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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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dropout; drop-out; lost to follow-up
catastrophic losses
caillteanais i ngeall ar thubaistí
closing balance sheet
clár comhardaithe deiridh
material loss; tangible loss
caillteanas ábhartha; caillteanas inláimhsithe
direct loss
caillteanas díreach
paper loss; unrealised loss
caillteanas neamhréadaithe
solar flux
flosc gréine
closure of a debate
críochnú na díospóireachta; díospóireacht a chríochnú
closure of the sitting
clabhsúr an tsuí; suí a chríochnú
NOx Protocol; Protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides; Protocol to the 1979 Convention on long-range transboundary air pollution concerning the control of emissions of nitrogen oxides or their transboundary fluxes
Prótacal a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún 1979 maidir le Truailliú Aeir Trasteorann Fadraoin, a bhaineann le Rialú Astaíochtaí Ocsaídí Nítrigine nó a bhFloscanna Trasteorann
canopy closure
dúnadh ceannbhrait
explosive atmosphere
atmaisféar pléascach
lettuce infectious yellows closterovirus; lettuce infectious yellows crinivirus; lettuce infectious yellows virus; LIYV
víreas buíochana ionfhabhtaíoch na leitíse
PcMV; Peach American mosaic virus; peach mosaic closterovirus; peach mosaic trichovirus; peach mosaic virus; peach mosaic virus (American)
víreas mósáice an chrainn péitseog
Doctor in Philosophy; Doctor of Philosophy; DPhil; Dr.philos.; PhD
D. Phil.; Dochtúir Fealsúnachta; Ph.D.
EFP mine; explosively formed penetrator mine; self-forming fragment mine; SFF mine
mianach diúracáin phléascdhéanta
EFP; explosively formed penetrator; explosively formed projectile; self-forging fragment; self-forming fragment; SFF
diúracán pléascdhéanta
accumulated deficit; accumulated loss
caillteanas carntha
bodyguard; close protection officer; close protection operative; CPO; personal protection officer
garda cosanta
pasteurellosis; pasteurellosis in rabbits; rabbit pasteurellosis; snuffles
paistéallaróis coiníní
loss-leader pricing
praghsáil treoir-earra cailliúna
debarment; loss of rights for failing to observe a time-limit
dextrose anhydrous
deaslós ainhidriúil
blossom honey; nectar honey
mil bhláthanna
close company
AF; audio frequency
rúnaí gearr-chlóscríobhaí
fructose; fruit sugar; levulose
fruchtós; siúcra torthaí
collective investment undertaking other than the closed-end type
gnóthas comhinfheistíochta nach den chineál iata é
Helsinki Protocol; Protocol on the Reduction of Sulphur Emissions; Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution on the Reduction of Sulphur Emissions or their Transboundary Fluxes by at least 30 per cent
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún ar thruailliú aeir fadraoin trasteorann maidir le hastaíochtaí sulfair, nó a bhfloscanna trasteorann, a ísliú 30 faoin gcéad ar a laghad
Dumping Protocol; Protocol for the Prevention and Elimination of Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft or Incineration at Sea
Prótacal maidir le Truailliú na Meánmhara trí Dhumpáil ó Longa agus ó Aerárthaí nó trí Loscadh ar Muir a Chosc agus a Dhíothú
Law of the Sea Convention; LOS Convention; LOSC; UNCLOS; United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
Coinbhinsiún maidir le Dlí na Farraige; Coinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir le Dlí na Farraige
fall in the value of money; loss of purchasing power; monetary erosion
caillteanas cumhachta ceannaigh; dímheas airgeadaíochta; titim ar luach airgid
biological recovery period; biological rest period; closed fishing season; closed period for fishing; closed season
tréimhse choiscthe; tréimhse choiscthe iascaireachta
alewife; allice shad; allis shad; rock herring
sead alósach
HFR; HFR reactor; high-flux reactor
imoibritheoir ardfhlosca
MSD; musculoskeletal disorder
neamhord matánchnámharlaigh
encl.; enclosure
iat.; iatán
UNCLOS; United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea
Comhdháil na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir le Dlí na Farraige; UNCLOS
closed circuit production units
aonad táirgthe i gciorcad iata
gross loss
caillteanas comhlán
profit and loss account
cuntas brabúis agus caillteanais
consolidated profit and loss account
cuntas comhdhlúite brabúis agus caillteanais
layout of the profit and loss account
leagan amach an chuntais bhrabúis agus chaillteanais
net loss on financial operations
glanchaillteanas ar oibríochtaí airgeadais
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea; ITLOS
Binse Idirnáisiúnta um Dhlí na Mara
box; closed area; prohibited area
bosca toirmisc iascaireachta; limistéar coiscthe
financial loss
caillteanas airgeadais
herd declared officially free of tuberculosis; officially tuberculosis-free herd
tréad atá dearbhaithe go hoifigiúil a bheith glan ón eitinn
Convention concerning Unemployment Indemnity in Case of Loss or Foundering of the Ship; Unemployment Indemnity (Shipwreck) Convention, 1920
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Slánaíocht Dífhostaíochta i gCás Caillteanas nó Trochlúchán Loinge
transfers to the profit and loss account
aistriú chuig an gcuntas brabúis agus caillteanais
accidental loss
caillteanas timpisteach
non-material damage; non-pecuniary loss
caillteanas neamhairgid
closing date for submission of tenders; time limit for the receipt of tenders; time limit for the submission of tenders
an dáta deiridh a nglacfar le tairiscintí; an dáta deiridh do thaisceadh tairiscintí
breech-closing mechanism
meicníocht dúnta craois
to disclose information
faisnéis a nochtadh
explosives; pyrotechnic products
pléascán; táirge piriteicniúil
reactor with a high fast-neutron flux
imoibreoir ardfhlosca mearneodróin; imoibreoir ardfhlosca neodróin mear
in close cooperation with ...
i ndlúthchomhar le ...
breach of professional secrecy; disclosure of professional secrets
nochtadh rún gairmiúil
animals vaccinated against brucellosis
ainmhithe atá vacsaínithe in aghaidh na brúsalóise
prepared explosives
pléascán ullmhaithe
interactive audio-visual communication services
seirbhísí cumarsáide closamhairc déthreo
curbing the pirating of audio-visual work
píoráideacht saothar closamhairc a shrianadh
portable electric typewriters
clóscríobhán leictreach iniompartha
information the disclosure of which would be contrary to public policy
faisnéis a mbeadh a nochtadh in aghaidh an bheartais phoiblí
teletypewriter; TTY
teilea-chlóscríobhán; TTY
Protocol to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution concerning the Control of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds or their Transboundary Fluxes; VOC Protocol
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún maidir le Truailliú Aeir Trasteorann Fadraoin a bhaineann le Rialú Astaíochtaí Comhdhúl Orgánach Soghalaithe nó a bhFloscanna Trasteorann
Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the purpose of Detection; Plastic Explosives Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Pléascáin Phlaisteacha; an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Pléascáin Phlaisteacha a Mharcáil chun críche a mBraite
Eurodac; European fingerprinting system; European system for the comparison of the dactyloscopic records of asylum seekers
Córas Eorpach chun comparáid a dhéanamh idir taifid dhachtalascópacha iarrthóirí tearmainn; Córas Eorpach méarlorgaireachta; Eurodac
gyrodactylosis; gyrodactylosis (<i>Gyrodactylus salaris<i>); infection with <i>Gyrodactylus salaris</i>
closely correlated currencies
airgeadraí atá comhghaolaithe go dlúth le chéile
CAS; close air support
CAS; neastacaíocht aeir
confidentiality agreement; NDA; non-disclosure agreement
comhaontú rúndachta
Audiovisual Working Party
an Mheitheal um an Earnáil Closamhairc
close interpretation; narrow construction; strict interpretation
léiriú beacht
fissile material cut-off treaty; FMCT; treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices
an conradh um ábhar inscoilte a thoirmeasc; Conradh lena gcuirfear toirmeasc ar tháirgeadh ábhar inscoilte le haghaidh airm núicléacha nó feistí pléascacha núicléacha eile; FMCT
illicit trafficking in arms, ammunition and explosives; illicit trafficking in weapons, munitions and explosives
gáinneáil aindleathach ar airm, armlón agus pléascáin
closer cooperation; enhanced cooperation
comhar feabhsaithe
DG E; Directorate-General E - Environment, Education, Transport and Energy; Transport, Energy, Environment, Education Directorate-General
Ard-Stiúrthóireacht I - Athrú Aeráide, Comhshaol, Sláinte, Tomhaltóirí, Bia-Ábhair, Oideachas, Óige, Cultúr, Ábhair Chlosamhairc agus Spórt
EOD; explosive ordnance disposal
diúscairt ordanáis phléascaigh; EOD
Glossy ibis
íbis niamhrach
in close contact
i ndlúth-thadhall le
final disclosure
nochtadh deiridh
CIFTA; Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and Other Related Materials
an Coinbhinsiún Idir-Mheiriceánach i gcoinne déantúsaíocht neamhdhleathach agus gáinneáil arm tine, armlón, pléascán, agus ábhar gaolmhar
I am pleased to inform you that the Council has delivered a favourable opinion on [...] (Complimentary close).
is mian liom a chur in iúl duit go bhfuil an Chomhairle tar éis tuairim fhabhrach a thabhairt maidir le ... (gnáthdheireadh dea-mhéine)
Diplomatic Conference on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances; WIPO Diplomatic Conference on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances
Comhdháil Taidhleoireachta EDMI maidir le Léirithe Closamhairc a Chosaint
close link
dlúthnasc; nasc dlúth
robalos; snooks
róbaló; snúc
LOS; slipper lobsters
gliomach slipéir
EL; expected loss
caillteanas ionchasach
loss event
teagmhas caillteanais
ERW; explosive remnants of war
ERW; fuílligh phléascacha chogaidh
GFATM; Global Fund; Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
an Ciste Domhanda; an Ciste Domhanda chun SEIF, Eitinn agus Maláire a chomhrac
deadweight; deadweight effect; deadweight loss
éifeacht mharbhualaigh
loss adjusting; loss adjustment
coigeartú caillteanais
area closure
dúnadh limistéir
marking the close
marcáil am scoir an mhargaidh; marcáil an chlabhsúir
public transmission; public transmission by audiovisual means
tarchur poiblí; tarchur poiblí trí mhodhanna closamhairc
colossal squid
scuid ábhalmhór Antartach
loss of amenity
caillteanas ábaltachta
close relative
European Convention for the protection of the Audiovisual Heritage
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach um Chosaint na hOidhreachta Closamhairc
gastroesophageal reflux disease; GERD
galar athfhlosca ghaistréasafagaigh
condition as close to the market as possible
dálaí chomh gar don mhargadh agus is féidir
hydrogenated isomaltulose; hydrogenated palatinose; isomalt; isomaltitol
annual opening and closing valutations
luacháil oscailte agus dúnta bhliantúil
to close a position; to liquidate a position; to unwind a position in a financial instrument
leachtaigh suíomh
book loss
caillteanas de réir na leabhar
losses on receivables
caillteanais ar chuntais infhála; caillteanais ar fhéichiúnaithe
declared reserves; published(disclosed)reserves
cúlchistí fógartha; cúlchistí nochta
foreclosure; mortgage foreclosure
foriamh morgáiste
regenerated cellulose film
scannán ceallalóis athghinte
closed user group; CUG
grúpa iata úsáideoirí
close; closing price
praghas scoir
capital loss
caillteanas caipitil
loss in nominal value
caillteanas sa luach ainmniúil
loss in real value
caillteanas i luach réadach; caillteanas i réadluach
cellulose ethyl ether; ethyl cellulose; ethyl ether of cellulose
ceallalós eitile
yellow-blossom pearly mussel
diúilicín péarlach bláthbhuí
green blossom pearly mussel
diúilicín péarlach bláthghlas
tan blossom pearly mussel
diúilicín rocshliogánach tuaisceartach
turgid blossom pearly mussel
diúilicín péarlach bláthmhurtallach
brown blossom pearly mussel; brown-blossom naiad; tan rifle shell
diúilicín rocshliogánach crón
to set the losses against its profits
na caillteanais a fhritháireamh in aghaidh na mbrabús
treatment of losses of subsidiaries
caillteanais fochuideachtaí a chur san áireamh
deduction of losses with reincorporation
asbhaint caillteanas le hathchorprú
provision for losses
soláthar le haghaidh caillteanas
to play a part in generating the profits or losses
páirt a ghlacadh i nginiúint na mbrabús agus na gcaillteanas
taking into account subsidiary's losses
caillteanais na fochuideachta a chur san áireamh
tax loss
caillteanas cánach
to record a loss; to show a loss
caillteanas a thaifeadadh; caillteanas a thaispeáint
balance sheet showing a loss
clár comhardaithe le caillteanas
to bear a loss; to incur a loss; to make a loss
caillteanas a fhulaingt; caillteanas a thabhú
deductible loss
caillteanas inasbhainte
sale at a loss; selling at a loss
díol faoina luach
pre-tax profit or loss; profit or loss before tax; profit or loss before taxation
brabús nó caillteanas roimh cháin
loan loss provisioning
soláthar do chaillteanais ar iasachtaí
specific loss reserve
cúlchiste caillteanais shonraigh
loss in the value of the buildings
caillteanas i luach na bhfoirgneamh
allowable loss
caillteanas inlamhála
start-up loss
caillteanas tionscnaimh
gross operating loss or profit
caillteanas nó brabús comhlán oibriúcháin
line of best fit; line of closest fit; linear regression line; regression line; trend line
líne chúlchéimnithe
to close the books
na cuntais a dhúnadh
closing liability
dliteanas clabhsúir
deadweight loss
caillteanas marbhualaigh
closed session
seisiún iata
closure of the preparatory inquiry
clabhsúr an réamhfhiosrúcháin
declare the oral procedure closed
dearbhaigh go bhfuil clabhsúr curtha ar an nós imeachta ó bhéal
deliberations; deliberations in closed session
plé i seisiún iata
compensation for loss of earnings
cúiteamh i leith caillteanas ioncaim
order which closes the proceedings
ordú a chuireann clabhsúr ar na himeachtaí
declare the oral procedure closed at the end of the hearing
dearbhaigh ag deireadh na héisteachta go bhfuil clabhsúr curtha ar an nós imeachta ó bhéal
Bang's disease; brucelliasis; brucellosis; Cyprus fever; Gibraltar Fever; Malta fever; Mediterranean fever; Neapolitan fever; undulant fever
d-fructose; fructose; fruit sugar; laevulose; levulose
beestings; colostrum
gruth buí
PHL; post-harvest loss
caillteanas iarbhuainte
closing meeting; closing session
seisiún clabhsúir
AFIL; Audio Frequency Induction Loop; audio induction loop; hearing loop; induction loop
clos-lúb ionduchtaithe
ignition loss; loss on ignition
caillteanas ar adhaint
disclosure of confidential information
faisnéis faoi rún a nochtadh; nochtadh faisnéise atá faoi rún
protection of undisclosed information
cosaint faisnéise neamhnochta
audiovisual policy
beartas closamhairc
dolomite limestone; dolomite rock; dolostone; magnesian limestone
aolchloch dholaimíteach
biodiversity loss; loss of biodiversity; loss of biological diversity
cailliúint bithéagsúlachta; cailliúint na bithéagsúlachta
close-out costs
costais clabhsúir
loss brought forward from prior year
caillteanas arna thabhairt ar aghaidh ón mbliain roimhe
loss leader pricing; loss leading
praghsáil treoirearra caillteanais
prohibiting the resale(of goods)at a loss
toirmeasc ar athdhíol faoi ráta
ceramic flux; flux
cellulose nitrate; CN; nitrocellulose
acetyl cellulose; CA; cellulose acetate
aicéatáit cheallalóis
closed captioning; closed captions
fotheidealú iata
closed distribution network
líonra dáileacháin dúnta
EAO; European Audiovisual Observatory
an Fhaireachlann Eorpach Closamhairc
disclosure of professional secret
nochtadh rúin ghairmiúil; rún gairmiúil a nochtadh
to approve the annual balance sheet and profit and loss account
an clár comhardaithe bliantúil agus an cuntas brabúis agus caillteanais a fhormheas
consolidated income statement; consolidated profit and loss account; consolidated statement of operations
cuntas comhdhlúite brabúis agus caillteanais
balance sheet rate of exchange; closing rate of exchange; current exchange rate; period end rate of exchange
ráta malairte am scoir
closing rate method; current rate method
modh an ráta reatha
gross loss; negative gross margin
caillteanas comhlán
final balance sheet; list of closing balances
clár comhardaithe deiridh
closing an account; closing of an account
dúnadh cuntais
closing of account; year end closing; year end closure
clabhsúr cuntais; clabhsúr deireadh bliana
loss set-off; offsetting of losses
fritháireamh caillteanas
earning statement; income statement; profit and loss account; profit and loss statement; statement of financial performance; statement of income; statement of loss and gain
ráiteas ioncaim
carry-forward of losses; tax loss carryforward; tax loss carry-forward
tabhairt ar aghaidh caillteanas cánach
loss carry-back; tax loss carry back; tax loss carryback
tabhairt siar caillteanas cánach
book loss on realisation; book profit on realisation; gain from disposal loss from disposal
brabús leabhar ar readú; caillteanas leabhar ar readú
closing procedures; year end procedures
nósanna imeachta clabhsúir; nósanna imeachta deireadh bliana
loss for the period; net loss
caillteanas don tréimhse; glanchaillteanas
closing entries; closing provisions
iontrálacha deiridh
disclosed reserves
cúlchiste nochta
hidden reserves; undisclosed reserves
cúlchiste folaigh; cúlchiste neamhluaite
intradermal tuberculin test; intra-dermal tuberculosis test
triail tiúibeircline indeirmeach
ligno-cellulosic material
ábhar ligniceallalóis
closed season; control period; lock out period; period of embargo
tréimhse trádbhaic
<I>Listeria monocytogenes</I> infection; circling disease; listerellosis; listeria infection; listeriosis; silage sickness
blackleg; black-leg; blackquarter; black-quarter; Clostridium chauvoei infection; Clostridium septicum infection; quarter-ill; symptomatic anthrax
ceathrú dhubh; ionfhabhtú Clostridium chauvoei
bovine TB; bovine tuberculosis; Mycobacterium bovis infection; Mycobacterium bovis tuberculosis
eitinn bhólachta
Brucella suis infection; contagious abortion of sows; porcine brucellosis; swine brucellosis
brúsallóis muc; forlao gabhálach cránacha
<i>Brucella abortus</i> infection; Bang's disease; bovine brucellosis; contagious abortion; infectious abortion
brúsalóis bhólachta
closed season; control period; lock out period; period of embargo
tréimhse trádbhaic
account closing date; balance sheet date; date to which the balance sheet relates
dáta an chláir chomhardaithe; dáta dúnta cuntais
loss of market value
caillteanas sa luach margaidh
reference flux
flosc tagartha
acoustic excitation
floscadh fuaimiúil
altitude alkalosis
alcalóis airde
benzyl cellulose
ceallalós beinsile
close controlled air interception
tascradh aeir le neasrialú
closed cell foam
plaisteach ceall iata
closed circuit oxygen equipment
trealamh ocsaigine le ciorcad iata
closed cycle engine
inneall le ciorcad iata
closed loop system
córas lúbiata
closed throat wind tunnel
gaoth-thollán píobáin iata
closed working section
rannóg oibre iata
contact lost
teagmháil chaillte
critical closing speed
luas criticiúil an dúnta
explosion turbine
tuirbín pléascach; tuirbín pléasctha; tuirbín um pléascadh
explosive welding
táthú pléascach
fluxgate compass
compás floscgheata
lost wax process
próiseas na céarach caillte
magnaflux inspection
iniúchadh maighneafhloscach
closed circuit wind tunnel; return circuit wind tunnel; return flow tunnel; return flow wind tunnel
gaoth-thollán le ciorcad iata
tip loss
caillteanas ag barr liáin
trichinelliasis; trichinellosis; trichiniasis; trichinosis
nerve deafness; perceptive deafness; sensorineural deafness; sensorineural hearing loss; sensori-neural hearing loss; SNHL
bodhaire aireachtála; bodhaire néarógach
conloss; consequential damage; consequential loss
caillteanas iarmhartach
loss adjuster
coigeartóir caillteanais
PLTA; profit and loss transfer agreement
comhaontú maidir le brabús agus caillteanas a aistriú
profit and loss transfer contract
conradh maidir le brabús agus caillteanas a aistriú
end-of-month closing of accounts
dúnadh cuntas ag deireadh na míosa
non-operating losses; non-operating profits
brabús neamhoibriúcháin; caillteanas neamhoibriúcháin
allocation from provisions and reserves for doubtful accounts; release of previous year's provisions; release of previous year's provisions for possible losses; release of provisions; release of provisions for contingencies and depreciation; transfer from provision accounts; transfer from provisions
aistriú ó chuntais soláthairtí
losses,depreciation and provisions; losses,provisions and sundry amounts written off
caillteanais, dímheas agus soláthairtí
accumulated losses; balance of loss brought forward; loss carried forward; loss carried over
caillteanas arna thabhairt ar aghaidh
hearing impairment; hearing loss
lagú éisteachta
sound insulation; sound reduction index; transmission loss
innéacs maidir le laghdú torainn
particle fluence
floscas cáithníní
radiant flux; radiant power
flosc radanta
light flux; luminous flux
aschur solais; flosc lonrúil
los; teirminéal
no-load loss
caillteanas gan lód
load loss
caillteanas lóid
loss in weight; loss of weight
cailliúnt meáchain
loss of office
cailleadh oifige
loss of earnings; loss of income; loss of pay
caillteanas ioncaim
unauthorised disclosure of data
nochtadh neamhúdaraithe sonraí
car park
1,3,5-trinitroperhydro-1,3,5-triazine; cyclonite; cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine; hexogen; RDX; Research Department eXplosive; Royal Demolition eXplosive; T4
1,3,5-trínítrea-1,3,5-trí-aisín; cioglóinít; heicsigin; RDX
direct flood damage; direct flood loss
damáiste díreach ó thuilte
undirect flood damage; undirect flood loss
caillteanas indíreach ó thuillte; damáiste indíreach ó thuillte
lateral loss; lateral misalignment; offset
mí-ailíniú cliathánach; mí-ailíniú taobhach
model profit-and-loss account
cuntas samplach brabúis agus caillteanais
forecast profit-and-loss account
cuntas réamhaisnéis brabúis agus caillteanais
full disclosure
dlí um nochtadh iomlán
flux; flux material
ábhar flosca; flosc
waste incineration
loscadh dramhaíola
metal scrap yard; scrap yard
clós dramh-mhiotail
closed composting
múiríniú iata
lost profit; not realized profit
brabús caillte
audiometric technician; audiometrician
closmhéadraí; teicneoir closmhéadrachta
flux; flux material
ábhar flosca; flosc
excitation system
córas flosctha
caprine and ovine brucellosis; ovine and caprine brucellosis
brúsallóis chaorach agus ghabhair
ovine brucellosis
brúsallóis chaorach
trichinellosis; trichinosis
CEIC; closed fund; closed-end fund; closed-end investment company; closed-end investment fund; investment company with fixed capital
cuideachta infheistíochta a bhfuil caipiteal seasta aici
closing out; settlement
closing inventory; ending inventory; inventory carried forward to the following year
fardal arna thabhairt anonn go dtí an bhliain ina dhiaidh; fardal deiridh
case; enclosure; housing
reverse osmosis; RO
constructive total loss; CTL
lánchaillteanas inchiallaithe
granular layer; granular layer of epidermis; stratum granulosum
sraith ghráinneach; sraith ghráinneach na heipideirme; stratum granulosum
profit and loss account reserve brought forward
cuntas brabúis agus caillteanais - cúlchiste arna thabhairt ar aghaidh
bad debts expense; losses on irrecoverable debts
caillteanas de thairbhe drochfhiach
losses on amounts due from group companies
caillteanais ar shuimeanna atá dlite ó ghrúpchuideachtaí
net loss on disposal of securities
glanchaillteanas as diúscairt urrús
provision for loss in value
soláthar le haghaidh caillteanas i luach; soláthar le haghaidh dímheasa
explosive; occlusive; plosive
foetal death; foetal loss; prenatal loss
bás féatais
profit or loss for the financial year
brabús nó caillteanas don bhliain airgeadais
profit or loss on ordinary activities
brabús nó caillteanas i leith gnáthghníomhaíochtaí
combined under one item called'Gross profit or loss'
comhcheangailte faoi mhír amháin dá ngairtear "Brabús comhlán nó caillteanas comhlán"
taxes on the profit or loss
cánacha ar an mbrabús nó ar an gcaillteanas
foreseeable liabilities and potential losses
dliteanais intuartha agus caillteanais fhéideartha
locomotor system; musculoskeletal system
córas matánchnámharlach
haemorrhagic bovine septicaemia; haemorrhagic septicaemia; haemorrhagic septicaemia of cattle; Pasteurella multocida infection; pasteurellosis of cattle; septicaemic pasteurellosis
seipticéime fuilreatha bólachta
corpus callosum
corpus callosum
gruth buí
exomphalos; omphalocele
closure by secondary intent; secondary intention
cneasú tánaisteach
human salmonellosis; salmonellosis
TB; tuberculosis
casting flux flux; casting powder; fluxing agent; fluxing powder; mould powder; slag powder
púdar flosca
audio-frequency track circuit; high-frequency circuit; overlay track circuit
ciorcad ardmhinicíochta; rianchiorcad closmhinicíochta
car body; car enclosure; passenger module
cabhail cairr
closed circuit television
teilifís chiorcaid iata
closed-loop braking
coscánú lúbiata
closed tunnel construction method
modh déanta tollán iata
closing in
teannadh isteach ar
closing up
teannadh isteach le
holding yard
clós loctha
lost kilometres
ciliméadair caillte
train depot; yard
clós traenach; iosta
closing of the financial year; end of the financial year
deireadh na bliana airgeadais
loss resulting from revaluation
caillteanas de thairbhe athluachála
closing down of local unit
dúnadh aonaid áitiúil
closed-loop three-way catalyst; three-way catalyser; three-way catalyst; three-way catalytic converter; TWC
catalaitheoir trí threo
closing device
feiste dúnta; gléas dúnta
enclosed superstructure
forstruchtúr iata
closed bottle; closed bottle test
tástáil i mbuidéal iata
compensation for loss
cúiteamh as caillteanas
cathode ray oscillograph; cathode-ray oscilloscope; CRO
ascalascóp ga-chatóideach
avian TB; avian tuberculosis; MAC infection; Mycobacterium avium infection; Mycobacterium avium tuberculosis
eitinn éanúil; ionfhabhtú Mycobacterium avium
dead time; idle time; lost time
aga díomhaoin
lignified tissue; lignocellulose; wood substance
fíochán lignithe; ligniceallalós
crown closure
dúnadh ceannbhrait
loss leader; loss leader product
treoirearra cailliúna
month end closing
dúnadh na gcuntas ag deireadh na míosa
close-cut halftone
dlúthghearradh leath-thoin
closing date
dáta deiridh
closing passage of an advertisement
sliocht deiridh an fhógra
flux oil
ola flosca
stop loss order; stop market order; stop order
passive loss
caillteanas éighníomhach
operating loss
caillteanas oibriúcháin
bulbar paralysis; Duchenne's paralysis; Duchenne's syndrome; labioglossolaryngeal paralysis; progressive bulbar palsy; progressive bulbar paralysis
pairilis fhorchéimnitheach earr na hinchinne; siondróm Duchenne
number of days lost
líon laethanta a cailleadh; líon laethanta a chailltear
degassing flux
flosc díghásúcháin
staged incineration
loscadh céimneach
loss of purchasing power; purchasing power loss
caillteanas cumhachta ceannaigh
disclosure meeting
cruinniú um nochtadh
lost revenue
ioncam caillte
unavoidable net losses
glanchaillteanas dosheachanta
twaite shad
sead alósach; sead fhallacsach
lost customer programme
clár d'iarchustaiméirí
cross-linked carboxymethyl cellulose; cross-linked cellulose gum; cross-linked CMC; cross-linked sodium carboxymethylcellulose; cross-linked sodium CMC
ceallalós carbocsaimeitile sóidiam trasnasctha
driving too close
tiomáint róchóngarach
close proximity method; CPX method
modh garthomhais
close-proximity laser profilometer; CPLP
próifíliméadar léasair gariniúchta
surface parking lot
carrchlós ar leibhéal na sráide
closed ventilated container
coimeádán iata aeráilte
tilisin; tíolóisin
fetal oversize; large offspring syndrome; LOS
rómhéid féatais
Holocaust; Shoah
an tUileloscadh
foreclosure; market foreclosure
dúnadh an mhargaidh; foriamh; foriamh margaidh
compulsory disclosure; disclosure; duty of disclosure
dualgas nochta
LGD; loss given default
caillteanas i gcás mainneachtana; LGD
first loss
EACEA; Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
an Ghníomhaireacht Feidhmiúcháin Oideachais, Closamhairc agus Cultúir; EACEA
audiovisual media service; AVMS
seirbhís meán closamhairc
SLTD database; Stolen and Lost Travel Documents database
bunachar sonraí i ndáil le doiciméid atá goidte nó caillte; SLTD
closing benchmark
tagarmharc deiridh
MDR-TB; multi-drug resistant tuberculosis; multidrug-resistant tuberculosis
eitinn fhrithsheasmhach in aghaidh ildrugaí; MDR-TB
glanadh cuntais; socraíocht
timing of closing prices
uainiú praghsanna scoir
loss rate
ráta caillteanais
second loss position
suíomh dara caillteanas
second loss tranche
an dara tráinse caillteanais
second loss tranche or better
dara tráinse caillteanais nó níos fearr
European Programme for Action to Confront HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis through External Action (2007-2011)
Clár gníomhaíochta Eorpach chun aghaidh a thabhairt ar VID/SEIF, maláire agus eitinn trí ghníomhaíocht sheachtrach (2007-2011)
gross loss amount
méid an chaillteanais chomhláin
historical internal loss data
sonraí stairiúla inmheánacha maidir le caillteanas
historical loss data
sonraí stairiúla maidir le caillteanas
impact of loss
tionchar caillteanais
default loss
caillteanas mainneachtana
tank breathing losses
caillteanais de bharr análú umair
hot soak losses
astaíochtaí iarthiomána
likelihood of loss
dóchúlacht chaillteanais
loss of physical assets
caillteanas sócmhainni fisiceacha
loss data
sonraí maidir le caillteanas
minimum loss threshold
íostairseach caillteanais; tairseach caillteanais íosta
operational risk losses
caillteanais rioscaí oibriúcháin
revaluation booked in the profit and loss account
athluacháil arna breacadh sa chuntas brabúis agus caillteanais
tail of the loss estimate
earr na meastachán ar chaillteanas
closed-down installation
suiteáil dhúnta
vertical foreclosure
foriamh ceartingearach
first-loss position
suíomh céadchaillteanais
first-loss protection
cosaint céadchaillteanais
measure of exposure and loss
tomhas maidir le neamhchosaint agus caillteanas
Action Plan on Enhancing the Security of Explosives; EU action plan for the enhancement of the security of explosives
Plean Gníomhaíochta maidir le Slándáil Pléascán a Fheabhsú
loss estimate
meastachán ar chaillteanas
predictor of loss rates
réamhtháscaire rátaí caillteanais
quarterly loss
caillteanas ráithiúil
close-out transactions
idirbheart clabhsúir
credit loss event
teagmhas caillteanas creidmheasa
debit to the profit and loss account
cuir do dhochar cuntas brabúis agus caillteanais
soybean hemicellulose; water soluble soybean fibre; water soluble soybean polysaccharides
heimiceallalós pónairí soighe
explosive precursor; explosives precursor
réamhtheachtaí pléascán
no-lose target; one-way target; positively binding target
sprioc nach bhfuil faoi lé aon riosca
myelocele; myeloschisis; rachischisis
EL; expected loss
caillteanas ionchasach
close links
dlúthnasc; nasc dlúth
retained first loss position
suíomh céadchaillteanais coimeádta; suíomh céadchaillteanais coinnithe
alpha-cyclodextrin; alpha-dextrine; cyclohexaamylose; cyclohexapentylose; cyclomaltohexaose; α-cycloamylose; α-cyclodextrin; α-dextrin
alfa-cioglaideistrin; alfa-deistrin; C36H60O30; α-deistrin
cover losses
caillteanas cumhdaigh
credit-related loss
caillteanas a bhaineann le creidmheas
loss distribution
dáileachán caillteanais; dáileadh caillteanais
loss incurred
caillteanas a tabhaíodh; caillteanas arna thabhú
quantitative risk assessment disclosure
nochtadh measúnaithe riosca cainníochtúil
lost upon the default of the counterparty
caillte ar mhainneachtain an chontrapháirtí; caillte de thoradh mhainneachtain an chontrapháirtí
total latent revaluation gains or losses
iomlán na ngnóthachan nó na gcaillteanas folaitheach de bharr athluachála
public disclosure
nochtadh poiblí
incur a loss
caillteanas a thabhú
breakdown of loss
miondealú ar chaillteanas
source stream
flosc bunaidh
input foreclosure
foriamh ionchuir
realised loss
caillteanas réadaithe
dilution loss
caillteanas caolúcháin
credit-related economic loss
caillteanas eacnamaíoch a bhaineann le creidmheas; caillteanas eacnamaíoch atá bainteach le creidmheas
credit loss
caillteanas creidmheasa
expected loss amount
méid an chaillteanais ionchasaigh; méid ionchasach an chaillteanais
netting of gains and losses
glanluacháil gnóthachan agus caillteanas
economic loss
caillteanas eacnamaíoch
non-linear audiovisual media service; non-linear service; on-demand audiovisual media service; on-demand service
seirbhís meán closamhairc ar éileamh
loss absorption mechanism
sásra ionsúcháin caillteanais
information disclosure requirement; information requirement
ceanglas maidir le faisnéis
school closure
dúnadh scoile; scoil a dhúnadh
loss of transparency
cailleadh trédhearcachta
after-closure monitoring
monatóireacht iardhúnta
avian pasteurellosis; fowl cholera
calar éanlaithe; paistéaralóis
philosophical and non-confessional organisations
eagraíochtaí fealsúnacha agus neamhchreidmheacha
Dense Inert Metal Explosive; DIME
Pléascán Triathmhiotail Dhlúith
loss of lift; stall
audiovisual co-production
comhléiriú closamhairc
accounting for government grants and disclosure of government assistance
cuntasaíocht um dheontais rialtais agus um nochtadh cúnamh rialtais
accumulated profit or loss
brabús nó caillteanas carntha
actuarial gains and losses
gnóthachain agus caillteanais achtúireacha
additional disclosure
nochtadh breise
close members of the family of the individual
dlúthdhaoine de theaghlach an duine aonair
closing market prices
margadhphraghasanna scoir; praghsanna margaidh scoir
closing rate
ráta reatha
disclosure and presentation
nochtadh agus cur i láthair
disclosure of government assistance
cúnamh rialtais a nochtadh
disclosure requirement
riachtanas maidir le nochtadh; riachtanas nochta
disclosures in the financial statements of banks and similar financial institutions
nochtadh i ráitis airgeadais ó bhainc agus ó institiúidí airgeadais comhchosúla
disclosure—service concession arrangements
nochtadh - socruithe maidir le lamháltas seirbhíse
elimination of unrealised profits and losses on transactions with associates
díchur brabúis agus caillteanais neamhréadaithe ar idirbhearta le comhlaigh
enhanced disclosure
nochtadh feabhsaithe
equity accounting method - recognition of losses
modh cuntasaíochta an chothromais - aithint caillteanas
financial asset or financial liability at fair value through profit or loss
sócmhainn airgeadais nó dliteanas airgeadais ar luach cóir trí bhrabús nó thrí chaillteanas
financial instruments: disclosure and presentation
ionstraimí airgeadais: nochtadh agus cur i láthair
foreign exchange - capitalisation of losses resulting from severe currency devaluations
malairt eachtrach - caipitliú caillteanas de dheasca dian-díluachálacha airgeadra
historical loss experience
taithí stairiúil maidir le caillteanas
impairment loss
caillteanas lagaithe
initial disclosure event (for a discontinuing operation)
teagmhas nochta tosaigh (maidir le hoibríocht atá le scoradh)
loss event
teagmhas caillteanais
loss per share
caillteanas in aghaidh na scaire
loss recognition test
tástáil aitheantais ar chaillteanais
net loss
net profit or loss for the period
glanbhrabús nó glanchaillteanas don tréimhse
net profit or loss for the period, fundamental errors and changes in accounting policies
glanbhrabús nó glanchaillteanas don tréimhse, bunearráidí agus athruithe i mbeartais chuntasaíochta
post-tax profit or loss
brabús nó caillteanas iarchánach
probable maximum loss
uaschaillteanas dóchúil
property, plant and equipment - compensation for the impairment or loss of items
réadmhaoin, gléasra agus trealamh - cúiteamh i leith lagú nó caillteanas earraí
quantitative disclosures
nochtuithe cainníochtúla
related party disclosures
faisnéis a nochtadh maidir le páirtithe gaolmhara
stad le caillteanas
trading gains and losses
gnóthachain agus caillteanais ó thaobh trádála de
loss of control
caillteanas i rialú
obtaining or losing control
ag fáil nó ag cailleadh rialaithe
Unstable explosives.
Pléascáin éagobhsaí.
Explosive; mass explosion hazard.
Pléascach; guais mhórphléasctha.
Explosive, severe projection hazard.
Pléascach, guais throm teilgin.
Explosive; fire, blast or projection hazard.
Pléascach; guais dóiteáin, phléasctha nó teilgin.