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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
capital transfer
aistrithe caipitil
change in net worth due to saving and capital transfers account
cuntas athraithe ar ghlanfhiúchas i ngeall ar choigilt agus aistrithe caipitil
changes in net worth due to saving and capital transfers
athruithe ar ghlanfhiúchas i ngeall ar choigilt agus aistrithe caipitil
consumption of fixed capital
ídiú an chaipitil sheasta
recipients of pensions
faighteoirí pinsean
recipients of property income
faighteoirí ioncaim ó mhaoin
stated capital
caipiteal luaite
incipient user; neophyte; neophyte user
European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association; European Venture Capital Association; EVCA
an Comhlachas Eorpach um Chothromas Príobháideach agus um Chaipiteal Fiontair; EVCA
capital adequacy
leordhóthanacht caipitil
recipient organism
orgánach faighteach
wet electrostatic precipitator; wet ESP
deascaire leictreastatach fliuch
capital subscription; subscription to the capital of the ECB
suibscríbhinn le caipiteal BCE; suibscríobh an chaipitil
CCCI; Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Comhlachas Tráchtála agus Tionscail na Cipire; CTTC
Communist Party of the Philippines; CPP
CPP; Páirtí Cumannach na nOileán Filipíneach
fulminant hepatitis
heipitíteas sciobtha
golden-capped fruit bat
ialtóg meas órchaipíneach
black-faced curassow; black-faced piping guan; black-fronted piping guan; jacutinga
guán píopaireachta uchtdubh
Trinidad white-headed curassow; Trinidad white-headed piping guan
guán píopaireachta Oileán na Tríonóide
Brazilian tapir
taipir Bhrasaíleach
ICD; I-cell disease; ML II; mucolipidosis II
múcailipideois II
risk capital market; venture capital market
margadh caipitil fiontair; margadh caipitil riosca
oilseed poppy
poipín dubh
capital account
cuntas caipitil
capital intensive
dian ar chaipiteal
fully paid-up capital; fully paid-up shares
caipiteal láníoctha; scairchaipiteal láníoctha
paid-in capital; paid-up capital
caipiteal a íoctar isteach; caipiteal íoctha
capital redemption operations
oibríochtaí fuascailte caipitil
capital gain
gnóthachan caipitiúil
quasi-capital; quasi-equity; quasi-equity capital
caipiteal cuasachothromais; cuasachaipiteal; cuasachothromas
capital redemption
fuascailt caipitil
capital accumulation
carnadh caipitil
capital adjustment
coigeartú caipitil
2-Propanol; isopropyl alcohol; Propan-2-ol
alcól iseapróipile; própán-2-ól
Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand - member countries of the Association of South-East Asian Nations
an Comhaontú maidir le comhar idir Comhphobal Eacnamaíochta na hEorpa agus an Indinéis, an Mhalaeisia, na hOileáin Fhilipíneacha, Singeapór agus an Téalainn - balltíortha Chomhlachas Náisiúin na hÁise Thoir Theas (ASEAN)
white lupin
lúipín bán
blue lupin
lúipín caol
yellow lupin
lúipín buí
paid up share capital; paid-up share capital
scairchaipiteal íoctha
Basel I; Basle Accord; Basle Capital Accord
Comhaontú Basel; comhaontú Basel maidir le caipiteal
bovine somatotrophin; bovine somatotropin; BST
BST; sómatatróipin bhuaibheach
UNCDF; United Nations Capital Development Fund
Ciste Forbraíochta Caipitiúla NA; Ciste Forbraíochta Caipitiúla na Náisiún Aontaithe
seed capital
risk capital; venture capital
caipiteal riosca; capiteal fiontair
free movement of persons, services and capital; freedom of movement for persons, services and capital
saorghluaiseacht daoine, seirbhísí agus caipitil
called-up capital
caipiteal glaoite
authorised capital
caipiteal údaraithe
capital account liberalisation; liberalisation of capital movements
léirscaoileadh ar ghluaiseachtaí caipitil
sweet lupin; sweet lupins
lúipín cumhra
capital instrument
ionstraim chaipitil
potassium salt of propionic acid
salann potaisiam d'aigéad próipianach
commandite company; limited partnership
comhpháirtíocht theoranta; comhpháirtíocht theoranta um scairchaipiteal; société en commandite
fixed or working capital
caipiteal oibre nó seasta
capital goods
earraí caipitiúla
debt capital; loan capital
caipiteal fiachais; caipiteal ó iasacht
CAPEX; capital expenditure
caiteachas caipitiúil
cost of capital
costas caipitil
capital market
margadh caipitil
nominal capital
caipiteal ainmniúil
capital investment
infheistíocht chaipitil
International Opium Convention (1912)
an Coinbhinsiún Óipiam Idirnáisiúnta (1912)
Protocol for Limiting and Regulating the Cultivation of the Poppy Plant, the Production of, International and Wholesale Trade in, and Use of Opium
Prótacal maidir le saothrú an phoipín, agus táirgeadh óipiam, trádáil idirnáisiúnta agus mórdhíola agus úsáid óipiam a theorannú agus a rialú
capitalisation of reserves
caipitliú cúlchistí
capital flight; flight of capital
teitheadh caipitil
International Press Institute; IPI
Institiúid Idirnáisiúnta an Phreasa; IPI
SBAs; Sovereign Base Areas of the United Kingdom in Cyprus; Sovereign Base Areas of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Cyprus
Limistéir Bhunáite Fhlaitheasacha Ríocht Aontaithe na Breataine Móire agus Thuaisceart Éireann sa Chipir
píopaí le haghaidh caidéal
to have recourse to the capital market
téigh ar iontaoibh mhargadh an chaipitil
epidemiological research
taighde eipidéimeolaíochta
E 283; potassium propionate
E 283; próipianáit photaisiam
propylene glycol (1,2 propendiol)
próipiléin gliocóil (1,2 propeindeol)
sulfóifeinil azoipiorazól
subscribed capital
caipiteal suibscríofa
enzootic hepatitis; infection with Rift Valley fever virus; Rift Valley fever; RVF
heipitíteas eansótach
capital adequacy requirement; capital charge; capital requirement; own funds requirement
ceanglas caipitil
gone concern capital; T2 capital; tier 2 capital
caipiteal leibhéal 2
Cyprus; Republic of Cyprus
an Chipir; Poblacht na Cipire
Republic of the Philippines; the Philippines
na hOileáin Fhilipíneacha; Poblacht na nOileán Filipíneach
key for capital subscription; key for subscription of the ECB's capital; key for subscription to the capital of the European Central Bank; key for subscription to the European Central Bank’s capital; subscription key to the ECB's capital
an scála le haghaidh shuibscríobh an chaipitil
overall capital requirements
riachtanais chaipitil fhoriomlána
marsupial mice
lucha marsúipiacha
capped leaf monkey
langúr caipíneach
South American tapir
taipir Bhrasaíleach
Pipile pipile; Trinidad white-headed curassow; Trinidad white-headed piping guan
guán píopaireachta Oilean na Tríonóide
black-fronted piping guan; Penelope jacutinga; Pipile jacutinga
guán píopaireachta uchtdubh
red-ventred codratoo
cocatú Filipíneach
Philippine or Mindoro crocodile
crogall Filipíneach
International Opium Convention (1925)
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta Óipiam
capital adequacy framework
creat leordhóthanacht caipitil
capital charge
muirear caipitil
mobilise private capital
caipiteal príobháideach a shlógadh
tiripín cluasdearg
capital base; own funds; regulatory capital
bonn caipitil; caipiteal rialaitheach
Model Convention with respect to taxes on income and on capital; Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital; OECD Model Tax Convention; OECD Model Treaty
an Samhailchoinbhinsiún maidir le cánacha ar ioncam agus ar chaipiteal; Samhailchoinbhinsiún Cánach ECFE; Samhailchoinbhinsiún Cánach ECFE ar Ioncam agus ar Chaipiteal
VCF; venture capital fund
ciste caipitil fiontair
social capital
caipiteal sóisialta
Nile tilapia; TLN
tioláipia Níleach
Basel II; Basel II Accord; New Basel Capital Accord
Basel II; Comhaontú Nua Basel maidir le Caipiteal
MCR; minimum capital requirement
íosriachtanas caipitil
taxation of capital income
cánachas ar ioncam ó chaipiteal
Treaty between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands,; Treaty concerning the accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and; Treaty of Accession 2003; Treaty of Athens
an Conradh i dtaobh aontachas Phoblacht na Seice, Phoblacht na hEastóine, Phoblacht na Cipire, Phoblacht na Laitvia, Phoblacht na Liotuáine, Phoblacht na hUngáire, Phoblacht Mhálta, Phoblacht na Polainne, Phoblacht na Slóvéine agus Phoblacht na Slóvaice l; an Conradh idir Ríocht na Beilge, Ríocht na Danmhairge, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, an Phoblacht Heilléanach, Ríocht na Spáinne, Poblacht na Fraince, Éire, Poblacht na hIodáile, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg, Ríocht na hÍsiltíre, Poblacht na hOstaire, Pob; Conradh Aontachais 2003; Conradh na hAithne
mid-cap; mid-cap company; middle-capitalisation company
cuideachta lárchaidhpe; cuideachta lárchaipitlithe; cuideachta meánchaipitlithe; fiontar meánchaipitlithe
Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of S
Ionstraim i dtaobh choinníollacha aontachais Phoblacht na Seice, Phoblacht na hEastóine, Phoblacht na Cipire, Phoblacht na Laitvia, Phoblacht na Liotuáine, Phoblacht na hUngáire, Phoblacht Mhálta, Phoblacht na Polainne, Phoblacht na Slóivéine agus Phoblac
WACC; weighted average cost of capital
meánchostas ualaithe an chaipitil
an Mheitheal ad hoc ar a Leanann as Conclúidí na Comhairle maidir leis an gCipir an 24 Aibreán 2004
DBP; Development Bank of the Philippines
Banc Forbraíochta na nOileán Filipíneach
propyl p-hydroxybenzoate
p-hiodrocsaibeansóáit phróipile
sodium propyl p-hydroxybenzoate
sóidiam p-hiodrocsaibeansóáite phróipile
n-propyl ester of 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic acid; propyl 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoate; propyl ester of gallic acid; propyl gallate
3, 4, 5-tríhiodrocsaibeansóáit próipile; eistear próipile d'aigéad gálach; galláit phróipile
1,2-propanediol ester of alginic acid; hydroxypropyl alginate; propane-1, 2-diol alginate; propane-1,2-diol ester of alginic acid; propylene glycol alginate
ailgionáit ghliocól próipiléine; própán-1,2 dé-ól ailgionáit
typical farm
feirm thipiciúil
first recipient
an chéad fhaighteoir
initial capital; initial fund
caipiteal tosaigh; ciste tosaigh
capital increase; increase of capital; increase of capital stock; new issue of capital
méadú caipitil
reduction of the company's capital
laghdú ar chaipiteal na cuideachta
capital-intensive; highly capitalised
dian ar chaipiteal; dianchaipitiúil
cost of capital
costas an chaipitil
capital-deepening investment; deepening capital; deepening investment; intensive investment; investment in depth
infheistíocht doimhnithe caipitil
ordinary capital resources
gnáthacmhainní caipitil
private capital
caipiteal príobháideach
callable capital stock
stoc caipitil inghlaoite
original capital stock
stoc caipitil bunaidh
review of capital stock
athbhreithniú ar stoc caipitil
increase in the capital stock
méadú ar an stoc caipitiúil
delayed type hypersensitivity; DTH
tíopa hipiríogaireachta moillithe
hyperlipaemia; hyperlipidaemia
instantaneous ground map of precipitation
léarscáil mheandrach den fhrasaíocht
capital control; restrictions on capital movements
srian caipitil
free capital movement; free movement of capital
saorghluaiseacht chaipitil
capital inflow; capital influx; inward capital movements
insreabhadh caipitil
capital export; capital outflow; export of capital; outflow of capital
eis-sreabhadh caipitil
capital loss
caillteanas caipitil
borrowed capital; credit capital; debt capital
caipiteal a fuarthas ar iasacht; caipiteal creidmheasa
caipiteal agus cúlchistí
issued capital; issued share capital
scairchaipiteal eisithe
capital account
cuntas caipitil
gross asset formation; gross fixed asset formation; gross fixed-capital formation
ollfhoirmiú caipitil sheasta
capital intensive investment
infheistíocht atá dian ar chaipiteal
capital charges; capital cost; capital expenditure; capital investment; capital outlay
caiteachas caipitiúil; infheistíocht chaipitiúil
testosterone propionate
próipianáit téististéaróin
acid deposition; acid rain; acidic precipitation
báisteach aigéadach
epidemic curve
cuar eipidéimeach
Cyprian mouflon; Cyprus mouflon
caora mouflon Chipireach
Mindoro crocodile; Philippine crocodile
crogall Filipíneach
monkey-eating; Philippine eagle
iolar mór Filipíneach
red-vented cockatoo
cocatú Filipíneach; cocatú tolldearg
hidden capitalization; thin capitalization
harmonized capital-duty rate
ráta dleachta caipitiúla comhchuibhithe
availability of capital
infhaighteacht caipitil
callable capital
caipiteal inghlaoite
to capitalise profits; to capitalize profits
brabúis a chaipitliú
employment of capital
úsáid caipitil
payment of capital
íocaíocht chaipitil
share capital reduction
laghdú ar scairchaipiteal; laghdú ar stoc caipitil
savings capital
caipiteal coigiltis
current ratio; working capital ratio
cóimheas caipitil oibre; cóimheas reatha
gross capital coefficient; gross capital ratio
comhéifeacht an ollchaipitil
viral hepatitis
heipitíteas víreasach
capital increase in cash
méadú ar an gcaipiteal in airgead tirim
reorganization of share capital
atheagrú ar an scairchaipiteal
endowment capital of branches; funds from branches
caipiteal dearlaice ó bhrainsí; cistí ó bhrainsí
capital adequacy Directive
an Treoir um leordhóthanacht caipitil
core capital; going-concern capital; tier 1 capital
bunchaipiteal; caipiteal leibhéal 1
to control the sources of capital
foinsí an chaipitil a rialú
risk linked with the sources of their capital
riosca a bhfuil dlúthbhaint aige le foinsí a gcaipitil
transfer of capital to group entities
aistriú caipitil chuig grúpeintitis
capital adequacy ratio; capital ratio; CAR; SAR; solvency adequacy ratio
cóimheas caipitil; cóimheas caipitiúil
goods and equipment of a non-capital nature
earraí agus trealamh de chineál neamhchaipitiúil
call for subscribed capital; capital call
glaoch ar chaipiteal
capital stock; fixed capital stock
stoc caipitil
capital widening
fairsingiú caipitil
capital-asset ratio
cóimheas caipitil/sócmhainní
capital-loan ratio
cóimheas caipitil/iasachta
capital redemption reserve funds
cúlchiste fuascailte caipitil
capital participation
páirteachas caipitiúil; rannpháirteachas caipitiúil
Ad Hoc Committee on the Valutation of Bank Capital
Coiste ad hoc chun Caipiteal Bainc a Luacháil
Capital impairment
laghdú ar an gcaipiteal; laghdú caipitil
Capital recovery factor
comhéifeacht um aisghabháil chaipitil
Capital-service ratio
cóimheas caipitil/seirbhíse
marginal efficiency of capital
éifeachtúlacht imeallach caipitil
Capital consumption allowance
liúntas ídithe caipitil
capital and interest; principal and interest
caipiteal agus ús
capital and payments
caipiteal agus íocaíochtaí
capital share
scair chaipitil
annualized capital cost
costas caipitil bliantúlaithe
capital grants towards improvement schemes
deontas caipitil le haghaidh scéimeanna feabhsúcháin
capital grant
deontas caipitil
recipient firm
gnólacht faighteora
2,3-dihydro-5,6-dimethyl-1,4-dithiin 1,1,4,4-tetraoxide; dimethipin
2,3-déhidrea-5,6-démheitil-1,4-dé-itín 1,1,4,4-teitrea-ocsaíd; démheitipin
GFCF; gross domestic fixed investment; gross fixed asset formation; gross fixed capital formation; gross fixed investment
ollfhoirmiú caipitil sheasta
capital injection; injection of capital
instealladh caipitil
hepatocellular carcinoma; primary hepatic carcinoma
carcanóma heipiticeallach
1,6-hexanedioic acid; adipic acid
aigéad adaipeach
hexahydropyridine; piperidine
seed capital fund
ciste caipiteal síl
3,5-dichloro-<I>N</I>-(1,1-dimethylprop-2-ynyl)benzamide; 3,5-dichloro-<I>N</I>-(2-methylbut-3-yn-2-yl)benzamide; propyzamide
Community Reference Laboratory for the epidemiology of zoonoses
Saotharlann Tagartha an Chomhphobail um Eipidéimeolaíocht Zónóisí
human capital
caipiteal daonna
limited partner's capital contribution
ranníocaíocht caipitil comhpháirtí teoranta
capital; property
caipiteal; maoin
called up capital; called-up capital
caipiteal glaoite
authorised capital; authorized capital; authorized capital stock; authorized stock; registered capital
caipiteal údaraithe
assets not in use; idle capacity; slack capacity; unproductive capital
caipiteal neamhtháirgiúil
partly paid capital; partly paid-up capital; uncalled capital; unpaid capital
caipiteal neamhghlaoite
bonded capital; debenture capital; debenture stock
stoc caipitil
capital employed
caipiteal in úsáid
capital expenditure register; fixed asset detail ledger
clár caiteachais chaipitiúil; mórleabhar na sócmhainní dochta
over-capitalisation; overcapitalization
costs of increasing capital
costas a bhaineann le caipiteal a mhéadú
capital yields tax; capital-gains tax; tax on distributions; tax on income from transferable securities
cáin ghnóthachan caipitiúil
capital gains
gnóthachain chaipitiúla
repayment of capital
aisíocaíocht caipitil
capitalised value; intrinsic value
luach caipitlithe
capitalised earnings value; capitalized income value; capitalized yield value; intrinsic value
luach caipitlithe ioncaim; luach caipitlithe toraidh; luach caipitlithe tuillimh; luach intreach
precipitin line
line préicipitine
porcine epidemic diarrhoea
buinneach eipidéimeach na muc
blackhead; histomoniasis; infectious enterohepatitis
entreaheipitíteas tógálach; galar an chinn dhuibh; histeamóiniáis
trypanosomiasis; trypanosomosis
adjustment of capital contribution
ranníocaíocht chaipitiúil a choigeartú
capitalized sum
suim chaipitlithe
atypical employment; atypical work; non-standard employment
fostaíocht neamhthipiciúil; obair neamhthipiciúil
simple hypothesis
hipitéis shimplí
eyelid reverser
aisiompaitheoir caipín súile; aisiompaitheoir sreibhe i bhfoirm caipín súile
hypervelocity range
raon hipir-treoluais
electric precipitator; electrostatic filter; electrostatic precipitator; ESP
deascaire leictreastatach
precipitation reaction
imoibriú deascúcháin
fairsing; scóipiúil
loan capital
caipiteal ó iasachtaí
advances against capital increases by subsidiaries
airleacain i leith méaduithe caipitiúla ag fochuideachtaí
capital restructuring
athchóiriú caipitil
capitalised expenditure
caiteachas caipitlithe
capitalised R&D costs; R and D costs
costais chaipitlithe taighde agus forbraíochta; costais taighde agus forbraíochta
quasi-capital assistance
cúnamh cuasachaipitiúil
capital reserve arising on consolidation
culchiste caipitil a eascraíonn tráth comhdhlúthúcháin
contribution to risk capital formation; contribution to risk venture capital formation
ranníocaíocht chun caipiteal riosca a fhoirmiú
equity in hand
caipiteal gnáthscaireanna ar láimh
capital fund
ciste caipitil
capitalised interest expenses
úschostais chaipitlithe
capital work in progress; tangible assets in course of construction
oibreacha caipitiúla atá idir lámha
capital works
oibreacha caipitiúla
capital stock; share capital
authorised capital; authorized capital
caipiteal údaraithe
capital invested
caipiteal atá infheistithe
capital risk society; venture capital firm
gnólacht caipitil fiontair
atypical contract; atypical employment contract
conradh neamhthipiciúil
propene; propylene
próipéin; próipiléin
cumene; isopropylbenzene
cúiméin; iseapróipilbeinséin
big O; black stuff; opium
BaP; benzo(a)pyrene; benzo[<i>a</i>]pyrene
beinsi[a]piréin; beinsipiréin
thermal precipitation
deascadh teirmeach
betterment levy; capital levy; contribution; inclusion fee
tobhach ar chaipiteal
farm capital
caipiteal feirme
percussion cap; primer; primer cartridge
caipín forbhuailte; cartús prímeála; cartús príméir; príméar
additional capital search; complementary capital search
cuardach caipitil chomhlántaigh
precipitant; precipitating agent
chloropicrin; trichloronitromethane
clóraipicrin; tríchlórainítrimeatán
phosphatide; phospholipid
CEIC; closed fund; closed-end fund; closed-end investment company; closed-end investment fund; investment company with fixed capital
cuideachta infheistíochta a bhfuil caipiteal seasta aici
capitalized expense
caiteachas caipitlithe
granular layer; granular layer of epidermis; stratum granulosum
sraith ghráinneach; sraith ghráinneach na heipideirme; stratum granulosum
epithelial lining; epithelium
eipitéiliam; líneáil eipitéiliach
capital gains reinvested
gnóthachain chaipitiúla athinfheistithe
other capitalised accounts receivable
cuntais chaipitlithe infhála eile
capitalised production costs
costais chaipitlithe táirgeachta
DAF syndrome; lipid histiocytosis; lipoid histiocytosis (classical phosphatide); Niemann-Pick disease; sphingomyelin lipidosis; sphingomyelinase deficiency
galar Niemann-Pick; histicíotóis liopóideach
subscribed capital unpaid
caipiteal suibscríofa neamhíoctha
part of the capital called but not yet paid
cuid den chaipiteal atá glaoite ach nach bhfuil íoctha fós
to capitalize
antiserum; anti-serum; immunoserum; precipitating serum
hepatic artery
artaire heipiteach
hepatic artery proper; proper hepatic artery
artaire heipiteach iarbhír
epithelial cell
cill eipitéiliach
ciliated columnar epithelium; ciliated epithelium
eipitéiliam fabhránach
HIS; hyperimmune serum
séiream hipir-imdhíonach
hypermetropia; hyperopia; long sight; long-sightedness
hipearóipe; hipirmeatróipe
pulmonary hypertension
hipirtheannas scamhóige
hypophysis; pituitary gland
faireog phiotútach; hipifiseas
mental healing; psychotherapeutics; psychotherapy
síciteiripe; síciteiripic
African sleeping sickness; african trypanosomiasis; human african trypanosomiasis; sleeping sickness
suanghalar Afracach; tripineasómóis Afracach dhaonna
unrealised capital gain; unrealised capital gains; unrealised gains
gnóthachain chaipitiúla neamhréadaithe; gnóthachain neamhréadaithe
realised capital gain
gnóthachan caipitiúil réadaithe
consumption of fixed capital
ídiú caipitil sheasta
capital levy
tobhach ar chaipiteal
capital transactions account
cuntas idirbheart caipitil
capital consumption
ídiú caipitil
alternative hypothesis; H<SUB>1</SUB>; non-null hypothesis
hipitéis mhalartach
H<sub>0</sub>; null hypothesis; zero hypothesis
hipitéis niallasach
capital turnover; earning capacity; income on capital; investment income; profit-capital ratio; return from capital; return on capital; return on invested capital; unearned income; yield of a capital; yield on capital
toradh ar chaipiteal
circumcorneal hyperaemia; pericorneal hyperaemia
hipiréime pheireachoirneach
primary culture of hepatocytes; primary hepatocyte culture; primary hepatocytes
saothrán príomhúil heipiticítí
lamp cap
caipín lampa
capsule; crown cap; crown seal
epithelial layer; epithelium
business capital; medium-term assets
caipiteal gnó; sócmhainní meántéarmacha
available capital; resources
acmhainní; caipiteal ar fáil
capital cost
costas caipitil
movable capital assets
sóchmainní caipitiúla sochorraithe
net capital formation
glanfhoirmiú caipitil
capital expenditure account
cuntas caiteachais chaipitiúil
capital expenditures
caiteachas caipitiúil
capital investment account
cuntas infheistíochta caipitil
capital reconciliation account
cuntas réitigh caipitil
capital receipt
fáltas caipitil; fáltas caipitiúil
capital position
staid an chuntais chaipitil
capital item
mír chaipitil
capital wealth
rachmas caipitil
increase of the company's authorized capital
méadú ar chaipiteal údaraithe na cuideachta
circulation of capital
cúrsaíocht caipitil
cash capital
caipiteal airgid; caipiteal in airgead tirim
fixed capital; tied up capital
caipiteal seasta
expenditure of capital
caiteachas caipitil
expenditure on capital account
caiteachas ar chuntas caipitil
expansion capital
caipiteal forbraíochta; caipiteal le haghaidh forleathnaithe
immovable capital; immovable working capital
caipiteal dochorraithe; caipiteal oibre dochorraithe
locked up capital
caipiteal seasta
money capital
caipiteal airgid
productive capital
caipiteal táirgiúil
paid-up share capital
scairchaipiteal íoctha
net intake of capital
glan-iontógáil caipitil
net fixed capital formation
glanfhoirmiú caipitil sheasta
working capital fund; working capital of a company
ciste caipitil cuideachta
unalloted capital items
míreanna caipitil neamh-leithdháilte
transferable capital
caipiteal inaistrithe
residual capital
caipiteal iarmharach
reserve capital
caipiteal cúltaca
redemption capital
caipiteal fuascailte
non recurring capital cost
costas caipitil neamh-athfhillteach
capital budget
buiséad caipitil
equipment; equipment assets; equipment goods
earraí caipitiúla; sócmhainní trealaimh; trealamh
representative capital goods; representative goods
earraí caipitiúla ionadaíocha; earraí ionadaíocha
advertising match book
boiscín cipíní solais fógraíochta
circulating capital; current capital
caipiteal imshruthaitheach
income from capital
ioncam ó chaipiteal
capitalisation ratios; capitalization ratios; financial leverage ratios
cóimheasa caipitliúcháin; cóimheasa giaráil airgeadais
multifactor capital asset pricing model; multifactor CAPM
ilfhactóir um shamhail phraghsála i leith sócmhainní caipitiúla
to capitalise; to capitalize
reserved capital increase
méadú ar an gcaipiteal forchoimeádta
development capital
caipiteal forbraíochta
capital decrease; capital reduction
laghdú ar chaipiteal
raise capital
cruinnigh caipiteal
CH; CHT; congenital hypothyroidism
hipitíoróideacht ó bhroinn
pulmonary arterial hypertension
hipirtheannas artaireach scamhógach
antihypertensive; anti-hypertensive; antihypertensive drug; anti-hypertensive drug
druga frith-hipirtheannasach; frith-hipirtheannasach
supply of capital
soláthar caipitil
amortisation of circulating capital; amortization of circulating capital; sinking of floating capital
caipiteal comhlúthach a amúchadh; fiachmhúchadh caipitil chomhlúthaigh
capital structure
struchtúr caipitiúil
Capital tax
cáin chaipitil
capital gain; capital profit
gnóthachan caipitiúil
protective capital resources
acmhainní caipitil cosantacha
cost of capital employed
costas an chaipitil in úsáid
operator's cost of capital
costas caipitil an oibritheora
method of allocating capital employed
modh leithdháilte an chaipitil atá faoi cheangaltas; modh leithdháilte an chaipitil in úsáid
mean capital employed
meánchaipiteal in úsáid
capital maintenance
cothabháil chaipitil; cothabháil chaipitiúil
accounting rate of return; rate of return on capital employed
cóimheas toradh ar chaipiteal a úsáidtear
capitalized interest
ús caipitlithe
pepino mosaic virus; PepMV
víreas mósáice an pheipíonó
1,2-dihydroxypropane; propane-1,2-diol; propylene glycol
gliocól próipiléine
PF; precipitating factor
toisc bhrostaitheach
3,8-diamino-5-{3-[diethyl(methyl)ammonio]propyl}-6-phenylphenanthridinium diiodide; PI; propidium iodide
iaidíd phróipidiam
hepatic necrosis
neacróis heipiteach
capital-sum option
rogha suime caipitil
epidemiological link
nasc eipidéimeolaíoch
subordinated loan capital
caipiteal ó iasacht fho-ordaithe
equity portfolio; equity shares portfolio; shares portfolio
punann caipiteal gnáthscaireanna; punann gnáthscaireanna
capital increase
méadú ar an gcaipiteal; méadú caipitil
ICAAP; Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process
ICAAP; próiseas inmheánach measúnaithe ar leordhóthanacht caipitil
Treaty between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Czech Republic, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Estonia, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Republic of C
An Conradh idir Ríocht na Beilge, Poblacht na Seice, Ríocht na Danmhairge, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, Poblacht na hEastóine, an Phoblacht Heilléanach, Ríocht na Spáinne, Poblacht na Fraince, Éire, Poblacht na hIodáile, Poblacht na Cipire, Poblacht
Working Party on Financial Services (Capital Requirements)
an Mheitheal um Sheirbhísí Airgeadais (Riachtanais Caipitil)
equity exposure
neamhchosaint ar chaipiteal gnáthscaireanna
buffer capital; capital buffer
caipiteal maolánach
share of the capital
sciar den chaipiteal
Treaty concerning the Establishment of the Republic of Cyprus; Treaty of Establishment
Conradh Bunaíochta; Conradh maidir le bunú Phoblacht na Cipire
capitalisation of future income
caipitliú ioncaim todhchaí
non equity exposures
neamhchosaint ar chaipiteal nach caipiteal gnáthscaireanna é
exchange-traded equity exposures
neamhchosaint ar chaipiteal gnáthscaireanna arna trádáil ar an stocmhalartán; neamhchosaint ar chaipiteal gnáthscaireanna atá trádáilte ar an stocmhalartán
Tier 3 capital
caipiteal leibhéal 3
internal capital
caipiteal inmheánach
regulatory capital instrument; regulatory capital security
ionstraim chaipitil rialála
stand-alone capital charge
muirear caipitil neamhspleách
capital alleviation
laghdú ar riachtanas caipitil
capital requirement for operational risk
riachtanas caipitil le haghaidh riosca oibriúcháin
operational risk capital
caipiteal um rioscaí oibriúcháin
equity; equity capital; shareholders' equity
caipiteal cothromais; cothromas; cothromas scairshealbhóirí
capital market driven transaction
idirbheart caipitil atá faoi thionchar an mhargaidh; idirbheart caipitil margadhthiomáinte
opioid substitution; opioid substitution therapy; opioid substitution treatment; OST; substitution therapy; substitution treatment
teiripe ionadaithe le hóipiamóidigh
main index equity
caipiteal gnáthscaireanna príomhinnéacs
non-main index equity
caipiteal gnáthscaireanna neamh-phríomhinnéacs
HEP; hepatoerythropoietic porphyria
porfaire heipiteiritricítghinte; porfaire heipiteiritrighinte
hepatic porphyria
porfairia heipiteach
chronic hepatic porphyria
porfaire heipiteach ainsealach
acute hepatic porphyria; acute porphyria
géarphorfairine heipiteach
SCR; solvency capital requirement
riachtanas um chaipiteal sócmhainneachta
capital add-on
breisiú caipitil; forlíontán caipitil
Capital Requirements Directive; CRD
Treoir maidir le Riachtanais Chaipitil
capital plan
plean caipitil
capital allocation
cionroinnt caipitil; leithdháileadh caipitil
capitalised future income
ioncam caipitlithe todhchaí; ioncam todhchaí caipitlithe
As regards Cyprus, this [INSTRUMENT] constitutes an act building upon, or otherwise related to, the Schengen acquis within the meaning of Article 3(2) of the 2003 Act of Accession.
Maidir leis an gCipir, is é atá sa Chinneadh seo ná gníomh lena gcuirtear le acquis Schengen nó a bhfuil baint ar shlí eile aige le acquis Schengen de réir bhrí Airteagal 3(2) d’Ionstraim Aontachais 2003.
maximum capital requirement
uasriachtanas caipitil
specific risk capital charge
muirear sonrach caipitil riosca
capital treatment
láimhseáil caipitil
internal capital allocation
leithdháileadh caipitil inmheánach
assessment of capital adequacy
measúnú ar leordhóthanacht caipitil
capital impact
tionchar ar chaipiteal
capital requirement calculation
ríomh an riachtanais chaipitil
therapeutic recreation program; therapeutic recreation programme
clár áineasa theiripigh
hybrid capital instrument
ionstraim chaipitil hibrideach
CAD; Capital Adequacy Directive; Directive 2006/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the capital adequacy of investment firms and credit institutions (recast)
Treoir 2006/49/CE ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle maidir le leordhóthanacht caipitil gnólachtaí infheistíochta agus institiúidí creidmheasa (athmhúnlú); Treoir maidir le Leordhóthanacht Caipitil
distressed restructuring of the equity
athchóiriú struis ar an gcothromas; athstruchturú tochsail an chaipitil gnáthscaireanna
proportional regulatory capital relief
faoiseamh rialaitheach comhréireach caipitil
recapitalisation scheme
scéim athchaipitlithe
CAT; Committee for Advanced Therapies
an Coiste um Ardteiripí; CAT
private pool of capital
comhthiomsú caipitil príobháideach
bank recapitalisation; recapitalisation of banks
athchaipitliú na mbanc
risk weighted capital requirement
riachtanas caipitil ualaithe ó thaobh riosca
dynamic capital reserving; dynamic provisioning; forward looking provisioning
cúlchistiú dinimiciúil caipitil; soláthar dinimiciúil
high quality capital
caipiteal ardcháilíochta
risk-sensitive capital requirement
riachtanas caipitil riosca-íogair
ICA; internal capital assessment
measúnú inmheánach ar chaipiteal
well capitalised
adequately capitalised
caipitlithe go leordhóthanach
significantly undercapitalised
tearc-chaipitlithe ar leibhéal suntasach
thin capital requirements
tearcriachtanais chaipitil
polypropylene flask
fleascán polapróipiléine
Basel II; Basel II Capital Framework; Basel II Framework
Creatlach Basel II; Creatlach Basel II maidir le Caipiteal
intercellular lamellar lipid bilayer; intercellular lamellar lipid layer
ciseal lipide idircheallach lannógach; déchiseal lipidí idircheallacha lannógacha
oropharyngeal swab
maipín béalfharaingeach
epithelial sample
sampla eipitéiliach
epithelial tissue
fíochán eipitéiliach
molecular epidemiology
eipidéimeolaíocht mhóilíneach
lipid-enveloped virus
víreas lipid-imchlúdaithe
rabbit hyperimmune antiserum
frithshéiream hipir-imdhíonach coinín
clarified epithelial suspension
fuaidreán eipitéiliach gléghlanta
oropharyngeal swab
maipíneacht bhéalfharaingeach
precipitating antigen
antaigin bhrostaitheach
duck virus hepatitis
heipitíteas víreasach lachan
contagious epididymitis; ovine epididymitis; ovine epididymitis (<i>Brucella ovis</i>)
eipididimíteas caorach
contingent capital
caipiteal teagmhasach
capital horizon
tréimhse chaipitil
cachtas turc-chaipíneach coirceogach
cachtas turc-chaipíneach sárcholgach
cachtas turc-chaipíneach céirghasach
cachtas turc-chaipíneach gannspíonach
magairlín eipifíteach fuildearg
magairlíní eipifíteacha
magairlín eipifíteach péacach
capital protected UCITS
GCUI le caipiteal cosanta
capital protection
cosaint chaipitil
epidermal application
forchur eipideirme
hepatocellular effect
éifeacht heipiticeallach; iarmhairt heipiticeallach
capital appreciation
luachmhéadú caipitil
capital asset pricing model
samhail phraghsála i leith sócmhainní caipitiúla
capital contribution
ranníocaíocht chaipitil
capital expenditure
caiteachas caipitiúil; infheistíocht chaipitiúil
capital gain
gnóthachan caipitiúil
capital maintenance adjustment
coigeartú ar chothabháil chaipitil
capitalisation of interest
caipitliú úis
cessation of capitalisation
an caipitliú a scor; scor den chaipitliú
consistency - capitalisation of borrowing costs
comhsheasmhacht - caipitliú costas iasachtaíochta
eligible for capitalisation
incháilithe i gcomhair caipitliúcháin
equity - costs of an equity transaction
caipiteal gnáthscaireanna - costais idirbheart caipiteal gnáthscaireanna
foreign exchange - capitalisation of losses resulting from severe currency devaluations
malairt eachtrach - caipitliú caillteanas de dheasca dian-díluachálacha airgeadra