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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
abiotic factor
toisc aibitheach
notified body
comhlacht dá dtugtar fógra
motion sensor
braiteoir gluaisne
procedural motion
tairiscint nós imeachta
dispute on voting
díospóid maidir leis an vótáil
mandate for negotiations; negotiating mandate
sainordú caibidlíochta; sainordú don chaibidlíocht
electronic voting
vótáil leictreonach
secret ballot; voting by secret ballot
ballóid rúnda; vótáil le ballóid rúnda
Human Rights Council Advisory Committee; Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities; Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights
Coiste Comhairleach na Comhairle um Chearta an Duine
motion for a resolution
tairiscint i gcomhair rúin
motion for rejection; proposal for rejection; proposal to reject
tairiscint chun diúltú do [...]; togra chun diúltú do [...]
non-legislative motion for a resolution
tairiscint neamhreachtach i gcomhair rúin
voting time
am vótála
joint motion for a resolution
comhthairiscint i gcomhair rúin
electronic voting system
córas vótála leictreonach
drug; narcotic
PNRSV; prunus necrotic ringspot ilarvirus; prunus necrotic ringspot virus
ilivíreas fáinnebhall neacróiseach an chrainn plumaí; víreas fáinnebhall neacróiseach an chrainn plumaí
rate-of-turn indicator; ROTI
táscaire ráta iompaithe
ardú céime
emotional integrity; mental integrity; psychological integrity
iomláine mheabhrach; iomláine mhothúchánach
poll card; polling card; voting card
cárta vótála
suspension of period of notice
fionraí tréimhse fógra
abiotic stress
strus aibitheach
voting procedure
an nós imeachta vótála
NER; nucleotide excision repair
deisiú trí eisceadh núicléitídí
CODEPU; Committee for the Promotion and Defence of the Rights of the People; Corporation for the Promotion and Defence of the People's Rights
Coiste chun Cearta an Duine a Chur Ar Aghaidh agus a Chosaint; Corporáid chun Cearta an Duine a Chur Ar Aghaidh agus a Chosaint
NADPH; nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate; reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
FDAN+; fosfáit dénúicléitíd adainín nicitíonaimíde dhí-ocsaídithe
single-nucleotide polymorphism; SNP
polamorfacht aon-núicléitíde
antibiotic resistance marker gene; ARM gene
suaitheantas géiniteach atá frithsheasmhach in aghaidh antaibheathach
contract notice; tender notice
fógra conartha; fógra tairisceana
Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident
an Coinbhinsiún um Luath-Fhógra i dtaobh Taisme Núicléiche
negotiated procedure after prior publication of a contract notice; negotiated procedure with prior call for competition; negotiated procedure with prior publication; negotiated procedure with publication of a contract notice
nós imeachta idirbheartaíochta ina bhfoilsítear iarratas ar thairiscintí roimh ré
negotiated procedure without prior call for competition; negotiated procedure without prior publication; negotiated procedure without prior publication of a call for competition; negotiated procedure without prior publication of a contract notice
nós imeachta idirbheartaíochta gan iarratas ar thairiscintí a fhoilsiú roimh ré
epizootic; epizootic disease
galar eipeasótach
zoonosis; zoonotic disease
galar zónóiseach; zónóis
formal notice; notice; notice to pay or perform
fógra foirmiúil
directives for negotiation; directives for negotiations; negotiating directives; negotiation directives
treoracha caibidlíochta
notice of open competition; notification of open competition
fógra faoi chomórtas oscailte
debt ratio; debt-to-GDP ratio; general government debt ratio; government debt ratio; public debt ratio
cóimheas fiachais; cóimheas fiachais-OTI
CND; Commission on Narcotic Drugs
an Coimisiún um Dhrugaí Támhshuanacha
GDP-deflator; GDP-price deflator
díbhoilsceoir praghsanna OTI
voting procedure
nós imeachta vótála
Protocol amending the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961
Prótacal lena leasaítear an Coinbhinsiún Aonair um Dhrugaí Támhshuanacha, 1961
Convention concerning Migrations in Abusive Conditions and the Promotion of Equality of Opportunity and Treatment of Migrant Workers; Migrant Workers (Supplementary Provisions) Convention, 1975
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hImircí i nDálaí Eagóracha agus le Comhionannas Deiseanna agus Cóir Chomhionann d'Oibrithe Imirceacha a Chur chun Cinn
Collective Bargaining Convention, 1981; Convention concerning the Promotion of Collective Bargaining
an Coinhinsiún maidir le Cur chun Cinn na Cómhargála
negotiated procedure
nós imeachta idirbheartaíochta; nós imeachta idirbheartaithe
Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail; COTIF
Coinbhinsiún maidir le hIompar Idirnáisiúnta d'Iarnród; COTIF
fly shooting seine; Scottish seine; SSC
eangach shaighne Albanach; SSC
chapter; negotiating chapter; negotiation chapter
caibidil idirbheartaíochta
negotiable instrument
ionstraim shoshannta
MTN; multilateral trade negotiations
caibidlíocht iltaobhach trádála
notification; simple service
Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail; OTIF
Eagraíocht Idir-rialtasach um Iompar Idirnáisiúnta d’Iarnród
negotiable certificate
deimhniú inaistrithe
to enter into negotiations
téigh i mbun caibidlíochta; tús a chur le caibidlíocht
exotic virus
víreas andúchasach
by negotiation
trí chaibidlíocht; trí idirbheartaíocht
from the notification
ón bhfógra; ón gcur in iúl
to receive notification
fógra a fháil
to notify
tabhair fógra do
to notify ... to ...
tabhair fógra do ...
to receive prior notification
fógra a fháil roimh ré
the publication of the notice
foilsiú an fhógra
the Contracting States represented and voting
Stáit Chonarthacha a mbeidh ionadaithe acu agus a vótálfaidh
after notification of this communication
ar fhógra den teachtaireacht sin a thabhairt; tar éis an scéala sin a bheith curtha in iúl
by negotiation
trí chaibidlíocht; trí idirbheartaíocht
Single Convention; Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs
an Coinbhinsiún aonair um Dhrugaí Támhshuanacha
ASEP; South American Agreement on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
ASEP; Comhaontú Mheiriceá Theas maidir le drugaí támhshuanacha agus substaintí síceatrópacha
motions calling for a matter to be declared inadmissible
neamh-inghlacthacht ábhair a thairiscint
suspension of the right to vote; suspension of voting rights
cearta vótála a chur ar fionraí
Convention concerning Employment Promotion and Protection against Unemployment; Employment Promotion and Protection against Unemployment Convention, 1988
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le cur chun cinn na Fostaíochta agus leis an gCosaint in aghaidh na Dífhostaíochta
United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
Coinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe i gcoinne Gáinneáil Aindleathach Drugaí Támhshuanacha agus Substaintí Síceatrópacha
counter-narcotics; fight against drugs; war on drugs
an comhrac i gcoinne drugaí
order of voting on amendments
an t-ord ina ndéanfar vótáil ar leasuithe
right to vote; voting power; voting right
ceart vótála
interruptive and procedural motions
tairiscintí idiragartha agus nós imeachta
nicotine sulphate
sulfáit nicitín
International Agreement for the Creation of an International Office for Epizootics in Paris
an Comhaontú Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Cruthú Oifig Idirnáisiúnta um Shláinte Ainmhithe i bPáras
to give notice that ...
tabhair fógra
a cumulative impact in terms of GDP
iarmhairt charnach i dtéarmaí an OTI
the Community shall take as its basis for negotiation the provisions ...
beidh na forálacha ... mar bhonn caibidlíochta ag an gComhphobal; glacfaidh an Comhphobal, mar bhonn caibidlíochta, na forálacha ...
voting arrangements
socruithe vótála
enzootic hepatitis; infection with Rift Valley fever virus; Rift Valley fever; RVF
heipitíteas eansótach
delegation of voting rights
tarmligean cearta vótála
no-action motion
rún neamhghnímh
banded or spotted cotinga
cóitinge bandach
white-winged cotinga
cóitinge báneiteach
Committee on Negotiations with Intergovernmental Agencies
an Coiste um Chaibidlíocht le Gníomhaireachtaí Idir-Rialtasacha
postal vote; postal voting; voting by post
vóta poist
Final Act embodying the results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations; Marrakesh Final Act
Ionstraim Chríochnaitheach a chorpraíonn torthaí Bhabhta Uragua den Chaibidlíocht Iltaobhach Trádála
QMV; qualified majority voting
vótáil trí thromlach cáilithe
INTAS; International Association for the Promotion of Cooperation with Scientists from the New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union
an Comhlachas Idirnáisiúnta um chur chun cinn an Chomhair le hEolaithe ó Stáit Neamhspleácha Nua an Iar-Aontais Shóivéadaigh; INTAS
duty to notify
dualgas maidir le fógra a thabhairt
Agreement on Illicit Traffic by Sea, Implementing Article 17 of the UN Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
an Comhaontú maidir le Gáinneáil Aindleathach ar Muir, a Chuireann chun Feidhme Airteagal 17 de Choinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe i gcoinne Gáinneáil Aindleathach Drugaí Támhshuanacha agus Substaintí Síceatrópacha
litis denunciatio; third-party notice
fógra tríú páirtí
qualified majority threshold; threshold for qualified majority decisions; threshold for qualified majority voting
tairseach le haghaidh tromlaigh cháilithe
GROTIUS Programme; Programme of Incentives and Exchanges for Legal Practitioners
an Clár Dreasachtaí agus Comhaiseag le haghaidh Dlíodóirí; Clár Grotius
award notice; contract award notice
fógra faoi dhámhachtain conartha
crime related to drugs; drug-related crime; narcotics-related crime
coireacht atá bainteach le drugaí
notice of intended procurement; notice of planned procurement
fógra faoi sholáthar beartaithe
notice of meeting and provisional agenda
fógra cruinnithe agus clár oibre sealadach
political motive
cuspóir polaitiúil
Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression; Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression
an Rapóirtéir Speisialta maidir le cur chun cinn agus cosaint an chirt chun saoirse tuairimíochta agus saoirse tuairimí a nochtadh; Rapóirtéir Speisialta maidir le saoirse tuairimíochta
to participate fully and on an equal footing
bheith rannpháirteach go hiomlán agus ar bhonn cothrom; páirt iomlán chothrom a ghlacadh
Patriotic Union of Kurdistan; PUK
Aontas Tírghrách na Cordastáine; PUK
notify its intention
a hintinn a chur in iúl; a intinn a chur in iúl
relevant voting conditions relating to it
dálaí vótála ábhartha a bhaineann le
meet at very short notice
teacht le chéile ar fíor-ghearrfhógra
negotiating box
bosca caibidlíochta
PIN; pre-information notice; prior information notice
fógra réamhfhaisnéise
notification of acts
fógra maidir le gníomhartha
blackfin icefish; Scotia Sea icefish
oigheariasc dubheite
deposit redeemable at notice
taisce infhuascailte ar fhógra
Working Party on the Promotion of Agricultural Products
an Mheitheal um Tháirgí Talmhaíochta a Chur Chun Cinn
nicotine alkaloid; nicotinic alkaloid
alcalóideach nicitín
gaudy notothen; yellowfin notie
oigheariasc troisc gairéadach
European Convention on the Promotion of a Transnational Long-Term Voluntary Service for Young People
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Seirbhís Dheonach Thrasnáisiúnta Fhadtéarmach do Dhaoine Óga a Chur Chun Cinn
benevolent intervention in another's affairs; negotiorum gestio
bainistíocht gnóthaí; negotiorum gestio
ESAC; ESAC-Net; European Surveillance of Antibiotic Consumption; European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption; European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption Network
an Tionscadal Eorpach um Fhaireachas ar Thomhailt Ábhar Frithmhiocróbach; ESAC
periodic indicative notice
fógra táscach tréimhsiúil
International Office of Epizootics; Office International des Epizooties; OIE; World Organisation for Animal Health
an Eagraíocht Dhomhanda um Shláinte Ainmhithe; OIE
intelligence quotient; IQ
sainuimhir intleachta
NADH; reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
foirm laghdaithe de dhénúicléitíd adainín nicitíonaimíde
TNG; Trade Negotiations Group
an Grúpa um Chaibidlíocht Trádála; GCT
TPAS; Trade Promotion Advisory Service
an tSeirbhís Chomhairleach um Thionscnamh Trádála; SCTT
Society for the Promotion of Vocational Training and Education; UK Skills; VOTE
an Cumann um Ghairmoideachas agus Gairmoiliúnt a chur chun cinn
ADNS; Animal Disease Notification System
ADNS; Córas Fógartha Galar Ainmhithe
adequate notice
fógra leordhóthanach
prompt notification
fógra pras
procedure for prior notification and discussion
nós imeachta um réamhfhógra agus plé
procedure for prior notification without discussion
nós imeachta um réamhfhógra gan phlé
procedure for prior notification of aid financing
nós imeachta um réamhfhógra maidir le cabhair airgeadais
prior notification
fógra roimh ré; réamhfhógra
notification procedure
an nós imeachta um fhógra a thabhairt
prokaryotic cell
cill phrócarótach
enzootic pneumonia of pigs
niúmóine eansótach na muc
marketable monetary instrument; negotiable monetary instrument
ionstraim airgeadais indíolta; ionstraim airgeadais shoshannta
eukaryotic cell
cill eocarótach
antibiotic resistance plasmid; drug-resistance factor; resistance factor; resistance plasmid; R-factor; R-factor plasmid; R-plasmid
antibiotic resistance; resistance to antibiotics
frithsheasmhacht in aghaidh antaibheathach
symbiont; symbiote; symbiotic microorganism
miocrorgánach siombóiseach
voting share
scair le ceart vótála
voting right
ceart vótálá
nucleic base; nucleotide base
bun núicléasach; bun núicléitíde
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
DAN; dénúicléitíd adainín nicitíonaimíde
notice of non-payment
fógra faoi neamhíocaíocht
formal notice to pay
fógra foirmiúil faoi íocaíocht
final notice to pay
fógra deiridh faoi íocaíocht
ex-works delivery notice
fógra seachadta díreach ón monarcha
exemption from notification
díolúine ó fhógra
enzootic; enzootic disease
eansótach; galar eansótach
GDP; gross domestic product
olltáirgeacht intíre; OTI
GDP at market prices; GDPmp; gross domestic product at market prices
olltáirgeacht intíre ag praghsanna an mhargaidh; OTI ag praghsanna an mhargaidh; OTIpm
advertising package; promotional package
pacáiste fógraíochta
meiotic metaphase
meiteapas méóiseach
xenobiotic; xenobiotic compound; xenobiotic substance
rhinoceroses; rhinocerotidae
white-winged cotinga
cóitinge báneiteach
banded cotinga; spotted cotinga
cóitinge bandach
notional amount
méid barúlach
notional position
suíomh barúlach
voting without meeting
vótáil trí chomhfhreagras
particulars of the voting
sonraí na vótála
interpretation of the voting
léirmhíniú na vótála
charity promotion
promóisean ar mhaithe le carthanacht
E.S.P.; emotional selling point
an ghné is meallacaí den táirge
promo; promo clip; promotional announcement; trailer
blaisín; réamhfhógrán
counter-notification;reverse notification
Ministerial Decision on Notification Procedures
cinneadh aireachta maidir le nósanna imeachta um fhógairt
consolidated notification
fógra comhdhlúite
agreement in negotiations on compensatory adjustment
comhaontú sa chaibidlíocht maidir leis an gcoigeartú cúiteach
export promotion service
seirbhís chun onnmhairiú a spreagadh
negotiation of specific commitments
caibidlíocht ceangaltas sonrach
multilateral system of notification and registration of geographical indications
córas iltaobhach chun tásca geografacha a fhógairt agus a chlárú; córas iltaobhach um fhógairt agus um chlárúchán sonraí geografacha
notice of suspension
nóta faoi fhionraíocht; nóta fionraíochta
Decision on notification procedures
Cinneadh maidir le nósanna imeachta um fhógra a thabhairt
general obligation to notify
oibleagáid ghinearálta fógra a thabhairt
Negotiating Group on Movement of Natural Persons
grúpa caibidlíochta um ghluaisteacht daoine nadúrtha
accession negotiations
caibidlíocht aontachais; idirbheartaíocht aontachais
chrysotile; serpentine asbestos; white asbestos
aispeist bhán; crisitíl
GDP per capita; per capita GDP
OTI per capita
prior notification of aids
réamhfhógra faoi chabhracha
right to serve notice of termination
ceart chun fógra um fhoirceannadh a sheirbheáil
GATT multilateral trade negotiations
caibidlíocht iltaobhach trádála CGGT
contract negotiated away from business premises
conradh a idirbheartaítear in áit seachas an áitreabh gnó
trade promotion
tionscnamh trádála
notional earnings
tuilleamh barúlach
3-(1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinyl)pyridine; nicotine
promóisean teilfíse
notice board
clár fógraí
mitotic apparatus; mitotic spindle
fearsaid mhiotóiseach
business notice
fógra gnó
aphtha disease; aphthous fever; epizootic aphtha; FMD; foot and mouth disease; foot-and-mouth disease; malignant aphtha
galar crúb is béil; galar crúibe is béil; GCB
Foreign Sanctions(Notification)Act; Law on Foreign Boycotts
an tAcht um Smachtbhannaí Eachtracha (Fógra)
notice of initiation of an anti-dumping proceeding
fógra tionscnaimh maidir le himeachtaí frithdhumpála
tied promotions
promóisin nasctha
ENF; export notification form
foirm fógra onnmhairiúcháin
automotive industry; automotive sector; motor industry
an earnáil mótarfheithiclí; an tionscal gluaisteán
epizootic cellulitis–pinkeye; epizootic lymphangitis pinkeye; equine typhoid; equine viral arteritis; EVA; infection with equine arteritis virus; pink eye
artairíteas víreasach eachaí; EVA
notice of proposed procurement
fógra faoi sholáthar beartaithe
to conclude the negotiations
caibidlíocht a thabhairt chun críche
to determine by negotiation
cinneadh trí chaibidlíocht
hare with multiple votes; multiple vote share; share carrying extended voting rights; share carrying multiple voting rights; share with plural voting rights
scair ilvótaí
notice of assessment
fógra measúnachta
negotiable warehouse receipt; warehouse warrant
barántas trádstórais; fáltas inaistrithe trádstórais
voting right of nominee shareholders
an ceart vótála ag an scairshealbhóir ainmnitheach; an ceart vótála atá ag an scairshealbhóir is ainmnitheach; ceart vótála scairshealbhóra ainmnithigh
advertising cost; advertising expenses; promotion expenses
caiteachas fógraíochta
dock warrant; negotiable warehouse receipt; warehouse receipt; warehouse release; warehouse warrant; warrant; WR
barántas duga; barántas trádstórais
marketable security; negotiable instrument; negotiable security
ionstraim shoshannta
flat-bottomed microtitre plate
pláta réthónach micrithítear
epizootiological inquiry
iniúchadh eipeasóiteolaíoch
epizoology; epizootiology
export incentives; promotion of exports
dreasacht onnmhairiúcháin
root penetration; rooting through
treá fréimhe
budding; shooting; sprouting
rooting; taking root
BD; Borna disease; enzootic encephalomyelitis; Near Eastern equine encephalomyelitis
einceifealaimiailíteas eansótach; galar Borna
African glanders; epizootic lymphangitis; Histoplasma farciminosum infection; Japanese farcy; Lymphangitis epizootica; Neapolitan farcy; pseudofarcy; pseudoglanders
liomfanagaíteas eipeasótach
freely negotiable share
scair soshannta go neamhshrianta
negotiation of credit
caibidlíocht chreidmheasa
give adequate notice
fógra leordhóthanach a thabhairt
epizootic ulcerative syndrome
siondróm othrasaithe eipeasótach
notify party
tabhair fógra do pháirtí
angular case motion sensitivity
íogaireacht do ghluaisne uilleach cáis
angular motion
gluaisne uilleach
coupled motion
gluaisne chúpláilte
exotic materials
ábhar andúchasach
guillotine system
córas gilitín
lateral motion
gluaisne chliathánach
NOTAM; notice to airmen
fógra d'eitleoirí
slow motion
noting for protest
fógairt fordhearbhaithe
notice period; period of notice; term of notice
tréimhse fógra
in-company recruitment; promotion from within
ardú céime inmheánach; earcú inmheánach
biotic index
treoiruimhir bhitheach
commercial promotion; sales promotion
promóisean díolachán; promóisean tráchtálach
advertising goal; promotion goal; publicity purpose
sprioc fógraíochta
zoonotic agent; zoonotic organism
oibreán zónóiseach
EBL; enzootic bovine leukosis
liúcóis bhólachta eansótach
voting procedure
nós imeachta vótála
biotin; vitamin B7; vitamin H
delivery call; delivery notice
fógra seachadta
labyrinthitis; otitis interna
óitíteas inmheánach
breast-seeking reflex; rooting reflex
frithluail chíoch-éilitheach; frithluail chuardaigh; frithluail fhréamhaitheach
BEF; bovine ephemeral fever; bovine epizootic fever; ephemeral fever; three-day sickness
fiabhras buaibheach gearrshaolach
legal trade with narcotics
trádáil dhleathach na dtámhshuanach
osmotic diuresis
diúiréis osmóiseach
osmolarity; osmotic concentration
osmólaracht; tiúchan osmóiseach
middle ear infection; OM; otitis media
óitíteas láir
acute otitis media
géaróitíteas láir
notice of shareholders meeting
fógra faoi chruinniú scairshealbhóirí
in-motion time; wheel turning time
am faoi shiúl
sleet locomotive
carr trealamh drochaimsire
taraimsiú rúidbhealaigh
social advancement; social promotion; upward mobility; upward social mobility
soghluaisteacht aníos; soghluaisteacht shóisialta aníos
compulsorily notifiable disease; notifiable disease; reportable disease
galar infhógartha
NoBo; notified body
comhlacht a dtugtar fógra dó
initiation and promotion assay; initiation-promotion assay; initiation-promotion experiment; initiation-promotion test
mitosis index; mitotic index
treoiruimhir mhiotóiseach
mitotic recombination
athchuingriú miotóiseach
mitotic crossing-over
crosmhalartú miotóiseach
abiotic degradation
díghrádú aibitheach
abiotic oxygen uptake
iontógáil aibitheach ocsaigine
advice of irregularity; notice of irregularity
fógra faoi mhírialtacht; fógra faoi neamhrialtacht
rooting; striking
clónáil plandaí; gearrthóg a chur
biocenose; biocenosis; biocoenosis; biological community; biotic community; community; ecological community
biologic capacity; biologic potential; biological capacity; biological potential; biotic potential; gross biologic capacity; gross biological capacity; gross reproductive capacity; reproductive capacity; reproductive potential
poitéinseal bitheach
negotiable B.L.; negotiable bill of lading
bille luchta inaistrithe
ráiteas neamhíocaíochta; taifead neamhíocaíochta
clean negotiable bill of lading
bille luchta soshannta glan
reading notice
fógra i bhfoirm ailt
sales promotion
tionscnamh díolacháin
motion display
taispeáint bheoite
consumer-directed sales promotion
tionscnamh díolacháin dírithe ar thomhaltóirí
nonmotion display
taispeáint sheasta; taispeáint statach
in-store promotion
promóisean ar an láthair
sales promotion
tionscnamh díolacháin
mionéadaí; mionearraí
subject to change without notice
faoi réir athrú gan fógra
advertising and sales promotion coordinator
comhordaitheoir fógraíochta agus tionscnamh díolacháin
NADP; nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
fosfáit dénúicléitíd adainín nicitíonaimíde; NADP
DNA sequence; nucleotide sequence; sequence
seicheamh núicléitídí
nephrosis; nephrotic syndrome
beta-lactam; beta-lactam antibiotic; β-lactam antibiotic
antaibheathach béitealachtaim
Freely negotiable credit
creidmheas soshannta go neamhshrianta
abiotic environment
timpeallacht aibitheach
round of negotiations
babhta idirbheartaíochta
Organisation for the promotion of Ethnic Minority Businesses
Eagraíocht chun Gnóthais ar le Mionlaigh Eitneacha iad a chur ar aghaidh
negotiable documentary credit
creidmheas doiciméadach inaistrithe
notice of defects
nóta faoi lochtanna; nóta faoi sheachadadh lochtach
notified operator
oibreoir arna chur in iúl
annual notification for information
fógra bliantúil le haghaidh faisnéise
notification for decision
fógra le haghaidh cinnidh
ex-ante notification for information
fógra ex-ante faoi choinne faisnéise
ex-post notification for information
fógra ex-post le haghaidh faisnéise
Altener II programme; Altener programme; Multiannual programme for the promotion of renewable energy sources in the Community
clár Altener II; clár ilbhliantúil chun foinsí inathnuaite fuinnimh sa Chomhphobal a chur chun cinn
antibiotic resistance gene; antibiotic-resistance gene
géin frithsheasta in aghaidh antaibheathach
zoonotic bacterium
baictéar zónóiseach
emergency notification system
córas fógartha i gcásanna éigeandála
automatic emergency notification
fógra uathoibríoch faoi éigeandáil
weigh-in-motion; weigh-in-motion technology; WIM
MFS; teicneolaíocht meáigh-faoi-shiúl
road weather information system; road/weather information notification system; road/weather information system; RWIS
córas faisnéis aimsire ar bhóithre
hazardous goods incident notification; hazardous materials and incident notification; hazardous materials incident notification
fógairt teagmhas i ndáil le hábhar guaiseach
Directive 2001/77/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 September 2001 on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy sources in the internal electricity market; Directive on the Promotion of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources in the Internal Electricity Market; Renewables Directive; RES-E Directive
Treoir 2001/77/CE ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle an 27 Meán Fómhair 2001 maidir le leictreachas arna tháirgeadh ó fhoinsí inathnuaite fuinnimh a chur chun cinn sa mhargadh inmheánach leictreachais; Treoir FIF-L; Treoir na bhFoinsí Inathnuaite
de minimis notice
fógra "de minimis"
article 19(3) notice
fógra de réir Airteagal 19(3)
Commission notice; guidelines
fógra ón gCoimisiún
letter of formal notice
litir fógra fhoirmiúil
Carlsberg notice
fógra Carlsberg
negotiated plea; plea agreement; plea bargain; plea bargaining; sentence bargain
margáil pléadála
zoonotic <i>Salmonella</i>; zoonotic <i>Salmonella</i> species; zoonotic <i>Salmonella</i> spp.
<i>Salmonella</i> zónóiseach
notice and take down; NTD
fógra agus baint anuas
Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions
an Coinbhinsiún ar Éagsúlacht Léirithe Cultúir a Chosaint agus a Chur Chun Cinn
motion of censure
tairiscint cáinte
Working Party on Enlargement and Countries Negotiating Accession to the EU
an Mheitheal um Méadú agus um Thíortha a bhfuil Aontachas le AE á chaibidlil acu
CLEPA; European Association of Automotive Suppliers
an Cumann Eorpach Soláthróirí Gluaisteán
negotiating framework
creat caibidlíochta
multiannual Community Programme on promoting safer use of the Internet and new online technologies; Safer Internet plus
clár ilbhliantúil Comhphobail i dtaca le húsáid an Idirlín agus teicneolaíochtaí nua ar líne ar bhonn níos sábháilte; Safer Internet plus
cancel unconditionally without notice
cealaigh gan choinníoll gan fógra
notification requirement
ceanglas fógra
issue-motivated terrorism; single issue terrorism; special interest terrorism; specialized terrorism
sceimhlitheoireacht sainleasa
Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and amending and subsequently repealing Directives 2001/77/EC and 2003/30/EC; Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources; RED; Renewable Energy Directive; Renewables Directive
an Treoir maidir le Fuinneamh Inathnuaite; Treoir 2009/28/CE ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle an 23 Aibreán 2009 maidir le húsáid fuinnimh ó fhoinsí inathnuaite a chur chun cinn agus lena leasaítear agus lena n-aisghairtear ina dhiaidh sin Treoir 2001/77/CE agus Treoir 2003/30/CE
notification of the customs debt
fógra faoi fhiach custaim
CARS 21; Competitive Automotive Regulatory Framework for the 21st century
CARS 21; Creat Rialála Iomaíoch don Tionscal Gluaisteán san 21ú hAois
prior notification of a concentration
réamhfhógra faoi chomhchruinniú
MAOC (N); Maritime Analysis and Operations Centre (Narcotics)
an Lárionad Anailíse agus Oibríochtaí Muirí – Támhshuanaigh; MAOC-N
re-export notification
fógra athonnmhairíochta
delta equivalent effective notional value
deiltechoibhéis an luacha bharúlaigh iarbhír
effective notional value
luach barúlach iarbhír
full notional amount
méid barúlach iomlán
notice of impending expiry
fógra maidir le dul in éag atá le tarlú
notification of arrival
fógra teachta
EU Guidelines for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of the Child; EU Guidelines on the Rights of the Child
Treoirlínte AE maidir le cearta an linbh a chur chun cinn agus a chosaint
EAAD; European Antibiotic Awareness Day
EAAD; Lá Feasachta Eorpach maidir le hÚsáid Antaibheathach
concession notice
fógra lamháltais
European Year of Voluntary Activities Promoting Active Citizenship; European Year of Volunteering; EYV
Bliain Eorpach na hOibre Deonaí; Bliain Eorpach na nGníomhaíochtaí Deonacha chun Saoránacht Ghníomhach a chur chun cinn
slow motion crusher
brúiteoir mallghluaisne
abiotic transformation
trasfhoirmiú aibitheach
intersemiotic translation; transmutation
aistriúchán idirshéimeolaíoch
Code of conduct for negotiating in the context of codecision procedures; Code of conduct for negotiating in the context of the ordinary legislative procedures
cód iompair maidir le caibidlíocht i gcomhthéacs an ghnáthnós imeachta reachtaigh; cód iompair um chaibidlíocht i gcomhthéacs nósanna imeachta na comhchinnteoireachta
flat-bottomed tissue-culture grade microtitre plate
pláta réthónach micrithítear do shaothráin fíocháin
ecchymotic haemorrhage
rith fola eiceamatach
enzootic abortion of ewes
mairfeacht eansótach sna caoirigh
asymptotic chamber pressure
brú asamtóiteach cuasáin
Directive on minimum standards for giving temporary protection in the event of a mass influx of displaced persons and on measures promoting a balance of efforts between Member States in receiving such persons and bearing the consequences thereof; Temporary Protection Directive
an Treoir maidir le caighdeáin íosta le cosaint shealadach a thabhairt i gcás mórphlódú isteach de dhaoine asáitithe agus maidir le bearta lena gcuirtear cothromaíocht chun cinn idir iarrachtaí idir Bhallstáit i dtaca leis na daoine sin a ghlacadh agus le; an Treoir um Chosaint Shealadach
systemic antibiotic
antaibheathach sistéamach
breakpoint; breakpoint antibiotic concentration; clinical breakpoint
brisphointe cliniciúil; tiúchan antaibheathach an bhrisphointe
Committee on Improving Quality of Life, Exchanges between Civil Societies and Culture; Committee on the Promotion of the Quality of Life, Human Exchanges and Culture
an coiste chun mianach saoil, malairtí idir sochaithe sibhialta, agus an cultúr a fheabhsú
Office for promotion of parliamentary democracy; OPPD
an Oifig um chur chun cinn an daonlathais pharlaimintigh
pre-negotiated common position; pre-negotiated Council position at first reading
comhsheasamh réamhshocraithe; luath-chomhaontú ar an dara léamh; seasamh réamhshocraithe na Comhairle ar an gcéad léamh
consolidation and equity method – potential voting rights and allocation of ownership interests
modh an chomhdhlúthaithe agus an chothromais – cearta féideartha vótála agus leithdháileadh leasanna úinéireachta
notional amount
méid barúlach
potential voting rights
cearta féideartha vótála
voting rights
cearta vótála
Union negotiator
idirbheartaí an Aontais
head of the Union’s negotiating team
ceannaire fhoireann caibidlíochta an Aontais
abiotic hydrolytic transformation
trasfhoirmiú hidrealaíoch aibitheach
negotiable paper
doiciméad soshannta; páipéar soshannta
notionally restated
athshonraithe go barúlach
abiotic transformation reaction
imoibriú aibitheach trasfhoirmiúcháin
biotic transformation
trasfhoirmiú bitheach
biotic transformation reaction
imoibriú bitheach trasfhoirmiúcháin
acute asymptotic LC50; asymptotic LC50
LC50 asamtóiteach; LC50 asamtóiteach géar
asymptotic model
samhail asamtóiteach
automotive short-range radar; short range radar; SRR
radar gearr-raoin; radar gearr-raoin motarfheithiclí
reverse majority rule; reverse majority voting; RMV
tromlach aisiompaithe; vótáil trí thromlach aisiompaithe
SCAN; Scanning, Analysis & Notification System
an Córas Scanta, Anailíse & Fógartha; SCAN
NAI; notifiable avian influenza
fliú éanúil infhógartha
Narcotics Affairs Section; NAS; US Department of State Narcotics Affairs Section
an Roinn Gnóthaí Támhshuanach in Ambasáid na Stát Aontaithe
meiotic chromosome analysis
anailís ar chrómasóim mhéóiseacha
date on which the decision appealed against was notified to the appellant
an dáta ar tugadh fógra don achomharcóir faoin gcinneadh a ndearnadh achomharc ina choinne
sperm motility
inghluaiseacht speirme
information notification
fógra eolais; fógra faisnéise
border rejection notification
fógra faoi chead thar teorainn isteach a dhiúltú
follow-up notification
fógra leantach le heolas breise
information notification for attention
fógra faisnéise ar mhaithe le heolas amháin
microplate; microtiter plate; microtitre plate; microwell plate; multiwell plate; plate
pláta micrithítir; pláta mion-toirtmheasctha
food-borne zoonotic agent
oibreán zónóiseach bia-iompartha
pyknotic nucleus
núicléas píocnóiseach
term not individually negotiated
téarma nach gcaibidlítear go leithleach
voting recommendation
moladh vótála
96-well microtiter plate; 96-well plate
pláta mion-toirtmheasctha 96 log
voting result
toradh vótála
Automotive Crisis Group; Future of the Automotive Industry Interregional Group; Interregional group on the Future of the Automotive Industry; Interregional Group on the Future of the Automotive Industry in our Territories
An Grúpa Idir-réigiúnach um Thodhchaí an Tionscail Gluaisteán
reverse qualified majority voting; reversed qualified majority voting; RQMV
vótáil trí thromlach cáilithe aisiompaithe
consortium vitae; lifelong union
consortium totius vitae; consortium vitae; lánúnas saoil
notice of marriage; publication of banns
fógairt pósadh; fógra go bhfuil beartaithe pósadh
promotional loan
iasacht cur chun cinn; iasacht spreagtha
competitive negotiated procedure; competitive procedure with negotiation; CPN
nós imeachta iomaíoch lena ngabhann idirbheartaíocht
notional value
luach barúlach
delegation of voting rights
tarmligean cearta vótála
Convention concerning the promotional framework for occupational safety and health; Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le cur chun cinn an chreata um shábhailteacht agus sláinte cheirde
zoonotic salmonellosis
salmanallóis zónóiseach
narcotic; narcotic agent; narcotic analgesic; narcotic analgesic drug; opioid; opioid analgesic; opioid analgesic drug; opioid drug
anailgéiseach ópóideach
Cosmetic Products Notification Portal; CPNP
an Tairseach Fógartha um Tháirgí Cosmaideacha
antibiotic de-escalation; de-escalation; de-escalation therapy
cúngú antaibheathach
This Decision shall enter into force on [...], provided that all the notifications under Article 103(1) of the EEA Agreement have been made to the EEA Joint Committee.
Tiocfaidh an Cinneadh seo i bhfeidhm an [...], ar choinníoll go mbeidh na fógraí uile faoi Airteagal 103(1) den Chomhaontú LEE tugtha do Chomhchoiste an LEE
reserve antibiotic
antaibheathach cúltaca
photic head shaking; photic headshaking
croitheadh cinn fótach
gross notional value
oll-luach barúlach
negotiated procedure without prior call for competition
nós imeachta idirbheartaithe gan réamhghairm chun iomaíochta
concession award notice
fógra bronnta lamháltais
GDP per capita volume index; per capita GDP volume index
méid-innéacs OTI per capita
European network for the promotion of health-enhancing physical activity; HEPA Europe
an Líonra Eorpach um chur chun cinn na Gníomhaíochta Coirp ar mhaithe le Feabhsú Sláinte; HEPA Eoraip
field safety notice
fógra maidir le sábháilteacht allamuigh
EEPA; The European Enterprise Promotion Awards
Dámhachtain cur chun cinn Fiontraíochta Eorpach
notional contract size; notional contract value
luach conarthach barúlach
biotic factor
toisc bhitheach
notification threshold
tairseach fógartha
nicotine-containing product
táirge a bhfuil nicitín ann
CARS 21 High Level Group; CARS 21 High Level Group on the Competitiveness and Sustainable Growth of the Automotive Industry in the European Union
Grúpa Ardleibhéil CARS 21; Grúpa Ardleibhéil CARS 21 maidir le hIomaíochas agus Fás Inbhuanaithe an Tionscail Gluaisteán san Aontas Eorpach
legal notice
fógra dlíthiúil
PEN Online; Pre-Export Notification Online
Fógra Réamhonnmhairiúcháin ar Líne; PEN ar Líne
electronic notification system
córas fógartha leictreonach
alternative motion for a resolution
tairiscint mhalartach i gcomhair rúin
negotiating team
foireann chaibidlíochta
notifiable regional aid
cabhair réigiúnach infhógartha
narcotic drug
druga támhshuanach
NANDO Information System; NANDO system; New Approach Notified and Designated Organisations Information System
córas faisnéise NANDO
statutory remedy notice
fógra um leigheasanna reachtúla
Building the Capacity of ACP Countries in Trade Policy Formulation, Negotiations and Implementation (Hub and Spokes) Project; Hub and Spokes; Hub and Spokes project
an Tionscadal um Acmhainneacht na dTíortha ACC a Fhorbairt i dtaca le Ceapadh, le Caibidilíochtaí agus le Cur Chun Feidhme Beartas Trádála (Tionscadal Hub & Spokes); Hub and Spokes; Tionscadal Hub & Spokes
EU Guidelines on Freedom of Religion or Belief; EU Guidelines on the promotion and protection of freedom of religion or belief
Treoirlínte AE maidir le cur chun cinn agus cosaint saoirse reiligiúin nó creidimh
privately negotiated transaction
idirbheart arna chaibidliú go príobháideach
energisation operational notification; EON
fógra oibriúcháin maidir le fuinnmhiú
interim operational notification; ION
fógra oibriúcháin eatramhach
limited operational notification; LON
fógra oibriúcháin teoranta
hate incident; hate motivated incident
eachtra fuatha; eachtra inspreagtha ag fuath
non-negotiable instrument; non-transferable security
ionstraim dhoshannta
Interpol purple notice; purple notice
fógra corcra
cobotics; collaborative robotics; human-robot collaboration
róbataic chomhoibríoch
non-narcotic; non-narcotic agent; non-narcotic analgesic; non-narcotic analgesic drug; non-opioid analgesic; non-opioid analgesic drug; non-opioid drug; non-opoid
druga neamh-ópóideach
INC; Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee; Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Legally Binding Agreement on Forests in Europe
an Coiste Caibidlíochta Idir-Rialtasach um Chomhaontú atá Ceangailteach ó Thaobh Dlí maidir le Foraoisí san Eoraip
Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations
an Coimisinéir um Beartas Comharsanachta na hEorpa agus Caibidlíocht maidir le Méadú
ACLSV; apple chlorotic leaf spot virus; pear ring mosaic virus; quince stunt virus
víreas baill chlóróisigh duille an chrainn úll
cherry necrotic rusty mottle virus; CNRMV
víreas neacróiseach ruabhreac an chrainn silíní
acceleration notice
fógra brostaithe
national promotional bank; national promotional bank and institution; national promotional bank or institution; national promotional institution; NPB; NPBIs
banc náisiúnta le haghaidh spreagtha
promotional bank
banc le haghaidh spreagtha
DG NEAR; DG Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations; Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations
an Ard-Stiúrthóireacht um Beartas Comharsanachta agus Caibidlíocht maidir le Méadú; AS um Beartas Comharsanachta agus Caibidlíocht maidir le Méadú
nicotine replacement therapy; NRT
NRT; teiripe athchurtha nicitín
final operational notification; FON
fógra oibriúcháin deiridh
ICC; International Coordinating Committee for National Human Rights Institutions; International Coordinating Committee of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights
Coiste Comhordúcháin Idirnáisiúnta na nInstitiúidí Náisiúnta um Chearta an Duine; Coiste Comhordúcháin Idirnáisiúnta na nInstitiúidí Náisiúnta um Chearta an Duine a Chur Chun Cinn agus a Chosaint
notional interest deduction
asbhaint úis bharúlaigh
call for competition; notice of competition
gairm chun iomaíochta
Patriotic Revolutionary Youth Movement; YDG-H
Óg-Ghluaiseacht Réabhlóideach Thírghrách; YDG-H
declaration on promoting citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination through education; Paris Declaration
dearbhú maidir leis an tsaoránacht agus le luachanna coiteanna na saoirse, na caoinfhulaingthe agus an neamh-idirdhealaithe a chur chun cinn tríd an oideachas; Dearbhú Pháras
antibiotic-resistant bacteria
baictéar frithsheasmhach in aghaidh antaibheathach
MI; motivational interviewing
agallóireacht inspreagtha
consistent dosing; consistent nicotine dosing
dáileadh seasmhach nicitín
notice and action mechanism; notice and action scheme
sásra fógra agus gnímh
asymptotic length
fad asamtóiteach
collectively-bargained minimum wage; negotiated minimum wage
pá íosta caibidlithe
TDAWN; Travel Documents Associated With Notices
doiciméid taistil a bhaineann le fógraí; TDAWN
notional workload
ualach oibre barúlach
High Negotiations Committee; HNC; SNC; Syrian Negotiation Commission
an tArd-Choiste Caibidlíochta
deposit held at short notice; short notice deposit; short notice time deposit; SND
taisce ghearrfhógra
motion mark
trádmharc gluaisne
Article 50 Task Force; Task Force for the Preparation and Conduct of the Negotiations with the United Kingdom under Article 50 TEU; TF50
Tascfhórsa Airteagal 50; Tascfhórsa le haghaidh Ullmhúchán agus Seoladh na Caibidlíochta leis an Ríocht Aontaithe faoi Airteagal 50 CAE; TF50
Special Envoy for the promotion of freedom of religion or belief outside of the EU
Toscaire Speisialta um chur chun cinn saoirse reiligiúin agus creidimh lasmuigh den Aontas Eorpach
European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Act 2017
Acht an Aontais Eorpaigh (Fógra um Tharraingt Siar) 2017
body for the promotion of equal treatment; equality body; national equality body
comhlacht comhionannais náisiúnta
Chief Brexit Negotiator; Chief Negotiator; Chief Negotiator for the Preparation and Conduct of the Negotiations with the United Kingdom
an Príomh-Idirbheartaí; an Príomh-Idirbheartaí le haghaidh an chaibidlíocht leis an Ríocht Aontaithe a ullmhú agus a sheoladh; an Príomh-Idirbheartaí maidir le Brexit