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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
competence of the Member States
inniúlacht na mBallstát
precarious employment; precarious job; precarious work
fostaíocht fhorbhásach; jab forbhásach; obair fhorbhásach
casual employment; casual work
obair ócáideach
commercial air transport; commercial air transportation
aeriompar tráchtála
proper shipping name
ainm ceart iompair
composite; composite packaging
pacáistíocht ilchodach
clinical symptom
siomptóm cliniciúil
competition law
dlí na hiomaíochta
electricity consumption; energy consumption; energy consumption of Energy-using Products
ídiú leictreachais
environmental impact of transport
tionchar an iompair ar an gcomhshaol
green employment; green job
post glas
marine environment
PEC; primary energy consumption
ídiú fuinnimh phríomhúil; tomhaltas fuinnimh phríomhúil
VOC; volatile organic compound
comhdhúil sho-ghalaithe orgánach
waste transport
iompar dramhaíola
actual collective consumption
tomhaltas comhchoiteann iarbhír
actual final consumption
tomhaltas críochnaitheach iarbhír
actual individual consumption
tomhaltas aonair iarbhír
collective consumption expenditure
caiteachas ar thomhaltas comhchoiteann
consumption of fixed capital
ídiú an chaipitil sheasta
debt assumption
glacadh fiachais
final consumption expenditure
caiteachas ar thomhaltas críochnaitheach
import subsidies
fóirdheontais ar allmhairí
imports of goods
allmhairí earraí
imports of services
allmhairí seirbhísí
imputed social contributions
ranníocaíochtaí sóisialta barúlacha
individual consumption expenditure
caiteachas ar thomhaltas aonair
taxes on production and imports
cánacha ar tháirgeadh agus ar allmhairí
transport equipment
trealamh iompair
uncompensated seizures
urghabhálacha neamhchúitithe
brake carrier
iomprán coscáin
LED lamp
lampa LED
champarty; champerty
agency staff; interim staff; temporary agency worker
foireann na gníomhaireachta
transport cost
costas iompair
incompatibility; incompatible office
neamhréireacht; oifig neamhréireach
simplified procedure
nós imeachta simplithe
committee of inquiry; temporary committee of inquiry
coiste fiosrúcháin; coiste fiosrúcháin sealadach
Athens Piraeus Water Supply Company; Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company; EYDAP SA
Cuideachta na hAithne um Sholáthar Uisce agus Séarachais
CFL; compact fluorescent lamp
dlúthsholas fluaraiseach; DSF
employment opportunity
deis fostaíochta
engine bay; engine compartment
urrann innill
Conference on the Human Environment; Earth Summit; Stockholm Conference; UNCHE; United Nations Conference on the Human Environment
Comhdháil na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir leis an Timpeallacht Dhaonna; Comhdháil Stócólm
draft implementing measure
dréachtbheart cur chun feidhme
compromise amendment
leasú comhréitigh
Code of Conduct; Code of Conduct for Members of the European Parliament with respect to financial interests and conflicts of interest
cód iompair
financial implications
impleacht airgeadais
employee council; works council
comhairle fostaithe
anti-detonant agent; anti-knock additive; anti-knock agent; anti-knock compound; anti-knock preparation; anti-knock product; anti-pinking agent
breiseán frithchnagaigh
Article 19, Global Campaign for Free Expression; Article 19, International Centre Against Censorship; International Centre Against Censorship - Article 19
Airteagal 19: an Lárionad Idirnáisiúnta i gcoinne na Cinsireachta
CL; computational linguistics
block exemption
roll-over protection structure; rollover protective structure; ROPS
ROPS; struchúr cosanta i gcás iompaithe
main compensating product
príomhtháirge cúiteach
SCP; secondary compensating product
táirge cúiteach tánaisteach
selling, general and administrative costs; selling, general and administrative expenses; SG&A costs; SGA expenses
costais díola, ghinearálta agus riaracháin; costais SGA
nutrient import; nutrient input
ionchur cothaitheach
carriage and insurance paid to; CIP
iompar agus árachas go dtí
social dumping
dumpáil shóisialta
provisional anti-dumping duty; provisional duty
dleacht frithdhumpála shealadach
import duty; import tariff; import tax
dleacht allmhairiúcháin
cableway installation designed to carry passengers; cableway installation designed to carry persons
suiteáil chábla atá ceaptha chun daoine a iompar
implantable device
employment system; organisation of work; work organisation
córas fostaíochta; eagrú na hoibre
composition leather
leathar comhdhéanta
subsidised import
allmhaire fóirdheonaithe
neo-bulk transport
iompar nuabhuilc
employment scheme
scéim fostaíochta
disguised unemployment
dífhostaíocht cheilte
knife shrimp
Industrial Training Authority; Training and Employment Authority
an Foras Áiseanna Saothair; FÁS
composite structure
struchtúr comhchodach
criminal behaviour
iompraíocht choiriúil
tax competition
iomaíocht chánach
creation of employment; employment creation; employment generation; job creation
cruthú fostaíochta; cruthú post
classification of individual consumption by purpose; COICOP
aicmiú tomhaltais aonair de réir cuspóra
unemployment assistance
cúnamh dífhostaíochta
rate-of-turn indicator; ROTI
táscaire ráta iompaithe
NAP; National Action Plan for Employment; National employment Action Plan
plean gníomhaíochta náisiúnta um fhostaíocht
TPE; transportable pressure equipment
brú-threalamh iniompartha
fraudulent act; fraudulent behaviour; fraudulent conduct
iompar calaoiseach
discrete component
comhpháirt scoite
custodial penalty; custodial sanction; custodial sentence; deprivation of liberty; imprisonment; incarceration
TBEV; tick-borne encephalitis virus
víreas einceifealaítis sceartán-iompartha
European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture; Mies van der Rohe Award
Duais an Aontais Eorpaigh le haghaidh na hAiltireachta Comhaimseartha; Gradam Mies van der Rohe
flexible form of employment
cineál solúbtha fostaíochta
national implementing measure; national transposition measure; transposing act; transposition measure
beart náisiúnta cur chun feidhme
irregular employment
fostaíocht neamhrialta
involvement of employees
rannpháirtíocht fostaithe
TA; TEMPEST Authority
PNC; Police National Computer
Ríomhchóras Náisiúnta na bPóilíní
National Committee for the Missing & Prisoner of War Affairs - Kuwait; NCMPA
Coiste Náisiúnta um chúrsaí a bhaineann le daoine ar iarraidh agus le príosúnaigh chogaidh - Cuáit; NCMPA
CAAA; Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act
Acht Cuimsitheach um Fhrith-Chinedheighilt; Acht Frith-Apartheid Cuimsitheach
Campaign against Torture
an Feachtas in aghaidh an Chéasta
COCOF; French Community Commission
COCOF; Coimisiún Chomphobal na Fraincise
SANROC; South African Non-Racial Olympic Committee
Coiste Oilimpeach Neamhchiníoch na hAfraice Theas; SANROC
flow-proportional composite sample; flow-proportional sample
sampla comhiomlán sreabh-chomhréireach
Campaign for freedom of information
feachtas um shaoráil faisnéise
H&E; H&E stain; H&E staining; haematoxylin and eosin stain
ruaim H&E; ruaim haematocsailine agus eoisine
mental disability; mental disorder; mental health disability; mental health disorder; mental impairment
lagú meabhrach; míchumas meabhrach; neamhord meabhrach; neamhord sláinte meabhraí
indolent non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; slow-growing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
liomfóma neamh-Hodgkin leasc; liomfóma neamh-Hodgkin mallfháis
age of mandatory separation; compulsory age of retirement; compulsory retirement age; CRA; default retirement age; DRA; mandatory age of retirement; mandatory age of separation; mandatory retirement age
aois scoir éigeantaigh
olfactory impairment; smell impairment
lagú boltanach
grey singing finch; grey-fronted canary; white-rumped seedeater
síoliteoir bánphrompach
employers' association; employers' organization
comhlachas fostóirí; eagraíocht fostóirí
certificate of professional competence
deimhniú ar inniúlacht ghairmiúil
general competence
inniúlacht ghinearálta
GEM; Gender Empowerment Measure
GEM; Innéacs um Chumhachtú na mBan
signalling lamp
lampa comharthaíochta
offset carrier system
córas iompróra seach-churtha; seach-chóras iompróra
admissible evidence; competent evidence
fianaise inghlactha
impairment of taste; taste impairment
morlagú chéadfa an bhlaiste
sensory impairment
míchumas céadfach
Community compensation
cúiteamh ón gComhphobal
cis-trans test; complementation test
tástáil comhlánaithe
immunocompromised; immunosuppressed
lagaithe maidir le himdhíonacht; sochta maidir le himdhíonacht
solenocerid shrimps
séaclaí solanacraideacha
jack-knife shrimp
séacla lansach
Bengal eyed terrapin; Burmese peacock turtle; Burmese swamp turtle
turtar eanaigh Burmach
orange-fronted pimpleback mussel
diúilicín goiríneach cos-fhlannbhuí
unemployment insurance scheme
Scéim Árachais Dífhostaíochta; scéim um árachas dífhostaíochta
pampa fox
sionnach Pampa
black-rumped waxbill
síodghob dúphrompach
total volatile organic carbon; total volatile organic compounds; TVOC; TVOCs
comhdhúile so-ghalaithe orgánacha iomlána; TVOC
sight impairment; vision impairment; visual impairment
lagú amhairc
dismissal; termination of employment
dífhostú; foirceannadh fostaíochta
Monetary Policy Council; MPC
an Chomhairle um Beartas Airgeadaíochta
compulsory jurisdiction
dlínse éigeantach
ICMP; International Commission on Missing Persons
an Coimisiún Idirnáisiúnta um Dhaoine ar Iarraidh
LLNA; Local Lymph Node Assay
Measúnacht ar Nód Logánta Limfe
PMLD; polyhandicap; profound and multiple impairment; profound and multiple learning disabilities; severe and multiple impairment
compulsive gambling; gambling addiction; gambling disorder; pathological gambling
andúil cearrbhachais
simplified prospectus
réamheolaire simplithe
person with a visual impairment; VIP
duine faoi lagamharc
Al-Haramain & Al Masjed Al-Aqsa Charity Foundation
Fondúireacht Charthanais Al-Haramain agus Al Masjed Al-Aqsa
harmful tax competition
iomaíocht dhíobhálach chánach
computer forensic science; computer forensics; cyber forensics
Global Manufacturing Principles; GMP
Prionsabail Dhomhanda Monaraíochta
transit camp
campa idirthurais
temporary <I>laissez-passer</I>
laissez-passer sealadach
code of conduct
cód iompair
giant humphead wrasse; giant wrasse; humphead wrasse
ballach dronncheannach
CEA; Croatian Employers' Association
CEA; Cumann Fostóirí na Cróite
hostile environment
timpeallacht naimhdeach
CAAT; CAATs; computer-assisted audit technique
teicníc iniúchta ríomhchuidithe
sample item; sampling unit
aonad samplála
sampling risk
riosca samplála
comparative financial information
faisnéis chomparáideach airgeadais
compensating control
rialú cúiteach
computer application
CIS; computer system; Computerised Information System
córas faisnéise ríomhairithe
monetary unit sampling; MUS
sampláil aonad airgeadra
audit sampling; sampling
sampláil míreanna iniúchta
cyclical unemployment
dífhostaíocht thimthriallach
stumpage price
praghas an adhmaid mar stoc crainn
comparison goods; shopping goods
earraí comparáide
awareness campaign
feachtas feasachta
unfair competition
iomaíocht éagórach
computer crime; computer-related crime
coir ríomhaireachta; coireacht atá bainteach le ríomhaireacht
activity as a self-employed person; self-employed activity; self-employment
féinfhostaíocht; gníomhaíocht mar dhuine féinfhostaithe
negotiated procedure after prior publication of a contract notice; negotiated procedure with prior call for competition; negotiated procedure with prior publication; negotiated procedure with publication of a contract notice
nós imeachta idirbheartaíochta ina bhfoilsítear iarratas ar thairiscintí roimh ré
negotiated procedure without prior call for competition; negotiated procedure without prior publication; negotiated procedure without prior publication of a call for competition; negotiated procedure without prior publication of a contract notice
nós imeachta idirbheartaíochta gan iarratas ar thairiscintí a fhoilsiú roimh ré
long-term unemployed; LTU
daoine dífhostaithe go fadtéarmach
computer graphics
compromise text
téacs comhréitigh
complete feed; complete feedingstuff
ábhar beatha iomlán
field improvement works
obair feabhsúcháin ar thalamh féaraigh
Convention on the simplification of formalities in trade in goods; SAD Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le foirmiúlachtaí i leith trádáil earraí a shimpliú
intended for human consumption
a ceapadh lena chaitheamh ag an duine
accompanying document
doiciméad tionlacain
composite name; composite term
ainm ilchodach
self-employed person; self-employed worker
duine féinfhostaithe; oibrí féinfhostaithe
clearance for home use; release for consumption; release for home use; release to the market
imréiteach chun úsáide sa stát
accompanying measure; back-up measure; flanking measure; support measure
beart tacaíochta; beart tionlacain
imchéimniú; teacht timpeall
giant pumpkin; squash pumpkin
Governing Board of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Bord Rialúcháin an Fhorais Eorpaigh chun Dáláí Maireachtála agus Oibre a Fheabhsú
ambary hemp; kenaf
bearer debenture
bintiúr iompróra
buying behaviour
iompraíocht cheannaigh
consumer behaviour
iompraíocht tomhaltóirí
behavioural sciences
eolaíocht iompraíochta
ICB; international competitive bidding
ICB; tairiscint iomaíoch idirnáisiúnta
blind alley employment/occupation
fostaíocht chaochbhealaigh
capital redemption operations
oibríochtaí fuascailte caipitil
energy carrier; energy vector
iompróir fuinnimh; veicteoir fuinnimh
gas carrier
long ghásiompair
lump sum
associated company
cuideachta chomhlachaithe
close company
company limited by guarantee; guarantee company
cuideachta faoi theorainn ráthaíochta; cuideachta ráthaíochta
compensating error
earráid chúiteach
established competition
iomaíocht bhunaithe
contract of employment; employment contract; labour contract; work contract
conradh fostaíochta
1974 Helsinki Convention; Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Mhuirthimpeallacht Limistéar Mhuir Bhailt; Coinbhinsiún Heilsincí
gainful activity; gainful employment
fostaíocht bhrabúsach
to be empowered to
bheith údaraithe do
fairness of competition
cothroime san iomaíocht
complementary feed; complementary feedingstuff
ábhar beatha comhlántach; ábhar beatha forlíontach
carriage of goods by road; road freight transport; road haulage
iompar earraí de bhóthar; iompar lasta de bhóthar; tarlú de bhóthar
main-beam headlamp
ceannsolas príomhléis
Fund Convention; International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta ar Bhunú Ciste Idirnáisiúnta le haghaidh Cúitimh as Damáiste ó Ola-Thruailliú
front fog lamp
ceosholas tosaigh
rear fog lamp
cúl-lampa ceo
rear registration plate lamp
solas uimhirphláta cúil
reversing lamp; reversing light
solas cúlaithe
notice of open competition; notification of open competition
fógra faoi chomórtas oscailte
ore carrier
iompróir mianaigh; mianárthach
employee participation; worker participation
páirteachas fostaithe; páirteachas lucht oibre
compulsory school age; mandatory school age
aois éigeantach scoile
comprehensive economic programme
clár eacnamaíoch cuimsitheach
capital redemption
fuascailt caipitil
shared competence
inniúlacht roinnte
reversal of the burden of proof; reverse onus
aisiompú an dualgais cruthúnais; dualgas cruthúnais a aistriú
bearer securities
urrús iompróra
skilled employee
fostaí oilte
international multimodal transport
iompar ilchóracha idirnáisiúnta
to improve the competitive capacity
cumas iomaíochta a fheabhsú
completion of the internal market
comhlánú an mhargaidh inmheánaigh
air transport; air transportation
fixed-rate aid; flat-rate aid; lump-sum aid
cabhair ar ráta comhréidh
compression ignition engine
inneall adhainte comhbhrú
progressive improvement
feabhsúchán comhleanúnach; feabhsúchán forchéimnitheach
impoverished rural area
ceantar bocht tuaithe
previous evidence may be amplified
féadfar cur le fianaise a tugadh cheana; féadfar fianaise níos iomláine a thabhairt
employment agency; employment centre; employment service; placement service
gníomhaireacht fostaíochta
maritime transport; sea transport
iompar muirí; muiriompar
comparative advantage
buntáiste comparáideach
depleted fuel; impoverished fuel; INF; irradiated fuel; irradiated nuclear fuel; SNF; spent fuel; spent nuclear fuel
breosla bochtaithe; breosla ionradaithe; breosla laghdaithe; breosla núicléach ionradaithe; breosla núicléach spíonta; breosla spíonta
implementation of the Convention
cur chun feidhme an Choinbhinsiúin
access to employment
rochtain ar fhostaíocht
competence in relation to the subject matter; jurisdiction <I>ratione materiae</I>; jurisdiction in relation to the subject matter; jurisdiction related to subject matter; material competence; subject-matter competence; subject-matter jurisdiction
dlínse ábhair; dlínse ratione materiae
the application shall be accompanied by...
beidh... ag gabháil leis an iarratas
to award (imports)
dáil (allmhairí)
basic component
comhpháirt bhunúsach
SCE; Standing Committee on Employment
an Buanchoiste ar Fhostaíocht
inland water transport
iompar uisce intíre
authority competent to grant discharge; authority responsible for giving discharge; discharge authority
an t-údarás um urscaoileadh
imprest account
cuntas óinchiste
administrator of advance funds; imprest administrator
riarthóir óinchistí
IIA; Interinstitutional Agreement; Interinstitutional Agreement of 6 May 1999 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and improvement of the budgetary procedure; Interinstitutional Agreement of 6 May 1999 on budgetary discipline and improvement of the budgetary procedure; Interinstitutional Agreement on budgetary discipline and improvement of the budgetary procedure
Comhaontú Idirinstitiúideach; Comhaontú Idirinstitiúideach ar an smacht buiséadach agus ar fheabhsú an nóis imeachta bhuiséadaigh
business environment
timpeallacht an ghnó
Agreement Providing for the Provisional Application of the Draft International Customs Conventions on Touring, on Commercial Road Vehicles and on the International Transport of Goods by Road
an Comhaontú lena bhforáiltear do Chur i bhFeidhm Sealadach na nDréachtchoinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta Custaim maidir le Turasóireacht, le Feithiclí Tráchtálacha Bóthair agus le hIompar Idirnáisiúnta Earraí de Bhóthar
Agreement on the Importation of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials; Florence Agreement
an Comhaontú maidir le hábhair oideachasúla, eolaíocha agus chultúrtha a allmhairiú; Comhaontú Fhlórans
Agreement on the Temporary Importation, free of duty, of Medical, Surgical and Laboratory Equipment for use on free loan in Hospitals and other Medical Institutions for purposes of Diagnosis or Treatment
an Comhaontú maidir le Trealamh Míochaine, Máinliachta agus Saotharlainne a Allmhairiú go Sealadach, Saor ó Dhleacht, lena Úsáid ar Saoriasacht in Ospidéil agus in Institiúidí Leighis eile ar mhaithe le Fáthmheas nó Cóireáil
European Agreement concerning the provision of medical care to persons during temporary residence
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le Soláthar Cúram Leighis do Dhaoine le linn Cónaí Sealadach
Agreement drawn up in implementation of Article V of Protocol Nº II of the Brussels Treaty as modified by the Protocols signed at Paris on 23rd October 1954
an Comhaontú arna dhréachtú chun Airteagal V de Phrótacal Uimh. II de Chonradh na Bruiséile arna leasú ag na Prótacail a síníodh i bPáras ar an 23 Deireadh Fómhair 1954 a chur chun feidhme
General Agreement on Economic Regulations for International Road Transport
an Comhaontú Ginearálta ar Rialacháin Eacnamaíocha maidir le hIompar Idirnáisiúnta de Bhóthar
ADC; Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; Anti-dumping Code
an Comhaontú maidir le hAirteagal VI den Chomhaontú Ginearálta um Tharaifí agus Thrádáil a chur chun feidhme; Cód frithdhumpála
Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; Code on Customs Valuation; Customs Valuation Agreement
an Comhaontú maidir le hAirteagal VII den Chomhaontú Ginearálta um Tharaifí agus Thrádáil a Chur chun Feidhme; Cód maidir le Luacháil Custaim
ACM; Multilateral Agreement Relating to Certificates of Airworthiness; Multilateral Agreement relating to Certificates of Airworthiness for Imported Aircraft
ACM; an Comhaontú Iltaobhach maidir le Deimhnithe Aeracmhainneachta; an Comhaontú Iltaobhach maidir le Deimhnithe Aeracmhainneachta i leith Aerárthaí a Allmhairítear
Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures; Import Licensing Code; Tokyo Round Import Licensing Code
an Comhaontú maidir le Nósanna Imeachta um Cheadúnú Allmhairí; Cód Ceadúnaithe Allmhairí
compulsory retirement
scor go héigeantach
water intended for human consumption
uisce a bheartaítear le hól ag an duine
youth employment
fostaíocht don aos óg; fostaíocht le haghaidh daoine óga
impregnated or coated fabric
fabraic thuilithe nó bhrataithe
social environment
timpeallacht shóisialta
exemption from value added tax; exemption from VAT; VAT exemption
díolúine ó CBL
relief from import duties
faoiseamh ó dhleachtanna ar allmhairí
dumped or subsidised imports
allmhairí dumpáilte nó allmhairí ar tugadh fóirdheontais ina leith
company tax; corporate income tax; corporate tax; corporation tax
cáin chorparáide
incapacity for employment; incapacity for work; incapacity to work
éagumas chun fostaíochta
CANH; compensatory allowance for permanent natural handicaps
liúntas cúiteach i leith buan-mhíbhuntáistí nádúrtha
person employed by the Commission
duine atá fostaithe ag an gCoimisiún
interurban transport
iompar idiruirbeach
compulsory licence; compulsory licensing; non-voluntary licensing
ceadúnúchán neamhdheonach
place of importation
áit allmhairiúcháin
distributed simple majority vote; simple distributed majority vote
tromlach simplí de na vótaí dáilte
Convention concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment; Minimum Age Convention, 1973
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an aois íosta ag a nglacfar duine isteach i bhfostaíocht
Convention for the Establishment of a European Company for the Financing of Railway Rolling Stock (EUROFIMA)
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cuideachta Eorpach a bhunú chun stoc rothra iarnróid a mhaoiniú (EUROFIMA)
compensator; equaliser
fixed-term contract; fixed-term employment contract; temporary employment contract
conradh ar théarma seasta; conradh fostaíochta ar feadh tréimhse; conradh fostaíochta go ceann tréimhse
high vacuum pump; high-vacuum pump
caidéal ardfholúis
Protocol on INTELSAT Privileges, Exemptions and Immunities
Prótacal um Pribhléidí, Saoirseachtaí agus Díolúintí INTELSAT; Prótacal um Pribhléidí, Saoirseachtaí agus Díolúintí na hEagraíochta Idirnáisiúnta um Shatailítí Teileachumarsáide
Prótacal um Phribhléidí agus Dhíolúintí na hEagraíochta Idir-Rialtasaí i dtaca leis na córais iompair idirnáisiúnta iarnróid
Protocol amending Article 14 (3) of the European Agreement of 30 September 1957 concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR)
Prótacal lena leasítear Airteagal 14 (3) de Chomhaontú Eorpach an 30 Meán Fómhair 1957 i dtaobh Iompar Idirnáisiúnta Earraí Contúirteacha de Bhóthar (ADR)
Nairobi Protocol; Protocol to the Agreement on the Importation of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú maidir le hÁbhair Oideachais, Eolaíochta agus Cultúir a Allmhairiú; Prótacal Nairobi
Additional Protocol to the Agreement on the Temporary Importation, free of duty, of Medical, Surgical and Laboratory Equipment for Use on free loan in Hospitals and Other Medical Institutions for Purposes of Diagnosis or Treatment
Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú maidir le Trealamh Míochaine, Máinliachta agus Saotharlainne a allmhairiú go sealadach, Saor ó Dhleacht, lena úsáid ar Saoriasacht in Ospidéil agus in Institiúidí Leighis eile ar mhaithe le Fáthmheas nó Cóireá
Protocol to the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR)
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún ar an gConradh maidir le hIompar Idirnáisiúnta Earraí de Bhóthar (CMR)
Protocol to the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1971
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta ar Bhunú Ciste Idirnáisiúnta le haghaidh Cúitimh as Damáiste ó Ola-Thruailliú (1971)
Paris Protocol to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, 1982; Protocol to amend the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat
Prótacal maidir le leasú an Choinbhinsiúin um Bogaigh a bhfuil Tábhacht Idirnáisiúnta leo go háirithe mar Ghnáthóg d''Éanlaith Uisce; Prótacal Pháras a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún Ramsar um Bogaigh, 1982
Optional Protocol concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes
Prótacal roghnach maidir le Réiteach Éigeantach Díospóidí
Protocol No. 2 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, conferring upon the European Court of Human Rights competence to give advisory opinions
Prótacal Uimh. 2 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint, a thugann inniúlacht don Chúirt Eorpach um Chearta an Duine chun Tuairimí Comhairleacha a thabhairt
swamp meadowgrass
cuise réisc
Additional Protocol to the European Convention for the Protection of Animals during International Transport
Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Eorpach chun Ainmhithe a Chosaint le linn Iompair Idirnáisiúnta
Dumping Protocol; Protocol for the Prevention and Elimination of Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft or Incineration at Sea
Prótacal maidir le Truailliú na Meánmhara trí Dhumpáil ó Longa agus ó Aerárthaí nó trí Loscadh ar Muir a Chosc agus a Dhíothú
compensatory arrangement
socrú cúitimh
call for competition; call for tenders
glaoch ar iomaíocht
competent authority
údarás inniúil
ambient noise; environmental noise
torann timpeallachta
import deposit
éarlais allmhairiúcháin
International Load Line Exemption Certificate
Deimhniú Díolúine Ualachlíne Idirnáisiúnta
Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling
an Coiste Codex um Modhanna Anailíse agus Samplála
Scientific Advisory Committee on the Toxicity and Ecotoxicity of Chemical Compounds; Scientific Advisory Committee to examine the toxicity and ecotoxicity of chemical compounds
Coiste Comhairleach Eolaíoch chun tocsaineacht agus éiceatocsaineacht chomhdhúl ceimiceach a scrúdú
intermediate consumption
tomhaltas idirmheánach
Abolition of Penal Sanctions (Indigenous Workers) Convention, 1955; Convention concerning the Abolition of Penal Sanctions for Breaches of Contract of Employment by Indigenous Workers
Coinbhinsiún maidir le Pionóis Choiriúla a Dhíothú ar Oibrithe Dúchasacha as Conarthaí Fostaíochta a Shárú
Convention concerning the Age of Admission of Children to Employment in Agriculture; Minimum Age (Agriculture) Convention, 1921
Coinbhinsiún maidir le hAois Iontrála Leanaí chun dul i mbun Fostaíochta sa Talmhaíocht
Convention concerning the Minimum Age for Admission to Employment as Fishermen; Minimum Age (Fishermen) Convention, 1959
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Aois Íosta Iontrála d’Fhostaíocht mar Iascaire
Convention concerning the Minimum Age for Admission to Employment Underground in Mines; Minimum Age (Underground Work) Convention, 1965
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Aois Íosta Iontrála don Fhostaíocht faoi Thalamh i Mianaigh
Convention concerning Fishermen's Certificates of Competency; Fishermen's Competency Certificates Convention, 1966
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Deimhnithe Inniúlachta Iascairí
Convention ensuring Benefit or Allowances to the Involuntarily Unemployed; Unemployment Provision Convention, 1934
an Coinbhinsiún a áirithíonn Sochair nó Liúntais dóibh siúd atá Dífhostaithe dá nAinneoin
Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences; Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences
an Cód Iompraíochta do Línéarchomhdhálacha; an Coinbhinsiún um Chód Iompraíochta do Línéarchomhdhálacha
Implementing Convention on the Association of the Overseas Countries and Territories with the Community
Coinbhinsiún Cur Chun Feidhme maidir le Comhlachú na dTíortha agus na gCríoch Thar Lear leis an gComhphobal
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air; Warsaw Convention
an Coinbhinsiún um Aontú Rialacha Áirithe maidir le hIompar Idirnáisiúnta d'Aer; Coinbhinsiún Vársá
Convention Supplementary to the Warsaw Convention, for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air Performed by a Person Other than the Contracting Carrier
an Coinbhinsiún Forlíontach ar Choinbhinsiún Vársá maidir le hAontú Rialacha Áirithe a bhaineann le hIompar Idirnáisiúnta d''Aer arna Chur i gCrích ag Duine seachas an tIompróir Conarthach
Convention concerning Conditions of Employment of Plantation Workers; Plantations Convention, 1958
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Coinníollacha Fostaíochta Oibrithe Plandála
Convention 144 on Tripartite Consultation; Convention concerning Tripartite Consultations to Promote the Implementation of International Labour Standards; ILO Convention No 144 concerning Tripartite Consultations to Promote the Implementation of International Labour Standards; International Labour Organisation Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention, 1976 (No 144); Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention, 1976
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Comhairliúcháin Thrípháirteacha chun Cur chun feidhme na gCaighdeán Saothair Idirnáisiúnta a Chur ar Aghaidh
Continuity of Employment (Seafarers) Convention, 1976; Convention concerning Continuity of Employment of Seafarers
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Leanúnachas Fostaíochta do Mharaithe
Convention on the Free Issue of Certificates of Civil Status and Exemption from the Need for Legalisation
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Teastais Stádais Shibhialta a Eisiúint Saor in Aisce agus le Díolúine ón Riachtanas Fíoraithe
Convention concerning Discrimination in Respect of Employment and Occupation; Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Idirdhealú i gcúrsaí Fostaíochta agus Slí Bheatha
ATA Convention; Customs Convention on the ATA Carnet for the Temporary Admission of Goods
an Coinbhinsiún Custaim maidir le Carnet ATA um chead isteach sealadach d'earraí; Coinbhinsiún ATA
Customs Convention regarding ECS Carnets for Commercial Samples
an Coinbhinsiún Custaim maidir le Carnets ECS le haghaidh Samplaí Tráchtála
Customs Convention concerning Facilities for the Importation of Goods for Display or Use at Exhibitions, Fairs, Meetings or Similar Events
an Coinbhinsiún Custaim i dtaobh saoráidí chun earraí a allmhairiú le haghaidh taispeána nó úsáide ag taispeántais, aontaí, cruinnithe nó ócáidí comhchosúla
Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Packings
an Coinbhinsiún Custaim maidir le hAllmhairiú Sealadach Ábhair Pacála
Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets; TIR Convention
an Coinbhinsiún Custaim um Iompar Idirnáisiúnta Earraí faoi Carnets Tir; Coinbhinsiún TIR
Contracts of Employment (Indigenous Workers) Convention, 1947; Convention concerning the Maximum Length of Contracts of Employment of Indigenous Workers
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Fad Uasta Conarthaí Fostaíochta d''Oibrithe Dúchasacha
Convention concerning Employment and Conditions of Work and Life of Nursing Personnel; Nursing Personnel Convention, 1977
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Fostaíocht agus Dálaí Oibre agus Saoil Pearsanra Altranais
European Convention for the Protection of Animals during International Transport
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach chun Ainmhithe a Chosaint le linn Iompair Idirnáisiúnta
European Convention on Customs Treatment of Pallets used in International Transport
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir leis an tSlí a ndéilealann Údaráis Chustaim le Pailléid a úsáidtear in Iompar Idirnáisiúnta
Convention concerning Medical Examination of Young Persons for Fitness for Employment Underground in Mines; Medical Examination of Young Persons (Underground Work) Convention, 1965
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Scrúdú Dochtúra ar Inniúlacht Daoine Óga i gcomhair Fostaíochta i Mianaigh Faoi Thalamh
Convention Extending the Competence of Authorities Qualified to Record the Affiliation of Illegitimate Children
an Coinbhinsiún a leathnaíonn inniúlacht na n-údarás atá cáilithe chun cleamhnacht leanaí neamhdhlisteanacha a thaifeadadh
Convention concerning the Maximum Permissible Weight to be Carried by One Worker; Maximum Weight Convention, 1967
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Uasmheáchan is ceadmhach d'Oibrí Amháin a Iompar
Convention on Stamp Laws in connection with Cheques
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Dlíthe Stampa i ndáil le Seiceanna
Convention concerning Hours of Work and Rest Periods in Road Transport; Hours of Work and Rest Periods (Road Transport) Convention, 1979
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hUaireanta Oibre agus Tréimhsí Sosa san Iompar de Bhóthar
European Convention on Spectator Violence and Misbehaviour at Sports Events and in particular at Football Matches
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Foréigean agus Mí-Iompar an Lucht Féachana ag Imeachtaí Spóirt agus go háirithe ag Cluichí Sacair
Convention concerning Occupational Safety and Health and the Working Environment; Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Sábháilteacht agus Sláinte Cheirde agus leis an Timpeallacht Oibre
International Convention to Facilitate the Importation of Commercial Samples and Advertising Material
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta maidir le hAllmhairiú Samplaí Tráchtála agus Ábhair Fógraíochta a Éascú
International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonisation of Customs Procedures; Kyoto Convention
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Nósanna Imeachta Custaim a Shimpliú agus a Chomhchuibhiú; Coinbhinsiún Kyoto
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to the Carriage of Passengers by Sea
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta maidir le hAontú Rialacha Áirithe i dtaca le hIompar Paisinéirí ar Muir
Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property; UNESCO Convention on Cultural Property; UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Modhanna chun Allmhairiú, Onnmhairiú agus Aistriú Aindleathach Úinéireachta Maoine Cultúrtha a Thoirmeasc agus a Chosc; Coinbhinsiún UNESCO maidir le Maoin Chultúrtha
Convention relating to Stops on Bearer Securities in International Circulation
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Stadanna ar Urrúis Iompróra atá i gCúrsaíocht Idirnáisiúnta
Convention concerning Employment Policy; Employment Policy Convention, 1964
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Beartas Fostaíochta
Convention concerning Benefits in the case of Employment Injury; Employment Injury Benefits Convention, 1964
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Sochair i gcás Díobháil Fostaíochta
Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft; Oslo Convention
an Coinbhinsiún um Chosc ar Mhuir-Thruailliú trí Dhumpáil ó Longa agus ó Aerárthaí; Coinbhinsiún Osló
Convention concerning Protection of the Right to Organise and Procedures for Determining Conditions of Employment in the Public Service; Labour Relations (Public Service) Convention, 1978
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Ceart Eagrúcháin a Chosaint agus le Nósanna Imeachta chun Dálaí Fostaíochta sa tSeirbhís Phoiblí a Chinneadh
Convention concerning the Protection against Accidents of Workers Employed in Loading or Unloading Ships (Revised), 1932; Protection against Accidents (Dockers) Convention (Revised), 1932
an Coinbhinsiúnmaidir le cosaint i gcoinne tionóisce a thabhairt d''oibrithe atá fostaithe chun longa a luchtú nó a dhíluchtú (Athbhreithnithe 1932)
Convention concerning the Protection of Workers against Occupational Hazards in the Working Environment Due to Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration; Working Environment (Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration) Convention, 1977
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le cosaint oibrithe i gcoinne priacail cheirde sa timpeallacht oibre mar gheall ar aerthruailliú, ar thorann agus ar chreathadh
Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Pedagogic Material
an Coinbhinsiún Custaim maidir le hAllmhairiú Sealadach Ábhair Oideolaíoch
Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Professional Equipment
an Coinbhinsiún Custaim maidir le hAllmhairiú Sealadach Trealaimh Ghairmiúil
Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Scientific Equipment
an Coinbhinsiún Custaim maidir le hAllmhairiú Sealadach Trealaimh Eolaíochta
Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation for Private Use of Aircraft and Pleasure Boats
an Coinbhinsiún Custaim maidir le hAllmhairiú Sealadach Aerárthaí agus Bád Pléisiúir d'Úsáid Phríobháideach
Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Commercial Road Vehicles
an Coinbhinsiún Custaim maidir le hAllmhairiú Sealadach Feithiclí Bóthair Tráchtála
Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Private Road Vehicles
an Coinbhinsiún Custaim maidir le hAllmhairiú Sealadach Feithiclí Bóthair Príobháideacha
Convention relating to the Distribution of Programme-Carrying Signals Transmitted by Satellite
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Dáileadh Comharthaí Cláriompartha arna dTarchur trí Shatailít
United Nations Convention on International Multimodal Transport of Goods
Coinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe um iompar ilmhódach earraí go hidirnáisiúnta
Barcelona Convention; Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean; Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Mhuirthimpeallacht agus Réigiún Cósta na Meánmhara; Coinbhinsiún Barcelona
Convention on the Mutual Recognition of Companies and Legal Persons
Coinbhinsiún an 29 Feabhra 1968 ar Aitheantas Frithpháirteach do Chuideachtaí agus do Dhaoine Dlítheanacha
Convention on the Recognition of the Legal Personality of Foreign Companies, Firms, Associations and Foundations
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Pearsantacht Dhlítheanach Cuideachtaí, Gnólachtaí, Comhlachas agus Fondúireachtaí Coigríche a Aithint
Convention on the Taxation of Road Vehicles Engaged in International Passenger Transport
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cánachas ar Fheithiclí Bóthair atá ag Gabháil d''Iompar Idirnáisiúnta Paisinéirí
Convention on the Taxation of Road Vehicles Engaged in International Goods Transport
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cánachas ar Fheithiclí Bóthair atá ag Gabháil d''Iompar Idirnáisiúnta Earraí
ADN; European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways
ADN; an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le hIompar Idirnáisiúnta Earraí Contúirteacha ar Uiscebhealaí Intíre
ADR; European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road
ADR; an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le hIompar Idirnáisiúnta Earraí Contúirteacha de Bhóthar
GNPmp; gross national product at market prices
olltáirgeacht náisiúnta ag margadhphraghsanna; OTNmp
PC; personal computer
ríomhaire pearsanta
Implementing Regulations to the European Patent Convention; IREPC
Rialacháin Cur Chun Feidhme a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsíún um an bPaitinn Eorpach
Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport; United Nations rules for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport
Rialacha na Náisiún Aontaithe um Idirmhalartú Leictreonach Sonraí faoi chomhair Riaracháin, Tráchtála agus Iompair
exemption from the visa requirement; visa waiver
díolúine ón gceanglas víosa; tarscaoileadh víosa
ECMT; European Conference of Ministers of Transport; International Transport Forum; ITF
Comhdháil Eorpach na nAirí Iompair
CFR; cost and freight
c&l; costas agus last-táille
CIV; International Convention concerning the Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Rail
Rialacha comhionanna maidir leis an gconradh le haghaidh iompar idirnáisiúnta paisinéirí d''iarnród
CEEP; European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing Public Services and Services of General Interest
CEEP; Lárionad Eorpach na bhFostóirí agus na bhFiontar a sholáthraíonn Seirbhísí Poiblí
limited company
cuideachta theoranta
I&TT; Information & Technology Transfer
aistriú faisnéise agus teicneolaíochta; I&TT
CIÉ; Córas Iompair Éireann
CIÉ; Córas Iompair Éireann
carrying capacity
acmhainn iompair
presumption of law
toimhde dlí
Advisory Committee on Flax and Hemp
an Coiste Comhairleach um Líon agus Chnáib
Protocol amending the Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft
Prótacal lena leasaítear an Coinbhinsiún um Chosc ar Mhuir-Thruailliú trí Dhumpáil ó Longa agus ó Aerárthaí
temporary joint venture
comhfhiontar sealadach
financial compensation
cúiteamh airgeadais
compensatory allowance
liúntas cúiteach
CMR; Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road
Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an gConradh maidir le hIompar Idirnáisiúnta Earraí de Bhóthar
Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail; COTIF
Coinbhinsiún maidir le hIompar Idirnáisiúnta d'Iarnród; COTIF
Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Inland Waterway; CVN
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an gConradh le haghaidh Iompar Idirnáisiúnta Paisinéirí agus Bagáiste ar Uiscebhealaí Intíre; CVN
Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Road; CVR
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an gConradh le haghaidh Iompar Idirnáisiúnta Paisinéirí agus Bagáiste de Bhóthar; CVR
Marine Environment Protection Committee; MEPC
an Coiste chun an Mhuirthimpeallacht a Chosaint; an Coiste um Chaomhnú an Chomhshaoil Mhuirí
ECDIN; Environmental Chemicals Data and Information Network
an Líonra um shonraí agus um fhaisnéis faoi cheimiceáin sa timpeallacht; ECDIN
marine protected area; MPA; protected area
limistéar muirí faoi chosaint
compulsory education; compulsory school attendance; compulsory schooling
freastal scoile éigeantach
NCE; non-compulsory expenditure
caiteachas neamhéigeantach; CN
CE; compulsory expenditure
caiteachas éigeantach; CE
freshwater prawns, shrimps nei
cloicheáin fionnuisce
crangonid shrimps
northern prawn; northern shrimp
séacla Artach; séacla bándearg
Aesop shrimp
séacla bándearg
sea lamprey
loimpre mhara
European brook lamprey
loimpre shrutháin Eorpach
humpback whale
míol mór dronnach
humpback salmon; pink salmon
bradán bándearg
Comitology Decision; Council Decision laying down the procedures for the exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission; Decision on Committee Procedure
an Cinneadh maidir leis an nós imeachta coiste; Cinneadh ón gComhairle lena leagtar síos nósanna imeachta maidir le feidhmiú na gcumhachtaí cur chun feidhme arna dtabhairt don Choimisiún
comprehensive guarantee
ráthaíocht chuimsitheach
European river lamprey; river lamprey
loimpre abhann
air carrier; air operator; air transport company; air transport operator
aeriompróir; aerlíne
merger between companies or firms
cumasc idir cuideachtaí nó gnólachtaí
International Road Transport Union; IRU
an tAontas Idirnáisiúnta um Iompar de Bhóthar; IRU
OG; Olympic Games
na Cluichí Oilimpeacha
agency worker; temp; temporary agency worker
oibrí gníomhaireachta sealadach; oibrí sealadach
company migration; delocalisation; delocalisation of a company; migration of undertakings
dí-chomhchruinniú cuideachta
Working Party on Competition
an Mheitheal um Iomaíocht
NABS; Nomenclature for the analysis and comparison of science budgets and programmes
an Ainmníocht le haghaidh anailís agus comparáid a dhéanamh ar bhuiséid agus ar chláir eolaíocha; NABS
CA; compensatory amount
suim chúiteach
MCA; monetary compensatory amount; monetary compensatory amounts
suim chúiteach airgid
single-member private limited liability company
cuideachta phríobháideach theoranta aonbhaill
Consolidated Resolution on the Facilitation of Road Transport; Revised Consolidated Resolution on the Facilitation of International Road Transport (R.E.4)
Réiteach Comhdhlúite maidir le hIompar de Bhóthar a Éascú
Manila hemp
cnáib mhainileach nó abacá
notification; simple service
Seabed Treaty; Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Seabed and the Ocean Floor and in the Subsoil thereof
an Conradh um Ghrinneall na Farraige; an Conradh um thoirmeasc ar airm núicléacha agus airm eile ollscriosta a shuí ar leaba na farraige, ar ghrinneall an aigéin agus ar a bhfo-ithir
cube sugar; lump sugar
entry stamp
stampa dul isteach
definitive anti-dumping duty; definitive duty
dleacht frithdhumpála chinntitheach
Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail; OTIF
Eagraíocht Idir-rialtasach um Iompar Idirnáisiúnta d’Iarnród
e.g.; exempli gratia; for example
e.g.; mar shampla
PIACT; Programme for the Improvement of Working Conditions and Environment
an Clár idirnáisiúnta chun na dálaí oibre agus an timpeallacht oibre a fheabhsú
WEP; World Employment Programme
an Clár Domhanda Fostaíochta; WEP
CEOS; Conditions of Employment of Other Servants; Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Communities; Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union
Coinníollacha Fostaíochta Seirbhíseach Eile; Coinníollacha Fostaíochta Sheirbhísigh Eile na gComhphobal Eorpach
R&D; research and development
taighde agus forbairt; taighde agus forbraíocht
R, D & D; research, development and demonstration
T, F & T; taighde, forbairt agus taisealbhadh
European company; European public limited-liability company; SE; Societas Europaea
cuideachta Eorpach; SE
European System for the International Clearing of Vacancies and Applications for Employment; SEDOC
an Córas Eorpach chun Folúntais agus Iarratais ar Fhostaíocht a Imréiteach ar Bhonn Idirnáisiúnta; SEDOC
UHT; ultra-high temperature
teocht ultra-ard
BusinessEurope; Confederation of European Business; UNICE; Union of Industrial and Employers' Confederations of Europe; Union of Industries of the European Community
BUSINESSEUROPE; Cónaidhm na nGnóthas Eorpach
International Road Transport; TIR
iompar idirnáisiúnta earraí de bhóthar; TIR
improper action
gníomh mídhleathach
action for compensation; action for damages; civil claim for damages; claim for damage
caingean chun cúiteamh a ghnóthú
competing cereal
gránach iomaíoch
cattle improvement
feabhsú eallaigh
free choice of employment
saor-rogha fostaíochta
the four customs territories comprised in the Community
na ceithre chríoch chustaim a chuimsítear sa Chomhphobal
compensatory levy
tobhach cúitimh
to compensate (difference)
cúitigh (difríocht)
implementing powers; powers of implementation
cumhachtaí cur chun feidhme
jurisdiction <I>ratione loci</I>; territorial competence; territorial jurisdiction
dlínse chríche; dlínse ratione loci
comhchuid; comhpháirt
oxygen compound; oxygenate
comhdhúil ocsaigine; ocsaigionáit
in competition
in iomaíocht
competing product
táirge iomaitheora
to comply with
to find ... compatible with ...
cinn go bhfuil... ag luí le...
conscientiously and impartially
go coinsiasach neamhchlaon
individual contract of employment
conradh fostaíochta aonair
compulsory co-ordination
comhordú éigeantach
comparáideacht; inchomparáideacht
associated company; associated undertaking; related company
cuideachta chomhlachaithe
affiliated company; affiliated undertaking; associated enterprise; linked enterprise; related company; related undertaking
gnóthas cleamhnaithe; gnóthas gaolmhar
PLC; public company limited by shares; public limited company; public limited liability company; stock corporation
cpt; cuideachta phoiblí faoi theorainn scaireanna; cuideachta phoiblí theoranta
insurance company; insurance entity
cuideachta árachais
investment company; investment fund
cuideachta infheistíochta
financial holding company; financial holding undertaking
cuideachta shealbhaíochta airgeadais
to exempt
delivery pump
caidéal dáilte
dissemination of comparable data
scaipeadh sonraí inchomparáide
exclusive import rights
cearta eisiacha allmhairiúcháin; cearta eisiacha i leith allmhairí
to verify in practice that the provisions... are being complied with
chun a dheimhniú iarbhír go gcomhlíontar forálacha ...; chun a fhíorú iarbhír go gcomhlíontar forálacha ...
variable component; vc
comhpháirt athraitheach
gainful employment; paid employment
fostaíocht íoctha
comprehensive proposal
togra uileghabhálach
exclusive competence
inniúlacht eisiach
exemption from costs or expenses
díolúine ó chostais nó ó speansais
to pursue (activity as employed person)
gabh do (obair thuarastail)
to take up employment
gabháil d'obair thuarastail
expansion of consumption
forleathnú an tomhaltais; forleathnú ar úsáid earraí
compulsory cross-licensing; compulsory licence in respect of dependent patents
ceadúnas éigeantach i leith paitinní spleácha
rail transport
iompar ar iarnród; iompar d'iarnród
complex fluorine salts
salainn choimpléascacha fluairín
import formalities
foirmiúlachtaí allmhairiúcháin
transport costs
costas iompair
implementation of horizontal measures
beart a chur i ngníomh ar leibhéal cothrománach
importing State
stát allmhairiúcháin; Stát is allmhaireoir
representative ports of importation
calafort allmhairithe ionadaíoch
to impose (formalities)
forchuir (foirmiúlachtaí)
to give an impetus
spreagadh a thabhairt; ugach a thabhairt
iarmhairt; tionchar
impact on national law
tionchar ar an dlí náisiúnta
imprudent increase
méadú neamhstuama
competent authority
údarás inniúil
to liberalise imports of the product
allmhairí den táirge a léirscaoileadh
long unemployment; long-term unemployment; LTU
dífhostaíocht fhadtéarmach
compensatory mechanism
meicníocht chúitimh; sásra cúitimh
cuir chun feidhme
European Employment Observatory; European Employment Survey
an Fhaireachlann Eorpach um Fhostaíocht
Convention relating to Civil Liability in the field of Maritime Carriage of Nuclear Material
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Dliteanas Sibhialta i dtaca le hÁbhar Núicléach a Iompar ar Muir
compensation fund
ciste cúitimh
legal impediment
bac dlí; bac dlíthiúil
Air Transport Committee; ATC
an Coiste Aeriompair
Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be used for Such Carriage; ATP
an Comhaontú maidir le hiompar idirnáisiúnta earraí meatacha agus maidir leis an trealamh speisialta atá le húsáid i ndáil leis an iompar sin; ATP
ECS; European Company Statute; Statute for a European public limited-liability company
an Reacht um Chuideachta Eorpach
environmental effect; environmental impact
tionchar ar an gcomhshaol; tionchar comhshaoil