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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
aeroplane flight manual; AFM; aircraft flight manual; flight manual
lámhleabhar eitilte
air operator; operator
fixed pitch propeller; fixed-pitch; fixed-pitch propeller
lián céime fosaithe
accelerate-stop distance available; ASDA
an fad atá ar fáil don luasghearú/stopadh
aeroplane; airplane
flight envelope
imchlúdach eitilte
proper shipping name
ainm ceart iompair
change-over point; COP
pointe aistrithe
propeller driven aeroplane
eitleán liántiomáinte
topical use
úsáid logánta
dropout; drop-out; lost to follow-up
organic phosphates; organophosphates
decentralised agency; European Union decentralised agency
gníomhaireacht dhíláraithe; gníomhaireacht dhíláraithe de chuid an Aontais; gníomhaireacht dhíláraithe de chuid an Aontais Eorpaigh
cash crop; commercial crop
barr margaidh
open sea
farraige mhór
catastrophic losses
caillteanais i ngeall ar thubaistí
current international cooperation
comhar idirnáisiúnta reatha
Integrated Tariff of the European Union; TARIC
Taraif Chomhtháite an Aontais Eorpaigh; TARIC
Member States of the European Union
Ballstáit an Aontais Eorpaigh
opening balance sheet
clár comhardaithe tosaigh
property income
ioncam ó mhaoin
recipients of property income
faighteoirí ioncaim ó mhaoin
open recruitment
earcaíocht oscailte
mortgage on immovable property; mortgage on real estate; mortgage on real property
morgáiste ar réadmhaoin
borrowing operation
oibríocht faighte iasachta; oibríocht trína bhfaightear iasacht
cephalopod; cephalopod mollusc
African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights
an Chairt Afracach um Chearta an Duine agus um Chearta Pobal; an Chairt um Chearta an Duine agus um Chearta Pobal san Afraic
Les Verts; The Greens - Europe - Ecology
Na Glasaigh - Eoraip - Éiceolaíocht
ACC; Arab Cooperation Council
an Chomhairle um Chomhar Arabach
C; Conservative People's Party; KF
Páirtí an Phobail Chaomhaigh
Danish Socialist People's Party; F; SF; Socialist People's Party; SPP
Páirtí an Phobail Shóisialaigh
MOSOP; Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People
an Ghluaiseacht um Marthanas Phobal Ogoni; MOSOP
experimental development
forbairt thurgnamhach
WCIP; World Council of Indigenous Peoples
Comhairle Dhomhanda na bPobal Dúchais
Black Communities Development Act
Acht Forbraíochta na bPobal Gorm
Population Registration Act Repeal Act
an tAcht chun an tAcht um Chlárú Daonra a aisghairm
atomic vapour laser isotope separation; AVLIS
deighilt iseatóp le léasar gaile adamhaigh
open government data; open public data
sonraí oscailte poiblí
incipient user; neophyte; neophyte user
European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless; FEANTSA
Cónaidhm Eorpach na nEagraíochtaí Náisiúnta atá ag Obair le Daoine gan Dídean; FEANTSA
EOTC; European Organisation for Testing and Certification
Eagraíocht Eorpach um Thástáil agus um Dheimhniúchán; EOTC
European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association; European Venture Capital Association; EVCA
an Comhlachas Eorpach um Chothromas Príobháideach agus um Chaipiteal Fiontair; EVCA
South Tyrol People's Party; SVP
Páirtí Phobal an Tioróil Theas
Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry; EUROCHAMBRES
Anti-Racist Network for Equality in Europe
an Líonra Frithchiníoch um Chomhionannas san Eoraip
EDU; European Democratic Union
Aontas Daonlathach Eorpach
Party of European Socialists; PES
Páirtí na Sóisialaithe Eorpacha; PSE
EFA; European Free Alliance
an tSaor-Chomhghuaillíocht Eorpach; SGE
Commission Delegation; European Commission delegation
Toscaireacht ón gCoimisiún Eorpach
Conference of Community and European Affairs Committees of Parliaments of the European Union; Conference of European Affairs Committees; Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs; Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the European Union; COSAC
an Chomhdháil de na Coistí Parlaiminteacha um Ghnóthaí an Aontais de chuid Pharlaimintí an Aontais Eorpaigh; an Chomhdháil de na gCoistí um Ghnóthaí Eorpacha
EPP; European People's Party
Páirtí an Phobail Eorpaigh; PPE
filling up; topping; topping up
EHRF; European Human Rights Foundation
an Fhondúireacht Eorpach um Chearta an Duine; EHRF
Cooperation Agreement for the protection of the coasts and waters of the north-east Atlantic against pollution; Lisbon Agreement
an Comhaontú um chomhar maidir le Cóstaí agus Uiscí an Atlantaigh Thoir Thuaidh a Chosaint ar Thruailliú; Comhaontú Liospóin
minority opinion
tuairim an mhionlaigh; tuairim mhionlaigh
opinion in the form of a letter
tuairim i bhfoirm litreach
opening address
aitheasc tosaigh
committee asked for an opinion
an coiste ar iarradh tuairim air
draftsman; rapporteur for the opinion
dréachtóir; rapóirtéir don tuairim
employment opportunity
deis fostaíochta
International Year of the World's Indigenous People; International Year of the World's Indigenous People, 1993
Bliain Idirnáisiúnta Phobail Dúchais an Domhain
ICPD; International Conference on Population and Development
Comhdháil Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Daonra agus Forbairt
People's Party for Freedom and Democracy; VVD
Páirtí an Phobail um Shaoirse agus Daonlathas
Efics; European Forestry Information and Communication System
Córas Eorpach Faisnéise agus Cumarsáide na Foraoiseachta; EFICS
Rules of Procedure; Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament
Rialacha Nós Imeachta; Rialacha Nós Imeachta Pharlaimint na hEorpa
Act concerning the election of the members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage; Act concerning the election of the representatives of the Assembly by direct universal suffrage; Electoral Act
Ionstraim maidir le toghadh comhaltaí de Pharlaimint na hEorpa trí vótáil chomhchoiteann dhíreach; Ionstraim maidir le toghadh ionadaithe do Pharlaimint na hEorpa trí vótáil chomhchoiteann dhíreach
Euro Coop; Eurocoop; European Community of Consumer Cooperatives
Comharchumainn Tomhaltóirí an Chomhphobail Eorpaigh
right to petition the European Parliament
an ceart chun achainí a chur os comhair na Parlaiminte; an ceart chun achainí a dhéanamh chuig Parlaimint na hEorpa
motion for rejection; proposal for rejection; proposal to reject
tairiscint chun diúltú do [...]; togra chun diúltú do [...]
Code of Conduct; Code of Conduct for Members of the European Parliament with respect to financial interests and conflicts of interest
cód iompair
raon feidhme
EP; European Parliament
Parlaimint na hEorpa; PE
Member; Member of the European Parliament; MEP
comhalta de Pharlaimint na hEorpa; Feisire de Pharlaimint na hEorpa; FPE
lipoprotein lipase
liopáis lipeapróitéine
Consultative Committee of the ECSC; Consultative Committee of the European Coal and Steel Community; ECSC Consultative Committee
Coiste Comhairleach an CEGC
European Communities residence card; residence card; residence card of a family member of a Union citizen
cárta cónaithe; cárta cónaithe duine de theaghlach saoránaigh den Aontas
EU plant health regime; European Union plant health regime; plant health regime; Union plant health regime
réimeas an Aontais Eorpaigh um Shláinte Plandaí
roll-over protection structure; rollover protective structure; ROPS
ROPS; struchúr cosanta i gcás iompaithe
focal point; FOP; national focal point
an Lárionad Náisiúnta Sábháilteachta agus Sláinte; pointe fócasach
property right
ceart maoine
OP; organophosphate
OP; orgánafosfáit
Swedish People's Party
Páirtí an Phobail Shualannaigh
anthropogenic air emissions; anthropogenic atmospheric emissions; anthropogenic emissions
astaíochtaí antrapaigineacha
certified material; certified plant propagating material
ábhar deimhnithe
European Citizens' Charter
Cairt na Saoránach Eorpach
canopy closure
dúnadh ceannbhrait
1-(6-methyl-2-oxohexahydropyrimidin-4-yl)urea; crotonylidenediurea
aid for research and development
cabhair le haghaidh taighde agus forbartha
ApMV; apple infectious variegation virus; apple mosaic virus; European plum line pattern virus; plum line pattern virus; rose infectious chlorosis virus; rose mosaic virus
víreas mósáice an chrainn úll
arable crop
barr curaíochta
parliamentary cooperation committee
coiste um chomhar parlaiminteach
acceptable operator exposure level; AOEL
leibhéal na neamhchosanta atá inghlactha ag an oibreoir
workshop card
cárta ceardlainne
treaty shopping
siopadóireacht conarthaí
developmental toxicity
tocsaineacht fhorbarthach
Common Kingfisher; Eurasian Kingfisher; European Kingfisher; Kingfisher; River Kingfisher
basic gate propagation delay time
moill ar fhorleathadh don gheata bunúsach
preventive medical care; preventive medical treatment; preventive treatment; prophylactic treatment; prophylaxis
cóireáil choisctheach; cóireáil phróifiolacsach
illicit trade in cultural objects; illicit trafficking in cultural goods; illicit trafficking of cultural property; trafficking of cultural goods
gáinneáil aindleathach ar earraí cultúrtha
European student card
cárta mic léinn Eorpach
Cedefop; European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
an Lárionad Eorpach um Fhorbairt na Gairmoiliúna; Cedefop
EUI; European University Institute
an Institiúid Ollscoile Eorpach; IOE
European Voluntary Service; European Voluntary Service for young people; EVS
an tSeirbhís Dheonach Eorpach
European Year against Racism
an Bhliain Eorpach in aghaidh an Chiníochais
conformity of production; CoP
comhréireacht táirgeachta
copra expeller
asbhrúchán copra
copra, extracted
copra úsctha
SLORC; SPDC; State Law and Order Restoration Council; State Peace and Development Council
an Chomhairle Stáit um Athbhunú an Oird Phoiblí; an Chomhairle Stáit um Shíocháin agus um Fhorbraíocht; SLORC; SPDC
displacement; forced displacement; forced displacement of the population; forced migration
easáitiú éigeantach an phobail
classification of individual consumption by purpose; COICOP
aicmiú tomhaltais aonair de réir cuspóra
hydroelectric plant; hydroelectric power plant; hydroelectric power station; hydroelectric station; hydropower plant
stáisiún cumhachta hidrileictrí; stáisiún hidrileictreach
EAC; European Agency for Cooperation
an Ghníomhaireacht Eorpach um Chomhar; GEC
adoption allowance; adoption grant
liúntas uchtála
N; People's Movement against the EU
Gluaiseacht an Phobail i gcoinne AE
brake pressure regulator; brake proportioning valve; load sensing valve; load-proportioning valve
comhla mheasta ualaigh
POSEI; Programme of Options Specifically Relating to Remoteness and Insularity
Clár de roghanna a bhaineann go sonrach le hiargúltacht agus le hoileánacht
European Racism and Xenophobia Information Network; RAXEN
an Gréasán Eorpach um Fhaisnéis ar Chiníochas agus ar Sheineafóibe; RAXEN
framework programme for research, technological development and demonstration activities; RTD Framework Programme
Creatchlár um Thaighde agus um Fhorbairt; Creatchlár um thaighde agus um fhorbairt theicniúil
ECRI; European Commission against Racism and Intolerance
an Coimisiún Eorpach i gcoinne an Chiníochais agus na hÉadulaingthe; ECRI
ETNS; European Telephony Numbering Space
Spás Uimhrithe Teileafónaíochta na hEorpa
HRFOR; Human Rights Field Operation in Rwanda
Oibríocht Mhachaire um Chearta an Duine i Ruanda
Daphne Programme; Programme of Community action (2004 to 2008) to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at risk; Programme of Community action (the Daphne Programme) (2000-2003) on preventive measures to fight violence against children, young persons and women; Specific programme (2007-2013) to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at risk (Daphne III programme) as part of the General Programme Fundamental Rights and Justice
an Clár gníomhaíochta Comhphobail (2004 go 2008) chun an foréigean i gcoinne leanaí, daoine óga agus ban a chosc agus a chomhrac agus chun íospartaigh agus grupaí atá i mbaol a chosaint; an Clár gníomhaíochta Comhphobail (an Clár Daphne) (2000 - 2003) maidir le bearta coisctheacha chun an foréigean in aghaidh leanaí, daoine óga agus ban a chomhrac; an Clár Sonrach (2007-2013) chun an foréigean i gcoinne leanaí, daoine óga agus ban a chosc agus a chomhrac agus chun íospartaigh agus grúpaí atá i mbaol a chosaint (Clár Daphne III) mar chuid den Chlár Ginearálta "Cearta Bunúsacha agus Ceartas"; Clár Daphne; Clár Daphne II; DAPHNE
SAPARD; Special Accession Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development; special pre-accession instrument for agriculture and rural development
Clár Aontachais Speisialta um Thalmhaíocht agus Forbairt na Tuaithe
UEN; Union for Europe of the Nations Group
an Grúpa Aontais d'Eoraip na Náisiún; UEN
freedom of opinion
saoirse tuairimíochta
act of paedophilia; paedophile act; paedophile offence
cion péidifilia
facilitator; human smuggler; people smuggler
smuigléir daoine
right of self-determination; right of self-determination of peoples; right to self-determination
ceart féinchinntiúcháin
ECCP; European Climate Change Programme
an Clár Eorpach um Athrú Aeráide
Community initiative concerning economic and social regeneration in urban areas; Community initiative concerning economic and social regeneration of cities and of neighbourhoods in crisis in order to promote sustainable urban development; URBAN II
tionscnamh Comhphobail maidir le hathghiniúint eacnamaíoch agus shóisialta cathracha agus comharsanachtaí a bhfuil géarchéim iontu d''fhonn forbraíocht uirbeach inbhuanaithe a chur ar aghaidh; tionscnamh Comhphobail maidir le hathghiniúint eacnamaíoch agus shóisialta i gceantair uirbeacha; URBAN II
dissipation of assets; dissipation of property
diomailt sócmhainní
European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture; Mies van der Rohe Award
Duais an Aontais Eorpaigh le haghaidh na hAiltireachta Comhaimseartha; Gradam Mies van der Rohe
Administrative Board of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work; Governing Board of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Bord Rialaithe na Gníomhaireachta Eorpaí um Shábháilteacht agus Sláinte ag an Obair
ECB payment mechanism; EPM; European Central Bank Payment Mechanism
meicníocht íocaíochta an Bhainc Ceannais Eorpaigh
Community Initiative for rural development; Leader+
Leader +; Tionscnamh Comhphobail um Fhorbairt Tuaithe
Copenhagen political criteria
critéir pholaitiúla Chóbanhávan
UN Lima Regional Centre; United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean; UNLIREC
Ionad Réigiúnach na Náisiún Aontaithe um Shíocháin, Dí-armáil agus Forbairt i Meiriceá Laidineach agus sa Mhuir Chairib; UN-LiREC
pan-European metadata
meiteashonraí uile-Eorpacha
WCAR; World Conference against Racism; World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance
an Chomhdháil Dhomhanda in aghaidh an Chiníochais; an Chomhdháil Dhomhanda in aghaidh Ciníochais, Idirdhealú Ciníoch, Seineafóibe agus aon Éadulaingt atá bainteach leo; WCAR
principles of legality and proportionality of criminal offences and penalties
prionsabail na dlíthiúlachta agus na comhréireachta i dtaca le cionta coiriúla agus pionóis
Solemn proclamation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
Forógra sollúnta maidir leis an gCairt um Chearta Bunúsacha an Aontais Eorpaigh
exploratory opinion
medicinal product for use in the paediatric population; paediatric drug; paediatric medicinal product; paediatric medicine
táirge íocshláinte péidiatraiceach
right to own property; right to property
an ceart chun maoine
Parliament position; position of the European Parliament
seasamh na Parlaiminte; seasamh Pharlaimint na hEorpa
EDL; European Day of Languages
Lá Eorpach na dTeangacha
Decision on the association of the overseas countries and territories with the European Community; Overseas Association Decision
Cinneadh maidir le comhlachú na dtíortha agus na gcríoch thar lear leis an gComhphobal Eorpach; Cinneadh maidir le comhlachú thar lear
Decision on a regulatory framework for radio spectrum policy in the European Community; Radio Spectrum Decision
Cinneadh maidir le creat rialála don bheartas speictream raidió sa Chomhphobal Eorpach; Cinneadh maidir le speictream raidió
Statute for Members; Statute for Members of the European Parliament
Reacht Fheisirí Pharlaimint na hEorpa; Reacht na bhFeisirí
Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2002 concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector; Directive on privacy and electronic communications; ePrivacy Directive
an Treoir maidir le príobháideachas agus cumarsáid leictreonach; an Treoir maidir le r-phríobháideachas; Treoir 2002/58/CE ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle an 12 Iúil 2002 maidir le sonraí pearsanta a phróiseáil agus maidir le príobháideachas a chosaint san earnáil cumarsáide leictreonaí
IGC; Inter-Governmental Consultations on Asylum, Refugee and Migration Policies in Europe, North America and Australia
Comhairliúcháin Idir-Rialtasacha maidir le Beartais a bhaineann le Tearmann, le Dídeanaithe agus le hInimirce san Eoraip, i Meiriceá Thuaidh agus san Astráil; IGC
creeping functionality; feature creep; focus creep; kitchen sink syndrome; requirements creep; scope creep
leathadh téaltaitheach scóipe
ACHPR; African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights
ACHPR; Coimisiún na hAfraice um Chearta an Duine agus um Chearta Pobal
CODEPU; Committee for the Promotion and Defence of the Rights of the People; Corporation for the Promotion and Defence of the People's Rights
Coiste chun Cearta an Duine a Chur Ar Aghaidh agus a Chosaint; Corporáid chun Cearta an Duine a Chur Ar Aghaidh agus a Chosaint
barrier option; trigger option
rogha bhacainneach
Australian Human Rights Commission; HREOC; Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
an Coimisiún um Chearta an Duine agus um Chomhionannas Deiseanna; Coimisiún na hAstráile um Chearta an Duine
CDU-CPP; Christian Democratic Union - Czech People's Party; Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party; KDU-CSL
An tAontas Daonlathach Críostaí - Páirtí Phobal na Seice
NRDS; Nuba Relief, Rehabilitation and Development Society
an Cumann um Fhóirithint, Athshlánú agus Forbairt in Nuba
New People's Army; NPA
APN; Arm Nua an Phobail
Polish People's Party; PSL
Páirtí Phobal na Polainne
SPLM; Sudan People's Liberation Movement
Gluaiseacht um Shaoirse Phobal na Súdáine; SPLM
flow-proportional composite sample; flow-proportional sample
sampla comhiomlán sreabh-chomhréireach
European Convention for the Protection of Minorities
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Mionlaigh a Chosaint
Northern Hedgehog; Western European Hedgehog; Western Hedgehog
ECC; European Cultural Centre
an tAonad Cultúrtha Eorpach
ETC; European Travel Commission
an Coimisiún Eorpach um Thaisteal
neoplasm; tumour
CDPP; Christian Democratic People's Party; HCP
Páirtí an Phobail Dhaonlathaigh Chríostaí
chemoprevention; chemoprophylaxis
MOP; mu receptor; mu-opioid receptor; μ-opioid receptor; μ-receptor
gabhdóir mu-ópóideach
dopamine receptor
gabhdóir dopaimín
DMD; Duchenne muscular dystrophy; Duchenne type muscular dystrophy; Duchenne's muscular dystrophy; Meryon's disease; Muscular dystrophy - Duchenne type; pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy
diostróife mhatánach bhréag-hipeartrófach; diostróife mhatánach Duchenne
isotope scan; nuclear medicine test; radioisotope scan; radionuclide scan
scanadh raidiseatóip
chief operating officer; COO
príomhoifigeach oibriúcháin
AFCOS; anti-fraud cooperation service; Anti-Fraud Coordination Service
AFCOS; Seirbhís Comhordúcháin Frith-Chalaoise
apple proliferation mycoplasm; apple proliferation mycoplasma-like organism; apple proliferation phytoplasma; apple witches' broom phytoplasma
fíteaplasma iomadaithe an chrainn úll
pear decline mycoplasm; pear decline mycoplasma-like organism; pear decline phytoplasma
fíteaplasma meatha an chrainn piorraí
palm lethal yellowing mycoplasm; palm lethal yellowing mycoplasma-like organism; palm lethal yellowing phytoplasma
fíteaplasma buíochana marfaí na pailme
Disabled People's International; DPI
Eagraíocht Idirináisiúnta na nDaoine faoi Mhíchumas
peach little peach MLO; Peach red suture MLO; peach yellows mycoplasm; peach yellows phytoplasma; peach yellows virus
fíteaplasma buíochana an chrainn péitseog
EMENA; Europe, the Middle East and North Africa
an Eoraip, an Meánoirthear agus an Afraic Thuaidh
draft opinion
property leasing transaction
idirbheart léasaithe réadmhaoine
Agricultural and Food Development Authority; Agriculture and Food Development Authority; Teagasc
an tÚdarás Forbartha Talmhaíochta agus Bia; Teagasc
octafluoropropane; perfluoropropane
ochtafluaraprópán; sárfhluaraprópán
European Union Youth Orchestra; EUYO
Ceolfhoireann Óige an Aontais Eorpaigh; EUYO
operating costs; operating expenses
costas oibriúcháin; speansas oibriúcháin
acid reflux; acid regurgitation; gastric reflux; gastro-oesophageal reflux; gastro-oesophageal reflux disease; GER; GOR; GORD
aife aigéadach
peach X-disease mycoplasm; peach X-disease phytoplasma; Western X-disease phytoplasma
fíteaplasma X-ghalair an chranin péitseog
European Centre for Workers' Questions; EZA
an Lárionad Eorpach do Cheisteanna na nOibrithe; EZA
BOBC; Committee for the Development and Management of Fisheries in the Bay of Bengal
an Coiste um Fhorbairt agus Bainistiú Iascaigh i mBá na Beangáile; BOBC
GCT; Gran Telescopio de Canarias; GranTeCan; Great Canary Telescope; GTC
GranTeCan; GTC; Teileascóp Gran Canaria; Teileascóp na nOileán Canárach
black-faced curassow; black-faced piping guan; black-fronted piping guan; jacutinga
guán píopaireachta uchtdubh
Trinidad white-headed curassow; Trinidad white-headed piping guan
guán píopaireachta Oileán na Tríonóide
Bolson tortoise; Mexican giant gopher tortoise
toirtís Bolson
continuing professional development; CPD
CPD; forbairt ghairmiúil leantach
market operator; market participant
rannpháirtí sa mhargadh
Central European University; CEU
OLE; Ollscoil Lár na hEorpa
Doctor in Philosophy; Doctor of Philosophy; DPhil; Dr.philos.; PhD
D. Phil.; Dochtúir Fealsúnachta; Ph.D.
European Union Affairs Committee
an Coiste um Ghnóthaí an Aontais Eorpaigh
EU added value; EU value added; European added value
breisluach AE; breisluach Eorpach
vogelkop tree-kangaroo
cangarú crainn Vogelkop
Saiga antelope
antalóp Saiga
European chameleon
caimileon Eorpach
(8S,13S,14S,17R)-17-hydroxy-13-methyl-17-prop-2-enyl-1,2,6,7,8,14,15,16-octahydrocyclopenta[a]phenanthren-3-one; allyl trenbolone; allyltrenbolone; altrenogest
treanbólón ailille
Black Sea Economic Cooperation Area; BSEC Region
Limistéar Chomhar Eacnamaíoch na Mara Duibhe
Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia
Conradh Cairdis agus Comhair san Áise Thoir Theas
very low-density lipoprotein; VLDL
lipeapróitéin an-ísealdlúis; VLDL
cobot; collaborative robot; cooperative robot
róbat comhoibríoch
offshore patrol vessel; OPV
OPV; soitheach patróil amach ón gcósta
spina bifida aperta; spina bifida operta
spina bifida cisteach
JCCC; Joint Customs Cooperation Committee
CCCC; comhchoiste um chomhar custaim
Danish People's Party; DPP; O
Páirtí Phobal na Danmhairge
Cultural Route; Cultural Route of the Council of Europe; European Cultural Route
Bealach Cultúrtha; Bealach Cultúrtha Chomhairle na hEorpa; Bealach Cultúrtha na hEorpa
ESMI; European Spatial Metadata Infrastructure
Bonneagar Meiteashonraí Spásúla na hEorpa
ASEP; Asia-Europe Parliamentary Partnership
ASEP; Comhpháirtíocht Pharlaiminteach na hÁise-na hEorpa
mini laptop; netbook; subnotebook; ultralight; ultraportable
mionríomhaire glúine
bodyguard; close protection officer; close protection operative; CPO; personal protection officer
garda cosanta
disorders of sex development; DSDs; hermaphroditism; intersex
crop failure
drochfhómhar; teip na mbarr
protective frame; roll-bar frame; rollbar roll-over protective structure; rollbar ROPS; safety frame
fráma sábhála
shopping mall
siúlán siopadóireachta; stuara siopadóireachta
PABSEC; Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation
Tionól Parlaiminteach na Mara Duibhe um Chomhar Eacnamaíochta
NASC; West Ireland European Liaison
Idirchaidreamh Iarthar na Éireann leis an Eoraip; NASC
(<I>S</I>)-2-chloro-<I>N</I>-(2,4-dimethyl-3-thienyl)-<I>N</I>-(2-methoxy-1-methylethyl)acetamide; 2-chloro-<I>N</I>-(2,4-dimethylthiophen-3-yl)-<I>N</I>-[(2<I>S</I>)-1-methoxypropan-2-yl]acetamide; dimethenamid-p
Zone of peace and cooperation of the South Atlantic
Limistéar Síochána agus Comhair an Atlantaigh Theas
Centre for European Reform; CER
an Lárionad um Athchóiriú Eorpach
TDN; top-level domain name
ainm fearainn barrleibhéil
boat people
muintir na mbád
AOG; armed opposition group
grúpa freasúra armtha
European Day against the Death Penalty
an Lá Eorpach in aghaidh Phionós an Bháis
European Year
Bliain Eorpach
European Social Investment Forum; European Sustainable Investment Forum; Eurosif
an Fóram Eorpach um infheistíocht inbhuanaithe; Eurosif
Disability Intergroup; Disability Intergroup of the European Parliament
Idirghrúpa um Míchumas
bacteriophage therapy; phage therapy
teiripe bhaictéarafagach
ECSR; European Committee of Social Rights
Coiste Eorpach ar Chearta Sóisialta
Union for a Popular Movement
Aontas um Ghluaiseacht Pobail
MMN; multifocal motor neuropathy
MMN; néarapaite luaile ilfhócasach
ECC-Net; European Consumer Centres Network
ECC-Net; Líonra na Lárionad Eorpach do Thomhaltóirí
aggregate anthropogenic carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of greenhouse gases
astaíochtaí antrapaigineacha comhiomlána de gháis ceaptha teasa léirithe mar choibhéis dé-ocsaíde carbóin
CDM EB; CDM Executive Board; Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism
Bord Feidhmiúcháin maidir leis an meicníocht ghlanfhorbraíochta
EGP; European Green Party; European Greens
Na Glasaigh Eorpacha; Páirtí Glas na hEorpa; PGE
European Judicial Atlas in civil matters
an tAtlas Breithiúnach Eorpach in ábhair shibhialta
housing bubble; property bubble; real estate bubble
boilgeog tithíochta
Brugada syndrome; idiopathic ventricular fibrillation; sudden unexpected death syndrome
fibriliú ideapatach méadailíneach; siondróm Brugada
CCHS; congenital central alveolar hypoventilation; congenital central hypoventilation syndrome; idiopathic central alveolar hypoventilation; Ondine syndrome; Ondine's Curse; sleep-induced apnea
siondróm hiopanálaithe lárnaigh ó bhroinn; siondróm Ondine
European contract law
dlí Eorpach na gconarthaí
EuroCOP; European Confederation of Police
Cónaidhm Eorpach na bPóilíní
adverse opinion
tuairim neamhfhabhrach
qualified opinion
tuairim choinníollach
audit scope; scope of the audit
raon an iniúchta
appropriate audit evidence
fianaise iniúchóireachta iomchuí
operational failure
teip oibríochtúil
reality of operations
réaltacht oibríochtaí
stratification of a population
srathú pobail
SEA; Single European Act
an Ionstraim Eorpach Aonair; IEA
European Agreement on "au pair" Placement
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le Socrúcháin "au pair"
comparison goods; shopping goods
earraí comparáide
Committee of the European Social Fund; ESF Committee; European Social Fund Committee
Coiste Chiste Sóisialta na hEorpa
alder; black alder; European alder
cornbhíoma hopúil Eorpach
ne bis in idem principle; double jeopardy; ne bis in idem
ne bis in idem; non bis in idem
to adjust a monopoly
coigeartaigh monaplacht
Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Eagraíocht um Chomhar agus Forbairt Eacnamaíochta
opportunity cost
European judicial area
limistéar breithiúnach Eorpach
Convention Abolishing the Legalisation of Documents in the Member States of the European Communities
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le deireadh a chur le dlisteanú doiciméad i mBallstáit na gComhphobal Eorpach
call; call for proposals
glao ar thograí
EBIC; European Business Information Centre
lárionad Eorpach um fhaisnéis ghnó
Agreement on the Application between the Member States of the European Communities of the Council of Europe Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons
an Comhaontú maidir le Cur i bhFeidhm Choinbhinsiún Chomhairle na hEorpa maidir le hAistriú Daoine faoi Phianbhreith idir Ballstáit na gComhphobal Eorpach
Convention between the Member States of the European Communities on Double Jeopardy
an Coinbhinsiún idir Ballstáit na gComhphobal Eorpach maidir le Contúirt Dhúbailte
College of Europe
Coláiste na hEorpa
CCC of the Council of Europe; Council for Cultural Cooperation; Council for Cultural Cooperation of the Council of Europe
Comhairle Chomhairle na hEorpa um Chomhar Cultúrtha
SD; sustainable development
forbairt inbhuanaithe
brown top
feorainn mhín
European Convention for the Protection of Animals for Slaughter
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Cosaint Ainmhithe le Marú
energy crop; fuel crop
barr breosla; barr fuinnimh
vegetative propagation material; vegetative reproductive material
ábhar iomadaithe fásúil
EBLUL; European Bureau for Lesser-Used Languages
an Biúró Eorpach do Theangacha Neamhfhorleathana
oilseed poppy
poipín dubh
crop protection product; pesticide; phytopharmaceutical product; plant health product; plant protection product; PPP
táirge cosanta plandaí
appropriation account
cuntas leithreasa
blocked account
cuntas stoptha
General Report on the Activities of the European Union
Tuarascáil Ghinearálta ar Ghníomhaíochtaí an Aontais Eorpaigh
addressograph operator
oibreoir seoladhghraif
Governing Board of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Bord Rialúcháin an Fhorais Eorpaigh chun Dáláí Maireachtála agus Oibre a Fheabhsú
Agreement relating to Application of the European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration
Comhaontú a bhaineann le Cur i bhFeidhm an Choinbhinsiúin Eorpaigh maidir le hEadráin Tráchtála Idirnáisiúnta
appropriation account
cuntas leithreasa
transfer of appropriations
aistriú leithreasuithe
AOO; area of operations; operation area; theatre; theatre of operations; TO
limistéar oibríochtaí; líomatáiste oibríochtaí
balance of payments; BOP; external account; external transactions account
comhardú íocaíochtaí; comhardú na n-íocaíochtaí
capital redemption operations
oibríochtaí fuascailte caipitil
Colombo Plan; Colombo Plan for Cooperative Economic and Social Development in Asia and the Pacific
tíortha Phlean Colombo
Convention on Cooperation in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries; NAFO Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le comhoibriú iltaobhach sa todhchaí in iascaigh an Atlantaigh thiar thuaidh; Coinbhinsiún NAFO
Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Substaintí Síceatrópacha, 1971
depleted uranium; DU; uranium depleted in U 235; uranium that is depleted in isotope 235
UL; úráiniam laghdaithe
management development
forbairt bainisteoireachta
Board of Governors; Board of Governors of the European Investment Bank; EIB Board of Governors
Bord Gobharnóirí an Bhainc Eorpaigh Infheistíochta
International Bureau; International Bureau of Intellectual Property; International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organisation; International Bureau of WIPO; WIPO Secretariat
an Biúró Idirnáisiúnta EDMI; an Biúró Idirnáisiúnta um Maoin Intleachtúil; Biúró Idirnáisiúnta na hEagraíochta Domhanda um Maoin Intleachtúil
fraudulent conversion; misappropriation of funds
míleithreasú cistí
elm phlöem necrosis mycoplasm; elm phloem necrosis phytoplasma
fíteaplasma neacróise fhléam an leamháin
notice of open competition; notification of open competition
fógra faoi chomórtas oscailte
open day; open doors; Open Doors Day
Doirse oscailte; Lá Doirse Oscailte AE; Lá Oscailte AE
operative part of the judgment; operative provisions of the judgment
an chuid oibríochtúil den bhreithiúnas
ophthalmic optician
optaiméadraí; radharceolaí oftalmach
European Patent Bulletin
Feasachán Eorpach na bPaitinní
Community patent; EU patent; European Union patent
paitinn (de chuid) an Aontais Eorpaigh; paitinn AE; paitinn Chomhphobail
European patent with unitary effect; unitary patent
paitinn aonadach; paitinn Eorpach a bhfuil éifeacht aonadach léi
EAC; European Association for Cooperation
Comhlachas Eorpach um Chomhar; EAC
intangible movable property
maoin shochorraithe dholáimhsithe
movable property
maoin shochorraithe
pledged property
maoin arna cur i ngeall
European Patent Register; Register of European Patents
Clár Eorpach na bPaitinní
emergency stop; emergency switch-off; e-stop
lasc éigeandála; stoplasc éigeandála
CODEV Working Party; Working Party on Development Cooperation
an Mheitheal um Chomhar um Fhorbairt; Meitheal CODEV
Working Party on Arable Crops (Seeds)
an Mheitheal um Barra Curaíochta (Síolta)
Regional Agreement for the European Broadcasting Area; Stockholm Convention
an Comhaontú Réigiúnach maidir le Limistéar Craolacháin na hEorpa; Coinbhinsiún Stócólm
CFI; Court of First Instance; Court of First Instance of the European Communities; General Court; General Court of the European Union
an Chúirt Ghinearálta; Cúirt Chéadchéime na gComhphobal Eorpach
generic; generic drug; generic medicinal product; generic medicine; generic pharmaceutical; generic pharmaceutical product; non-proprietary medicinal product
cógas cineálach; táirge íocshláinte cineálach
quota open without discrimination
cuóta ar oscailt gan idirdhealú
Board of Governors of the European Monetary Cooperation Fund
Bord Gobharnóirí an Chiste Eorpaigh um Chomhar Airgeadaíochta
European dimension in education
éirim Eorpach an oideachais
resale right; right (of a true owner) to follow property (in the hands of another)
ceart athdhíola
proprietary drug; proprietary medicinal product; proprietary medicine; proprietary pharmaceutical product; proprietary preparation
cógas dílseánaigh
Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland, the Kingdom of Norway and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the European Communities and the adjustments to the treaties entailed by
Ionstraim i dtaobh aontachas Ríocht na Danmhairge, na hÉireann, Ríocht na hIorua agus Ríocht Aontaithe na Breataine Móire agus Thuaisceart Éireann leis na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus oiriúnuithe a ghabhann leis sna Conarthaí
ambit; coverage; scope
absence of an opinion
easnamh tuairime
appropriate corrective measure
beart ceartaitheach iomchuí
appropriate measure
beart iomchuí; beart is cuí
judgment; judgment of the Court; judgment of the Court of Justice; judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union
to adopt (rules of procedure)
glac (rialacha nós imeachta)
crop rotation
uainíocht na mbarr
authentic copy; authenticated copy
cóip bharántúil; cóip fhíordheimhnithe
the opposite party
páirtí freasúra
Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community, of the one part, and the countries parties to the Charter of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (the State of the United Arab Emirates, the State of Bahrain, the Kingdom o
an Comhaontú maidir le comhar idir Comhphobal Eacnamaíochta na hEorpa, de pháirt, agus na tíortha ar páirtithe iad i gCairt na Comhairle um Chomhar idir Stáit Arabacha na Murascaille (Stát Aontas na nÉimíríochtaí Arabacha, Stát Bhairéin, Ríocht na hAraibe
2-Propanol; isopropyl alcohol; Propan-2-ol
alcól iseapróipile; própán-2-ól
principle of proportionality; proportionality; proportionality principle
prionsabal na comhréireachta
adverse opinion; negative opinion; unfavourable opinion
tuairim neamhfhabhrach
JET; Joint European Torus
JET; Tóras Eorpach Comhpháirteach
IDA; International Development Association
an Comhlachas Forbartha Idirnáisiúnta
ODA; official development assistance
COF; cúnamh oifigiúil forbartha; cúnamh oifigiúil um fhorbairt; ODA
Working Party on Intellectual Property
an Mheitheal um Maoin Intleachtúil
Charter of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf
Cairt na Comhairle um Chomhar idir Stáit Arabacha na Murascaille
subsonic jet aeroplane
scairdeitleán foshonach
operating lease; operating leasing; operational lease; operational leasing
léas oibriúcháin
Community pharmacy; dispensing chemist; dispensing pharmacy; pharmacy; pharmacy open to the public; retail pharmacy
cógaslann dáiliúcháin
appropriation account
cuntas leithghabhála
appropriation; budget appropriation
leithreasú; leithreasú buiséadach
AC; AFC; appropriations for commitments
leithreasaí faoi chomhair oibleagáidí; leithreasuithe faoi chomhair oibleagáidí
operational appropriations
leithreasuithe faoi chomhair oibríochtaí
p/a; PA; payment appropriation
leithreasaí íocaíochta; leithreasú íocaíochta
AFP; appropriations for payments
AFP; leithreasuithe faoi chomhair íocaíochtaí
operational budget line; operational expenditure
caiteachas oibríochtúil
allocation; amount; appropriation
cionroinnt; leithdháileadh
to propose modifications
modhnuithe a mholadh; modhnuithe a thairiscint
RPCJ; Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice; Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice of the European Communities
Rialacha Nós Imeachta Chúirt Bhreithiúnais na gComhphobal Eorpach; Rialacha Nós Imeachta na Cúirte Breithiúnais
IIA; Interinstitutional Agreement; Interinstitutional Agreement of 6 May 1999 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and improvement of the budgetary procedure; Interinstitutional Agreement of 6 May 1999 on budgetary discipline and improvement of the budgetary procedure; Interinstitutional Agreement on budgetary discipline and improvement of the budgetary procedure
Comhaontú Idirinstitiúideach; Comhaontú Idirinstitiúideach ar an smacht buiséadach agus ar fheabhsú an nóis imeachta bhuiséadaigh
Council Decision on own resources; Council Decision on the system of own resources of the European Union; Council Decision on the system of the European Communities' own resources; Own Resources Decision
Cinneadh maidir le hAcmhainní Dílse; Cinneadh ón gComhairle maidir le córas acmhainní dílse an Aontais Eorpaigh; Cinneadh ón gComhairle maidir le córas acmhainní dílse na gComhphobal Eorpach; Cinneadh ón gComhairle maidir le hacmhainní dílse; cinneadh ón gComhairle maidir lena hacmhainní féin
policyholder; proposer
sealbhóir polasaí; togróir
tenancy of immovable property
tionóntacht réadmhaoine
Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles and the conditions for reciprocal recognition of approvals granted on the basis of these
an Comhaontú maidir le glacadh saintreoracha teicniúla aonfhoirmeacha d'fheithiclí rothacha, do threalamh agus do pháirteanna is féidir a fheistiú agus/nó a úsáid ar fheithiclí rothacha agus ar na coinníollacha maidir le ceadanna arna ndeonú ar bhonn na s; Comhaontú maidir le glacadh saintreoracha teicniúla aonfhoirmeacha d'fheithiclí rothacha, do threalamh agus do pháirteanna is féidir a fheistiú agus/nó a úsáid ar fheithiclí rothacha agus ar na coinníollacha chun ceadanna bunaithe orthu sin a aithint go c
Agreement between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the European Atomic Energy Community and the International Ato; EURATOM/IAEA Verification Agreement; VA; Verification Agreement
an Comhaontú Fíorúcháin; an Comhaontú idir Ríocht na Beilge, Ríocht na Danmhairge, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, Éire, Poblacht na hIodáile, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg, Ríocht na hÍsiltíre, an Comhphobal Eorpach do Fhuinneamh Adamhach agus an Ghníomhaireacht Idirnáisiúnta do hui
Framework Agreement for Commercial and Economic Cooperation between the European Communities and Canada
an Creat-Chomhaontú um Chomhar Tráchtálach agus Eacnamaíoch idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus Ceanada
European Interim Agreement on Social Security other than Schemes for Old Age, Invalidity and Survivors
an Comhaontú Eatramhach Eorpach maidir le Slándáil Shóisialta seachas Scéimeanna do Sheanaois, Easláine agus Marthanóirí
European Interim Agreement on Social Security Schemes Relating to Old Age, Invalidity and Survivors
an Comhaontú Eatramhach Eorpach maidir le Scéimeanna Slándála Sóisialta do Sheanaois, Easláine agus Marthanóirí
Agreement establishing the European Molecular Biology Laboratory
an Comhaontú lena mbunaítear an tSaotharlann Eorpach um Bitheolaíocht Mhóilíneach
Agreement establishing the European Molecular Biology Conference
Comhaontú lena mbunaítear an Chomhdháil Eorpach um Bitheolaíocht Mhóilíneach
Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand - member countries of the Association of South-East Asian Nations
an Comhaontú maidir le comhar idir Comhphobal Eacnamaíochta na hEorpa agus an Indinéis, an Mhalaeisia, na hOileáin Fhilipíneacha, Singeapór agus an Téalainn - balltíortha Chomhlachas Náisiúin na hÁise Thoir Theas (ASEAN)
Agreement for cooperation in dealing with pollution of the North Sea by oil and other harmful substances; Bonn Agreement
an Comhaontú maidir le Comhar faoi Dhéileáil le Truailliú na Mara Thuaidh ag Ola agus ag Substaintí Dochracha Eile; Comhaontú Bhonn
Agreement on the Exchange of War Cripples between Member Countries of the Council of Europe with a view to Medical Treatment
an Comhaontú maidir le Malartú Mairtíneach Cogaidh idir Ballstáit Chomhairle na hEorpa ar mhaithe le Cóireáil Leighis
Agreement between the Member States of the Council of Europe on the issue to Military and Civilian War-Disabled of an International Book of Vouchers for the repair of Prosthetic and Orthopaedic Appliances
Comhaontú idir Ballstáit Chomhairle na hEorpa maidir le Leabhar Dearbhán le haghaidh Deisiúchán Fearas Próistéiteach agus Ortaipéideach a Dháileadh ar Dhaoine Míleata agus Sibhialta atá faoi mhíchumas de dheasca cogaidh
Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty for Cooperation regarding Atomic Information
Comhaontú idir na Páirtithe i gConradh an Atlantaigh Thuaidh maidir le Comhar i dtaca le Faisnéis Adamhach
European Agreement on Travel by Young Persons on Collective Passports between the Member Countries of the Council of Europe
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le Taisteal Daoine Óga ar Chomhphasanna idir Ballstáit Chomhairle na hEorpa
European Agreement Supplementing the 1968 Convention on Road Traffic
an Comhaontú Eorpach ag forlíonadh Choinbhinsiúin 1968 um Thrácht ar Bhóithre
European Agreement Supplementing the Convention on Road Signs and Signals
an Comhaontú Eorpach ag forlíonadh an Choinbhinsiún um Chomharthaíocht Bóithre
European Agreement on the Exchanges of Blood-grouping Reagents
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le Malartú Imoibrithe Fuilghrúpála
European Agreement on the Exchange of Tissue-Typing Reagents
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le hImoibreáin Tíopála Fíocháin a Mhalartú
European Agreement on the Exchange of Therapeutic Substances of Human Origin
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le Malartú Substaintí Teirpeacha de Bhunús Daonna
European Agreement on the Restriction of the Use of certain Detergents in Washing and Cleaning Products
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le hÚsáid Glantach Áirithe in Earraí Níocháin agus Glantacháin a Shrianadh
European Agreement on continued Payment of Scholarships to students studying abroad
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le hÍocaíocht Leantach Scoláireachtaí do Mhic Léinn atá ag Staidéar Thar Lear
European Agreement on Road Markings
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le Marcanna Bóithre
European Agreement concerning the provision of medical care to persons during temporary residence
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le Soláthar Cúram Leighis do Dhaoine le linn Cónaí Sealadach
European Agreement relating to Persons participating in Proceedings of the European Commission and Court of Human Rights
an Comhaontú Eorpach a bhaineann le Daoine atá rannpháirteach in Imeachtaí an Choimisiúin Eorpaigh agus na Cúirte Eorpaí um Chearta an Duine
European Agreement on Regulations governing the Movement of Persons between Member States of the Council of Europe
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir leis na Rialacha lena Rialaítear Gluaiseacht Daoine idir Ballstáit Chomhairle na hEorpa
European Agreement for the Prevention of Broadcasts transmitted from Stations outside National Territories
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le Craolacháin a dhéantar a tharchur ó Stáisiúin lasmuigh de Chríocha Náisiúnta a Chosc
European Agreement on the Abolition of Visas for Refugees
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le Deireadh a chur le Víosaí do Dhídeanaithe
Operating Agreement relating to the International Telecommunications Satellite Organisation "INTELSAT"
an Comhaontú Oibriúcháin a bhaineann le hEagraíocht Satailíte Teileachumarsáide Idirnáisiúnta "INTELSAT"
Agreement establishing a European Foundation
Comhaontú lena mbunaítear Fondúireacht Eorpach
Agreement establishing the African Development Fund
an Comhaontú lena mbunaítear an Ciste Afracach Forbraíochta
Agreement establishing the International Fund for Agricultural Development
an Comhaontú lena mbunaítear an Ciste Idirnáisiúnta um Fhorbraíocht Talmhaíochta
Agreement establishing a Financial Support Fund of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Comhaontú lena mbunaítear Ciste Tacaíochta Airgeadais de chuid na hEagraíochta um Chomhar agus Forbairt Eacnamaíochta
General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe
an Comhaontú Ginearálta ar Phribhléidí agus Díolúintí Chomhairle na hEorpa
private copying
cóipeáil phríobháideach
joint proprietorship of a patent
comhdhílseánacht ar phaitinn
Solemn Declaration on European Union; Stuttgart Declaration; Stuttgart Solemn Declaration
Dearbhú Sollúnta ar an Aontas Eorpach
Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Extradition
an Dara Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Eorpach um Eiseachadadh
rural development
forbairt tuaithe
damage to property
damáiste do mhaoin
operating space
spás oibríochta
expert opinion; expert report; expert's report
tuairim shaineolach
European Foundation
an Foras Eorpach
feorainn dhubh
public development contract
conradh forbartha poiblí
Community trade mark; CTM; EU trade mark; European Union trade mark; EUTM
trádmharc an Aontais Eorpaigh; trádmharc de chuid AE; trádmharc de chuid an Aontais Eorpaigh
Multilateral Agreement on Commercial Rights of Non-scheduled Air Services in Europe
an Comhaontú Iltaobhach maidir le Cearta Tráchtála Aersheirbhísí Neamhsceidealta san Eoraip
Convention for the Establishment of a European Company for the Financing of Railway Rolling Stock (EUROFIMA)
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cuideachta Eorpach a bhunú chun stoc rothra iarnróid a mhaoiniú (EUROFIMA)
European Convention on the Equivalence of Diplomas leading to Admission to Universities
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Comhluach Dioplómaí lena gceadaítear Iontrálacha Isteach in Ollscoileanna
open call for tenders; open procedure; open tendering procedure
iarratas oscailte ar thairiscintí
European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach um Chosaint Peataí
administrative cooperation
comhar riaracháin
Additional Protocol to the European Agreement on the Exchange of Blood-grouping Reagents
Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú Eorpach maidir le Malartú Imoibrithe Fuilghrúpála
Additional Protocol to the European Agreement on the Exchange of Therapeutic Substances of Human Origin
Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú Eorpach maidir le Malartú Substaintí Teirpeacha de Bhunús Daonna
Oil Spills Protocol; Protocol concerning Cooperation in Combating Oil Spills in the Wider Caribbean Region
an Prótacal um Chomhoibriú chun Doirteadh Ola sa Mhór-Réigiún Cairibeach a Chomhrac
EMEP Protocol; Protocol to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, on Long-term Financing of the Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún ar Thruailliú Aeir Trasteorann Fadraoin, ar Mhaoiniú Fadtéarma an Chláir Comhairíochta chun Faireachán agus Measúnú a dhéanamh ar Thruailleáin Aeir Tarchurtha Fadraoin san Eoraip (EMEP)
Optional Protocol
prótacal roghnach
intellectual property; IP
maoin intleachtúil
Protocol on Road Markings, Additional to the European Agreement Supplementing the Convention on Road Signs and Signals
Prótacal breise maidir le marcanna bóthair a ghabann leis an gComhaontú Eorpach lena bhforlíontar an Coinbhinsiún um Shíneacha agus Chomharthaí Bóthair
Protocol amending Article 14 (3) of the European Agreement of 30 September 1957 concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR)
Prótacal lena leasítear Airteagal 14 (3) de Chomhaontú Eorpach an 30 Meán Fómhair 1957 i dtaobh Iompar Idirnáisiúnta Earraí Contúirteacha de Bhóthar (ADR)
Optional Protocol concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes
Prótacal roghnach maidir le Réiteach Éigeantach Díospóidí
Protocol to the European Convention on the Equivalence of Diplomas leading to Admission to Universities
an Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Comhluach Dioplómaí as a leanann Iontrálacha in Ollscoileanna
Additional Protocol to the European Agreement on the Exchange of Tissue-Typing Reagents
Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú Eorpach maidir le hImoibreáin Tíopála Fíocháin a Mhalartú
Protocol to the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú Ginearálta ar Phribhléidí agus Díolúintí Chomhairle na hEorpa
Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
Prótacal Breise a ghabhann leis an an gCoinbhinsiún Eorpach ar Chúnamh Frithpháirteach in Ábhair Choiriúla
Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Extradition
Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Eorpach um Eiseachadadh
Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Information on Foreign Law
Prótacal Breise a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Eorpach um Fhaisnéis maidir le Dlí Eachtrach
Protocol No. 2 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, conferring upon the European Court of Human Rights competence to give advisory opinions
Prótacal Uimh. 2 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint, a thugann inniúlacht don Chúirt Eorpach um Chearta an Duine chun Tuairimí Comhairleacha a thabhairt
Additional Protocol to the European Convention for the Protection of Animals during International Transport
Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Eorpach chun Ainmhithe a Chosaint le linn Iompair Idirnáisiúnta
Emergency Protocol; Protocol concerning Cooperation in Combating Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by Oil and Other Harmful Substances in Cases of Emergency
an Prótacal a bhaineann le Comhar maidir le Truailliú na Meánmhara de bharr Ola agus Substaintí Dochracha Eile i gCásanna Éigeandála a Chomhrac
European Agreement concerning Programme Exchanges by means of Television Films
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le Malartuithe Clár trí Scannáin Teilifíse
European Agreement on the Protection of Television Broadcasts
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le Craoltaí Teilifíse a Chosaint
territorial field of application; territorial scope
raon feidhme críochach
property insurance
árachas maoine
own-initiative opinion
tuairim féintionscnaimh
tangible movable property
maoin shochorraithe inláimhsithe
natural catastrophe; natural disaster
tubaiste nádúrtha
ESC; European Social Charter
Cairt Shóisialta na hEorpa
úll deilgneach
Advisory Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men
an Coiste Comhairleach um Dheiseanna Comhionanna do Mhná agus d'Fhir
ACP-EC Customs Cooperation Committee; Customs Cooperation Committee
an Coiste um an gComhar Custaim
European Code of Social Security
an Cód Eorpach Slándála Sóisialta
CM; Committee of Ministers; Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe
an Coiste Airí; Coiste Airí Chomhairle na hEorpa
CCC; Customs Co-operation Council; WCO; World Customs Organization
an Chomhairle um Chomhar Custaim; CCC
LDC Conference; United Nations Conference on Least Developed Countries; United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries
Comhdháil na Náisiún Aontaithe maidir leis na Tíortha is Lú Forbairt
Board of Governors; Board of Governors of the European Schools
Bord Gobharnóirí na Scoileanna Eorpacha
European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach chun Sceimhliú a Dhíchur
Convention concerning measures to be taken by the Member States of the Western European Union in order to enable the Agency for the Control of Armaments to carry out its control effectively and making provision for the due process of law in accordance wit
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le bearta a bheidh le glacadh ag ballstáit Aontas Iarthar na hEorpa a chumasóidh an Ghníomhaireacht um Armálacha a Rialú rialú a fheidhmiú go héifeachtach agus foráil a dhéanamh maidir le próiseas cuí dlí de réir Phrótacal Uimh. IV
Convention for the Establishment of a European Space Agency; ESA Convention
an Coinbhinsiún chun Gníomhaireacht Spáis na hEorpa a Bhunú
Convention concerning the Application of International Labour Standards to Non-Metropolitan Territories; Labour Standards (Non-Metropolitan Territories) Convention, 1947
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le caighdeáin saothair idirnáisiúnta a chur i bhfeidhm ar chríocha neamhchathracha; an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Caighdeáin Saothair Idirnáisiúnta a chur i bhfeidhm ar Chríocha Neamh-mheitreapholaiteacha
Community Patent Convention; Convention for the European Patent for the Common Market; CPC; Luxembourg Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an bPaitinn Eorpach don Chómhargadh
European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities; Madrid Convention; Madrid Outline Convention
an Coinbhinsiún Imlíneach Eorpach maidir le Comhar Trasteorann idir Pobail nó Údaráis Chríochacha; Coinbhinsiún Mhaidrid
Convention Placing the International Poplar Commission within the Framework of FAO
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Coimisiún Idirnáisiúnta na Poibleoige a Chur faoi Chuimsiú an FAO
Convention on the Grant of European Patents; EPC; European Patent Convention; Munich Convention
an Coinbhinsiún um an bPaitinn Eorpach; Coinbhinsiún München; CPE
Convention establishing a Customs Cooperation Council
an Coinbhinsiún lena mbunaítear Comhairle um Chomhar Custaim
Bern Convention; Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Caomhnú Fhiadhúlra agus Ghnáthóga Nádúrtha na hEorpa; Coinbhinsiún Bheirn
European Cultural Convention
an Coinbhinsiún Cultúrtha Eorpach
Convention concerning the Right of Association and the Settlement of Labour Disputes in Non-Metropolitan Territories; Right of Association (Non-Metropolitan Territories) Convention, 1947
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an gCeart Comhlachais agus le Réiteach Díospóidí Saothair i gCríocha Neamhchathracha; an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an gCeart Comhlachais agus le Réiteach Díospóidí Saothair i gCríocha Neamh-mheitreapholaiteacha
Convention on the Elaboration of a European Pharmacopoeia
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Pharmacopoeia Eorpach a Mhionsaothrú
European Convention on Social and Medical Assistance
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach um Chúnamh Sóisialta agus Liachta
European Convention on the Control of the Acquisition and Possession of Firearms by Individuals
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Fáil agus Seilbh ar Airm Thine ag Daoine Aonair a Rialú
European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters; European Convention on mutual legal assistance
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach ar Chúnamh Frithpháirteach in Ábhair Choiriúla
European Convention on the Equivalence of Periods of University Study
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach um Chomhionannas Tréimhsí Staidéir Ollscoile
European Convention on Establishment
Coinbhinsiún Eorpach ar Bhunaíocht
European Convention on Extradition
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach um Eiseachadadh
European Convention relating to the Formalities Required for Patent Applications
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Foirmiúlachtaí is gá le haghaidh Iarratas ar Phaitinní
European Convention on State Immunity
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach um Dhíolúine Stáit
European Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitation to Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Neamh-infheidhmeacht Teorann Reachtúla i gcás Coireanna in aghaidh na Daonnachta agus Coireanna Cogaidh
European Convention on Information on Foreign Law; London Convention
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach um Fhaisnéis maidir le Dlí Eachtrach
European Convention on the Place of Payment of Money Liabilities
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le hÁit Íoctha Fiachas Airgid
European Convention providing a Uniform Law on Arbitration
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach lena bhForáiltear Dlí Comhionann maidir le hEadrán
European Convention for the protection of animals kept for farming purposes
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Cosaint Ainmhithe a Choinnítear le haghaidh Feirmeoireachta
European Convention for the Protection of Animals during International Transport
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach chun Ainmhithe a Chosaint le linn Iompair Idirnáisiúnta
European Convention on the Social Protection of Farmers
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach um Chosaint Shóisialta Fheirmeoirí
European Convention on the Repatriation of Minors
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach um Aisdúichiú Mionaoiseach
European Convention on the Academic Recognition of University Qualifications
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach um Aitheantas Acadúil do Cháilíochtaí Ollscoile
European Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions concerning Custody of Children and on Restoration of Custody of Children
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Cinntí a bhaineann le Coimirce Leanaí a Aithint agus a Fhorfheidhmiú agus maidir le hAthbhunú Coimirce Leanaí
European Convention on Customs Treatment of Pallets used in International Transport
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir leis an tSlí a ndéilealann Údaráis Chustaim le Pailléid a úsáidtear in Iompar Idirnáisiúnta
European Convention for the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Réiteach Síochánta ar Dhíospóidí
European Convention on the Punishment of Road Traffic Offences
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach um Pionósú Cionta Tráchta Bóthair
European Convention on Products Liability in regard to Personal Injury and Death
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach um Dhliteanas i leith Táirgí i gcás Díobhála Pearsanta agus Báis
European Convention on Social Security
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach um Shlándáil Shóisialta
European Convention on the Legal Status of Migrant Workers
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Stádas Dlíthiúil Oibrithe Imirceacha
European Convention on the Abolition of Legalisation of Documents executed by Diplomatic Agents or Consular Officers
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Neamhní Dhleathú Doiciméad arna bhforghníomhú ag Taidhleoirí nó Oifigigh Chonsalacha
European Convention on the Supervision of Conditionally Sentenced or Conditionally Released Offenders
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Maoirseacht ar Chiontóirí atá faoi Phianbhreith go Coinníollach nó a Scaoileadh Saor go Coinníollach
European Convention on the Transfer of Proceedings in Criminal Matters
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le himeachtaí in ábhair choiriúla a aistriú
European Convention on the International Validity of Criminal Judgments
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Bailíocht Idirnáisiúnta Bhreithiúnas Coiriúil