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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research; TNO
Eagraíocht na hÍsiltíre um Thaighde Eolaíoch Feidhmeach; TNO
Netherlands Institute for Sea Research; NIOZ; Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
Institiúid na hIsiltíre um Thaighde Mara
Agreement between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the European Atomic Energy Community and the International Ato; EURATOM/IAEA Verification Agreement; VA; Verification Agreement
an Comhaontú Fíorúcháin; an Comhaontú idir Ríocht na Beilge, Ríocht na Danmhairge, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, Éire, Poblacht na hIodáile, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg, Ríocht na hÍsiltíre, an Comhphobal Eorpach do Fhuinneamh Adamhach agus an Ghníomhaireacht Idirnáisiúnta do hui
Convention between Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands on Assistance between Customs Administrations; Convention between Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands on the Provision of Mutual Assistance by their Customs Authorities; Naples I
an Coinbhinsiún idir an Bheilg, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, an Fhrainc, an Iodáil, Lucsamburg agus an Ísiltír maidir le Cúnamh Frithpháirteach idir Údaráis Chustaim na dTíortha sin
Treaty on Extradition and Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Conradh maidir le hEiseachadadh agus Cúnamh Frithpháirteach in Ábhair Choiriúla idir Ríocht na Beilge, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg agus Ríocht na hÍsiltíre
Netherlands Antilles
Aintillí na hÍsiltíre
Protocol on the application of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community to the non-European parts of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Prótacal ar an gConradh ag bunú Chomhphobal Eacnamaíochta na hEorpa a chur chun feidhme ar na codanna neamh-Eorpacha de Ríocht na hÍsiltíre
Protocol concerning imports into the European Economic Community of petroleum products refined in the Netherlands Antilles; Protocol concerning imports into the European Union of petroleum products refined in the Netherlands Antilles
Prótacal maidir le hallmhairiú isteach i gComhphobal Eacnamaíochta na hEorpa ar tháirgí peitriliam arna scagadh in Aintillí na hÍsiltíre; Prótacal maidir le hallmhairiú isteach san Aontas Eorpach ar tháirgí peitriliam arna scagadh in Aintillí na hÍsiltíre
Kingdom of the Netherlands; the Netherlands
an Ísiltír; Ríocht na hÍsiltíre
Treaty between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Member States of the European Communities), the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland, ; Treaty concerning the accession of the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland, the Kingdom of Norway and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the European Economic Community and to the European Atomic Energy Community
an Conradh idir Ríocht na Beilge, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, Poblacht na Fraince, Poblacht na hIodáile, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg, Ríocht na hÍsiltíre (Ballstáit na gComhphobal Eorpach), Ríocht na Danmhairge, Éire, Ríocht na hIorua, agus Ríocht Aonta
Treaty between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nort; Treaty concerning the accession of the Hellenic Republic to the European Economic Community and to the European Atomic Energy Community
an Conradh i dtaobh aontachas na Poblachta Heilléanaí le Comhphobal Eacnamaiochta na hEorpa agus leis an gComhphobal Eorpach do Fhuinneamh Adamhach; an Conradh idir Ríocht na Beilge, Ríocht na Danmhairge, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, Poblacht na Fraince, Éire, Poblacht na hIodáile, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg, Ríocht na hÍsiltíre, Ríocht Aontaithe na Breataine Móire agus Thuaisceart Éireann (Ballstái
Treaty between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Hellenic Republic, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the United Kingdom of; Treaty concerning the accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic to the European Economic Community and to the European Atomic Energy Community
an Conradh i dtaobh aontachas Ríocht na Spáinne agus Phoblacht na Portaingéile le Comhphobal Eacnamaíochta na hEorpa agus leis an gComhphobal Eorpach do Fhuinneamh Adamhach; an Conradh idir Ríocht na Beilge, Ríocht na Danmhairge, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, an Phoblacht Heilléanach, Poblacht na Fraince, Éire, Poblacht na hIodáile, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg, Ríocht na hÍsiltíre, Ríocht Aontaithe na Breataine Móire agus Thu
Treaty between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands,; Treaty concerning the accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and; Treaty of Accession 2003; Treaty of Athens
an Conradh i dtaobh aontachas Phoblacht na Seice, Phoblacht na hEastóine, Phoblacht na Cipire, Phoblacht na Laitvia, Phoblacht na Liotuáine, Phoblacht na hUngáire, Phoblacht Mhálta, Phoblacht na Polainne, Phoblacht na Slóvéine agus Phoblacht na Slóvaice l; an Conradh idir Ríocht na Beilge, Ríocht na Danmhairge, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, an Phoblacht Heilléanach, Ríocht na Spáinne, Poblacht na Fraince, Éire, Poblacht na hIodáile, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg, Ríocht na hÍsiltíre, Poblacht na hOstaire, Pob; Conradh Aontachais 2003; Conradh na hAithne
Netherlands National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce
Coiste Náisiúnta na hÍsiltíre den Chumann Idirnáisiúnta Lucht Tráchtála
Netherlands Society for Industry and Commerce
Cumann na hÍsiltíre um Thionscal agus um Thráchtáil
Netherlands Institute of Certified Public Accountants; Netherlands Institute of Registered Accountants
Institiúid Cuntasóirí Poiblí Deimhnithe na hÍsiltíre
Netherlands International Institute for Management
Institiúid Idirnáisiúnta na hIsiltíre um Bhainistíocht
Dutch development bank; FMO; Netherlands Development Finance Company
Cuideachta Airgeadais na hÍsiltíre um Fhorbairt; FMO
Netherlands Development Organisation; SNV
Eagraíocht Forbraíochta na hÍsiltíre
Netherlands Flower Auction Association
Cumann Bláthcheantála na hÍsiltíre
Convention between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Austria on the stepping up of cross-border cooperation; Prüm Treaty
an Coinbhinsiún idir Ríocht na Beilge, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, Ríocht na Spáinne, Poblacht na Fraince, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg, Ríocht na hÍsiltíre agus Poblacht na hOstaire maidir le géarú comhar trasteorann, go háirithe chun an sceimhlitheoire; Conradh Prüm
Netherlands Organisation for International Development Cooperation; Novib; Oxfam Novib
Eagraíocht na hÍsiltire um Chomhar Idirnaisúnta Forbraíochta
Treaty Between the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, the Italian Republic, the Kingdom of The Netherlands and the Portuguese Republic, establishing the European Gendarmerie Force (EUROGENDFOR)
an Conradh idir Ríocht na Spáinne, Poblacht na Fraince, Poblacht na hIodáile, Ríocht na hÍsiltíre agus Poblacht na Portaingéile lena mbunaítear an Fórsa Gendarmerie Eorpach (EUROGENDFOR)
BES islands; Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba; Caribbean Netherlands
Oileáin BES; Oileáin Ísiltíreacha Mhuir Chairib
European Parliament Liaison Office in the Netherlands
Oifig Idirchaidrimh Pharlaimint na hEorpa san Ísiltír
Netherlands Senate
Seanad na hÍsiltíre
Netherlands House of Representatives
Teach Ionadaithe na hÍsiltíre
an Ísiltír (bain2, gu: na hÍsiltíre)