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Auxilliary glossaries
chemical process
próiseas ceimiceach
chemical structure
struchtúr ceimiceach
chemical weapon; CW
arm ceimiceach; armán ceimiceach
hazardous chemical agent
oibreán ceimiceach guaiseach
activity involving chemical agents
gníomhaíocht a mbíonn gníomhaithe ceimiceacha i gceist léi
photochemical oxidant
ocsaídeán fótaiceimiceach
Scientific Advisory Committee on the Toxicity and Ecotoxicity of Chemical Compounds; Scientific Advisory Committee to examine the toxicity and ecotoxicity of chemical compounds
Coiste Comhairleach Eolaíoch chun tocsaineacht agus éiceatocsaineacht chomhdhúl ceimiceach a scrúdú
Agreement for the Protection of the Rhine against Chemical Pollution; Convention for the protection of the Rhine against chemical pollution; Rhine Chemical Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le cosaint na Réine i gcoinne truailliú ceimiceach
CAS; Chemical Abstracts Service
CAS; Seirbhís na gCoimrithe Ceimiceacha
ECDIN; Environmental Chemicals Data and Information Network
an Líonra um shonraí agus um fhaisnéis faoi cheimiceáin sa timpeallacht; ECDIN
EINECS; European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances
EINECS; Fardal Eorpach de Shubstaintí Ceimiceacha Tráchtálacha Reatha
Convention on the Constitution of the European Company for the Chemical Processing of Irradiated Fuels - EUROCHEMIC
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le bunú na Cuideachta Eorpaí chun Breoslaí Ionradaithe a Phróiseáil go Ceimiceach - EUROCHEMIC
chemical industry
tionscal na gceimiceán
Chemicals Convention, 1990; Convention concerning Safety in the use of Chemicals at Work; Convention concerning Safety in the Use of Chemicals at Work, 1990, of the International Labour Organization (Convention No 170)
Coinbhinsiún maidir le Sábháilteacht in Úsáid Ceimiceán ag an Obair
chemical description
tuairisc cheimiceach
chemical engineering
innealtóireacht cheimiceach
inorganic chemicals
ceimiceán neamhorgánach
OPCW; Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
Eagraíocht um Thoirmeasc ar Airm Cheimiceacha; OPCW
Chemical Weapons Convention; Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction; CWC
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Toirmeasc ar Fhorbairt, Táirgeadh, Stoc-Charnadh agus Úsáid Arm Ceimiceach agus maidir lena nDíothú; an Coinbhinsiún um Airm Cheimiceacha; CWC
1925 Geneva Protocol prohibiting the use in war of chemical and biological weapons; CBW; Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare
Prótacal maidir le húsáid gás aisfisceach, nimhiúil nó eile i gcogadh, mar aon le modhanna baictéareolaíocha cogaíochta, a thoirmeasc; Prótacal na Ginéive (1925) a thoirmisceann airm cheimiceacha agus bhitheolaíocha a úsáid i gcogadh
CEFIC; ECCMF; European Chemical Industry Council
an Chomhairle Eorpach um Thionscal na gCeimiceán; CEFIC
IBC; International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
an Cód Idirnáisiúnta um Dhéanmhas agus Trealamh Long a Iompraíonn Ceimiceáin Chontúirteacha i mBulc
CHARM; CHARM model; Chemical Hazard Assessment and Risk Management
CHARM; Samhail le haghaidh Measúnú Guaise agus Bainistiú Riosca ar Cheimiceáin
non-scheduled precursor chemical; non-scheduled substance
ceimiceán réamhtheachtach neamhsceidealaithe
Convention on the prior informed consent procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade; PIC Convention; Rotterdam Convention; Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade
Coinbhinsiún Rotterdam; Coinbhinsiún Rotterdam ar an Nós Imeachta i dTaobh Toiliú Feasach a chur in iúl roimh ré le haghaidh Ceimiceán Guaiseach agus Lotnaidicídí áirithe sa Trádáil Idirnáisiúnta
GHS; Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals; Globally Harmonized System for the Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
an Córas Comhchuibhithe Domhanda um Cheimiceáin a Aicmiú agus a Lipéadú; GHS
chemical operations; chemical warfare; CW
cogaíocht cheimiceach
REACH; REACH Regulation; Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals; Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals
Clárú, Meastóireacht, Údarú, agus Srianadh Ceimiceán; REACH
CBRN; chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear; NRBC; nuclear, radiological, biological and chemical
CBRN; ceimiceach, bitheolaíoch, raideolaíoch agus núicléach
Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical code; ATC code
an cód Ceimiceach Teiripeach Anatamaíoch
Virtual Center of Excellence for NBC Weapons Defence
ionad barr feabhais fíorúil um chosaint i gcoinne arm CBN; ionad barr feabhais fíorúil um chosaint i gcoinne arm ceimiceach, bitheolaíoch agus núicléach
SAICM; Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management
Cur Chuige Straitéiseach maidir le Bainistiú Idirnáisiúnta Ceimiceán; SAICM
ECHA; European Chemicals Agency
an Ghníomhaireacht Eorpach Ceimiceán; ECHA
INTERCHIM; Interkhim; International Branch Organisation for cooperation in the field of small tonnage chemical production; International Organisation for Cooperation in Light Chemicals Production; international specialized organization for co-operation in the field of small-tonnage chemical products; international specialized organization for economic, scientific and technical co-operation in the field of small-tonnage chemical products
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta um Chomhoibriú i dTáirgeadh Ceimiceán Éadrom
chemical reactivity
imoibríocht cheimiceach
chemical hazard
guais cheimiceáin
biochemical marker
marcóir bithcheimiceach
biogeochemical cycle
timthriall bith-gheoiceimiceach
chemical laser
léasar ceimiceach
cell; electrochemical cell
cill leictriceimiceach
PEC; photoelectrochemical cell
cill fhótaileictriceimiceach
photochemical reaction; photoreaction
imoibriúchán fótaiceimiceach
biochemical characterisation
tréithriú bithcheimiceach
CATF; Chemical Action Task Force
an Tascfhórsa um Rialú Ceimiceán
ECICS; European Customs Inventory of Chemical Substances
an Fardal Eorpach Custam maidir le Substaintí Ceimiceacha
pesticides and other agro-chemical products
lotnaidicídí agus táirgí agraicheimiceacha eile
chemical reduction
dí-ocsaídiú ceimiceach
dehairing; de-hairing; depilation; scudding
artificial manure; chemical fertilizer; dressing; fertilizer
leasachán ceimiceach; leasachán saorga
neutral sulphite semi chemical pulp; NSSC pulp
laíon leathcheimiceach suilfíte neodraí
chemical contouring; chemical milling; contour etching
eitriú ceimiceach; muilleáil cheimiceach
chemical fuel
breosla ceimiceach
chemical ice protection system
córas ceimiceach dí-oighriúcháin
chemical pressurization
brúchóiriú ceimiceach
ECM; electrochemical machining; electro-chemical machining
meaisíniú leictriceimiceach
galvanic couple
cill leictriceimiceach
chemical formula; formula
foirmle cheimiceach
chemical compound; compound
comhdhúil cheimiceach
physico-chemical properties analysis
anailís ar airíonna fisiceimiceacha
chemical characterization
saintréithriú ceimiceán
toxic and dangerous waste chemical oxidation
ocsaídiú ceimiceach i ndramhaíl thocsaineach agus chontúirteach
biochemical oxygen demand; biological oxygen demand; BOD; BOD-5
éileamh bithchemiceach ar ocsaigin
chemical pathology; clinical biochemistry; clinical chemistry
paiteolaíocht cheimiceach
chemical subject to the PIC procedure
ceimiceán atá faoi réir nós imeachta PIC
chemical oxygen demand; COD; oxygen demand
éileamh ceimiceach ar ocsaigin
chemical pulp
laíon ceimiceach
chemical conversion
tiontú ceimiceach
generic name; INN; International Nonproprietary Name; recommended International Nonproprietary Name; rINN
ainm cineálach; ainm cineálach ceimiceach; ainm coitianta; an t-ainm neamhdhílseánaigh idirnáisiúnta; ANI
aneugenic chemical
ceimiceán aineoigineach
chemical sterilization of must; mutage
steiriliú ceimiceach úrfhíona
poisonous substance; toxic chemical; toxic substance; toxicant
ceimiceán tocsaineach; substaint thocsaineach; tocsain
direct chemical analysis
anailís cheimiceach dhíreach
physico-chemical analysis
anailís fhisiceimiceach
electrochemical oxygen detector; electrochemical oxygen sensor
braiteoir leictriceimiceach ocsaigine
biochemical oxidation
ocsaídiúchán bithcheimiceach
chemical suppressor
sochtóir ceimiceach
chemical stability; stability
cobhsaíocht cheimiceach
Executive Council of the OPCW; Executive Council of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons; OPCW Executive Council
Comhairle Feidhmiúcháin na hEagraíochta um thoirmeasc ar airm cheimiceacha
OPCW Technical Secretariat; Technical Secretariat of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
Rúnaíocht Theicniúil; Rúnaíocht theicniúil na hEagraíochta um thoirmeasc ar airm cheimiceacha
Scientific Committee on Occupational Exposure Limits; Scientific Committee on Occupational Exposure Limits for Chemical Agents; SCOEL
an Coiste Eolaíoch um Theorainneacha Nochta Ceirde; an Coiste Eolaíoch um Theorainneacha Nochta Ceirde d'Oibreáin Cheimiceacha
CAS Number; CAS Registry Number; CAS RN; Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number
Uimhir Chláraithe na Seirbhíse Achoimreachtaí Ceimiceán
chemical name; systematic name
ainm ceimiceach
high production volume chemical; HPV chemical; HPVC
ceimiceán d'ardtoirt táirgeachta; ceimiceán HPV; HPVC
Board of Appeal; Board of Appeal of the European Chemicals Agency
Bord Achomhairc na Gníomhaireachta Eorpaí Ceimiceán
Conference of the States Parties; Conference of the States Parties of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons; CSP
Comhdháil na Stát is Páirtithe; Comhdháil na Stát is Páirtithe san Eagraíocht um thoirmeasc ar airm cheimiceacha
GHS; Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals; UN GHS
an Córas Comhchuibhithe Domhanda um Cheimiceáin a Aicmiú agus a Lipéadú; GHS
soybean hemicellulose; water soluble soybean fibre; water soluble soybean polysaccharides
heimiceallalós pónairí soighe
High Level Group on the Competitiveness of the Chemicals Industry in the European Union
Grúpa Ardleibhéil um Iomaíochas Thionscal na gCeimiceán san Aontas Eorpach
chemical resistance; resistance to chemicals
friotaíocht in aghaidh ceimiceán
test of resistance to chemicals
triail friotaíochta in aghaidh ceimiceán
chemical class
aicme cheimiceach
avian mycoplasmosis
míceaplasmóis éanúil
physicochemical removal; physico-chemical removal
baint fhisiciceimiceach
chemical oxygen consumption
ídiú ceimiceach ocsaigine
unbleached chemical pulp
laíon ceimiceach neamhthuartha
photocytotoxic chemical
ceimiceán fótai-cíteatocsaineach
phototoxic chemical
ceimiceán fótatocsaineach
skin sensitising chemical
ceimiceán íograithe craicinn
neurochemical effect
éifeacht néar-cheimiceach
biochemical pathway
bealach bithcheimiceach
pharmacodynamic effect
éifeacht chógasdinimiceach
sustainable chemical
ceimiceán inbhuanaithe
perfluorinated chemical; perfluorinated compound; PFC
ceimiceán sárfhluairinithe; comhdhúil shárfhluairínithe
OCPF; Other Chemical Production Facility
OCPF; Saoráid um Tháirgeadh Ceimiceán Eile
electrochemical torque
casmhoimint leictriceimiceach
masked mycotoxin
míceatocsain mhasctha
conjugated mycotoxin
míceatocsain chomhchuingeach
bound mycotoxin
míceatocsain cheangailte
ChemEx Unit; Chemical and Explosives Terrorism Prevention Unit
an tAonad um Sceimhlitheoireacht Cheimiceach agus Phléascán a Chosc
vitamins, pro-vitamins and chemically well-defined substances, having similar effect
vitimíní, próivitimíní agus substaintí atá dea-shainithe ó thaobh ceimiceán de, a bhfuil éifeacht chomhchosúil acu
CBRNE; chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive
ceimiceach, bitheolaíoch, raideolaíoch, núicléach agus pléascáin
pharmacodynamic parameter; pharmacodynamic property
airí cógasdinimiceach
chemically synthesised input
ionchur arna shintéisiú go ceimiceach
faecal immunochemical test; FIT
tástáil imdhíoncheimiceach faecais
Secretary-General’s Mechanism; Secretary-General's Mechanism for Investigation of Alleged Use of Chemical, Biological or Toxin Weapons; SGM
Sásra an Ard-Rúnaí; Sásra an Ard-Rúnaí um Imscrúdú ar Úsáid Líomhnaithe Arm Ceimiceach, Bitheolaíoch nó Tocsaineach
Centres of Excellence initiative; EU CBRN Centres of Excellence Initiative; European Union Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence Initiative
Tionscnamh maidir le hIonaid Barr Feabhais AE chun riosca Ceimiceach, Bitheolaíoch, Raideolaíoch agus Núicléach a mhaolú
research chemical
ceimiceán taighde
EAC; EAS; endocrine active chemical; endocrine active compound; endocrine active substance; endocrine modulating substance; endocrine modulator
ceimiceán gníomhach inchríneach
Chemical Weapons Convention verification regime; CWC verification regime; CWC verification system; verification regime
córas fíorúcháin; córas fíorúcháin an Choinbhinsiúin maidir le hAirm Cheimiceacha; córas fíorúcháin CWC
ICSSP; Integrated Chemical Safety and Security Program
an Clár Comhtháite um Shábháilteacht agus Slándáil Ceimiceán; ICSSP
chemical oxidation
ocsaídiú ceimiceach
Finnish Institute for Verification of the Chemical Weapons Convention; VERIFIN
Institiúid na Fionlainne maidir le Fíorú an Choinbhinsiúin um Airm Cheimiceacha; VERIFIN
ECRN; European Chemical Regions Network
ECRN; Líonra Eorpach um Réigiúin na dTionscal Ceimiceán
Review Conference of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction; Special Session of the Conference of the States Parties to Review the Operation of the Chemical Weapons Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction
seisiún speisialta den Chomhdháil Athbhreithnithe ag na Stáit is Páirtithe sa Choinbhinsiún ar oibríocht arm ceimiceach maidir le Toirmeasc ar Fhorbairt, Táirgeadh agus Stoc-Charnadh Arm agus úsáid arm ceimiceach agus maidir lena nDíothú
chemical warfare
cogaíocht cheimiceach (bain3)
chemical reagent
imoibrí ceimiceach (fir4)
chemical effect of electric current
iarsma ceimiceach de shruth leictreach (fir4)
Cogaíocht Cheimiceach, Bhitheolaíoch, Raideolaíoch agus Núicléach (bain3)
Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Warfare
Cogaíocht Cheimiceach, Bhitheolaíoch, Raideolaíoch agus Núicléach (bain3)
smoke producing chemical
ceimiceán deataigh (fir1)
chemical compound
cumasc ceimiceach (fir1)
chemical combination
comhcheangal ceimiceach (fir1)
chemical wetting agent
gníomhaireacht fliuchta cheimiceach (bain3)
chemical energy
fuinneamh ceimiceach (fir1)
chemical identity
aitheantas ceimiceach (fir1)
chemical solution
tuaslagán ceimiceach (fir1)
chemical symbol
samhaltán ceimiceach (fir1)
go ceimiceach (dob)
chemically combined
comhcheangailte go ceimiceach (aidbhr)
chemically reactive
imoibritheach go ceimiceach (a1)
dense chemical smoke
deatach tiubh ceimiceach (fir1)
NBC warfare
cogaíocht núicléach, bhitheolaíoch agus cheimiceach (bain3)
nuclear, biological and chemical warfare
cogaíocht núicléach, bhitheolaíoch agus cheimiceach (bain3)
ceimiceach (a1)
ceimiceán (fir1, gu: ceimiceáin, ai: ceimiceáin, gi: ceimiceán)
chemical effects of electric current
iarsmaí ceimiceacha srutha leictrigh