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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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ICSR; individual case safety report
tuairisc shábháilteachta do chás ar leith
racketeering and extortion
cambheartaíocht agus sracaireacht
cruise control; cruise control system
córas luasrialaithe
B'Tselem; Israeli Information Centre for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories
Ionad Eolais Iosrael um Chearta an Duine sna Críocha faoi Fhorghabháil
CFBC; circulating fluidised bed combustion
dóchán scaire sreabhaí athfhilltí
committee of inquiry; temporary committee of inquiry
coiste fiosrúcháin; coiste fiosrúcháin sealadach
existing plant
gléasra atá cheana ann; monarcha atá ann
post-combustion plant
gléasra iardhócháin
right of inquiry
ceart fiosrúcháin
VER; voluntary export restraint; voluntary export restriction
srian deonach ar onnmhairí
high-voltage direct current; HVDC
HVDC; sruth díreach ardvoltais
deflection-limiting volume; DLV
toirt lena gciorraítear sraonadh
CFV; critical flow venturi; critical nozzle; sonic nozzle; sonic Venturi-nozzle
CFV; Venturi sreabhaidh chriticiúil
ASR; automated speech recognition; automatic speech recognition
end-of-series vehicle
feithicil ceann sraithe
International Commission of Inquiry (Rwanda)
an Coimisiún Idirnáisiúnta Fiosrúcháin (Ruanda)
tandem mass spectrometry
mais-speictriméadracht sraithe
self-regulatory body; self-regulatory organisation; SRO
CFR; comhlacht féinrialála; eagraíocht féinrialála; EFR
flow-proportional composite sample; flow-proportional sample
sampla comhiomlán sreabh-chomhréireach
speech recognition; speech to text; SR; voice recognition
aithint cainte; aithint gutha
airspace restriction
srian aerspáis
broad-nosed caiman; broad-snouted caiman
cadhman srónleathan
steel finch; village indigobird
plúiríneach sráidbhaile
Special Representative of the Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict; SRSG/CAAC
Ionadaí Speisialta an Ard-Rúnaí maidir le Leanaí agus Coinbhleacht Armtha
Financial Services Regulator; IFSRA; Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority
IFSRA; Údarás Rialála Seirbhísí Airgeadais na hÉireann
ECSR; European Committee of Social Rights
Coiste Eorpach ar Chearta Sóisialta
enquiry; inquiry
stratification of a population
srathú pobail
discounted cash flow rate
ráta sreabhaidh airgid lascainithe
cupped oysters n.e.i.
cuasoisrí nach n-áirítear in áit eile
maximum rate of increase; MRI
uasráta méadaithe
cash inflow
insreabhadh airgid
cash flow; gross self-financing margin
sreabhadh airgid thirim
Working Party on Fruit and Vegetables (Fresh Fruit and Vegetables)
an Mheitheal um Thorthaí agus um Ghlasraí (Torthaí Úra agus Glasraí Úra)
flow chart; flow diagram; process chart
flow production
drawing stock; wire rod
slat sreinge
VER; voluntary export restraint; voluntary restraint on exports; voluntary restriction of exports
srian deonach ar onnmhairí
bilateral (restraint) agreement
comhaontú déthaobhach (srianta)
Agreement on Minimum Requirements for the Issue and Validity of Driving Permits (APC)
an Comhaontú maidir le hÍosriachtanais um Eisiúint agus um Bailíocht Ceadúnas Tiomána (APC)
S/N; SER NO; serial number
deflection of trade; diversion of trade; trade deflection; trade diversion
sraonadh trádála
Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Incendiary Weapons
Prótacal maidir le Toirmisc nó Srianta ar Úsáid Armán Loiscneach
Protocol II as amended on 3 May 1996; Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines, Booby Traps and other Devices, as amended on 3 May 1996
Prótacal II arna leasú an 3 Bealtaine 1996; Prótacal maidir le Toirmisc nó Srianta ar úsáid Mianach, Bobghaistí agus Feistí eile arna leasú ar an 3 Bealtaine 1996
combined cycle plant
gléasra comh-thimthrialla
fossil fuel power plant; fossil-fired plant; fossil-fired power plant
gléasra cumhachta breosla iontaise
Codex Committee on Processed Fruits and Vegetables
an Coiste Codex um Thorthaí agus Glasraí Próiseáilte
Codex Committee on Vegetable Proteins
an Coiste Codex um Próitéiní Glasraí
contract/stipulation/agreement in restraint of trade; restraint of trade clause
clásal srianta trádála
ATFM; bainistíocht na sreibhe aerthráchta
DCF; discounted cash flow
sreabhadh airgid lascainithe
shortnose sturgeon
bradán fearna srónghearr
American cupped oyster
cuasoisre Meiriceánach
European flat oyster
oisre Eorpach coiteann
Portuguese oyster
oisre Portaingéalach
brook char; brook trout; fountain salmon; speckled trout
breac srutháin
trade flow
sreabhadh trádála
STM; supplementary trade mechanism
sásra forlíontach trádála; SFT
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; USSR
Aontas na bPoblachtaí Sóivéadacha Sóisialacha
Working Party on Fruit and Vegetables (Processed Fruit and Vegetables)
an Mheitheal um Thorthaí agus um Ghlasraí (Torthaí Próiseáilte agus Glasraí Próiseáilte)
Working Party on Fruit and Vegetables (Potatoes)
an Mheitheal um Thorthaí agus um Ghlasraí (Prátaí)
quota restrictions
srian cuóta; srianadh cuóta
disguised restriction
srianadh faoi cheilt
principle enshrined in the Treaty of Rome
prionsabal atá coisricthe i gConradh na Róimhe; prionsabal atá cumhdaithe i gConradh na Róimhe
steel plant
gléasra iarainn
marketing plant
gléasra margaíochta
measure of inquiry; preparatory inquiry
bearta fiosrúcháin; réamhfhiosrúchán
freely transferable currency
airgeadra inaistrithe gan srianadh
to retain the restrictions ...
na srianta a choimeád i bhfeidhm
common machinery
compensatory mechanism
meicníocht chúitimh; sásra cúitimh
transitional mechanism
meicníocht idirthréimhseach; sásra idirthréimhseach
central flow-management unit; CFMU
láraonad bainistithe an tsrutha aerthráchta
the serial numbers of the licences
sraithuimhir an deimhnithe
restrictive (arrangement)
(socrú) sriantach
the minimum rate of progressive increase for quotas
íosráta mhéadú comhleanúnach na gcuótaí; íosráta mhéadú forchéimnitheach na gcuótaí
products processed from fruit and vegetables
torthaí agus glasraí próiseáilte
vegetable oil
ola glasraí; ola phlandúil
minimum lending rate; MLR
íosráta iasachta
ESRF; European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
an tSaoráid Eorpach um Radaíocht Sioncratóin; ESRF
Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects; Liability Convention; Space Liability Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Dliteanas Idirnáisiúnta i leith Damáiste ar Spásréada is cúis leis
DECT; teileachumarsáid dhigiteach Eorpach gan sreang
restrictive measure; sanction
beart sriantach
Convention concerning the Restriction of Night Work of Children and Young Persons in Non-industrial Occupation; Night Work of Young Persons (Non-Industrial Occupations) Convention, 1946
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Srianadh Obair Oíche Leanaí agus Daoine Óga i bhFostaíocht Neamhthionsclaíoch
indexation mechanism
sásra um innéacsú
restrictive practices
cleachtas sriantach
coal plant; coal power plant; coal-burning power plant; coal-fired power plant; coal-fired power station
gléasra cumhachta gualbhreoslaithe
migration flow; migratory flow
sreabh imirce
limited submission; restricted adjudication
breithniú srianta
quality wine produced in a specific region; quality wine psr; QWPSR
f.c.t.r.s.; fíon cáilíochta a tháirgtear i réigiún sonrach
combustion plant
gléasra dócháin
budget constraint; budgetary constraint; budgetary restriction
sriantacht buiséid
cash flow; liquidity flow
sreabhadh airgid
investigation; preparatory inquiry
EMA; EMEA; European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products; European Medicines Agency
an Ghníomhaireacht Leigheasra Eorpach; EMA; EMEA
Convention relative to Certain Restrictions on the Right of Capture in Maritime Law
an Coinbhinsiún a bhaineann le Srianta Áirithe maidir leis an gCeart Gabhála sa Dlí Muirí
to lift restrictions
cuir srianta i leataobh
Advisory Committee on Fruit and Vegetables
Coiste Comhairleach um Thorthaí agus Glasraí
pressure reducing valves and thermostatically-controlled valves
comhla bhrúlaghdaithe agus comhla theasrialaithe
to disregard
déan neamhshuim de; tabhair neamhaird ar
pump for special fluids
caidéal le haghaidh sreabhán speisialta
to restrict
semi-industrial installation
gléasra leath-thionsclaíoch; suiteáil leath-thionsclaíoch
to inquire into a request
fiosrúchán a dhéanamh faoi iarraidh
immigration restrictions
srianta inimirce
a minimum of administrative machinery
an sásra riaracháin is lú is féidir
unstrung racket frames
frámaí raicéid, gan sreangú
commission of inquiry
coimisiún fiosrúcháin
waste treatment plant
gléasra cóireála dramhaíola
price ranges relative to the average price
praghasraon i gcoibhneas leis an meánphraghas
purification plant
gléasra íonaithe uisce; gléasra íonúcháin
nuclear facility; nuclear installation
gléasra núicléach
the maximum rate of mobilisation of own resources
uasráta mhóibliú na n-acmhainní dílse; uasráta slógadh na n-acmhainní dílse
products of vegetable origin used for animal food
táirge glasraí a úsáidtear mar bhia d'ainmhithe
less restrictive provisions
forálacha is lú srianadh
preparations of vegetables or parts of plants
ullmhóidí glasraí nó codanna de phlandaí
production run
sraith táirgí
pumps for sprinklers
caidéil le haghaidh aisréadóirí
an Mhaisreic
Working Party on Fruit and Vegetables (Bananas)
an Mheitheal um Thorthaí agus um Ghlasraí (Bananaí)
Working Party on Fruit and Vegetables
an Mheitheal um Thorthaí agus um Ghlasraí
restricted procedure
nós imeachta srianta
Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes; UNECE Water Convention; Water Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint agus Úsáid Sruthchúrsaí Trasteorann agus Lochanna Idirnáisiúnta
large combustion plant; LCP
mórghléasra dócháin
draenáil; sruthchóras
Israel; State of Israel
Iosrael; Stát Iosrael
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka; Sri Lanka
Poblacht Dhaonlathach Shóisialach Shrí Lanca; Srí Lanca
waste flow; waste stream
sruth dramhaíola
CETS; Council of Europe Treaty Series
CETS; Sraith Chonarthaí de chuid Chomhairle na hEorpa
white-nosed bearded saki
sacaí bánsrónach
broad-nosed caiman; broad-snouted caiman
cadhman srónleathan
to maintain the trade flow
an sreabhadh trádála a choinneáil ar bun
security clearance; security investigation; security screening; security vetting
criathrú slándála; grinnfhiosrúchán slándála
MAMA Working Party; Mashreq/Maghreb Working Party
an Mheitheal um an Mhaisreic/an Mhaghraib
protection racket
cambheartaíocht agus sracaireacht
Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners
Íosrialacha Caighdeánacha um Dhéileáil le Príosúnaigh
Protocol No 11 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, restructuring the control machinery established thereby
Prótacal Uimh. 11 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint, ag athstruchtúrú an tsásra rialaithe arna bhunú leis
false imprisonment; illegal detention; illegal restraint; unlawful detention; unlawful imprisonment
coinneáil go neamhdhleathach; príosúnú neamhdhleathach; srianadh neamhdhleathach
Special Representative; Special Representative of the Secretary-General; SRSG; UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General; UN SRSG
Ionadaí Speisialta Ard-Rúnaí na Náisiún Aontaithe
CHP plant; cogeneration plant; cogeneration power plant; co-generation power station; combined heat and power installation; combined heat and power plant; combined heat and power station
gléasra CTÉ; gléasra teasa agus cumhachta in éineacht; stáisiún CTÉ; stáisiún cumhachta is teasa in éineacht
misapplication of a legally obtained benefit
sraonadh sochair arna fháil go dlíthiúil
EU Special Representative for the African Great Lakes Region; European Union Special Representative for the African Great Lakes Region; EUSR for the African Great Lakes Region
Ionadaí Speisialta an Aontais Eorpaigh le haghaidh Réigiún Mór-Lochanna na hAfraice
giant cupped oyster; Pacific cupped oyster
cuasoisre an Aigéin Chiúin; oisre an Aigéin Chiúin
Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the State of Israel, of the other part
an Comhaontú Eora-Mheánmhara lena mbunaítear comhlachas idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus a mBallstáit, de pháirt, agus Stát Iosrael, den pháirt eile
immigration flow
sreabh inimirce
dedicated short range communication; dedicated short-range communications; DSRC
cumarsáid ghearr-raoin thiomnaithe
balance of plant; BoP
trealamh cúnta gléasra
Interim Agreement Between The United States of America and The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Certain Measures With Respect to the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms; Interim Agreement between the USA and the USSR on Certain Measures with Respect to the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms; SALT I agreement; SALT I Interim Agreement; Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
an Comhaontú Eatramhach idir Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá agus Aontas na bPoblachtaí Sóivéadacha Sóisialacha maidir le Bearta Áirithe i ndáil le hAirm Ionsaitheacha Straitéiseacha a Theorannú; Comhaontú Eatramhach SALT I; Comhaontú SALT I
Codex Committee on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
an Coiste Codex um Thorthaí agus Glasraí Úra
SFA; stock-flow adjustment
coigeartú sreabhaidh i leith stoic
EU Special Representative for the Middle East peace process; European Union Special Representative for the Middle East peace process; EUSR for the Middle East peace process
Ionadaí Speisialta an Aontais Eorpaigh le haghaidh phróiseas síochána an Mheánoirthir
inquiry; taking of evidence
fianaise a ghlacadh; fiosrúchán
cross-border flow of personal data; transborder flow of personal data
sreabh trasteorann sonraí pearsanta
bubbling fluidised bed combustion
dóchán scaire sreabhaí boilgearnaí
street drug
druga sráide
checks and balances; system of checks and balances
córas srianta agus ceartúchán
management of migration flows
sreabha imirce a bhainistiú; sreafaí imirce a bhainistiú
EU Special Representative; EUSR; special representative
Ionadaí Speisialta AE; ISAE
flat oysters; OYX
oisrí leathana
rapid financing mechanism
sásra mearmhaoinithe
longnose gar
cnámhghainneach fadsrónach
Codex Alimentarius Working Party (Fresh Fruit and Vegetables)
Meitheal Codex Alimentarius (Torthaí Úra agus Glasraí Úra)
Protocol on Water and Health to the 1992 Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes
Prótacal maidir le hUisce agus Sláinte a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún 1992 maidir le Cosaint agus Úsáid Sruthchúrsaí Trasteorann agus Lochanna Idirnáisiúnta
SRCF; Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission
an Coimisiún Iascaigh Foréigiúnach; SRFC
media streaming; streaming
mangrove cupped oyster
cuasoisre mangróibh
Chilean flat oyster
oisre leathan Sileach
denticulate rock oyster; ODE
oisre fiaclach
Olympia flat oyster; Olympia oyster
oisre Oilimpia
New Zealand dredge oyster
oisre leathan Nua-Shéalannach
Sydney cupped oyster
cuasoisre Sydney
red bait; SSR
ascaid Pyura stolonifera; baoite dearg
CESR; Committee of European Securities Regulators
CESR; Coiste na Rialtóirí um Urrúis Eorpacha
REACH; REACH Regulation; Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals; Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals
Clárú, Meastóireacht, Údarú, agus Srianadh Ceimiceán; REACH
MCR; minimum capital requirement
íosriachtanas caipitil
corporate responsibility; corporate social responsibility; CR; CSR
freagracht chorparáideach; freagracht shóisialta chorparáideach; FSC
Review Mechanism of the Stabilisation and Association process
Sásra Athbhreithnithe ar an bPróiseas Cobhsaíochta agus Comhlachais
Community Civil Protection Mechanism; Community mechanism to facilitate reinforced cooperation in civil protection assistance interventions; EU Civil Protection Mechanism; EU CPM; Union Civil Protection Mechanism
an Sásra Aontais um Chosaint Shibhialta
inquisitorial procedure
nós imeachta fiosrúchánach
Capability Development Mechanism; CDM
an Sásra Forbartha Cumais; SFC
EU Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina; European Union Special Representative in BiH; European Union Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina; EUSR in BiH; EUSR in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ionadaí Speisialta an Aontais Eorpaigh sa Bhoisnia agus sa Heirseagaivéin
EU Special Representative in Afghanistan; European Union Special Representative for Afghanistan; European Union Special Representative in Afghanistan; European Union Special Representative to Afghanistan; EUSR for Afghanistan; EUSR in Afghanistan
Ionadaí Speisialta an Aontais Eorpaigh san Afganastáin
EU Special Representative in FYROM; EU Special Representative in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; European Union Special Representative in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; EUSR in FYROM; EUSR in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Ionadaí Speisialta an Aontais Eorpaigh i bPoblacht iar-Iúgslavach na Macadóine
Dublin Regulation; Regulation (EC) No 343/2003 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an asylum application lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national; Regulation (EU) No 604/2013 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national or a stateless perso
Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 604/2013 ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle an 26 Meitheamh 2013 lena mbunaítear na critéir agus na sásraí lena gcinntear cé acu Ballstát atá freagrach as scrúdú a dhéanamh ar iarratas ar chosaint idirnáisiúnta arna thaisceadh; Rialachán Bhaile Átha Cliath; Rialachán ón gComhairle lena mbunaítear na critéir agus na sásraí lena gcinntear an Ballstát atá freagrach i scrúdú iarratais ar thearmann arna thaisceadh i gceann de na Ballstáit ag náisiúnach tríú tír
dispute resolution mechanism; dispute settlement mechanism
sásra um réiteach díospóidí
SAP Tracking Mechanism; Stabilisation and Association Process Tracking Mechanism; STM
an Sásra lena rianaítear an Próiseas Cobhsaíochta agus Comhlachais
Athena; Athena mechanism; mechanism to administer the financing of the common costs of European Union operations having military or defence implications
Athena; sásra Athena; sásra riartha chun na costais choiteanna a bhaineann le hoibríochtaí an Aontais Eorpaigh, a mbíonn impleachtaí míleata nó cosanta leo, a mhaoiniú
mechanism for monitoring Community greenhouse gas emissions and for implementing the Kyoto Protocol
sásra chun faireachán a dhéanamh ar astaíochtaí gás ceaptha teasa de chuid an Chomhphobail agus maidir le Prótacal Kyoto a chur chun feidhme
African Peer Review Mechanism; APRM
an Sásra Afracach um Athbhreithniú Piaraí
security sector reform; security system reform; SSR
AES; athchóiriú na hearnála slándála
CCW; Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons; Convention on Conventional Weapons; Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects; Convention on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons; Conventional Weaponry Convention; Inhumane Weapons Convention
an Coinbhinsiún ar Thoirmisc nó Srianta ar Úsáid Gnáth-Arm Áirithe a mheasfaí a bheith Ródhíobhálach nó a measfaí Éifeachtaí Neamh-Idirdhealaitheacha a bheith acu; an Coinbhinsiún ar Úsáid Gnáth-Arm Áirithe; CCW
AFBC; atmospheric fluidised bed combustion
dóchán scaire sreabhaí faoi bhrú atmaisféarach
International Securities Self-Regulating Organisation; ISSRO
Eagraíocht Féinrialaithe um Urrúis Idirnáisiúnta
nationally recognised statistical ratings organisation; NRSRO
gníomhaíocht rátála creidmheasa atá aitheanta go náisiúnta; NRSRO
minimum interest rate
íosráta úis
OOF; other official flows
sreafaí oifigiúla eile
deep litter eggs
uibheacha domhaineasrach
flow pasteuriser
sáslach paistéartha sreafa
edible flowered vegetable
glasra bláthanna inite
edible stalked vegetable
glasra gas inite
crop-rotation restriction
srian ar uainíocht barr
angle of divergence
uillinn eisréimnithe
outlet port
béalóg easraise
adaptor RNA; soluble RNA; sRNA; transfer ribonucleic acid; transfer RNA; tRNA; t-RNA
aigéad ribeanúicléasach traschuir; RNA traschuir; t-RNA
flow cytometry
cítiméadracht sreibhe
DCF method; discounted cash flow method; discounted cash flow model
modh an tsreabhaidh airgid lascainithe
chain store; multiple chain; multiple store
ilsiopa; siopa sraithe
financial constraint
sriantacht airgeadais
homologous series
sraith homalógach
preparatory inquiry
open end series
sraith cheannoscailte
street trading
trádáil sráide
volume flow rate; volumetric flow rate
sreabhráta toirte
market disruption
míshocracht sa mhargadh
export restrictions; restrictions on export
srianta ar onnmhairiú
capital control; restrictions on capital movements
srian caipitil
capital inflow; capital influx; inward capital movements
insreabhadh caipitil
capital export; capital outflow; export of capital; outflow of capital
eis-sreabhadh caipitil
trade restrictions
srianta trádála
variable number tandem repeat; VNTR
athsheicheamh sraithe d'uimhreacha athraitheacha
laminar flow meter; laminar flowmeter
sreabhmhéadar lannach
FBC; fluidised bed combustion; fluidised-bed combustion
dóchán scaire sreabhaí
flow cytometer
cítiméadar sreibhe
Proboscis monkey
moncaí fadsrónach
rhinoceroses; rhinocerotidae
shortnose sturgeon
bradán fearna srónghearr
village weaver
fíodóir sráidbhaile
dividend flow
sreabhadh díbhinní
credit flow; credit flux
sreabhadh creidmheasa
restriction of liquidity
srian ar leachtacht
rith chun srutha
nasal spray
sprae sróine
hurdle rate
íosráta toraidh
Social rate of return; SRR
ráta toraidh sóisialta
seminal fluid
sreabhán seamhnach
completion of the preparatory inquiry
críochnú an réamhfhiosrúcháin
expansion of an inquiry
forleathnú fiosrúcháin
attend the measures of enquiry
freastal ar na bearta fiosrúcháin
closure of the preparatory inquiry
clabhsúr an réamhfhiosrúcháin
determine the points which call for measures of inquiry
cinneadh a dhéanamh ar na pointí a éilíonn bearta fiosrúcháin
order any measure of inquiry
aon bhearta fiosrúcháin a ordú
open the oral procedure without an inquiry
an nós imeachta ó bhéal a thosú gan réamhfhiosrúchán
open a preparatory inquiry
réamhfhiosrúchán a thosú
repetition of a previous inquiry
athdhéanamh fiosrúcháin a rinneadh roimhe seo
frame buffer; video RAM; video random access memory; VRAM
físchuimhne randamrochtana; físRAM
payments restrictions; restrictions on payments
srianta ar íocaíochtaí
wire rod
slat sreinge
full scale deflection
sraonadh lánscála
heat transfer fluid; heat-carrying fluid
sreabhán traschurtha teasa
global radiation; global solar radiation; GSR
grianradaíocht dhomhanda
mass flow rate
ráta ollsreafa
solar chimney power plant; solar updraft tower
gléasra cumhachta griansimléir
short rotation coppice; SRC
roschoill ghearruainíochta
guy wire
sreang theanntáin
mass flow
sreabhadh maise
flow meter; flowmeter
decay series; radioactive family; radioactive series
sraith radaighníomhach
Trade Policy Review Mechanism
sásra athbhreithnithe ar an mbeartas trádála
transitional safeguard mechanism
sásra coimirce idirthréimhsigh
restriction to safeguard the balance of payments
srian chun comhardú na n-íocaíochtaí a choimirciú
disguised restriction on trade in services
srianadh faoi cheilt maidir le trádáil seirbhísí
restriction on resale of services
srian ar athdhíol seirbhísí
DCF; discounted cash flow
sreabhadh airgid lascainithe
dispersant; dispersing agent; dispersing aid
PFBC; pressurised fluidised bed combustion
dóchán scaire sreabhaí brúchóirithe; PFBC
supermarket chain
sraith ollmhargaí
Law against Restraint of Competition
dlí i gcoinne srianadh iomaíochta
advertising restriction
srian fógraíochta
voluntary restraint agreement
comhaontú saorálach maidir le srianadh
vertical restraint of trade
srianadh trádála ingearach
restrictions on imports of eggs
srianta ar allmhairiú uibheacha
concluded investigation
fiosrúchán críochnaithe
voluntary restraint measure
beart srianta deonach
arrangements for voluntary restraint of imports
socruithe maidir le srianadh deonach allmhairí
mechanism for monitoring CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions in the Community; monitoring mechanism for anthropogenic CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions not controlled by the Montreal Protocol in the Member States; monitoring mechanism of Community CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions
sásra faireacháin astaíochtaí CO2 agus gás ceaptha teasa eile sa Chomhphobal
anti-smear air deflector
sraonaire aeir frithsmearaidh
actual flow
sreabhadh iarbhír
gléasra cumhachta
air-flow sensor
braiteoir aersreafa
vegetable seed
síol glasraí
vegetable sap
sú glasraí
vegetable juice
sú glasraí
pastry mould
múnla taosráin
wire strand
dual sreinge
stranded wire
sreang dhualach
shrapnel shell
sliogán srapnail
full-flow dilution system
córas caolúcháin lánsreafa
partial-flow-dilution system
córas caolúcháin pháirtsreafa
order number
(<I>RS</I>)-α-cyano-4-fluoro-3-phenoxybenzyl (1<I>RS</I>,3<I>RS</I>;1<I>RS</I>,3<I>SR</I>)-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate; cyano(4-fluoro-3-phenoxyphenyl)methyl 3-(2,2-dichloroethenyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate; cyfluthrin
SFT; supercritical fluid technology
teicneolaíocht sreabháin fhorchriticiúil
eddy current separator
deighilteoir srutha guairneáin
common organisation of the market in fruit and vegetables
comheagrú an mhargaidh in earnáil na dtorthaí agus na nglasraí
to avoid deflection of trade
sraonadh trádála a sheachaint
common machinery for stabilising imports
comhshásra chun allmhairí a chobhsú
quantitative restrictions on imports and exports
srianta cainníochtúla ar onnmhairí agus ar allmhairí
the abolition of restrictions on trade
srianta ar an trádáil a dhíothú; srianta leis an trádáil a dhíothú
a series of items which constitute a separate unit and form a coherent whole
sraith míreanna arb éard é aonad ar leith agus a dhéanann iomlán comhtháite
to avoid deflections of trade and distortions of competition
d'fhonn sraonadh trádála agus saobhadh iomaíochta a sheachaint
deflections in trade
sraonadh sa trádáil; sraonta trádála
ancillary restraints; ancillary restrictions
srianta coimhdeacha
multi-stage consolidation; multi-tier consolidation
comhdhlúthú ilchéime; comhdhúthú ilsraithe
cash flow
sreabhadh airgid
cash budget; cash flow forecast
buiséad airgid; réamhaisnéis faoin sreabhadh airgid
oscillatory flow meter; vortex flow meter; vortex shedding flow meter
sreabhmhéadar cuilithí
exchange restriction
srianadh malairte
vegetable market
margadh glasraí
legumes; leguminous vegetable
glasra léagúmach
nasolabial plane
plána srónliopach
flow of exports
sreabhadh onnmhairí
market fluidity
so-athraitheacht margaidh; sreabhánacht margaidh
coho salmon syndrome; Huito disease; piscirickettsiosis; salmonid rickettsial septicaemia; SRS
dose constraint
sriantacht dáileoige
solid booster; solid rocket booster; solid-propellant booster; SRB
TR; treiseoir roicéadach
sarcoplasmatic reticulum; sarcoplasmic reticulum; SR
líontán sarcaplasmach
seat reference point; SRP
pointe tagartha suíocháin; SRP
adiabatic flow
sreabhadh aidiabatach
aeroelastic divergence
eisréimneacht aeraileaisteach
air mass flow
sreabhadh aermhaise
arm restraint system
córas srianta lámh
aural radio range
cluasraon raidió
axial flow supercharger
sárluchtaire ais-sreafa
axial wire
sreang aiseach
ballistic deflection error
earráid de thoradh sraonadh balaistíoch
sraith soilse
araí; srian
bulkhead wiring
sreangú bulcaide
burble angle
uillinn an bhoirbéil; uillinn an ionsaithe chriticiúil; uillinn na deighilte sreafa lannaigh; uillinn na titime criticiúla
catenary wires
sreanga caitéineacha
choked flow
sreabhadh tachta
chord wiring
sreangú an chorda
circumferential gas bag wires
sreanga imlíneacha le haghaidh málaí gáis
circumferential outer cover wires
sreanga imlíneacha seachtracha
close controlled air interception
tascradh aeir le neasrialú
continuum flow
sreabhadh leanúnach
corrugated sandwich
ceapaire rocach; clár ceapaire rocach; srathú rocach
cross flow
cross rolling
crosrolladh; trasrolladh
cruise control
dispersion hardening
cruachan easrúcháin
divergence speed
luas dibhéirseachta; luas eisréimneachta
drag wire
sreang chúltarraingthe
exhaust deflecting ring
fáinne sraonta sceite
exhaust stream
sruth sceite
external flow
sreabhadh seachtrach
eyelid reverser
aisiompaitheoir caipín súile; aisiompaitheoir sreibhe i bhfoirm caipín súile
clamshell shutters; eyelids
sraonairí altacha
flame damper
maolaire lasrach
flow control
rialú srutha aerthráchta
flow number
uimhir sreibhe
fluid level indicator
táscaire leibhéil sreabháin
fluid parcel; parcel
blúirín sreabháin
fly by light
eitilt sholasrialaithe
gas flow error
earráid de dheasca sreabhadh gáis
horizontal stratification
srathú cothrománach
hypersonic flow
sreabhadh hipearsonach
incompressible flow
sreabhadh do-chomhbhrúite
inflow angle
uillinn an insreafa
inflow ratio
cóimheas insreafa
inlet flow distortion
díchumadh an tsreabhaidh ionraoin
internal flow
sreabhadh inmheánach
isentropic flow
sreabhadh iseantrópach
lateral divergence
eisréimneacht chliathánach
layer clouds
scamall sraithe
leg restraint lines
línte srianta cos
leg restraint system
córas srianta cos
lift wires
sreanga um ardú
liquid booster
treisroicéad leachta; treisroicéad leacht-tiomáinte
sreang ghlasála
low density flow
sreabhadh ísealdlúis
mesh wiring
mogalra sreinge
mixed flow compressor
comhbhrúiteoir sreafa mheasctha
ideal fluid; perfect fluid
sreabhán idéalach
primary radar; primary surveillance radar; PSR
radar príomhúil faireachais
counterflow burner; reverse flow combustion chamber
cuasán dó cúlsreabh; cuasan dó cúlsreibhe; cuasán dó go sreabhadh cúltreo; dóire frithshreibhe
search and rescue region; SRR
réigiún cuardaigh agus tarrthála; SRR
flame photometric detector; FPD
brathadóir lasrach fótaiméadrach
oyster shells
sliogán oisre
cash flow before taxation; cash flow before taxes; gross cash flow
sreabhadh airgid roimh chánachas
space tracking
flow resistivity
friotachas sreabhaidh
hazard beacon
current density
dlús srutha; sruthdhlús
average current efficiency; CE; current efficiency
éifeachtúlacht srutha
SRE; surveillance radar element
radar faireachais ascnaimh
conduction current density
dlús srutha seolta
AC; alternating current
SA; sruth ailtéarnach
DC; direct current; galvanic current
DC; sruth díreach
geothermal plant; geothermal power plant; geothermal power station
gléasra geoiteirmeach
fluidised bed boiler
coire scaire sreabhaí
current; current flow
sreabhadh srutha; sruth
cross-border data flow; transborder data flow; transfrontier data flow; transnational data flow
sreabh sonraí trasteorann; sreabhadh trasteorann sonraí
traffic flow; traffic stream
sruth tráchta
pedestrian crossing; zebra crossing
trasrian síogach
plant for toxic and dangerous waste elimination
gléasra um dhramhaíl thocsaineach agus contúirteach a dhíothú
plant for toxic and dangerous waste treatment
gléasra um dhramhaíl thocsaineach agus contúirteach a chóireáil
fluid sampling instrument for solid toxic and dangerous waste
samplóir sreabhán le haghaidh dramhaíola soladaí atá contúirteach tocsaineach
fluid waste
dramhaíl sreabháin
new combustion plant
gléasra nua dócháin
emission inquiry
fiosrúchán astaíochta
monodispersed system
córas aoneasraithe
groundwater flow; interflow; subsurface flow; subsurface runoff; underground runoff
rith chun srutha faoi dhromchla
overland flow; surface runoff; surface run-off
rith chun srutha ar dhromchla; sreabhadh de dhroim talún
cúrsa uisce; sruthchúrsa
flow nozzle; flow nozzle meter
méadar sreabh-bhuinne
drifting gillnet; driftnet; gillnet (drift)
franchise chaîn; franchise network
sraith seancheadúnais
chain of branches
sraith brainsí
franchise chain's non-permanent committee
coiste neamhbhuan sraith saincheadúnais
stages in the chain's life
céimeanna i saol na sraithe
franchise chain homogeneity
aonchineálacht sraith saincheadúnais
franchise chain internationalisation
idirnáisiúnú sraith saincheadúnais
voluntary chain association; wholesale-and-retail association
comhlachas sreang-ghnólachtaí deonacha
franchise chain operators
oibreoirí i sraith saincheadúnas
concessionaires chain; franchisees chain
sraith de shaincheadúnaithe
test of innovations developed by chain
tástáil nuálaíochtaí arna bhforbairt ag an tsraith saincheadúnas
flame front
fronta lasrach
mass flow meter; mass flow-meter
méadar ollsreafa
sequence number; serial number
application layer; layer 7
sraith 7; sraith na feidhme
data link layer; layer 2
sraith 2; sraith an nasctha sonraí
layer 3; network layer
sraith 3; sraith an líonra
layer 1; PHY; physical layer
sraith fhisiciúil
layer 6; presentation layer
sraith 6; sraith na láithreoireachta
layer 5; session layer
sraith 5; sraith an tseisiúin
layer 4; transport layer
sraith 4; sraith an iompair
gluaisrothar; rothar gluaiste
decay chain; decay series; disintegration chain; radioactive chain; radioactive series
sraith meatha
CFB boiler; circulating fluidised bed boiler
coire scaire sreabhaí athfhilltí
PHWR; pressurised heavy-water-moderated and cooled reactor
imoibreoir a mheasraítear agus a fhuaraítear le tromuisce brúchóirithe
buy straddle; long straddle; option straddle
srathair fhada
naked straddle; sell straddle; short straddle; write straddle
srathair ghearr
floor; interest rate floor
íosráta; íosráta úis
tandem repeat
athsheicheamh sraithe
factory outlet
asraon monarchan
cash flow; cash flow after taxation
sreabhadh airgid iarchánach
flame ionisation
ianú lasrach; ianúchán lasrach
horny layer; stratum corneum
sraith adharcach; stratum corneum
granular layer; granular layer of epidermis; stratum granulosum
sraith ghráinneach; sraith ghráinneach na heipideirme; stratum granulosum
non-distributable reserves; restricted reserves
cúlchistí srianta
Portuguese cupped oyster; Portuguese oyster
oisre Portaingéalach
restricted area
limistéar srianta
bradyarrhythmia; bradydysrhythmia
acute coryza; acute nasopharyngitis; common cold
géarfharaingíteas sróine; slaghdán
arrhythmia; cardiac arrhythmia; dysrhythmia; heart arrhythmia
aimhrithim chairdiach
space robot
current density
dlús srutha
Finnish Medicines Agency
Gníomhaireacht Leigheasra na Fionnlainne
arterial street
sráid artaireach
capacity restraint
srianadh toillte
contact shoe
sleamhnán gabhála srutha
covered track work
rian leabaithe sa tsráid
current sectionalisation switch
lasc imdhealaithe srutha
direct current linear motor
mótar líneach srutha dhírigh
direct current shunt motor
mótar seachródach srutha dhírigh
interlocking machine
gléasra comhghlasála
off-street terminal
críochfort eas-sráide
power rail; power transmission line
sreang tharchuir chumhachta
return current conductor
seoltóir an tsrutha fhillte
sand drag
gaineamh sracaidh
series-parallel switching
lascadh sraithe agus comhuainíochta
series system
córas srathach
sketch planning
ráille idirmheánach; sliosráille
mate; stock rail
street kilometres
ciliméadar sráide
three-phase alternating current motor
mótar srutha ailtéarnaigh trí phas
trolley wire
sreang tralaí
wiggly wire system
córas uathrialúcháin traenacha le sreang rocach; córas 'wiggly wire'
FBL; FBO; fly-by-light flight control system; fly-by-light system; fly-by-optics
eitilt sholasrialaithe
scamhaire sreinge
ADI fluid; anti-detonant fluid; antidetonation injection fluid
sreabhán frithmhadhmtha
market outlet
incoming orders; inflow of new orders
insreabhadh d'orduithe nua; orduithe inteachta; orduithe isteach
collection period; enquiry period
tréimhse bhailiúcháin; tréimhse fiosrúcháin
price range
social stratification
srathú sóisialta
commodity flow; flow of commodity
sreabhadh tráchtearraí
restraint of competition
srianadh iomaíochta
random sampling; simple random sampling; SRS
sampláil randamach; sampláil randamach shimplí
fresh vegetable
glasraí úra