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Auxilliary glossaries
MAP; MAPt; missed approach point
pointe ascnaimh iomraill
change-over point; COP
pointe aistrithe
significant point
pointe suntasach
CPAS/OCMW; public social action centre; public social assistance centre
ionad poiblí cúnaimh shóisialta
open government data; open public data
sonraí oscailte poiblí
dispute on voting
díospóid maidir leis an vótáil
request for urgent debate
iarraidh ar dhíospóireacht phráinneach
Cooperation Agreement for the protection of the coasts and waters of the north-east Atlantic against pollution; Lisbon Agreement
an Comhaontú um chomhar maidir le Cóstaí agus Uiscí an Atlantaigh Thoir Thuaidh a Chosaint ar Thruailliú; Comhaontú Liospóin
closure of a debate
críochnú na díospóireachta; díospóireacht a chríochnú
question for oral answer; question for oral answer with debate
ceist i gcomhair freagra ó bhéal; Ceist i gcomhair freagra ó bhéal maille le díospóireacht
joint debate
point of order
pointe oird
public record of proceedings
taifead poiblí ar na himeachtaí
draftsman; rapporteur for the opinion
dréachtóir; rapóirtéir don tuairim
Centre for Information, Discussion and Exchange on Asylum; CIREA
Ionad um Fhaisnéis, Díospóireacht agus Malartú maidir le tearmann
cut-off point
procedure in plenary without amendment and debate
nós imeachta sa suí iomlánach gan leasú agus gan díospóireacht
dispute resolution; dispute settlement
réiteach díospóidí
focal point; FOP; national focal point
an Lárionad Náisiúnta Sábháilteachta agus Sláinte; pointe fócasach
diffuse pollution source; diffuse source; non-point source
foinse idirleata
information system for public procurement; SIMAP
córas faisnéise um sholáthar poiblí; SIMAP
appointed distributor; authorised distributor
dáileoir údaraithe
in the public domain; public domain
fearann poiblí
PNC; Police National Computer
Ríomhchóras Náisiúnta na bPóilíní
MOP; mu receptor; mu-opioid receptor; μ-opioid receptor; μ-receptor
gabhdóir mu-ópóideach
bacteraemia; blood poisoning; blood stream infection; bloodstream infection; BSI
PL; Public Law
dlí poiblí
poison-arrow frogs
frog nimhe
EuroCOP; European Confederation of Police
Cónaidhm Eorpach na bPóilíní
audit objective
cuspóir an iniúchta
public works contract; works contract
conradh oibreacha; conradh oibreacha poiblí
oilseed poppy
poipín dubh
ACPC; Advisory Committee for Public Contracts; Advisory Committee on Public Procurement
an Coiste Comhairleach um Chonarthaí Poiblí
pointe cóimheasa; tagarmharc
industrial dispute; labour dispute
díospóid thionsclaíoch
National Focal Point; NFP
Pointe Fócasach Náisiúnta
government expenditure; public expenditure
caiteachas poiblí
instrument appointing an official
ionstraim lena gceaptar oifigeach
orientation debate; policy debate
díospóireacht bheartais
ball-point pencil
pionsail gránbhiorach
Revised General Act for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes
an Gníomh Ginearálta Athbhreithnithe maidir le Réiteach Síochánta Díospóidí Idirnáisiúnta
urgent debate
díospóireacht phráinneach
public development contract
conradh forbartha poiblí
Optional Protocol concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes
Prótacal roghnach maidir le Réiteach Éigeantach Díospóidí
Universal Postal Convention
an Coinbhinsiún poist uilechoiteann
Convention Placing the International Poplar Commission within the Framework of FAO
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Coimisiún Idirnáisiúnta na Poibleoige a Chur faoi Chuimsiú an FAO
Convention concerning the Right of Association and the Settlement of Labour Disputes in Non-Metropolitan Territories; Right of Association (Non-Metropolitan Territories) Convention, 1947
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an gCeart Comhlachais agus le Réiteach Díospóidí Saothair i gCríocha Neamhchathracha; an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an gCeart Comhlachais agus le Réiteach Díospóidí Saothair i gCríocha Neamh-mheitreapholaiteacha
European Convention for the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Réiteach Síochánta ar Dhíospóidí
European Convention on Spectator Violence and Misbehaviour at Sports Events and in particular at Football Matches
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Foréigean agus Mí-Iompar an Lucht Féachana ag Imeachtaí Spóirt agus go háirithe ag Cluichí Sacair
Benzene Convention, 1971; Convention concerning Protection against Hazards of Poisoning Arising from Benzene
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint in aghaidh Guaiseanna Nimhiúcháin a Eascraíonn ó Bheinséin
AA; Appointing Authority
údarás ceapacháin
gastropods n.e.i.
gastrapóid nach n-áirítear in áit eile
CEPT; European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations
CEPT; Comhdháil Eorpach na Riarachán Poist agus Teileachumarsáide
ICSID; International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
an Lárionad Idirnáisiúnta chun Díospóidí Infheistíochtaí a Shocrú; ICSID
CEEP; European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing Public Services and Services of General Interest
CEEP; Lárionad Eorpach na bhFostóirí agus na bhFiontar a sholáthraíonn Seirbhísí Poiblí
DDB; deep-discounted bond; zero coupon bond
banna ar mhórlascaine; banna cúpóin nialasaigh; banna géarlascaine; banna mórlascaine
public policy (ordre public) of the forum
beartas poiblí ('ordre public') an fhóraim
award of contracts; award of public contracts; procurement; public procurement
soláthar poiblí
basis point; bp
public works concession
lamháltas oibreacha poiblí
point of law
pointe dlí; ponc dlí
UIECS; Union of International and European Civil Servants
Cumann na Seirbhíseach Poiblí Idirnáisiúnta agus Eorpach
Universal Postal Union; UPU
an tAontas Poist Uilechoiteann; UPU
certified seed potatoes
prátaí póir deimhnithe
to appoint (chairman)
to appoint (representative)
public savings bank
banc taisce poiblí
the merging of frontier posts
poist teorann a chumasc
break-even analysis; break-even point analysis
anailís mheá ar mheá
procurement contract; public contract; public procurement contract
conradh poiblí; conradh soláthair phoiblí
Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States; ICSID Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Díospóidí Infheistíochtaí idir Stáit agus Náisiúnaigh Stát Eile a Shocrú
State-guaranteed public body
comhlacht poiblí Stát-urraithe
ICPO-INTERPOL; INTERPOL; The International Criminal Police Organisation - INTERPOL
Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta na bPóilíní Coireachta; Interpol
medium-term objective; MTO; objective in the medium term
cuspóir meántéarmach
auditors appointed under Article...
iniúchóirí arna gceapadh faoi Airteagal...
starting point
the recommendations of the judge-rapporteur
moltaí an bhreithimh is rapóirtéir
infection with infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus; infectious haematopoietic necrosis
neacróis fhuilghinte thógálach
jobs where women are under-represented
poist mar a bhfuil mná faoi ghannionadaíocht
management by objectives; MBO
bainistíocht trí bhíthin cuspóirí; MBO
sports motor vehicle
mótarfheithicil spóirt
banknote dispenser; cash dispenser; cash dispensing machine; cashpoint
dáileoir airgid; uathmheaisín bainc
CFP; ciguatera; Ciguatera Fish Poisoning
nimhiú ciguatera ó iasc
public service contract; service contract; services contract
conradh seirbhíse; conradh seirbhíse poiblí
Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents; Hague Apostille Convention
an Coinbhinsiún lena gcuirtear deireadh leis an gCeangal Fíoraithe i gcás Doiciméad Poiblí Coigríche; Coinbhinsiún Apastaile na Háige
public assistance
cúnamh poiblí; cúnamh sóisialta
public customs warehouse
stóras custaim poiblí
principal State counsel; Procurator General; Prosecutor-General; public prosecutor
Príomh-Ionchúisitheoir Poiblí
Convention on the Unification of Certain Points of Substantive Law of Patents for Invention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hAontú Pointí Áirithe den Dlí Substainteach i leith Paitinní Aireagáin
Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes (1907)
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le réiteach síochánta díospóidí idirnáisiúnta (1907)
Convention concerning the Reduction of Hours of Work on Public Works; Reduction of Hours of Work (Public Works) Convention, 1936
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Laghdú Uaireanta Oibre ar Oibreacha Poiblí
Convention concerning Labour Clauses in Public Contracts; Labour Clauses (Public Contracts) Convention, 1949
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Clásail Saothair i gConarthaí Poiblí
PE; physical education
government consumption; public consumption
tomhaltas poiblí
mergers of public limited liability companies
cumasc cuideachtaí poiblí faoi dhliteanas teoranta
adjournment of a debate
díospóireacht a chur ar atráth
rapporteur working alone
rapóirtéir aonair
JD; job description
sainchuntas poist
BCP; border crossing point
pointe trasnaithe teorann
body governed by public law; public law body
comhlacht dlí phoiblí; comhlacht faoi rialú an dlí phoiblí; comhlacht poiblí
assistant rapporteur
Rapóirtéir Cúnta
Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration
Comhaontú Liospóin maidir le Sonrúcháin Tionscnaimh a Chosaint agus maidir lena gClárú go hIdirnáisiúnta
police cooperation
comhar póilíneachta
International Confederation of Public Service Officers
Cónaidhm Idirnáisiúnta Fheidhmeannaigh na Seirbhíse Poiblí
voluntary contributions from public and private funds
ranníocaíochtaí saorálacha ó fhoinsí poiblí agus príobháideacha
public or private law
dlí poiblí no dlí príobháideach
porcelain articles
earra poircealláin
printed matter for publicity purposes (including travel publicity)
ábhar clóite le haghaidh poiblíochta (lena n-áirítear poiblíocht taistil)
the institutions whose decisions are in dispute
na hinstitiúidí a bhfuil a gcinntí faoi dhíospóid
to reappoint a person
duine a athcheapadh
to rule on any disputes
tabhair rialú ar aon díospóid
contract governed by public law; public-law contract
conradh arna rialú faoin dlí poiblí
to deal with a dispute
déileáil le díospóid
national economic objectives
cuspóirí náisiúnta i gcúrsaí eacnamaíochta
body dependent on a public authority
comhlacht atá spleách ar údarás poiblí
order that application of the contested act be suspended
a ordú go bhfionrófar feidhm an ghnímh a chonspóidtear
the members ... shall be appointed in their personal capacity
ceapfar comhaltaí ... ina gcáil phearsanta
bags of polyethylene sheeting
mála poileitiléine
muca mara
positive realisation of the objectives
gnóthaigh cuspóir go dearfa
lawn and sports ground rollers
rollóirí plásóg agus faichí spóirt
public document
doiciméad poiblí
public documents drawn up in the territory of a Contracting State
doiciméad poiblí arna tharraingt suas i gcríoch Stáit Chonarthaigh
opening up of public procurement; opening up of public procurement to competition
soláthar poiblí a oscailt; soláthar poiblí a oscailt don iomaíocht
Working Party on Public Procurement
an Mheitheal um Sholáthar Poiblí
muscle-paralysing toxin; paralytic shellfish poison; PSP
nimh phairiliseach ó shliogiasc; PSP
public entity; state-owned entity
eagras poiblí; eintiteas poiblí
open adjudication; public adjudication
breithniú poiblí
Protocol Instituting a Conciliation and Good Offices Commission to be Responsible for Seeking the Settlement of Any Disputes which May Arise between States Parties to the Convention against Discrimination in Education
Prótacal chun Coimisiún idir-réitigh agus cúnaimh a thionscnamh a mbeidh de dhualgas air réiteach a lorg ar aon díospóidí a d''fhéadfadh teacht chun cinn idir Stáit is páirtithe sa Choinbhinsiún i gcoinne idirdhealaithe sa chóras oideachais
prosecution service; public prosecutor's office; State Counsel's Office; the prosecution
Oifig an Stiúrthóra Ionchúiseamh Poiblí
HACCP; HACCP system; hazard analysis and critical control point; hazard analysis critical control point system; hazard analysis of critical control points
AGPRC; anailís ghuaise agus phointí rialúcháin criticiúla
European Police Office; Europol
an Oifig Eorpach Póilíní; Europol
protection of public health
cosaint na sláinte poiblí
rat poison; raticide; rodenticide
ordre public; public order (<i>ordre public</i>); public policy; public policy (<i>ordre public</i>)
beartas poiblí; beartas poiblí (<i>ordre public</i>); ord poiblí
public debate
díospóireacht phoiblí
peaceful settlement of disputes
réiteach síochánta díospóidí
1925 Geneva Protocol prohibiting the use in war of chemical and biological weapons; CBW; Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare
Prótacal maidir le húsáid gás aisfisceach, nimhiúil nó eile i gcogadh, mar aon le modhanna baictéareolaíocha cogaíochta, a thoirmeasc; Prótacal na Ginéive (1925) a thoirmisceann airm cheimiceacha agus bhitheolaíocha a úsáid i gcogadh
Gulf of California harbour porpoise; vaquita
muc mhara na Murascaille
finless porpoise
muc mhara neamheiteach
golden arrow poison frog; Panamanian golden frog; Zetek's frog
frog órga
postal vote; postal voting; voting by post
vóta poist
reach the point where it is irreversible
imeacht chomh fada sin go bhfuil sé do-athraithe; pointe do-aisiompaithe a shroicheadh
Dispute Settlement Body; DSB
an Comhlacht um Réiteach Díospóidí
(staff of the) State Counsel's Office; prosecution service; public prosecutors
Oifig an Stiúrthóra Ionchúiseamh Poiblí
PCWP; Police Cooperation Working Party
an Mheitheal um Chomhar Póilíneachta
time-bar for proceedings
tréimhse chinnteachta le cionta agus le hionchúisimh; tréimhse teorann le hionchúiseamh poiblí
public investment programme
clár infheistíochta poiblí
Working Party on Public International Law
an Mheitheal um an Dlí Idirnáisiúnta Poiblí
Dispute Settlement Understanding; DSU; Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes
an Comhaontú maidir le Rialacha agus Nósanna Imeachta a Rialaíonn Réiteach Díospóidí; an Comhaontú um Réiteach Díospóidí
procedure without debate
nós imeachta gan díospóireacht
Convention on the Participation of Foreigners in Public Life at Local Level
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Rannpháirtíocht Eachtrannach sa Saol Poiblí ar Leibhéal Áitiúil
Agreement concerning Postal Money Orders
Comhaontú maidir le hOrduithe Airgid Poist
Special Rapporteur on Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
rapóirtéir speisialta maidir le céasadh agus íde nó pionós eile atá cruálach, mídhaonna nó táireach
Council act drawing up the Convention based on Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on the establishment of a European Police Office (Europol)
Gníomh ón gComhairle ag dréachtú an Choinbhinsiúin ar bhonn Airteagal K.3 den Chonradh ar an Aontas Eorpach maidir le hOifig Eorpach Póilíní (Europol) a bhunú
public prosecutor
ionchúisitheoir poiblí
Convention based on article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on the Establishment of a European Police Office; Europol Convention
an Coinbhinsiún ar bhonn Airteagal K.3 den Chonradh ar an Aontas Eorpach maidir le hOifig Eorpach Póilíní a bhunú; Coinbhinsiún Europol
Central European Police Academy; CEPA
Acadamh Póilíneachta na hEorpa Láir
Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes (1899)
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le réiteach síochánta díospóidí idirnáisiúnta (1899)
exit point; point of exit
pointe fágála; pointe scoir
intervention measure; public intervention measure
beart idirghabhála; beart idirghabhála poiblí
Protocol, drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on the interpretation, by way of preliminary rulings, by the Court of Justice of the European Communities of the Convention on the establishment of a European Police Office
an Prótacal, arna dhréachtú ar bhonn Airteagal K.3 den Chonradh ar an Aontas Eorpach, maidir le léiriú, trí réamhrialú, ar an gCoinbhinsiún maidir le hOifig Eorpach Póilíní a bhunú ag Cúirt Bhreithiúnais na gComhphobal Eorpach
government data; public data; public-sector data; public-sector information
sonraí earnála poiblí; sonraí poiblí; sonraí rialtais
PSB; public service broadcasting
craolachán seirbhíse poiblí
International Police Task Force; IPTF; UN-IPTF; United Nations International Police Task Force
an Tascfhórsa Idirnáisiúnta Póilíní; IPTF
Universal Postal Convention (1994)
an Coinbhinsiún poist uilechoiteann (1994)
NBPA; Nordic Baltic Police Academy
an tAcadamh Póilíneachta Baltach Nordach
Dall's porpoise
muc mhara Dall
harbour porpoise
muc mhara
Other decisions (Adopted without discussion. In the case of legislative acts, votes against or abstentions are indicated. Decisions containing statements which the Council has decided may be released to the public or explanations of vote are asterisked; t
Cinntí eile (Arna nglacadh gan díospóireacht. I gcás gníomhartha reachtacha, léirítear vótaí in aghaidh nó staonadh. Is trí réiltín a chuirfear in iúl cinntí arna nglacadh le ráitis nó míniúchán ar vótáil ar shocraigh an Chomhairle go bhféadfaí iad a eisi
public prosecutor
ionchúisitheoir poiblí
PES; public employment service
Seirbhísí Poiblí Fostaíochta; SPF
SPE; special purpose entity; special purpose vehicle; SPV
eintiteas sainchuspóireach; ESC; meán sainchuspóireach; MSC
handover point; point of handover
pointe aistrithe
Over-arching objectives
cuspóir uileghabhálach
political motive
cuspóir polaitiúil
póiseard ruadhonn
Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression; Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression
an Rapóirtéir Speisialta maidir le cur chun cinn agus cosaint an chirt chun saoirse tuairimíochta agus saoirse tuairimí a nochtadh; Rapóirtéir Speisialta maidir le saoirse tuairimíochta
Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief
Rapóirtéir Speisialta maidir le saoirse reiligiúin nó creidimh
electronic purse; multi-purpose prepaid card
cárta réamhíoctha ilchuspóireach; sparán leictreonach
ACPO; Association of Chief Police Officers; Association of Chief Police Officers of England, Wales and Northern Ireland
Comhlachas na nArd-Oifigeach Póilíneachta
UNCIVPOL; United Nations Civilian Police
Póilíní Sibhialtacha na Náisiún Aontaithe
Working Party on Postal Services
an Mheitheal um Sheirbhísí Poist
police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters
comhar póilíneachta agus comhar breithiúnach in ábhair choiriúla
breams; pomfrets
international police operation; international policing operation
oibríocht idirnáisiúnta póilíneachta; oibríocht idirnáisiúnta póilíní
bullet point
pointe urchair
one-stop shop; OSS; point of single contact; PSC; single entry point; single point of contact; single window; SPOC
ionad ilfhreastail
items adopted without discussion; items approved without debate
míreanna arna nglacadh gan díospóireacht
EPSU; European Federation of Public Service Unions; European Public Service Union
Cónaidhm Eorpach na gCeardchumann Seirbhíse Poiblí; EPSU
public policy debate
díospóireacht ar bheartais phoiblí
Article 36 Committee; CATS; Coordinating Committee in the area of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters
an Coiste Comhordúcháin i réimse an chomhair póilíneachta agus bhreithiúnaigh in ábhair choiriúla; CATS; Coiste Airteagal 36
public official
oifigeach poiblí
public prosecutor
ionchúisitheoir poiblí
deputy public prosecutor
leas-ionchúisitheoir poiblí
public consultation
comhairliúchán poiblí
CEPOL; European Police College
an Coláiste Eorpach Póilíneachta; CEPOL
Handbook on cross-border police cooperation; police cooperation handbook; Schengen police cooperation handbook
lámhleabhar comhair póilíneachta; lámhleabhar maidir le comhar póilíneachta trasteorann
Europol focal point; focal point; FP
pointe fócasach
civil police capability
cumas na bpóilíní sibhialta
EU Police Chiefs Operational Task Force; PCTF; Police Chiefs Task Force; Task Force of EU Police Chiefs; TFPC
Tascfhórsa na nArdoifigeach Póilíneachta san AE
European Public Prosecutor
Ionchúisitheoir Poiblí Eorpach
General Prosecutor's Office; public prosecutor's office; state counsel's office; the prosecution
Oifig an Stiúrthóra Ionchúiseamh Poiblí
civilian police mission; CIVPOL mission
misean póilíní sibhialtacha
ADR; alternative dispute resolution; out-of-court dispute resolution; out-of-court settlement of disputes
malairt modhanna chun díospóidí a réiteach
civilian police
póilíní sibhialtacha
shadow rapporteur
Chinese pomfret; Chinese silver pomfret; CPO
poimfréad Síneach
Director of Public Prosecutions; DPP
an Stiúrthóir Ionchúiseamh Poiblí
strengthening of local policing capabilities
cumas póilíneachta áitiúla a neartú
concepts of police forces
coincheapa maidir le fórsaí póilíneachta
police substitution mission; substituting for local police forces; substitution mission
misean ionadaíochta póilíneachta
policing capabilities
cumas póilíneachta
police expertise
saineolas póilíneachta
Protocol drawn up on the basis of Article 43(1) of the Convention on the establishment of a European Police Office (Europol Convention) amending Article 2 and the Annex to that Convention
Prótacal arna dhréachtú ar bhonn Airteagal 43(1) den Choinbhinsiún maidir le hOifig Eorpach Póilíní a bhunú (Coinbhinsiún Europol) lena leasaítear Airteagal 2 agus an Iarscríbhinn a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún sin
emission abatement target; emission reduction objective; emission-reduction target
cuspóir laghdaithe astaíochtaí
drinking water abstraction point
pointe astarraingte uisce óil
Lisbon Agenda; Lisbon Strategy
straitéis Liospóin
job quality; quality in work
cáilíocht poist
CAS; Court of Arbitration for Sport
an Chúirt Eadrána Spóirt
global public goods; GPGs
earraí poiblí domhanda; GPG
Police Unit
Aonad Póilíní
PCCC; Police and Customs Cooperation Centre
an Lárionad um Chomhar Póilíneachta agus Custaim
Police Action Plan
plean gníomhaíochta póilíneachta
PIFC; Public Internal Financial Control
PIFC; rialú airgeadais inmheánach poiblí
B<sub>lim; biomass limit; biomass limit reference point; limit biomass
B<sub>lim</sub>; teorainn bhithmhaise
EUPM; EUPM in BiH; European Union Police Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina
EUPM; EUPM in BiH; Misean Póilíneachta an Aontais Eorpaigh sa Bhoisnia agus sa Heirseagaivéin
entry point
pointe teagmhála
ENPPF; European Network for the Protection of Public Figures
Líonra Eorpach maidir le Pearsana Poiblí a Chosaint
Education, Youth and Culture Council; Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council; EYC Council; EYCS Council
an Chomhairle Oideachais, Óige, Cultúir agus Spóirt; an Chomhairle um Oideachas, Cultúr agus an Óige; Comhairle EYCS
Working Party on Public International Law (International Criminal Court)
an Mheitheal um an Dlí Idirnáisiúnta Poiblí (an Chúirt Choiriúil Idirnáisiúnta)
conservation reference point
pointe tagartha um chaomhnú
precautionary reference point
pointe tagartha réamhchúramach
deliberation open to the public; public deliberation
plé poiblí
public transmission; public transmission by audiovisual means
tarchur poiblí; tarchur poiblí trí mhodhanna closamhairc
Johannesburg Plan of Implementation; JPoI
Plean Cur Chun Feidhme Johannesburg
Police Strategic Option; PSO
PSO; rogha straitéiseach póilíneachta
Protocol amending the Convention on the establishment of a European Police Office (Europol Convention) and the Protocol on the privileges and immunities of Europol, the members of its organs, the deputy directors and the employees of Europol
Prótacal lena leasaítear an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hOifig Eorpach Póilíní a bhunú (Coinbhinsiún Europol) agus an Prótacal ar phribhléidí agus díolúintí Europol, comhaltaí a orgán, leas-stiúrthóirí agus fostaithe Europol
dispute resolution mechanism; dispute settlement mechanism
sásra um réiteach díospóidí
EUPOL Proxima; European Union Police Mission in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; PROXIMA
EUPOL Proxima; Misean Póilíneachta an Aontais Eorpaigh i bPoblacht iar-Iúgslavach na Macadóine
Protocol drawn up on the basis of Article 43(1) of the Convention on the Establishment of a European Police Office (Europol Convention), amending that Convention
an Prótacal arna tharraingt suas ar bhonn Airteagal 43(1) den Choinbhinsiún maidir le hOifig Eorpach Póilíní a bhunú (Coinbhinsiún Europol) lena leasaítear an Coinbhinsiún sin
GPP; green public procurement
soláthar poiblí glas; SPG
focal point for maritime security
lárionad um shlándáil mhuirí
EU Police Mission; EUPOL; European Union Police Mission
EUPOL; Misean Póilíneachta AE; Misean Póilíneachta an Aontais Eorpaigh
boiling point elevation
ardú an fhiuchphointe
electronic point of sale; EPOS
díolphointe leictreonach; EPOS
ICPTO; International China Painting Teachers Organisation
Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta Múinteoirí Péinteála Poircealláin
SPB; Special Boiling Point
fiuchphointe speisialta
ENGSO; European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation
Eagraíocht Neamhrialtasach na hEorpa um Spóirt; ENGSO
DCMS; Department for Culture Media and Sport
an Roinn Cultúir, Meán agus Spóirt
contact point
pointe teagmhála
point-of-lay pullet; pullet ready to lay
eireog ar tí breithe; eireog i mbéal beirthe
price delivered to loading point
praghas go luchtú
zero-coupon bond; zero-rated note
banna cúpóin nialasaigh; banna domhainlascaine
topoisomerase inhibitor
coscaire topaisiméaráise
entry point; place of introduction; place of introduction into the customs territory; point of entry; point of introduction
pointe iontrála; pointe iontrála sa chríoch custaim; pointe isteach
public warehouse
trádstóras poiblí
unsolicited postal sale
díol poist gan iarraidh
public procurement policy
beartas um sholáthar poiblí
public cartel register
clár poiblí na gcairtéal
fire point
flash point; flashing point; flash-point
deterioration; spoilage
critical point; lambda point
general government finances; government finance; government finances; public finance; public finances
airgeadas poiblí
medium-term budgetary objective; medium-term objective; MTO
cuspóir buiséadach meántéarmach; MTO
fund for special purposes
ciste i gcomhair cuspóirí speisialta
monthly returns to a central control point
tuairisciú mhíosúil chuig lárphointe rialúcháin
instrument of appointment of a Judge
ionstraim lena gceaptar breitheamh
clarify the points at issue between the parties
soiléiriú a dhéanamh ar na pointí atá faoi cheist idir na páirtithe
dispute concerning the costs to be recovered
díospóid i dtaobh na gcostas is inghnóthaithe
determine the points which call for measures of inquiry
cinneadh a dhéanamh ar na pointí a éilíonn bearta fiosrúcháin
determine the points on which the parties must present further argument
na pointí a chinneadh a gcaithfidh na páirtithe breis áitithe a dhéanamh ina leith
Judge who acts as Rapporteur; Judge-Rapporteur
breitheamh is rapóirtéir
police official
feidhmeannach póilíneachta
report from the Judge-Rapporteur
tuarascáil ón mBreitheamh is Rapóirtéir
bullet; bullet point; bullet symbol
postal operator; postal services operator
oibreoir poist
sound government finances; sound public finances
airgeadas poiblí fónta
CEP; congenital erythropoietic porphyria; Günther's disease
galar Günther; porfaire eiritricítghinte ó bhroinn; porfaire eiritrighinte ó bhroinn
panel; panel discussion
díospóireacht phainéil
PR; public relations
caidreamh poiblí; PR
U.S.P.; unique selling point
gné uathúil dhíolacháin
E.S.P.; emotional selling point
an ghné is meallacaí den táirge
opioid receptor
gabhdóir ópóideach
movable point crossing; moveable point frog; swing nose crossing
froga pointí inghluaiste
multilateral review of the dispute
athbhreithniú iltaobhach ar an díospóid
dispute settlement system of the WTO; WTO dispute settlement mechanism
córas WTO um réiteach díospóidí
corrugated plate interceptor; CPI; CPI oil separator
CPI; idircheapóir plátaí rocacha
boiling point; boiling temperature
plug gap; spark plug gap; sparking plug point gap
tilted plate interceptor; TPI
idircheapóir plátaí claonta
SAFR; stoichiometric air/fuel ratio; stoichiometric fuel/air ratio; stoichiometric ideal air/fuel ratio; stoichiometric point; stoichiometric ratio
cóimheas stócaiméadrach aer/breosla idéalach; pointe stócaiméadrach
polje; turlough
póile; turlach
overriding public interest
leas poiblí sáraitheach
crystallisation point; crystallising point
pointe criostalúcháin
freezing point; freezing temperature
Assistant Rapporteur
Rapóirtéir Cúnta
jacking point
pointe seacála
pour point; pour-point temperature
PEG; poly(ethylene glycol); polyethylene glycol
gliocól poileitiléine
haematopoietic stem cell; haemopoietic stem cell; HSC
gaschill fhuilghinte; HSC
editorial publicity
poiblíocht eagarthóireachta
dispute whether the amount could be claimed
díospóid faoi an bhféadfaí an méid a éileamh nó nach bhféadfaí; díospóid faoin méid a bheith inéilimh
kappa opioid receptor; kappa receptor; KOP; κ receptor; κ-opioid receptor
gabhdóir k-ópóideach; KOP
offers in issue
tairiscint faoi dhíospóid
governmental accounting; public service accounting
cuntasaíocht rialtais; cuntasaíocht seirbhíse poiblí
fruticulture; pomology
examination for breed certification
scrúdú faoi chomhair deimhniúchán póir
seat reference point; SRP
pointe tagartha suíocháin; SRP
AFTN entry-exit points
pointí isteach-amach AFTN
mid-point of class
lárphointe aicme
indifference point; point of control; point of control of the oc curve
pointe neafaise; pointe neafaise den chuar oc
producer's risk point
pointe riosca an táirgeora
consumer's risk point
pointe priacail an tomhaltóra; pointe riosca an tomhaltóra
accelerator heel point; heel point
aerodrome reference point; ARP
pointe tagartha aeradróim
aerodynamic porosity
póiriúlacht aeraidinimiciúil
blade station
pointe tagartha lainne
burble point
pointe boirbéil
centre point mooring
múráil lárphointe
centre point pennant
igín lárphointe
centre point rigging
rigín lárphointe
CG datum point
pointe tagra CG; pointe tagra meáchanláir
characteristic exhaust velocity
sainluas sceite; treoluas ag an bpointe fágála; treoluas sainiúil sceite
check point
confluence point
pointe comhchumair
critical point
pointe criticiúil
first point of Aries
túsphointe Aries
impact point
pointe tuirlingthe
landing point
pointe tuirlingthe
leaving point
pointe fágála
loading point
pointe lastála
minimum pressure point
brúphointe íosta
PNR; point of no return
an pointe fillte is faide amach; PNR
point source
pointing; score judging; scoring
breed society
cumann póir
job content
dualgais poist
appointments budget
buiséad ceapachán
advances and loans to public corporations; advances on current account and loans to public law organizations; advances to public authorities; current account advances and loans to public corporations; current account credits and loans to public authorities; current loans and advances to public authorities
airleacain agus iasachtaí do chorparáidí poiblí
balance in postal cheque account; postal checking account; postal cheque account; postal cheque account balance
iarmhéid ar sheic-chuntas poist; seic-chuntas poist
point sound source; point source
melting point; melting temperature
leáphointe; pointe leáite
dew point; dewpoint
points; switch; turnout
jobseeker's allowance; JSA; unemployment benefit
liúntas cuardaitheora poist; sochar dífhostaíochta
trade dispute
díospóid trádála
job instability
éagobhsaíocht poist
sealbhóir poist
jobseeker; job-seeker; person seeking work
cuardaitheoir poist
industrial dispute; labour dispute
díospóid thionsclaíoch
discharge point; outfall; point of discharge
pointe sceite
point source
contract rate; job rate
ráta conartha; ráta poist
soil poisoning
truailliú ithreach
wind spoiler
bacóir gaoithe
maximum power point tracking; MPPT
rianú pointe uaschumhachta
point of sale location; point of sale situation; salespoint location
ionad an díolphointe; ionad an POS
point-of-sale terminal; POS terminal
críoch-ionad díolphointe; teirminéal POS
floating point operations per second; FLOPS
FLOPS; oibríochtaí snámhphointe sa soicind
public service obligation
oibleagáid seirbhíse poiblí
BIP; border inspection post
PCT; pointe cigireachta teorann
particular nutritional purpose
cuspóir áirithe cothaithe
blood poisoning; sepsis; septicaemia
point-to-point connection; point-to-point link
nasc ó phointe go pointe
economic potential; economic strength
acmhainneacht eacnamaíoch; poitéinseal eacnamaíoch
PA; PA system; public address; public-address system
córas fógartha poiblí
to point; to round up the news
achoimrigh; tabhair achoimre ar an nuacht
post and telecommunication charges
táillí poist agus teileachumarsáide
DAF syndrome; lipid histiocytosis; lipoid histiocytosis (classical phosphatide); Niemann-Pick disease; sphingomyelin lipidosis; sphingomyelinase deficiency
galar Niemann-Pick; histicíotóis liopóideach
pointe go hilphointe
dispensation; dispensing
poitigéireacht; urgnamh
ECD; Erdheim-Chester disease; lipoid granulomatosis
galar Erdheim-Chester; granalómatóis liopóideach
EPP; erythropoietic protoporphyria; protoporphyria
prótaporfairine eiritreapóéiseach
ATM; automated teller machine; automatic teller machine; cash dispenser; cash machine; cashpoint
dáileoir airgid; uathmheaisín bainc; UMB
branch point
choice public transport passenger; choice transit rider
paisinéir a roghnaíonn iompar poiblí
control centre; control office; control point
lárionad rialaithe
curve points
ladhróg ar cuar
data collection point
pointe bailithe sonraí
egress point
pointe fágála
exit speed
luas ag an bpointe fágála
facing points
ladhróga aghaidhe
fare sales point
ionad díolta ticéad
fare section point; fare stage
céim táillí
interlocked points
ladhróga comhghlasáilte
merge; merge point
pointe coinbhéirsithe
movable point frog
froga pointí inghluaiste
pneumatic point operation
aeroibriú ladhróige
point accessibility
inrochtaine pointe
point follower control
rialú idirachair leanta pointe
point heater; switch heater
téitheoir ladhróige
point-to-point service
seirbhís ó phointe go pointe
public service conglomerate
ilcuideachta seirbhíse poiblí
public timetable
amchlár poiblí
mass transit; public transit; transit
idirthuras poiblí
point follower control system; synchronous network control
rialú sioncrónach an ghréasáin
trailing points
ladhróga cúil
exchange point; interchange point; transfer point; transit point
pointe idirthurais
transit mall
meal le haghaidh coisithe agus iompar poiblí amháin
trip purpose
cuspóir turais
paisinéir a shiúlann chuig an bpointe imeachta
binomial distribution; binomial distribution theory; binomial theory; point binomial
dáileadh déthéarmach
point of origin
pointe tionscnaimh
point of destination
ceann scríbe
bench mark; benchmark; bench-mark; benchmark data; BM; reference data
pointe cóimheasa
percentage point
pointe céatadáin
PAMR; public access mobile radio
córas raidió soghluaiste poiblí; PAMR
equivalence point; stoichiometric point
pointe stócaiméadrach
pointe socraithe
genetic endpoint
críochphointe géiniteach
fire point
point-to-point communication link; point-to-point link
nasc ó phointe go pointe
ó phointe go pointe
multipurpose vessel; polyvalent vessel
soitheach ilchuspóireach
bow pointer; breast hook; breast knee; breasthook; forehook
fire point
dóphointe; lasphointe
base pair substitution; gene point mutation; point mutation; substitution mutation
ionadú péire bunaidh
CIPCE; Informations and Publicity Centre of the European Railways
Lárionad Faisnéise agus Poiblíochta do na hIarnróid Eorpacha
distribution point; DP
pointe dáileacháin
interconnection point; POI; point of interconnection
pointe idirnaisc
network termination point; NTP
críochphointe an líonra
public correspondence
comhfhreagras poiblí
PSTN; public switched telephone network
líonra poiblí lasctheileafóin; PSTN
biologic capacity; biologic potential; biological capacity; biological potential; biotic potential; gross biologic capacity; gross biological capacity; gross reproductive capacity; reproductive capacity; reproductive potential
poitéinseal bitheach
change point
pointe athraithe
check point; check station; checking station
pointe rialúcháin; stáisiún rialúcháin
gold point
M.T.; mail transfer
aistriú poist
sport fishing
iascaireacht spóirt
advertising objective
cuspóir fógraíochta
media couponing
cúpóin a scaiptear in irisí
media couponing
cúpóin a scaiptear sna nuachtáin laethúla
car card advertising
fógraíocht i bhfeithiclí poiblí
coupon redemption
fuascailt cúpóin
corporate affairs and consumer relations
caidreamh poiblí
flexible appointment plan
plean solúbtha coinní
mailling address
seoladh poist
public telephone sales
díolacháin teileafón poiblí
burning point; fire point; ignition point
Eastern Public Livestock Market
Margadh Poiblí Beostoic an Oirthir
public sale; sale by auction
díol ar ceant; díol poiblí
basis point
haematopoietic; haemopoietic; hematopoietic; hemopoietic
SPO; strategic planning objective
cuspóir pleanála straitéisí
access point; AP
pointe rochtana
point-contact cell; point-contact solar cell
grianchill teagmhálacha pointe
point of presence; POP
pointe rochtana Idirlín; POP
burning point; fire point; ignition point
adhaintphointe; dóphointe
poisonous substance; toxic chemical; toxic substance; toxicant
ceimiceán tocsaineach; substaint thocsaineach; tocsain
solid electrolyte potentiometric detector
brathadóir poitéinsiméadrach leictrilítí soladacha
break point chlorination
clóiríniú brisphointe
public enquiry; public inquiry
fiosrúchán poiblí
porous layer filter; porous wall filter
scagaire balla póiriúil; scagaire cisil póiriúil
potentiometric titration method
modh poitéinsiméadrach um thoirtmheascadh
remediation objective
cuspóir an fheabhsúcháin
rehabilitation and remediation objective
cuspóir athshlánaithe agus feabhsúcháin
plan for protecting public health
plean um chosaint na sláinte poiblí
pointe stócaiméadrach
point source pollution
truailliú poncfhoinse
protection measure at release point
beart cosanta ag an bpointe astaithe; beart cosanta ag an phointe astaithe
International Sports Organisation for the Disabled; ISOD
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta Spóirt do Dhaoine faoi Mhíchumas
Netherlands Institute of Certified Public Accountants; Netherlands Institute of Registered Accountants
Institiúid Cuntasóirí Poiblí Deimhnithe na hÍsiltíre
cut-off point; light cut-off point
postal charges; postal expenses
costais phoist; táillí poist
order point
pointe ordaithe stoic
discrete point sampling; discrete sampling; grab sampling; instantaneous sampling; spot sampling
devoid of purpose
gan aon chuspóir; gan chuspóir
pointing device
gléas pointeála
inflection point
pointe athchasaidh
actual point of interconnection
pointe idirnaisc iarbhír
public borrower
iasachtaí poiblí
public or private status of the debtor
stádas poiblí nó príobháideach an fhéichiúnaí
public entity which is subordinate to the central government
eagras poiblí atá faoi réir an rialtais láir
International Sport and Culture Association; ISCA
Cumann Idirnáisiúnta an Spóirt agus an Chultúir; ISCA