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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
spotted grains
gráin bhreachnaithe
Scottish National Party; SNP
Páirtí Náisiúnta na hAlban; SNP
cottage industry
tionscal tinteáin
bottoms; lees; wine lees
raspberry ringspot nepovirus; raspberry ringspot virus; raspberry Scottish leaf curl virus; red currant ringspot virus; RpRSV
víreas fáinnebhall sú craobh
Florida tomato virus; TMoV; tomato mottle bigeminivirus; tomato mottle virus
víreas breac an phlanda trátaí
Andean potato mottle comovirus; Andean potato mottle virus; APMoV
víreas breac an phráta Aindéach
Nordmann's greenshank; spotted greenshank
laidhrín glas Nordmann
common spotted cuscus
cuscas ballach coiteann
spotted paca
páca ballach
race to the bottom
sodar go grinneall
Long-Term Agreement regarding International Trade in Cotton Textiles; LTA
Comhaontú Fadtéarmach maidir le Trádáil Idirnáisiúnta Teicstílí Cadáis
bottom-set longline; set longline
spiléar grinnill
fly shooting seine; Scottish seine; SSC
eangach shaighne Albanach; SSC
spotted wolffish
cat mara beag
spotted ray
roc mín
spotted cat sharks
bull huss; larger spotted dogfish
fíogach mór
flap-shelled spotted turtle; Indian flap-shelled turtle; Indian soft-shelled turtle; Indo-Gangetic flap-shelled turtle
turtar liopabhlaoscach Ind-Ghainséiseach; turtar liopabhlaoscach Indiach
ICAC; International Cotton Advisory Committee
an Coiste Comhairleach Idirnáisiúnta um Chadás; ICAC
Convention concerning the Reduction of Hours of Work in Glass-Bottle Works; Reduction of Hours of Work (Glass-Bottle Works) Convention, 1935
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Laghdú Uaireanta Oibre i Monarchana Buidéal Gloine
dotted line
líne poncanna
wholly of cotton
atá déanta go hiomlán de chadás
cotton gauze
uige chadáis
spotted redshank
cosdeargán breac
cotton-top tamarin
tamairín cadáscheannach
southern sea otter or California sea otter
dobhrán mara deisceartach
giant otter
spotted linsang
lionsang ballach
otter civet
sibhéid dobhráin
rusty-spotted cat
cat ruabhallach
little spotted cat
cat beag ballach
Abbott's booby
búbaí Abbott
Nordmann's or spotted greenshank
laidhrín glas Nordmann
forest little owl; forest spotted owlet
ulchabhán beag foraoise
banded or spotted cotinga
cóitinge bandach
black pond turtle; Hamilton's terrapin; spotted pond turtle
lochthurtar dubh
bottom-up approach
Cur chuige ó bhun aníos
bottlenose dolphin; bottlenosed dolphin
deilf bholgshrónach
Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction; Mine Ban Treaty; Ottawa Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Toirmeasc ar Úsáid, Stoc-Charnadh, Táirgeadh agus Aistriú Mianach Frithphearsanra agus maidir lena nDíothú; Coinbhinsiún Ottawa
bottom shrimp trawl
trál grinnill séaclaí
Convention on the prior informed consent procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade; PIC Convention; Rotterdam Convention; Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade
Coinbhinsiún Rotterdam; Coinbhinsiún Rotterdam ar an Nós Imeachta i dTaobh Toiliú Feasach a chur in iúl roimh ré le haghaidh Ceimiceán Guaiseach agus Lotnaidicídí áirithe sa Trádáil Idirnáisiúnta
Scottish Parliament
Parlaimint na hAlban
spotted wobbegong
siorc dathannach
whitespotted guitarfish
giotáriasc bánbhallach
bottlenose skate; white skate
sciata bán
Asian barbs; spotted barbs
FAB; feachrán Áiseach
whitespotted conger
eascann choncair bhánbhallach
spotted seabass
doingean mara ballach
spotted weakfish
lagiasc ballach; SWF
sargo breams; spottail porgies
garbhánach sargo
bluespotted seabream
garbhánach gormbhallach
spotted sicklefish; SPS
iasc corráin ballach
ASM; Australian spotted mackerel
rí-ronnach Astrálach
four-spot megrim; fourspotted megrim
scoilteán na gceithre shúil
BOW; northern bottlenose whale
míol mór bolgshrónach
mottle; mottling
allotted appropriation; authorised appropriation
leithreasuithe cionroinnte; leithreasuithe údaraithe
blood clotting; coagulation
allotted territory
críoch chionroinnte
otter civet
sibhéad dobhráin
forest spotted owlet
ulchabhán beag foraoise
blue-spotted wood dove
colm coille gormbhallach
banded cotinga; spotted cotinga
cóitinge bandach
Bottom up approach
cur chuige ón mbun aníos
flat bottom flask
fleascán réthónach
bottling plant; bottling winery; establishment for bottling wines
monarcha buidéalaithe
clarified oil; clarified slurry oil; decant oil; FBO; FCC bottom oil; slurry decant oil
ola ghléghlanta
throttle housing
feireadh scóige
USA:cotton burdock; woolly burdock
cnádán fáil
speed control lever; throttle control lever; throttle lever
scóigluamhán rialaithe
clotting factor II; coagulation factor II; factor II; prothrombin
thermos flask; vacuum bottle; vacuum flask
anti-boycott legislation
reachtaíocht frithbhaghcait
tertiary boycott
baghcat treasach
secondary boycott
baghcat tánaisteach
primary boycott
Foreign Sanctions(Notification)Act; Law on Foreign Boycotts
an tAcht um Smachtbhannaí Eachtracha (Fógra)
coding of bottles
códúchán buidéal
Rotterdam market
margadh Rotterdam
flat-bottomed microtitre plate
pláta réthónach micrithítear
greater spotted eagle; spotted eagle
iolar breac
lesser spotted eagle
iolar breac beag
spotted flycatcher
cuilire liath
cotton exchange; cotton market
malartán an chadáis
cotton market
margadh an chadáis
cotton plant
cadás; planda cadáis
cotton seed; cottonseed
síol cadáis
rubbers; scrapie; the trembling; trotting disease
bottom trawling
trálaeireacht ghrinnill
air compressor intake throttle
scóig iontógála aer-chomhbhrúiteora
automatic throttle
scóig uathoibríoch
bail out bottle; emergency oxygen bottle
buidéal ocsaigine éigeandála
chop throttle
grodscóig; pras-scóig; scóig go tobann
double slotted flap; dual-slot flap
plapa déshliotánach
baghcat; baghcatáil
bottoms; residue
bottleneck; traffic bottleneck
scrogall tráchta
combined bottom-set net; combined gillnet-trammel net
eangach gheolbhaigh agus traimil in éineacht
multi-rig otter trawls; OTT; otter twin trawls
OTT; trál otair dúbailte
midwater otter trawl; pelagic one-boat trawl
trál otair meánuisce
board; door; otter board; otter door; trawl board; trawl door
clár otair
bottom pair trawl; demersal pair trawl
PTB; trál grinnill dhá bhád
bottom trawl; demersal towed net; demersal trawl
trál grinnill
no-deposit bottle; non-returnable bottle; one-way bottle
buidéal neamh-in-aischurtha
deposit bottle; multi-trip bottle; returnable bottle
buidéal in-aischurtha
WB; Western Blot; Western blotting; Western transference
dabú Western
clotting; coagulation
clotting; coagulation
bottle crate; crate
blood clotting time; clotting time; coagulation time
aga téachta; aga téachta fola
Draper law; Grotthaus-Draper law; Grotthus-Draper law; principle of photochemical activation
dlí Grotthaus-Draper
clotting potential; coagulability
bottom contact; underside contact
teagmháil íochtair
flat bottom 'Vignole' rail; flat-bottomed rail
ráille réthónach
double bottom
closed bottle; closed bottle test
tástáil i mbuidéal iata
envelopes; straw envelopes(for bottles)
stocaí tuí
bottoms; lees
aosú buidéil; aosú i mbuidéil
bottle fermentation
coipeadh sa bhuidéal
advertising blotter
súiteán fógraíochta
DNA blot; Southern blot; Southern blotting; Southern method; Southern technique; Southern transfer
dabú Southern
scrogall; scroig
electronic cottage; telecommuting; telework
bull huss; greater spotted dogfish; large spotted dogfish; nursehound
fíogach mór
contract bottling
buidéalú ar conradh
round-bottomed flask
fleascán tóinchruinn
pantropical spotted dolphin
deilf bhallach phantrópaiceach
atlantic spotted dolphin
deilf bhallach an Atlantaigh
redspotted shrimp
séacla deargbhallach
otter trawling
iascaireacht le trál dobharchú
flat-bottomed shovel with vertical sides
sluasaid réthónach le taobhanna ingearacha
borosilicate glass bottle
buidéal gloine bóraisileacáite
large-bottomed ant
seangán mórthónach
conical bottomed settling beaker
eascra síothlaithe cóntónach
immunoblot; immunoblotting
flat-bottomed tissue-culture grade microtitre plate
pláta réthónach micrithítear do shaothráin fíocháin
clotted blood
fuil théachta
non-coagulated blood; unclotted blood
fuil neamhthéachta
right to be forgotten; RTBF
an ceart go ligfí i ndearmad; an ceart go ndéanfaí ligean i ndearmad
cotter key
pionna leicnín
bottom-up test
tástáil ón mbun aníos
blood clotting time/potential
aga/poitéinseal fuiltéachta; aga/poitéinseal téachta fola
BOD bottle
buidéal EBO
bottom-up stress test
tástáil struis ó bhun aníos
drive by wire; electronic throttle control; ETC
rialú leictreonach scóige
crop-specific payment for cotton
íocaíocht barrshonrach do chadás
Nouakchott process
próiseas Nouakchott; próiseas Nuacsat
Rotterdam Rules; United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea
Conarthaí le haghaidh Iompar Idirnáisiúnta Earraí Go hIomlán nó Go Páirteach ar Muir; Rialacha Rotterdam
blotted uterine weight
meáchan útarais iar-ionsúcháin
SMoV; strawberry mottle virus
víreas breac sú talún
raspberry leaf mottle virus; RLMV
víreas breac dhuilleoga an tsú craobh
CGRMV; cherry green ring mottle foveavirus; cherry green ring mottle trichovirus; cherry green ring mottle virus
víreas breac glasfháinní an chrainn silíní
cherry necrotic rusty mottle virus; CNRMV
víreas neacróiseach ruabhreac an chrainn silíní
cherry mottle leaf virus; ChMLV
víreas breacdhuille an chrainn silíní
Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte
Sri Jayawardenapura-Kotte
bottom ash
flat-bottomed pouch
púitse réthónach
transitional organic cotton
cadás orgánach idirthréimhseach
BDS; campaign for boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel
feachtas maidir le baghcait, dífheistiú agus smachtbhannaí in aghaidh Iosrael
bottom plug cooling system
córas fuaraithe an stopalláin íochtair
céim aibíochta múirín; Rottegrad
spotted flounder
leith bhallach
lesser-spotted dogfish; small-spotted catshark
catsúileach ballach; catsúileach ballánach; fíogach beag; Scyliorhinus canicula
spottail mantis squillid
scuillid mhaintise
spotted grouper
garúpach ballach
common otter; Eurasian otter; European otter; Old World otter; otter
dobhrán coiteann; dobhrán Eoráiseach
chingungo; chungungo; marine otter; sea cat
dobhrán muirí
Southern river otter
dobhrán abhann deisceartach
La Plata otter; long-tailed otter; South-American otter
dobhrán abhann Mheiriceá Theas
North American otter; northern river otter; river otter
dobhrán Ceanadach
apple charlotte
úllóg (bain2, gu: úllóige, ai: úllóga, gi: úllóg)
Russian charlotte
searlait Rúiseach (bain2)
bleached cotton gauze
uige chadáis tuartha (bain4)
bombardment spotting
breicneoireacht bombardaíochta (bain3)
bombardment spotting
breicneoireacht tuairgneála (bain3)
caolas (fir1, gu: caolais, ai: caolais, gi: caolas)
scrogall (fir1, gu: scrogaill, ai: scrogaill, gi: scrogall)
bottom dead centre
ceartlár íochtair (fir1)
bottom plate
bunphláta (fir4, gu: bunphláta, ai: bunphlátaí, gi: bunphlátaí)
breech casing bottom plate
bunphláta cásáil craois (fir4)
cotton waste
dramhchadás (fir1, gu: dramhchadáis)
clotting of the blood
clagadh na fola (fir)
flocas cadáis (fir1)
dotted line
líne de phoncanna (fir4)
feed block bottom pawls
ceapachóirí íochtair cothbhloic (fir)
finger plate for feed block bottom pawls
méarphláta do cheapachóirí íochtair cothbhloic (fir)
axis pin for feed block bottom pawls
fearsaid do cheapachóirí íochtair cothbhloic (bain2)
bottom lever of feed block
luamhán íochtair cothbhloic (fir1)
feed block fixing split of top and bottom levers
gabhalbhiorán nasctha luamhán uachtair agus íochtair cothbhloic (fir1)
spring for feed block bottom pawls
tuailm do cheapachóirí íochtair cothbhloic (bain2)
flash spotting
splancbhreicneoireacht (s)
cotton gauze
uige chadáis (bain4)
bottom of the gib
bun na dinge (fir1)
gunnachadás (fir1, gu: gunnachadáis)
MacDermott Barracks [Military Locations]
Dún Mhic Dhiarmada (fir1)
map spotting
breicneoireacht léarscáile (bain3)
oil bottle
olabhuidéal (fir1, gu: olabhuidéil, ai: olabhuidéil, gi: olabhuidéal)
field plotter
breacaire machaire (fir4)
plotting room
breacadhsheomra (fir4, gu: breacadhsheomra, ai: breacadhsheomraí, gi: breacadhsheomraí)
spotted fever
fiabhras breac (fir1)
breicineoir (fir3, gu: breicineora, ai: breicineoirí, gi: breicineoirí)
pottery vessel
soitheach cré (fir1)
gun cotton primer
príméar gunnachadáis (fir1)
slab of gun-cotton
stiall ghunnachadáis (bain2)
sciúch (br, abr: sciúchadh, aidbhr: sciúchta)
scóig (br, abr: scóigeadh, aidbhr: scóigthe)
tacht (br, abr: tachtadh, aidbhr: tachta)
searlait (bain2, gu: searlaite, ai: searlaití, gi: searlaití)
teachín (fir4, gu: teachín, ai: teachíní, gi: teachíní)
scóig (bain2, gu: scóige, ai: scóigeanna, gi: scóigeanna)
cadás (fir1, gu: cadáis)
mana (fir4, gu: mana, ai: manaí, gi: manaí)
an area allotted for operational purposes
líomatáiste a cheaptar chun críocha oibríochtaí