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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
malt wort
braichlis bhraiche
QMS; quality management system
Córas Bainistíochta Cáilíochta
auxiliary power unit
aonad cumhachta cúntach
direct transit area
limistéar idirthurais dhírigh
aeroplane flight manual; AFM; aircraft flight manual; flight manual
lámhleabhar eitilte
IFR flight
eitilt IFR
MDA; minimum descent altitude
íosairde na tuirlingthe; MDA
MDH; minimum descent altitude/height; minimum descent height
íosairde na tuirlingthe
pre-flight check; pre-flight checking; preflight inspection; pre-flight inspection
seiceáil réamh-eitilte
prohibited area
limistéar coiscthe
fixed pitch propeller; fixed-pitch; fixed-pitch propeller
lián céime fosaithe
handling agent
gníomhaire láimhseála
flight safety
sábháilteacht eitilte
emergency landing; forced landing
tuirlingt éigeandála
CDL; Configuration Deviation List
Liosta Diallta Cumraíochta
FCL; Flight Crew Licence
ceadúnas pearsanra eitilte
AFCS; automatic flight control system
AFCS; córas uathrialaithe eitilte
ACAS; airborne collision avoidance system
córas seachanta imbhuailtí ar eite
flight cycle
timthriall eitilte
Commercial Pilot Licence; CPL
ceadúnas píolóta tráchtála
flight envelope
imchlúdach eitilte
filed flight plan; FPL
plean eitilte comhadaithe
flight procedure
nós imeachta eitilte
area navigation; RNAV
loingseoireacht limistéir
propeller driven aeroplane
eitleán liántiomáinte
demonstration flight
eitilt taispeána
FE; Flight Examiner
scrúdaitheoir eitilte
landing gear strut
teanntóg fearais tuirlingthe
cochall an innill; cochall innill
FH; flight hours
uaireanta eitilte
repetitive flight plan; RPL
plean eitilite atriallach
sublingual tablet
táibléad fotheangach
ad us. vet; for animal treatment only
le haghaidh tréidliachta amháin
decentralised agency; European Union decentralised agency
gníomhaireacht dhíláraithe; gníomhaireacht dhíláraithe de chuid an Aontais; gníomhaireacht dhíláraithe de chuid an Aontais Eorpaigh
dregs and green liquor sludge (from black liquor treatment)
dríodar agus sluda licéir uaine (ó chóireáil licéir dhuibh)
fleshings and lime split waste
screaball súdaireachta agus blúire aoil
clinical symptom
siomptóm cliniciúil
common tariff policy
comhbheartas taraife
competition law
dlí na hiomaíochta
diffuse pollution
truailliú idirleata
biological corridor; conservation corridor; green corridor; wildlife corridor
conair fiadhúlra; limistéar fiadhúlra
industrial pollution
truailliú tionsclaíoch
inorganic fertiliser
leasachán neamhorgánach
natural area
limistéar nádúrtha
radioactive pollution
truailliú radaighníomhach
risk analysis
anailís riosca
rolling noise
torann rollta
commercial policy; trade policy
beartas trádála
willingness-to-pay; WTP
fonnmhaireacht chun íoc; toilteanas chun íoc
climate change policy; climate policy; policy for responding to climate change
beartas don athrú aeráide
changes in classification of assets and liabilities
athruithe ar aicmiú sócmhainní agus dliteanas
entertainment, literary or artistic originals
bunábhar siamsaíochta, litríochta nó ealaíne
financial auxiliaries
corparáidí cúntacha airgeadais
GNDI; gross national disposable income
OIIN; ollioncam indiúscartha náisiúnta
materials and supplies
ábhair agus soláthairtí
net non-life insurance premiums
glanphréimheanna árachais neamhshaoil
non-life insurance claims
éilimh árachais neamhshaoil
NIF; note issuance facility
saoráid eisiúna nótaí
education allowance
liúntas oideachais
life insurance scheme
scéim árachais saoil
breach of obligation
sárú dualgais
Internal Training
oiliúint inmheánach
postáil bholscaireachta; postáil fógraíochta
coolant; cooling fluid
coupling ball
meall cúplála
coupling head
ceann cúplála
diagonal split braking system; diagonally-split braking circuit
córas coscánaithe trasnánach-scoilte
dynamic rolling radius
ga rollacháin dinimiciúil
floating caliper
cailpéar saor
full cycling
timthriall iomlán
split axle test
tastáil scoilte acastóra
split braking circuit; split braking system
córas coscánaithe scoilte
life skills; lifeskills
scileanna saoil
extension; extension of a marketing authorisation; line extension
síneadh; síneadh údaraithe margaíochta
butterflies; butterfly
marine law; maritime law; sea law
dlí muirí; dlí na mara
consolidation of shares; reverse split
comhdhlúthú scaireanna
attorney-client privilege; legal privilege; legal professional privilege; LPP
pribhléid ghairmiúil dlíodóra
liquidation proceedings
imeachtaí leachtaithe
dissident; political dissident
sailing ship; sailing vessel
long seoil; soitheach seoil
defamation law; defamation legislation
dlí an chlúmhillte
liquidate assets
leachtaigh sócmhainní; leachtaigh stoc
malpractice; professional negligence
faillí ghairmiúil
paper loss; unrealised loss
caillteanas neamhréadaithe
activation policy
beartais ghníomhachtúcháin
low-skilled person; low-skilled worker
oibrí ar bheagán oiliúna
athlasadh meánchliabhraigh
life science
eolaíocht bheatha
Mediterranean Area
Limistéar na Meánmhara
natural risk analysis
anailís ar an mbaol nádúrtha
BSP; Bulgarian Socialist Party
Páirtí Sóisialach na Bulgáire
LD; Lib Dems; Liberal Democrats; SLD; Social and Liberal Democrats
an Páirtí Daonlathach Liobrálach; Lib Dems; na Daonlathaithe Liobrálacha
clipped grains
gráin teasctha
Danish Socialist People's Party; F; SF; Socialist People's Party; SPP
Páirtí an Phobail Shóisialaigh
Liberal Party; V
An Páirtí Liobrálach
RCT; Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims
an tIonad Athshlánúcháin agus Taighde le haghaidh Íospartaigh an Chéasta
B; Radical Liberal Party; Social Liberal Party
An Páirtí Radacach ar Chlé
B'Tselem; Israeli Information Centre for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories
Ionad Eolais Iosrael um Chearta an Duine sna Críocha faoi Fhorghabháil
GAM; Mutual Support Group for the Reappearance of our Relatives Alive
an Grúpa Tacaíochta Frithpháirtí um Thabhairt ar Ais Beo ár nGaolta Fuadaithe
CPAS/OCMW; public social action centre; public social assistance centre
ionad poiblí cúnaimh shóisialta
Community reference laboratory for residue testing; EU reference laboratory for residues of veterinary medicines and contaminants in food of animal origin
Saotharlann Tagartha an Aontais Eorpaigh um Thástáil ar Iarmhair de Chógais Tréidliachta agus d'Éilleáin i mBia de bhunadh ainmhíoch; Saotharlann Tagartha an Chomhphobail um Thástáil ar Iarmhair
BLA; Black Lawyers Association
BLA; Comhlachas na nDlíodóirí Gorma
NADEL; National Association of Democratic Lawyers
Comhlachas Náisiúnta na nDlíodóirí Daonlathacha; NADEL
Abolition of Racially Based Land Measures Act
An tAcht um Dhíothú Beart Talún Bunaithe ar Chine
GAA; Group Areas Act
an tAcht um Ghrúplimistéir
éisc eilifintiúla
atomic vapour laser isotope separation; AVLIS
deighilt iseatóp le léasar gaile adamhaigh
open government data; open public data
sonraí oscailte poiblí
Luxembourg Socialist Workers' Party; POSL
Páirtí Oibrithe Sóisialacha Lucsamburg
Italian Social Movement; MSI
Gluaiseacht Shóisialach na hIodáile
Anti-Racist Network for Equality in Europe
an Líonra Frithchiníoch um Chomhionannas san Eoraip
Party of European Socialists; PES
Páirtí na Sóisialaithe Eorpacha; PSE
wine year; wine-growing year
bliain fíona
applied metrology; industrial metrology
méadreolaíocht thionsclaíoch
application for asylum; asylum application; request for asylum
iarratas ar thearmann
virtual reality; VR
réaltacht fhíorúil; VR
EFA; European Free Alliance
an tSaor-Chomhghuaillíocht Eorpach; SGE
Community programme of action on the subject of the vocational training of customs officials; Exchange programme of customs officials; MATTHAEUS
an Clár gníomhaíochta Comhphobail maidir le gairmoiliúint le haghaidh oifigeach custaim; MATTHAEUS
Bureau; Parliament's Bureau
an Biúró
Political Bureau
Biúró Polaitiúil
inadmissibility of a matter
neamh-inghlacthacht ábhair
incompatibility; incompatible office
neamhréireacht; oifig neamhréireach
mandate for negotiations; negotiating mandate
sainordú caibidlíochta; sainordú don chaibidlíocht
simplified procedure
nós imeachta simplithe
Conference of Community and European Affairs Committees of Parliaments of the European Union; Conference of European Affairs Committees; Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs; Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the European Union; COSAC
an Chomhdháil de na Coistí Parlaiminteacha um Ghnóthaí an Aontais de chuid Pharlaimintí an Aontais Eorpaigh; an Chomhdháil de na gCoistí um Ghnóthaí Eorpacha
filling up; topping; topping up
relinquish office; resignation; resignation from office
éirí as oifig
oriented strand board; oriented structural board; OSB
clár sliseog treoshuite; OSB
Joint Relief Partnership; JRP
Comhpháirtíocht na Fóirithinte
Cooperation Agreement for the protection of the coasts and waters of the north-east Atlantic against pollution; Lisbon Agreement
an Comhaontú um chomhar maidir le Cóstaí agus Uiscí an Atlantaigh Thoir Thuaidh a Chosaint ar Thruailliú; Comhaontú Liospóin
calendar of meetings
féilire na gcruinnithe
joint parliamentary committee
comhchoiste parlaiminteach
Conference of Committee Chairs
Comhdháil Chathaoirligh na gCoistí
standing interparliamentary delegation
buantoscaireacht idirpharlaiminteach
for reasons of confidentiality
ar chúiseanna rúndachta
opinion in the form of a letter
tuairim i bhfoirm litreach
delegation to the Conciliation Committee
toscaireacht chuig an gCoiste Idir-réitigh
vitiated consent
toiliú truaillithe
public record of proceedings
taifead poiblí ar na himeachtaí
interparliamentary delegation
toscaireacht idirpharlaiminteach
supplementary question
ceist fhorlíontach
political affinity
cleamhnacht pholaitiúil
list of speakers
liosta cainteoirí
Community Reference Laboratory for avian influenza; EU reference laboratory for avian influenza
Saotharlann Tagartha an Aontais Eorpaigh um an bhFliú Éanúil
International Year of the World's Indigenous People; International Year of the World's Indigenous People, 1993
Bliain Idirnáisiúnta Phobail Dúchais an Domhain
CERD; Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
an Coiste um Idirdhealú Ciníoch a Dhíothú; CERD
International Year of the Family; IYF
Bliain Idirnáisiúnta an Teaghlaigh
Calvinist Party; Calvinist Political Party; Political Reformed Party; SGP
An Páirtí Athchóirithe Polaitíochta
CDA; Christian Democratic Alliance; Christian Democratic Union
An tAontas Daonlathach Críostaí
National Institute for Public Health and Environmental Protection; National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection
Institiúid Naisiúnta um Shláinte Phoiblí agus Caomhnú Comhshaoil
Green Left; Green Left Alliance
Na Glasaigh ar Chlé
Rules of Procedure; Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament
Rialacha Nós Imeachta; Rialacha Nós Imeachta Pharlaimint na hEorpa
Act concerning the election of the members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage; Act concerning the election of the representatives of the Assembly by direct universal suffrage; Electoral Act
Ionstraim maidir le toghadh comhaltaí de Pharlaimint na hEorpa trí vótáil chomhchoiteann dhíreach; Ionstraim maidir le toghadh ionadaithe do Pharlaimint na hEorpa trí vótáil chomhchoiteann dhíreach
right to petition the European Parliament
an ceart chun achainí a chur os comhair na Parlaiminte; an ceart chun achainí a dhéanamh chuig Parlaimint na hEorpa
Community system of reliefs from customs duty
Córas Comhphobail d'fhaoisimh ó dhleacht chustaim
Code of Conduct; Code of Conduct for Members of the European Parliament with respect to financial interests and conflicts of interest
cód iompair
legislative period; legislative term; legislature; parliamentary term
reachtas; téarma parlaiminteach; téarma reachtach
linear alkanes; linear hydrocarbon; straight-chain hydrocarbon; unbranched acyclic hydrocarbon; unbranched hydrocarbon
hidreacarbón líneach
financial implications
impleacht airgeadais
EP; European Parliament
Parlaimint na hEorpa; PE
Member; Member of the European Parliament; MEP
comhalta de Pharlaimint na hEorpa; Feisire de Pharlaimint na hEorpa; FPE
freedom of religion; freedom of religious belief
saoirse creidimh reiligiúnaigh; saoirse reiligiúin
conflict of interest
coimhlint leasa; coinbhleacht leasa
IHL; international humanitarian law
an dlí daonnúil idirnáisiúnta; DDI
lipoprotein lipase
liopáis lipeapróitéine
stabiliser; stabilising agent
oibreán cobhsaitheach
illegal drug; illicit drug
druga aindleathach
WMA; World Medical Association
Comhlachas Domhanda na Lianna Míochaine
NOx Protocol; Protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides; Protocol to the 1979 Convention on long-range transboundary air pollution concerning the control of emissions of nitrogen oxides or their transboundary fluxes
Prótacal a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún 1979 maidir le Truailliú Aeir Trasteorann Fadraoin, a bhaineann le Rialú Astaíochtaí Ocsaídí Nítrigine nó a bhFloscanna Trasteorann
livestock production; livestock rearing; stockfarming
feirmeoireacht stoic; togáil stoic
CL; computational linguistics
environmental labelling
lipéadú comhshaoil
non-taxable legal person
duine dlítheanach neamh-inchánach
delivered ex-quay; DEQ
seachadta go dtí an ché
deflection-limiting volume; DLV
toirt lena gciorraítear sraonadh
NDIR analyser; non-dispersive infrared analyser
anailíseoir infridhearg neamhspréite; anailíseoir NDIR
selling, general and administrative costs; selling, general and administrative expenses; SG&A costs; SGA expenses
costais díola, ghinearálta agus riaracháin; costais SGA
cumas teacht slán
fillí; teifeach fillte
delivered ex-ship; DES
seachadta as an long
transitional allowance; transitional end-of-service allowance
liúntas idirthréimhseach
doctrine of legitimate expectations; legitimate expectation; principle of legitimate expectations; principle of protection of legitimate expectations; principle of the protection of legitimate expectations
prionsbal an ionchais dhlisteanaigh
serum neutralisation test; SN test; SNT
tástáil neodraithe séirim
extrajudicial execution; extrajudicial killing; extra-legal, arbitrary and summary executions; summary execution
bású achomair; bású seachbhreithiúnach
IKBS; intelligent knowledge-based system; KBS; knowledge-based system
córas bunaithe ar eolas
acyclic hydrocarbon
hidreacarbón neamh-thimthriallach
formaldehyde solution; formalin; formol
palliative care
cúram maolaitheach
satellite broadcasting
craoladh satailíte
National Coalition Party
An Páirtí Comhghuaillíochta Náisiúnta
Left Alliance
An Comhaontas Clé
duty of secrecy; obligation of secrecy; secrecy obligation
oibleagáid rúndachta
free port
limistéar saorthrádála
ferrosilicomanganese; ferro-silico-manganese; FeSiMn
LDV; light passenger and commercial vehicle; light vehicle; light-duty vehicle
feithicil éadrom; feithicil saothair éadroim; LDV
light work
obair éadrom
treatment facility
saoráid cóireála
terephthalic acid; TPA
aigéad teireatalach
causal connection; causal link; causality; causation
cúisíocht; nasc cúisíoch
ceiling price
settlement/delivery risk
riosca socraíochta/seachadta
law of patents; patent law
dlí paitinne
1-(6-methyl-2-oxohexahydropyrimidin-4-yl)urea; crotonylidenediurea
IBDU; isobutylidenediurea; N,N''-(isobutylidene)diurea
IBDU; iseabúitilídéindé-úiré
customary law
an dlí coiteann; dlí an ghnáis
environmental quality standard; EQS
caighdeán cáilíochta comhshaoil
pelagic trawler
trálaer peiligeach
solid fuel
breosla soladach
blowing through; bubbling
PNRSV; prunus necrotic ringspot ilarvirus; prunus necrotic ringspot virus
ilivíreas fáinnebhall neacróiseach an chrainn plumaí; víreas fáinnebhall neacróiseach an chrainn plumaí
wet electrostatic precipitator; wet ESP
deascaire leictreastatach fliuch
ApMV; apple infectious variegation virus; apple mosaic virus; European plum line pattern virus; plum line pattern virus; rose infectious chlorosis virus; rose mosaic virus
víreas mósáice an chrainn úll
cherry leaf roll virus; CLRV
víreas rollta duilleog an chrainn silíní
insurance policyholder; policy holder; policyholder
sealbhóir polasaí
antiballistic-missile screen; antiballistic-missile shield; antimissile defence shield; antimissile screen; defence shield; defence umbrella; missile-proof shield; space-shield
córas cosanta frithdhiúracán
parliamentary cooperation committee
coiste um chomhar parlaiminteach
solidarity mechanism
meicníocht dlúthpháirtíochta
rehabilitation of victims
athshlánú íospartach
cruise liner; cruise ship; cruising ship; passenger cruise ship
long chúrsála
political group
grúpa polaitiúil
juvenile delinquency
PS; Socialist Party
An Páirtí Sóisialach
legal retirement age; statutory retirement age
aois dhlíthiúil scoir; aois scoir reachtúil
legal advice; legal counselling
comhairleoireacht dhlíthiúil
magnesium trisilicate
tríshileacáit mhaignéisiam
direct-acting hydraulic pressing
fáscadh hiodrálach dírghníomhach
monolithic IC; monolithic integrated circuit
ciorcad iomlánaithe monailiotach
international nuclear non-proliferation obligations or understandings
oibleagáidí nó tuiscintí idirnáisiúnta maidir le neamhleathadh núicléach
offshore pipeline
píblíne eischósta
Committee of Senior Labour Inspectors; Senior Labour Inspectors Committee; SLIC
Coiste na gCigirí Sinsearacha Saothair; SLIC
NAFO Regulatory Area; Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (NAFO) Regulatory Area; NRA
Limistéar Rialála Eagraíocht Iascaigh an Atlantaigh Thuaidh (NAFO); Limistéar Rialála NAFO
multiannual programme
clár ilbhliantúil
illicit trade in cultural objects; illicit trafficking in cultural goods; illicit trafficking of cultural property; trafficking of cultural goods
gáinneáil aindleathach ar earraí cultúrtha
data subject's consent
toiliú ón duine is ábhar do na sonraí
Cedefop; European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
an Lárionad Eorpach um Fhorbairt na Gairmoiliúna; Cedefop
alternance training; dual learning; sandwich course
cúrsa cisealach; oiliúint sealaíochta
equality before the law
comhionannas faoin dlí
physical disability
míchumas coirp; míchumas fisiceach
European Year against Racism
an Bhliain Eorpach in aghaidh an Chiníochais
legal drug; licit drug
druga dleathach
information system for public procurement; SIMAP
córas faisnéise um sholáthar poiblí; SIMAP
flour milling
muilleoireacht plúir
capacity; cylinder capacity; displacement; engine capacity; engine displacement; engine total swept volume; swept volume
toilleadh innill
Committee on Economic Information and Market Intelligence; Committee on Economics, Statistics and Markets
an Coiste um Eacnamaíocht, Staidreamh agus Margaí; an Coiste um Fhaisnéis Eacnamaíoch agus Mhargaidh
late foetal mortality
mortlaíocht dhéanach féatais
SLORC; SPDC; State Law and Order Restoration Council; State Peace and Development Council
an Chomhairle Stáit um Athbhunú an Oird Phoiblí; an Chomhairle Stáit um Shíocháin agus um Fhorbraíocht; SLORC; SPDC
political arrest
gabháil pholaitiúil
linguistic diversity
éagsúlacht teanga; éagsúlacht teangacha
direct line
líne dhíreach
telematic network
líonra teileamaitice
debris of war; remnants of war
fuílligh chogaidh
child prostitution
striapachas leanaí; striapachas linbh
adoption allowance; adoption grant
liúntas uchtála
antenatal allowance; prenatal allowance
liúntas réamhbhreithe
Alliance 90/Greens; GRÜNE
Comhaontas 90/Na Glasaigh
right to life
an ceart chun na beatha
child combatant; child soldier
leanbhshaighdiúir; saighdiúir linbh
children's rights; rights of the child
cearta an linbh
prevocational training
oiliúint réamhghairme
unit of qualification
aonad cáilíochta
traffic light; traffic light signal; traffic signal
solas tráchta
International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims; IRCT
an Chomhairle Athshlánúcháin Idirnáisiúnta le haghaidh Íospartaigh an Chéasta; IRCT
Federal Law Gazette; Federal Law Gazette for the Republic of Austria; Official Journal of the Republic of Austria
Iris Oifigiúil Phoblacht na hOstaire
certificate of existence; certificate of life; declaration of existence; life certificate; proof of life
deimhniú beatha
ANAPA; Spanish National Association of Owners of Deep-sea Longliners
Cumann Náisiúnta na Spáinne um Úinéirí Bád Spiléireachta Domhainfharraige
Preparatory Committee for the NPT Review Conference; Preparatory Committee for the Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
Coiste Ullmhúcháin na Comhdhála Athbhreithnithe de chuid na bPáirtithe sa Chonradh maidir le Neamhleathadh Arm Núicléach; Coiste Ullmhúcháin na Comhdhála Athbhreithnithe NPT
Agreement on Social Policy
Comhaontú maidir le Beartas Sóisialta
protocol on social policy; Social Policy Protocol
Prótacal maidir leis an mBeartas Sóisialta
poll card; polling card; voting card
cárta vótála
combating corruption; fight against corruption
éillitheacht a chomhrac
oblique wing aircraft; slew wing aircraft; swivel wing airborne vehicle
aerárthach fiarsciatháin
active tooling unit
aonad uirlisithe gníomhach
in the public domain; public domain
fearann poiblí
consolidating democracy; consolidation of democracy; democratic consolidation
comhdhlúthú an daonlathais; comhdhlúthú daonlathach
exaggerated nationalism; excessive nationalism
náisiúnachas áibhéalta
public broadcasting system
córas craolacháin phoiblí
telephone helpline
líne chabhrach teileafóin; líne chabhrach theileafóin
social sustainability
inbhuaine shóisialta
indivisibility of human rights
dodhealaitheacht chearta an duine; doroinnteacht chearta an duine
abolition of capital punishment; abolition of the death penalty
pionós an bháis a dhíothú
Community data-protection law
dlí an Chomhphobail um chosaint sonraí
discrimination based on religion; religious discrimination
idirdhealú ar bhonn creidimh; idirdhealú bunaithe ar chreideamh
custodial penalty; custodial sanction; custodial sentence; deprivation of liberty; imprisonment; incarceration
transnational hiring-out of workers
fruiliú trasnáisiúnta oibrithe
act of paedophilia; paedophile act; paedophile offence
cion péidifilia
public and fair trial
triail chóir agus phoiblí; triail chothrom agus phoiblí
dismantling information
faisnéis díchoimeála
facilitator; human smuggler; people smuggler
smuigléir daoine
digital platform; online platform
ardán ar líne; ardán digiteach
public health threat; threat to public health
baol don tsláinte phoiblí
democratic accountability
cuntasacht dhaonlathach
low-skilled worker
oibrí ar bheagán oiliúna
digital economy; e-economy; internet economy; new economy; online economy; web economy
catalogue of fundamental rights; list of basic rights; list of fundamental rights
liosta de chearta bunúsacha
failure by a State to fulfil obligations; failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations
mainneachtain bhallstáit ina chuid oibleagáidí a chomhlíonadh; mainneachtain stáit ina chuid oibleagáidí a chomhlíonadh
discrimination on the basis of disability
idirdhealú ar bhonn míchumais
TBEV; tick-borne encephalitis virus
víreas einceifealaítis sceartán-iompartha
ECCP; European Climate Change Programme
an Clár Eorpach um Athrú Aeráide
parent with custody
tuismitheoir ag a bhfuil coimeád an linbh
cúcamar milis; pepino
Copenhagen political criteria
critéir pholaitiúla Chóbanhávan
UN Lima Regional Centre; United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean; UNLIREC
Ionad Réigiúnach na Náisiún Aontaithe um Shíocháin, Dí-armáil agus Forbairt i Meiriceá Laidineach agus sa Mhuir Chairib; UN-LiREC
principles of legality and proportionality of criminal offences and penalties
prionsabail na dlíthiúlachta agus na comhréireachta i dtaca le cionta coiriúla agus pionóis
free and informed consent
saorthoiliú feasach; toiliú saor agus eolasach; toiliú saor agus feasach
respect for private and family life
meas ar an saol príobháideach agus ar shaol an teaghlaigh
freedom and pluralism of the media
saoirse agus iolrachas na meán
waste facility
saoráid dramhaíola
party to a conflict
páirtí i gcoinbhleacht
Parliament position; position of the European Parliament
seasamh na Parlaiminte; seasamh Pharlaimint na hEorpa
e-billing; EBPP; eInvoicing; e-invoicing; electronic bill presentment and payment; electronic billing; electronic invoicing
own resource based on value added tax; VAT-based own resource
acmhainn dhílis bunaithe ar cháin bhreisluacha
Decision on a regulatory framework for radio spectrum policy in the European Community; Radio Spectrum Decision
Cinneadh maidir le creat rialála don bheartas speictream raidió sa Chomhphobal Eorpach; Cinneadh maidir le speictream raidió
Statute for Members; Statute for Members of the European Parliament
Reacht Fheisirí Pharlaimint na hEorpa; Reacht na bhFeisirí
accredited assistant; accredited parliamentary assistant; APA
cuntóir parlaiminteach creidiúnaithe
collateral pooling system
córas comhthiomsaithe comhthaobhachta
responsibility for return to the country of origin
freagracht as aischur chuig an tír thionscnaimh; freagracht as filleadh ar an tír thionscnaimh
illicit antiquities trade; illicit trade in antiquities; illicit trafficking in antiquities; trade in illicit antiquities
gáinneáil aindleathach ar sheaniarsmaí
Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2002 concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector; Directive on privacy and electronic communications; ePrivacy Directive
an Treoir maidir le príobháideachas agus cumarsáid leictreonach; an Treoir maidir le r-phríobháideachas; Treoir 2002/58/CE ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle an 12 Iúil 2002 maidir le sonraí pearsanta a phróiseáil agus maidir le príobháideachas a chosaint san earnáil cumarsáide leictreonaí
dioxin-like PCB; dioxin-like PCB congener
PCB de chineál dé-ocsaine
protection services; services for the protection of public figures
seirbhísí cosanta do phearsana aithnidiúla
localisation of assets
logánú sócmhainní
annuity; annuity contract
blianacht; conradh blianachta
preventing the facilitation of entry
éascú dul isteach a chosc; éascú iontrála a chosc
IGC; Inter-Governmental Consultations on Asylum, Refugee and Migration Policies in Europe, North America and Australia
Comhairliúcháin Idir-Rialtasacha maidir le Beartais a bhaineann le Tearmann, le Dídeanaithe agus le hInimirce san Eoraip, i Meiriceá Thuaidh agus san Astráil; IGC
creeping functionality; feature creep; focus creep; kitchen sink syndrome; requirements creep; scope creep
leathadh téaltaitheach scóipe
FFS; Socialist Forces Front
Fronta na bhFórsaí Sóisialacha
Cuban Commission for Human Rights and National Reconciliation; Cuban Commission on Human Rights and National Reconciliation
Coimisiún Chúba um Chearta an Duine agus um Athmhuintearas Náisiúnta
ACAT; Action by Christians against Torture; Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture
ACAT; Gníomhaíocht ag Críostaithe i gcoinne na Céastóireachta
CAA; Civil Aviation Authority
an tÚdarás um Eitlíocht Shibhialta; CAA
Liberty; National Council for Civil Liberties; NCCL
an Chomhairle Náisiunta um Shaoirsí Sibhialta
PNC; Police National Computer
Ríomhchóras Náisiúnta na bPóilíní
Commission for Racial Equality; CRE
an Coimisiún um Chomhionannas Ciníocha
climate change response measure; response measure
beart freagartha; beart freagartha um an athrú aeráide
PAC; Public Accounts Committee; Select Committee on Public Accounts
an Coiste um Chuntais Phoiblí
CONAIE; Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador
Cónaidhm Náisiúntachtaí Dúchasacha Eacuadór
Civil Liberties Organisation; CLO
an Eagraíocht um Shaoirsí Sibhialta
CELS; Centre for Legal and Social Studies
CELS; Ionad um Staidéar Dlí agus Sóisialta
United Nations Protected Area; UNPA
LCNA; Limistéar faoi Chosaint de chuid na Náisiún Aontaithe
Australian Human Rights Commission; HREOC; Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
an Coimisiún um Chearta an Duine agus um Chomhionannas Deiseanna; Coimisiún na hAstráile um Chearta an Duine
AAAI; American Association for Artificial Intelligence; Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
an Comhlachas Meiriceánach faoi choinne na hIntleachta Saorga
ACLU; American Civil Liberties Union
Aontas Mheiriceá um Shaoirsí Sibhialta
Congress of Racial Equality; CORE
an Chomhdháil um Chomhionannas Ciníocha; CORE
Act of Parliament
Acht Parlaiminte
Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Agency; Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Commission; DPPA; DPPC; Relief and Rehabilitation Commission; RRC
an Ghníomhaireacht um Chosc agus Ullmhacht maidir le Tubaistí
Central American Parliament; PARLACEN
PARLACEN; Parlaimint Mheiriceá Láir
Nationalist Party; NP
An Páirtí Náisiúnach
National Liberal Party; NLP
An Páirtí Liobrálach Náisiúnta
parliamentary question
ceist pharlaiminteach
International Save the Children Alliance; Save the Children; Save the Children Fund; Save the Children International; SC; SCF
an Comhghuaillíocht Idirnáisiúnta 'Fóir ar na Páistí'; Fóir ar na Páistí; Save the Children
NRDS; Nuba Relief, Rehabilitation and Development Society
an Cumann um Fhóirithint, Athshlánú agus Forbairt in Nuba
LCC; life-cycle costing; whole life costing; WLC
costáil saolré
TRC; Truth and Reconciliation Commission
an Coimisiún um Fhírinne agus um Athmhuintearas
amorphous silicon; a-Si
sileacan éagruthach
Communist Party of the Philippines; CPP
CPP; Páirtí Cumannach na nOileán Filipíneach
Democratic Left Alliance; SLD
An Comhaontas Daonlathach ar Chlé
Polish People's Party; PSL
Páirtí Phobal na Polainne
SPLM; Sudan People's Liberation Movement
Gluaiseacht um Shaoirse Phobal na Súdáine; SPLM
BLLF; Bonded Labour Liberation Front
BLLF; Fronta Saoirse maidir le Saothar faoi Bhanna
SANROC; South African Non-Racial Olympic Committee
Coiste Oilimpeach Neamhchiníoch na hAfraice Theas; SANROC
Federal Counterintelligence Service; FSK; Russian Federation Federal Counterintelligence Service; Russian FSK
FSK; Seirbhís Frithfhaisnéise na Cónaidhme
CAN; Controller Area Network
CAN; Líonra Achair Rialaitheora
Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights
an Coiste um Ghnóthaí Dlíthiúla agus um Chearta an Duine
National Association of Italian Municipalities
Comhlachas Náisiúnta na mBardas Iodálach
Forza Italia
Forza Italia
liquid asset; liquid capital; quick asset; realizable asset
sócmhainn leachtach
H&E; H&E stain; H&E staining; haematoxylin and eosin stain
ruaim H&E; ruaim haematocsailine agus eoisine
drug rehabilitation
athshlánú ó dhrugaí
lobsterettes; true lobsters
Alliance of Young Democrats; Federation of Young Democrats; Fidesz; FYD; League of Young Democrats
Comhaontas na nDaonlathach Óg
HSP; Hungarian Socialist Party
Páirtí Sóisialach na hUngáire
HSWP; Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party
Páirtí Oibrithe Sóisialacha na hUngáire
mental disability; mental disorder; mental health disability; mental health disorder; mental impairment
lagú meabhrach; míchumas meabhrach; neamhord meabhrach; neamhord sláinte meabhraí
isotope scan; nuclear medicine test; radioisotope scan; radionuclide scan
scanadh raidiseatóip
central line; central vascular catheter; central venous access catheter; central venous catheter; central venous line; CVAC; CVC
cataitéar féitheach lárnach
indolent non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; slow-growing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
liomfóma neamh-Hodgkin leasc; liomfóma neamh-Hodgkin mallfháis
duty relief; duty-free provision; relief from customs duty; relief from duty
faoiseamh ó dhleacht; faoiseamh ó dhleacht chustaim
conflict free
saor ó choinbhleacht
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Agency; UNRRA
Gníomhaireacht Fóirithinte agus Athshlánaithe na Náisiún Aontaithe; UNRRA
Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research; TNO
Eagraíocht na hÍsiltíre um Thaighde Eolaíoch Feidhmeach; TNO
transuranic element; transuranium element; TRU element
eilimint thrasúránach
minimum age of criminal responsibility
aois íosta na freagrachta coiriúla
grey singing finch; grey-fronted canary; white-rumped seedeater
síoliteoir bánphrompach
coast-down; coast-down test; coast-down testing
tástáil luasmhoillithe saor-rothlaithe
model year
Bliain an chineáil
civil liability insurance
árachas dliteanais shibhialta
signalling lamp
lampa comharthaíochta
visited network
líonra ar tugadh cuairt air
apple proliferation mycoplasm; apple proliferation mycoplasma-like organism; apple proliferation phytoplasma; apple witches' broom phytoplasma
fíteaplasma iomadaithe an chrainn úll
pear decline mycoplasm; pear decline mycoplasma-like organism; pear decline phytoplasma
fíteaplasma meatha an chrainn piorraí
palm lethal yellowing mycoplasm; palm lethal yellowing mycoplasma-like organism; palm lethal yellowing phytoplasma
fíteaplasma buíochana marfaí na pailme
arabis mosaic nepovirus; arabis mosaic virus; ArMV
víreas mósáice an ghais caillí
defect in consent
locht sa toiliú
public emergency
éigeandáil phoiblí
ICAO Regional Supplementary Procedures; Regional Supplementary Procedures; SUPPS
nósanna imeachta forlíontacha réigiúnacha; SUPPanna
lettuce infectious yellows closterovirus; lettuce infectious yellows crinivirus; lettuce infectious yellows virus; LIYV
víreas buíochana ionfhabhtaíoch na leitíse
apple flat apple virus; cherry rasp leaf cheravirus; Cherry rasp leaf nepovirus; cherry rasp leaf virus; CRLV
víreas raspdhuilleog an chrainn silíní
peach little peach MLO; Peach red suture MLO; peach yellows mycoplasm; peach yellows phytoplasma; peach yellows virus
fíteaplasma buíochana an chrainn péitseog
Raidió Teilifís Éireann; RTÉ
reserve list
liosta ionadaithe
PL; Public Law
dlí poiblí
Finland’s Slot Machine Association; RAY
Cumann Meaisíní Sliotáin na Fionlainne; RAY
acceptance credit; acceptance facility
creidmheas glacachta
undrawn credit facility
saoráid chreidmheasa neamhtharraingthe
African lion; lion
DIMM; dual in-line memory module
DIMM; modúl déach cuimhne inlíní
financial liability
dliteanas airgeadais
coordination of economic policies; coordination of economic policy; economic policy coordination
comhordú an bheartais eacnamaíoch; comhordú ar an mbeartas eacnamaíoch; comhordú ar na beartais eacnamaíocha; comhordú na mbeartas eacnamaíoch
internaut; internet surfer; internet user; net surfer; netizen
cibearnátach; scimeálaí; scimeálaí ar an Idirlíon
TPN; Transatlantic Policy Network
an Líonra Beartais Trasatlantach
clinical sign
comhartha cliniciúil
CLP; Country Liberal Party; Country Liberals
CLP; Páirtí Liobrálach na Tuaithe
Indian Ocean lobsterette
gliomóg an Aigéin Indiaigh
parliamentary committee
Coiste Parlaiminteach
Indian oralgrain lizard; ruddy snub-nosed monitor; yellow land lizard; yellow monitor
monatóir buí
giant armadillo
great Tibetan sheep; nyan; Tibetan argali
árgailí Tibéadach
orange-bellied parakeet; orange-bellied parrot
pearóid bholg-fhlannbhuí
orange-fronted pimpleback mussel
diúilicín goiríneach cos-fhlannbhuí
fat pocketbook pearly mussel
diúilicín péarlach sparáin leathan
little agate shells; little agate snails; Oahu tree snails
seilide agáite beag
American Society of Allied Health Professions; ASAHP; Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions
Comhlachas Scoileanna na nGairmeacha Gaolmhara Sláinte
LD; learning disability
míchumas foghlama
legal owner
úinéir dlíthiúil
parafiscal charges; parafiscal levies; para-fiscal taxes
táillí paraifhioscacha
market intelligence
faisnéis mhargaidh
Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury; Patronage Secretary to the Treasury
Rúnaí Parlaiminte an Státchiste
Polish Academy of Sciences
Acadamh Eolaíochtaí na Polainne
CLÉ; Irish Book Publishers' Association
CLÉ; Cumann Leabharfhoilsitheoirí Éireann
pro-cyclical effect
éifeacht chomh-thimthriallach
gasoline direct injection; GDI
GDI; instealladh díreach gásailín
white-lined bat
ialtóg bhánlíneach
François' leaf monkey
moncaí duillí François
South Brazilian coati
cótaí na Brasaíle Theas
Brazilian tapir
taipir Bhrasaíleach
West Indian whistling-duck
feadlacha na nIndiacha Thiar
black-bellied whistling-duck
feadlacha tharrdhubh
white-faced whistling-duck
feadlacha aghaidhbhán
grey-breasted partridge
patraisc bhroinnliath
West African seedeater
síoliteoir Iar-Afracach
black-bellied firefinch
glasán tine bolgdhubh
grey-headed olive-back
droimghlas ceannliath
grey-headed negrofinch
dúghlasán ceannliath
red-winged pytilia
pitile dheargeiteach
red-cheeked cordonbleu
cardainbliu deargleicneach; cordainbliu deargleicneach
Gray's malimbe
mailimbe Gray
red-headed malimbe
mailimbe ceanndearg
coast horned lizard
laghairt adharcach chósta
Lilford's wall lizard
laghairt bhallaí Lilford
Ibiza wall lizard
laghairt bhallaí Ibiza
dragon lizard
swallowtail butterflies
féileacán fáinlearrach
birdwing butterflies
féileacán éaneiteach
cauliflower corals
(8S,13S,14S,17R)-17-hydroxy-13-methyl-17-prop-2-enyl-1,2,6,7,8,14,15,16-octahydrocyclopenta[a]phenanthren-3-one; allyl trenbolone; allyltrenbolone; altrenogest
treanbólón ailille
Black Sea Economic Cooperation Area; BSEC Region
Limistéar Chomhar Eacnamaíoch na Mara Duibhe
Parliamentary Party of Kosovo; PPK
Páirtí Parlaiminteach na Cosaive
absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion; ADME
ADME; ionsú, dáileadh, meitibileacht agus eisfhearadh
very low-density lipoprotein; VLDL
lipeapróitéin an-ísealdlúis; VLDL
Sheriff; Statistical Heuristic Engine to Reliably and Intelligently Fight Fraud
an tInneall Heorastúil Staidrimh chun an Chalaois a Chomhraic go hIontaofa agus go Cliste
CLN; credit linked note
nóta creidmheas-nasctha
price-quality ratio
cóimheas idir praghas agus caighdeán
reserve lieutenant
leifteanant cúltaca
RCF; refractory ceramic fibre; vitreous siliceous fibre
RCF; snáithín ceirmeach teasfhulangach
madrassa; religious school
madrassa; scoil reiligiúnach
Public Relations Unit
An tAonad Caidrimh Phoiblí
ASEP; Asia-Europe Parliamentary Partnership
ASEP; Comhpháirtíocht Pharlaiminteach na hÁise-na hEorpa
Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association; SMD
Cumann Soláthróirí Bainne Uachtarlainne na hÉireann
Monetary Policy Council; MPC
an Chomhairle um Beartas Airgeadaíochta
bulleted list; UL; unordered list
liosta le hurchair
cashless transaction; digital transaction; electronic transaction; non-cash transaction; online transaction
idirbheart leictreonach; ríomh-idirbheart
online sales; online selling; sales made over the internet
díolacháin ar líne
Bucharest Convention; Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Muir Dhubh a Chosaint ar Thruailliú; Coinbhinsiún Bhúcairist
ERP; Estonian Reform Party; R; Reform Party-Liberals
Páirtí Athchóirithe na hEastóine
compulsory jurisdiction
dlínse éigeantach
mini laptop; netbook; subnotebook; ultralight; ultraportable
mionríomhaire glúine
bridge bank; bridge institution
banc droichid; banc idirlinne; droicheadbhanc; droichead-institiúid
ICIJ; International Consortium of Investigative Journalists
Cuibhreannas Idirnáisiúnta d'Iriseoirí Iniúchacha; ICIJ
breeding line
líne phórúcháin