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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
acceptable operator exposure level; AOEL
leibhéal na neamhchosanta atá inghlactha ag an oibreoir
L<SUB>night</SUB>; night equivalent level; night-time noise indicator
táscaire torainn oíche
UBO; unleveraged buy-out
ceannach thar barr amach gan ghiaráil; UBO
front elevation
parafiscal charges; parafiscal levies; para-fiscal taxes
táillí paraifhioscacha
TDN; top-level domain name
ainm fearainn barrleibhéil
level-crossing accident
tionóisc ag crosaire comhréidh
Bulgarian lev; lev; Lv
BGN; lev na Bulgáire
emission level
leibhéal astaíochtaí
assurance; confidence level
leibhéal muiníne
materiality level; materiality limit; materiality threshold
tairseach ábharthachta; tairseach na hábharthachta
relevant audit evidence; relevant evidence
fianaise ábhartha an iniúchta
higher education; third-level education
gearing effect; leverage effect; leveraging effect
éifeacht ghiarála
CL; co-responsibility levy
tobhach comhfhreagrachta
television camera
ceamara teilifíse
HEI; higher education establishment; higher education institution; tertiary education institution; third level educational institution
institiúid ardoideachais
fructose; fruit sugar; levulose
fruchtós; siúcra torthaí
high-level programming language
teanga ríomhchlárúcháin ardleibhéil
fight against poverty; poverty alleviation; poverty reduction
laghdú na bochtaineachta
reference level
leibhéal tagartha
European Agreement concerning Programme Exchanges by means of Television Films
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le Malartuithe Clár trí Scannáin Teilifíse
European Agreement on the Protection of Television Broadcasts
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le Craoltaí Teilifíse a Chosaint
HDTV; high-definition television; high-definition TV
HDTV; teilifís ardghléine
European Convention on Transfrontier Television
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach um Theilifís Trasteorann
maximum level for residues; maximum residue level; maximum residue limit; MRL
uasteorainn iarmhar
compensatory levy
tobhach cúitimh
fixing the level of the amount
socrú leibhéal na suime
price level
leibhéal praghsanna
level that shall reflect the relationship ...
leibhéal a bheidh ag teacht leis an ngaol ....; leibhéal a fhreagróidh don ghaol ...
to levy customs duty on ...
dleacht chustaim a thobhach ar ...
level of development
leibhéal forbartha
high-level nuclear waste; high-level radioactive waste; high-level waste; HLRW; HLW
dramhaíl radaighníomhach ardleibhéil; HLW
LLRW; LLW; low-level radioactive waste; low-level waste
dramhábhar íseal-leibhéil; dramhaíl radaighníomhach íseal-leibhéil
to levy customs duties or charges
toibhigh dleacht chustaim nó muirear
HDLC; high-level data-link control
Rialú Nasctha Ardleibhéil Sonraí
maximum permissible level of exposure
uasleibhéal nochta incheadaithe
to impose a levy
forchuir tobhach
reasonable level
leibhéal réasúnta
high level of employment
ardleibhéal fostaíochta
stipulation of the noise level of household equipment
leibhéal torainn trealamh tí a shonrú
to impose an equalisation levy
tobhach cothromaíochta a fhorchur
reception chain for satellite television programmes
slabhra glactha do chláir theilifíse satailíte
pan-European television station
stáisiún teilifíse pan-Eorpach
the level ruling in that market
an leibhéal atá ar gnáthchleachtadh sa mhargadh sin; an leibhéal atá faoi réim sa mhargadh sin
television camera tubes
feadán ceamara teilifíse
statement of the relevant law
ráiteas faoin dlí iomchuí
the relevant central authority
an t-údarás lárnach ábhartha
high-level protocol; HLP
HLP; prótacal ardleibhéil
Europarty; European political party; political party at European level
páirtí polaitiúil ar leibhéal Eorpach; páirtí polaitiúil Eorpach
eleven-banded or broad-banded armadillo
armadailín mór earrnocht
A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level; LAeq; LpAeq
LAeq; leibhéal fuaimbhrú leanúnach coibhéiseach A-ualaithe
organise statistical work at appropriate administrative levels and duly observe the need for statistical confidentiality
obair staidrimh a eagrú ar leibhéil riarthacha iomchuí agus riachtanas na rúndachta staidrimh a urramú go cuí
classification level; level of classification; security classification level
leibhéal aicmiúcháin; leibhéal aicmiúcháin maidir le slándáil
Convention on the Participation of Foreigners in Public Life at Local Level
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Rannpháirtíocht Eachtrannach sa Saol Poiblí ar Leibhéal Áitiúil
Additional Protocol to the Protocol to the European Agreement on the Protection of Television Broadcasts
Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an bPrótacal a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú Eorpach maidir le Craoltaí Teilifíse a Chosaint
Protocol to the European Agreement on the Protection of Television Broadcasts
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú Eorpach maidir le Craoltaí Teilifíse a Chosaint
Third Additional Protocol to the Protocol to the European Agreement on the Protection of Television Broadcasts
an Tríú Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an bPrótacal a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú Eorpach maidir le Craoltaí Teilifíse a Chosaint
High Level Group; HLG; Senior Level Group; SLG
Grúpa ardleibhéil
level playing field
cothroime iomaíochta; cothrom na Féinne; machaire réidh
clearance level
leibhéal imréitigh
first reception; first-level reception; first-line reception
glacadh ar an gcéad líne
provide citizens with a high level of safety
ardleibhéal sábháilteachta a chur ar fáil do shaoránaigh
relevant voting conditions relating to it
dálaí vótála ábhartha a bhaineann le
Declaration on the preservation of the level of protection and security provided by the Schengen acquis
Dearbhú maidir leis an leibhéal cosanta agus slándála arna chur ar fáil in acquis Schengen a chaomhnú
domain-name suffix; TLD; top-level domain
Fearann Barrleibhéil; TLD
generic Top-Level Domain; gTLD
Fearann Barrleibhéil cineálach; gTLD
linear audiovisual media service; television broadcast; television broadcasting
craoltóireacht teilifíse
High-Level Working Group on Asylum and Migration; HLWG
an Mheitheal Ardleibhéil um Thearmann agus Imirce
ccTLD; country-code Top-Level Domain
fearann barrleibhéil náisiúnta; fearann barrleibhéil tíre
effective level of taxation; effective tax rate
ráta cánach éifeachtach
1999 Gothenburg Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone; Gothenburg Protocol; Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone; Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution to abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-Level Ozone
Prótacal a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún 1979 ar Thruailliú Aeir Trasteorann Fadraoin chun laghdú a dhéanamh ar an Aigéadú, ar an Eotrófú agus ar an Ózón ar Leibhéal na Talún; Prótacal Gothenburg
alcoholemia; BA; BAC; BAL; blood alcohol concentration; blood alcohol content; blood alcohol level; level of alcohol in the blood
tiúchan alcóil san fhuil
Protocol amending the European Convention on transfrontier television
Prótacal lena leasaítear an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach um theilifís trasteorann
multi-level governance
rialachas il-leibhéil
High Level Working Party for tax issues; High Level Working Party on Tax Questions; High Level Working Party on Taxation; High-level Working Party; HLWP
Meitheal Ardleibhéil
multilevel mode
modh il-leibhéal
High Level Group of Member States Representatives on Disability; High Level Group on Disability
an Grúpa Ardleibhéil um Míchumas; Grúpa Ardleibhéil Ionadaithe na mBallstát um Míchumas
special levy
tobhach speisialta
LEV; low-emission vehicle
feithicil astaíochtaí ísle
boiling point elevation
ardú an fhiuchphointe
IBTO; International Broadcasting and Television Organisation; International Radio and Television Organisation; OIRT
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta um Raidió agus um Theilifís
concessionality level
an leibhéal lamháltais
financial leverage; gearing; leverage
dike; dyke; embankment; levee
cladán; claífort; fál cosanta; leibhé
to convert signal levels to path attenuation
comhartha-leibhéil a thiontú de réir an mhaolaithe feadh na conaire
clear sky reference level
leibhéal tagartha glanspéire
single-site fade level
leibhéal an mhaolaithe ar láthair amháin
agricultural levy
tobhach talmhaíochta
level of prices; price level
leibhéal praghsanna
mezzanine level
céim forbraíochta
levy on banks
tobhach ar na bainc
relevant provisions
forálacha ábhartha
d-fructose; fructose; fruit sugar; laevulose; levulose
milk component of the levy
comhchuid an bhainne den tobhach
long-term interest-rate level
leibhéal fadtéarmach rátaí úis
leveraged management buyout; LMBO
ceannach thar barr amach le giaráil ag an mbainistíocht
solar altitude; solar altitude angle; solar elevation; solar elevation angle
airde na gréine; uillinn airde na gréine
mean sea level; mean water level; MSL
meánleibhéal na mara; MLM
variable import levy
tobhach allmhairiúcháin athraitheach
support at sub-national level
tacaíocht ag leibhéal fonáisiúnta
relevant international organizations
eagraíochtaí idirnáisiúnta ábhartha
product not liberalized at Community level
táirge nár léirscaoileadh ar leibhéal an Chomhphobail
level of tolerance on importation
leibhéal an lamháltais ar allmhairiú
speed control lever; throttle control lever; throttle lever
scóigluamhán rialaithe
televised advertising targeting children
fógraíocht teilifíse dírithe ar leanaí
grader; leveller
television set
exemption level
tairseach díolúine
digital terrestrial television; DTT; DTTV
DTT; teilifís dhigiteach trastíre
additional levy; super-levy
tobhach breise
text with EEA relevance
téacs atá ábhartha maidir le LEE; téacs atá ábhartha maidir leis an LEE
intermediate level
leibhéal idirmheánach
price level accounting
cuntasaíocht phraghasleibhéil
average level of indebtedness
meánleibhéal féichiúnais
ground-water level
Levant sparrowhawk
spioróg Leiveantach
diagnostic reference level
leibhéal tagartha diagnóiseach
inspection level
leibhéal cigireachta
significant result at the chosen alpha level
toradh suntasach ar an leibhéal alfa roghnaithe
aerodrome elevation
airde aeradróim
ANL; annoyance noise level
leibhéal bearráin de thoradh torainn
CNEL; community noise equivalent level
leibhéal coibhéiseach torainn i gcomharsanacht
continuous multi-level sampling plan
plean samplála leanúnach il-leibhéil
continuous single level sampling plan
plean samplála leanúnach aonleibhéil
creep at elevated temperature
dífhoirmiú téaltaitheach
effective perceived noise level; EPNL
EPNL; leibhéal torainn braite iarbhír
FL; flight level
leibhéal eitilte
fluid level indicator
táscaire leibhéil sreabháin
go-forward control lever
luamhán rialúcháin inchlaonta chun tosaigh
gust alleviation factor
fachtóir maolaithe séideáin
HNL; hourly noise level
leibhéal torainn in aghaidh na huaire
load alleviation
laghdú na n-ualaí; laghdú ualaigh
noise meter; SLM; sound level meter; sound meter; sound-level meter
méadar fuaimleibhéil
A-weighted sound level; A-weighted sound pressure level
leibhéal fuaimbhrú A-ualaithe
perceived noise level; PNL
leibhéal torainn braite
hearing level; hearing threshold level
leibhéal éisteachta
sound power level
leibhéal chumhacht na fuaime
sound energy flux density level; sound intensity level
leibhéal fuaimdhéine
Lp; sound level; sound pressure level; SPL
L<sub>p</sub>; leibhéal fuaimbhrú; leibhéal fuaime
equivalent continuous noise level; equivalent continuous sound level; equivalent continuous sound pressure level; Equivalent Sound Level; Leq; time average sound pressure level
leibhéal fuaimbhrú leanúnach coibhéiseach
levitation melting
leá ardaithe
image monitor; picture monitor; television monitor; viewing monitor
monatóir teilifíse
conduction band; conduction level
banda seolta
company agreement; company-level agreement
comhaontú ar leibhéal cuideachta; comhaontú cuideachta
manning level reduction; shake-out of labour
laghdú ar líon na foirne
level crossing
crosaire comhréidh
side elevation
noise pollution level; NPL
an leibhéal de thruailliú ó thorann; NPL
action level; intervention level
leibhéal idirghabhála
ground-level concentration
comhchruinniú ag leibhéal an talaimh; tiúchan ag leibhéal na talún
intensity level
leibhéal déine
pollution at the ground level
truailliú ar leibhéal na talún
atmospheric pollution action level
leibhéal gníomhaíochta i dtaobh thruailliú an atmaisféir
air quality reference level
leibhéal tagartha maidir le caighdeán an aeir
import levy
tobhach allmhairiúcháin
ground-water level; ground-water table; level of saturation; phreatic surface; water table
betterment levy; capital levy; contribution; inclusion fee
tobhach ar chaipiteal
double-level franchise
saincheadúnas dhá leibhéal
leverage factor; profitability increase factor
toisc ghiarála
multi franchise; multi-level franchise
saincheadúnas il-leibhéil
television advertising
fógraíocht teilifíse
LBO; leveraged buyout
ceannach thar barr amach le giaráil; LBO
concentration plateau; Css; equilibrium concentration; steady-state concentration; steady-state level
leibhéal foistine; tiúchan foistine
ground-level ozone; low atmospheric ozone; low level ozone; surface ozone; tropospheric ozone
ózón trópaisféarach
taxes and similar levies
cánacha agus tobhaigh chomhchosúla eile
cruising level
airde cúrsála na heitilte
bi-level car
carr dhá leibhéal
closed circuit television
teilifís chiorcaid iata
equivalent continuous sound level
leibhéal fuaime leanúnach coibhéiseach
hazard level
leibhéal guaise
king lever
level of service standard
caighdeán leibhéal na seirbhíse
magnetic levitated vehicle
feithicil ar foluain go maighnéadach
connecting ramp; superelevation ramp
rampa chun an uasbhealaigh
system control level
leibhéal rialaithe an chórais
system safety supervision level
leibhéal maoirseachta ar shábháilteacht córais
tracked levitated vehicle
feithicil ar foluain ar rian
weighted sound pressure level
leibhéal ualaithe fuaimbhrú
transition level
leibhéal trasdula
equalisation levy; equalization levy; perequation levy
tobhach um chomhionannú
to levy taxes; to tax
gearr cáin
educational attainment; educational attainment level; educational level
leibhéal oideachais
capital levy
tobhach ar chaipiteal
level of living; living standard; standard of living
caighdeán maireachtála
GZ; righting arm; righting lever
luamhán ceartaithe
curve of righting arms; curve of statical stability; GZ curve; righting lever curve
cuar na luamhán ceartaithe
ground level
leibhéal na talún
stocking level; tree density
leibhéal stocála
redemption level
leibhéal na fuascailte
high management; senior management; top management; top-level management; upper management
ardbhainistíocht; foireann shinsearach
capitalisation ratios; capitalization ratios; financial leverage ratios
cóimheasa caipitliúcháin; cóimheasa giaráil airgeadais
brake lever
luamhán coscáin; luamhán coscánaithe
gear control lever; gear lever; gear shift lever; gear-change lever; shift lever
action level; AL
leibhéal gníomhaíochta
radio,television and video equipment
trealamh raidió, teilifíse agus físeáin
radio,television and video equipment
trealamh raidió, teilifíse agus físeáin
Radio and Television Advertising Association
Cumann Fógraíochta um Raidió agus um Theilifís
multilevel marketing(MLM)
margaíocht dhíreach díolacháin; margaíocht il-leibhéil
aviary; aviary system; multi-level system; multi-tiered system; perchery
córas éanlainne
television selling
díol teilifíse
television; TV
probability level
leibhéal dóchúlachta
call termination at the local level
críochnú glao ar an leibhéal áitiúil
biosafety level; BSL; containment level
leibhéal bithshábháilteachta
CCL; climate change levy
tobhach athraithe aeráide
top-level domain name registry
clárlann ainmneacha fearainn barrleibhéil
SMART; specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic and time-frame; specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time related; specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound; specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-related; specific, measureable, achievable, relevant and timely
sonrach, intomhaiste, indéanta, réalaíoch agus faoi cheangal ama
ULEV; ultra-low emission vehicle
feithicil astaíochtaí sárísle
relevant market
margadh ábhartha
maximum pesticide residue level
uasleibhéal iarmhar lotnaidicídí
pesticide residue level
leibhéal iarmhar lotnaidicíde
level of ambition; LOA
leibhéal uaillmhéine
air ticket levy
tobhach aerthicéid
Working Party on Electronic Communications (SESAME High Level Coordinators Group)
an Mheitheal um Chumarsáid Leictreonach (Grúpa Ardleibhéil de Chomhordaitheoirí SESAME)
leverage industry funding
cistiú tionscail a ghiaráil
High Level Group on Agriculture
an Grúpa Ardleibhéil um Thalmhaíocht
High Level Space Policy Group; HSPG
an Grúpa Ardleibhéil um Beartas Spáis
minimum level of own funds
íosleibhéal cistí dílse
trapping level of excess spread
leibhéal gaisteoireachta maidir le barrachas an raon difríochta
capital alleviation
laghdú ar riachtanas caipitil
foot lever
High level group of independent stakeholders on administrative burdens; High level group on administrative burden reduction
Grúpa ardleibhéil de gheallsealbhóirí neamhspleácha um ualaí riaracháin; Grúpa ardleibhéil um laghdú ar an ualach riaracháin
mobile television; mobile TV
teilifís fóin póca; teilifís mhóibíleach
security level
leibhéal slándála
ENSREG; European High Level Group on Nuclear Safety and Waste Management; European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group
an Grúpa Ardleibhéil Eorpach maidir le Sábháilteacht Núicléach agus le Bainistíocht Dramhaíola; an Grúpa Eorpach Rialaitheoirí um Shábháilteacht Núicléach; ENSREG; Grúpa Rialtóirí na hEorpa um Shábháilteacht Núicléach
High Level Group on the Competitiveness of the Chemicals Industry in the European Union
Grúpa Ardleibhéil um Iomaíochas Thionscal na gCeimiceán san Aontas Eorpach
private copy levy; private copying levy
tobhach ar chóipeáil phríobháideach
excess spread level
leibhéal barrachais an raon difríochta
interest level
leibhéal úis
general market interest level
leibhéal spéise ginearálta sa mhargadh; leibhéal suime ginearálta sa mhargadh
High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness; HLF
Fóram Ardleibhéil maidir le hÉifeachtacht Cabhrach
High Level Event on the MDGs
Ócáid Ardleibhéil maidir le Spriocanna Forbartha na Mílaoise
High Level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis; HLTF
an Tascfhórsa Ardleibhéil um an nGéarchéim Dhomhanda i Slándáil Bhia
FAO High Level Conference on World Food Security
Comhdháil Ardleibhéil na hEagraíochta Bia agus Talmhaíochta (FAO) maidir le Sábháilteacht Sholáthar Bia an Domhain
Future Group on Justice; High-Level Advisory Group on the Future of European Justice Policy
an Grúpa Comhairleach Ardleibhéil maidir le Todhchaí an Bheartais Eorpaigh Cheartais; an Grúpa Todhchaí maidir le Ceartas
Future Group; High-Level Advisory Group on the Future of European Home Affairs Policy
an Grúpa Comhairleach Ardleibhéil ar Thodhchaí an Bheartais Eorpaigh um Ghnóthaí Baile
gearing ratio; leverage ratio
cóimheas giarála
SIFI; systemic financial institution; systemically important financial institution; systemically important institution; systemically relevant financial institution; systemically relevant institution
institiúid airgeadais a bhfuil tábhacht shistéamach léi; institiúid airgeadais shistéamach
Since the objectives of this [specify the type of act], (if relevant, specify the objectives) cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States [give reasons] but can rather, by reason of [specify the scale or effects of the action], be better achieved
Ós rud é nach féidir leis na Ballstáit cuspóirí [an Rialacháin/na Treorach/an Chinnidh] seo … [más iomchuí, sonraigh na cuspóirí] a ghnóthú go leordhóthanach … [tabhair cúiseanna] agus, de bharr … [sonraigh fairsinge nó éifeachtaí na gníomhaíochta], gur f; Ós rud é nach féidir leis na Ballstáit cuspóirí an Rialacháin seo [ainm an achta] a bhaint amach go leordhóthanach (tabhair cúiseanna), eadhon (sonraigh an gníomh agus na cuspóirí), agus gur fearr is féidir dá bhrí sin (sonraigh an scála agus eifeachtaí a
High Level Expert Group on EU financial supervision; High Level Group on Financial Supervision
an Sainghrúpa Ardleibhéil um Maoirseacht Airgeadais AE
first-level verification; management verification
fíorú bainistíochta
leveraged finance; LF
maoiniú le giaráil; maoiniúchán giaráilte
lateral spirit level
leachtleibhéal cliathánach
spirit level
active level crossing
crosaire comhréidh gníomhach
passive level crossing
crosaire comhréidh éighníomhach; crosaire comhréidh neamhghníomhach
GPC; High Level Group for Joint Programming
an Grúpa Ardleibhéil um Chlársceidealú Comhpháirteach; GPC
Levene’s test
tástáil Levene
upper-bound; upperbound analytical result; upper-bound analytical result; upperbound level
toradh anailíse cuimse uachtair
expanded low level curve
cuar íseal-leibhéil leathnaithe
leveraged fund
ciste giaráilte
levelling vessel
soitheach leibhéalta
unleveraged fund
ciste neamhghiaráilte
fixed dose level
leibhéal na dáileoige socraithe
Technology Readiness Level; TRL
Leibhéal Réidhe Teicneolaíochta; LRT
High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition; HLPE; HLPE/FSN
an Painéal Ardleibhéil Saineolaithe maidir le Sábháilteacht an tSoláthair Bia agus Cothú
financial transaction tax; FTT; global financial transaction levy; global transaction levy
tobhach domhanda ar idirbhearta airgeadais; tobhach domhanda ar idirbhearta airgid
assurance; assurance level; confidence level; reliability level
leibhéal muiníne
leveraged written option
céadrogha gheallta ghiaráilte
level of serviceability
leibhéal fóinteachta
lower level parent
máthairchuideachta ar leibhéal níos ísle
higher level parent entity
máthaireintiteas ardleibhéil
BAT-AELs; emission levels associated with the best available techniques
leibhéil astaíochta a bhaineann leis na teicnící is fearr atá ar fáil
High-level Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing
an Grúpa Comhairleach Ardleibhéil um an gComhrac in aghaidh an Athraithe Aeráide
maximum filling level test
tástáil an uasleibhéil líonta
bank levy; levy on banks; levy on financial institutions
tobhach ar na bainc
HLPM; MDG Summit; MDG+10 Summit; UN high-level plenary meeting of the General Assembly; United Nations High-level Plenary Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals
Cruinniú Iomlánach Ardleibhéil na Náisiún Aontaithe den Chomhthionól Ginearálta; Cruinniú Iomlánach Ardleibhéil na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir le Spriocanna Forbartha na Mílaoise
High Level Forum for a better functioning food supply chain
fóram ardleibhéil le haghaidh biashlabhra a fheidhmeoidh níos fearr
group-level resolution authority
údarás réitigh ar ghrúpleibhéal
interoperability level
leibhéal idir-inoibritheachta
standard of foreseeable relevance
caighdeán ábharthachta intuartha
African Union High‐level Implementation Panel; African Union High-level Implementation Panel for Sudan and South Sudan; African Union High-level Implementation Panel on Sudan; AUHIP
AUHIP; Painéal Feidhmiúcháin Ardleibhéil an Aontais Afracaigh maidir leis an tSúdáin
High-Level Forum on Jobs for Youth; High-Level Policy Forum on Jobs for Youth: Addressing Policy Challenges in OECD Countries; Jobs for Youth Forum; OECD Youth Forum
Fóram Ardleibhéil Beartais um Poist don Aos Óg: Ag Tabhairt Aghaidh ar Dhúshláin Bheartais i dtíortha ECFE
High Level Group of experts in the field of literacy; high-level expert group on literacy; high-level group on literacy
sainghrúpa ardleibhéil um an litearthacht
emergency level
leibhéal éigeandála
ILCAD; International Level Crossing Awareness Day
an Lá Idirnáisiúnta um Fheasacht ar Chrosairí Comhréidh
Design Eleven
Global Sustainability Panel; GSP; High-level Panel on Global Sustainability
an Painéil Ardleibhéil ar an Inbhuanaitheacht Dhomhanda
lower-bound; lowerbound level
cuimse íochtair
solidarity levy
tobhach dlúthpháirtíochta
EU-US High-Level Working Group on Jobs and Growth
an Mheitheal Ardleibhéil AE/SA um Phoist agus um an bhFás; an Mheitheal Ardleibhéil AE-SAM um Fhostaíocht agus um Fhás
High-Level Group on Sustainable Energy for All
an Grúpa Ardleibhéil um Fhuinneamh Inbhuanaithe do Chách
instrument with embedded leverage
ionstraim le giaráil leabaithe
leverage risk
riosca giarála
relevant entity
eintiteas ábhartha
risk of excessive leverage
riosca na giarála iomarcaí
Protocol to the European Convention for the Protection of the Audiovisual Heritage, on the Protection of Television Productions
Prótacal a bhaineann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Eorpach um Chosaint na hOidhreachta Closamhairc, maidir le Léirithe Teilifíse a Chosaint
high level accession dialogue
idirphlé ardleibhéil maidir le haontachais
levomefolic acid
aigéad léavóimeafólach
sparing level
fáil ar pháirteanna spártha
PLI; price level index
innéacs praghasleibhéal
cross-level sampling; cross-sectional sampling
sampláil thrasghearrthach
embedded leverage
giaráil leabaithe
leveraged exposure
neamhchosaint ghiaráilte
cantilever base
bonn starrmhaide
taxonomic level; taxonomic rank
leibhéal tacsanomaíoch
hedge fund deleveraging
díghiaráil cistí fálaithe
maximum level
maximum emission level
CARS 21 High Level Group; CARS 21 High Level Group on the Competitiveness and Sustainable Growth of the Automotive Industry in the European Union
Grúpa Ardleibhéil CARS 21; Grúpa Ardleibhéil CARS 21 maidir le hIomaíochas agus Fás Inbhuanaithe an Tionscail Gluaisteán san Aontas Eorpach
level road
bóthar cothrom
multi-level biometrics; multi-modal biometrics
bithmhéadracht ilmhódach
fuel lever
luamhán breosla
leverage effect
éifeacht ghiarála
Da'esh; Da'ish; IS; ISI; ISIL; ISIS; Islamic State; Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria; Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant; Islamic State of Iraq; Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham
an Stát Ioslamach; an Stát Ioslamach san Iaráic agus sa Leiveaint; an Stát Ioslamach san Iaráic agus sa Mhór-Shiria; Da'esh; SI; SIIS; Stát Ioslamach na hIaráice agus al-Sham
High Level Group on the Modernisation of Higher Education
an Grúpa Ardleibhéil um Nuachóiriú an Ardoideachais
television tuner
tiúnóir teilifíse
Cybersecurity Directive; Directive concerning measures for a high common level of security of network and information systems across the Union; Network and Information Security Directive; NIS Directive
an Treoir maidir le bearta chun leibhéal ard slándála líonra agus faisnéise a áirithiú ar fud an Aontais; an Treoir maidir le Cibearshlándáil; an Treoir maidir le Slándáil Líonra agus Faisnéise; Treoir NIS
High-level Political Forum; High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development; HLPF
an Fóram Ardleibhéil Polaitíochta; an Fóram Ardleibhéil Polaitíochta um Fhorbairt Inbhuanaithe
relevant demand facility
saoráid éilimh ábhartha
relevant grid element
eilimint ábhartha eangaí
minimum regulating level
íosleibhéal rialála
minimum stable operating level
íosleibhéal oibriúcháin chobhsaí
relevant asset
sócmhainn ábhartha
High-Level Contact Group for Relations with the Turkish-Cypriot Community in the Northern Part of the Island
an Grúpa Ardleibhéil Teagmhála um an gCaidreamh le Pobal Turcach na Cipire sa Chuid Thuaidh den Oileán
Linking the Levels Unit
An tAonad Idirchaidrimh
coverage level
leibhéal cumhdaigh
Ad hoc Working Party on the Single Resolution Mechanism; AHWP on SRM; High Level Working Party on the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM)
an Mheitheal Ardleibhéil maidir leis an Sásra Réitigh Aonair; Meitheal ad hoc maidir leis an Sásra Aonair Réitigh
action level; action threshold
tairseach gníomhaíochta
bureaucratic corruption; low-level corruption; petty corruption; street corruption; street-level corruption
grand corruption; high level corruption
High-Level Group on Gender Equality and Diversity
an Grúpa Ardleibhéil ar Chomhionannas Inscne agus Éagsúlacht
relevant wrongdoing; wrongdoing
High Level Group on Own Resources; HLGOR
an Grúpa Ardleibhéil um Acmhainní Dílse
acoustic roughness level; L<SUB>r</SUB>; roughness level
leibhéal gairbhe fuaime
COMPCRO HLG; High Level Working Group on Competitiveness and Growth
an Mheitheal Ardleibhéil um Iomaíochas agus Fás
levator ani
levator ani
G20 High-Level Principles on Beneficial Ownership Transparency
Prionsabail Ardleibhéil G20 maidir le Trédhearcacht Úinéireachta Tairbhiúla
intermediate emission level
leibhéal astaíochta idirmheánach
bicycle boulevard; cycle street
sráid rothar
LCOE; levelised cost of electricity; levelised cost of energy; total levelized costs of producing energy
meánchostais iomlána táirgthe fuinnimh
High Level Platform of Rail Infrastructure Managers in Europe; Platform for European Rail Infrastructure Managers; PRIME
Ardán Ardleibhéil do Bhainisteoirí Bonneagair Iarnróid san Eoraip; PRIME
Central East South Europe Gas Connectivity High Level Group; CESEC High Level Group; CESEC HLG; High Level Group on Central and South Eastern Europe Gas Connectivity
an Grúpa Ardleibhéil maidir leis an Nascacht Gháis do Lár agus Oirdheisceart na hEorpa
level A equipment
trealamh leibhéal A
relevant transmission system operator; relevant TSO
OCT ábhartha; oibreoir ábhartha córais tarchurtha
High-Level Panel on Humanitarian Financing
Painéal Ardleibhéil maidir le Maoiniú Daonnúil
Authorised Control Level
leibhéal rialaithe údaraithe
Regulatory Action Level
leibhéal gníomhaíochta rialála
Company Action Level
leibhéal gníomhaíochta cuideachta
Mandatory Control Level
leibhéal rialaithe éigeantaigh
assurance level
leibhéal dearbhaithe
EU-Turkey High Level Energy Dialogue; High Level Energy Dialogue
Idirphlé Ardleibhéil i ndáil le Fuinneamh; Idirphlé Ardleibhéil i ndáil le Fuinneamh idir AE agus an Tuirc
High Level Group of Independent Experts on Monitoring Simplification for Beneficiaries of the European Structural and Investment Funds; High Level Group of Independent Experts on Monitoring Simplification of European Structural and Investment Funds
an Grúpa Ardleibhéil Saineolaithe Neamhspleácha maidir le Faireachán a dhéanamh ar an Simpliú do Thairbhithe Chistí Struchtúracha agus Infheistíochta na hEorpa
CRF; crime relevant factor
fachtóir ábhartha coireachta
advanced-level document officer; ALDO
saineolaí doiciméad ardleibhéil
bilateral leverage
giaráil dhéthaobhach
safe level; safe threshold
leibhéal sábháilte; tairseach shábháilte
High Level Expert Group on Information Systems and Interoperability
an sainghrúpa ardleibhéil maidir le córais faisnéise agus idir-inoibritheacht
High-Level Resettlement and Humanitarian Admission Committee; High-Level Resettlement Committee
an Coiste Athlonnaithe Ardleibhéil
reference level
leibhéal tagartha
relevant capital instruments
ionstraimí caipitil ábhartha
relevant parent institution
máthairinstitiúid ábhartha
relevant third-country authority
údarás ábhartha tríú tír
High-level Independent Panel on Peace Operations; HIPPO
an Painéal Neamhspleách Ardleibhéil maidir le hOibríochtaí Síochána
second-level reception; second-line reception
glacadh dara líne
High Level Working Party of the Directors General of Customs
Meitheal Ardleibhéil na nArd-Stiúrthóirí Custaim
EU High Level Group on combating racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance; High Level Group on combating racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance
Grúpa Ardleibhéil AE um chiníochas, seineafóibe agus cineálacha eile éadulaingthe a chomhrac
Abney level
leibhéal Abney (fir1)
ardaitheoir (fir3, gu: ardaitheora, ai: ardaitheoirí, gi: ardaitheoirí)
trigger lever
luamhán truicir (fir1)
service level agreement
comhaontú leibhéal seirbhíse (fir)
alteration in elevation
athrú ardais (fir)
angle of elevation
uillinn ardais (bain2)
angle of tangent elevation
uillinn tadhallardais (bain2)
elevating arc
stua ardaithe (fir4)
elevation arc
stua ardais (fir4)
bell crank lever
luamhán cromáin (fir1)
bell crank lever
luamhán uilleach (fir1)
bipod level
leibhéal déchosaigh (fir1)
bolt lever
luamhán bolta (fir1)
high-level bombing
buamáil ard (bain3)
low-level bombing
buamáil íseal (bain3)
firing lever bracket
brac luamháin lámhaigh (fir1)
packing nut elevating washer
leicneán ardaithe an chnó phacála (fir1)
elevating wheel
roth ardaithe (fir3)
elevating wheel bush
braicille rotha ardaithe (fir4)
elevating wheel feather
cleite rotha ardaithe (fir4)
elevating wheel nut
cnó rotha ardaithe (fir4)
elevating wheel bush collar
coiléar braicille rotha ardaithe (fir1)
cross-levelling bubble
bolgóid chrosleibhéil (bain2)
elevation bubble
bolgóid ardais (bain2)
chain for securing elevation screw
slabhra ceangail scriú ardaithe (fir4)
cam lever fixing screw
scriú nasctha ceamluamháin (fir4)
tangent sight elevating head
ceann ardaithe tadhalltreorach (fir1)
tangent sight elevating screw
scriú ardaithe tadhalltreorach (fir4)
tangent elevation
tadhallardas (fir1, gu: tadhallardais, ai: tadhallardais, gi: tadhallardas)
target level with the gun
targaid i gcothrom leis an ngunna (bain2)
check lever
coscluamhán (fir1, gu: coscluamháin, ai: coscluamháin, gi: coscluamhán)
claw lever
luamhán ladhrach (fir1)
clinometer level
leibhéal cliniméadair (fir1)
collar locking nut lever
luamhán cnó glasála coiléir (fir1)
control lever
luamhán rialaithe (fir1)
level crossing
trasnú comhréidh (fir)
crosleibhéal (fir1, gu: crosleibhéil, ai: crosleibhéil, gi: crosleibhéal)
crosslevelling bubble
bolgóid chrosleibhéil (bain2)
cylinder cam lever
luamhán ceam sorcóra (fir1)
cylinder stop lever
luamhán bac sorcóra (fir1)
dead level
cruinn leibhéalta (a3)
elevation board
clár ardais (fir1)
elevation level
leibhéal ardais (fir1)
lever for eccentric
luamhán d'éarlárnach (fir1)
elevating gear
giar ardaithe (fir1)
elevating gear housing
cumhdach giar ardaithe (fir1)
elevating gear jamming bolt
bolta pulcaithe giar ardaithe (fir4)
airde (bain4, gu: airde, ai: airdí, gi: airdí)
ardas (fir1, gu: ardais)
elevation arc adjusting screw
scriú coigeartach stua ardais (fir4)
elevation arc pointer
pointeoir stua ardais (fir3)
average elevation
meánardas (fir1, gu: meánardais, ai: meánardais, gi: meánardas)
elevation table
tábla ardais (fir4)
quadrant elevation
ardas ceathramháin (fir1)
tangent elevation racket
brac tadhallardais (fir1)
tangent elevation gear
giar tadhallardais (fir1)
error in elevation
earráid ardais (bain2)
extractor lever
luamhán tarraingeora (fir1)
bottom lever of feed block
luamhán íochtair cothbhloic (fir1)
feed block fixing split of top and bottom levers
gabhalbhiorán nasctha luamhán uachtair agus íochtair cothbhloic (fir1)
stud on top lever for slide of feed block
stoda ar bharrluamhán do shleamhnán an chothbhloic (fir4)
elevating gear housing
cumhdach an ghiar ardaithe (fir1)
elevating gear jamming bolt
bolta pulctha an ghiar ardaithe (fir4)
height of the weapon above ground level
airde an armáin os cionn cothrom talún (bain3)
lámhluamhán (fir1, gu: lámhluamháin, ai: lámhluamháin, gi: lámhluamhán)
hand-lever spring
tuailm lámhluamháin (bain2)
elevating clamp handle
hanla clampála ardaithe (fir4)
height above sea-level
airde os cionn cothrom farraige (bain4)
neamhábharthacht (bain3, gu: neamhábharthachta)
elevating joint
alt ardaithe (fir1)
elevating joint bracket
brac ailt ardaithe (fir1)
elevating joint pin
biorán ailt ardaithe (fir1)
surface level
leibhéal dromchla (fir1)
axis split pin of side levers
gabhalbhiorán braicille ais taobhluamhán (fir1)
cocking lever
luamhán tinnill (fir1)
firing lever thumbpiece
sloidín luamháin lamhaigh (fir4)
lug on side levers for slots in lock casing
cluaisín ar thaobhluamháin do shliotáin ghlaschásála (fir4)
operating lever
luamhán oibrithe (fir1)
side lever
taobhluamhán (fir1)
datum level
leibhéal dátaim (fir1)
ground level
cothrom talún (fir1)
sea level
cothrom farraige (fir1)
mean sea level
meánchothrom farraige (fir1)
above sea level
os cionn cothrom farraige (fir1)
below sea level
faoi bhun cothrom farraige (fir1)
longitudinal level
fadleibhéal (fir1)
target level
leibhéal targaide (fir1)
staidéartha (a)
stuama (a3)
actuating lever
luamhán gníomhaithe (fir1)
auxiliary lever
luamhán cúnta (fir1)
auxiliary lever spring
tuailm luamháin chúnta (bain2)
axis bush of side levers
braicille ais na dtaobhluamhán
change lever
luamhán aistrithe (fir1)
check lever bracket
brac coscluamháin (fir1)
firing lever
luamhán lámhaigh (fir1)
firing lever actuating pin
biorán gníomhaithe luamháin lamhaigh (fir1)
firing lever axis pin
biorán fearsaide luamháin lamhaigh (fir1)
focusing lever
luamhán fócasaithe (fir1)
lever hook
crúca luamháin (fir4)
keeper pin of check lever
biorán coimeádta coscluamháin (fir1)
lever of safety
luamhán sábhála (fir1)
release lever
luamhán scaoilte (fir1)
quick release lever
luamhán mearscaoilte (fir1)
recoil lever
luamhán athchasta (fir1)
rebound lever pin
biorán luamháin athphreibe (fir1)
recoil lever spring
tuailm luamháin athchasta (bain2)
socket of side lever for stem of connecting rod
slocán taobhhluamháin do lorga slat cheangail (fir1)
traversing lever
luamhán trasnála (fir1)
tripping lever
luamhán tuisil (fir1)
longitudinal level
faidleibhéal (fir1, gu: faidleibhéil)
minimum elevation
an t-ardas íosta (fir1)
elevating mechanism
meicníocht ardaithe (bain3)
lever of breech mechanism
luamhán craosmheicníochta (fir1)
elevating nut
cnó ardaithe (fir4)
ábharthach (a1)
bain le (br)
cuí (a3)
iomchuí (a3)
relevant file
comhad iomchuí (fir1)
relevant data
sonraí cuí (fir)
cross levelling screw
scriú crosleibhéil (fir4)
elevating screw
scriú ardaithe (fir)
elevating screw casing
cásáil scriú ardaithe (bain3)
elevating screw tube
feadán scriú ardaithe (fir1)