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Auxilliary glossaries
QMS; quality management system
Córas Bainistíochta Cáilíochta
AFCS; automatic flight control system
AFCS; córas uathrialaithe eitilte
ACAS; airborne collision avoidance system
córas seachanta imbhuailtí ar eite
nervous system toxicity; neurotoxicity
SNA; System of National Accounts
CCN; córas na gcuntas náisiúnta
diagonal split braking system; diagonally-split braking circuit
córas coscánaithe trasnánach-scoilte
integrated endurance braking system
córas comhtháite do choscánú buanseasmhachta
split braking circuit; split braking system
córas coscánaithe scoilte
cruise control; cruise control system
córas luasrialaithe
ES; expert system
córas saineolach
aquatic ecosystem; water ecosystem
éiceachóras uisceach
eMARS; Major Accident Reporting System; MARS
Córas Tuairiscithe ar Mhórthionóiscí; MARS
Efics; European Forestry Information and Communication System
Córas Eorpach Faisnéise agus Cumarsáide na Foraoiseachta; EFICS
Community system of reliefs from customs duty
Córas Comhphobail d'fhaoisimh ó dhleacht chustaim
‘EC’ declaration of verification of the subsystem; EC declaration of verification
dearbhú CE maidir le fíorú an fhochórais
additional depreciation; extraordinary depreciation; system of accelerated depreciation
córas dímheasa luathaithe; dímheas breise; dímheas urghnách
accreditation system
córas creidiúnúcháin
exhaust system
IKBS; intelligent knowledge-based system; KBS; knowledge-based system
córas bunaithe ar eolas
electronic voting system
córas vótála leictreonach
market risk; systematic risk; undiversifiable risk
riosca córasach; riosca margaidh
central circulatory system
lárchóras imshruthaithe
employment system; organisation of work; work organisation
córas fostaíochta; eagrú na hoibre
Common Systems Interface; CSI
comhéadan coiteann na gcóras; CSI
information system for public procurement; SIMAP
córas faisnéise um sholáthar poiblí; SIMAP
agri-meteorological system; agro-meteorological system
córas agraimeitéareolaíoch
public broadcasting system
córas craolacháin phoiblí
prison system
córas na bpriosún
systemic irregularity
neamhrialtacht shistéamach
earmarking system
córas comharthaithe
collateral pooling system
córas comhthiomsaithe comhthaobhachta
Integrated standards information system; ISIS
an Córas Comhtháite Faisnéise maidir le Caighdeáin; ISIS
SSAC; state system of accounting for and control of nuclear material
SSAC; Státchóras um Ábhar Núicléach a Chuntas agus a Rialú
offset carrier system
córas iompróra seach-churtha; seach-chóras iompróra
inward processing drawback procedure; inward processing drawback system; inward processing procedure in the form of the drawback system
nós imeachta aisíocaíochta dleachta próiseála isteach
ECU; EMS; engine control unit; engine management system
córas stiúrtha innill
retail payment system
córas íocaíochta miondíola
gas transmission system; Natural Gas Transmission System; NGTS
córas tarchurtha gáis nádúrtha
hESC; human embryonic stem cell
gaschill shuthach dhaonna
district heating and cooling system
córas téimh agus fuaraithe ceantair
Case Management System; CMS
CMS; Córas Bainistithe Cáis
accounting system; accounts; system of accounts
córas cuntasaíochta
accounting system
córas cuntasaíochta
CIS; computer system; Computerised Information System
córas faisnéise ríomhairithe
internal control system
córas rialaithe inmheánaigh
outline system description
tuairisc imlíneach ar an gcóras
Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System; Harmonised System; HS
CC; Córas Comhchuibhithe; Córas Comhchuibhithe um Thuairisciú agus um Chódú Tráchtearraí
block-grant system
córas blocdheontas
industrial relations system; system of industrial relations
córas caidrimh thionsclaíoch
previous system
an córas roimhe seo
suspension system
córas fionraí
one-tier system; unitary board regime; unitary board structure
struchtúr boird amháin
early warning system; EWS; rapid alert system; RAS
córas mear-rabhaidh; córas réamhrabhaidh
Council Decision on own resources; Council Decision on the system of own resources of the European Union; Council Decision on the system of the European Communities' own resources; Own Resources Decision
Cinneadh maidir le hAcmhainní Dílse; Cinneadh ón gComhairle maidir le córas acmhainní dílse an Aontais Eorpaigh; Cinneadh ón gComhairle maidir le córas acmhainní dílse na gComhphobal Eorpach; Cinneadh ón gComhairle maidir le hacmhainní dílse; cinneadh ón gComhairle maidir lena hacmhainní féin
Agreement establishing Interim Arrangements for a Global Commercial Communications Satellite System
an Comhaontú lena mbunaítear Socruithe Eatramhacha maidir le Córas Tráchtála Domhanda Teileachumarsáide trí Shatailít
activating price; activating threshold price for intervention; threshold activating price; threshold price activating the intervention system
Convention concerning the Establishment of an International System for the Maintenance of Rights in Social Security; Maintenance of Social Security Rights Convention, 1982
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Córas Idirnáisiúnta a Bhunú chun Cearta Slándála Sóisialta a Chaomhnú
HS Convention; International Convention on the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System; International Convention on the Harmonised System
Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta ar an gCóras Comhchuibhithe um Thuairisciú agus um Chódú Tráchtearraí
EHLASS; European Home and Leisure Accident Surveillance System
Córas Eorpach Faireachais maidir le tionóiscí sa bhaile agus tráth fóillíochta; EHLASS
Schengen Information System; SIS
CFS; Córas Faisnéise Schengen; SIS
ECTS; European Community Course Credit Transfer System; European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System; European credit transfer system
an Córas Eorpach Aistrithe Creidiúna; córas Eorpach d'aistriú creidmheasa; ECTS
regulatory framework; regulatory system
córas rialála; creat rialála
ESCB; European System of Central Banks
an Córas Eorpach Banc Ceannais; CEBC
drawback scheme; drawback system
córas aisíoca; scéim aisíoca
ECU clearing system
córas imréitigh AAE
European System for the International Clearing of Vacancies and Applications for Employment; SEDOC
an Córas Eorpach chun Folúntais agus Iarratais ar Fhostaíocht a Imréiteach ar Bhonn Idirnáisiúnta; SEDOC
Generalised System of Preferences; Generalized System of Preferences; GSP
Córas Ginearálaithe um Fhabhair
(System of) Stabilisation of Export Earnings; STABEX
Córas um Chobhsaíocht Tuilleamh Onnmhairiúcháin; STABEX
Scheme for Mineral Products; SYSMIN; System for Safeguarding and Developing Mineral Production
córas um thairgeadh mianraí a chosaint agus a fhorbairt
common system
GSP Working Party; Working Party on the Generalised System of Preferences
an Mheitheal um Chóras na bhFabhar Ginearálaithe
Enhanced Radio MEssage System; ERMES; European Radio Message System; European Radio-Messaging System
an Córas Eorpach um Chur Teachtaireachtaí Raidió; ERMES
mechanism for short-term monetary support; short-term monetary support mechanism; system of short-term monetary support
meicníocht um thacaíocht ghearrthéarmach airgeadaíochta
special system
córas speisialta
database management system; DBMS
córas bainistíochta bunachar sonraí; DBMS
monitoring system
córas faireacháin; córas monatóireachta
liberalisation system
córas léirscaoilte
uniform system
córas comhionann
vessel positioning system; vessel traffic management system; vessel traffic service; VTS
seirbhís bainistíochta tráchta árthaí; seirbhís bainistíochta um thrácht árthaí; seirbhís um thrácht árthaí; VTS
multilateral trading system
córas iltaobhach trádála
Convention for a Uniform System of Tonnage Measurement of Ships; Oslo Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le córas comhionann chun tonnáiste long a thomhas
Convention concerning the Regulation of Certain Special Systems of Recruiting Workers; Recruiting of Indigenous Workers Convention, 1936
Coinbhinsiún maidir le Córais Speisialta Áirithe um Earcaíocht Oibrithe a Rialáil; Coinbhinsiún maidir le Rialáil Córais Speisialta Áirithe um Earcaíocht Oibrithe
marrow stemmed kale; marrowstem kale
cál gas smeara
system of trade; trading system
córas trádála
choke; cold start system; cold starting device; cold-start device
sewerage system
córas séarachais
safeguards system
córas coimircí
stem cutting
gearrthóg lorga
tax arrangements; tax system
cáinchóras; socruithe cánach
tax system; taxation
cáinchóras; cánachas
MISEP; mutual information system on employment policies
córas faisnéise frithpháirteach maidir le beartais fostaíochta; MISEP
to establish a system
bunaigh córas
instrumentation systems
córas ionstraimíochta; ionstraimíocht
sanitation system
córas sláintíochta
systematic screening
scagadh córasach
multimedia training systems
córas oiliúna ilmheánach
a compatible system
córas comhoiriúnach
a system incompatible with ...
córas nach luíonn le ...
exclusive or selective distribution system
córas dáileacháin eisiach nó roghnaíoch
Automated Central Documentation Service; Community System for Access to Documentation; Community System for Accessing Documentation; SCAD
Lársheirbhís Uathoibrithe Doiciméadúcháin; SCAD
the Council may require ... to establish a system ...
féadfaidh an Chomhairle a cheangal ar ... córas ... a bhunú; féadfaidh an Chomhairle a chur de cheangal ar ... córas ... a bhunú
European Workshop for Open Systems; EWOS
Ceardlann Eorpach um Chórais Oscailte; EWOS
EIS; IES; information exchange system; system of exchange of information
córas malartaithe faisnéise
social protection system
córas cosanta sóisialta
order matching system; trade matching system
córas meaitseála trádála
autonomy of educational systems
neamhspleáchas na gcóras oideachais
hit/no-hit system
córas 'amas a fháil/gan amas a fháil'
international monetary system
córas airgeadaíochta idirnáisiúnta
HACCP; HACCP system; hazard analysis and critical control point; hazard analysis critical control point system; hazard analysis of critical control points
AGPRC; anailís ghuaise agus phointí rialúcháin criticiúla
Value-added Tax Information Exchange System; VAT Information Exchange System; VIES
córas malartaithe faisnéise CBL; VIES
Protocol on the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank
Prótacal maidir le Reacht an Chórais Eorpaigh Bhanc Ceannais agus an Bhainc Ceannais Eorpaigh
Statute of the ESCB; Statute of the ESCB and of the ECB; Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank
Reacht CEBC; Reacht CEBC agus BCE
CIS; Customs Information System
Córas Eolais Custaim; Córas Faisnéise Custaim
industrial changes and changes in production systems
athruithe tionsclaíocha agus athruithe sna córais táirgthe
Codex Committee on Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems
an Coiste Comhairleach maidir le Córais um Chigireacht agus um Dheimhniú i ndáil le hAllmhairithe agus le hOnnmhairithe Bia
Eurodac; European fingerprinting system; European system for the comparison of the dactyloscopic records of asylum seekers
Córas Eorpach chun comparáid a dhéanamh idir taifid dhachtalascópacha iarrthóirí tearmainn; Córas Eorpach méarlorgaireachta; Eurodac
clearing and settlement systems
córas um imréiteach agus um ghlanadh
macroprudential risk; systemic risk; system-wide risk
riosca macrastuamachta; riosca sistéamach
IACS; integrated administration and control system
an Córas Comhtháite Riaracháin agus Rialaithe; CCRR
delivery means; delivery system; delivery vehicle; means of delivery
córas seachadta; modh seachadta
geographic information system; geographical information system; GIS
córas faisnéise geografaí
inertial guidance system; inertial navigation equipment; inertial navigation system; inertial navigation unit; INS; INU
córas loingseoireachta támhúla
judicial system
córas breithiúnach
ESS; European Statistical System
Córas Staidrimh Eorpach; CSE
European Satellite Navigation System; Galileo
Córas Eorpach um Loingseoireacht Satailíte; GALILEO
Council Directive 2006/112/EC of 28 November 2006 on the common system of value added tax; VAT Directive
Treoir maidir le Cáin Bhreisluacha; Treoir maidir le CBL
Global Navigation Satellite System; GNSS
Córas Domhanda Loingseoireacht Satailíte; GNSS
index system
córas innéacs
ETCS; European Train Control System
an Córas Eorpach um Rialú Traenacha; ETCS
WAAS; Wide Area Augmentation System
Córas Méadúcháin Achair Fhairsing
automatic toll collection; electronic toll collection; electronic toll collection system; ETC
córas ríomhbhailiúcháin dolaí; ríomhbhailiúchán dolaí
1995 ESA; ESA 95; European System of Accounts 1995; European System of National and Regional Accounts in the Community
CEC 95; Córas Eorpach na gCuntas 1995; córas Eorpach um chuntais náisiúnta agus réigiúnacha sa Chomhphobal
ESA 2010; European System of Accounts; European System of Accounts 2010; European system of national and regional accounts; European system of national and regional accounts in the European Union
an córas Eorpach cuntas náisiúnta agus réigiúnach san Aontas Eorpach; CCE 2010; Córas Cuntas Eorpach 2010
EIS; Europol Information System
córas faisnéise Europol
securities settlement system; SSS
córas socraíochta urrús
system failure
teip córais
Additional Protocol to the European Social Charter Providing for a System of Collective Complaints
prótacal breise a ghabhann le Cairt Shóisialta na hEorpa trína bhforáiltear córas um ghearáin chomhchoiteanna
FTS; funds transfer system; payment system
córas aistrithe cistí
IFPS; Integrated Initial Flight Plan Processing System
Córas Cómhtháite um Thúsphróiseáil Pleananna Eitilte
Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on settlement finality in payment and securities settlement systems; Settlement Finality Directive; SFD
Treoir maidir le Críochnaitheacht Socraíochta; Treoir ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle maidir le críochnaitheacht socraíochta i gcórais íocaíochta agus socraíochta urrús
Euromediterranean system of mitigation, prevention and management of natural and man-made disasters
Córas Eora-Mheánmhara chun tubaistí nádúrtha agus de dhéanamh an duine a mhaolú, a chosc agus a bhainistiú; Córas Eora-Mheánmhara um maolú, cosc agus bainistíocht tubaistí nádúrtha agus de dhéanamh an duine
ERTMS; European Rail Traffic Management System
an Córas Eorpach um Bainistiú Tráchta Iarnróid; ERTMS
OBD; OBD system; on board diagnostics; on-board diagnostic system
diagnóisic ar bord
Common Understanding on the principles of international cooperation in research and development activities in the domain of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems between the European Community and the United States of America, Japan, Australia, Canada and the
Comhthuiscint maidir le prionsabail an chomhair idirnáisiúnta i ngníomhaíochtaí taighde agus forbartha i réimse na gCóras Monaraíochta Cliste idir an Comhphobal Eorpach agus Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá, an tSeapáin, an Astráil, Ceanada agus na baill sin de
Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems; Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems of the Group of Ten central banks; Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures; CPMI; CPSS
an Coiste um Chórais Íocaíochta agus Socraíochta de chuid an Ghrúpa de Dheich mbanc ceannais
banking system failure; systemic banking failure
teip an chórais baincéireachta
book-entry system
córas cuntais reatha
CAIS; Central American Integration System; SICA
Córas Lánpháirtithe Mhéiriceá Láir; SICA
Institute for Systems, Informatics and Safety; ISIS
an Institiúid um Chórais, Fhaisnéisíocht agus Shábháilteacht
benefit system
córas sochar
DNS; domain name system
córas ainmneacha fearainn
endurance braking system
córas coscánaithe buanseasmhachta
intelligent traffic system; intelligent transport system; intelligent transportation system; ITS
CCT; córas cliste iompair
European Image Archiving System; FADO; False and Authentic Documents Online
an Córas Eorpach um Chartlannú Íomhánna; Doiciméid Bhréagacha agus Doiciméid Bharántúla ar Líne; FADO
Protocol on the system of public broadcasting in the Member States
Prótacal maidir leis an gcóras craolacháin phoiblí sna Ballstáit
clearing system
córas imréitigh
ECCAIRS; European Coordination Centre for Aircraft Incident Reporting Systems
an tIonad Comhordaithe Eorpach um Chórais Tuairiscithe ar Theagmhais Aerárthaigh
Agreement between the European Community, the European Space Agency and the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation on a European Contribution to the development of a global navigation satellite system (GNSS)
Comhaontú idir an Comhphobal Eorpach, an Ghníomhaireacht Spáis Eorpach agus an Eagraíocht Eorpach um Shábháilteacht na hAerloingseoireachta maidir le Rannchuidiú Eorpach i bhforbairt córas loingseoireachta satailíte (GNSS)
filing system; personal data filing system
córas comhdúcháin sonraí pearsanta
MANPAD system; MANPADS; man-portable air defence system
córas aerchosanta iniompartha
CCN network; CCN/CSI; CCN/CSI network; Common Communications Network/Common Systems Interface
CCN/CSI; líonra CCN; líonra cumarsáide coiteann/comhéadan coiteann córas
EARS-Net; European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network; European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System
an Líonra Eorpach Faireachais um Fhrithsheasmhacht in aghaidh Ábhar Frithmhiocróbach; EARS-Net
córas an euro; Eurochóras
GHS; Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals; Globally Harmonized System for the Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
an Córas Comhchuibhithe Domhanda um Cheimiceáin a Aicmiú agus a Lipéadú; GHS
transmission system operator; TSO
OCT; oibreoir córais tarchurtha
IMS; International Monitoring System
an Córas Faireacháin Idirnáisiúnta; IMS
zipper quota; zipper system
checks and balances; system of checks and balances
córas srianta agus ceartúchán
CEAS; Common European Asylum System
CEAS; CET; Comhchóras Eorpach Tearmainn; Comhchóras Tearmainn Eorpach
second generation Schengen Information System; SIS II
an dara glúin de Chóras Faisnéise Schengen; CFS II
VIS; Visa Information System
an Córas Faisnéise Víosaí; VIS
ACIS; Advance Cargo Information System
ACIS; Córas Réamhfhaisnéise Lasta
radionavigation-satellite service; radionavigation-satellite system; RNSS
seirbhís satailíte radaloingseoireachta
Global System for Mobile Communications - Rail; GSM for rail applications; GSM-R; GSM-Railway
Córas Domhanda do Chumarsáid Mhóibíleach - Iarnród; GSM-Iarnród; GSM-R
ETSO; European Transmission System Operators
ETSO; Oibreoirí Chórais Tarchurtha na hEorpa
EUCARIS; European Car and Driving Licence Information System; European Vehicle and Driving Licence Information System
an Córas Eorpach Faisnéise maidir le feithiclí agus ceadúnais tiomána; EUCARIS
Codex Alimentarius Working Party (Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems)
Meitheal Codex Alimentarius (Córais um Chigireacht agus um Dheimhniú i ndáil le hAllmhairithe agus le hOnnmhairithe Bia)
EMCS; Excise Movement and Control System
an Córas um Rialú agus um Ghluaiseacht Máil; EMCS
health care delivery system; health care system; health system; healthcare system
córas cúraim sláinte
EUCARIS Treaty; Treaty concerning a European Vehicle and Driving Licence Information System
Conradh EUCARIS; Conradh i dtaca le Córas Eorpach Faisnéise maidir le feithiclí agus ceadúnais tiomána
rotation system based on the principle of equality
uainíocht ar bhonn phrionsabal an chomhionannais
AFS Convention; International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on Ships
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta ar Chórais Dhíobhálacha Frithsmálaithe ar Longa a Rialú; Coinbhinsiún AFS
Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed; RASFF
an Córas Mear-rabhaidh um Bia don Duine agus d'Ainmhithe; an Córas Mear-rabhaidh um Bia-ábhair agus Beathú; RASFF
network and information security; NIS; security of network and information systems
NIS; slándáil gréasán agus faisnéise
stem cell line
CECIS; Common Emergency Communication and Information System
CECIS; Comhchóras Cumarsáide agus Faisnéise Éigeandála
DPS; dynamic purchasing system
córas dinimiciúil ceannaigh
system-high mode; system-high security mode of operation
modh oibriúcháin slándála ard-rúnaicmithe
distribution system operator; DSO
OCD; oibreoir córais dáileacháin
storage system operator
oibritheoir córais stórála
Advance Passenger Information System; API system; APIS
APIS; córas réamhfhaisnéise paisinéirí
Europol's computerised tool for secure exchange of information and intelligence; Info-Ex; Information Exchange System
an Córas Malartaithe Faisnéise; Info-Ex; Ríomhuirlis Europol um shlánmhalartú eolais agus faisnéise
alternative remittance system; ARS
seirbhís mhalartach aistrithe luacha
Community vessel traffic monitoring and information system; vessel traffic monitoring and information system; VTMIS
córas Comhphobail faireacháin agus faisnéise um thrácht soithí; córas faireacháin agus faisnéise um thrácht árthach; VTMIS
ECOS; European City Cooperation System
Córas Comhair idir Cathracha Eorpacha; ECOS
Community programme to improve the operation of taxation systems in the internal market; Fiscalis 2013
clár Comhphobail chun feabhas a chur ar oibriú córas cánachais sa mhargadh inmheánach; Fiscalis 2013
farm advisory system; FAS
córas comhairleach feirme
security of information systems; SIS
slándáil córas faisnéise
Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime, concerning the criminalisation of acts of a racist and xenophobic nature committed through computer systems
Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún maidir le Cibearchoireacht, a bhaineann le coiriúlú gníomhartha de chineál ciníoch agus seineafóbach a dhéantar trí chórais ríomhaireachta
integrated management system for external borders
córas comhtháite bainistíochta do theorainneacha seachtracha
SI; systematic internaliser
inmheánaitheoir córasach
EWC; International Conference on Early Warning Systems for the Reduction of Natural Disasters
an Chomhdháil Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Córais Réamhrabhaidh le haghaidh Tubaistí Nádúrtha a Laghdú; EWC
qualification system
córas cáilithe; córas cáiliúcháin
EBTI; European Binding Tariff Information system
an Córas Faisnéise um Tharaifí Ceangailteacha; EBTI
central VIS; Central Visa Information System; CS-VIS
Córas Lárnach Faisnéise Víosaí; CS-VIS
emissions trading scheme; emissions trading system; ETS
córas trádála astaíochtaí; ETS; scéim trádála astaíochtaí
EU emissions trading scheme; EU emissions trading system; EU ETS; scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community
EU ETS; Scéim AE i ndáil le Trádáil Astaíochtaí; scéim i ndáil le trádáil lamháltas astaíochtaí gás ceaptha teasa laistigh den Chomhphobal
benefits system; social security scheme; social security system
córas slándála sóisialta; scéim slándála sóisialta
security sector reform; security system reform; SSR
AES; athchóiriú na hearnála slándála
European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency; European GNSS Agency; European GNSS Supervisory Authority; GSA
an Ghníomhaireacht Eorpach GNSS; GSA
work scheduling system; WSS
córas sceidealaithe oibre; WSS
central nervous system; CNS
lárchóras na néaróg
DCS; distributed collector system
córas tiomsaitheoirí dáilte
International Organisation of Plant Biosystematists; IOPB
Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta na mBithchórasaithe Plandaí
ADNS; Animal Disease Notification System
ADNS; Córas Fógartha Galar Ainmhithe
embryonic stem cell; ESC
gaschill shuthach
Harmonised System Explanatory Note; HSEN
Nóta míniúcháin an Chórais Chomhchuibhithe
SEEA; System of Environmental-Economic Accounts; System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting
Córas na gCuntas Comhshaoil agus Eacnamaíoch Suimeáilte
NASA Automated Systems Incidence Response Capability; NASIRC
Cumas Freagartha ar Theagmhais maidir le hUathchórais NASA
AOCS; attitude and orbit control system; attitude and orbital control system
córas rialaithe fithise agus sainstiúrach
computer reservation system; CRS
córas áirithinte ar ríomhairí
intake system
córas iontógála
active flight control system
córas gníomhach rialaithe eitilte
DDS; drug delivery system
fearas tugtha cógas
marine ecosystem
éiceachóras muirí
stem cell
branch tendril; vine shoot; vine stem
gas fíniúna
functional accounting system
córas cuntasaíochta feidhmiúla
inward processing; inward processing regime; inward processing system; inward-processing procedure; IP
próiseáil isteach
standard exchange system
córas malairte caighdeánach
dual system of tariffs
déchóras taraifí
linear polarisation system
córas polarúcháin línigh
adaptive cancellation system
córas cealúcháin oiriúnaithigh
systemic nematicide
néimeataicíd shistéamach
restraint; restraint system
córas bactha
open world trading system
domhanchóras saorthrádála
endocrine disorder; endocrine dysfunction; endocrine system disorder
neamhord an chórais inchrínigh
crankcase ventilation system
córas aerála chás an chromáin
Geographic Information System; geographical information system; GIS
córas faisnéise geografaí; GIS
ESA; European System of Integrated Economic Accounts; European System of Integrated National Accounts
CEC; CECES; Córas Eorpach na gCuntas Eacnamaíoch Suimeáilte
systemic crisis
géarchéim shistéamach
settlement system
córas socraíochta
Eurosystem's standing facilities; standing facilities
saoráidí seasmhacha an Eorachórais
internal control system
córas rialaithe inmheánaigh
double-entry system
córas iontrála dúbailte
Early Warning System; EWS
córas réamhrabhaidh
free trade system
córas saorthrádála
system of accounting and internal control
córas cuntasaíochta agus rialaithe inmheánaigh
open double-entry system
córas oscailte na hiontrála dúbailte
Extended linear expenditure system
córas caiteachais líneach sínte
innate immune system; non-specific immune system
córas imdhíonachta inbheirthe
acquired immune system; adaptive immune system
imdhíonacht fhaighte
systemic reaction
frithghníomh sistéamach; frithghníomhú sistéamach
financial system
córas airgeadais
limbic system
an córas limbeach
central receiver solar power plant; central receiver system; power tower; solar power tower; solar tower
túr grianchumhachta
air cushion restraint system; air safety bag; airbag; inflatable airbag
mála aeir
system for approving the use of additives
córas chun úsáid breiseán a cheadú
system for the establishment of tolerances for contaminants
córas chun lamháltais d'éilleáin a bhunú
international body or system
comhlacht nó córas idirnáisiúnta
regional body or system
comhlacht nó córas réigiúnach
substitution drawback system
córas aisíocaíochta na n-ionaduithe
multilateral system of notification and registration of geographical indications
córas iltaobhach chun tásca geografacha a fhógairt agus a chlárú; córas iltaobhach um fhógairt agus um chlárúchán sonraí geografacha
system of original grant
córas an bhundeonaithe; córas an deonaithe bhunaidh
dispute settlement system of the WTO; WTO dispute settlement mechanism
córas WTO um réiteach díospóidí
standards classification system
córas aicmithe caighdeán
stem family
DOSES; Specific programme for the research and development of statistical expert systems
Clár Sonrach um Thaighde ar Shainchórais Staidrimh agus ar a bhForbairt
European System for the International Clearing of Vacancies and Applications for Employment; SEDOC
an Córas Eorpach chun Folúntais agus Iarratais ar Fhostaíocht a Imréiteach ar Bhonn Idirnáisiúnta
Export earnings stabilization system
Córas um Chobhsaíocht Tuilleamh Onnmhairiúcháin
Export earnings stabilization system for least-developed countries in Asia and Latin America(ALA)
Córas um chobhsaíocht tuilleamh onnmhairiúcháin le haghaidh na dtíortha is lú forbairt san Áise agus i Meiriceá Laidineach (ALA)
European system for observing the inland goods transport markets
córas Eorpach chun na margaí a bhaineann le hiompar earraí intíre a bhreathnú
Community statistical system; CSS; ESS; European statistical system
córas staidrimh Eorpach
Integrated administration and control system for certain Community aid schemes
córas lánpháirtithe riaracháin agus rialaithe do scéimeanna cabhrach Comhphobail áirithe
management and control system; management and monitoring system
córas bainistíochta agus rialúcháin; córas bainistithe agus faireacháin; córas bainistithe agus rialaithe
collective system of retail price maintenance
comhchóras cothabhála praghsanna miondíola
systematic exchange of glass
malartú córasach gloine
non-transparent selective distribution system
córas neamh-thrédhearcach dáileacháin roghnaíoch
systemic therapy; systemic treatment
cóireáil shistéamach
liberal trading system
córas léirscaoilte trádála
Community system of reliefs from customs duties
córas Comhphobail faoiseamh ó dhleachtanna custaim
EIMS; European Innovation Monitoring System
an Córas Faireacháin ar an Nuálaíocht san Eoraip
compensatory allowance scheme; system of compensatory indemnities
scéim liúntas cúiteach
system of dual licensing
córas décheadúnúcháin
autonomous quota system
córas cuótaí uathrialach
emission control system
córas rialaithe astaíochtaí
onion bloat; stem and bulb nematode; stem eelworm; stem nematode
néimeatóid gais
propulsion system; propulsion unit
córas tiomána
telemetry, tracking and command system; tracking, telemetry and control; tracking, telemetry and control system; TT&C; TT&C system; TTC system
córas rianaithe, teiliméadrachta agus rialaithe; córas TTC
vapour recovery system
córas aisghabhála gaile
net price system for books
córas glanpraghsála le haghaidh leabhar
power assisted brake; power brake; power-assisted braking system; servo-brake
coscán cumhachtchúnta
hydraulic transmission system
córas tras-seolta hiodrálach
address locating system
córas aimsithe seoltaí
haematopoietic stem cell; haemopoietic stem cell; HSC
gaschill fhuilghinte; HSC
full-flow dilution system
córas caolúcháin lánsreafa
partial-flow-dilution system
córas caolúcháin pháirtsreafa
Community system for fisheries and aquaculture
córas an Chomhphobail um iascach agus dhobharshaothrú
systems of grading
córas grádaithe
IG System; IGS; inert gas system
córas támhgháis
bilge pumping system
córas caidéalaithe ruma
distribution and service systems
córas dáileacháin agus seirbhíse
common system of value added tax; common system of VAT
comhchóras cánach breisluacha; comhchóras CBL
metabolic activation system; metabolising system
córas gníomhachtúcháin mheitibiligh
systems analysis
anailís ar chóras
open-item system; voucher accounting
córas míreanna oscailte; cuntasaíocht dearbhán
duplicate recording system; one-write system
córas taifeadta dúblach
management information system
córas faisnéis bainistíochta
deduction made at source; deduction of tax at the source; pay as you go deduction system; system of deduction at source; tax deduction at source
asbhaint cánach ag an bhfoinse
partial cost system
córas um chostais pháirteacha
waste water disposal system
córas diúscartha fuíolluisce
Echelon interception system; Echelon system
córas tascartha Echelon
ATP system; automatic train protection system
córas uathchosanta traenacha
ABS; anti-block braking system; anti-blocking system; anti-lock braking system
ABS; córas coscánaithe frithghlasála
thermal protection system; TPS
córas cosanta teirmeach
distributed systems
córais dháilte
SFTS; synthetic flight training system
córas oiliúna eitilte sintéiseach
SNOMED CT; Systematised Nomenclature of Medicine-Clinical Terms
Ainmníocht Chórasaithe de Théarmaí Cliniciúla sa Mhíochaine; SNOMED CT
European System for the Collection of Economic Information on the Environment
an Córas Eorpach um Bailiú Faisnéis Eacnamaíoch ar an gComhshaol
system transfer function; transfer function; transfer function of a system
feidhm tarchuir córais
periodic systematic sample
sampla córasach tréimhsiúil
service braking system
córas príomhchoscánaithe
secondary braking system
córas coscánaithe éigeandála
park brake system; park braking system; parking brake system; parking braking system
córas coscáin láimhe
braking system
córas coscánaithe
inertia braking system
córas coscánaithe táimhe
actuating system
córas gníomhrúcháin; gníomhróir
address selection beacon system; ADSEL
córas rabhcháin roghnúcháin seoltaí
advanced approach and landing system
ardchóras ascnaimh agus tuirlingthe; córas forbartha ascnaimh agus tuirlingthe
air conditioning and pressurization system
córas aerchóirithe agus aer-bhrúchóirithe
aircraft arresting system
córas coiscthe aerárthaigh
aircraft fuel system
córas breosla aerárthaigh
aircraft sound description system; ASDS
córas tuairiscithe fuaim aerárthaigh
AMVER system
córas AMVER
anti-icing system
córas frith-oighrithe
arm restraint system
córas srianta lámh
automatic flight control system
córas uathrialaithe eitilte
chemical ice protection system
córas ceimiceach dí-oighriúcháin
closed loop system
córas lúbiata
control and reporting system
córas um rialú agus um thuairisciú
control system
córas rialúcháin
correlation tracking system
córas rianaithe trí chomhghaolú
cushion system
córas aerchúisín
Doppler navigation system
córas loingseoireachta Doppler
emergency oxygen system
córas ocsaigine éigeandála
ECS; environmental control system
córas rialaithe timpeallachta
expulsion system
córas ruaigtheachta
guidance system
córas treoraíochta
guidance system capacity
toilleadh an chórais treoraíochta
guillotine system
córas gilitín
hydraulic system
córas hiodrálach
induction system icing
oighriú córais ionduchtaithe
irreversible control system
córas rialaithe do-aisiompaithe
leg restraint system
córas srianta cos
manoeuvre demand control system
córas rialaithe arna choigeartú de réir éileamh an ainlithe
system failure rate
ráta teipe córais
lower respiratory system; lower respiratory tract
conair riospráide íochtair
ANS; autonomic nervous system
uathchóras na néaróg
job evaluation system
córas postmheastóireachta
systemic exposure
nochtadh sistéamach
drainage network; drainage run; drainage system
córas draenála
space system
satellite system
córas satailíte
BABS; beam approach beacon system; blind approach beacon system
córas rabhcháin ascnaimh gan feicseanacht; córas rabhcháin ascnaimh léis; córas rabhcháin léis le haghaidh ascnaimh
ILS; instrument landing system
córas tuirlingthe le hionstraimí
SI International System of Units
Córas Idirnáisiúnta na nAonad; SI
protection system
córas cosanta
radio data system; RDS
córas sonraí raidió
systemic effect
iarmhairt shistéamach
road network; road system
gréasán bóithre
decentralised control system; distributed control system
córas rialúcháin dáilte
transmission network; transmission system
córas tarchurtha; gréasán tarchurtha
distribution grid; distribution network; distribution system; main system
líonra dáileacháin
underground gas storage; underground gas storage system
córas stórála gáis faoi thalamh
distribution grid; distribution network; distribution system
córas dáileacháin; gréasán dáileacháin
noise labelling system
córas lipéadaithe um thorann
toxic and dangerous waste identification system
córas aitheanta dramhaíola tocsainí agus contúirtí
urban central heating system
córas téimh lárnaigh uirbeach
monodispersed system
córas aoneasraithe
environment management system
córas bainistíochta comhshaoil
dual system
eclipsing binary; eclipsing binary star; eclipsing binary star system
déréalta uraitheach
exhaust system
franchise system formalisation; franchise system formalisation of structure and procedures
córas saincheadúnas a chur ar bhonn foirmiúil
franchisor's control means; franchisor's control system
córas urlámhais saincheadúnóra
multifranchise; multi-franchise system
córas il-saincheadúnais; il-saincheadúnas
operating system; OS
córas oibriúcháin; OS
deposit system
córas taisce
airport system
córas aerfoirt
combined braking system
córas coscánaithe comhcheangailte
system frequency
minicíocht córais
excitation system
córas flosctha
blowdown system
córas séidte
declining balance method of depreciation; diminishing instalment system; reducing balance method; reducing instalment method; written down value method
córas tráthchodanna laghdaitheacha; modh comhardaithe laghdaithigh; modh comhardaithe laghdaithigh maidir le luachlaghdú; modh dímheasa maidir le hiarmhéid céimlaghdaitheach; modh dímheasa mhuirir laghdaithe; modh dímheasa muirear laghdaithe; modh luacha arna thabhairt anuas
PA; PA system; public address; public-address system
córas fógartha poiblí
reporting system
córas tuairiscithe
containment; containment building; containment envelope; containment system; containment vessel
foirgneamh coimeádta
open systems interconnection reference model; OSI model; OSI reference model; OSI RM; seven-layer reference model
samhail tagartha d'Idirnasc Córas Oscailte; samhail tagartha OSI
acoustic system
córas fuaimiúil
Abt-Letterer-Siwe disease; Abt-Letterer-Siwe syndrome; acute disseminated histiocytosis X; infectious reticulo-endotheliosis; Letterer-Siwe disease; multifocal multisystem Langerhans cell histiocytosis
galar Letterer-Siwe
locomotor system; musculoskeletal system
córas matánchnámharlach
Hand-Schüller-Christian disease; Hand-Schuller-Christian syndrome; Hand-Schüller-Christian triad; multifocal unisystem Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis; normal cholesteraemic xanthomatosis
galar Hand-Schüller-Christian; granalóma eoisinifileach ilfhócasach
antibody-mediated system; humoral immunity
imdhíonacht llionnach
parasympathetic nervous system
néarchóras paraisimpiteach
sympathetic nervous system
néarchóras comhbhraiteach
nervous system toxicity; neurotoxicity
spermatogonial cell; spermatogonial germ cell; spermatogonial stem cell; spermatogonium
muscular system; musculature
córas matánach
spherical coordinate system
córas comhordanáidí sféarúil
air cushion system
córas aerchúisín
AGT; automated guideway transit; automated guideway transportation; computer controlled vehicle system
uathchóras feithiclí treoir-raoin
automatic block signal system
córas uathoibríoch na gcomharthaí bloc
automatic train stop system
uathchóras coscánaithe
block signal system
córas na gcomharthaí bloc
bus identification and control system
córas aitheanta agus rialaithe busanna
bus priority system
córas tosaíochta do bhusanna
bus system
córas busanna
cab signal control system; cab signalling system
córas rialaithe le comharthaí sa chábán
catenary system; contact line system; overhead line system
córas caitéine
command and control system; communications and control system
córas ceannais agus rialaithe
commuter rail system
córas iarnróid do chomaitéirí
continuous inductive ATC system; continuous inductive automatic train control system
córas ionduchtach leanúnach uathrialaithe traenacha
demand responsive system
córas ag freagairt don éileamh
dual-power system
córas dhá fhoinse cumhachta
honour fare system
córas táillí iontaoibhe
hybrid propulsion system
córas tiomána hibridí
inter-system operational assessment
measúnú oibríochtaí idir gnólachtaí
intra-system operational assessment
measúnú oibríochtaí laistigh de ghnólacht
loop system
manual block signal system
córas láimhe na gcomharthaí bloc
monorail system
córas aonráille
moving block system
córas bloc gluaiseachta
moving slot control system
córas rialaithe spásaga gluaiseachta
moving walkway system
córas cosán beo
continuous system; moving way
bealach beo
multisystem traction unit
aonad tarraingthe ilchórais
pedestrian assistance system
córas cúnta coisithe
power control system
córas rialaithe cumhachta
power supply system
córas soláthair chumhachta; córas soláthair leictreachais
power transmission system
córas tarchurtha cumhachta
propulsion system
córas tiomána
public transport system
córas iompair phoiblí
regenerative braking system
córas coscánaithe athghiniúnach
saddle monorail system
córas aonráille diallaite
series system
córas srathach
signal system
córas comharthaíochta
street railway; streetcar system; tram; tramway
point follower control system; synchronous network control
rialú sioncrónach an ghréasáin
system capacity
toilleadh an chórais
system control level
leibhéal rialaithe an chórais
system manager
bainisteoir córais
system performance
feidhmíocht an chórais
system restore time
aga gan seirbhís
system safety supervision level
leibhéal maoirseachta ar shábháilteacht córais
system supervision
maoirseacht ar an gcóras
traction system
córas tarraingthe
traffic light system
córas soilse tráchta
traffic signal system
córas tráchtsoilse
train protection system
córas cosanta traenacha
transport system
córas iompair
vehicle on-board control system
córas rialúcháin ar bord
vehicle safety system
córas sábháilteachta feithicle
wayside control system
córas rialúcháin taobh bealaigh
wiggly wire system
córas uathrialúcháin traenacha le sreang rocach; córas 'wiggly wire'
FBL; FBO; fly-by-light flight control system; fly-by-light system; fly-by-optics
eitilt sholasrialaithe
FBW; Fly-By-Wire flight control system; fly-by-wire system
eitilt shreangrialaithe
account system; accounting system
córas cuntasaíochta; córas na gcuntas
global system for mobile communications; GSM
Córas Domhanda do Chumarsáid Mhóibíleach; GSM
UMTS; Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
Córas Uilíoch Móibíleach Teileachumarsáide; UMTS
brain stem; brainstem
stoc na hinchinne
systemic pesticide
lotnaidicíd shistéamach
distributed system
córas dáilte
stem knee; stemson
glúin stuimine
global positioning system; GPS; Navstar global positioning system; Navstar GPS
córas suite domhanda; GPS
signalling system
córas comharthaíochta
remote sensing system; sensing system
córas cianbhraiteachta
ILS glide path; instrument landing system glide path
conair eitilte um chóras tuirlingthe le hionstraimí
instrument landing system localiser; instrument landing system localizer
logaimsitheoir le haghaidh córas tuirlingthe le hionstraimí
dependent exchange; remote; remote switch; remote switching system; remote switching unit; RSS; RSU; satellite exchange
malartán satailíte
decentralised system
córas díláraithe
Royat cordon system of pruning
prúnáil Royat
Chablis system of pruning
prúnáil Chablis
stalk; stem
apical meristem
coppice selection; coppice selection system
roghnú péacán roschoille
composite forest system; coppice with standards; coppice with standards system
córas roschoille ina bhfuil crainn lánairde
biogeocenose; biogeocoenosis; ecosystem
meristem; meristematic tissue
simple coppice; simple coppice system
córas barrscoite simplí
coppice system; coppicing system
córas barrscoite
job classification system; job grading system
córas aicmithe post; córas grádaithe post
costing system
córas costála
systems test report
tuarascáil ar thástáil córas
systemic disease
galar sistéamach
business forms and systems
foirmeacha agus córais gnó
accounting and reporting system
córas cuntasaíochta agus tuairiscithe