Coinbhinsiún Tampere maidir le Soláthar Acmhainní Teileachumarsáide le haghaidh Maolú Tubaistí agus Oibríochtaí Faoisimh
Cooperating and Supporting Nations; COSUNs
Náisiúin Tacaíochta agus Chomhoibríocha
CMO; crisis management operation
oibríocht bainistíochta géarchéime
OHQ; operation headquarters; operational headquarters
ceanncheathrú oibríochta
EU-led operation
oibríocht faoi cheannas AE
road map
plean oibre; slí
European Social Agenda
an Clár Oibre Sóisialta Eorpach
ETSO; European Transmission System Operators
ETSO; Oibreoirí Chórais Tarchurtha na hEorpa
operation plan; operational plan; OPLAN
OPLAN; plean oibríochta
operational phase
céim oibríochta
pre-operational phase
céim réamhoibríochtúil
peacebuilding operation
oibríocht cothaithe síochána
NCCT; non-cooperative countries and territories; non-cooperative jurisdictions
NCCT; tíortha agus críocha neamhchomhoibríocha
FOC; full operating capability; full operational capability
cumas oibriúcháin iomlán; FOC
initial operating capability; initial operational capability; IOC
cumas oibriúcháin tosaigh; IOC
operational planning
pleanáil oibríochtúil
concept of operations; CONOPS
coincheap na n-oibríochtaí
conflict prevention operation
oibríocht chun coinbhleachtaí a chosc
Brahimi report; Report of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations
Tuairisc an Phainéil ar Oibríochtaí Síochána na Náisiún Aontaithe; Tuairisc Brahimi
riot control agent
oibreán smachtaithe círéibe
SOP; standard operating procedure; standing operating procedure
buan-nós imeachta oibríochta
DI-INST; Distaff Instructions
treoracha ceannaireachta; treoracha oibre
operational envelope
imchlúdach oibríochtúil
working poor
oibrithe atá bocht
prudent antimicrobial use; prudent use of antimicrobial agents
úsáid stuama oibreán frithmhiocróbach
WLB; work-life balance
cothromaíocht oibre is saoil; cothromaíocht oibre-saoil
DDA; Doha Agenda; Doha Development Agenda
Clár Oibre Doha um Fhorbairt
ATIS; automatic terminal information service
seirbhís uathoibríoch eolais críochfoirt
SecOPs; Security Operating Procedures
Nósanna Imeachta Oibríochtaí Slándála; SecOps
system-high mode; system-high security mode of operation
modh oibriúcháin slándála ard-rúnaicmithe
distribution system operator; DSO
OCD; oibreoir córais dáileacháin
storage system operator
oibritheoir córais stórála
Doha Development Round; Doha Round
Babhta Doha; Clár Oibre Forbartha Doha
operation having military or defence implications
oibríocht a bhfuil impleachtaí míleata nó cosanta aici
operating air carrier; operating carrier
iompróir oibriúcháin
Operation Allied Harmony
Oibríocht Allied Harmony
Community programme to improve the operation of taxation systems in the internal market; Fiscalis 2013
clár Comhphobail chun feabhas a chur ar oibriú córas cánachais sa mhargadh inmheánach; Fiscalis 2013
operational readiness
ullmhacht oibríochtúil
COSI; Internal Security Committee; Standing Committee on Internal Security; Standing Committee on Operational Cooperation on Internal Security
An Buanchoiste um an gComhar Oibríochtúil sa tSlándáil Inmheánach; COSI
Middle East road map; Mideast Roadmap
plean oibre an Mheánoirthir
JOA; joint operations area
comhlimistéar oibríochtaí
CONCORDIA; European Union military operation in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Operation Concordia
Oibríocht Concordia; Oibríocht mhíleata an Aontais Eorpaigh i bPoblacht iar-Iúgslavach na Macadóine
European Union military operation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; Operation Artemis
Oibríocht Artemis; Oibríocht Mhíleata an Aontais Eorpaigh i bPoblacht Dhaonlathach an Chongó
Athena; Athena mechanism; mechanism to administer the financing of the common costs of European Union operations having military or defence implications
Athena; sásra Athena; sásra riartha chun na costais choiteanna a bhaineann le hoibríochtaí an Aontais Eorpaigh, a mbíonn impleachtaí míleata nó cosanta leo, a mhaoiniú
European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union; Frontex
an Ghníomhaireacht Eorpach chun Comhar Oibríochtúil a Bhainistiú ag Teorainneacha Seachtracha Bhallstáit an Aontais Eorpaigh; Frontex
Prevention and Emergency Protocol; Protocol concerning cooperation in preventing pollution from ships and, in cases of emergency, combating pollution of the Mediterranean Sea
Prótacal maidir le comhoibriú chun truailliú ó longa a chosc, agus i gcásanna éigeandála, chun truailliú na Meánmhara a chomhrac
Thessaloniki Agenda; Thessaloniki Agenda for the Western Balkans: Moving towards European Integration
Clár Oibre Thessaloniki; Clár Oibre Thessaloniki do na Balcáin Thiar: I dTreo na lánpháirtíochta Eorpaí
EU Operations Centre
Lárionad Oibríochtaí AE
an Mheitheal ad hoc ar a Leanann as Conclúidí na Comhairle maidir leis an gCipir an 24 Aibreán 2004
ALTHEA; ALTHEA/BiH; EUFOR ALTHEA; European Union military operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
ALTHEA; oibríocht mhíleata an Aontais Eorpaigh sa Bhoisnia-Heirseagaivéin
economic actor; economic agent; economic entity; economic operator; EO
oibreoir eacnamaíoch
addition reaction
imoibriú suimiúcháin
ALU; annual labour unit; annual work unit; annual working unit; AWU
aonad oibrithe bliantúil
BLAISE; British Library Automated Information Service
BLAISE; Seirbhís Uathoibríoch Faisnéise Leabharlann na Breataine
Association of European Operational Research Societies; EURO
Comhlachas na gCumann Eorpach um Thaighde Oibríochtúil
INTERCHIM; Interkhim; International Branch Organisation for cooperation in the field of small tonnage chemical production; International Organisation for Cooperation in Light Chemicals Production; international specialized organization for co-operation in the field of small-tonnage chemical products; international specialized organization for economic, scientific and technical co-operation in the field of small-tonnage chemical products
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta um Chomhoibriú i dTáirgeadh Ceimiceán Éadrom
analytical reagent; AR
AR; imoibrí anailíseach
work scheduling system; WSS
córas sceidealaithe oibre; WSS
fully automatic high-quality machine translation; fully automatic high-quality translation
aistriúchán lán-uathoibríoch d'ardcháilíocht
reactive oxygen species; ROS
speiceas ocsaigine imoibríche
fibre to the basement; fibre to the building; FTTB
snáithín optúil chomh fada leis an bhfoirgneamh
reaction of olive residue oil
imoibriú ola d'iarmhar ológ
adult worker
oibrí fásta
ameliorant; ameliorating agent
oibreán feabhsúcháin
balanced budget; budgetary equilibrium
buiséad comhardaithe
cDNA library
banc de DNA comhlántach
DNA library; gene bank; gene library
banc géinte
genome library; genomic bank; genomic library
banc géanómaíoch
annealing; hybridisation; nucleic acid hybridisation; renaturation
ainéaladh; athnádúrúchán; hibridiú; hibridiú aigéid núicléasaigh
MBR; membrane bioreactor
bith-imoibreoir scannáin
immune mechanism; immune response; immunological reaction
freagairt imdhíonachta; imoibriú imdhíoneolaíoch
cross-linking agent; interlacing agent
oibreán trasnascthach
flax fibres
snáithíní lín
CF; CFP; cystic fibrosis; cystic fibrosis of the pancreas; fibrocystic disease; mucoviscidosis
fiobróis chisteach
automatic carryover
tabhairt anonn uathoibríoch
operational expenditure
caiteachas oibríochtúil
borrowing and lending operations
oibríochtaí chun iasachtaí a fháil agus a thabhairt; oibríochtaí trína bhfaightear agus trína dtugtar iasachtaí
non-automatic carryover
tabhairt anonn neamh-uathoibríoch
processing operations
oibríochtaí próiseála
privileged operations
oibríochtaí pribhléideacha
chemical kinetics; kinetics; reaction kinetics
cinéitic; cinéitic imoibrithe
chemical reactivity
imoibríocht cheimiceach
snáithín gloine; snáithínghloine
Operational Safety Analysis Review Team; Operational Safety Assessment Review Team; Operational Safety Review Team; OSART
Foireann um Athbhreithniú ar Shlándáil Oibriúcháin; OSART
operating subsidiary
fochuideachta oibriúcháin
anticompetitive collaboration
comharaíocht fhrithiomaíoch; comhoibriú frithiomaíoch
antifreeze; antifreeze agent; anti-freeze mixture
oibreán frithreo
outside worker
oibrí seachtrach
OMO; open market operation; open market transaction
oibríocht margaidh oscailte
financing operation
oibríocht mhaoiniúcháin
balance of payments disequilibrium; external disequilibrium
éagothromaíocht i gcomhardú na n-íocaíochtaí; éagothromaíocht sheachtrach
preservative agent
oibreán leasaitheach
hybridisation probe
taiscéalaí hibridiúcháin; tóireadóir hibridiúcháin
calibration gas; calibration gas mixture; span gas
gás calabrúcháin
mutagen; mutagenic agent
oibreán só-ghineach; só-ghineach
jacquot; red-necked amazon
pearóid phíbrua
rufous-necked hornbill
cornóg phíbruadhonn
socio-educational instructor; youth leader; youth worker
cinnire ógra; oibrí don ógra
clandestine worker
oibrí folaitheach
domestic; domestic worker
oibrí tí; oibrí tís
current ratio; working capital ratio
cóimheas caipitil oibre; cóimheas reatha
operating ratios
cóimheas oibriúcháin
working ratio
cóimheas oibre
TE; thermodynamic equilibrium
cothromaíocht theirmidinimiciúil
European Social Fund Applications Working Party
Meitheal Oibre um Iarratais chuig Ciste Sóisialta na hEorpa
EAGGF Irregularities Group; Group on irregularities and mutual assistance, agricultural products
Grúpa oibre maidir le neamhrialtachtaí agus cúnamh frithpháirteach, táirgí talmhaíochta; Grúpa oibre maidir le neamhrialtachtaí FEOGA
gross operating loss or profit
caillteanas nó brabús comhlán oibriúcháin
labour productivity; productivity of labour
táirgiúlacht oibre
net operating income; net operational income
glanioncam oibriúcháin
operating surplus
barrachas oibriúcháin
operations account
cuntas oibriochtaí
HEV; hybrid electric vehicle
mótarfheithicil hibrideach
employment tribunal; industrial court; industrial tribunal; IT; labour court
binse tionsclaíochta; cúirt oibreachais
application for suspension of operation of a measure; application to suspend operation
iarratas ar oibriú ordaithe a fhionraí
operative part of the judgment
cuid oibríochtúil den bhreithiúnas
working of the Court
oibriú na cúirte
working day
lá oibre
Bang's disease; brucelliasis; brucellosis; Cyprus fever; Gibraltar Fever; Malta fever; Mediterranean fever; Neapolitan fever; undulant fever
postal operator; postal services operator
oibreoir poist
external operations
oibríochtaí eachtracha
FOC; full operational capability
cumas iomlán oibriúcháin
calibration certificate
deimhniú calabraithe
home worker; homeworker; outworker; remote worker; telecommuter; teleworker
Non operational property
maoin neamhoibríochtúil
oxidation-reduction reaction; redox reaction
imoibriú ocsaídiúcháin agus dí-ocsaídiúcháin
hybrid bus
bus hibrideach
hybrid propulsion
tiomáint hibrideach
calibration curve
cuar calabrúcháin
boiling heavy water reactor; HBWR; heavy water boiling reactor
imoibreoir tromuisce fiuchta
gas reactor; gas-cooled reactor
imoibreoir gásfhuaraithe
automatic import licensing; automatic licensing
ceadúnú allmhairiúcháin uathoibríoch
non-automatic import licensing; non-automatic licensing
ceadúnú allmhairiúcháin neamh-uathoibríoch
Eurofound; European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
an Foras Eorpach chun Dálaí Maireachtála agus Oibre a Fheabhsú; Eurofound
photochemical reaction; photoreaction
imoibriúchán fótaiceimiceach
outreach worker
oibrí for-rochtana; saothraí for-rochtana
single purpose outreach worker
oibrí for-rochtana aonfheidhme
OP; operational programme
clár oibriúcháin; CO
PBA; programme-based approach
cur chuige bunaithe ar chlár oibre; cur chuige clárbhunaithe
balancing; bringing into state of equilibrium
operating liability
dliteanas oibriúcháin
operating asset
sócmhainn oibriúcháin
operating lease commitment
ceangaltas maidir le léas oibriúcháin
Eurolib; Eurolib programme; European library project
Eurolib; tionscadal leabharlainne Eorpach
crann aibreoige Sibéarach
crann plumaí aibreoige
reactor with on-load refuelling
imoibreoir athbhreoslaithe leanúnaigh
operating voltage of a circuit of an electric line
voltas oibriúcháin chiorcad líne leictreachais
Administrative Commission; Administrative Commission of the European Communities on Social Security for Migrant Workers; Administrative Commission on Social Security for Migrant Workers; CA.SS.TM.
an Coimisiún Riaracháin; an Coimisiún Riaracháin um Shlándáil Shóisialta d'Oibrithe Imirceacha; CA.SS.TM
operating lease
léas oibriúcháin
calibrated flask; graduated flask; measuring flask; volumetric flask
fleascán toirtmhéadrach
catalytic action
imoibriú catalaíoch
breeder; fast breeder; fast breeder reactor; fast breeding reactor; FBR
imoibreoir; mear-imoibreoir pórúcháin
automatic costing procedure
nós imeachta uathoibríoch costála; uathghnáthamh costála
operational fund
ciste oibriúcháin
disequilibria in their balances of payments
éagothromaíochtaí i gcomhardú a n-íocaíochtaí
provisions which directly affect the establishment or functioning of the internal market; the provisions which directly affect the functioning of the common market
forálacha a dhéanann difear díreach do bhunú nó d'oibriú an mhargaidh inmheánaigh
the remuneration of the workers
luach saothair na n-oibrithe
the fundamental principles governing the health surveillance of workers
prionsabail bhunúsacha a rialaíonn faireachas sláinte oibrithe