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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
index organism; indicator organism
orgánach táscach
economic indicator
táscaire eacnamaíoch
rate-of-turn indicator; ROTI
táscaire ráta iompaithe
L<SUB>night</SUB>; night equivalent level; night-time noise indicator
táscaire torainn oíche
indicative ceiling
uasteorainn tháscach
Madrid Agreement for the Repression of False or Deceptive Indications of Source on Goods
Comhaontú Mhaidrid chun cosc a chur ar Fhaisnéis Bhréagach nó Mhíthreorach a bheith ar Earraí faoina dTionscnamh
Convention on the Indication of Surnames and Forenames in Civil Status Registers; Convention on the recording of surnames and forenames in civil status registers; lCCS Convention No 14 on the recording of surnames and forenames in civil status registers
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Sonrú Sloinnte agus Réamhainmneacha i gCláir Stádais Shibhialta
indicative price; indicator price
praghas táscach
social indicator
táscaire sóisialta
the indication of the product
tásc an táirge
bioindicator; biological indicator
programme indicating anticipated revenue and expenditure
clár ina sonraítear an t-ioncam agus an caiteachas réamh-mheasta
PGI; protected geographical indication
tásc geografach faoi chosaint; TGFC
indictable offence
cion indíotáilte
main economic indicators; MEI
príomhtháscairí eacnamaíocha
indicative allocation of resources
leithdháileadh táscach acmhainní
Working Party on Foodstuff Quality (Geographical Indications and Designations of Origin)
an Mheitheal um Cháilíocht Earraí Bia (Tásca Geografacha agus Sonrúcháin Tionscnaimh)
indicative vote
vóta táscach; vótáil tháscach
National Indicative Programme; NIP
clár táscach náisiúnta
MIP; multiannual indicative programme
clár ilbhliantúil táscach; MIP
Other decisions (Adopted without discussion. In the case of legislative acts, votes against or abstentions are indicated. Decisions containing statements which the Council has decided may be released to the public or explanations of vote are asterisked; t
Cinntí eile (Arna nglacadh gan díospóireacht. I gcás gníomhartha reachtacha, léirítear vótaí in aghaidh nó staonadh. Is trí réiltín a chuirfear in iúl cinntí arna nglacadh le ráitis nó míniúchán ar vótáil ar shocraigh an Chomhairle go bhféadfaí iad a eisi
key biodiversity indicator species
speicis ar eochairtháscairí bithéagsúlachta iad
Documents referenced in the text are available on the Council's Internet site (http://www.consilium.europa.eu). Acts adopted with statements for the Council minutes which may be released to the public are indicated by an asterisk; these statements are ava
Doiciméad a dtugtar tagairtí dóibh sa téacs, tá siad ar fáil ar láithreán gréasáin na Comhairle (http://www.consilium.europa.eu). Is trí réiltín a chuirfear in iúl Gníomhartha arna nglacadh le ráitis le haghaidh mhiontuairiscí na Comhairle ar féidir iad a
Where declarations, conclusions or resolutions have been formally adopted by the Council, this is indicated in the heading for the item concerned and the text is placed between quotation marks.
Sa chás inar ghlac an Chomhairle dearbhuithe, conclúidí nó rúin go foirmiúil, cuirtear sin in iúl sa cheannteideal den ítim lena mbaineann agus cuirtear an téacs idir comharthaí athfhriotail.
periodic indicative notice
fógra táscach tréimhsiúil
geographical indication; GI
sonra geografach; tásc geografach
vacuum gauge; vacuum indicator; vacuum meter
indicator species
speiceas táscach
proxy; proxy indicator; proxy variable
athróg ionadach
indication of the facts about which the witness is to be examined
léiriú ar na fíorais faoina gceisteofar an finné
indicator gene; reporter gene
multilateral system of notification and registration of geographical indications
córas iltaobhach chun tásca geografacha a fhógairt agus a chlárú; córas iltaobhach um fhógairt agus um chlárúchán sonraí geografacha
regional indicative programme; RIP
clár táscach réigiúnach
indicative allocation(of the resources)
leithdháileadh táscach (de na hacmhainní)
malfunction indicator; MI
táscaire mífheidhme; TM
indicating plate; placard
pláta táscach
environmental performance indicator
táscaire feidhmíochta comhshaoil
satellite emergency position-indicating radio beacon
rabhchán raidió lena léirítear suíomh éigeandála trí mheán satailíte
SI; Social Indicators
SI; Táscairí Sóisialta
industrial short-term indicators; ISTI
táscaire gearrthéarmach tionsclaíochta
out of coverage indication; out-of-coverage indication signal
comhartha táisc lasmuigh den raon cumhdaigh
tread wear indicator
táscaire caithimh tráchta
airfield surface movement indicator; ASMI
táscaire maidir le gluaiseacht ar dhromchla aerpháirce
air mileage indicator; AMI
táscaire aermhíleáiste
air position indicator; API
táscaire aershuímh
airspeed indicator; ASI
táscaire aerluais
angle of attack indicator
táscaire uillinn an ionsaithe
attitude indicator
táscaire sainstiúrach
automatic direction finder bearing indicator
uatáscaire treo-uillinn treo-aimsitheora
cable angle indicator
táscaire uillinne cábla
dive angle indicator
táscaire tumuillinne
fluid level indicator
táscaire leibhéil sreabháin
height indicator
táscaire airde
IAS; indicated airspeed
aerluas léirithe
indicated altitude
airde léirithe
indicated Mach number
Machuimhir léirithe
blinker lamp; direction-indicator lamp; turn signal light
noise index; noise indicator
táscaire torainn
indicator plant
planda táscach
aquifer pollution indicator
táscaire truaillithe uiscígh
leading economic indicator; leading indicator
coincident indicator; concurrent indicator
táscaire comhthráthach
lagging economic indicator; lagging indicator
táscaire moillithe
redox indicator
táscaire ocsaídiúcháin agus dí-ocsaídiúcháin
indication; therapeutic indication
tásc teiripeach
contraindication; contra-indication
block non-occupancy indication
tásc ar bhloc saor
block occupancy indication
tásc ar bhloc gafa
fault indicator
táscaire fabhtanna
junction indicator
treotháscaire acomhail
route indicator
treoire bealaigh
wheel slip indicator
táscaire sciorradh rotha
CDI; course deviation indicator; course indicator; course-line deviation indicator; left-right needle
CDI; táscaire claonais cúrsa
IMEP; indicated mean effective pressure
meánbhrú éifeachtach léirithe
emergency position-indicating radiobeacon station
stáisiún rabhcháin raidió a léiríonn suíomh éigeandála
indicator of innovation output; innovation headline indicator; innovation output indicator; single innovation indicator
táscaire ar aschur nuálaíochta; táscaire nuálaíochta
direction indicator; traffic indicator
environmental indicator
táscaire comhshaoil
sanitary indicator
táscaire sláintíochta na timpeallachta
sequential indicator
táscaire seicheamhach
register of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications
clár um shonrúcháin tionscnaimh faoi chosaint agus um thásca geografacha faoi chosaint
danger indicator
táscaire contúirte
black list of very dangerous ships; indicative black-list of substandard ships
dúliosta long contúirteach
bioindication; bio-indication
Management Performance Indicator; MPI
táscaire feidhmíochta bainistíochta
front direction indicator lamp
treotháscaire tosaigh
European Indicator of Language Competence
an táscaire Eorpach maidir le hinniúlacht teanga
MIPD; multi-annual indicative planning document
doiciméad táscach maidir le pleanáil ilbhliantúil
gear-shift indicator; GSI
fraud indicators
táscairí calaoise
indicating instrument; measuring instrument
ionstraim tháscach
indices of difficulty
innéacsanna deacrachta
synthetic indicator
táscaire sintéiseach
indicator of impairment
táscaire maidir le lagú
oxidisability indicator
táscaire inocsaídeachta
key performance indicator; KPI
eochairtháscaire feidhmíochta
Latest Debit Time Indicator
Táscaire maidir leis an Tráth Dochair is Déanaí
Earliest Debit Time Indicator
Táscaire maidir leis an Tráth Dochair is Luaithe
indicator bacterium
baictéar táscach; táscbhaictéar
indicated prevention
cosc léirithe
treatment demand indicator
táscaire ar éileamh ar chóireáil
input indicator
táscaire ionchuir
actionable indication of interest
léiriú leasa inghníomhaithe
táscairí RACER
Directive 2010/30/EU on the indication by labelling and standard product information of the consumption of energy and other resources by energy-related products; Energy Labelling Directive
an Treoir maidir le Lipéadú Fuinnimh; Treoir 2010/30/AE maidir le tomhaltas fuinnimh agus acmhainní eile i dtáirgí a bhaineann le fuinneamh a chur in iúl trí lipéadú agus trí fhaisnéis chaighdeánach ar tháirgí a bhaineann le fuinneamh
indicator commensal bacterium
baictéar comhthíosach táscach
scoreboard of employment and social indicators; scoreboard of key employment and social indicators
scórchlár táscairí fostaíochta agus sóisialta
drug supply indicator
táscaire soláthair drugaí
safety performance indicator; SPI
táscaire feidhmíochta sábháilteachta
tax and benefits database; tax and benefits indicators database
bunachar sonraí cánach agus sochar
indicator on directional reliability
táscaire treo-iontaofachta
common risk indicators; CRI
comhtháscairí riosca
digital skills indicator
táscaire scileanna digiteacha
passive only indicator; passive only order indicator
táscaire éighníomhachta amháin
passive indicator
táscaire éighníomhachta
aggressive indicator
táscaire ionsaitheachta
epidemiological indicator
táscaire eipidéimeolaíoch
EU indicators of immigrant integration; Zaragoza indicators
táscairí AE maidir le lánpháirtiú imirceach; táscairí Zaragoza
Market Performance Indicator; MPI
MPI; táscaire feidhmíochta margaidh
smart readiness indicator
táscaire ullmhachta don chlisteacht
indicator of compromise; IoC
IoC; táscaire maidir le cur i mbaol
disability indicator
táscaire míchumais
charge indicator
taispeántóir lánáin (fir3)
fuse bar indicator
taispeántóir barra aidhnín (fir3)
range gear indicator
taispeántóir raonghléis (fir3)
ground zero indicator
taispeántóir pointe nialais (fir3)
hand-wheel method of indication
taispeáint ar mhodh lámhrotha (bain)
indication of target
taispeáint targaide (bain3)
hand-wheel method of indication
taispeáint ar mhodh an lámhrotha (bain3)
taispeántóir (fir3, gu: taispeántóra, ai: taispeántóirí, gi: taispeántóirí)
táscaire (fir4, gu: táscaire, ai: táscairí, gi: táscairí)
direction indicator
treo-tháscaire (fir4, ai: treo-tháscairí)
indicator unit
aonad taispeána (fir1)
pressure indicator
brútháscaire (fir4, gu: brútháscaire)
use his utmost exertions to carry an order into effect
a shaindícheall a dhéanamh chun ordú a chur in éifeacht