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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
high-voltage direct current; HVDC
HVDC; sruth díreach ardvoltais
central circulatory system
lárchóras imshruthaithe
creation of employment; employment creation; employment generation; job creation
cruthú fostaíochta; cruthú post
Commission on the Truth; Truth Commission
Coimisiún na Fírinne
TRC; Truth and Reconciliation Commission
an Coimisiún um Fhírinne agus um Athmhuintearas
amorphous silicon; a-Si
sileacan éagruthach
circulatory collapse
cliseadh imshruthaithe
burden of proof; onus of proof; onus probandi
dualgas cruthúnais
conclusive force; evidential value; evidentiary effect; evidentiary value; evidentiary weight; probative force; probative value; probative weight
luach fianaiseach; ualach cruthúnais
reversal of the burden of proof; reverse onus
aisiompú an dualgais cruthúnais; dualgas cruthúnais a aistriú
market making; market-making activities
cruthú margaidh
make a market
cruthaigh margadh
mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications
dioplómaí, teastais agus cruthúnais eile ar cháilíochtaí foirmiúla a aithint go frithpháirteach
European brook lamprey
loimpre shrutháin Eorpach
brook char; brook trout; fountain salmon; speckled trout
breac srutháin
bell-shaped curve
cuar clogchruthach
...shall furnish proof of their status
ní foláir do...a stádas a chruthú
central flow-management unit; CFMU
láraonad bainistithe an tsrutha aerthráchta
Convention concerning the Creation of Minimum Wage-Fixing Machinery; Minimum Wage-Fixing Machinery Convention, 1928
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cruthú Córais um Shocrú Íosphá
monetary/money creation (by the banks)
cruthú airgid
International Agreement for the Creation of an International Office for Epizootics in Paris
an Comhaontú Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Cruthú Oifig Idirnáisiúnta um Shláinte Ainmhithe i bPáras
Protocol on the Status of International Military Headquarters set up persuant to the North Atlantic Treaty
an Prótacal maidir le Stádas na gCeanncheathrúna Míleata Idirnáisiúnta a cruthaíodh de bhun Chonradh an Atlantaigh Thuaidh
creative capacities
cumas cruthaitheach
Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes; UNECE Water Convention; Water Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint agus Úsáid Sruthchúrsaí Trasteorann agus Lochanna Idirnáisiúnta
draenáil; sruthchóras
waste flow; waste stream
sruth dramhaíola
Convention creating the International Institute of Refrigeration
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cruthú Institiúid Chuisniúcháin Idirnáisiúnta
means of evidence; means of proof
modhanna cruthúnais
job creation for specific groups
cruthú fostaíochta do ghrúpaí sonracha
to vouch the truth of evidence
fírinne fianaise a dheimhniú
valid proof of origin
cruthúnas bailí tionscnaimh
Protocol on the Tribunal Established by the Convention on the Establishment of a Security Control in the field of Nuclear Energy
Prótacal maidir leis an mBinse arna chruthúú ag an gCoinbhinsiún ar Rialú Slándála a bhunú i réimse an fhuinnimh núicléach
nagami kumquat; oval kumquat
crann cumcuataí ubhchruthacha
create an obligation under international law
oibleagáid a chruthú faoin dlí idirnáisiúnta
Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses; IWC Convention; UN Watercourses Convention; UNWC
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Dlí na nÚsáidí Neamh-Loingseoireachta de Shruthchúrsaí Idirnáisiúnta
Commission on Truth and Reconciliation; CTR; Rettig Commission; TRC; Truth and Reconciliation Commission
an Coimisiún um Fhírinne agus um Athmhuintearas
Ukrainian brook lamprey
loimpre shrutháin Úcránach
Danubian brook lamprey; Vladikov's lamprey
loimpre shrutháin Dhanóbach
Protocol on Water and Health to the 1992 Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes
Prótacal maidir le hUisce agus Sláinte a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún 1992 maidir le Cosaint agus Úsáid Sruthchúrsaí Trasteorann agus Lochanna Idirnáisiúnta
media streaming; streaming
gender mainstreaming
príomhshruthú inscne
creative industries; creative sector
earnáil na cruthaitheachta; tionscal cruthaitheach; tionscal na cruthaitheachta
reverse the burden of proof; reverse the onus
dualgas cruthúnais a aistriú
coagulum; curd
evidence of origin; proof of origin
cruthúnas tionscnaimh
capricious creation of embryos for illegal purposes
suthanna a chruthú go luathintinneach chun críocha neamhdhlíthiúla; suthanna a chruthú go toiliúil chun críocha neamhdhlíthiúla
rith chun srutha
trade creation
cruthú trádála
fact to be proved
fíoras atá le cruthú
proof of certain facts by witnesses
ordú d''fhinnéithe fíricí áirithe a chruthú
pear shaped flask; pear-shaped flask
fleascán piorra-chruthach
beestings; colostrum
gruth buí
a-Si:H; hydrogenated amorphous silicon
sileacan éagruthach hidriginithe
free stream wind speed; free stream wind velocity
luas na gaoithe saorshrutha
wake; wake effect
éifeacht mharbhshrutha
EGR; exhaust gas recirculation; exhaust recycling
athshruthú an gháis sceite
eddy current separator
deighilteoir srutha guairneáin
have decided to create a European Economic Community
tar éis a chinneadh Comhphobal Eacnamaíoch Eorpach a chruthú
to niche
cruthaigh nideog
performance testing
tástáil cruthachtála
beefing performance testing; meat performance testing
tástáil ar chruthú feola
assessment of conformation; judgment,evaluation,appraisal of conformation
breithiúnas, meastóireacht, measúnacht maidir le conformáil; breithiúnas, meastóireacht, measúnacht maidir le cruth; measúnú comhréireachta
aerofoil shaped canopy
téastar i gcruth aereiteoige
aspect ratio
cóimheas crutha; cóimheas threoíocht na n-eiteog
bluff body
cabhail leathan chun cinn; cabhail neamhshruthlíneach
circular arc aerofoil
aereiteog i gcruth stua chiorclaigh; aereiteog le stua ciorclach; aereiteog stua ciorclach
circulation controlled rotor
rótar faoi rialú aershruthaithe
coning angle
cónuillinn; uillinn chónach; uillinn chónchruthach
exhaust stream
sruth sceite
flight path angle
uillinn an ruthaig eitilte
flow control
rialú srutha aerthráchta
free flight trajectory
ruthag saoreitilte
gross flight path
ollruthag eitilte
minimal time flight path
ruthag eitilte íos-ama
carcass conformation; conformation
cruth conablaigh
current density
dlús srutha; sruthdhlús
average current efficiency; CE; current efficiency
éifeachtúlacht srutha
conduction current density
dlús srutha seolta
AC; alternating current
SA; sruth ailtéarnach
DC; direct current; galvanic current
DC; sruth díreach
photocurrent; photoelectric current
current; current flow
sreabhadh srutha; sruth
traffic flow; traffic stream
sruth tráchta
FGR; flue gas recirculation; flue-gas recirculation
athshruthú gáis múcháin
groundwater flow; interflow; subsurface flow; subsurface runoff; underground runoff
rith chun srutha faoi dhromchla
overland flow; surface runoff; surface run-off
rith chun srutha ar dhromchla; sreabhadh de dhroim talún
cúrsa uisce; sruthchúrsa
drifting gillnet; driftnet; gillnet (drift)
flocasú; flocasúchán; gruthú
amorphous silica
silice éagruthach
market maker
cruthaitheoir margaidh; ocastóir
cardiovascular collapse; cardiovascular failure; circulatory shock; shock
suaitheadh; suaitheadh cardashoithíoch; suaitheadh imshruthaithe
gruth buí
current density
dlús srutha
amorphous semiconductor
leathsheoltóir éagruthach
contact shoe
sleamhnán gabhála srutha
current sectionalisation switch
lasc imdhealaithe srutha
direct current linear motor
mótar líneach srutha dhírigh
direct current shunt motor
mótar seachródach srutha dhírigh
return current conductor
seoltóir an tsrutha fhillte
three-phase alternating current motor
mótar srutha ailtéarnaigh trí phas
traffic flow survey
suirbhé ar shruthanna tráchta
flight path; trajectory
ruthag eitilte
current; electric current
sruth; sruth leictreach
pressure gauge
brúthomhsaire brúmhéadar
traction current
sruth tarraingthe
proof of export
cruthúnas ar onnmhairiú
proof of delivery
cruthúnas ar sheachadadh
metal channeled lettering
litreoireacht mhiotalach ar U-cruth; litreoireacht mhiotalach U-cruthach
proof of purchase
cruthúnas ar cheannach
creative department
rannóg chruthaitheach
excitation current; field current; magnetising current
sruth réimse
circulating capital; current capital
caipiteal imshruthaitheach
steam pressure cooker
brúbhruthaire gaile
proof of payment
cruthúnas ar íocaíocht; cruthúnas íocaíochta
heart circulatory collapse
cliseadh imshruthaithe cairdiach
artefact; biasing effect
déantán; gó-chruth
total ionic current
sruth ianach iomlán
input splitter; input stream splitter
scoilteoir srutha ionchuir
soil flushing
sruthlú ithreach
groundswell campaign
feachtas cruthaithe feasachta
brook lamprey
loimpre shrutháin
accident reconstruction report
tuairisc athchruthaithe tionóisce
figure of eight test
tástáil ar raon ochtchruthach
legform test; legform to bumper test
triail chruth na coise i gcoinne an tuairteora
headform to bonnet top test
tástáil cruth cloiginn in éadan barr boinéid
legform impactor
imbhuailteoir chruth na coise
headform impactor
imbhuailteoir chruth an chloiginn
traffic network flow monitoring
faireachán ar an sruth tráchta
kurchatovium; rutherfordium; unnilquadium
carcass conformation class; conformation class
rang crutha conablaigh
evidence of formal qualifications
cruthúnas ar cháilíochtaí foirmiúla
ear recognition; ear shape recognition
anailís ar chruth na cluaise
adult headform
cruth cloiginn duine fásta
European Year of Creativity and Innovation; EYCI
BECN; Bliain Eorpach na Cruthaitheachta agus na Nuálaíochta
nominal aspect ratio
cóimheas ainmniúil crutha
oval surf clam
sliogán trach ubhchruthach
Imagine. Create. Innovate.
Samhlaigh - Cruthaigh - Nuáil
headform test
tástáil chruth an chloiginn; triail chruth an chloiginn
headform; headform weight
meáchan chruth an chloiginn
incandescent lamp; incandescent light bulb
lampa gealbhruthach
rinsing agent
oibreán sruthlaithe
upstream cooling trap
fuarghaiste in aghaidh srutha
magnóilia lilí ubhchruthach
pailm mhórgachta srutháin
contact shoe system
córas an tsleamhnáin ghabhála srutha
obligating event
teagmhas cruthaithe oibleagáide; teagmhas oibleagáide
CCIs; CCS; cultural and creative industries; cultural and creative sectors
earnálacha an chultúir agus na cruthaitheachta; earnálacha cultúir agus cruthaitheachta; tionscail chultúir agus chruthaitheachta
In use may form flammable/explosive vapour-air mixture.
Agus é á úsáid d’fhéadfaí meascán inadhainte/pléascach gaile-aeir a chruthú.
May form explosive peroxides.
D’fhéadfadh sé sárocsaídí pléascacha a chruthú.
Warning! Contains cadmium. Dangerous fumes are formed during use. See information supplied by the manufacturer. Comply with the safety instructions.
Rabhadh! Caidmiam ann. Cruthaítear múch chontúirteach le linn a úsáide. Féach an fhaisnéis atá curtha ar fáil ag an monaróir. Cloígh leis na treoracha sábháilteachta.
rod-shaped cell
cill shlatchruthach
aid for job creation; aid for the creation of employment; aid to create employment; aid to create jobs; aid to job creation
cabhair le haghaidh cruthú fostaíochta
Rinse mouth.
Sruthlaítear an béal.
Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
Tóg amach na tadhall-lionsaí, más ann dóibh agus más furasta é sin a dhéanamh. Lean den sruthlú.
Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes.
Sruthlaítear go faichilleach le huisce ar feadh roinnt nóiméad.
Rinse skin with water/shower.
Sruthlaítear an craiceann le huisce/glac cithfholcadh.
Rinse immediately contaminated clothing and skin with plenty of water before removing clothes.
Sruthlaítear éadaí éillithe agus an craiceann láithreach le neart uisce sula mbaineann an duine na héadaí de.
IF SWALLOWED: rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting.
MÁ SHLOGTAR: sruthlaítear an béal. NÁ déan urlacan a spreagadh.
IF ON SKIN (or hair): Remove/Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower.
I gCÁS TEAGMHÁLA LEIS AN gCRAICEANN(nó le gruaig): Bain díot láithreach na héadaí éillithe go léir. Sruthlaítear an craiceann le huisce/glac cithfholcadh.
IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
I gCÁS TEAGMHÁLA LEIS NA SÚILE: Sruthlaigh go cúramach le huisce ar feadh roinnt nóiméad. Tóg amach na tadhall-lionsaí, más ann dóibh agus más furasta. Lean den sruthlú.
IF ON CLOTHING: rinse immediately contaminated clothing and skin with plenty of water before removing clothes.
I gCÁS TEAGMHÁLA LE hÉADAÍ: sruthlaítear éadaí éillithe agus an craiceann láithreach le neart uisce sula ndéantar na héadaí a bhaint den duine.
value stream
sruth luacha
tear drop chair
cathaoir dheoirchruthach
creative content
ábhar cruthaitheach
vouch the truth of one's evidence
fírinne fianaise a dheimhniú
signature-creation data
sonraí chun ríomhshíniú a chruthú; sonraí cruthaithe ríomhshínithe
secure-signature-creation device
feiste um shlánchruthú síniúcháin
ECIA; European Creative Industries Alliance
Comhghuaillíocht Eorpach na dTionscal Cruthaitheach
economic value creation; value creation
cruthú luacha eacnamaíoch
job-creating growth; job-rich growth
fás lena gcruthófar poist
sruth giotán
electronic signature creation device; signature creation device
gléas cruthaithe ríomhshínithe
proof of parentage
cruthúnas tuismíochta
Creative Europe; Creative Europe - A new framework programme for the cultural and creative sectors (2014-2020)
Eoraip na Cruthaitheachta; Eoraip na Cruthaitheachta - creatchlár nua d'earnálacha an chultúir agus na cruthaitheachta
cultural and creative competences
inniúlachtaí cultúrtha agus cruthaitheacha
climate action mainstreaming; climate change mainstreaming; climate mainstreaming; mainstreaming of climate change
an t-athrú aeráide a phríomhshruthú
creator of a seal
cruthaitheoir ríomhshéala
electronic seal creation data
sonraí um chruthú ríomhshéala
reconstructed human skin model; recontructed human epidermis model
samhail athchruthaithe craiceann daonna
larval form
cruth larbhach
wealth creation
cruthú rachmais
electronic signature creation data
sonraí maidir le cruthú ríomhshínithe
beef cattle conformation; beef conformation
cruth eallaigh mairteola
Multimedia Creation Service
An tSeirbhís um Chruthaíocht Ilmheán
brine recirculation
athshruthú sáile
waste water stream
sruth fuíolluisce
upstream programme
clár uas-srutha
evidence of purpose of journey; evidence of purpose of stay; evidence of purpose of visit
cruthúnas ar chuspóir an turais
evidence of accommodation; evidence of lodging; evidence of sponsor's ability to provide accommodation; proof of accommodation
cruthúnas ar lóistín; fianaise lóistín
evidence of medical insurance
cruthúnas ar árachas liachta
ability to meet cost of onward or return journey; guarantee of means of return; supporting documents regarding return
cruthúnas ar acmhainn leordhóthanach le filleadh
proof of private accommodation
cruthúnas ar chóiríocht phríobháideach
proof of sponsorship
cruthúnas ar urraíocht
streaming; tracking
array current
sruth eagair
I-V curve
cuar I-V; cuar sruth agus voltais
peak power current
sruth buaice cumhachta
Rusyns; Ruthenes
contraflow cycling
rothaíocht in aghaidh an tsrutha
gender mainstreaming amendment; GMA
GMA; leasú i ndáil le príomhshruthú inscne
instrument creating rights; legal transaction creating a right
ionstraim dlí lena gcruthaítear ceart
replacement proof of origin
cruthúnas ar ionad tionscnaimh
qualified electronic signature creation device
gléas cruthaithe ríomhshínithe cáilithe
qualified electronic seal creation device
gléas cruthaithe ríomhshéala cáilithe
cultural and creative crossovers
trasnaisc chultúrtha agus chruthaitheacha
DC-connected power park module; direct current-connected power park module
modúl páirce cumhachta arna cheangal le sruth díreach
high-voltage direct current system; HVDC system
córas SDAV; córas srutha dhírigh ardvoltais
fast fault current
mearshruth fabht
live streaming
double streaming; double-stream digestion
creation of a floor in the price pattern
cruthú íosteorann i bpraghas-struchtúr
momentum ignition
cruthú praghasghluaiseachta
creation of a ceiling in the price pattern
cruthú uasteorann i bpraghas-struchtúr
single proof of origin
aon chruthúnas ar thionscnamh amháin
drifting FAD; drifting fish aggregating device
sruthfheiste um chomhbhailiú éisc
shape mark; three-dimensional mark
cruthmharc; marc tríthoiseach
EGR valve; exhaust gas recirculation valve
comhla AGS; comhla athshruthaithe gáis sceite
overhead gaseous stream; overhead stream; overhead vent
barrshruth gásach; sruth gásach lastuas; sruth lastuas
CCS GF; Cultural and Creative Sectors Guarantee Facility
CCS GF; Saoráid Ráthaíochta Earnálacha an Chultúir agus na Cruthaitheachta
armature current
sruth armatúir (fir3)
air stream
sruth aeir (fir3)
alternating current average value
meánluach srutha ailtéarnaigh (fir3)
alternating current circuit
ciorcad srutha ailtéarnaigh (fir1)
alternating current resonant circuit
ciorcad athshondach srutha ailtéarnaigh (fir1)
alternating current parallel circuit
ciorcad comhthreomhar srutha ailtéarnaigh (fir1)
alternating current series circuit
ciorcad sraitheach srutha ailtéarnaigh (fir1)
alternating current generator
gineadóir sruth ailtéarnaigh (fir3)
alternating current instantaneous value
tobluach srutha ailtéarnaigh (fir3)
alternating current single phase
sruth ailtéarnach aon phas (fir3)
alternating current three phase
sruth ailtéarnach trí phas (fir3)
alternating current transformer
claochladán srutha ailtéarnaigh (fir1)
anode current
sruth anóide (fir3)
cast downstream anchors
scaoil ancairí le sruth (br)
cast upstream anchors
scaoil ancairí in aghaidh srutha (br)
cruthúnacht (bain3, gu: cruthúnachta, ai: cruthúnachtaí, gi: cruthúnachtaí)
certificate voucher
cruthúnacht ar dheimhnithe (bain3)
consolidating voucher
cruthúnacht chomhdhlúite (bain3)
issue and receipt voucher
cruthúnacht eisiúna agus ghlactha (bain3)
sale voucher
cruthúnacht díola (bain3)
renewal voucher
cruthúnacht athnuachana (bain3)
supporting voucher
cruthúnacht tacaíochta (bain3)
transfer voucher
cruthúnacht aistrithe (bain3)
low-trajectory weapon
armán ruthaig ísil (fir1)
chemical effect of electric current
iarsma ceimiceach de shruth leictreach (fir4)
bréagach (a1)
certified receipt voucher
cruthúnacht ghlactha dheimhnithe (bain3)
circular flow
sruth ciorclach (fir3)
conformation of the ground
cruth na talún (fir3)
constant current
sruth seasta (fir3)
bruthaire (fir4, gu: bruthaire, ai: bruthairí, gi: bruthairí)
high-frequency current
sruth ardmhinicíochta (fir3)
low-frequency current
sruth ísealmhinicíochta (fir3)
alternating current
sruth ailtéarnach (fir3, gu: srutha ailtéarnaigh)
alternating current
sruth umthánach (fir3)
electric current
sruth leictreach (fir3)
untruthful declaration of firer
dearbhú bréagach lámhachóra (fir)
deformed blade
lann éagruthach (bain2)
eddy current loss
caillteanas srutha guairneáin (fir1)
electron flow
sruth leictreon (fir3)
evidence of the truth of a confession
fianaise ar fhírinne admhála (bain4)
talamhchruth (fir3, gu: talamhchrutha, ai: talamhchruthanna, gi: talamhchruthanna)
flat trajectory
ruthag maol (fir1)
flatness of the trajectory
maoile an ruthaig (bain4)
sruth (fir3, gu: srutha, ai: sruthanna, gi: sruthanna)
sruthshoilseacht (bain3, gu: sruthsoilseachta)
AC generator
gineadóir sruth ailtéarnaigh (fir3)
grid current
sruth greille (fir3)
heating effect of electric current
iarsma téite srutha leictrigh (fir4)
pressure indicator
brútháscaire (fir4, gu: brútháscaire)
eddy-current loss
caillteanas srutha guairdill (fir1)
magnetic effect of electric current
iarsma maighnéadach srutha leictrigh (fir4)
cruthaíocht (bain3, gu: cruthaíochta)
direct current motor
mótar srutha dhírigh (fir1)
onus of proof
dualgas cruthúnais (fir1)
mushroom-shaped cloud
néal muisiriúnchruthach (fir1)
outline order
ordú imchrutha (fir)
imchruth (fir3, gu: imchrutha, ai: imchruthanna, gi: imchruthanna)
general outline
imchruth ginearálta (fir3)
in outline
go himchruthach (a1)
gan trua gan taise (fr.dob.)
neamhthrócaireach (a1)
cam-shaped slot
sliotán ceamchruthach (fir1)
sruth (fir3, gu: srutha, ai: sruthanna, gi: sruthanna)
stream of high speed electrons
sruth de leictreoin mhórluais (fir3)
sruthlínithe (a3)
legal proof of truth of confession
cruthúnas dlíthiúil ar fhírinne admhála (fir1)
cruth (fir3, gu: crutha, ai: cruthanna, gi: cruthanna)
streamline shell
sliogán sruthlíneach (fir1)
ford a stream
gabh sruth (br)
take the line of least resistance
lig maidí le sruth
prove a charge
cruthaigh cúiseamh (br)
voucher stores
cuir stórais ar chruthúnacht (br)
alternating current (voltage) frequency
minicíocht srutha (voltais) ailtéarnaigh (bain3)
issue and receipt voucher register
clár cruthúnacht eisiúna agus glactha (fir1)
direct current
sruth díreach (fir3)
eddy current
sruth guairneáin (fir3)
silhouette target
targaid scáthchrutha (bain2)
AC motor
mótar srutha ailtéarnaigh (fir1)
alternating current motor
mótar srutha ailtéarnaigh (fir1)
DC generator
gineadóir srutha dhírigh (fir3)
direct current generator
gineadóir srutha dhírigh (fir3)
cruthlíne (bain4, gu: cruthlíne, ai: cruthlínte, gi: cruthlínte)
cruthlíne (bain4, gu: cruthlíne, ai: cruthlínte, gi: cruthlínte)
outline map
léarscáil imchrutha (bain2)
in the absence of proof to the contrary
mura gcruthaítear a mhalairt (bain2)
induced current
sruth ionduchtaithe (fir3)
lemon curd
gruth líomóidí (fir3)
drift net
sruthlíon (fir1, gu: sruthlín, ai: sruthlíonta, gi: sruthlíonta)
sruthchúrsa (fir4, gu: sruthchúrsa, ai: sruthchúrsaí, gi: sruthchúrsaí)
North Channel
Sruth na Maoile (fir3, gu: Shruth na Maoile)
circulation of the blood
imshruthú na fola (fir)
the angle which the tangent to the trajectory makes with the line of sight
an uillinn a dhéanann tadhlaí an ruthaig agus an líne radhairc
ground has an important bearing on fire effect
tá dlúthbhaint ag cruth na talún le lámhach-éifeacht
chemical effects of electric current
iarsmaí ceimiceacha srutha leictrigh
heating effects of electric current
iarsmaí téite srutha leictrigh
magnetic effects of electric current
iarsmaí maighnéadacha srutha leictrigh
force on a current carrying a conductor in a magnetic field
an fórsa ar chonduchtaire a bheadh ag iompar srutha i réimse maighnéadach
landmarks standing in silhouette against the sky
críoch-chomharthaí a bhfuil a scáthchruth le feiceáil in aghaidh na spéiré
authority, the proof of which shall lie on –'A'
údarás a mbeidh a chruthú ar 'A'
the scale outlined in the appendix hereto
an scála a bhfuil imchruth de sa bhfoscríbhinn a ghabhann leis seo
the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth
an fhírinne, an fhírinne iomlán agus an fhírinne amháin
untruthful declaration of firer
dearbhú bréagach lámhachóra
amplify high frequency current
ollmhéadaigh sruth ardmhinicíochta
cast anchors down-stream
scaoil ancairí le sruth
amplify high frequency current
sruth ardmhinicíochta a ollmhéadú
magnify low-frequency current
formhéadaigh sruth ísealmhinicíochta
issue and receipt voucher
cruthúnacht eisiúna agus ghlactha
it shall be a good defence for him to prove
beidh sé ina chosaint mhaith dhó a chruthú
the scale outlined in the appendix hereto
an scála a bhfuil imchruth dhe san fhoscríbhinn a ghabhann leis seo