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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
encumbrance; security interest
eire; leas urrúis
Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry; EUROCHAMBRES
antiballistic-missile screen; antiballistic-missile shield; antimissile defence shield; antimissile screen; defence shield; defence umbrella; missile-proof shield; space-shield
córas cosanta frithdhiúracán
membrane osmometry
osmaiméadracht scannáin
hESC; human embryonic stem cell
gaschill shuthach dhaonna
International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition
an Lá Idirnáisiúnta Cuimhneacháin ar Thrádáil Sclábhaithe agus ar a Díothú
embryo collection centre
lárionad bailithe suthanna
added sugar
arna mbreisiú le siúcra; siúcra sa bhreis
qualifications of judges
cáilíocht na mbreithiúna
infectious salmon anaemia; ISA
ainéime thógálach na mbradán
embroidery stiletto
biorán bróidnéireachta
data protection "Umbrella Agreement"; Data Protection Umbrella Agreement
an "Brat-Chomhaontú" faoi Chosaint Sonraí; Creat-chomhaontú maidir le Cosaint Sonraí; Scáth-Chomhaontú faoi Chosaint Sonraí
Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the purpose of Detection; Plastic Explosives Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Pléascáin Phlaisteacha; an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Pléascáin Phlaisteacha a Mharcáil chun críche a mBraite
serosa; serous membrane; tunica serosa; visceral peritoneum
seicin shéiriúil
flag state implementation; FSI
cur chun feidhme ag an mbratstát; FSI
the classification of these judgements, the drawing up and publication of translations and abstracts
rangú na mbreithiúnas sin, aistriúcháin agus achoimrí a tharraingt suas agus a fhoilsiú; rangúchán na mbreithiúnas sin, aistriúcháin agus achoimrí a tharraingt suas agus a fhoilsiú
umbrella directive
judges; judges of the ordinary courts; the bench
Binse na mBreithiúna
ambrette; musk seed; muskmallow
ocra muscach
brown meagre; CBM
Sciaena umbra
Umbrella Group
an Scáthghrúpa
embryonic stem cell; ESC
gaschill shuthach
embryo transfer; ET
aistriú sutha
MBR; membrane bioreactor
bith-imoibreoir scannáin
capricious creation of embryos for illegal purposes
suthanna a chruthú go luathintinneach chun críocha neamhdhlíthiúla; suthanna a chruthú go toiliúil chun críocha neamhdhlíthiúla
commercial use of dead embryos
úsáid thráchtálach de shuthanna marbha
trade of dead embryos
trádáil i suthanna marbha
trade in frozen embryos
trádáil i suthanna reoite
Amazonian umbrella-bird
scáthcheannach Amasónach
long-wattled umbrella-bird
scáthcheannach fadsprochailleach
to set the losses against its profits
na caillteanais a fhritháireamh in aghaidh na mbrabús
to play a part in generating the profits or losses
páirt a ghlacadh i nginiúint na mbrabús agus na gcaillteanas
asset encumbrance; earmarking of assets; encumbrance of assets; pledging of assets
ualú sócmhainní
conclusions reached by the majority of the Judges
conclúidí thromlach na mbreithiúna
priority of decisions
tosaíocht na mbreitheanna
report from the Judge-Rapporteur
tuarascáil ón mBreitheamh is Rapóirtéir
to make registrability depend on use
socrú go mbraithfeadh an inchláraitheacht ar an úsáid
embryo splitting
scoilteadh sutha
mucosa; mucous membrane
múcós; seicin mhúcasach
Sin Nombre virus; SNV
víreas Sin Nombre
liquid metal embrittlement
brioscú leacht mhiotail; brioscú trí leacht mhiotail
membrane structure
structúr scannánteannta
membrane filter; millipore filter
scagaire scannáin
umbrella organisation
spiral membrane
scannán bíseach
dialysis-electrodialysis membrane
scannán scagdhealaithe agus leictrea-scagdhealaithe
consignment of embryos
coinsíneacht suthanna
General Council of the Judiciary
Comhairle Ghinearálta na mBreithiúna
employees'profit sharing account
cuntas maidir le páirtiú an fhostaí i mbrabús
employee profit sharing-corporation tax
páirtiú an fhostaí i mbrabús - cáin chorparáide
employee profit sharing
páirtiú an fhostaí i mbrabús
taxes on the profit or loss
cánacha ar an mbrabús nó ar an gcaillteanas
distribution of profits
dáileachán brabús; dáileachán na mbrabús
nuclear envelope; nuclear membrane
scannán núicléach
conjunctiva; conjunctival membrane
tonn na súile
diphtheritic membrane; pseudomembrane
eardrum retraction; tympanic membrane retraction
aistarraingt an scannáin thiompánaigh
nictitating membrane
scannán nicteach
no observed effect concentration; NOEC
NOEC; tiúchan nach mbreathnaítear aon iarmhairt ina leith
infectious salmon anaemia virus; ISAV
ISAV; víreas ainéime thógálach na mbradán
MOET; multiple ovulation and embryo transfer
ubhsceitheadh iolrach agus aistriú suthanna
membrane filtration; membrane separation
scagachán scannánach
European Day for the Victims of Terrorism; European Day of Remembrance of Victims of Terrorism
lá cuimhneacháin Eorpach ar íospartaigh na sceimhlitheoireachta
embryo-foetal toxicity
tocsaineacht shuth-fhéatach
CIE; University of Cambridge International Examinations
Scrúduithe Idirnáisiúnta Ollscoil Cambridge
false negative rate
ráta na mbréagdhiúltach
false positive rate
ráta na mbréagdheimhneach
CEF; chicken embryo fibroblast
fibreablast suthshicín
chorioallantoic membrane
scannán cóiré-allantóch
embryonated egg
ubh shuthaithe
membrane pump
caidéal scannáin
relief umbrella
CCJE; Consultative Council of European Judges
CCJE; Comhairle Chomhairleach na mBreithiúna Eorpacha
national council of the judiciary
comhairle náisiúnta na mbreithiúna
names of the President and of the Judges taking part in the judgment
ainmneacha an Uachtaráin agus na mBreithiúna a ghlacann páirt sa bhreithiúnas
opinion of a Judge
tuairim an bhreithimh; tuairim ón mbreitheamh
epidermal membrane
scannán eipideirmeach
European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism
an Lá Eorpach Cuimhneacháin d'Íospartaigh an Naitsíochais agus an Stailíneachais
fimbrial subunit gene
géin fo-aonaid fimbre
AAF/I; aggregative adherence fimbria I
fimbre greamaithe comhiomlánach I
nullity of marriage
neamhniú pósta; pósa do chur ar nea-mbrí; pósadh a neamhniú
embryo production team
foireann táirgthe suthanna
embryo team
foireann bhailithe suthanna
membrane cell technique
teicníc chillscannáin
ion exchange membrane
scannán ianmhalartaithe
straw-man loan
iasacht i mbréagriocht
membrane cell plant
planda cillscannáin
bipolar membrane cell technique
teicníc chillscannáin dhépholaigh
monopolar membrane cell technique
teicníc chillscannáin aonpholaigh
Magna Carta of Judges
Cairt Mhór na mBreithiúna
membrane separation
deighilt scannánach
bank loading
lódáil ón mbruach (bain)
base transfusion unit
aonad tairmbreith bunáite (fir1)
scáth báistí (fir3)
scáth fearthainne (fir3)
gun embrasure
finistear gunna (fir1)
cuimhne (bain4, gu: cuimhne, ai: cuimhní, gi: cuimhní)
field transfusion team
foireann tairmbreith mhachaire (bain2)
bróidnéireacht (bain3, gu: bróidnéireachta)
varying degrees of difficulty in location of targets
gráid deacrachta éagsúla i mbrath targaidí
the plan is elaborated from the decision
fásann an plean ón mbreith
plan is elaborated from the decision
fásann an plean ón mbreith
troops quartered within a Brigade
trúpaí ar ceathrú i mBriogáid
varying degrees of difficulty in location of targets
targaidí ar deacra a mbrath seachas a chéile
obtain a footing on the far side of a river-bank
faigh greim coise ar an mbruach thall d'abhainn
obtain a footing on the near side of a river-bank
faigh greim coise ar an mbruach abhus d'abhainn