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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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face value
luach ainmniúil
nominal value
aghaidhluach; luach ainmniúil
undue influence
tionchar míchuí
gross value added; GVA
OBL; oll-bhreisluach
Community Reference Laboratory for avian influenza; EU reference laboratory for avian influenza
Saotharlann Tagartha an Aontais Eorpaigh um an bhFliú Éanúil
Blue Plan; Plan Bleu
Plan Bleu
value adjustment
coigeartú luacha
TDI; toluene diisocyanate
dé-isicianáit tolúéine; TDI
geolbhach gorm
value confiscation
coigistiú luacha
valuation at fair value
luacháil ag luach cóir
own resource based on value added tax; VAT-based own resource
acmhainn dhílis bunaithe ar cháin bhreisluacha
transfer value; TV
luach aistrithe
LOCOM; lower of cost or market value
an luach is ísle idir costas agus margadhluach; LOCOM
blue throated macaw; Caninde macaw; Wagler's macaw
macá píbghorm
blue button
blueskin seabream
garbhánach gormchraicinn
red and blue lory
lóraí rua is gorm
Environmental Value Fund; EVF
Luach-Chiste Comhshaoil
EU added value; EU value added; European added value
breisluach AE; breisluach Eorpach
neutralising value
luach neodrúcháin
Convention for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna
an Coinbhinsiún um an Tuinnín Gorm Deisceartach a Chaomhnú
current value
luach reatha
blue mussel
gilt-edged or blue chips securities
urrús gormshlise; urrús órchiumhsach
conclusive force; evidential value; evidentiary effect; evidentiary value; evidentiary weight; probative force; probative value; probative weight
luach fianaiseach; ualach cruthúnais
uniform basis for assessing value added tax; uniform VAT basis
bonn comhionann CBL; bonn comhionann chun an cháin bhreisluacha a mheasúnú
rate of value added tax; rate of VAT; VAT rate
ráta cánach breisluacha; ráta CBL
exemption from value added tax; exemption from VAT; VAT exemption
díolúine ó CBL
avian influenza; bird flu; infection with avian influenza viruses
fliú éanúil; fliú na n-éan
blue lupin
lúipín caol
iasc gorm
normal value; OMV; open market value
gnáthluach; luach margaidh oscailte
input VAT charged; value added tax charge on inputs; VAT charge on inputs
muirear cáin bhreisluacha ar ionchur; muirear CBL ar ionchur
fall in the value of money; loss of purchasing power; monetary erosion
caillteanas cumhachta ceannaigh; dímheas airgeadaíochta; titim ar luach airgid
blue crab
portán gorm
blue ling
langa gorm
blue sea cat
cat mara gorm
Atlantic blue marlin; blue marlin
mairlín gorm Atlantach
blue mackerel
ronnach gorm
blue whiting; poutassou
faoitín gorm
blue skate; common skate
blue whale
míol mór gorm
southern bluefin tuna
tuinnín gorm deisceartach
Atlantic bluefin tuna; bluefin tuna; northern bluefin tuna
tuinnín gorm
definitive arrangements; definitive uniform arrangements for the collection of own resources accruing from value added tax
comhshocraíochtaí aonfhoirmeacha cinntitheacha chun acmhainní dílse a fhabhraíonn ó cháin bhreisluacha a bhailiú
value added tax; VAT
cáin bhreisluacha; CBL
net value added; NVA
BLG; breisluach glan
fluctuation in value; variation in value
athruithe luacha
residual value
luach iarmharach
relation as to value
coibhneas luacha
Convention concerning Equal Remuneration for Men and Women Workers for Work of Equal Value; Equal Remuneration Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le luach saothar comhionann d'oibrithe fireanna agus baineanna ar obair arb ionann a luach
increase or decrease in the value
méadú nó laghdú luacha
repayment of value added tax; repayment of VAT; VAT refund
aisíocaíocht CBL
fowl plague; highly pathogenic avian influenza; HPAI
fliú éanúil ardphataigineach
blue-veined cheese
cáis ghormfhéitheach
MEAT; most economically advantageous tender; tender offering best value for money
an tairisicint is buntáistí go heacnamaíoch
customs value; customs value of goods; dutiable value; value of goods for customs purposes
luach custaim
value added tax identification number; value added tax number; VAT ID number; VAT identification number; VAT No; VAT registration number
uimhir aitheantais CBL
blue runner
bolmán Éigipteach
to exert direct influence on ...
tionchar díreach a fheidhmiú ar ...
reference values
luach tagartha
casein glues
gliú cáiséine
spreading of livestock effluents
leathadh eisilteach beostoic
to seek to influence the members
féachaint le tionchar a oibriú ar na comhaltaí; iarraidh tionchar a oibriú ar na comhaltaí
tolueneparasulphonyl chloride
clóiríd tolúéanparasulfóinile
ELV; exposure limit value
teorainnluach nochta
Value-added Tax Information Exchange System; VAT Information Exchange System; VIES
córas malartaithe faisnéise CBL; VIES
hog flu; swine flu; swine influenza
fliú muc
blue duiker
dícear gorm
little blue macaw; Spix's macaw
macá Spix
banded pitta; blue-tailed pitta
pite bandach
Rueck's blue flycatcher, Rueck's niltava
cuilire gorm Rueck
higher value-added product
táirge breisluacha níos airde
ELV; emission limit; emission limit value
teorainn astaíochta
the maximum value of non-originating materials
uasluach na n-ábhar neamhthionscnaimh
total added value
breisluach iomlán
Value Added Tax Committee; VAT Committee
an Coiste um CBL; an Coiste um Cháin Bhreisluacha
surplus value
luach barrachais
Council Directive 2006/112/EC of 28 November 2006 on the common system of value added tax; VAT Directive
Treoir maidir le Cáin Bhreisluacha; Treoir maidir le CBL
lowbush blueberry
fraochán caolduilleach
highbush blueberry
fraochán gorm Meirceánach
decisive influence
tionchar cinntitheach
value-at-risk; VAR
luach faoi riosca
fair value
cóirluach; luach cóir
MLV; mortgage lending value
luach iasachta morgáiste
equal pay for equal work principle; equal pay principle; principle of equal pay; principle of equal pay for equal work; principle of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value; principle of equal pay for male and female workers for equal work; principle of equal pay for male and female workers for equal work or work of equal value; the principle that men and women should receive equal pay for equal work
an prionsabal go bhfuil pá comhionann as obair chomhionann nó obair ar comhionann a luach ag dul d'oibrithe fireanna agus d'oibrithe baineanna
legal value
stádas dlí
influence peddling; trading in influence; trafficking in influence
mangaireacht tionchair
blue box
bosca gorm
CCSBT; Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna
an Coimisiún um an Tuinnín Gorm Deisceartach a Chaomhnú; CCSBT
blueback shad
sead dhroimghorm
infection with low pathogenic avian influenza viruses; low pathogenic avian influenza; LPAI
fliú éanúil lagphataigineach
blue whitefish
iasc geal gorm
fair value accounting; FVA
cuntasaíocht luacha chóir
bluefishes; POT
éisc ghorma
bluespotted seabream
garbhánach gormbhallach
blue moki; BMO
mócaí gorm
blue butterfish
searróg ghorm
blue antimora
trosc domhainmhara gorm
value added tax return; VAT return
tuairisceán cáin bhreisluacha; tuairisceán CBL
undue influence
tionchar míchuí
predictive value
luach tuarthach
eluant; eluent
half change value; half-life; half-life period
alpha-hydroxytoluene; benzenemethanol; benzyl alcohol; phenylcarbinol; phenylmethanol; phenylmethyl alcohol
alcól beinséine; alcól feinilmeitile; alfa-hiodrocsatolúéin; beinséinmeatánól; feinealcairbíonól; feinilmeatánól
value for cultivation and use; value for cultivation and/or use; VCU
luach le haghaidh saothrú agus úsáide
minimum contract value
íosluach conarthach; luach conarthach íosta
CI food blue 5; patent blue V
E131; gorm paitinne V
brilliant blue FCF; CI food blue 2
E133; gorm lonrach FCF
limit value
cash surrender value; cash value; surrender value
luach géilliúna; luach géilliúna airgid
appraised value; estimated value
luach measta
present value; PV
luach láithreach
value adjustment in respect of loans and advances
coigeartú luacha maidir le hiasachtaí agus airleacain
value adjustment in respect of transferable security
coigeartú luacha maidir le hurrús inaistrithe
LHV; low calorific value; low heat value; lower heating value; NCV; net calorific value; net heating value; net specific energy
glanluach calrach
blue asbestos; crocidolite; crocidolite asbestos
aispeist ghorm; croicidilít
technical reduction in value
laghdú teicniúil ar luach
transaction value
luach idirbhirt
computed value
luach ríofa
regression analysis between concurrent values of attenuation
anailís chúlchéimnithe idir luachanna comhreathacha maolúcháin
annual value of rainfall intensities
luach bliantúil dhéine na báistí
blues; seconds
adaptive value
luach oiriúnaitheach
ILI; influenza-like illness
tinneas atá cosúil leis an bhfliú
currency parity; par value; parity
loss in nominal value
caillteanas sa luach ainmniúil
loss in real value
caillteanas i luach réadach; caillteanas i réadluach
added value; value added
predictive value
luach tuarthach
FGD; flue gas desulfurisation; flue-gas desulphurisation; SO2 scrubbing; sulfur dioxide scrubbing
díshulfarú gáis mhúcháin; sciúradh dé-ocsaíde sulfair
blue duiker
dícear gorm
Coxen blue-browed fig parrot; Coxen double-eyed fig parrot; Coxen two-eyed fig parrot; Coxen's double-eyed fig parrot
pearóid fige dhéshúileach Coxen
blue-throated conure
pearaicít phíbghorm
blue-winged pitta; fairy pitta
pite gormeiteach; pite sí
Rueck's blue flycatcher
cuilire gorm Rueck
blue-billed curassow
curasó gormchnapánach
blue-spotted wood dove
colm coille gormbhallach
blue-headed wood dove
colm coille ceannghorm
great blue turaco
túracó mór gorm
blue-billed weaver; western bluebill
gormghob iartharach
adjustment to the value of the holding
luach an tsealúchais a choigeartú
amortisation on replacement value; depreciation on replacement value
luach athsholáthair a amúchadh
gross value
actual value of the contribution
luach iarbhír na ranníocaíochta
loss in the value of the buildings
caillteanas i luach na bhfoirgneamh
objective value of real estate
luach oibiachtúil eastáit réadaigh
real value of company's assets
fíorluach shócmhainní na cuideachta
net taxable value of assets
glanluach inchánach sócmhainní
tax value; value for tax purposes
luach chun críocha cánach
free increase in the nominal value of shares
méadú saor i luach ainmniúil scaireanna
provision for a permanent diminution in value
soláthar in aghaidh buanlaghdú ar luach
unit of value
aonad luacha
use value; value in present use
luach úsáide
value added in manufacture
breisluach sa déantúsaíocht
reported value
luach tuairiscithe
CCA; current cost accounting; current cost value accounting; current value accounting
cuntasaíocht chostas reatha
Historically valued asset
sócmhainn ar luach a fála
Social net present value
glanluach láithreach sóisialta
Unit value export index
innéacs de luach aonaid na n-onnmhairí
blue-veined cheese
cáis ghormfhéitheach
estimated realisable value
luach inréadaithe measta
balance sheet value of loans
luach an chláir chomhardaithe d'iasachtaí; luach iasachtaí de réir an chláir chomhardaithe
blue helmets
clogaid ghorma
blue mould; downy mildew
múscán gorm
nutritional value; nutritive value
luach cothaitheach
caloric value; energy content; energy value
luach fuinnimh
calorific value; energy density; heat value; heating value
luach calrach
added value chain; value chain; value-added chain
slabhra breisluacha
drink driving offence; drink-driving; drinking and driving; driving under the influence of alcohol; driving while intoxicated; drunk driving; drunken driving; DWI; inappropriate drinking and driving
tiomáint faoi mheisce; tiomáint faoi thionchar an óil
dominant influence
tionchar ceannasach
to determine or appreciably influence imports
allmhairí a dhíriú nó tionchar suntasach a imirt orthu
to influence directly imports or exports between Member States
imir tionchar díreach ar allmhairí nó ar onnmhairí idir na Ballstáit
to influence indirectly imports or exports between Member States
imir tionchar indíreach ar allmhairí nó ar onnmhairí idir na Ballstáit
common system of value added tax; common system of VAT
comhchóras cánach breisluacha; comhchóras CBL
up-dated value
luach nuashonraithe
material influence; significant influence
tionchar suntasach
goodwill; unrecorded book value
luach leabhar neamhthaifeadta
total asset value
luach iomlán sócmhainní
market value
luach margaidh
accounting value; balance sheet value; book value; carrying value
luach de réir na leabhar
at par; at par value
ar par
increase in value
méadú ar luach
lower value method
modh an íosluacha
replacement cost; replacement price; replacement value
luach athsholáthair
capitalised value; intrinsic value
luach caipitlithe
current value; present value
luach reatha
scrap value
going concern value
luach gnóthais leantaigh
consideration; value in exchange
comaoin; luach malairte
capitalised earnings value; capitalized income value; capitalized yield value; intrinsic value
luach caipitlithe ioncaim; luach caipitlithe toraidh; luach caipitlithe tuillimh; luach intreach
current value of net assets
luach reatha glansócmhainní
nominal value
aghaidhluach; luach ainmniúil
realisable value
luach inréadaithe
net book value
glanluach de réir na leabhar
biological limit value
teorainnluach bitheolaíoch
flue gas
gás múcháin
bluetongue; BT; infection with bluetongue virus
galar gormtheanga
confluent cell monolayer culture; confluent monolayer cell culture
saothrán cille aonchisil cumarach
blue tit
meantán gorm
market value
luach díola
genetic value
luach géiniteach
additive genetic value; breeding value
luach pórúcháin
bee-glue; propolis
gliú beach
hog flu; pig flu; pig influenza; swine influenza
fliú muc
constructed value
luach ríofa
loss of market value
caillteanas sa luach margaidh
ad valorem percentage rule; percentage value added rule; percentage value added rule of origin; X% value added rule
riail an chéatadáin ad valorem
baseline value; base-line value
luach bonnlíne
Fréchet distribution; type II extreme value distribution
dáileadh Fréchet
peroxide index; peroxide value
innéacs sárocsaíde
critical value
luach criticiúil
true value
confluence point
pointe comhchumair
arithmetic average; arithmetic mean; mean; mean average; mean value; simple average
meán; meán uimhríochtúil
discounted present value of interest subsidies; discounted value of interest subsidies
luach lascainithe na bhfóirdheontas úis
particle fluence
floscas cáithníní
R.M.S. value; R.M.S.V.; rms value; root-mean-square value
luach fhréamh mheán na gcearnóg; luach FMC
nominal value
luach ainmniúil
rated value
luach rátaithe
rated value
luach rátaithe
by product coke oven; by product oven; vertical flue oven
cóc-oigheann seachtháirgí
unit value of goods being imported
luach aonaid earraí atá á n-allmhairiú
aminotoluene; methylaniline; toluidine
occupational exposure limit value; OELV
luach teorann nochta ceirde; uasluach ceirde teagmhas faoi lé
biological effluent treatment; biological purification; biological treatment; biological wastewater treatment; biological water treatment; biotreatment
cóireáil bhitheolaíoch fuíolluisce
FGR; flue gas recirculation; flue-gas recirculation
athshruthú gáis múcháin
marine pollution limit value
teorainn an mhuirthruaillithe; teorainnluach thruailliú na mara
entrance fee value; franchise fee value
luach an táille iontrála
model instalation blueprints; model shop plans
gormchlónna de mhúnla an ghnóthais
GCV; gross calorific value; gross heating value; HHV; high heat value; high heating value; higher heating value
oll-luach calrach; oll-luach calrach ag toirt-tairiseach
invoice value
luach an tsonraisc
new value
luach nua
value scale method
modh scála luacha
municipal effluents; municipal waste water; urban waste water
fuíolluisce uirbeach
corrected value
luach ceartaithe
intrinsic value
luach intreach; luach paireachta
time value; time value premium
declining balance method of depreciation; diminishing instalment system; reducing balance method; reducing instalment method; written down value method
córas tráthchodanna laghdaitheacha; modh comhardaithe laghdaithigh; modh comhardaithe laghdaithigh maidir le luachlaghdú; modh dímheasa maidir le hiarmhéid céimlaghdaitheach; modh dímheasa mhuirir laghdaithe; modh dímheasa muirear laghdaithe; modh luacha arna thabhairt anuas
market value
attribute value
luach saintréithe
value of services in progress
luach seirbhísí atá idir lámha
value added tax payable
cáin bhreisluacha is iníoctha
value added tax deductible
in-asbhainteach ó thaobh cánach breisluacha
value added tax collected by the company
cáin bhreisluacha arna cruinniú ag an gcuideachta; cáin láimhdeachais arna cruinniú ag an gcuideachta
value added tax in suspense
cáin bhreisluacha ar feitheamh
provision for loss in value
soláthar le haghaidh caillteanas i luach; soláthar le haghaidh dímheasa
cumulative value adjustments
coigeartaithe luachanna carnacha
reduction in the values of individual assets
laghdú ar luachanna sócmhainní aonair
increases in value actually realized
méadú ar luach arna ghnóthú iarbhír
cumulative amount of the additional value adjustments
méid carnach de na coigeartaithe luacha breise
equine infectious bronchitis; equine influenza; Hoppengarten cough; laryngotracheobronchitis; Newmarket cough; shipping fever; the Cough
fliú eachaí
reference value
luach tagartha
gross output; gross value of output
declared value
luach fógartha
frontier crossing value
luach trasteorann
unit value index of exports
innéacs de luach aonaid na n-onnmhairí
actual value; current value
luach reatha
value added of wholesale trade
breisluach trádála mórdhíola
saponification index; saponification number; saponification value
innéacs gallúnaithe; uimhir ghallúnaithe
blue-collar worker; manual worker
oibrí láimhe
absolute value
building value; immovables; property value; real assets; real estate value; real property; real property value; realty; value of the property
luach réadmhaoine
blue stone; blue vitriol; copper sulphate pentahydrate; copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate; cupric sulphate pentahydrate
cloch ghorm; peintihiodráit sulfáit chopair
fish glue; isinglass
capital value; expectation value; land expectation value; SEV; soil expectation value
luach ionchais na hithreach
radioactive effluent
eisilteach radaighníomhach
bargain; bargain value
margadh; sladmhargadh
attention-getting value
luach suntais
circulation value; traffic value
luach cúrsaíochta; luach tráchta
extra value pack
pacáiste luach breise
cash value
luach in airgead tirim
net asset value per ordinary share
glanluach sócmhainní na gnáthscaire
loan to value percentage; loan-to-value ratio; LTV
cóimheas iasachta/luacha
book value; carrying amount; NAV; net asset value
glanluach sócmhainní
site influence
tionchar an láithreáin
sewage effluent standard
caighdeán eisiltigh múnlaigh
effluent polishing
scag-ghlanadh eisiltigh
contingent value; existence value; passive-use value
luach teagmhasach
remediation value
luach an fheabhsúcháin
TEV; Total Economic Value
luach eacnamaíoch iomlán
design value
luach dearaidh
blue Europe
an Eoraip ghorm
balance sheet value of investments in immovables
luach an chláir chomhardaithe d'infheistíochtaí in airnéisí dochorraithe; luach de réir na leabhar i taca le hinfheistíochtaí in airnéisí dochorraithe
certainty factor; CF; confidence factor; plausibility value
fachtóir deimhneachta
2,6-ditertiary-butyl-<I>p</I>-cresol; 4-methyl-2,6-ditert-butyl-phenol; 4-Methyl-2,6-ditertiarybutylphenol; butylated hydroxytoluene
2,6-búitil-p-créasól déthreasach; hiodrocsatolúéin bhúitilithe
evaluation of assets at current value
measúnú ar shócmhainní ar an luach reatha
economic value; EV
luach eacnamaíoch
gross book value; gross carrying amount
oll-luach de réir na leabhar
blue shark; blue whaler; great blue shark
siorc gorm
blue flying fish; flying fish; tropical two-wing flyingfish
iasc eitilte
EBV; estimated breeding value
luach póraithe measta
DIRT; drug influence recognition training
oiliúint chun tiománaí atá faoi thionchar drugaí a aithint
polished stone value test; PSV test
triail luach na gcloichíní snasta
road surface influence; RSI
tionchar dhromchla an bhóthair
value of the marketed production; VMP
luach na táirgeachta a margaíodh; luach na táirgeachta arna margú
therapeutic value
tairbhe theiripeach
risk-adjusted value
luach riosca-choigeartaithe
Council of Europe Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society; Faro Convention
Creat-Choinbhinsiún Chomhairle na hEorpa maidir le Luach na hOidhreachta Cultúrtha don tSochaí
blue shrimp
séacla gorm
exposure value
luach na neamhchosanta
fair value reserve
cúlchiste cóirluacha
value-at-risk measure; value-at-risk number
tomhas luacha faoi riosca
full book value
lánluach de réir na leabhar; luach iomlán de réir na leabhar
cut-off value
pandemic flu; pandemic influenza
fliú paindéime
distribution of market values
dáileadh margadhluachanna
An Integrated Maritime Policy for the European Union; Blue Book; Blue Paper
Beartas Muirí Comhtháite don Aontas Eorpach; Páipéar Gorm
gross of value adjustments
comhlán na gcoigeartuithe luacha
EU Blue Card
Cárta Gorm AE
Value at Risk model
samhail den luach faoi riosca
adjusted value of the collateral
luach coigeartaithe na comhthaobhachta
fully-adjusted exposure value
luach na neamhchosanta coigeartaithe go hiomlán; luach na neamhchosanta lánchoigeartaithe
independent valuer
luachálaí neamhspleách
CMV; current market value
margadhluach reatha
reduction in fair value
laghdú ar luach cóir
volatility-adjusted value of collateral
luach comhthaobhachta arna choigeartú de réir na luaineachta; luach comhthaobhachta arna choigeartú i bhfianaise na luaineachta
collateral value; value of collateral
luach na comhthaobhachta
credit valuation adjustment; credit value adjustment; CVA
coigeartú ar luacháil creidmheasa
Current Market Value (CMV)
margadhluach reatha
monetary value
luach airgeadúil
gross positive fair value of contracts
oll-luach cóir deimhneach na gconarthaí
market implied value
margadhluach intuigthe
nonlinearity of option value
neamhlíneacht luach na céadrogha
probability distribution of net market values
dáileadh dóchúlachta margadhluachanna glana
realised market value
margadhluach réadaithe
value of the underlying instrument
luach na bunionstraime
CMC; current market value of the collateral
margadhluach reatha na comhthaobhachta
delta equivalent effective notional value
deiltechoibhéis an luacha bharúlaigh iarbhír
effective notional value
luach barúlach iarbhír
negative market value
margadhluach diúltach
net market value
margadhluach glan
value of the financial instrument
luach na hionstraime airgeadais
money or value transfer service; money remittance; MVTS
seirbhís aistrithe luacha airgid
market value of the property
margadhluach na maoine
soft value
hard value
added therapeutic value; therapeutic added value
luach teiripeach breise
maturity value
luach aibíochta
offsetting deterioration in the value
meathlúchán luacha a fhritháireamh
sky-blue poison frog
frog nimhe spéirghorm
Value of Preventing a Casualty; VPC
Luach a ghabhann le Taismeach a Chosc; Luach ar Thaismeach a Chosc
basic research; basic scientific research; blue sky research; fundamental research
taighde bunúsach; taighde bunúsach eolaíoch
2009 H1N1 flu; human swine influenza A(H1N1); influenza A(H1N1); influenza A(H1N1)v; Mexican flu; Mexican influenza; North American flu; North American influenza; novel H1N1 flu; novel influenza A(H1N1)
fliú mucúil víreas A (H1N1)
influenza A(H1N1)v virus; Mexican influenza virus; novel flu virus; novel influenza virus; novel influenza virus A(H1N1); swine influenza virus A(H1N1)
fliúvíreas mucúil A (H1N1)
seasonal influenza
fliú séasúrach
pandemic influenza vaccine; pandemic vaccine
vacsaín paindéime
cross cut value; cut value
luach crosghearrtha
Head Injury Criteria value; HIC value
luach na gcritéar um ghortú cloiginn
maximum spot-luminance value
uasluach spotlonrais
value of safety <i>per se</i>
an luach a chuirtear ar an tsábháilteacht féin
in absolute value
de luach absalóideach
in relative value
de luach coibhneasta
3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide; MTT; thiazolyl blue; thiazolyl blue tetrazolium bromide
bróimíd teatrasóiliam gorm tiasóilil; bromide 3-(4,5-démheitioltiasóilil-2-yl)-2,5-bróimíd défheinilteatrasóiliam; gorm tiasóilil
positive economics; value-free economics
eacnamaíocht dheimhneach
slope value
luach an chlaonta
threshold value
luach tairsí
negative predictive value; NPV
luach tuarthach diúltach
positive predictive value; PPV
luach réamhaithriseach deimhneach; luach réamh-mheastach deimhneach
column effluent line
feadán sceite colúin
stressed value-at-risk; stressed VaR; sVaR
luach faoi riosca i ndálaí anáis
digital demand value
luach digiteach an éilimh
in service value
luach ar seirbhís
confluent erythema
éiritime chumarach
actuarial present value of promised retirement benefits
luach láithreach achtúireach ar shochar scoir geallta
business combinations – “date of exchange” and fair value of equity instruments
comhcheangail ghnó - "dáta malartaithe" agus luach cóir na n-ionstraimí cothromais
business combinations - subsequent adjustment of fair values and goodwill initially reported
comhcheangail idir gnólachtaí - coigeartú dá éis a dhéanamh ar luachanna córa agus ar cháilmheas a tuairiscíodh i dtús báire
present value of a defined benefit obligation; present value of defined benefit obligation
luach láithreach oibleagáide sochar sainithe
entity-specific value
luach eintiteas-sonrach; luach sainiúil don eintiteas
event-driven fair value measurements
tomhas cóirluacha bunaithe ar theagmhais
expected value
luach ionchais
fair value
luach cóir
fair value hedge
fálú cóirluacha
fair value measurement
tomhas luach cóir
financial asset or financial liability at fair value through profit or loss
sócmhainn airgeadais nó dliteanas airgeadais ar luach cóir trí bhrabús nó thrí chaillteanas
guaranteed residual value
luach iarmharach ráthaithe
income taxes—recovery of revalued non-depreciable assets
cánacha ioncaim–aisghabháil na sócmhainní athluacháilte nach féidir a dhímheas
intrinsic value
luach intreach
market value
luach margaidh
maturity value
luach aibíochta
net realisable value
glanluach inréadaithe
present value
luach láithreach
provisional value
luach sealadach
revalued amount of an asset
méid athluacháilte sócmhainne
settlement value
luach socraíochta
theoretical ex-rights value per share
luach teoiriciúil ex-cearta in aghaidh na scaire
unguaranteed residual value
luach iarmharach neamhráthaithe
value added statement
ráiteas breisluacha
value in use
luach úsáide
air saturation; air-saturation value; ASV
méid an aersháithiúcháin
replicate value; replicates value
luach an mhacasamhlaithe
blue-green algae; blue-green bacteria; cyanobacteria; Cyanophyta
algaí gormghlasa; cianabaictéir
value-based confiscation system
córas coigistithe atá bunaithe ar luach
secondary effluent
eisilteach tánaisteach
value stream
sruth luacha
essential value; intrinsic value; principle value; terminal value; ultimate importance
luach intreach
Blue Belt
an Crios Gorm
BCD; Bluefin Tuna Catch Document
DGTG; Doiciméad um Ghabháil Tuinnín Ghoirm
NAI; notifiable avian influenza
fliú éanúil infhógartha
high calorific gas; high calorific value gas
luach calrach ard gáis
blue technology
teicneolaíocht ghorm
NRV; nutrient reference value
LTC; luach tagartha cothaitheach
cyanoacrylate glue
gliú cianaicrioláite
guidance value
economic value creation; value creation
cruthú luacha eacnamaíoch
realised value
luach réadaithe
confluent monolayer
aonchiseal cumarach
half confluent monolayer
aonchiseal leathchumarach
blue-card question
ceist cárta ghoirm
blue growth
fás gorm
non-stressed value-at-risk
luach faoi riosca saor ó dhálaí anáis
implied value
luach intuigthe
FGC; flue gas cleaning; flue gas scrubbing; stack gas cleaning; waste gas scrubbing
glanadh gáis mhúcháin
notional value
luach barúlach
net present value ratio; NPVR
cóimheas luacha láithrigh glan
decay half-life; half-life time; half-life value
leathré mheathlúcháin
R<sub>a</sub> value
luach R<sub>a</sub>
dope driving; driving under the influence of drugs; drug driving
tiomáint faoi thionchar drugaí
limit value curve
cuar teorainnluacha
passive flue gas heat recovery device; passive flue heat recovery device
gléas chun teas múcháin a aisghabháil go héighníomhach
A Blueprint to safeguard Europe's Waters
Treoirphlean chun Uiscí na hEorpa a chosaint
gross notional value
oll-luach barúlach
public value
luach poiblí
value fund
notional contract size; notional contract value
luach conarthach barúlach
A Blueprint for a deep and genuine Economic and Monetary Union
Treoirphlean le haghaidh fíoraontas domhain eacnamaíoch agus airgeadaíochta
sensory effects ELV; sensory effects exposure limit value
teorainnluach nochta maidir le héifeachtaí céadfacha
health effects ELV; health effects exposure limit value
teorainnluach nochta maidir le héifeachtaí sláinte
global value chain; GVC
slabhra luacha domhanda
reasonable value
luach réasúnach
core value; fundamental value
zone of visual influence
crios amharcthionchair
variable net asset value fund
ciste glanluacha sócmhainní inathraithe
franchise value
luach saincheadúnais
time-integrated radon exposure data; time-integrated radon exposure value
luach am-shuimeáilte an nochta do radón; sonraí am-shuimeáilte an nochta do radón
CAVOD; CAVOMP; Clinical Added Value for Orphan Medicinal products; Clinical Added Value of Orphan Drugs
Breisluach Cliniciúil do Tháirgí Íocshláinte Dílleachta; CAVOMP
negative value adjustment
coigeartú luacha dhiúltaigh
genomic breeding value
luach pórúcháin géanómaíoch
ECOFF; epidemiological cut-off value; wild-type cut-off value; WT cut-off value
scoithluach eipidéimeolaíoch
eBCD; electronic Bluefin Tuna Catch Document Programme
Clár Leictreonach de Dhoiciméid um Ghabháil Tuinnín Ghoirm; r-DGTG
BLUE MED FAB; BLUE MED Functional Airspace Block
Bloc Feidhme Aerspáis BLUE MED
Directorate for Impact Assessment and European Added Value
An Stiúrthóireacht um Measúnú Tionchair agus um Breisluach Eorpach
European Added Value Unit
An tAonad um Breisluach Eorpach
EU Blue Card
cárta gorm an AE
value-based confiscation
coigistiú bunaithe ar luach
EAVA; European Added Value Assessment
MBLE; Measúnú Breisluacha Eorpaigh
blue card
cárta gorm
West Atlantic bluefin tuna; Western bluefin tuna
tuinnín gorm an Atlantaigh Thiar
East Atlantic bluefin tuna; Eastern bluefin tuna
tuinnín gorm Atlantach oirthearach
blueberry shoestring sobemovirus; blueberry shoestring virus; BSSV
víreas stríocála an fhraocháin ghoirm
blueberry red ringspot soymovirus; blueberry red ringspot virus; BRRV
víreas fáinnebhall dearg an fhraocháin ghoirm
BlScV; blueberry scorch carlavirus; blueberry scorch virus
víreas ruadhóchana an fhraocháin ghoirm
BlShV; blueberry shock virus
víreas turrainge an fhraocháin ghoirm
blueberry witches broom phytoplasma; Vaccinium witches' broom phytoplasma
fíteaplasma scuaibe caillí an fhraocháin ghoirm
to lapse without value
dul i léig gan luach
alcohol-powered flueless fireplace
tinteán alcólchumhachtaithe gan mhúchán
blueberry stunt phytoplasma
fíteaplasma craptha an fhraocháin ghoirm
blueberry mosaic; blueberry mosaic disease
galar mósáice an fhraocháin ghoirm
AdBlue; DEF; diesel exhaust fluid
leacht sceite díosail
Extended Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna
an Coimisiún Méadaithe um Chaomhnú an Tuinnín Ghoirm Dheisceartaigh
deductive value; deductive value method
modh dealaithe
span reference point; span reference value
pointe tagartha réise
EU Blue Card Scheme; EU Blue Card system
Scéim an Aontais Eorpaigh maidir le "Cárta Gorm"
statutory accounts value
luach na gcuntas reachtúil
influenza in mink; mink influenza
fliú minciúil
declaration on promoting citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination through education; Paris Declaration
dearbhú maidir leis an tsaoránacht agus le luachanna coiteanna na saoirse, na caoinfhulaingthe agus an neamh-idirdhealaithe a chur chun cinn tríd an oideachas; Dearbhú Pháras
middle-value contract
conradh meán-luacha
very low value contract
conradh ar luach an-íseal
social influence
tionchar sóisialta
Blue Card Directive; Council Directive 2009/50/EC of 25 May 2009 on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purposes of highly qualified employment; EU Blue Card Directive
an Treoir maidir le Cárta Gorm AE; Treoir 2009/50/CE ón gComhairle an 25 Bealtaine 2009 maidir leis na coinníollacha iontrála agus cónaithe do náisiúnaigh tríú tír chun críocha fostaíochta ardcháilíochta
Blue Guide'; 'Blue Guide' on the implementation of EU product rules
Treoirleabhar Gorm' ar rialacha an Aontais Eorpaigh maidir le táirgí a chur chun feidhme
energy value chain
slabhra luacha fuinnimh
AEC Blueprint 2025; ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025
Treoirphlean Chomhphobal Eacnamaíoch ASEAN 2025
Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills
an Treoirphlean um chomhar earnála maidir le scileanna
dietary reference value; DRV
luach tagartha cothúcháin
data value chain
luachshlabhra sonraí
blue jack mackerel; blue scad
bolmán gorm
blue and red shrimp
séacla gorm agus dearg
value of lost load; VoLL
luach lóid chaillte
economic value of equity; EVE
luach eacnamaíoch cothromais
conditional value at risk; CVaR; ES; ETL; expected shortfall; expected tail loss
easnamh ionchasach
flue-gas condenser
comhdhlúthadán gáis múcháin
wet FGD; wet flue-gas desulphurisation
sciúradh fliuch dé-ocsaíde sulfair
seawater FGD; seawater flue gas desulfurisation
sciúradh dé-ocsaíde sulfair le huisce sáile
dry desulphurisation process; dry flue gas desulfurisation; dry scrubbing
próiseas díshulfarúcháin tirim
non-renewal of the EU Blue Card
neamh-athnuachan Chárta Gorm AE
withdrawal of the EU Blue Card
Cárta Gorm AE a tharraingt siar