Torthaí beachta
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Torthaí gaolmhara
Related matches
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
MAP; MAPt; missed approach point
pointe ascnaimh iomraill
clinical symptom
siomptóm cliniciúil
electricity consumption; energy consumption; energy consumption of Energy-using Products
ídiú leictreachais
PEC; primary energy consumption
ídiú fuinnimh phríomhúil; tomhaltas fuinnimh phríomhúil
risk perception
braistint riosca
actual collective consumption
tomhaltas comhchoiteann iarbhír
actual final consumption
tomhaltas críochnaitheach iarbhír
actual individual consumption
tomhaltas aonair iarbhír
collective consumption expenditure
caiteachas ar thomhaltas comhchoiteann
consumption of fixed capital
ídiú an chaipitil sheasta
debt assumption
glacadh fiachais
final consumption expenditure
caiteachas ar thomhaltas críochnaitheach
individual consumption expenditure
caiteachas ar thomhaltas aonair
other financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pension funds
idirghabhálaithe airgeadais eile, cé is moite de chorparáidí árachais agus cistí pinsin
Egyptian Organisation for Human Rights; EOHR
an Eagraíocht Éigipteach um Chearta an Duine
foreign exchange forward; foreign-exchange forward transaction; forward exchange transaction; FX forward
idirbheart malairte eachtraí réamhcheaptha
natural language processing; NLP
próiseáil teanga nádúrtha; PTN
block exemption
carriage paid to; CPT
carraeireacht íoctha go dtí
capture of CO2; carbon dioxide capture; CO2 capture
gabháil dé-ocsaíde carbóin
cableway installation designed to carry passengers; cableway installation designed to carry persons
suiteáil chábla atá ceaptha chun daoine a iompar
acceptable operator exposure level; AOEL
leibhéal na neamhchosanta atá inghlactha ag an oibreoir
preferential arrangement; preferential trade arrangement; PTA
socrú fabhrach
capital subscription; subscription to the capital of the ECB
suibscríbhinn le caipiteal BCE; suibscríobh an chaipitil
capacity; cylinder capacity; displacement; engine capacity; engine displacement; engine total swept volume; swept volume
toilleadh innill
classification of individual consumption by purpose; COICOP
aicmiú tomhaltais aonair de réir cuspóra
adoption allowance; adoption grant
liúntas uchtála
POSEI; Programme of Options Specifically Relating to Remoteness and Insularity
Clár de roghanna a bhaineann go sonrach le hiargúltacht agus le hoileánacht
Preparatory Committee for the NPT Review Conference; Preparatory Committee for the Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
Coiste Ullmhúcháin na Comhdhála Athbhreithnithe de chuid na bPáirtithe sa Chonradh maidir le Neamhleathadh Arm Núicléach; Coiste Ullmhúcháin na Comhdhála Athbhreithnithe NPT
combating corruption; fight against corruption
éillitheacht a chomhrac
captive use
úsáid faoi chuing
ELR; exceptional leave to enter or remain (ELE/R); exceptional leave to remain
cead eisceachtúil chun dul isteach nó chun fanacht
barrier option; trigger option
rogha bhacainneach
MOP; mu receptor; mu-opioid receptor; μ-opioid receptor; μ-receptor
gabhdóir mu-ópóideach
dopamine receptor
gabhdóir dopaimín
analeptic; stimulant
lean-burn concept; lean-burn engine concept; lean-burn engine technology; lean-burn technology
teicneolaíocht dó ísil
acceptance credit; acceptance facility
creidmheas glacachta
Egyptian tortoise
toirtís Éigipteach
absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion; ADME
ADME; ionsú, dáileadh, meitibileacht agus eisfhearadh
cryptographic algorithm; cryptologic algorithm; encipherment algorithm; encryption algorithm
algartam cripteagrafach; algartam criptiúcháin
mini laptop; netbook; subnotebook; ultralight; ultraportable
mionríomhaire glúine
false accept rate; false acceptance rate; false positive rate; FAR; fraud rate; type II error
FAR; ráta glactha bhréagaigh
aggregate anthropogenic carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of greenhouse gases
astaíochtaí antrapaigineacha comhiomlána de gháis ceaptha teasa léirithe mar choibhéis dé-ocsaíde carbóin
adaptation action; adaptation measure
beart oiriúnúcháin; gníomhaíocht oiriúnúcháin
material reception conditions
coinníollacha ábhartha glactha
acceptable error rate; tolerable error rate
ráta earráide inghlactha
GAAS; generally accepted auditing standard
caighdeán iniúchóireachta a bhfuil glacadh coitianta leis
outline system description
tuairisc imlíneach ar an gcóras
captive market
margadh faoi chuing
Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System; Harmonised System; HS
CC; Córas Comhchuibhithe; Córas Comhchuibhithe um Thuairisciú agus um Chódú Tráchtearraí
intended for human consumption
a ceapadh lena chaitheamh ag an duine
clearance for home use; release for consumption; release for home use; release to the market
imréiteach chun úsáide sa stát
berseem; Egyptian clover
seamair Éigipteach
bank acceptance
glacacht bainc
acceptor (bills of exchange)
glacthóir (billí malairte)
blocked account
cuntas stoptha
capital redemption operations
oibríochtaí fuascailte caipitil
forward; forward contract
conradh réamhcheaptha
acceptance credit
creidmheas glacachta
general acceptance
glacadh ginearálta
instrument appointing an official
ionstraim lena gceaptar oifigeach
Madrid Agreement for the Repression of False or Deceptive Indications of Source on Goods
Comhaontú Mhaidrid chun cosc a chur ar Fhaisnéis Bhréagach nó Mhíthreorach a bheith ar Earraí faoina dTionscnamh
ophthalmic optician
optaiméadraí; radharceolaí oftalmach
medicinal product not subject to prescription; non-prescription medicinal product; non-prescription medicine; OTC drug; OTC medicine; over-the-counter drug; over-the-counter medicine
cógas thar an gcuntar
Institute for Prospective Technological Studies; IPTS
an Institiúid um Staidéar ar Ionchais Teicneolaíochta
aptitude test
triail inniúlachta
capital redemption
fuascailt caipitil
advice of delivery; advice of receipt; AR; confirmation of delivery; delivery confirmation; proof of delivery
admháil fála
thermal nuclear absorption
ionsúchán núicléach teirmeach
to adopt (rules of procedure)
glac (rialacha nós imeachta)
to be in receipt of; to benefit from; to qualify for
tairbhigh de
abrupt and major change
mórathrú tobann
AC; Adaptation Committee
an Coiste um Oiriúnú
Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles and the conditions for reciprocal recognition of approvals granted on the basis of these
an Comhaontú maidir le glacadh saintreoracha teicniúla aonfhoirmeacha d'fheithiclí rothacha, do threalamh agus do pháirteanna is féidir a fheistiú agus/nó a úsáid ar fheithiclí rothacha agus ar na coinníollacha maidir le ceadanna arna ndeonú ar bhonn na s; Comhaontú maidir le glacadh saintreoracha teicniúla aonfhoirmeacha d'fheithiclí rothacha, do threalamh agus do pháirteanna is féidir a fheistiú agus/nó a úsáid ar fheithiclí rothacha agus ar na coinníollacha chun ceadanna bunaithe orthu sin a aithint go c
water intended for human consumption
uisce a bheartaítear le hól ag an duine
greenhouse effect
iarmhairt ceaptha teasa
exemption from value added tax; exemption from VAT; VAT exemption
díolúine ó CBL
act of acceptance; instrument of acceptance
ionstraim ghlactha
Protocol on INTELSAT Privileges, Exemptions and Immunities
Prótacal um Pribhléidí, Saoirseachtaí agus Díolúintí INTELSAT; Prótacal um Pribhléidí, Saoirseachtaí agus Díolúintí na hEagraíochta Idirnáisiúnta um Shatailítí Teileachumarsáide
Optional Protocol
prótacal roghnach
Protocol amending Article 14 (3) of the European Agreement of 30 September 1957 concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR)
Prótacal lena leasítear Airteagal 14 (3) de Chomhaontú Eorpach an 30 Meán Fómhair 1957 i dtaobh Iompar Idirnáisiúnta Earraí Contúirteacha de Bhóthar (ADR)
Optional Protocol concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes
Prótacal roghnach maidir le Réiteach Éigeantach Díospóidí
Protocol on the interpretation by the Court of Justice of the Convention of 27 September 1968 on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgements in civil and commercial matters
Prótacal ar léiriú ag an gCúirt Bhreithiúnais ar Choinbhinsiún an 27 Meán Fómhair 1968 ar dhlínse agus ar fhorghníomhú breithiúnas in ábhair shibhialta agus tráchtála
Subscriptions to Newspapers and Periodicals Agreement
an Comhaontú um shíntiúis le nuachtáin agus tréimhseacháin
chaptalisation; dry sugaring
absorption capacity; absorptive capacity
acmhainn ionsúcháin
International Load Line Exemption Certificate
Deimhniú Díolúine Ualachlíne Idirnáisiúnta
intermediate consumption
tomhaltas idirmheánach
Convention on the Free Issue of Certificates of Civil Status and Exemption from the Need for Legalisation
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Teastais Stádais Shibhialta a Eisiúint Saor in Aisce agus le Díolúine ón Riachtanas Fíoraithe
European Convention for the protection of animals kept for farming purposes
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Cosaint Ainmhithe a Choinnítear le haghaidh Feirmeoireachta
HS Convention; International Convention on the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System; International Convention on the Harmonised System
Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta ar an gCóras Comhchuibhithe um Thuairisciú agus um Chódú Tráchtearraí
exemption from the visa requirement; visa waiver
díolúine ón gceanglas víosa; tarscaoileadh víosa
CEPT; European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations
CEPT; Comhdháil Eorpach na Riarachán Poist agus Teileachumarsáide
summary of acts adopted by the written procedure
achoimre ar na gníomhartha a glacadh de réir an nóis imeachta i scríbhinn
presumption of law
toimhde dlí
by-catch; incidental capture; incidental catch
foghabháil éisc
acceptable daily intake; ADI; admissible daily intake
ADI; iontógáil laethúil inghlactha
Working Party on Tax Questions; WPTQ
an Mheitheal um Cheisteanna Cánach
legal classification; legal description
tuairisc dhlíthiúil
chapter; negotiating chapter; negotiation chapter
caibidil idirbheartaíochta
Partial Test Ban Treaty; PTBT; Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water
an Conradh lena gcoisctear Tástálacha Arm Núicléach san Atmaisféar, sa Chianspás agus Faoi Uisce; an Conradh Páirtchoiscthe trialacha
Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law and Recognition of Decrees Relating to Adoptions
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Dlínse, an Dlí is Infheidhme agus Aithint na bhForaithní a bhaineann le hUchtáil
OPA; OPT; outward processing; outward processing arrangements; outward processing procedure; outward processing traffic
NIPA; nós imeachta próiseála amach; próiseáil amach
Non-Proliferation Treaty; NPT; Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty; Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
an Conradh maidir le Neamhleathadh; an Conradh maidir le Neamhleathadh Arm Núicléach; NPT
adaptation to the economic development
oiriúnú don fhorbairt eacnamaíoch
inchurtha in oiriúint; inoiriúnaithe
PLC; public company limited by shares; public limited company; public limited liability company; stock corporation
cpt; cuideachta phoiblí faoi theorainn scaireanna; cuideachta phoiblí theoranta
description; description of the invention
tuairisc; tuairisc ar an aireagán
detailed description
cur síos mionsonraithe; miontuairisc
the description of the product
tuairisc an táirge
to exempt
option; option contract
céadrogha ar stoc; scair-rogha
optimum utilisation
an úsáid is fearr is féidir; go n-úsáidfear mar is fearr is féidir
exemption from costs or expenses
díolúine ó chostais nó ó speansais
expansion of consumption
forleathnú an tomhaltais; forleathnú ar úsáid earraí
uninterrupted application
feidhmiú neamhbhriste
European Agreement of 16 September 1950 supplementing the 1949 Convention on Road Traffic and the 1949 Protocol on Road Signs and Signals
Comhaontú Eorpach an 16 Meán Fómhair 1950 ag forlíonadh Choinbhinsiún 1949 um Thrácht ar Bhóithre agus Phrótacal 1949 um Chomharthaíocht Bóithre
universality of insolvency; universality of the bankruptcy
uilíocht na féimheachta
European Convention on Certain International Aspects of Bankruptcy; Istanbul Convention
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Gnéithe Idirnáisiúnta Áirithe den Fhéimheacht
to give to...the means to adapt... to ...
é a chur ar inmhe ... a chur in oiriúint do...
total customs receipts
iomlán na bhfáltas custaim
the dates laid down for import
na dátaí atá ceaptha don allmhairiúchán
description of the witness
tuairisc an fhinné
readaptation of the work force
athoiriúnú an lucht oibre
adhmáil; fáltas
reception apparatus
gaireas glactha
representative centre of consumption
lárionad tomhaltais ionadaíoch
depending on which of those institutions adopted the acts
ag brath ar cibé ceann nó eile de na hinstitiúidí sin a ghlac na hionstraimí
Advisory Group on Greenhouse Gases; AGGG
Grúpa Comhairleach maidir le Gáis Cheaptha Teasa
flexible adaptation
oiriúnú solúbtha
aimed at
atá ceaptha chun; atá dírithe ar
exceptional review procedures; exceptional review proceedings
imeachtaí athbhreithniúcháin; nós imeachta eisceachtúil athbhreithniúcháin
commercial description; trade description
tuairisc thrádála
port reception facility; waste reception facility
saoráid glactha calafoirt
exemption clause
clásal díolúine
Convention concerning the Partial Revision of the Conventions Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its First Thirty-two Sessions for the Purpose of Standardising the Provisions regarding the Preparation of Reports ; Final Articles Revision Convention, 1961
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le páirtleasú na gCoinbhinsiún arna nglacadh ag Comhdháil Ghinearálta na hEagraíochta Idirnáisiúnta Saothair ag an dá sheisiún is tríocha tosaigh ar mhaithe le caighdeánú na bhforálacha a bhaineann le hullmhú na dtuarascálacha ag Co
cyclical recovery; cyclical upswing; cyclical upturn; economic recovery; economic revival; economic upswing; increase in economic activity; upward trend
téarnamh eacnamaíoch; téarnamh geilleagrach
deception; deliberate action
Convention for the Partial Revision of the Conventions Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at Its First Twenty-eight Sessions for the Purpose of Making Provision for the Future Discharge of Certain Chancery Functions; Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hathbhreithniú páirteach ar na coinbhinsiúin a ghlac Comhdháil Ghinearálta an EIS ina céad ocht seisiún is fiche
GIEC; gross inland energy consumption
oll-ídiú fuinnimh intíre
CPT; European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Cosc ar Chéasadh agus ar Íde agus ar Phíonós atá Mídhaonna nó Táireach; CPT
adapter (adaptor)
European Convention on the Adoption of Children
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le hUchtáil Leanaí
bankruptcy law
dlí féimheachta
the bankrupt
climbing French bean
pónaire fhrancach dhreaptha; pónaire fhrancach fhéithleannach
exemption from tax; exemption from tax liability; tax exemption
díolúine ó cháin
government consumption; public consumption
tomhaltas poiblí
consumption patterns
patrún tomhaltais
description; description of goods; description of the goods
tuairisc ar earraí
interruptive and procedural motions
tairiscintí idiragartha agus nós imeachta
consumption tax; tax on consumption
cáin tomhaltais
JD; job description
sainchuntas poist
GHG; greenhouse gas
gás ceaptha teasa; GCT
closing date for submission of tenders; time limit for the receipt of tenders; time limit for the submission of tenders
an dáta deiridh a nglacfar le tairiscintí; an dáta deiridh do thaisceadh tairiscintí
opt-out; opt-out clause; opt-out provision
clásal rogha an diúltaithe
policy option
rogha stráitéiseach
infection with viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus; viral haemorrhagic septicaemia
seipticéime fuilreatha víreasach
final consumption
tomhaltas deiridh
When Member States adopt those measures, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such reference on the occasion of their official publication. The methods of making such a reference shall be laid down by the Member Stat
Nuair a ghlacfaidh na Ballstáit na bearta sin, beidh iontu tagairt don Treoir sin nó gabhfaidh an tagairt sin leo tráth a bhfoilsithe oifigiúil. Is iad na Ballstáit a leagfaidh síos na modhanna ina ndéanfar an tagairt sin
blue runner
bolmán Éigipteach
ethical drug; medicinal product subject to medical prescription; POM; prescription drug; prescription medicine; prescription only medicine; prescription pharmaceutical; prescription-only medicinal product; Rx drug
cógas ar oideas amháin; druga ar oideas
Convention for the Adaptation of the Principles of the Geneva Convention to Maritime War
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le prionsabail Choinbhinsiún na Ginéive a Oiriúnú do chogadh muirí
Convention for the Exemption of Hospital Ships, in Time of War, from The Payment of all Dues and Taxes Imposed for the Benefit of the State; Hague Convention on Hospital Ships
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le díolúine longa ospidéil le linn cogaidh ó íocaíochtaí dleachtanna agus cánacha a gearradh ar mhaithe leis an stát; Coinbhinsiún na Háige i dtaobh Longa Ospidéil
Convention relative to Certain Restrictions on the Right of Capture in Maritime Law
an Coinbhinsiún a bhaineann le Srianta Áirithe maidir leis an gCeart Gabhála sa Dlí Muirí
in exceptional cases
i gcásanna eisceachtúla
exemption from all duties and charges
díolúine ó gach dleacht agus muirear
in exceptional circumstances
i gcásanna eisceachtúla; in imthosca eisceachtúla
date of advance redemption
dáta réamhfhuascailte
chemical description
tuairisc cheimiceach
exempt from
díolmhaithe ó; saortha ó
prompt protective action
beart caomhnaitheach pras; beart cosantach pras
exempt from all direct taxes
díolmhaithe ó gach cáin dhíreach; saortha ó gach cáin dhíreach.
conditions governing the exemption
coinníollacha a rialaíonn an díolúine
products which are not intended for specifically military purposes
táirgí nach bhfuil ceaptha chun críocha míleata go sonrach
products intended for export
táirgí atá ceaptha lena n-onnmhairiú; táirgí atá le honnmhairiú
adaptation of production
oiriúnú na táirgeachta
to exempt
practice designed to ...
cleachtas a bheidh ceaptha chun ...
exceptionally large reduction
laghdú as cuimse; laghdú thar cuimse
exceptional expedient
beart eisceachtúil; seift ar leith
producers' receipts
fáltais na dtáirgeoirí
tobacco consumption
caitheamh tobac
receipts from the sale of international air tickets
fáltais as aerthicéid idirnáisiúnta a dhíol
magnetic or optical readers
léitheoirí maighnéadacha nó optúla
animals unfit for human consumption
ainmhithe atá mí-oiriúnach mar bhia don duine
unfit for human consumption
mí-oiriúnach lena gcaitheamh ag an duine; mí-oiriúnach mar bhia don duine
reception chain for satellite television programmes
slabhra glactha do chláir theilifíse satailíte
individual reception (communal)
glacadh aonair/comhchoiteann
to encourage scriptwriting
cothaigh scríbhneoireacht scripte
description of the signatory
tuairisc an tsínitheora
cryptographic device
gléas cripteagrafaíochta
description; details
d/a; documents against acceptance
doiciméid i gcoinne glactha
presumption of innocence
toimhde na neamhchiontachta
adaptation to industrial changes
oiriúnú d'athruithe tionsclaíocha
Member State with an exemption
Ballstát go ndíolúine
presumption of validity
toimhde bailíochta
SO; stock option
céadrogha ar scaireanna
Arab Republic of Egypt; EGY; Egypt
an Éigipt; Poblacht Arabach na hÉigipte
going concern assumption; going concern basis; principle of continuity
gnóthas leantach; prionsabal an leanúnachais
ICCPR-OP2; Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty
an Dara Prótacal roghnach don Chúnant idirnáisiúnta ar chearta sibhialta agus polaitiúla, ar mhaithe le pionós an bháis a dhíothú
adoption by the Council of acts which require unanimity
an Chomhairle do ghlacadh le gníomhartha ar gá aontoilíocht dóibh
key for capital subscription; key for subscription of the ECB's capital; key for subscription to the capital of the European Central Bank; key for subscription to the European Central Bank’s capital; subscription key to the ECB's capital
an scála le haghaidh shuibscríobh an chaipitil
ICCPR-OP1; Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Prótacal Roghnach a ghabhann leis an gCúnant Idirnáisiúnta ar Chearta Sibhialta agus Polaitiúla
Protocol of Amendment to the European Convention for the Protection of Animals Kept for Farming Purposes
Prótacal lena leasaítear an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Cosaint Ainmhithe a choimeádtar chun críocha Feirmeoireachta
GHG emissions; greenhouse gas emissions
astaíochtaí gás ceaptha teasa
exceptionally; in exceptional circumstances
rock ptarmigan
reception centre
ionad fáiltithe; ionad glactha
measures in exceptional circumstances (emergency aid)
bearta in imthosca eisceachtúla (cabhair éigeandála)
Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Intercountry Adoption
an Coinbhinsiún um Chosaint Leanaí agus um Chomhar i leith Uchtála idir Tíortha
interception of telecommunications
idircheapadh teileachumarsáide
the average per capita consumption of fish
meán-tomhaltas éisc per capita
non-application of Chapter II
neamhchur i bhfeidhm Chaibidil II
Committee for the Prevention of Torture; Council of Europe Anti-Torture Committee; CPT; European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
an Coiste Eorpach chun Céastóireacht agus Íde nó Pionós atá Mídhaonna nó Táireach a Chosc; CPT
in clear script
i scríbhinn shoiléir
laptop; laptop computer; notebook; notebook computer; portable computer
ríomhaire glúine
harmonised index of consumer prices; HICP
ICPT; innéacs comhchuibhithe praghsanna do thomhaltóirí
exemption from tax
díolúine ó cháin
éillitheacht; éilliú
ECPI; EICP; European Consumer Price Index; European index of consumer prices
IEPT; innéacs Eorpach praghsanna do thomhaltóirí
interruption of the period of limitation
briseadh tréimhse teorann
International Police Task Force; IPTF; UN-IPTF; United Nations International Police Task Force
an Tascfhórsa Idirnáisiúnta Póilíní; IPTF
abandonment of attempt
iarracht a thréigean
option price
praghas céadrogha
no regret option; no regrets measure; no-regret measure
beart ''gan aiféala''
NPT Review Conference; Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference; Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
an Chomhdháil Athbhreithnithe NPT; Comhdháil Athbhreithnithe an Chonartha maidir le Neamhleathadh Arm Núicléach; Comhdháil Athbhreithnithe de chuid na bPáirtithe sa Chonradh maidir le Neamhleathadh Arm Núicléach
agenda items released to the public concerning the final adoption of Council acts
míreanna ón gclár oibre arna scaoileadh don phobal maidir le glacadh críochnaitheach gníomhartha ón gComhairle; míreanna ón gclár oibre arna scaoileadh don phobal maidir le glacadh deiridh gníomhartha ón gComhairle
Other decisions (Adopted without discussion. In the case of legislative acts, votes against or abstentions are indicated. Decisions containing statements which the Council has decided may be released to the public or explanations of vote are asterisked; t
Cinntí eile (Arna nglacadh gan díospóireacht. I gcás gníomhartha reachtacha, léirítear vótaí in aghaidh nó staonadh. Is trí réiltín a chuirfear in iúl cinntí arna nglacadh le ráitis nó míniúchán ar vótáil ar shocraigh an Chomhairle go bhféadfaí iad a eisi
option paper; options paper
doiciméad maidir le roghanna
FEC; final energy consumption
ídiú fuinnimh deiridh; tomhaltas deiridh fuinnimh
sample container; specimen receptacle
coimeádán samplaí
WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty; WPPT
Conradh WIPO um Thaibhithe agus Fónagraim
bultúr Éigipteach
reception conditions; reception conditions for applicants for international protection
coinníollacha glactha; coinníollacha maidir le glacadh iarrthóirí tearmainn; dálaí glactha
ELR; exceptional leave to remain
cead eisceachtúil chun fanacht
national greenhouse gas inventory; national inventory of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of all greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol
fardal náisiúnta de gháis cheaptha teasa; fardal náisiúnta maidir le hastaíochtaí antrapaigineacha ag foinsí agus aistriú linnte na ngás ceaptha teasa uile nach bhfuil rialaithe ag Prótacal Montréal.
leaching of fermented grape marc
láisteadh marc fíonchaor coipthe
first reception; first-level reception; first-line reception
glacadh ar an gcéad líne
argued policy options paper
doiciméad áitithe maidir le roghanna beartas
greenhouse gas precursor; precursor of a greenhouse gas; precursor to a greenhouse gas
réamhtheachtaí gáis ceaptha teasa
NPT Review and Extension Conference; Review and Extension Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
Comhdháil na bPáirtithe sa Chonradh maidir le Neamhleathadh Arm Núicléach chun athbhreithniú a dhéanamh air agus síneadh a chur leis
GRECO; Group of States against Corruption
Grúpa Stát i gcoinne na hÉillitheachta; GSE
Criminal Law Convention on Corruption
an Coinbhinsiún Dlí Choiriúil maidir le hÉilliú
AD; audio description
items adopted without discussion; items approved without debate
míreanna arna nglacadh gan díospóireacht
waste acceptance procedure
nós imeachta um ghlacadh le dramhaíl
Member States shall determine the penalties applicable to breaches of the national provisions adopted pursuant to this Directive. Those penalties shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive.
cinnfidh na Ballstáit na pionóis is infheidhme má dhéantar na forálacha náisiúnta arna nglacadh de bhun na treorach seo a shárú. Beidh na pionóis sin éifeachtach, comhréireach agus athchomhairleach
Item on which a procedural decision may be adopted by Coreper in accordance with Article 19(7) of the Council's Rules of Procedure.
mír ar ar féidir le Coreper cinneadh nós imeachta a ghlacadh i gcomhréir le hAirteagal 19(7) de Rialacha Nós Imeachta na Comhairle
Each Member State shall determine the sanctions to be imposed where the provisions of this Regulation are infringed. Such sanctions shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive. Pending the adoption, where necessary, of any legislation to this end, th
Socróidh gach Ballstát na smachtbhannaí a bheidh le forchur nuair a shárófar forálacha an Rialacháin seo. Beidh forálacha den sórt sin éifeachtach, comhréireach agus athchomhairleach. Go dtí go nglacfar, más gá, reachtaíocht ar bith chun na críche sin, ci
Civil Law Convention on Corruption
an Coinbhinsiún Dlí Shibhialta maidir le hÉilliú
opt-in; opt-in clause; opt-in provision
clásal na saor-rogha
OP-CEDAW; Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
Prótacal roghnach a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún maidir le gach cineál idirdhealaithe in aghaidh na mban a dhíothú
military strategic option; MSO
rogha straitéiseach mhíleata
comprehensive concept of security
coincheap cuimsitheach na slándála
Green Paper on greenhouse gas emissions trading within the European Union
Páipéar Uaine maidir le trádáil laistigh den Aontas Eorpach d'astaíochtaí gás ceaptha teasa
CMC SPT; Support to Chairman of the European Union Military Committee
Tacaíocht do Chathaoirleach Choiste Míleata an Aontais Eorpaigh
longneck croaker; PTY
grágaire fadmhuineálach
Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict; Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict
Prótacal Roghnach a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún um Chearta an Linbh maidir leis an bpáirt a bhíonn ag leanaí i gcoinbhleacht armtha
Optional Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography; Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography
Prótacal Roghnach a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún um Chearta an Linbh maidir le díol leanaí, striapachas leanaí agus pornagrafaíocht leanaí
defence in depth
cosaint ar doimhneacht
concept of operations; CONOPS
coincheap na n-oibríochtaí
concepts of police forces
coincheapa maidir le fórsaí póilíneachta
UN Convention against Corruption; UNCAC; United Nations Convention against Corruption
Coinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe in aghaidh an Éillithe
In accordance with Articles 1 and 2 of Protocol No 22 on the position of Denmark, annexed to the Treaty on European Union and to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Denmark is not taking part in the adoption of this [instrument] and is no
I gcomhréir le hAirteagal 1 agus le hAirteagal 2 de Phrótacal (Uimh. 22) maidir le seasamh na Danmhairge, atá i gceangal leis an gConradh ar an Aontas Eorpach agus leis an gConradh ar Fheidhmiú an Aontais Eorpaigh, níl an Danmhairg rannpháirteach i nglaca
SCATMIN; scatterable mine; SM
mianach inscaipthe
Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Arab Republic of Egypt, of the other part
an Comhaontú Eora-Mheánmhara lena mbunaítear comhlachas idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus a mBallstáit, de pháirt, agus Ríocht Haisimíteach na hIordáine, den pháirt eile
Documents referenced in the text are available on the Council's Internet site ( Acts adopted with statements for the Council minutes which may be released to the public are indicated by an asterisk; these statements are ava
Doiciméad a dtugtar tagairtí dóibh sa téacs, tá siad ar fáil ar láithreán gréasáin na Comhairle ( Is trí réiltín a chuirfear in iúl Gníomhartha arna nglacadh le ráitis le haghaidh mhiontuairiscí na Comhairle ar féidir iad a
ESAC; ESAC-Net; European Surveillance of Antibiotic Consumption; European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption; European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption Network
an Tionscadal Eorpach um Fhaireachas ar Thomhailt Ábhar Frithmhiocróbach; ESAC
CMC; Crisis Management Concept
coincheap na bainistíochta géarchéime
Military Strategic Option Directive; MSOD
treoir um rogha straitéiseach mhíleata
Committee on the monitoring mechanism of Community CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions
an Coiste um meicníocht monatóireachta astaíochtaí CO2 agus gás ceaptha teasa eile sa Chomhphobal
Committee for the adaptation to scientific and technical progress and implementation of the directives on waste
An Coiste um oiriúnú don dul chun cinn eolaíoch agus teicniúil agus um chur chun feidhme na dtreoracha maidir le dramhaíl
Where declarations, conclusions or resolutions have been formally adopted by the Council, this is indicated in the heading for the item concerned and the text is placed between quotation marks.
Sa chás inar ghlac an Chomhairle dearbhuithe, conclúidí nó rúin go foirmiúil, cuirtear sin in iúl sa cheannteideal den ítim lena mbaineann agus cuirtear an téacs idir comharthaí athfhriotail.
greenhouse gas emissions permit
cead astaíochtaí gás ceaptha teasa
PEC; Pilot Exemption Certificate; Pilotage Exemption Certificate
deimhniú diolúine píolótaíochta
F-gas; fluorinated gas; fluorinated greenhouse gas
gás ceaptha teasa fluairínithe
pectenotoxin; PTX
state capture
greamú stáit
Police Strategic Option; PSO
PSO; rogha straitéiseach póilíneachta
Civilian Strategic Option; CSO
Rogha Straitéiseach Shibhialtach
accepted market practice; AMP
AMP; cleachtas aitheanta margaidh
EU Military Rapid Response Concept; EU MRRC
Coincheap Mearfhreagartha Míleata AE
certificate representing shares; depositary receipt; depository receipt
admháil taisclainne
mechanism for monitoring Community greenhouse gas emissions and for implementing the Kyoto Protocol
sásra chun faireachán a dhéanamh ar astaíochtaí gás ceaptha teasa de chuid an Chomhphobail agus maidir le Prótacal Kyoto a chur chun feidhme
Adaptation Fund; Adaptation Fund under the Kyoto Protocol; AF; Kyoto Protocol Adaptation Fund
Ciste Oiriúnaithe; Ciste Oiriúnaithe Phrótacal Kyoto
collapsed state
stát dínasctha; stát teipthe
ACAA; Agreement on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of industrial products
ACAA; an Comhaontú maidir le Measúnú Comhréireachta agus Glactha de Tháirgí Tionsclaíocha
concept of safe third country; safe third country concept; safe third country principle
coincheap maidir le tríú tír sábháílte; prionsabal maidir le tríú tír sábháilte
acoustic deterrent device; acoustic harassment device; ADD; AHD; pinger; scrammer; seal scarer; seal scrammer
feiste fuaimchiaptha
dirty bomb; radiological dispersal device; radiological weapon; RDD
buama salach; gléas scaipthe ábhair raideolaíoch; RDD
conceptual modelling
samhaltú coincheapúil
EU emissions trading scheme; EU emissions trading system; EU ETS; scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community
EU ETS; Scéim AE i ndáil le Trádáil Astaíochtaí; scéim i ndáil le trádáil lamháltas astaíochtaí gás ceaptha teasa laistigh den Chomhphobal
The expenditure shall be managed in accordance with the procedures and rules applicable to the general budget of the European Communities with the exception that any pre-financing shall not remain the property of the Community
Déanfar an caiteachas a bhainistiú i gcomhréir leis na nósanna imeachta agus na rialacha is infheidhme maidir le buiséad ginearálta na gComhphobal Eorpach ach amháin nach bhfanfaidh aon réamh-mhaoiniú faoi úinéireacht an Chomhphobail
AIRAPT; International Association for the Advancement of High Pressure Science and Technology
an Comhlachas Idirnáisiúnta chun Eolaíocht agus Teicneolaíocht Ardbhrú a chur ar aghaidh
ICPTO; International China Painting Teachers Organisation
Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta Múinteoirí Péinteála Poircealláin
manuscript; MS
lámhscríbhinn; LS
5,6-benzoflavone; β-naphthoflavone
gas chromatography with an electron capture detector
crómatagrafaíocht gháis le brathadóir leictreonghabhála
apple green crinkle disease; green crinkle
galar glaschraptha an úill
HA; HAD; haemadsorption; hemadsorption
dissolved oxygen uptake rate; DOUR; OUR; oxygen uptake rate
ráta ionsúite ocsaigine tuaslagtha
ADAPT; Adaptation of the Workforce to Industrial Change; Community initiative on adaptation of the workforce to industrial change
tionscnamh Comhphobail um an lucht saothair a oiriúnú d'athruithe tionsclaíocha
fibre to the basement; fibre to the building; FTTB
snáithín optúil chomh fada leis an bhfoirgneamh
ICP; ICP-AES; ICP-OES; inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry; inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy; inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry
ICP-AES; speictriméadracht astaíochta adamhaí le plasma cúpláilte go hionduchtach
financing option
rogha maoinithe
prompt notification
fógra pras
differential between financing options
difreálach idir na roghanna maoiniúcháin
peptidase; protease; proteolytic enzyme
einsím phróitéalaíoch
optical axis
ais optúil
depth of net
doimhneacht an lín
optional set-aside
cur i leataobh roghnach
forwarder's receipt
admháil an tseoltóra
adjudication of bankruptcy; declaration of bankruptcy; decree of bankruptcy
dearbhú féimheachta
capital-deepening investment; deepening capital; deepening investment; intensive investment; investment in depth
infheistíocht doimhnithe caipitil
option; share option; stock option
cryptanalytic function
feidhm chrioptanailíseach
adaptor RNA; soluble RNA; sRNA; transfer ribonucleic acid; transfer RNA; tRNA; t-RNA
aigéad ribeanúicléasach traschuir; RNA traschuir; t-RNA
transcription activator; transcriptional activator
músclóir tras-scríofa
adrenergic receptor; adrenoreceptor
gabhdóir aidréineirgeach
acetylcholine receptor; AChR; cholinergic receptor; cholinoceptor
gabhdóir aicéitiolchoilín
beta antagonist; beta-adrenergic antagonist; beta-adrenergic blocking agent; beta-adrenoreceptor antagonist; beta-blocker; β-adrenergic antagonist; β-adrenergic blocking agent; β-adrenoreceptor antagonist; β-antagonist; β-blocker
adrenergic blocking agent; adrenergic receptor antagonist; adrenolytic
redemption date; repayment date
dáta aisíocaíochta; dáta fuascailte
amortization scheme; amortization table; redemption plan; redemption schedule
sceideal amúchta
optional dividend
díbhinn roghnach
issue with preemptive right; rights issue; rights offering
eisiúint de cheart
prothrombin time; PT
aga prótroimbine; PT
foirmeánacht dreaptha
bolt gun; captive bolt gun; captive bolt pistol; captive bolt stunner
optical rotation
rothlú optúil
receipts of the financial year; revenue of a financial year
fáltais na bliana airgeadais; ioncam bliana airgeadais
budget chapter; chapter
caibidil; caibidil den bhuiséad
GAAP; general accounting principle; generally accepted accounting principles
caighdeáin chuntasaíochta a bhfuil glacadh coitianta leo; cleachtas cuntasaíochta a bhfuil glacadh leis; cleachtas cuntasíochta a nglactar i gcoitinne leis; GAAP; prionsabail chuntasaíochta a bhfuil glactha leo go ginearálta
anticonvulsant; anti-convulsant drug; antiepileptic; antiepileptic agent; anti-epileptic drug
druga frith-bhaoth-thonnach
laser; optical maser
food acceptability
fulaingt ar bhia
option agreement
option right to repurchase
ceart athcheannaigh
bearer deposit receipt
admháil taisce iompróra
exemption from notification
díolúine ó fhógra
back scatter cross-section
an trasghearradh den chúlscaipeadh; trasghearradh cúlscaipthe
volumetric absorption coefficient
comhéifeacht ionsúcháin thoirtmhéadraigh
adaptive cancellation system
córas cealúcháin oiriúnaithigh
co-polar adaptive power control
rialú ar chumhacht chomhpholach oiriúnaitheach
adaptive value
luach oiriúnaitheach
burst disc; bursting disc; bursting disk; frangible disc; rupture disk; safety disc
diosca bristeach
market uptake; marketing
market disruption
míshocracht sa mhargadh
forward rate
ráta réamhcheaptha
bank money; deposit money; money of account; representative money; scriptural money
airgead taisce
alanine aminotransferase; alanine transaminase; ALAT; ALT; glutamic-pyruvic transaminase; GPT; serum alanine aminotransferase; serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase; SPGT
ALT; trasaimíonáis alainín
adaptive radiation
scaipeadh oiriúnaitheach
risk perception
braistint riosca
descriptive study
staidéar tuairisciúil
option exercised not irrevocably by the entrepreneur
rogha arna feidhmiú go hinchúlghairthe ag an bhfiontraí; rogha nach bhfuil arna feidhmiú go neamh-inchúlghairthe ag an bhfiontraí
option exercised irrevocably by the entrepreneur
rogha arna feidhmiú go neamh-inchúlghairthe ag an bhfiontraí
recurrent receipt; recurring receipt
fáltas atréimhseach
revenue shortfall; shortfall in receipts
gannchion ioncaim; gannchion sna fáltais
optical radiation
radaíocht optúil
receipt from the subsidiary company
fáltas ón bhfochuideachta
disposal receipt
fáltas ón diúscairt
receipt relating to the day-to-day administration
fáltas a bhaineann leis an riarachán ó lá go lá
generally accepted accounting standards
caighdeáin chuntasaíochta a bhfuil glactha leo go ginearálta
capital redemption reserve funds
cúlchiste fuascailte caipitil
Capital consumption allowance
liúntas ídithe caipitil
apoptosis; PCD; programmed cell death
acquired immune system; adaptive immune system
imdhíonacht fhaighte
passive bribery; passive corruption
éilliú éighníomhach
active bribery; active corruption
éillitheacht ghníomhach; éilliú gníomhach
interception interface
comhéadan idircheaptha
acceptance <I>sub beneficio inventarii</I>; acceptance under benefit of inventory
glacadh sub beneficio inventarii
acceptance of an inheritance; acceptance of the succession
oidhreacht a ghlacadh
express acceptance of an inheritance
glacadh go sainráite le hoidhreacht
adopted child
leanbh uchtaithe
right of a heir to accept or to forgo a succession; right to accept or waive a succession
ceart ar chomharbas a ghlacadh nó a tharscaoileadh; ceart oidhre ar chomharbas a ghlacadh nó a ligean uaidh nó uaithi
estate accepted without liability to debts beyond the assets descended
comharbas a ghlacadh gan dliteanas os cionn luach na sócmhainní a fuarthas; glacadh le comharbas sub beneficio inventarii
instrument of appointment of a Judge
ionstraim lena gceaptar breitheamh
registered post with a form for acknowledgement of receipt
tríd an bpost cláraithe maille le foirm admhála fála
accept the request; grant the application
géilleadh don iarratas
exceptional circumstances
imthosca eisceachtúla
surname, forenames, description and address of the witness
sloinne, túsainmneacha, gairm agus seoladh an fhinné
order of resumption of proceedings
ordú um athchromadh ar na himeachtaí
application for the adoption of interim measures; interim procedure
iarratais chun bearta eatramhacha a ghlacadh; iarratais chun bearta idirlinne a ghlacadh
resumption of the proceedings
athchromadh ar na himeachtaí
exceptional review procedure
nósanna imeachta eisceachtúla athbhreithniúcháin
fermentable carbohydrate
carbaihiodráit choiptheach
antihaemophilic factor B; Christmas factor; coagulation factor IX; factor IX; plasma thromboplastic component; plasma thromboplastin antecedent; PTA
fachtóir Christmas
absorption; absorption of electromagnetic radiation
ionsúchán; ionsúchán radaíochta leictreamaighnéadaí
put; put option
céadrogha ar dhíol
molar absorbance coefficient; molar absorption coefficient; molar absorptivity; molar decadic absorption coefficient; molar extinction; molar extinction coefficient
comhéifeacht ionsúiteachta mólaraí
atomic absorption spectrophotometer
speictreafótaiméadar ionsú adamhaigh
opioid receptor
gabhdóir ópóideach
acceptance angle
uillinn ghlacthachta
swept area
achar scuabtha
autogiro; autogyro; gyrocopter; gyroplane
dispensing optician
radharceolaí dáiliúcháin
Code of Good Practice; Code of Good Practice for the Preparation, Adoption and Application of Standards
Cód dea-chleachtais maidir le caighdeáin a ullmhú, a ghlacadh agus a chur i bhfeidhm
exception to rights conferred by a patent
eisceacht ó chearta arna dtabhairt le paitinn
receipt of written rebuttals of the parties
frisnéisí i scríbhinn a fháil ó na páirtithe
exempt a witness from taking the oath
finné a dhíolmhú ó mhionn a ghlacadh
corrugated plate interceptor; CPI; CPI oil separator
CPI; idircheapóir plátaí rocacha
tilted plate interceptor; TPI
idircheapóir plátaí claonta
captive in-house market
margadh inmheánach faoi chuing
compositions and similar proceedings; draft Convention on bankruptcy; winding-up arrangements
dréachtChoinbhinsiún maidir le féimheacht agus imeachtaí comhchosúla
attempted deflection of trade
iarracht ar shraonadh trádála
block exemption regulation
rialachán blocdhíolúine
mechanism for monitoring CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions in the Community; monitoring mechanism for anthropogenic CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions not controlled by the Montreal Protocol in the Member States; monitoring mechanism of Community CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions
sásra faireacháin astaíochtaí CO2 agus gás ceaptha teasa eile sa Chomhphobal
gross consumption
average fuel consumption
meánídiú breosla
fleet optimization
barrfheabhsú cabhlaigh
optional continued insurance
árachas leanúnach roghnach
beta adrenoreceptor agonist; beta-adrenergic agonist; beta-adrenoceptor agonist; beta-agonist; β-agonist
organoleptic characteristic; organoleptic property
tréith orgánaileipteach
unfit for human consumption
mí-oiriúnach lena chaitheamh ag an duine
suitable for human consumption
oiriúnach lena chaitheamh ag an duine
cachet; empty cachet of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use
capsúl folamh, oiriúnach d'úsáid cógaisíochta
polytetrafluoroethylene; PTFE
polaiteitreafluaireitiléin; PTFE
exemption level
tairseach díolúine
methanethiol; methyl mercaptan
meitil mhearcaptain
closed captioning; closed captions
fotheidealú iata
optical warning signal
comhartha rabhaidh optúil
diagram; diagrammatical description; drawing; outline diagram
léaráid imlíneach
kappa opioid receptor; kappa receptor; KOP; κ receptor; κ-opioid receptor
gabhdóir k-ópóideach; KOP
exceptional circumstances
imthosca eisceachtúla
all practices designed to secure a privileged position
gach cleachtas atá ceaptha chun pribhléid a ghnóthú
preferential agreement; preferential trade agreement; PTA
comhaontú um thrádáil fhabhrach
arrangements governing exemption of exports
comhshocraíochtaí lena rialaítear díolúine onnmhairiúcháin
apparent consumption
tomhaltas dealraitheach
abnormal depreciation; exceptional depreciation
dímheas eisceachtúil
tax-exempt profit
brabús díolmhaithe ó cháin
negotiable warehouse receipt; warehouse warrant
barántas trádstórais; fáltas inaistrithe trádstórais
exceptional non-recurring costs
costais neamh-athfhillteacha eisceachtúla
material consumption
tomhaltas ábhar
formation by subscription in specie
foirmíocht trí shuibscríbhinn in specie
acceptance credit; credit letter
creidmheas glacachta; litir chreidmheasa
purchase option
rogha ar cheannach
pre-emption right; preemptive right; pre-emptive right; preemptive subscription right; right of pre-emption; subscription privilege; subscription right
ceart suibscríbhinne
acquisitive prescription; positive prescription; usucapio
rúradh teideal
extinctive prescription; negative prescription; prescription of a claim
rúradh éilimh
call premium; loan discount; maturity premium; redemption premium
biseach aibíochta
accruals concept; matching principle
coincheap an fhabhrúcháin; prionsabal na comhoiriúna
consistency concept
coincheap na comhsheasmhachta
fundamental accounting concept
coincheap bunúsach cuntasaíochta
absorption costing
costáil ionsú
adoption of the annual account; approval of the annual financial statements
formheas na ráiteas airgeadais bliantúil; glacadh an chuntais bhliantúil
dock warrant; negotiable warehouse receipt; warehouse receipt; warehouse release; warehouse warrant; warrant; WR
barántas duga; barántas trádstórais
redemption of bonds
bannaí a fhuascailt
cost apportionment; overhead absorption
cionroinnt na gcostas; ionsú forchostas
own transport; transport pour compte propre
a chuid seirbhísí iompair féin
organoleptic nature
mianach orgánaileipteach
Egyptian vulture
bultúr Éigipteach
Egyptian goose
gé Éigipteach
consumption unit
aonad tomhaltais
stimulation of consumption
an tomhaltas a spreagadh
blackleg; black-leg; blackquarter; black-quarter; Clostridium chauvoei infection; Clostridium septicum infection; quarter-ill; symptomatic anthrax
ceathrú dhubh; ionfhabhtú Clostridium chauvoei
...not previously declared bankrupt
...nár dearbhaíodh ina fhéimheach roimhe sin
optimization model
samhail optamúcháin
optimum allocation of resources
leithdháileadh barrmhaith acmhainní
Echelon interception system; Echelon system
córas tascartha Echelon
coho salmon syndrome; Huito disease; piscirickettsiosis; salmonid rickettsial septicaemia; SRS
Compton effect; Compton scattering; incoherent scattering
scaipeadh Compton
a; accepted
activated partial thromboplastin time; APTT; partial thromboplastin time; thromboplastin time
am trombaplaistine páirteach gníomhachtaithe; APTT
DIAL; differential absorption Lidar; differential absorption light detection and ranging
ionsú difreálach LIDAR
reverse transcriptase; RT
antagonist; receptor antagonist
freasaitheach gabhdóra
acceptance sampling plan
plean samplála roimh inghlacthacht
acceptance criterion; acceptance number
critéar inghlacthachta; uimhir inghlacthachta
continuous fermentation tank
umar coipthe leanúnaigh
absorption atelectasis
ataileachtáis trí ionsú
acceptable mean life
meánré inghlactha
acceptance number
uimhir inghlacthachta
acceptance procedure
nós imeachta an ghlactha; nós imeachta inghlacthachta
acceptance sampling
sampláil inghlacthachta
acceptance trial
triail inghlacthachta