Torthaí beachta
Exact matches
oifigeach foirne (ioncam)
staff officer (revenue)
Torthaí gaolmhara
Related matches
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
Staff Officer
Oifigeach Foirne (fir1)
staff and stores officer
oifigeach foirne agus stóras (fir1)
Personal Staff Officer to the Chief of Staff
Oifigeach Foirne Pearsanta an Cheann Foirne (fir1)
Personal Staff Officer to Deputy Chief of Staff
Oifigeach Foirne Pearsanta an Leas-Cheann Foirne
Personal Staff Officer to Assistant Chief of Staff
Oifigeach Foirne Pearsanta an Cheann Foirne Chúnta
Personal Staff Officer to the Chief of Staff
Oifigeach Foirne an Cheann Foirne (fir1)