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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
MDA; minimum descent altitude
íosairde na tuirlingthe; MDA
MDH; minimum descent altitude/height; minimum descent height
íosairde na tuirlingthe
CDL; Configuration Deviation List
Liosta Diallta Cumraíochta
minimum navigation performance specifications; MNPS
íos-sonraíochtaí feidhmiúcháin aerloingseoireachta
minimum sector altitude; MSA
íosairde ceantair
lower risk species
speiceas lena mbaineann riosca íseal
respiratory tract disease
galar sa chonair riospráide
risk analysis
anailís riosca
risk perception
braistint riosca
ventilated brake disc; ventilated rotor
diosc-choscán aeráilte
kick down
cic síos
model risk
riosca de bharr samhaltaithe; riosca de thairbhe an tsamhaltaithe
RCT; Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims
an tIonad Athshlánúcháin agus Taighde le haghaidh Íospartaigh an Chéasta
B'Tselem; Israeli Information Centre for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories
Ionad Eolais Iosrael um Chearta an Duine sna Críocha faoi Fhorghabháil
CDU; Christian Democracy Union; Christian Democratic Union
An tAontas Daonlathach Críostaí
Christian Social Union; CSU
An tAontas Sóisialach Críostaí
CDM; Christian Democratic Movement; Christian Democratic Party
an Páirtí Daonlathach Críostaí
incipient user; neophyte; neophyte user
Christian Social Party; PCS
An Páirtí Sóisialach Críostaí
dispute on voting
díospóid maidir leis an vótáil
request for urgent debate
iarraidh ar dhíospóireacht phráinneach
committee of inquiry; temporary committee of inquiry
coiste fiosrúcháin; coiste fiosrúcháin sealadach
Cooperation Agreement for the protection of the coasts and waters of the north-east Atlantic against pollution; Lisbon Agreement
an Comhaontú um chomhar maidir le Cóstaí agus Uiscí an Atlantaigh Thoir Thuaidh a Chosaint ar Thruailliú; Comhaontú Liospóin
closure of a debate
críochnú na díospóireachta; díospóireacht a chríochnú
question for oral answer; question for oral answer with debate
ceist i gcomhair freagra ó bhéal; Ceist i gcomhair freagra ó bhéal maille le díospóireacht
right of inquiry
ceart fiosrúcháin
joint debate
list of speakers
liosta cainteoirí
Centre for Information, Discussion and Exchange on Asylum; CIREA
Ionad um Fhaisnéis, Díospóireacht agus Malartú maidir le tearmann
CDA; Christian Democratic Alliance; Christian Democratic Union
An tAontas Daonlathach Críostaí
procedure in plenary without amendment and debate
nós imeachta sa suí iomlánach gan leasú agus gan díospóireacht
dispute resolution; dispute settlement
réiteach díospóidí
E2PROM; EEPROM; electrical erasable programmable read-only memory; electrically erasable programmable read-only memory
cuimhne inléite amháin in-ríomhchláraithe in-léirscriosta go leictreach; EEPROM
enteric redmouth disease; ERM; Hagerman disease; yersiniosis
ERM; iairsíonóis
market risk; systematic risk; undiversifiable risk
riosca córasach; riosca margaidh
settlement/delivery risk
riosca socraíochta/seachadta
brewers' dried grains
triosc tirim
monthly expenditure profile; profile of monthly expenditure
próifíl mhíosúil chaiteachais
rehabilitation of victims
athshlánú íospartach
anticoccidial; coccidiostat
coicideastat; frithchoicideach
distillers' dark grains
dúthriosc driogaireachta
distillers' dried grains; dried distillers' grains
triosc tirim driogaireachta
National Islamic Front; NIF
an Fronta Náisiúnta Ioslamach; NIF
respiratory disease
galar riospráide
International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims; IRCT
an Chomhairle Athshlánúcháin Idirnáisiúnta le haghaidh Íospartaigh an Chéasta; IRCT
International Commission of Inquiry (Rwanda)
an Coimisiún Idirnáisiúnta Fiosrúcháin (Ruanda)
Daphne Programme; Programme of Community action (2004 to 2008) to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at risk; Programme of Community action (the Daphne Programme) (2000-2003) on preventive measures to fight violence against children, young persons and women; Specific programme (2007-2013) to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at risk (Daphne III programme) as part of the General Programme Fundamental Rights and Justice
an Clár gníomhaíochta Comhphobail (2004 go 2008) chun an foréigean i gcoinne leanaí, daoine óga agus ban a chosc agus a chomhrac agus chun íospartaigh agus grupaí atá i mbaol a chosaint; an Clár gníomhaíochta Comhphobail (an Clár Daphne) (2000 - 2003) maidir le bearta coisctheacha chun an foréigean in aghaidh leanaí, daoine óga agus ban a chomhrac; an Clár Sonrach (2007-2013) chun an foréigean i gcoinne leanaí, daoine óga agus ban a chosc agus a chomhrac agus chun íospartaigh agus grúpaí atá i mbaol a chosaint (Clár Daphne III) mar chuid den Chlár Ginearálta "Cearta Bunúsacha agus Ceartas"; Clár Daphne; Clár Daphne II; DAPHNE
torture victim; victim of torture
íospartach céastóireachta
conditions of detention; prison conditions
coinníollacha coinneála; coinníollacha príosúin
rights of victims; victims' rights
cearta íospartach
prison system
córas na bpriosún
alternative to prison
malairt ar phríosúnacht
overcrowding in prisons; prison overcrowding
plódú i bpríosúin
custodial penalty; custodial sanction; custodial sentence; deprivation of liberty; imprisonment; incarceration
catalogue of fundamental rights; list of basic rights; list of fundamental rights
liosta de chearta bunúsacha
solvency risk
riosca sócmhainneachta
crime victim
íospartach coireachta
ACAT; Action by Christians against Torture; Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture
ACAT; Gníomhaíocht ag Críostaithe i gcoinne na Céastóireachta
National Committee for the Missing & Prisoner of War Affairs - Kuwait; NCMPA
Coiste Náisiúnta um chúrsaí a bhaineann le daoine ar iarraidh agus le príosúnaigh chogaidh - Cuáit; NCMPA
CDU-CPP; Christian Democratic Union - Czech People's Party; Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party; KDU-CSL
An tAontas Daonlathach Críostaí - Páirtí Phobal na Seice
Christian National Union; ZChN
Aontas Náisiúnta na gCríostaithe
CDPP; Christian Democratic People's Party; HCP
Páirtí an Phobail Dhaonlathaigh Chríostaí
DMD; Duchenne muscular dystrophy; Duchenne type muscular dystrophy; Duchenne's muscular dystrophy; Meryon's disease; Muscular dystrophy - Duchenne type; pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy
diostróife mhatánach bhréag-hipeartrófach; diostróife mhatánach Duchenne
minimum age of criminal responsibility
aois íosta na freagrachta coiriúla
reserve list
liosta ionadaithe
PoW; prisoner of war
príosúnach cogaidh
parafiscal charges; parafiscal levies; para-fiscal taxes
táillí paraifhioscacha
Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps; IRGC; Islamic Revolution Guard Corps; Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps; Pasdaran
Cór Gharda na Réabhlóide Ioslamaí
greater grison
gríosún mór
afep pigeon
colm aonchriosach
ICVS; International Crime Victim Survey; International Crime Victimization Survey
an Suirbhé Idirnáisiúnta ar Íospartaigh Choireachta; ICVS
disk image
íomhá diosca
bulleted list; UL; unordered list
liosta le hurchair
SCLC; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Southern Leadership Conference; Southern Leadership Conference on Transportation and Nonviolent Integration
Comhdháil Cheannaireachta Críostaí an Deiscirt; SCLC
listed security; quoted security; security admitted to trading on a regulated market
stoc liostaithe
economic rent
cíos eacnamaíoch
FPI; Front Pembela Islam; Islamic Defenders Front
Fronta na gCosantóirí Ioslamacha
risk shield
sciath in éadan riosca
victim of violence
íospartach foréigin
audit risk
riosca iniúchóireachta
control risk; CR
riosca maidir le rialú
sampling risk
riosca samplála
enquiry; inquiry
detect risk; detection risk; DR
riosca maidir le haimsiú earráidí
high-risk area
réimse ardriosca
high-risk transaction
idirbheart ardriosca
risk capital market; venture capital market
margadh caipitil fiontair; margadh caipitil riosca
risk analysis
anailís riosca
aerostat; lighter-than-air aircraft
aerárthach atá níos éadroime ná an t-aer; aerastat; aerlong
distiller's grain
triosc tirim driogaireachta
pistachio; pistachio nut
cnó piostáise; piostáis
crios bán
industrial dispute; labour dispute
díospóid thionsclaíoch
price list
orientation debate; policy debate
díospóireacht bheartais
risk management
bainistíocht riosca; bainistiú priacail
previous evidence may be amplified
féadfar cur le fianaise a tugadh cheana; féadfar fianaise níos iomláine a thabhairt
list of abbreviations
liosta giorrúchán
below; hereafter; hereinafter
ina dhiaidh seo; thíos
deleting the second decimal
an dara hionad deachúlach a scriosadh
to delete
European Agreement on the Abolition of Visas for Refugees
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le Deireadh a chur le Víosaí do Dhídeanaithe
Agreement on Minimum Requirements for the Issue and Validity of Driving Permits (APC)
an Comhaontú maidir le hÍosriachtanais um Eisiúint agus um Bailíocht Ceadúnas Tiomána (APC)
Revised General Act for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes
an Gníomh Ginearálta Athbhreithnithe maidir le Réiteach Síochánta Díospóidí Idirnáisiúnta
urgent debate
díospóireacht phráinneach
ship's manifest
lastliosta loinge
Convention concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment; Minimum Age Convention, 1973
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an aois íosta ag a nglacfar duine isteach i bhfostaíocht
Optional Protocol concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes
Prótacal roghnach maidir le Réiteach Éigeantach Díospóidí
Convention concerning the Minimum Age for Admission to Employment as Fishermen; Minimum Age (Fishermen) Convention, 1959
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Aois Íosta Iontrála d’Fhostaíocht mar Iascaire
Convention concerning the Minimum Age for Admission to Employment Underground in Mines; Minimum Age (Underground Work) Convention, 1965
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Aois Íosta Iontrála don Fhostaíocht faoi Thalamh i Mianaigh
Convention on Consent to Marriage, Minimum Age for Marriage and Registration of Marriages
an Coinbhinsiún um Thoiliú le Pósadh, an Aois Íosta Phósta agus Clárú Póstaí
Convention concerning the Right of Association and the Settlement of Labour Disputes in Non-Metropolitan Territories; Right of Association (Non-Metropolitan Territories) Convention, 1947
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an gCeart Comhlachais agus le Réiteach Díospóidí Saothair i gCríocha Neamhchathracha; an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an gCeart Comhlachais agus le Réiteach Díospóidí Saothair i gCríocha Neamh-mheitreapholaiteacha
European Convention for the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Réiteach Síochánta ar Dhíospóidí
Convention concerning Minimum Wage Fixing, with Special Reference to Developing Countries; Minimum Wage Fixing Convention, 1970
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Socrú Íosphá, le haird ar leith ar Thíortha i mBéal Forbartha
Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War
Coinbhinsiún na Ginéive maidir le Cóireáil Príosúnach Cogaidh
Convention concerning Minimum Standards in Merchant Ships; Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1976
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Caighdeáin Íosta ar Longa Trádála
Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-international Armed Conflicts (Protocol II)
Prótacal breise a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiúin na Ginéive an 12 Lúnasa 1949 agus a bhaineann le híospartaigh coinbhleachtaí armtha neamh-idirnáisiúnta a chosaint (Prótacal II)
Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I)
Prótacal Breise a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiúin na Ginéive den 12 Lúnasa 1949, agus a bhaineann le hÍospartaigh Coinbhleachtaí Armtha Idirnáisiúnta a Choimirciú (Prótacal I)
re-entry visa
víosa athiontrála
common policy on visas; common visa policy; visa policy
beartas víosaí
exemption from the visa requirement; visa waiver
díolúine ón gceanglas víosa; tarscaoileadh víosa
ICSID; International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
an Lárionad Idirnáisiúnta chun Díospóidí Infheistíochtaí a Shocrú; ICSID
ship's biscuit
briosca farraige
minimum landing size; minimum size; MLS
íosmhéid gabhála
fishing zone; FZ
crios iascaireachta; limistéar iascaireachta
Comitology Decision; Council Decision laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission; Decision on Committee Procedure
an Cinneadh maidir leis an nós imeachta coiste; Cinneadh ón gComhairle lena leagtar síos nósanna imeachta maidir le feidhmiú na gcumhachtaí cur chun feidhme arna dtabhairt don Choimisiún
currency risk; exchange rate risk; foreign currency risk; foreign exchange rate risk; foreign-exchange risk; FX risk
riosca malairte eachtraí
free list
liosta saor; saorliosta
risk capital; venture capital
caipiteal riosca; capiteal fiontair
Seabed Treaty; Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Seabed and the Ocean Floor and in the Subsoil thereof
an Conradh um Ghrinneall na Farraige; an Conradh um thoirmeasc ar airm núicléacha agus airm eile ollscriosta a shuí ar leaba na farraige, ar ghrinneall an aigéin agus ar a bhfo-ithir
subject to a visa requirement
faoi réir ceanglais víosa
single-entry visa
víosa dul isteach aonuaire
entry visa
víosa iontrála
visa ban
toirmeasc víosa
Schengen C visa; Schengen visa; short term visa; short-stay visa
víosa ghearrchónaithe; víosa ghearrfhanachta
customs duty of a fiscal nature
dleachtanna custaim de chineál fioscach
to make additions to (list)
cuir le (liosta)
the following countries shall be added to the list
cuirfear na tíortha seo a leanas ar an liosta
accounting year; business year; financial year; fiscal year; FY
bliain airgeadais; bliain chuntasaíochta; bliain fhioscach; bliain ghnó
detailed description
cur síos mionsonraithe; miontuairisc
to lay down (procedure)
leag síos (nós imeachta)
measure of inquiry; preparatory inquiry
bearta fiosrúcháin; réamhfhiosrúchán
minimum price
íosphraghas; praghas íosta
EPROM; erasable programmable read-only memory; erasable programmable ROM; erasable, programmable, read only memory; RPROM
cuimhne inléite amháin in-ríomhchláraithe in-léirscriosta; EPROM
Agreement on the determination of part of the Common Customs Tariff in respect of the products in List G annexed to the EEC Treaty
Comhaontú i dtaobh cuid den Chomhtharaif chustaim a bhunú a bhaineann le táirgí i liosta G atá i gceangal le Conradh CEE
Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States; ICSID Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Díospóidí Infheistíochtaí idir Stáit agus Náisiúnaigh Stát Eile a Shocrú
list of names
liosta ainmneacha
minimum percentage
céatadán íosta; íoschéatadán
under the conditions laid down in ...
faoi na coinníollacha atá leagtha síos i ...; faoi na coinníollacha dá bhforáiltear i ...
provisions laid down by regulation
forálacha arna leagan síos le rialachán; forálacha rialacháin
to observe the principles
urramaigh na priosabail
band saw
the minimum rate of progressive increase for quotas
íosráta mhéadú comhleanúnach na gcuótaí; íosráta mhéadú forchéimnitheach na gcuótaí
visa holder
sealbhóir víosa
data erasure; erasure of data; erasure of personal data
sonraí a scriosadh
minimum lending rate; MLR
íosráta iasachta
CD; compact disc
CD; dlúthdhiosca
automatic fiscal stabiliser
uathchobhsaitheoir fioscach
Convention concerning Minimum Wage Fixing Machinery in Agriculture; Minimum Wage Fixing Machinery (Agriculture) Convention, 1951
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Córas Socraithe Íosphá sa Talmhaíocht
Convention concerning Minimum Standards of Social Security; Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Caighdeáin Íosta na Slándála Sóisialta
brewers' grain; spent grain
Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes (1907)
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le réiteach síochánta díospóidí idirnáisiúnta (1907)
tabling and moving of amendments
leasuithe a chur síos agus a thairiscint
materialisation of the risk
teacht ann don riosca
Convention Fixing the Minimum Age for Admission of Children to Industrial Employment; Minimum Age (Industry) Convention 1919
an Coinbhinsiún lena socraítear an aois íosta iontrála do leanaí don fhostaíocht thionsclaíoch
Convention Fixing the Minimum Age for Admission of Children to Industrial Employment (Revised 1937); Minimum Age (Industry) Convention (Revised), 1937
an Coinbhinsiún lena socraítear an aois íosta iontrála do leanaí don fhostaíocht thionsclaíoch (athbhreithnithe)
Convention Fixing the Minimum Age for Admission of Children to Employment at Sea; Minimum Age (Sea) Convention, 1920
an Coinbhinsiún lena socraítear an aois íosta iontrála do leanaí don fhostaíocht ar muir
Convention Fixing the Minimum Age for the Admission of Children to Employment at Sea (Revised 1936); Minimum Age (Sea) Convention (Revised), 1936
an Coinbhinsiún lena socraítear an aois íosta iontrála do leanaí don fhostaíocht ar muir (athbhreithnithe)
Convention Fixing the Minimum Age for the Admission of Young Persons to Employment as Trimmers or Stokers; Minimum Age (Trimmers and Stokers) Convention, 1921
an Coinbhinsiún lena socraítear an aois íosta iontrála do leanaí don fhostaíocht mar fheisteoirí agus mar stócálaithe
Convention concerning the Creation of Minimum Wage-Fixing Machinery; Minimum Wage-Fixing Machinery Convention, 1928
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cruthú Córais um Shocrú Íosphá
Convention concerning the Minimum Requirement of Professional Capacity for Masters and Officers on Board Merchant Ships; Officers' Competency Certificates Convention, 1936
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an íoscheanglas inniúlachta gairmiúla do mháistrí agus d'oifigigh ar bord long trádála
fiscal policy
beartas fioscach
main risk
European Convention on the Compensation of Victims of Violent Crimes
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Cúiteamh d''Íospartaigh Coireanna Foréigneacha
consolidation measure; fiscal consolidation measure
beart comhdhlúthaithe; beart um chomhdhlúthú fioscach
minimum school leaving age
an aois íosta fágála scoile
risk assessment
measúnú riosca
credit risk; default risk; loan risk
riosca creidmheasa; riosca mainneachtana
fiscal monopolies
monaplacht fhioscach
fiscal fraud; tax evasion; tax fraud
calaois chánach; calaois fhioscach; imghabháil cánach
valid visa
víosa bhailí
adjournment of a debate
díospóireacht a chur ar atráth
crystallised sugar
siúcra criostalaithe
housing allowance; housing supplement; lodging allowance; rent allowance
liúntas cíosa
minimum reserves
cúlchiste íosta
investigation; preparatory inquiry
Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration
Comhaontú Liospóin maidir le Sonrúcháin Tionscnaimh a Chosaint agus maidir lena gClárú go hIdirnáisiúnta
International Organisation of Securities Commissions; IOSCO
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta um Choimisiúin Urrús; IOSCO
When Member States adopt those measures, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such reference on the occasion of their official publication. The methods of making such a reference shall be laid down by the Member Stat
Nuair a ghlacfaidh na Ballstáit na bearta sin, beidh iontu tagairt don Treoir sin nó gabhfaidh an tagairt sin leo tráth a bhfoilsithe oifigiúil. Is iad na Ballstáit a leagfaidh síos na modhanna ina ndéanfar an tagairt sin
common list of aliens for whom an alert has been issued for the purposes of refusing entry
comhliosta d'eachtrannaigh a bhfuil foláireamh eisithe ina leith ar mhaithe le hiontráil a dhiúltú dóibh
energy efficient
fuinneamhéifeachtúil; tíosach ar fhuinneamh
uniform visa
víosa chomhionann
long-stay visa; long-term visa
víosa fadfhanachta
risk concentration
comhchruinniú rioscaí
Handicapped people in the European Community Living Independently in an Open Society; HELIOS II; Third Community action programme for disabled people; Third Community action programme to assist disabled people
Daoine faoi Mhíchumas sa Chomhphobal Eorpach ag Maireachtáil go Neamhspleách i Sochaí Oscailte; HELIOS II
to exceed their obligations
dul níos faide ná mar a bhí d'oibleagáid orthu
the institutions whose decisions are in dispute
na hinstitiúidí a bhfuil a gcinntí faoi dhíospóid
to rule on any disputes
tabhair rialú ar aon díospóid
globe artichoke
bliosán cruinn
crude bismuth
biosmat amh
Convention Providing a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes
an Coinbhinsiún lena leagtar síos Dlí Comhionann le haghaidh Billí Malairte nó Nótaí Gealltanais
on the basis of intensified consultations
ar bhonn comhairliúchán níos dlúithe
disc harrow
bráca diosca
to deal with a dispute
déileáil le díospóid
to exceed
bheith níos mó ná; téigh thar
minimum charge
the minimum germinating factor
an fachtóir ginidithe is íosta
to inquire into a request
fiosrúchán a dhéanamh faoi iarraidh
to lay down provisions
forálacha a leagan síos
to lay down
leag síos
listed in
atá liostaithe in
lower limit
liberalisation list
liosta léirscaoilte
a liostaítear; liostaithe
to bring ... to the knowledge of ...
... cuir i bhfios do ...
fiscal element
eilimint fhioscach
in the manner laid down
ar an modh atá leagtha síos
commission of inquiry
coimisiún fiosrúcháin
chrysoins S
criosóin S
micro-crystalline wax
céir mhicricriostalta
policy of encouragement
beartas gríosachta
the lower weight limit
an íosteorainn mheáchain
the undersigned Plenipotentiaries
na Lánchumhachtaigh thíos-sínithe
appropriate zones
crios iomchuí
natural yeasts (active or inactive); prepared baking powders
giostaí nádúrtha, gníomhach nó neamhghníomhach; giostaí saorga ullmhaithe
mounted piezo-electric crystals; photocells
criostal písileictreach suite; fótaichill
renting of space
láthair a thógáil ar cíos
counterparty risk; risk of counterparty failure
riosca contrapháirtí
insurable risk
riosca inárachais
General Sales List medicine; GSL medicine
cógas ar an Liosta Díolachán Ginearálta
interest rate risk
riosca an ráta úis
stronger protection measures
bearta cosanta níos déine
risk phrase; R-phrase
frása riosca
Protocol Instituting a Conciliation and Good Offices Commission to be Responsible for Seeking the Settlement of Any Disputes which May Arise between States Parties to the Convention against Discrimination in Education
Prótacal chun Coimisiún idir-réitigh agus cúnaimh a thionscnamh a mbeidh de dhualgas air réiteach a lorg ar aon díospóidí a d''fhéadfadh teacht chun cinn idir Stáit is páirtithe sa Choinbhinsiún i gcoinne idirdhealaithe sa chóras oideachais
MEV; multiple entry visa
víosa dul isteach iolrach
budgetary consolidation; consolidation of public finances; fiscal consolidation
comhdhlúthú buiséadach; comhdhlúthú fioscach
fiscal year; tax year; year of assessment
bliain chánach; bliain fhioscach; bliain mheasúnachta
Imprisonment by way of substitution for ...
príosúnacht in ionad ...
position risk
riosca an tsuímh
well-founded fear of being persecuted; well-founded fear of persecution
faitíos roimh ghéarleanúint a bhfuil bunús maith leis
IDB; Islamic Development Bank
Banc Ioslamach um Fhorbraíocht
OIC; Organisation of Islamic Cooperation; Organisation of the Islamic Conference
Eagraíocht na Comhdhála Ioslamaí; OIC
MBC; minimum bacteriological concentration
íostiúchan bhaictéareolaíoch
Afghanistan; Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
an Afganastáin; Poblacht Ioslamach na hAfganastáine
Iceland; Republic of Iceland
an Íoslainn; Poblacht na hÍoslainne
Iran; Islamic Republic of Iran
an Iaráin; Poblacht Ioslamach na hIaráine
Israel; State of Israel
Iosrael; Stát Iosrael
Islamic Republic of Mauritania; Mauritania
an Mháratáin; Poblacht Ioslámach na Máratáine
Islamic Republic of Pakistan; Pakistan
an Phacastáin; Poblacht Ioslamach na Pacastáine
Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Christopher and Nevis; Saint Kitts and Nevis
Cónaidhm San Críostóir-Nimheas; San Críostóir-Nimheas
fiscal agent
gníomhaire fioscach
tamper-proof label
lipéad crioscaíldíonach
Convention on Temporary Admission; Convention relating to temporary admission; Istanbul Convention
Coinbhinsiún Iostanbúl; Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cead Isteach Sealadach
researcher with a high degree of experience in one or more fields
oifigeach staidéir le hardleibhéal taithí i réimse amháin nó níos mó
visa requirement
ceanglas víosa
crann piostáisí
public debate
díospóireacht phoiblí
macroprudential risk; systemic risk; system-wide risk
riosca macrastuamachta; riosca sistéamach
official whose whereabouts are unknown
oifigeach nach fios cá bhfuil sé
risk weight
ualú riosca
peaceful settlement of disputes
réiteach síochánta díospóidí
wood bison
bíosún coille
cachtas bliosáin
the minimum employment age
an aois íosta fostaíochta
case list
liosta na gcásanna
security clearance; security investigation; security screening; security vetting
criathrú slándála; grinnfhiosrúchán slándála
Dispute Settlement Body; DSB
an Comhlacht um Réiteach Díospóidí
higher value-added product
táirge breisluacha níos airde
fiscal transparency; tax transparency
trédhearcacht fhioscach
Visa Working Party
an Mheitheal um Víosaí
Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners
Íosrialacha Caighdeánacha um Dhéileáil le Príosúnaigh
AOS; arm ollscriosta; armán ollscriosta
biosafety; laboratory biosafety
bithshábháilteacht; bithshábháilteacht sa tsaotharlann
Dispute Settlement Understanding; DSU; Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes
an Comhaontú maidir le Rialacha agus Nósanna Imeachta a Rialaíonn Réiteach Díospóidí; an Comhaontú um Réiteach Díospóidí
procedure without debate
nós imeachta gan díospóireacht
GIA; Grúpa Ioslamach Armtha
IUCN Red List; IUCN Red List of Threatened Species; RLTS
Liosta Dearg IUCN; Liosta Dearg IUCN na Speiceas faoi Bhagairt
incitement to racial hatred
gríosú chun fuatha chiníoch
bottom-up approach
Cur chuige ó bhun aníos
Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power
Dearbhú Bhunphrionsabail an Cheartais d'Íospartaigh na Coireachta agus na mí-úsáide cumhachta
false imprisonment; illegal detention; illegal restraint; unlawful detention; unlawful imprisonment
coinneáil go neamhdhleathach; príosúnú neamhdhleathach; srianadh neamhdhleathach
liquidity risk
riosca leachtachta; riosca neamhleachtachta
Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes (1899)
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le réiteach síochánta díospóidí idirnáisiúnta (1899)
risk characterisation
tréithriú riosca
non-listed company
cuideachta neamhliostaithe
risk and reward profile; risk-earnings profile; risk-return profile
próifíl riosca agus luaíochta
general market risk
riosca ginearálta margaidh
basis risk
riosca boinn
LCC; local consular cooperation regarding visas; local Schengen cooperation
comhar áitiúil Schengen; comhar consalach áitiúil maidir le viosaí
Other decisions (Adopted without discussion. In the case of legislative acts, votes against or abstentions are indicated. Decisions containing statements which the Council has decided may be released to the public or explanations of vote are asterisked; t
Cinntí eile (Arna nglacadh gan díospóireacht. I gcás gníomhartha reachtacha, léirítear vótaí in aghaidh nó staonadh. Is trí réiltín a chuirfear in iúl cinntí arna nglacadh le ráitis nó míniúchán ar vótáil ar shocraigh an Chomhairle go bhféadfaí iad a eisi
Biosafety Protocol; Cartagena Protocol; Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety; Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity; CPB
Prótacal Cartagena ar an mBithshábháilteacht; Prótacal Cartagena ar an mBithshábháilteacht a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún maidir leis an Éagsúlacht Bhitheolaíoch
Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the State of Israel, of the other part
an Comhaontú Eora-Mheánmhara lena mbunaítear comhlachas idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus a mBallstáit, de pháirt, agus Stát Iosrael, den pháirt eile
íosóip íceach
Visa Waiver Program; VWP
Clár Tarscaoilte Víosa
fiscal discipline
smacht fioscach
Red List of Wadden Sea species and biotopes
Liosta Dearg na Speiceas agus na mBiotóp sa Mhuir Wadden
MEL; minimum equipment list
íosliosta trealaimh
CHARM; CHARM model; Chemical Hazard Assessment and Risk Management
CHARM; Samhail le haghaidh Measúnú Guaise agus Bainistiú Riosca ar Cheimiceáin
fiscal impulse
ríog fhioscach
budgetary effort; budgetary impulse; fiscal effort; fiscal stimulus; fiscal stimulus effort
spreagadh fioscach
value-at-risk; VAR
luach faoi riosca
NSG trigger list; trigger list
liosta truicir; liosta truicir NSG
largehead hairtail
criosóg bholgshúileach
budgetary adjustment; fiscal adjustment
coigeartú fioscach
fiscal authority
údarás fioscach
budgetary stance; fiscal policy stance; fiscal stance
staid fhioscach
UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture; United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture
Ciste Saorálach na Náisiún Aontaithe um Íospartaigh Chéastóireachta
inquiry; taking of evidence
fianaise a ghlacadh; fiosrúchán
items adopted without discussion; items approved without debate
míreanna arna nglacadh gan díospóireacht
public policy debate
díospóireacht ar bheartais phoiblí
VIS; Visa Information System
an Córas Faisnéise Víosaí; VIS
Working Party on Products not listed in Annex I
an Mheitheal um Tháirgí nach bhfuil liostaithe in Iarscríbhinn I
energy efficient technology; fuel-saving technology
teicneolaíocht atá tíosach ar fhuinneamh
risk communication
cumarsáid maidir le rioscaí
prisoner of conscience
príosúnach coinsiasa
Body of Principles for the Protection of all Persons under any Form of Detention or Imprisonment
an Corpas Prionsabal maidir le Cosaint an uile Dhuine atá faoi Choinneáil de chineál ar bith nó i bPríosún
ADR; alternative dispute resolution; out-of-court dispute resolution; out-of-court settlement of disputes
malairt modhanna chun díospóidí a réiteach
common list of military equipment; common military list; Common Military List of the European Union; EU CML
liosta comhchoiteann míleata; Liosta Comhchoiteann Míleata an Aontais Eorpaigh
risk assessment of potential crises
measúnú riosca ar ghéarchéimeanna féideartha
belted beauty
scothóg chriosach
Hamas; Islamic Resistance Movement
an Ghluaiseacht Frithbheartaíochta Ioslamaí; Hamas
CEL; combined events list
Comhliosta Imeachtaí
disaster victim identification; DVI
DVI; sainaithint íospartach tubaistí
Lisbon Agenda; Lisbon Strategy
straitéis Liospóin
fiscal risk
riosca fioscach
Istanbul Protocol; Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
Lámhleabhar maidir le céasadh agus íde eile atá cruálach, mídhaonna nó táireach a imscrúdú agus a dhoiciméadú go héifeachtach; Prótacal Iostanbúl
Master Minimum Equipment List; MMEL
máistirliosta trealaimh íosta
MCR; minimum capital requirement
íosriachtanas caipitil
SEZ; special economic zone
Crios Eacnamaíoch Speisialta
inquisitorial procedure
nós imeachta fiosrúchánach
tíosach ar acmhainní
Iceland catshark
catsúileach Íoslannach
commensal bacterium
baictéar comhthíosach
downside risk
riosca ar an taobh thíos
approval of the list of "A" items
formheas liosta na míreanna "A"
better law-making; better regulation
reachtóireacht níos fearr; rialáil níos fearr
dispute resolution mechanism; dispute settlement mechanism
sásra um réiteach díospóidí
10 Plus 10 Over 10 Program; G8 Global Partnership; Global Partnership against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction; GP
an Chomhpháirtíocht Dhomhanda G8; an Chomhpháirtíocht Dhomhanda i gcoinne Leathadh Arm agus Ábhar Ollscriosta; an Chomhpháirtíocht Dhomhanda in aghaidh Leathadh Arm agus Ábhar Ollscriosta
EU Strategy against the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction; EU WMD Non-Proliferation Strategy; EU WMD Strategy
Straitéis AE i gcoinne leathadh arm ollscriosta; Straitéis WMD an Aontais
As regards Iceland and Norway, this [INSTRUMENT] constitutes a development of the provisions of the Schengen <i>acquis</i> within the meaning of the Agreement concluded by the Council of the European Union and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of No
Maidir leis an Íoslainn agus leis an Iorua, is éard atá san [IONSTRAIM] seo ná forbairt ar fhorálacha acquis Schengen, de réir bhrí an Chomhaontaithe arna thabhairt i gcrích idir Comhairle an Aontais Eorpaigh agus Poblacht na hÍoslainne agus Ríocht na hIo
central VIS; Central Visa Information System; CS-VIS
Córas Lárnach Faisnéise Víosaí; CS-VIS
natural risk
riosca nádúrtha
IIA; Interinstitutional agreement on better law-making
comhaontú idirinstitúideach maidir le reachtóireacht níos fearr
watch list
liosta faire
risk control
rialú an riosca; rialú rioscaí
Asylum Procedures Directive; Directive 2013/32/EU on common procedures for granting and withdrawing international protection; Directive on minimum standards on procedures in Member States for granting and withdrawing refugee status
Treoir 2005/85/CE maidir le caighdeáin íosta i ndáil le nósanna imeachta i mBallstáit chun stádas dídeanaí a dheonú nó a tharraingt siar; Treoir 2013/32/AE maidir le nósanna imeachta coiteanna chun stádas cosanta idirnáisiúnta a dheonú agus a tharraingt siar; Treoir maidir le Nósanna Imeachta Tearmainn
4-[(4-dimethylaminophenyl)-phenyl-methyl]-N,N-dimethyl-aniline; crystal violet; Gentian violet; hexamethyl pararosaniline chloride; methyl violet 10B
vialait chriostail
cog belt; cogged belt; timing belt; toothed belt
crios comhuainiúcháin
IIO; International Islamic Organization
Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta Ioslamach
International Organisation for Crystal Growth; IOCG
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta um Fhás Criostal
International Organisation for Succulent Plant Study; IOS
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta um Staidéar ar Phlandaí Súmhara
International Organisation for the Study of Human Development; IOSHD
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta um Staidéar ar Fhorbairt Dhaonna
MIC; minimum inhibitory concentration
íoschoscaire tiúchana
respiratory illness; ri
galar riospráide
minute ventilation; minute volume; MV; respiratory minute volume; RMV; ventilatory minute volume
RMV; toirt riospráide in aghaidh an nóiméid
upper respiratory tract infection; URI; URTI
ionfhabhtú sa chonair riospráide uachtarach
International Organisation of Plant Biosystematists; IOPB
Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta na mBithchórasaithe Plandaí
NMD; nutritional muscular dystrophy
diostróife mhatánach ó easpa cothaithe
NDA; NDE; NDT; non-destructive assay; non-destructive examination; non-destructive test; non-destructive testing
tástáil neamhscriosach; TNS
aerodynamic particle sizer; APS
miosúr aeraidinimiciúil cáithníní
mini-invasive surgery; minimally invasive surgery; MIS
máinliacht íosionrach
minimum contract value
íosluach conarthach; luach conarthach íosta
minimum interest rate
íosráta úis
revenue producing project
tionscadal fioscach
usual pre-credit risk
gnáthriosca réamhchreidmheasa
yeast nutrient
cothaitheach giosta
crystal size
méid na gcriostal
reflection of the crystals
frithscáil na gcriostal
fishing vessel eligible to fish within the area of fisheries
bád iascaireachta atá incháilithe chun iascaireacht a dhéanamh i gcrios iascaigh
protected zone
crios faoi chosaint
minimum prices for export
íosphraghas onnmhairiúcháin
minimum selling price
íosphraghas díola
dissected lean meat
feoil thrua dhiosctha
natural yeast; nature yeast
giosta nádúrtha
active yeast
giosta beo
palm oil crystallisation
criostalú ola phailme
transfer risk
riosca i dtaca le haistriú
budget surplus; budgetary surplus; fiscal surplus
barrachas buiséadach; barrachas buiséid; barrachas fioscach
list of ledger balances
liosta na n-iarmhéideanna mórleabhair
Laboratory Biosafety Manual
Lámhleabhar an EDS maidir le Bithshábháilteacht i Saotharlann
chondriosome; mitochondrion
bacteriostat; bacteriostatic; bacteriostatic agent
éifeachtúlacht; tíosacht
fire risk
riosca dóiteáin
high-risk group; vulnerable group
grúpa ardriosca; grúpa leochaileach
preparatory inquiry
wild yeast
fiaghiosta; giosta fiáin
prison law
dlí an phríosúin
rent quotations
luachana cíosa
revenue producing activity
gníomhaíocht fhioscach
overlapping zone
crios forluiteach
minimum tillage
rental car
gluaisteán ar cíos
compact disc read-only memory
dlúthdhiosca cuimhne inléite amháin
burst disc; bursting disc; bursting disk; frangible disc; rupture disk; safety disc
diosca bristeach
trapezoidal belt; v-belt; vee belt
meat in pieces of less than 100 grams
feoil i bpíosaí is lú ná 100 gram
liberalisation list
liosta léirscaoilte
risk spreading; spreading of risks
scaipeadh rioscaí
risk perception
braistint riosca
cothromú síos; slánú síos
wood bison
bíosún coille
girdled lizard
laghairt chriosach
GMI; guaranteed minimum income; minimum income guarantee
íos-ioncam ráthaithe
rash; skin rash
gríos craicinn
allocated transfer risk reserves(ATRR)
cúlchiste leithroinnte don riosca i dtaca le haistriú
event risk
riosca teagmhais
operating ratios
cóimheas oibriúcháin
company listed on a stock exchange; company whose shares are officially listed on stock exchanges; listed company; publicly listed company; publicly traded company; quoted company
cuideachta arna liostú ar stocmhalartán; cuideachta liostaithe
monthly returns to a central control point
tuairisciú mhíosúil chuig lárphointe rialúcháin
risk linked with the sources of their capital
riosca a bhfuil dlúthbhaint aige le foinsí a gcaipitil
minimum cash requirement
riachtanas íosta airgid thirim
living wage; minimum living wage
íosphá maireachtála
export processing zone
crios próiseála onnmhairí
fiscal stimulus; fiscal stimulus measure
spreagadh fioscach
cash risk; liquid-holdings risk
riosca airgid; riosca sealúchas leachtach
financial ratios
cóimheas airgeadais
hurdle rate
íosráta toraidh
market risk premium; risk premium
biseach riosca margaidh
sovereign risk
riosca flaithiúnais
spread risk
riosca raon difríochta
Drawdown of equity
íostarraingt cothromais; íostarraingt gnáthscaireanna
Least cost analysis
anailís ar íoschostas
Bottom up approach
cur chuige ón mbun aníos
completion of the preparatory inquiry
críochnú an réamhfhiosrúcháin
expansion of an inquiry
forleathnú fiosrúcháin
amplification of previous evidence
cur le fianaise a tugadh cheana; fianaise níos iomláine a thabhairt
attend the measures of enquiry
freastal ar na bearta fiosrúcháin
closure of the preparatory inquiry
clabhsúr an réamhfhiosrúcháin
dispute concerning the costs to be recovered
díospóid i dtaobh na gcostas is inghnóthaithe
determine the points which call for measures of inquiry
cinneadh a dhéanamh ar na pointí a éilíonn bearta fiosrúcháin
manner laid down by the national law
foirm a leagtar síos sa reachtaíocht náisiúnta
order any measure of inquiry
aon bhearta fiosrúcháin a ordú
open the oral procedure without an inquiry
an nós imeachta ó bhéal a thosú gan réamhfhiosrúchán
open a preparatory inquiry
réamhfhiosrúchán a thosú
repetition of a previous inquiry
athdhéanamh fiosrúcháin a rinneadh roimhe seo
bliosán gréine
uniform format for visas
formáid chomhionann do víosaí
panel; panel discussion
díospóireacht phainéil
attendance list; list of participants
liosta na rannpháirtithe
compact disc
CD; dlúthdhiosca
heliostat field
réimse héileastait
MIE; minimum ignition energy
íosfhuinneamh adhainte
safety belt; seat belt
crios sábhála
IDI engine; indirect injection diesel engine
inneall díosail insteallta indírigh
royalty-based financing
maoiniú ar bhonn ríchíosa
exchange risk programme
clár um riosca na rátaí malairte
prior-stage indirect tax
cáin indíreach arna toibhiú ag céim níos luaithe
multilateral review of the dispute
athbhreithniú iltaobhach ar an díospóid
commercial rental to the public
cíos tráchtálach don phobal
demonstrable risk of evidence being destroyed
riosca follasach go scriosfar an fhianaise; riosca follasach maidir le scriosadh fianaise
dispute settlement system of the WTO; WTO dispute settlement mechanism
córas WTO um réiteach díospóidí
commodities risk
riosca tráchtearraí
joinder of two or more cases
uamadh dhá chás nó níos mó
marine diesel oil; MDO
ola dhíosail mhuirí
licensed know-how
fios gnó ceadúnaithe
rental and maintenance contract
conradh cíosanna agus cothabhála
risk of non-payments for products
riosca neamhíocaíochtaí i leith táirgí
compulsory minimum price
íosphraghas éigeantach
admission of securities to official stock exchange listing; admission of securities to quotation
glacadh le hurrúis ar liostú oifigiúil an stocmhalartáin
rental right
ceart ligean ar cíos
environmental risk
riosca comhshaoil
concluded investigation
fiosrúchán críochnaithe
FGBR; Fund for general banking risks
cistí le haghaidh rioscaí ginearálta baincéireachta
diesel pre-heat
réamhthéamh díosail
natural killer cell; NK cell
cill NK; cill scriostóra nádúrtha
bill of materials; BOM
liosta ábhar
crystallisation point; crystallising point
pointe criostalúcháin
coccidiostat; coccidiostatic drug
criostalú; criostalúchán