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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
krona; Swedish krona
krona na Sualainne; SEK
question for oral answer; question for oral answer with debate
ceist i gcomhair freagra ó bhéal; Ceist i gcomhair freagra ó bhéal maille le díospóireacht
question for written answer
ceist i gcomhair freagra i scríbhinn; ceist i gcomhair freagra scríofa
Swedish People's Party
Páirtí an Phobail Shualannaigh
chilled sea water; CSW
sáile fuaraithe
African swine fever virus; ASFV
víreas fhiabhras Afracach na muc
capacity; cylinder capacity; displacement; engine capacity; engine displacement; engine total swept volume; swept volume
toilleadh innill
oblique wing aircraft; slew wing aircraft; swivel wing airborne vehicle
aerárthach fiarsciatháin
HSWP; Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party
Páirtí Oibrithe Sóisialacha na hUngáire
Bengal eyed terrapin; Burmese peacock turtle; Burmese swamp turtle
turtar eanaigh Burmach
Luzon peacock swallowtail
féileacán fáinlearrach péacóige Luzon
swallowtail butterflies
féileacán fáinlearrach
MESA; MEST; Mouse Ear Swelling Assay; Mouse Ear Swelling Test
measúnacht at chluas na luchóige; tástáil at chluas na luchóige
sweet chestnut
castán; castán Eorpach
sweet lemon
crann citris limetta; crann líomóidí milse
sweet cherry
silín fiáin
sweet capsicum; sweet pepper
rutabaga; swede; swede turnip; Swedish turnip
debt to equity conversion; debt-to-equity swap; DES
babhtáil fiachais ar chothromas
Convention between Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden concerning the Waiver of Passport Control at the Intra-Nordic Frontiers; Convention on the Abolition of Passport Controls at Intra-Nordic Borders; Nordic Passport Agreement
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Rialú Pasanna a chur ar ceal ag Teorainneacha idir Tíortha Nordacha
emergency stop; emergency switch-off; e-stop
lasc éigeandála; stoplasc éigeandála
conversion of debt into equity; debt capitalization; debt-equity swap
babhtáil fiachais ar chothromas
semi-sweet wine
fíon leathmhilis
swamp meadowgrass
cuise réisc
drinking chocolate; sweetened cocoa; sweetened cocoa powder
cócó milsithe; deoch sheacláide; púdar cócó mhilsithe
Commission on the Status of Women; CSW
an Coimisiún um Stádas na mBan
Commission staff paper; Commission staff working document; CSWD; CSWP; staff working document; SWD
doiciméad inmheánach oibre; doiciméad inmheánach oibre de chuid an Choimisiúin
swimming crabs
swimming crab; velvet swimcrab; velvet swimming-crab
fox shark; sea fox; slasher; swiveltail; thresher; thresher shark
sionnach mara; siorc súisteála
sugar sweepings
cosamar siúcra
separative work unit; SWU
AOD; aonad oibre deighilte
sweet lupin; sweet lupins
lúipín cumhra
SVD; swine vesicular disease
galar saicíneach muc
African swine fever; ASF
fiabhras Afracach na muc
cyclical recovery; cyclical upswing; cyclical upturn; economic recovery; economic revival; economic upswing; increase in economic activity; upward trend
téarnamh eacnamaíoch; téarnamh geilleagrach
foreign exchange swap; foreign exchange swap transaction; FX swap
babhtáil airgeadraí eachtracha; babhtáil FX
sweetened product
táirge milsithe
fodder sugar beet; half sugar mangel; half-sugar mangold; low-sugar content sugar beet; semi-sweet sugarbeet
biatas siúcra leathmhilis
doux; sweet
sweet potato
práta milis
live swine
mucra beo
meat of swine
printed circuits; switchboards (other than telephone switchboards) and control panels
ciorcad priontáilte; lasc-chlár agus painéal rialúcháin
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication; SWIFT
an Cumann um Theileachumarsáid Airgeadais Idirbhainc Dhomhanda; SWIFT
Botswana; Republic of Botswana
an Bhotsuáin; Poblacht na Botsuáine
Eswatini; Kingdom of Eswatini; Kingdom of Swaziland; Swaziland
an tSuasalainn; Eswatini; Ríocht Eswatini; Ríocht na Suasalainne
Kingdom of Sweden; Sweden
an tSualainn; Ríocht na Sualainne
Swiss Confederation; Switzerland
an Eilvéis; Cónaidhm na hEilvéise
sweet cherry
crann silíní fiáin
hog flu; swine flu; swine influenza
fliú muc
coscoroba; coscoroba coscoroba; coscoroba swan
black-necked swan
eala phíbdhubh
Swinhoe's pheasant
piasún Swinhoe
ground parakeet; ground parrot, ground parakeet, swamp parakeet; swamp parakeet
pearóid talún
Bengal eyed terrapin; Burmese peacock turtle; Burmese swamp turtle
turtar eanaigh Burmach
sassaby; swift topi
single-currency interest-rate swap
babhtáil ráta úis in airgeadra aonair
sweet corn
arbhar milis; grán milis
Treaty concerning the accession of the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden to the European Union
Conradh i dtaobh aontachas Ríocht na hIorua, Phoblacht na hOstaire, Phoblacht na Fionlainne agus Ríocht na Sualainne leis an Aontas Eorpach
swindle; swindling
caimiléireacht; calaois
great round-headed garlic; perennial sweet leek
cainneann fhiáin
sugar apple; sweetsop
crann úll scuamósa
sweet granadilla
páiseog chumhra
Finnish whitebeam; oakleaf mountain ash; Swedish service tree
fionncholl Fionlannach
Convention on the accession of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden to the Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgements in civil and commercial matters and to the Protocol on its interpretation by the
an Coinbhinsiún ar aontachas Phoblacht na hOstaire, Phoblacht na Fionlainne agus Ríocht na Sualainne don Choinbhinsiún ar dhlínse agus ar fhorghníomhú breithiúnas in ábhair shibhialta agus tráchtála agus don Phrótacal ar léiriú ag an gCúirt Bhreithiúnais
Convention on the accession of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden to the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations, opened for signature in Rome on 19 June 1980, and to the First and Second Protoco
an Coinbhinsiún ar aontachas Phoblacht na hOstaire, Phoblacht na Fionlainne agus Ríocht na Sualainne don Choinbhinsiún ar an dlí is infheidhme maidir le hoibleagáidí conarthacha, a osclaíodh chun a shínithe sa Róimh an 19 Meitheamh 1980, agus don Chéad Ph
Agreement on the Accession of the Kingdom of Sweden to the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 on the gradual abolition of checks at the common borders signed at Schengen on 19 June 1990
an Comhaontú maidir le hAontachas Ríocht na Sualainne don Choinbhinsiún lena gcuirtear chun feidhme Comhaontú Schengena n 14 Meitheamh 1985 maidir le seiceálacha ag na comhtheorainneacha a dhíothú de réir a chéile arna shíniú in Schengen an 19 Meitheamh 1
Protocol on Accession of the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden to the Agreement on the gradual abolition of controls at their common borders signed at Schengen on 14 June 1985
an Prótacal um Aontachas Rialtas Ríocht na Sualainne a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú maidir le Díothú Rialuithe de réir a chéile ag a gComhtheorainneacha arna shíniú in Schengen, 14 Meitheamh 1985
grunts, sweetlips n.e.i.
Chinese paddlefish; Chinese swordfish
iasc céaslashrónach Síneach
South-West Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission; SWIOFC
Coimisiún Iascaigh an Aigéin Indiaigh Thiar Theas
spotted weakfish
lagiasc ballach; SWF
Dana swimcrab
luaineachán dána
common European bittersweet
ruacan con
monarcha dhúshaothair
sector approach; Sector Wide Approach; SWAp
cur chuige earnála
bison grass; buffalo grass; sweetgrass
féar Muire
Gaming Board for Sweden; National Gaming Board; Swedish Gambling Authority
Údarás Cearrbhachais na Sualainne
MSW; municipal solid waste
dramhaíl sholadach chathrach
NASA; North American Swiss Alliance
Comhaontas Eilvéiseach Mheiriceá Thuaidh
seaweeds n.e.i.; seaweeds(not elsewhere identified); SWX
feamainn; feamainn nach n-áirítear in áit eile
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis; SWOT analysis
anailís ar láidreachtaí, laigí, deiseanna agus bagairtí; anailís SWOT
beeswax; beeswax, white and yellow; white wax; yellow wax
céir bheach
sweetened egg
ubh mhilsithe
sugar sweepings; wastage sugar
cosamar siúcra
calobash; passion fruit; purple granadilla; sweet cup
micro switch
swap arrangement; swap line
líne bhabhtála
Old World pigs; suids; swine
Coscoroba swan
black-necked swan
eala phíbdhubh
Swinhoe's pheasant
piasún Swinhoe
hirundinidae; martins; swallows
Corsican swallowtail
féileacán fáinlearrach Corsacach
exchange of shares; stock switch
malartú scaireanna
Continuously Offered Payment Rights in Swiss Francs(COPS)
Cearta Íocaíochta arna dTairiscint go Leanúnach i bhFrancanna Eilbhéiseacha
International Swaps and Derivatives Association; ISDA
an Comhlachas Idirnáisiúnta um Bhabhtálacha agus Díorthaigh
allow time to answer
am a chur ar fáil chun go dtabharfaí freagra
sweetened condensed milk
bainne comhdhlúite milsithe
spokesman; spokesperson; spokeswoman
swept area
achar scuabtha
movable point crossing; moveable point frog; swing nose crossing
froga pointí inghluaiste
Bender process; Bender sweetening
próiseas milsithe Bender
sweetening; sweetening process
fermentation; sweating
sweet oranges
oráiste milis
céir bheach
sweep; sweepstake
crannchur; scuaibín
Community Reference Laboratory for classical swine fever; EU reference laboratory for classical swine fever
Saotharlann Tagartha an Aontais Eorpaigh um Fhiabhras Clasaiceach na Muc
African swine fever; ASF; wart-hog disease
fiabhras Afracach na muc
to flood; to glut; to swamp
jack bean; sword bean
an tseacphónaire
orange tree; orange-tree; sweet orange tree
crann oráistí milse
EIA; equine infectious anaemia; swamp fever
ainéime thógálach eachaí
atrophic rhinitis; atrophic rhinitis of swine; bull nose; porcine atrophic rhinitis
riníteas seargthach na muc
classical swine fever; CSF; hog cholera; pig typhoid; swine fever; swine plague
fiabhras na muc
Brucella suis infection; contagious abortion of sows; porcine brucellosis; swine brucellosis
brúsallóis muc; forlao gabhálach cránacha
bacon pig; baconer; bacon-type swine
hog flu; pig flu; pig influenza; swine influenza
fliú muc
SVD; swine vesicular disease
galar saicíneach muc; galar saicíneach mucúil
refrigerated sea water tank; RSW tank
umar sáile chuisnithe
South-Southwest; SSW
ó dheas siar ó dheas
anti-submarine warfare; ASW
cogaíocht frith-fhomhuireáin
lasc baraiméadrach
blade sweep
buille scuaibe lainne; diall tadhlaíoch; raon buille lainne; scuab-bhuille lainne
compass swinging
casadh compáis
individual contactor equipment; unit switch equipment
trealamh teagmhálaithe aonair
points; switch; turnout
cross-currency swap; cross-currrency rate swap
babhtáil trasairgeadra
packet switching; packet transfer; packet-mode operation; PS
lascadh paicéad
cross currency interest rate swap
babhtáil ráta úis trasairgeadra
ASO; automatic switchover; failover
interest rate swap option; swap option; swaption
extumescence; swelling; tumefaction; tumescence; turgescence
limit switch
lasc theorann
current sectionalisation switch
lasc imdhealaithe srutha
emergency stop switch
lasc stop éigeandála
on-board switching
siúntadh ar bord
on-guideway switching
siúntadh ar an treoir-raoin
point heater; switch heater
téitheoir ladhróige
safety drive switch
lasc slándála tiomána
series-parallel switching
lascadh sraithe agus comhuainíochta
hostler; shunter; switchman
shunting; switching
spring switch
ladhróg sprionga
switch air engine
aerinneall ladhróige
switch and lock movement
gléas glasála is díghlasála ladhróige
rian aisiompaithe treo
switching assembly
gléas ciorcadlasctha
switching time
aga siúnta
switch position; turnout position
suíomh ladhróige
swivel; swivel connection; swivel joint
alt sclóine
main switchboard
PSTN; public switched telephone network
líonra poiblí lasctheileafóin; PSTN
switching cycle
timthriall lascacháin
dependent exchange; remote; remote switch; remote switching system; remote switching unit; RSS; RSU; satellite exchange
malartán satailíte
mobile service switching centre; mobile switching centre; mobile telephone switching centre; MSC
lárionad lascacháin seirbhíse móibílí
swollen cash reserve
cúlchiste airgid ata
high-speed wind tunnel; high-subsonic-speed wind tunnel; HSWT; subsonic wind tunnel
gaoth-thollán ardluais; gaoth-thollán foshonach
men's wear; menswear
éadaí fear
swash letter
litir mhaisithe; suaislitir
crannchur; scuaibín
Li-ion battery; lithium-ion battery; swing battery
ceallra ian litiam
call swaption
roghtáil ceannaigh
put swaption
roghtáil díola
asset swap
babhtáil sócmhainní
gas house; gasworks; gas-works plant
oibreacha gáis
hot swap; hot swapping
debt conversion; debt swap; debt-for-environment swap
babhtáil fiachais ar infheistíocht sa chomhshaol
Club du Sahel; Sahel and West Africa Club; Sahel Club; SWAC
Club na Saiheile agus na hAfraice Thiar; SWAC
groundswell campaign
feachtas cruthaithe feasachta
Federal Office of Environment, Forests and Landscape; FOEFL; SAEFL; Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape
Gníomhaireacht Eilbhéiseach don Chomhshaol, do na Foraoisí agus don Tírdhreach
Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on trade in agricultural products; Agriculture Agreement
an Comhaontú idir an Comhphobal Eorpach agus Cónaidhm na hEilvéise maidir le trádáil i dtáirgí talmhaíochta; an Comhaontú Talmhaíochta
unswitched local loop
lúb logánta neamhlasctha
swan mussel
diúilicín eala; olldiúilicín eala
demountable body; mobile container; swap body; swop body
cabhail shoghluaiste
modal switch
athrú córa iompair
pressure swing adsorption; PSA
asúchán trí aistriú brú; PSA
PSAP; public safety answering point
pointe freagartha glaonna éigeandála
body packer; body stuffer; internal carrier; swallower
contagious swine paralysis; enterovirus encephalomyelitis; porcine enteroviral encephalomyelitis; porcine enterovirus encephalomyelitis; Talfan disease; Teschen disease; teschovirus encephalomyelitis
einceifilimiailíteas eintrivíreas; einceifilimiailíteas eintrivíreasach muc
inter-category transfer; swing; transfer between categories
aistriú idir catagóirí
As regards Switzerland, this [INSTRUMENT] constitutes a development of the provisions of the Schengen <i>acquis</i> within the meaning of the Agreement between the European Union, the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on the Swiss Confederati
Maidir leis an Eilvéis, is ionann an [Ionstraim] seo agus forbairt ar fhorálacha acquis Schengen de réir bhrí an Chomhaontaithe idir an tAontas Eorpach, an Comhphobal Eorpach agus Cónaidhm na hEilvéise maidir le comhlachas Chónaidhm na hEilvéise i dtaca l
CDS; credit default swap
babhtáil mainneachtana creidmheasa; CDS
international trade single window; ITSW; single window
fuinneog aonair
total rate of return swap; total return swap; TR swap; TRORS; TRS
babhtáil an toraidh iomláin
ACTA; Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement; Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, Australia, Canada, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the United Mexican States, the Kingdom of Morocco, New Zealand, the Republic of Singapore, the Swiss Confederation and t
ACTA; comhaontú trádála um fhrith-ghóchumadh
sovereign wealth fund; SWF
ciste infheistíochta Stáit
sucking and swallowing disorders
neamhoird diúil agus slogtha
dysphagia; swallowing disorder
As regards Liechtenstein, this [INSTRUMENT] constitutes a development of the provisions of the Schengen acquis within the meaning of the Protocol between the European Union, the European Community, the Swiss Confederation and the Principality of Liechtens
Maidir le Lichtinstéin, is é atá san [IONSTRAIM] seo ná forbairt ar fhorálacha acquis Schengen de réir bhrí an Phrótacail idir an tAontas Eorpach, an Comhphobal Eorpach, Cónaidhm na hEilvéise agus Prionsacht Lichtinstéin i ndáil le haontachas Phrionsacht
foreign exchange basis swap transaction
idirbheart babhtála ar bhonn rátaí malairte
maturity of the swap
aibíocht na babhtála
small scale wind turbine; small wind turbine; SWT
miontuirbín gaoithe
As regards Switzerland, this [INSTRUMENT] constitutes a development of the provisions of the Schengen <i>acquis</i> within the meaning of the Agreement between the European Union, the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on the Swiss Confederati
Maidir leis an Eilvéis, is é atá sa [Ionstraim] seo ná forbairt ar fhorálacha acquis Schengen de réir bhrí an Chomhaontaithe arna thabhairt i gcrích idir an tAontas Eorpach, an Comhphobal Eorpach agus Cónaidhm na hEilvéise maidir le comhlachas Chónaidhm n
An arrangement should be made to allow representatives of Switzerland to be associated with the work of committees assisting the Commission in the exercise of its executive powers. Such an arrangement has been contemplated in the Agreement in the form of
Ba cheart go socrófaí go dtabharfaí cead d’ionadaithe ón Eilvéis baint a bheith acu le hobair na gcoistí a chuidíonn leis an gCoimisiún maidir le feidhmiú a chumhachtaí feidhmiúcháin. Meabhraíodh socrú den sórt sin sa Chomhaontú i bhfoirm Malartú Litreach
As regards Liechtenstein, this [INSTRUMENT] constitutes a development of the provisions of the Schengen <i>acquis</i> within the meaning of the Protocol between the European Union, the European Community, the Swiss Confederation and the Principality of Li
Maidir le Lichtinstéin, is ionann an [IONSTRAIM] seo agus forbairt ar fhorálacha acquis Schengen de réir bhrí an Phrótacail idir an tAontas Eorpach, an Comhphobal Eorpach, Cónaidhm na hEilvéise agus Prionsacht Lichtinstéin maidir le haontachas Phrionsacht
switching costs
costais mhalartaithe
2009 H1N1 flu; human swine influenza A(H1N1); influenza A(H1N1); influenza A(H1N1)v; Mexican flu; Mexican influenza; North American flu; North American influenza; novel H1N1 flu; novel influenza A(H1N1)
fliú mucúil víreas A (H1N1)
influenza A(H1N1)v virus; Mexican influenza virus; novel flu virus; novel influenza virus; novel influenza virus A(H1N1); swine influenza virus A(H1N1)
fliúvíreas mucúil A (H1N1)
amber glassware
earraí gloine ómracha
oropharyngeal swab
maipín béalfharaingeach
swirl to disperse
suaith chun a easrú
swollen lymph node
nód limfe ata
oropharyngeal swab
maipíneacht bhéalfharaingeach
barasingha; swamp deer
fia eanaigh
coordinated enforcement action; EU sweep; sweep; sweep investigation
free wheel passage in switches
saorghluaiseacht na rothaí ag na ladhróga
switches and crossings
ladhróga agus crosairí
sovereign CDS; sovereign credit default swap
babhtáil mainneachtana creidmheasa cheannasach; CDS ceannasach
insurance swaps
babhtálacha conarthaí árachais
interest rate swap
babhtáil ráta úis
swap contract
conradh babhtála
Fatal if swallowed.
Marfach má shlogtar.
Toxic if swallowed.
Tocsaineach má shlogtar.
Harmful if swallowed.
Díobhálach má shlogtar.
May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.
D’fhéadfadh sé a bheith marfach má shlogtar é agus má théann sé isteach sna haerbhealaí.
IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.
MÁ SHLOGTAR: Cuir glao láithreach ar IONAD NIMHE nó ar dhoctúir/lia.
IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell.
MÁ SHLOGTAR: Cuir glao ar IONAD NIMHE nó ar dhoctúir/lia má bhraitheann tú tinn.
IF SWALLOWED: rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting.
MÁ SHLOGTAR: sruthlaítear an béal. NÁ déan urlacan a spreagadh.
single-name CDS; single-name credit default swap
babhtáil mainneachtana creidmheasa aonainm
cumulation with Norway, Switzerland or Turkey
carnadh leis an Iorua, an Eilvéis agus an Tuirc
low-speed wind tunnel; LSWT
gaoth-thollán íseal-luais
Centre of Excellence for Operations in Confined and Shallow Waters; COE CSW
an tIonad Barr Feabhais um Oibríochtaí in Uisce Teoranta agus Uisce Éadomhain
Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR)
Comhlachas Údaráis Áitiúla agus Réigiúin na Sualainne
switch-over clause
clásal aistrithe anonn
pantograph sway
luascadh pantagraif
breakaway switch
lasc don choscán slandála
CDS spread; credit default swap spread
raon difríochta na babhtála mainneachtana creidmheasa
Boko Haram; Islamic State's West Africa Province; ISWAP; Jama'atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda'awati Wal-Jihad
Boko Haram
index CDS; index credit default swap
babhtáil mainneachtana creidmheasa innéacs; innéacs CDS; innéacs na babhtála mainneachtana creidmheasa
uncovered sovereign CDS; uncovered sovereign credit default swap
babhtáil mainneachtana creidmheasa cheannasach neamhurraithe
Council Framework Decision on simplifying the exchange of information and intelligence between law enforcement authorities of the Member States of the European Union; Swedish Framework Decision
Cinneadh Réime na Sualainne; Cinneadh Réime ón gComhairle maidir le malartú eolais agus faisnéise idir údaráis forghníomhaithe dlí Bhallstáit an Aontais Eorpaigh a shimpliú
basic total return swap; basic TRORS
babhtáil toraidh iomláin bhunúsach
non-basic total return swap; non-basic TRORS
babhtáil toraidh iomláin neamhbhunúsach
variance swap
babhtáil athraithis
plain vanilla swaption
reference swap commitment conversion amount
luach comhshó na babhtála tagartha arna feidhmiú
rear swingout
luascadh amach ar chúl
sweat pore analysis
anailís ar phóireanna allais
collateral swap
babhtáil comhthaobhachta
network switch
lasc líonra
Convention of 6 February 1931 between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden comprising international private law provisions on marriage, adoption and guardianship; Nordic Convention of 1931
an Coinbhinsiún Nordach 1931
CRS; Currency Rate Swap
babhtáil ráta airgeadra; BRA
sway; swaying
luascadh cliathánach
Southwest by South; SWbS
siar ó dheas lámh ó dheas
Southwest by West; SWbW
siar ó dheas lámh siar
West-Southwest; WSW
siar siar ó dheas
Delegation for relations with Switzerland and Norway and to the EU-Iceland Joint Parliamentary Committee and the European Economic Area (EEA) Joint Parliamentary Committee
Toscaireacht don Chaidreamh leis an Eilvéis agus leis an Iorua, agus chun an Chomhchoiste Pharlaimintigh den AE-Íoslainn agus chun an Chomhchoiste Pharlaimintigh den Limistéar Eorpach Eacnamaíoch (LEE)
Swedish Translation Unit
Aonad Aistriúcháin na Sualainnise
Swedish Section
Rannóg na Sualainnise
Swedish Interpretation Unit
Aonad Ateangaireachta na Sualainnise
European Parliament Liaison Office in Sweden
Oifig Idirchaidrimh Pharlaimint na hEorpa sa tSualainn
Strategy for Water in the Western Mediterranean; Water Strategy for the Western Mediterranean; WSWM
an Straitéis Uisce do Reigiún na Meánmhara Thiar
red chard; red Swiss chard
seardas Eilvéiseach dearg
golden Swiss chard
seardas Eilvéiseach órga
white chard; white Swiss chard
seardas Eilvéiseach bán
Novel Swine Enteric Coronavirus Disease
galar coróinvíris eintreach muc
Agreement between the European Union and the United States of America on the processing and transfer of Financial Messaging Data from the European Union to the United States for purposes of the Terrorist Finance Tracking Program; EU-US TFTP Agreement; SWIFT Agreement; TFTP Agreement
an Comhaontú idir an tAontas Eorpach agus Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá maidir le próiseáil agus aistriú Sonraí Teachtaireachtaí Airgeadais ón Aontas Eorpach go dtí Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá chun críocha an Chláir um Sceimhlitheoireacht agus a Maoiniú a Rianú; Comhaontú SWIFT
cowlick; hair whorl; swirl; whorl
nationality swapping
babhtáil náisiúntachta
short wave infrared; Short Wavelength Infrared; SWIR
infridhearg gearrthoinne
CMS; constant maturity swap
babhtáil aibíochta tairisí; CMS
base swap; basis rate swap; basis swap; floating-floating swap; floating-for-floating swap
helium swelling
at de bharr héiliam
Ahl al-Sunna wal-Jama'a; ASWJ
Ahl al-Sunna wal-Jama'a; ASWJ
chilled sea water tank; CSW tank
umar sáile fhuaraithe
lit sweep order
ordú scuabtha trédhearcach
sequential lit sweep order
ordú scuabtha trédhearcach seicheamhach
inflation swap
babhtáil bunaithe ar bhoilsciú
inflation zero-coupon swap; zero-coupon inflation swap
babhtáil cúpóin nialasaigh bhoilscithe
zero-coupon swap
babhtáil cúpóin nialasaigh
quanto CDS; quanto credit default swap
babhtáil mainneachtana creidmheasa quanto; CDS quanto
par zero coupon swap
babhtáil cúpóin nialasaigh pharluacha
equity variance swap
babhtáil athraithis ar chothromas
Swedish Parliament
Pharlaimint na Sualainne
minor interpellation; minor interpellation for written answer
mion-trascheist; mion-trascheist le haghaidh freagra i scríbhinn
major interpellation; major interpellation for written answer with debate
trascheist mhór; trascheist mhór le haghaidh freagra i scríbhinn maille le díospóireacht
drug repositioning; drug reprofiling; drug repurposing; therapeutic switching
ath-phróifíliú drugaí; athrú cuspóra drugaí
Swiss chard
seardas Eilvéiseach
domestic switching
malartú intíre
Directive 2014/92/EU on the comparability of fees related to payment accounts, payment account switching and access to payment accounts with basic features; Payment Accounts Directive; Payments Account Directive
an Treoir maidir le Cuntais Íocaíochta; Treoir 2014/92/AE maidir le hinchomparáideacht táillí a bhaineann le cuntais íocaíochta, le haistriú cuntas íocaíochta agus le rochtain ar chuntais íocaíochta a bhfuil gnéithe bunúsacha acu
cross-border switching
malartú trasteorann
almond; sweet almond
crann almóinní
short-necked turtle; Western swamp turtle
turtar eanaigh iartharach
Louisiana crayfish; red swamp crawfish; red swamp crayfish
piardóg dhearg eanaigh
Portunus swimcrabs; swimcrabs; swimming crabs
luaineachán Portunus
claíomh (fir1, gu: claímh, ai: claimhte, gi: claimhte)
freagrach (a1)
angle of switch
uillinn aistrithe (bain2)
answerable for
freagrach as (a1)
ground attack sweep
sciobionsaí talún (fir4)
back of sword
cúl claímh (fir1)
swing bridge
luascdhroichead (fir1, gu: luascdhroichid, ai: luascdhroichid, gi: luascdhroichead)
bullet swept ground
talamh faoi scuablámhach (fir1)
wrist exercise [Swordsmanship]
freachnamh caol láimhe (fir1)
wrist exercise [Swordsmanship]
freachnamh lámhailt (fir1)
double-wrist exercise [Swordsmanship]
freachnamh dúbailte lámhailt (fir1)
butt sling swivel
iris-sclóin bhoise (bain2)
butt swivel with ring
bos-sclóin le fáinne (bain2)
cam operated interrupter switch
lasc thrasnálaithe ceamoibrithe (bain2)
neamh-mhionnaithe (a3)
swagger cane
slaitín spaisteoireachta (bain4)
carry swords
iompair claimhte (br)
liagóir (fir3, gu: liagóra, ai: liagóirí, gi: liagóirí)
delay switch
lasc mhoille (bain2)
dipper switch
lasc mhaolaithe (bain2)
drawn sword
claíomh ar nochtadh (fir1)
sword exercise mounted
freachnamh claímh ar mhuin capaill (fir1)
sweeping fire
scuablámhach (fir1, gu: scuablámhaigh)
sword frog
bradán claímh (fir1)
guard of the sword
coimeád an chlaímh (fir)
spaisteoireacht (bain3, gu: spaisteoireachta)
spring swivel hook
crúca in sclóin tuailme (fir4)
hammer swivel
sclóin chasúir (bain2)
hammer swivel screw
scriú sclóin chasúir (fir4)
hammer swivel pin
biorán sclóin chasúir (fir1)
hammer with swivel assembled
casúr le sclóin chóimeálta (fir1)
sword knot
scothóg claímh (bain2)
manual of sword
lámhleabhar an chlaímh (fir1)
mine sweeper
scuabadóir mianach (fir3)
switchboard operator
oibritheoir lasc-chláir (fir3)
point of sword
dias claímh (bain2)
range switch
raonlasc (bain2, gu: raonlaisce, ai: raonlasca, gi: raonlasc)
the 'render' from the 'carry' [Swordsmanship]
claimhte 'ar iompar' a thíolacadh
upper sling swivel
irisclóin uachtair
upper sling swivel
iris-sclóin uachtair (bain2)
sword slit
scoilt don chlaíomh (bain2)
pommel of sword
úll claímh (fir1)
stacking arms swivel
sclóin armchruachta (bain2)
stock pin for butt swivel
stocbhiorán do bhos sclóine (fir1)
the present from carry [Swordsmanship]
claimhte ar iompar a thairiscint
táithín (fir4, gu: taithín, ai: taithíní, gi: taithíní)
slaitín spaisteoireachta (bain4)
slaitín spaisteoireachta (bain4)
bogach (fir1, gu: bogaigh, ai: bogaigh, gi: bogach)
geansaí (fir4, gu: geansaí, ai: geansaithe, gi: geansaithe)
outflanking sweep
scuab scoite cliathán (bain2)
scuabach (a1)
dúlia (fir4, gu: dúlia)
at (fir1, gu: ait, ai: atanna, gi: atanna)
at (br, abr: at, aidbhr: ata)
luath (a1)
mear (a1)
tapaidh (a1)
triosc (fir3, gu: triosca)
swill receptacle
gabhdán triosca (fir1)
lasc (bain2, gu: laisce, ai: lasca, gi: lasc)
aistriú (fir, gu: aistrithe)
lámhaigh (br)
lasc-chlár (fir1, gu: lasc-chláir, ai: lasc-chláir, gi: lasc-chlár)
switch-board attendant
freastalaí lasc-chláir (fir4)
manual switch-board
lasc-chlár láimhe (fir1)
switched out of circuit
lasctha as timthriall (aidbhr)
switched on
lasctha ann (aidbhr)
switched off
lasctha as (aidbhr)
swivel hook
crúca sclóine (fir4)
swivel seating
leaba sclóine (bain)
ruaig (bain2, gu: ruaige)
scuabadh (fir, gu: scuabtha)
sword bar
barra claímh (fir4)
scoilt don chlaíomh (bain2)
sheathed sword
claíomh i ndúbailt (fir1)
shoe of sword
bróigín an chlaímh (fir4)
torpedo coxswain
liagóir toirpéad (fir3)
swinging traverse
luascthrasnáil (bain3, gu: luascthrasnála, ai: luascthrasnálacha, gi: luascthrasnálacha)
draw swords
nocht claimhte (br)
render swords
tíolaic claimhte (br)
rest on swords
luigh ar chlaimhte (br)
reverse swords
aisiompaigh claimhte (br)
siúl go giodalach (br)
siúl go mustrach (br)
siúl go postúil (br)
báigh (br, abr: bá, aidbhr: báite)
mionnaigh (br, abr: mionnú, aidbhr: mionnaithe)
móidigh (br, abr: móidiú, aidbhr: móidithe)
tabhair an leabhar (br)
sweep with fire
scuab le lámhach (br)
switch off an engine
lasc as inneall (br)
switch on an engine
lasc ann inneall (br)
scinn (br, abr: scinneadh, aidbhr: scinnte)
sheath a sword
cuir claíomh sa dúbailt (br)
sword drill
druil chlaímh (bain2)
swinging traverse
luasc thrasnáil (bain3)
the hand is 'in tierce' [Swordsmanship]
tá an lámh 'ar teirt' (fr.dob.)
an Eilvéis (bain2)
Sord (fir1, gu: Shoird)
an Bhotsuáin (bain2, gu: na Botsuáine)
ata (a3)
swimming pool
linn snámha (bain2)
bósan (fir1, gu: bósain, ai: bósain, gi: bósan)
focal faire (fir1, gu: focail faire)
switch on
lasc ann (br)
switch off
lasc as (br)
an tSualainn (bain2, gu: na Sualainne)
an tSuasalainn (bain2, gu: na Suasalainne)
bear swords at the carry
coimeád claimhte ar iompar
bear swords at the reverse
coimeád claimhte ar aisiompú
bring swords to the position of the carry
cuir claimhte ar iompar
bring swords to the position of the cross
cuir claimhte ar cros
bring swords to the present
cuir claimhte ar tairscint
bring swords to the render
cuir claimhte ar tíolacadh
question and answer develop quickness of thought
spreagann ceist agus freagra gastacht intinne
with the point of the sword inclined to the right front
agus dias an chlaímh claonta leath fó dheis
arm and sword pointing to the right front
géag agus claíomh ag pointeáil leath fó dheis
hammer (with catch spring and swivel assembled)
casúr (le tuailm ghreamaire agus sclóin chóimeálta)
with the point of the sword inclined to the right front
agus dias an chlaímh claonta chun tosaigh fó dheis
arm and sword pointing to the right front
géag agus claíomh ag pointeáil chun tosaigh agus fó dheis
single switch or push-button
lasc shingil nó brúlasc
shoulder swords
claimhte a chur le gualainn
the right arm swinging forward with the left leg
an ghéag dheas ar aon luasc leis an gcois chlé
change swords from the reverse
claimhte ar aisiompú a aistriú
describe a circle clockwise with the sword
rianaigh ciorcal deiseal le claíomh
draw a sword partially from the scabbard
leathnocht claíomh as an truaill
hold the sword 'in tierce'
cóimeád an claíomh 'ar teirt'
swear a court
cuir cúirt faoi mhionn
swear Judge Advocate
cuir Abhcóide Breithiúnais faoi mhionn
switch umpires
aistrigh moltóirí
return swords
aischuir claimhte
going SW
ag dul siar ó dheas
coming from SW
ag teacht aniar aneas
ó dheas siar ó dheas
SW by W
siar ó dheas lámh siar
SW by S
siar ó dheas lámh ó dheas
siar siar ó dheas
Order from the Carry (Manual of the sword)
suigh claimhte ar iompar
the hand is in quarter (Manual of the sword)
tá an lámh ar ceathrú
the 'shoulder' from the ‘carry’ (Manual of the sword)
claimhte 'ar iompar' a chur 'le gualainn'
the 'slope' from the 'carry' (Manual of the sword)
claimhte 'ar iompar'a chlaonadh
the 'stand at ease' from the 'order' (Manual of the sword)
gabháil ó chlaimhte 'ar suí' go 'seasamh as áis '
report at the 'carry' (Manual of the sword)
cur in iúl 'ar iompar'
resume the position of the 'carry' (Manual of the sword)
claimhte a athchur 'ar iompar'