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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
auxiliary power unit
aonad cumhachta cúntach
obstacle clearance altitude /height; obstacle clearance height; OCH
airde glanta constaicí; OCH
destination alternate
ceann scríbe malartach
final reserve fuel
breosla cúltaca deiridh
reserve fuel
breosla cúltaca
bog; peat bog
Arctic Ocean
an tAigéan Artach
financial auxiliaries
corparáidí cúntacha airgeadais
axle set
tacar acastóra
trichromatic coordinates
comhordanáidí tríchrómatacha
ensign; national flag
bratach náisiúnta; meirge
dissident; political dissident
tacit knowledge
eolas neamhinste
Democratic Unionist Party; DUP
an Páirtí Aontachtach Daonlathach; DUP
Ulster Unionist Party; UUP
Páirtí Aontachtach Uladh; UUP
GAM; Mutual Support Group for the Reappearance of our Relatives Alive
an Grúpa Tacaíochta Frithpháirtí um Thabhairt ar Ais Beo ár nGaolta Fuadaithe
Population Registration Act Repeal Act
an tAcht chun an tAcht um Chlárú Daonra a aisghairm
Abolition of Racially Based Land Measures Act
An tAcht um Dhíothú Beart Talún Bunaithe ar Chine
GAA; Group Areas Act
an tAcht um Ghrúplimistéir
contact institution
institiúid teagmhála
virtual reality; VR
réaltacht fhíorúil; VR
draft legislative resolution
dréachtrún reachtach
Legislative Observatory; OEIL
Faireachlann Reachtach
follow-up procedure
nós imeachta leantach
legislative initiative
tionscnamh reachtach
non-legislative report
tuarascáil neamhreachtach
supplementary question
ceist fhorlíontach
Aggregate Measure of Support; Aggregate Measurement of Support; AMS
AMS; leibhéal comhiomlán tacaíochta
non-attached Member
feisire neamhcheangailte
right of initiative; right of legislative initiative
an ceart maidir le tionscnamh reachtach; ceart tionscnaimh
non-legislative motion for a resolution
tairiscint neamhreachtach i gcomhair rúin
legislative period; legislative term; legislature; parliamentary term
reachtas; téarma parlaiminteach; téarma reachtach
NOx Protocol; Protocol concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides; Protocol to the 1979 Convention on long-range transboundary air pollution concerning the control of emissions of nitrogen oxides or their transboundary fluxes
Prótacal a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún 1979 maidir le Truailliú Aeir Trasteorann Fadraoin, a bhaineann le Rialú Astaíochtaí Ocsaídí Nítrigine nó a bhFloscanna Trasteorann
ACP/EU Sugar Protocol; Sugar Protocol
an Prótacal Siúcra
photovoltaic energy; photovoltaic solar energy
grianfhuinneamh fótavoltach
New York Protocol; Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees
an Prótacal maidir le Stádas Dídeanaithe
committed effective dose
dáileog éifeachtach thiomanta
wet electrostatic precipitator; wet ESP
deascaire leictreastatach fliuch
tactile warning of danger
rabhadh tadhlach contúirte
rehabilitation of victims
athshlánú íospartach
juvenile delinquency
monolithic IC; monolithic integrated circuit
ciorcad iomlánaithe monailiotach
displacement; forced displacement; forced displacement of the population; forced migration
easáitiú éigeantach an phobail
POSEI; Programme of Options Specifically Relating to Remoteness and Insularity
Clár de roghanna a bhaineann go sonrach le hiargúltacht agus le hoileánacht
protocol on social policy; Social Policy Protocol
Prótacal maidir leis an mBeartas Sóisialta
SAPARD; Special Accession Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development; special pre-accession instrument for agriculture and rural development
Clár Aontachais Speisialta um Thalmhaíocht agus Forbairt na Tuaithe
hot isostatic densification
dlúthú te iseastatach
torture victim; victim of torture
íospartach céastóireachta
rights of victims; victims' rights
cearta íospartach
alternative penalty
pionós malartach
crime victim
íospartach coireachta
principles of legality and proportionality of criminal offences and penalties
prionsabail na dlíthiúlachta agus na comhréireachta i dtaca le cionta coiriúla agus pionóis
systemic irregularity
neamhrialtacht shistéamach
inverse floating rate instrument
ionstraim inbhéartach ráta chomhlúthaigh
tachograph card
cárta tacagraif
card consecutive index
innéacs leantach cárta
CONAIE; Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador
Cónaidhm Náisiúntachtaí Dúchasacha Eacuadór
FOI Act; FOIA; Freedom of Information Act
an tAcht um Shaoráil Faisnéise
Detainees' Parents Support Committee; DPSC
Coiste Tacaíochta do Thuismitheoirí Cimí
Afghan Support Committee; ASC
an Coiste Tacaíochta don Afganastáin; ASC
liquid asset; liquid capital; quick asset; realizable asset
sócmhainn leachtach
multinucleated giant cell
ollchill ilnúicléatach
ICAO Regional Supplementary Procedures; Regional Supplementary Procedures; SUPPS
nósanna imeachta forlíontacha réigiúnacha; SUPPanna
internaut; internet surfer; internet user; net surfer; netizen
cibearnátach; scimeálaí; scimeálaí ar an Idirlíon
TPN; Transatlantic Policy Network
an Líonra Beartais Trasatlantach
support ratio
cóimheas tacaíochta
sea-urchin cactus; star cactus
cachtas réaltach
Aztec cactus
cachtas Astacach
continuing professional development; CPD
CPD; forbairt ghairmiúil leantach
commercial real estate market
margadh an eastáit réadaigh tráchtala; margadh i dtaca le heastát réadach tráchtálach
yellow-mantled widowbird
baintreach buíbhratach
northern paradise whydah
víoda parthais tuaisceartach
BA; Baltic Assembly
an Tionól Baltach
reserve lieutenant
leifteanant cúltaca
compulsory jurisdiction
dlínse éigeantach
CMBS; commercial mortgage-backed security
urrús tráchtálach le taca morgáistí
Convention for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna
an Coinbhinsiún um an Tuinnín Gorm Deisceartach a Chaomhnú
alternate member
comhalta ionaid; comhalta malartach
Semantic Web
líonra séimeantach
victim of violence
íospartach foréigin
Brugada syndrome; idiopathic ventricular fibrillation; sudden unexpected death syndrome
fibriliú ideapatach méadailíneach; siondróm Brugada
legality and regularity
dlíthiúlacht agus rialtacht
effectiveness; principle of effectiveness
accounting estimate
meastachán cuntasaíochta
going concern
gnóthas leantach
reality of operations
réaltacht oibríochtaí
substance over form
réaltacht thar fhoirm dhlíthiúil
specialised financial irregularities panel
sainphainéal um mírialtachtaí airgeadais
flag out; flagging out
aistrigh bratach; bratach a aistriú
Atlantic horse mackerel
bolmán Atlantach
searbhán catach
dwarf chicory
searbhán catach fiáin
Protocol on the Statute of the Common Appeal Court
Prótacal ar Reacht na Comhchúirte Achomhairc
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Ambasadóir urghnách agus lánchumhachtach
Minister Plenipotentiary
aire lánchumhachtach
epizootic; epizootic disease
galar eipeasótach
SCA; suim chúiteach aontachais
accompanying measure; back-up measure; flanking measure; support measure
beart tacaíochta; beart tionlacain
pistachio; pistachio nut
cnó piostáise; piostáis
pegged price; support price
praghas tacaíochta
parental contact with children; right of access
ceart rochtana; teagmháil tuismitheoirí le leanaí
estimate; forward estimate
meastachán; réamh-mheastachán
estimate; estimate of revenue and expenditure
meastachán ar ioncam agus ar chaiteachas
complementary feed; complementary feedingstuff
ábhar beatha comhlántach; ábhar beatha forlíontach
foul bill of lading
bille luchta lochtach
compulsory school age; mandatory school age
aois éigeantach scoile
spillover effect
éifeacht iarmhartach; toradh iarmhartach
legislative resolution
rún reachtach
Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland, the Kingdom of Norway and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the European Communities and the adjustments to the treaties entailed by
Ionstraim i dtaobh aontachas Ríocht na Danmhairge, na hÉireann, Ríocht na hIorua agus Ríocht Aontaithe na Breataine Móire agus Thuaisceart Éireann leis na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus oiriúnuithe a ghabhann leis sna Conarthaí
continuing vocational training; CVT
gairmoiliúint leanúnach; oiliúint leantach
acceding country; acceding state
stát aontach
aromatic extract
eastóscán aramatach
Atlantic Alliance; North Atlantic Alliance
an Chomhghuaillíocht Atlantach; Comhghuaillíocht an Atlantaigh Thuaidh
officially supported export credit
creidmheas onnmhairiúcháin a bhfuil tacaíocht oifigiúil aige; creidmheasanna onnmhairiúcháin arna dtacú go hoifigiúil
estimate of revenue
meastachán ar ioncam
estimate of expenditure
meastachán ar chaiteachas
different estimate
meastacháin éagsúla; meastachán difriúil
draft estimate
an trosc Artach-Ioruach
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to the Immunity of State-owned Vessels
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta maidir le hAontú Rialacha Áirithe i dtaca le Díolúine Soithí atá faoi úinéireacht an Stáit
tenancy of immovable property
tionóntacht réadmhaoine
Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty for Cooperation regarding Atomic Information
Comhaontú idir na Páirtithe i gConradh an Atlantaigh Thuaidh maidir le Comhar i dtaca le Faisnéis Adamhach
European Agreement on the Restriction of the Use of certain Detergents in Washing and Cleaning Products
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le hÚsáid Glantach Áirithe in Earraí Níocháin agus Glantacháin a Shrianadh
European Agreement on continued Payment of Scholarships to students studying abroad
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir le hÍocaíocht Leantach Scoláireachtaí do Mhic Léinn atá ag Staidéar Thar Lear
Agreement drawn up in implementation of Article V of Protocol Nº II of the Brussels Treaty as modified by the Protocols signed at Paris on 23rd October 1954
an Comhaontú arna dhréachtú chun Airteagal V de Phrótacal Uimh. II de Chonradh na Bruiséile arna leasú ag na Prótacail a síníodh i bPáras ar an 23 Deireadh Fómhair 1954 a chur chun feidhme
Agreement establishing a Financial Support Fund of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Comhaontú lena mbunaítear Ciste Tacaíochta Airgeadais de chuid na hEagraíochta um Chomhar agus Forbairt Eacnamaíochta
compulsory retirement
scor go héigeantach
Atlantic herring; herring
scadán Atlantach
Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Extradition
an Dara Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Eorpach um Eiseachadadh
overriding mandatory provision; overriding mandatory rule; overriding rule
rialacha éigeantacha
choice of law rule; conflict rule; conflict-of-laws rule; rule of conflict of laws
riail na heasaontachta dlíthe
legal personality
pearsantacht dhlítheanach
host country
tír aíochta; tír is ósta; tír óstach
Additional Protocol to the European Agreement on the Exchange of Blood-grouping Reagents
Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú Eorpach maidir le Malartú Imoibrithe Fuilghrúpála
Additional Protocol to the European Agreement on the Exchange of Therapeutic Substances of Human Origin
Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú Eorpach maidir le Malartú Substaintí Teirpeacha de Bhunús Daonna
Protocol relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Pollution by Substances other than Oil
Prótacal a bhaineann le hIdirghabháil ar an Mórmhuir i gcás Truailliú ag Substaintí seachas Ola
Supplementary Protocol to the Hague Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters
Prótacal forlíontach a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún na Háige maidir le haithint agus forghníomhú breithiúnas eactrach in ábhair shibhialta agus tráchtála
Oil Spills Protocol; Protocol concerning Cooperation in Combating Oil Spills in the Wider Caribbean Region
an Prótacal um Chomhoibriú chun Doirteadh Ola sa Mhór-Réigiún Cairibeach a Chomhrac
EMEP Protocol; Protocol to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, on Long-term Financing of the Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún ar Thruailliú Aeir Trasteorann Fadraoin, ar Mhaoiniú Fadtéarma an Chláir Comhairíochta chun Faireachán agus Measúnú a dhéanamh ar Thruailleáin Aeir Tarchurtha Fadraoin san Eoraip (EMEP)
Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Incendiary Weapons
Prótacal maidir le Toirmisc nó Srianta ar Úsáid Armán Loiscneach
Protocol II as amended on 3 May 1996; Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines, Booby Traps and other Devices, as amended on 3 May 1996
Prótacal II arna leasú an 3 Bealtaine 1996; Prótacal maidir le Toirmisc nó Srianta ar úsáid Mianach, Bobghaistí agus Feistí eile arna leasú ar an 3 Bealtaine 1996
Protocol on Non-detectable Fragments
Prótacal maidir le Mionghiotaí Do-bhraite
Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Mobile Satellite Organisation
Prótacal maidir le Pribhléidí agus Díolúintí Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta na Satailítí Moibíleacha
Protocol on INTELSAT Privileges, Exemptions and Immunities
Prótacal um Pribhléidí, Saoirseachtaí agus Díolúintí INTELSAT; Prótacal um Pribhléidí, Saoirseachtaí agus Díolúintí na hEagraíochta Idirnáisiúnta um Shatailítí Teileachumarsáide
Protocol relating to an amendment to the Convention on International Civil Aviation
an Prótacal maidir le leasú ar an gCoinbhinsiún um Eitlíocht Shibhialta Idirnáisiúnta
Helsinki Protocol; Protocol on the Reduction of Sulphur Emissions; Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution on the Reduction of Sulphur Emissions or their Transboundary Fluxes by at least 30 per cent
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún ar thruailliú aeir fadraoin trasteorann maidir le hastaíochtaí sulfair, nó a bhfloscanna trasteorann, a ísliú 30 faoin gcéad ar a laghad
Optional Protocol
prótacal roghnach
Montreal Protocol; Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
Prótacal Montréal; Prótacal Montréal um Shubstaintí a Ídíonn an Ciseal Ózóin
Protocol on the Authentic Quadrilingual Text of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago, 1944)
Prótacal maidir le téacs barántúil ceithretheangach an Choinbhinsiúin um eitlíocht shibhialta idirnáisiúnta (Chicago, 1944)
Prótacal um Phribhléidí agus Dhíolúintí na hEagraíochta Idir-Rialtasaí i dtaca leis na córais iompair idirnáisiúnta iarnróid
Protocol on Road Markings, Additional to the European Agreement Supplementing the Convention on Road Signs and Signals
Prótacal breise maidir le marcanna bóthair a ghabann leis an gComhaontú Eorpach lena bhforlíontar an Coinbhinsiún um Shíneacha agus Chomharthaí Bóthair
Protocol amending Article 14 (3) of the European Agreement of 30 September 1957 concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR)
Prótacal lena leasítear Airteagal 14 (3) de Chomhaontú Eorpach an 30 Meán Fómhair 1957 i dtaobh Iompar Idirnáisiúnta Earraí Contúirteacha de Bhóthar (ADR)
Nairobi Protocol; Protocol to the Agreement on the Importation of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú maidir le hÁbhair Oideachais, Eolaíochta agus Cultúir a Allmhairiú; Prótacal Nairobi
Additional Protocol to the Agreement on the Temporary Importation, free of duty, of Medical, Surgical and Laboratory Equipment for Use on free loan in Hospitals and Other Medical Institutions for Purposes of Diagnosis or Treatment
Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú maidir le Trealamh Míochaine, Máinliachta agus Saotharlainne a allmhairiú go sealadach, Saor ó Dhleacht, lena úsáid ar Saoriasacht in Ospidéil agus in Institiúidí Leighis eile ar mhaithe le Fáthmheas nó Cóireá
Protocol to the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR)
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún ar an gConradh maidir le hIompar Idirnáisiúnta Earraí de Bhóthar (CMR)
Protocol to the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969 ("Liability Convention 1969")
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta ar Dhliteanas Sibialta i leith Damáiste ó Ola-Thruailliú, 1969 ("an Coinbhinsiún um Dhliteanas, 1969")
Protocol to the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1971
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta ar Bhunú Ciste Idirnáisiúnta le haghaidh Cúitimh as Damáiste ó Ola-Thruailliú (1971)
Protocol relating to the 1973 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
Prótacal a bhaineann le Coinbhinsiún idirnáisiúnta 1973 chun Truailliú ó Longa a Chosc
Protocol relating to the 1974 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
Prótacal a bhaineann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta um Shábháilteacht Anama ar Muir, 1974
Protocol amending the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961
Prótacal lena leasaítear an Coinbhinsiún Aonair um Dhrugaí Támhshuanacha, 1961
Paris Protocol to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, 1982; Protocol to amend the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat
Prótacal maidir le leasú an Choinbhinsiúin um Bogaigh a bhfuil Tábhacht Idirnáisiúnta leo go háirithe mar Ghnáthóg d''Éanlaith Uisce; Prótacal Pháras a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún Ramsar um Bogaigh, 1982
Protocol concerning Mediterranean Specially Protected Areas; SPA Protocol
Prótacal a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún Barcelona a bhaineann le limistéir na Meánmhara atá faoi Chosaint Speisialta
Land-Based Sources and Activities Protocol; Land-Based Sources Protocol; LBS Protocol; Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution from Land-based Sources and Activities
Prótacal maidir le Cosaint na Meánmhara ar Thruailliú ó Fhoinsí agus Gníomhaíochtaí ar Talamh
Optional Protocol concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes
Prótacal roghnach maidir le Réiteach Éigeantach Díospóidí
Protocol to the Conference of the Representatives of the States Parties to the Convention on Fishing and Conservation of Living Resources in the Baltic Sea and the Belts
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gComhdháil d'Ionadaithe na Stát ar Páirtithe iad sa Choinbhinsiún um Iascaireacht agus Caomhnú Beo-Acmhainní i Muir Bhailt agus sna Beilteanna Danmhargacha
Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the Accession of Spain
an Prótacal a ghabhann le Conradh an Atlantaigh Thuaidh ar Aontachas na Spáinne
Protocol to the European Convention on the Equivalence of Diplomas leading to Admission to Universities
an Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Comhluach Dioplómaí as a leanann Iontrálacha in Ollscoileanna
Additional Protocol to the European Agreement on the Exchange of Tissue-Typing Reagents
Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú Eorpach maidir le hImoibreáin Tíopála Fíocháin a Mhalartú
Protocol to the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú Ginearálta ar Phribhléidí agus Díolúintí Chomhairle na hEorpa
Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
Prótacal Breise a ghabhann leis an an gCoinbhinsiún Eorpach ar Chúnamh Frithpháirteach in Ábhair Choiriúla
Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Extradition
Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Eorpach um Eiseachadadh
Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Information on Foreign Law
Prótacal Breise a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Eorpach um Fhaisnéis maidir le Dlí Eachtrach
Protocol to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint
Protocol No. 2 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, conferring upon the European Court of Human Rights competence to give advisory opinions
Prótacal Uimh. 2 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint, a thugann inniúlacht don Chúirt Eorpach um Chearta an Duine chun Tuairimí Comhairleacha a thabhairt
Protocol No. 3 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, amending Articles 29, 30 and 34 of the Convention
Prótacal Uimh. 3 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint, lena leasaítear Airteagal 29, Airteagal 30 agus Airteagal 34 den Choinbhinsiún
Arrangement on Guidelines for Officially Supported Export Credits; OECD Consensus
Comhdhearcadh OECD; Socraíochtaí maidir le treoirlínte le haghaidh creidmheasanna onnmhairiúcháin a bhfuil tacaíocht oifigiúil acu
Protocol No. 4 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, securing certain rights and freedoms other than those already included in the Convention and in the first Protocol thereto
Prótacal Uimh. 4 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun cearta an duine agus saoirsí bunúsacha a chosaint d''fhonn cearta agus saoirsí eile a áirithiú nach raibh san áireamh sa Choinbhinsiún agus sa chéad Phrótacal leis
Protocol No. 5 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, amending Articles 22 and 40 of the Convention
Prótacal Uimh. 5 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint, lena leasaítear Airteagail 22 agus 40 den Choinbhinsiún
Protocol on the interpretation by the Court of Justice of the Convention of 27 September 1968 on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgements in civil and commercial matters
Prótacal ar léiriú ag an gCúirt Bhreithiúnais ar Choinbhinsiún an 27 Meán Fómhair 1968 ar dhlínse agus ar fhorghníomhú breithiúnas in ábhair shibhialta agus tráchtála
Additional Protocol to the European Convention for the Protection of Animals during International Transport
Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Eorpach chun Ainmhithe a Chosaint le linn Iompair Idirnáisiúnta
Prótacal um Phribhléidí agus Dhiolúintí na hInstitiúide Ollscoile Eorpaí
Prótacal lena leasaítear an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Comhoibriú um Shábháilteacht na hAerloingseoireachta "Eurocontrol" an 13 Nollaig 1960
Emergency Protocol; Protocol concerning Cooperation in Combating Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by Oil and Other Harmful Substances in Cases of Emergency
an Prótacal a bhaineann le Comhar maidir le Truailliú na Meánmhara de bharr Ola agus Substaintí Dochracha Eile i gCásanna Éigeandála a Chomhrac
Dumping Protocol; Protocol for the Prevention and Elimination of Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft or Incineration at Sea
Prótacal maidir le Truailliú na Meánmhara trí Dhumpáil ó Longa agus ó Aerárthaí nó trí Loscadh ar Muir a Chosc agus a Dhíothú
Hague Agreement; The Hague Agreement concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs
Comhaontú na Háige i dtaca le Clárú Idirnáisiúnta Dearaí Tionscail
photovoltaic cell; PV cell
cill fhótavoltach; cill PV
searbhán catach
effective control
rialú éifeachtach
Convention concerning measures to be taken by the Member States of the Western European Union in order to enable the Agency for the Control of Armaments to carry out its control effectively and making provision for the due process of law in accordance wit
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le bearta a bheidh le glacadh ag ballstáit Aontas Iarthar na hEorpa a chumasóidh an Ghníomhaireacht um Armálacha a Rialú rialú a fheidhmiú go héifeachtach agus foráil a dhéanamh maidir le próiseas cuí dlí de réir Phrótacal Uimh. IV
Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957; Convention concerning the Abolition of Forced Labour
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le saothar éigeantach a chur ar ceal
Convention concerning the Application of the Principles of the Right to Organise and to Bargain Collectively; Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis na prionsabail a chur i bhfeidhm i dtaca leis an gceart eagrúcháin agus leis an gcómhargáil
Convention on the accession of the Hellenic Republic to the Convention on jurisdiction and enforcement of judgements in civil and commercial matters and to the Protocol on its interpretation by the Court of Justice with the adjustments made to them by the
an Coinbhinsiún ar aontú na Poblachta Heilléanaí don Choinbhinsiún ar dhlínse agus ar fhorghníomhú breithiúnas in ábhair shibhialta agus tráchtála agus don Phrótacal ar léiriú an Choinbhinsiúin sin ag an gCúirt Bhreithiúnais, maille leis na hoiriúnuithe a
Convention Supplementary to the Convention on Third Party Liability in the field of Nuclear Energy
an Coinbhinsiún Forlíontach ar an gCoinbhinsiún maidir le Dliteanas Tríú Páirtí i réimse an Fhuinnimh Núicléigh
Convention Supplementary to the Warsaw Convention, for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air Performed by a Person Other than the Contracting Carrier
an Coinbhinsiún Forlíontach ar Choinbhinsiún Vársá maidir le hAontú Rialacha Áirithe a bhaineann le hIompar Idirnáisiúnta d''Aer arna Chur i gCrích ag Duine seachas an tIompróir Conarthach
Convention for the Conservation of Salmon in the North Atlantic Ocean; NASCO Convention
an Coinbhinsiún um Chaomhnú Bradán san Aigéan Atlantach Thuaidh
Convention on the Exchange of Information regarding the Acquisition of Nationality
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Malartú Faisnéise i dtaca le Sealbhú Náisiúntachta
Convention concerning Equality of Treatment of Nationals and Non-nationals in Social Security; Equality of Treatment (Social Security Convention, 1962
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cóir Chomhionann do Náisiúnaigh agus do Neamhnáisiúnaigh i dtaca le Slándáil Shóisialta
Convention on Conduct of Fishing Operations in the North Atlantic
an Coinbhinsiún um Stiúradh Oibríochtaí Iascaireachta san Atlantach Thuaidh
Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery
an Coinbhinsiún forlíontach maidir le cealú na sclábhaíochta, trádáil sclábhaithe agus institiúidí agus cleachtaí cosúil leis an sclábhaíocht
Convention for the Settlement of Certain Conflicts of Laws in connection with Cheques
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le heasaontachtaí áirithe dlíthe a shocrú i ndáil le seiceanna
Convention for the Settlement of certain Conflicts of Laws in Connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le heasaontachtaí áirithe dlíthe a shocrú i ndáil le billí malairte agus nótaí gealltanais
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to the Carriage of Passengers by Sea
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta maidir le hAontú Rialacha Áirithe i dtaca le hIompar Paisinéirí ar Muir
Accommodation of Crews (Supplementary Provisions) Convention, 1970; Convention concerning Crew Accommodation on board Ship (supplementary provisions)
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cóiríocht don Fhoireann ar Bord Loinge (Forálacha Forlíontacha)
Convention on the Nationality of Married Women
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Náisiúntacht Ban Pósta
Convention on the Issuance of a Certificate of Matrimonial Capacity
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hEisiúint Teastais Inniúlachta i dtaca leis an bPósadh
Convention on the Recognition of the Legal Personality of Foreign Companies, Firms, Associations and Foundations
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Pearsantacht Dhlítheanach Cuideachtaí, Gnólachtaí, Comhlachas agus Fondúireachtaí Coigríche a Aithint
Convention on the Reduction of Cases of Multiple Nationality and on Military Obligations in Cases of Multiple Nationality
an Coinbhinsiún um Laghdú Cásanna Ilnáisiúntachta agus um Oibleagáidí Míleata i gCásanna Ilnáisiúntachta
Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-international Armed Conflicts (Protocol II)
Prótacal breise a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiúin na Ginéive an 12 Lúnasa 1949 agus a bhaineann le híospartaigh coinbhleachtaí armtha neamh-idirnáisiúnta a chosaint (Prótacal II)
Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I)
Prótacal Breise a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiúin na Ginéive den 12 Lúnasa 1949, agus a bhaineann le hÍospartaigh Coinbhleachtaí Armtha Idirnáisiúnta a Choimirciú (Prótacal I)
minutes of signing; protocol of signature
prótacal síniúcháin
international standard industrial classification; International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities; ISIC
ISIC; Rangúchán Tionsclaíoch Caighdeánach Idirnáisiúnta i dtaca le gach Gníomhaíocht Eacnamaíoch
NASCO; North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organisation
Eagraíocht um Chaomhnú Bradán san Atlantach Thuaidh; NASCO
CECAF; Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic
an Coiste Iascaigh um an Atlantach Thoir Láir; CECAF
for reasons of administrative efficiency
ar fhorais éifeachtacht riaracháin
Protocol amending the Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft
Prótacal lena leasaítear an Coinbhinsiún um Chosc ar Mhuir-Thruailliú trí Dhumpáil ó Longa agus ó Aerárthaí
marine crustaceans n.e.i.
crústaigh mara nach n-áirítear in áit eile
vessel flying the flag of ...; vessel sailing under the flag of ...
soitheach faoi bhratach ...
national flag vessel; vessel flying a national flag
soitheach faoi bhratach náisiúnta
compulsory education; compulsory school attendance; compulsory schooling
freastal scoile éigeantach
NCE; non-compulsory expenditure
caiteachas neamhéigeantach; CN
CE; compulsory expenditure
caiteachas éigeantach; CE
Atlantic saury
preabaire Atlantach
Atlantic pomfret; Ray's bream
sáimhín; sáimhín Atlantach
northern prawn; northern shrimp
séacla Artach; séacla bándearg
date shell; lithophagous mollusc
diúilicín clochtholltach Eorpach
tarpán Atlantach
pastruga; severiuga; sevruga; star sturgeon; starry sturgeon
bradán fearna réaltach
Atlantic halibut
haileabó Atlantach
pilot whale
Antarctic krill; krill
crill Antartach
Atlantic wolffish; catfish
cat mara Atlantach
Atlantic white marlin; white marlin
mairlín bán Atlantach; mairlín geal Atlantach
Atlantic blue marlin; blue marlin
mairlín gorm Atlantach
Atlantic mackerel; mackerel
ronnach Atlantach
Atlantic menhaden
menhaden Atlantach
Arctic char; char
ruabhreac Artach
starry ray; thorny skate
roc réaltach
Atlantic redfishes; redfish; redfishes; rockfishes
péirse mhara; péirsí mara Atlantacha
Atlantic salmon; salmon
bradán; bradán an Atlantaigh; bradán Atlantach
southern bluefin tuna
tuinnín gorm deisceartach
CAMLR Convention; CCAMLR; Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Beo-acmhainní Muirí san Antartach a chaomhnú; CCAMLR
STM; supplementary trade mechanism
sásra forlíontach trádála; SFT
Agrifin Working Party; Working Party on Financial Agricultural Questions; Working Party on Financial Agricultural Questions (Agrifin)
an Mheitheal um Cheisteanna Airgeadais i dtaca leis an Talmhaíocht; an Mheitheal um Cheisteanna Airgeadais i dtaca leis an Talmhaíocht (AGRIFIN)
fluid fertiliser
leasachán leachtach
Antarctic Treaty
an Conradh Antartach
curly kale
cál catach
digital tachograph; recording equipment; tachograph
tacagraf digiteach
liquid sugar; sugar solution
síoróip shiúcra; siúcra leachtach
pragmatic calendar; pragmatic timetable
féilire pragmatach
Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties
Ionstraim i dtaobh Choinníollacha Aontachais Ríocht na Spáinne agus Phoblacht na Portaingéile agus oiriúnuithe na gConarthaí
IEFR; International Emergency Food Reserve
Cúltaca Idirnáisiúnta Bia Éigeandála; IEFR
TAC; total allowable catch
gabháil iomlán incheadaithe; TAC
Protocol No 6 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms concerning the Abolition of the Death Penalty
Prótacal Uimh. 6 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun cearta an duine agus saoirsí bunúsacha a chosaint agus maidir le deireadh a chur le pionós an bháis
Protocol to the European Convention on Consular Functions relating to Consular Functions in respect of Civil Aircraft
an Prótacal maidir le hAerárthaí Sibhialta
Protocol to the European Convention on Consular Functions concerning the Protection of Refugees
an Prótacal maidir le Cosaint Dídeanaithe
to conclude a protocol
tabhair prótacal i gcrích
the Baltic Convention
an Coinbhinsiún Baltach
converter (rotary or static)
tiontaire (rothlach nó statach)
effective coordination
comhordú éifeachtach; comhordú éifeachtúil
compulsory co-ordination
comhordú éigeantach
from the date of accession
ó dháta an aontachais
compulsory cross-licensing; compulsory licence in respect of dependent patents
ceadúnas éigeantach i leith paitinní spleácha
instrument of accession to this Convention
an ionstraim aontachais a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún seo
additional limitation
teorannú breise; teorannú forlíontach
price support mechanism
meicníocht um praghas tacaíochta
provisional, including protective, measures
bearta sealadacha, lena n-áirítear bearta cosantacha
European Agreement of 16 September 1950 supplementing the 1949 Convention on Road Traffic and the 1949 Protocol on Road Signs and Signals
Comhaontú Eorpach an 16 Meán Fómhair 1950 ag forlíonadh Choinbhinsiún 1949 um Thrácht ar Bhóithre agus Phrótacal 1949 um Chomharthaíocht Bóithre
Convention relating to Civil Liability in the field of Maritime Carriage of Nuclear Material
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Dliteanas Sibhialta i dtaca le hÁbhar Núicléach a Iompar ar Muir
Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be used for Such Carriage; ATP
an Comhaontú maidir le hiompar idirnáisiúnta earraí meatacha agus maidir leis an trealamh speisialta atá le húsáid i ndáil leis an iompar sin; ATP
Cutaway bog
public morality; public morals
moráltacht an phobail; moráltacht phoiblí
ship flying the flag of a Member State; vessel flying the flag of a Member State
soitheach faoi bhratach Ballstáit
Protocol on amendments to the Community Patent Convention (Protocol on Amendments)
Prótacal i dtaobh na Leasuithe ar Choinbhinsiún na Paitinne Comhphobail (an Prótacal i dtaobh na leasuithe)
Protocol on Litigation; Protocol on the Settlement of Litigation; Protocol on the Settlement of Litigation concerning the Infringement and Validity of Community Patents
an Prótacal maidir le dlíthíocht; Prótacal ar Shocrú Dlíthíochta maidir le Sárú agus Bailíocht Paitinní Comhphobail
Protocol on the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Economic Community
Prótacal ar Reacht Chúirt Bhreithiúnais Chomhphobal Eacnamaíochta na hEorpa
reciprocal agreement
comhaontú cómhalartach
additional reserve; additional reserves; supplementary reserve
cúlchiste breise; cúlchiste forlíontach
restrictive (arrangement)
(socrú) sriantach
market support
tacaíocht mhargaidh
alternate representative
ionadaí malartach
supplementary jurisdiction
dlínse fhorlíontach
monetary reserve
ciste cúltaca
Convention for the reciprocal recognition of proof marks on small arms
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le marcanna promhaidh ar mhionairm a aithint go cómhalartach
Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le caomhnú rónta Antartacha
Convention on the Liability of Hotel-keepers concerning the Property of their Guests
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Dliteanas Óstlannaithe i dtaca le Maoin a nAíonna
Convention relating to the Unification of Certain Rules concerning Collisions in Inland Navigation
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hAontú Rialacha Áirithe i dtaca le hImbhuailtí sa Loingseoireacht Intíre
Protocol to the Treaty concerning the Permanent Neutrality and Operation of the Panama Canal
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gConradh maidir le Buan-Neodracht agus Oibriú Chanáil Phanama
European Convention on Compulsory Insurance against Civil Liability in respect of Motor Vehicles
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Árachas Éigeantach in aghaidh Dliteanas Sibhialta a bhaineann le Mótarfeithiclí
bratach áise
Convention concerning Compulsory Old-Age Insurance for Persons Employed in Industrial or Commercial Undertakings, in the Liberal Professions, and for Outworkers and Domestic Servants; Old-Age Insurance (Industry, etc.) Convention, 1933
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hÁrachas Seanaoise Éigeantach do Dhaoine atá Fostaithe i nGnóthais Thionsclaíocha nó Thráchtálacha, sna Gairmeacha Beatha Liobrálacha agus d'Oibrithe Seachtracha agus d'Oibrithe Tí
Convention concerning Compulsory Old-Age Insurance for Persons Employed in Agricultural Undertakings; Old-Age Insurance (Agriculture) Convention, 1933
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hÁrachas Seanaoise Éigeantach do Dhaoine atá Fostaithe i nGnóthais Talmhaíochta
Convention concerning Compulsory Invalidity Insurance for Persons Employed in Industrial or Commercial Undertakings, in the Liberal Professions, and for Outworkers and Domestic Servants; Invalidity Insurance (Industry, etc.) Convention, 1933
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hÁrachas Easláine Éigeantach do Dhaoine atá Fostaithe i nGnóthais Thionsclaíocha nó Thráchtálacha, sna Gairmeacha Beatha Liobrálacha agus d'Oibrithe Seachtracha agus d'Oibrithe Tí
Convention concerning Compulsory Invalidity Insurance for Persons Employed in Agricultural Undertakings; Invalidity Insurance (Agriculture) Convention, 1933
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hÁrachas Easláine Éigeantach do Dhaoine atá Fostaithe i nGnóthais Talmhaíochta
Convention concerning Compulsory Widows' and Orphans' Insurance for Persons Employed in Industrial or Commercial Undertakings, in the Liberal Professions, and for Outworkers and Domestic Servants; Survivors' Insurance (Industry, etc.) Convention, 1933
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hÁrachas Éigeantach Baintrí agus Dílleachta do Dhaoine atá Fostaithe i nGnóthais Thionsclaíocha nó Thráchtálacha, sna Gairmeacha Beatha Liobrálacha agus d'Oibrithe Seachtracha agus d'Oibrithe Tí
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to the Precautionary Arrest of Aircraft
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le haontú rialacha áirithe i dtaca le gabháil aerárthaí mar réamhchúram
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law relating to Assistance and Salvage at Sea
Coinbhinsiún maidir le haontú rialacha áirithe dlí i dtaca le cúnamh agus tarrthálas ar muir
1905 Effects of Marriage Convention; Convention relating to conflicts of laws with regard to the effects of marriage on the rights and duties of the spouses in their personal relationship and and with regard to their estates
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hEasaontachtaí Dlíthe a bhaineann leis na hÉifeachtaí atá ag an bPósadh ar Chearta agus ar Dhualgais Céilí agus i dtaca lena nEastáit
restrictive measure; sanction
beart sriantach
Convention concerning the Compulsory Medical Examination of Children and Young Persons Employed at Sea; Medical Examination of Young Persons (Sea) Convention, 1921
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an Scrúdú Dochtúra Éigeantach i dTaca le Leanaí agus Daoine Óga atá Fostaithe ar Muir
Convention concerning Equality of Treatment for National and Foreign Workers as regards Workmen's Compensation for Accidents; Equality of Treatment (Accident Compensation) Convention, 1925
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cóir Chomhionann d'Oibrithe Náisiúnta agus ón gCoigríoch i dtaca le Cúiteamh d'Oibrithe i gcás Taismí
Convention concerning the Simplification of the Inspection of Emigrants on Board Ship; Inspection of Emigrants Convention, 1926
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Simpliú na Cigireachta i dtaca le hEisimircigh ar bord Loinge
Convention concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour; Forced Labour Convention, 1930
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hObair Éigeantais nó Éigeantach
limiting case
cás teorantach
Compliance Directive
Treoir Comhlíontachta
choke; cold start system; cold starting device; cold-start device
restrictive practices
cleachtas sriantach
basic act; basic instrument; basic legal act
bunghníomh reachtach
excess liquidity
liquidity assistance
cúnamh leachtachta
compulsory distillation; obligatory distillation
driogadh éigeantach
conflict of laws
easaontacht dlíthe
defective goods
earra lochtach
nationality of ship
náisiúntacht loinge
photovoltaic module; photovoltaic solar module; solar module
grianmhodúl; modúl fótavoltach
pilot phase
céim phíolótach
adjustment coefficient; conversion factor
comhéifeacht oiriúnaithe; fachtóir coinbhéartachta
Protocol for Limiting and Regulating the Cultivation of the Poppy Plant, the Production of, International and Wholesale Trade in, and Use of Opium
Prótacal maidir le saothrú an phoipín, agus táirgeadh óipiam, trádáil idirnáisiúnta agus mórdhíola agus úsáid óipiam a theorannú agus a rialú
supplementary Union inland navigation certificate
deimhniú forlíontach an Aontais um loingseoireacht intíre
CCAMLR; Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
an Coimisiún um Chaomhnú Beo-Acmhainní Muirí Antartacha
supplementary programme
clár forlíontach
northern shortfin squid; shortfin squid
scuid ghearreiteach thuaisceartach
budget constraint; budgetary constraint; budgetary restriction
sriantacht buiséid
Convention Governing Conflicts of Laws concerning Marriage
an Coinbhinsiún lena rialaítear Easaontachtaí Dlíthe i dtaca leis an bPósadh
Working Group on Irregularities and Mutual Assistance - Agricultural Products
Grúpa Oibre um Neamhrialtachtaí agus Cúnamh Frithpháirteach - Táirgí Talmhaíochta
TAC; technical advisory committee
coiste comhairleach teicniúil
Convention relative to the Laying of Automatic Submarine Contact Mines
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Leagan Uathmhianach Tadhaill Fomhuirí
Protocol No 7 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Prótacal Uimh. 7 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint
Protocol No 8 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Prótacal Uimh. 8 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint
Additional Protocol to the European Social Charter
Prótacal Breise a ghabhann le Cairt Shóisialta na hEorpa
attachment of salaries
astú tuarastal
to retire a member compulsorily
comhalta a scor as a phost go héigeantach
the stagnation of trade
marbhántacht na trádála
without distinction on grounds of nationality or residence
gan idirdhealú de bhíthin náisiúntachta ná áite cónaithe
discrimination on grounds of nationality
idirdhealú de bhíthin náisiúntachta
electrostatic measuring instrument
gléas tomhais leictreastatach
protective clothing for surgeons and radiologists and divers' suits
díonéadach do mháinlianna agus do raideolaithe agus cultacha do thumadóirí; éadach cosantach do mháinlianna agus raideolaithe agus cultacha tumadóirí
substantial purchases
ceannacháin thábhachtacha
prompt protective action
beart caomhnaitheach pras; beart cosantach pras
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law respecting Collisions between Vessels
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le haontú rialacha áirithe dlí i dtaca le himbhuailtí idir árthaí
rights attached to the assets
cearta a ghabhann leis na sócmhainní
to hinder effective competition
bac a chur ar iomaíocht éifeachtach; bac a chur leis an iomaíocht éifeachtach
supplementary quality category
catagóir de cháilíocht fhorlíontach; cineál de cháilíocht fhorlíontach
protocols which are attached to ...
prótacail atá ag gabháil le ...
the Commission shall attach a detailed report ...
cuirfidh an Coimisiún ag gabháil leis tuarascáil mhionsonraithe; cuirfidh an Coimisiún i dteannta ... sin tuarascáil mhionsonraithe
reciprocal obligation
oibleagáid chómhalartach
electrostatic generator
gineadóir leictreastatach
rates and conditions involving any element of support or protection
rátaí agus coinníollacha nach bhfuil tacaíocht nó cosaint ar bith ag roinnt leo
cash or liquid assets
airgead nó sócmhainní insóinseáilte; airgead tirim nó sócmhainní leachtacha
to be guilty of serious misconduct
bheith ciontach i mí-iompar tromchúiseach
specialised bodies attached to them
sainchomhlachtaí a ghabhann leo
reciprocal recognition and enforcement of judgments
breithiúnais a aithint agus a fhorghníomhú go cómhalartach
Protocol concerning the Office International d'Hygiène Publique
Prótacal maidir le l''Office international d''hygiène publique
Protocol on the Status of International Military Headquarters set up persuant to the North Atlantic Treaty
an Prótacal maidir le Stádas na gCeanncheathrúna Míleata Idirnáisiúnta a cruthaíodh de bhun Chonradh an Atlantaigh Thuaidh
continuing dynamic benefit
sochar dinimiciúil leantach
in support of an appeal
i dtacaíocht le hachomharc
engineers' protective spectacles
spéaclaí cosanta le haghaidh ealaíne agus ceirdeanna
the reciprocal recognition of judgments
aithint chómhalartach breithiúnas
Atlantic butterfish
sleamhnóg Atlantach
The Annecy Protocol of Terms of Accession to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Prótacal Annecy maidir le téarmaí aontachais a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú Ginearálta ar Tharaifí agus Trádáil
Airport Protocol; Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation; Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation, supplementary to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation
Prótacal Aerfoirt; Prótacal maidir le cosc a chur le gníomhartha neamhdhleathacha foréigin in aerfoirt a fhónann don eitliocht shibhialta idirnáisiúnta, forlíontach don Choinbhinsiún maidir le cosc a chur le gníomhartha neamhdhleathacha in aghaidh shábháílteacht na heitlíoc
cash position; cash(flow) situation; liquidity position; treasury position
staid airgid; staid leachtachta
Fixed Platform Protocol; Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental Shelf
an Prótacal chun Cosc a Chur le Gníomhartha Neamhdhleathacha in aghaidh Sábháilteacht Ardán Seasta atá Suite ar an Scairbh Ilchríochach; an Prótacal maidir le hArdáin Seasta
Atlantic searobins
cnúdáin Atlantacha
enzootic hepatitis; infection with Rift Valley fever virus; Rift Valley fever; RVF
heipitíteas eansótach
Madrid Protocol; Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks
an Prótacal a bhaineann le Comhaontú Mhaidrid maidir le Clárú Idirnáisiúnta Marcanna
Convention on the accession of the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgements in civil and commercial matters and to the Protocol on its inte
an Coinbhinsiún ar aontachas Ríocht na Danmhairge, na hÉireann agus Ríocht Aontaithe na Breataine Móire agus Thuaisceart Éireann leis an gCoinbhinsiún ar dhlínse agus ar fhorghníomhú breithiúnas in ábhair shibhialta agus thráchtála agus leis an bPrótacal
Protocol on the Statute of the European Investment Bank
Prótacal ar Reacht an Bhainc Eorpaigh Infheistíochta
Protocol on Italy
Prótacal maidir leis an Iodáil
Protocol on goods originating in and coming from certain countries end enjoying special treatment when imported into a Member State
Prótacal ar earraí de thionscnamh tíortha áirithe a thig ó na tíortha sin agus a fhaigheann cóir speisialta arna n-allmhairiú isteach i gceann de na Ballstáit
Protocol on the application of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community to the non-European parts of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Prótacal ar an gConradh ag bunú Chomhphobal Eacnamaíochta na hEorpa a chur chun feidhme ar na codanna neamh-Eorpacha de Ríocht na hÍsiltíre
Protocol concerning imports into the European Economic Community of petroleum products refined in the Netherlands Antilles; Protocol concerning imports into the European Union of petroleum products refined in the Netherlands Antilles
Prótacal maidir le hallmhairiú isteach i gComhphobal Eacnamaíochta na hEorpa ar tháirgí peitriliam arna scagadh in Aintillí na hÍsiltíre; Prótacal maidir le hallmhairiú isteach san Aontas Eorpach ar tháirgí peitriliam arna scagadh in Aintillí na hÍsiltíre
Protocol on special arrangements for Greenland
Prótacal ar shocruithe speisialta don Ghraonlainn
PPI; Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities; Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the European Union
an Prótacal ar phribhléidí agus díolúintí an Aontais Eorpaigh; an Prótacal ar phribhléidí agus díolúintí na gComhphobal Eorpach
Protocol Instituting a Conciliation and Good Offices Commission to be Responsible for Seeking the Settlement of Any Disputes which May Arise between States Parties to the Convention against Discrimination in Education
Prótacal chun Coimisiún idir-réitigh agus cúnaimh a thionscnamh a mbeidh de dhualgas air réiteach a lorg ar aon díospóidí a d''fhéadfadh teacht chun cinn idir Stáit is páirtithe sa Choinbhinsiún i gcoinne idirdhealaithe sa chóras oideachais
high-level protocol; HLP
HLP; prótacal ardleibhéil
presumption of innocence
toimhde na neamhchiontachta
an Lárionad Eorpach um Bailíochtú Modhanna Malartacha
an Mheitheal um Dhaoine a Fuadaíodh go hÉigeantach nó go hAinneonach
the unity, consistency and effectiveness of action by the Union
aontacht, comhchuibheas agus éifeachtúlacht ghníomhaíocht an Aontais
knock-on effect
toradh iarmhartach
Protocol to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution concerning the Control of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds or their Transboundary Fluxes; VOC Protocol
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún maidir le Truailliú Aeir Trasteorann Fadraoin a bhaineann le Rialú Astaíochtaí Comhdhúl Orgánach Soghalaithe nó a bhFloscanna Trasteorann
Supplementary Agreement for the Application of the European Convention on Social Security
an Comhaontú Forlíontach maidir le cur chun feidhme an Choinbhinsiúin Eorpaigh um Shlándáil Shóisialta
Working Party on Financial Agricultural Questions (Agri-budgetary Questions); Working Party on Financial Agricultural Questions (Agrifin) (Agri-budgetary Questions); Working Party on Financial Agricultural Questions (Agri-monetary Questions)
an Mheitheal um Cheisteanna Airgeadais i dtaca leis an Talmhaíocht (Agrifin) (Ceisteanna Agra-bhuiséadacha); an Mheitheal um Cheisteanna Airgeadais i dtaca leis an Talmhaíocht (Ceisteanna Agra-airgeadais); an Mheitheal um Cheisteanna Airgeadais i dtaca leis an Talmhaíocht (Ceisteanna Agra-bhuiséadacha)
Centre for Information, Discussion and Exchange on Asylum; CIREA
an tIonad um Fhaisnéis, Plé agus Malartú i dtaca leis an Tearmann
merchantable quality
cáilíocht indíoltachta
Council Directive 92/85/EEC on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health at work of pregnant workers and workers who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding; Maternity Directive; Maternity Leave Directive
Treoir 92/85/CEE ón gComhairle maidir le bearta a thabhairt isteach arb é is aidhm dóibh feabhsúcháin a chur ar aghaidh ag an obair i dtaca le sábháilteacht agus sláinte oibrithe toircheasacha agus oibrithe atá tar éis leanbh a shaolú nó atá i mbun beathú; Treoir maidir le saoire mháithreachais
consequential amendments
leasú iarmhartach
balance of payments assistance; balance of payments support
cúnamh le comhardú na n-íocaíochtaí; tacaíocht do chomhardú na n-íocaíochtaí
CAEU; Council for Arab Economic Unity
an Chomhairle um Aontacht Eacnamaíoch Arabach
Vatican City; Vatican City State
Cathair na Vatacáine; Stát Chathair na Vatacáine
Protocol on the acquisition of property in Denmark
Prótacal maidir le maoin a fháil sa Danmhairg
Protocol concerning Article 141 of the Treaty establishing the European Community; Protocol on Article 157 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
Prótacal maidir le hAirteagal 141 den Chonradh ag bunú an Chomhphobal Eorpaigh; Prótacal maidir le hAirteagal 157 den Chonradh ar Fheidhmiú an Aontais Eorpaigh
Protocol on the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank
Prótacal maidir le Reacht an Chórais Eorpaigh Bhanc Ceannais agus an Bhainc Ceannais Eorpaigh
Protocol on the Statute of the European Monetary Institute
Prótacal maidir le Reacht na hInstitiúide Eorpaí Airgeadaíochta
Protocol on the excessive deficit procedure
Prótacal maidir leis an nós imeachta um easnamh iomarcach
Protocol on the convergence criteria; Protocol on the convergence criteria referred to in Article 121 of the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community
Prótacal maidir leis na critéir um chóineasú; Prótacal maidir leis na critéir um chóineasú dá dtagraítear in Airteagal 121 den Chonradh ar an Aontas Eorpach agus den Chonradh ag bunú an Chomhphobail Eorpaigh
Protocol amending the Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the European Communities
Prótacal a leasaíonn an Prótacal ar Phribhléidí agus Díolúintí na gComhphobal Eorpach; Prótacal lena leasaítear an Prótacal ar Phribhléidí agus Díolúintí na gComhphobal Eorpach
Protocol on Denmark
Prótacal maidir leis an Danmhairg
Protocol on Portugal
Prótacal maidir leis an bPortaingéil
Protocol on the transition to the third stage of economic and monetary union
Prótacal maidir leis an trasdul chuig an tríú céim den aontas eacnamaíoch agus airgeadaíochta
Protocol on certain provisions relating to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Prótacal maidir le forálacha áirithe a bhaineann le Ríocht Aontaithe na Breataine Móire agus Thuaisceart Éireann
Protocol on certain provisions relating to Denmark
Prótacal maidir le forálacha áirithe a bhaineann leis an Danmhairg
Protocol on France
Prótacal maidir leis an bhFrainc
Protocol on economic and social cohesion; Protocol on economic, social and territorial cohesion
Prótacal maidir le comhtháthú eacnamaíoch agus sóisialta; Prótacal maidir le comhtháthú eacnamaíoch, sóisialta agus críochach
Protocol on the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions
Prótacal maidir leis an gCoiste Eacnamaíoch agus Sóisialta agus le Coiste na Réigiún
Protocol annexed to the Treaty on European Union and to the Treaties establishing the European Communities; Protocol on Article 40.3.3 of the Constitution of Ireland
Prótacal i gceangal leis an gConradh ar an Aontas Eorpach agus leis na Conarthaí ag bunú na gComhphobal Eorpach; Prótacal maidir le hAirteagal 40.3.3 de Bhunreacht na hÉireann
going concern assumption; going concern basis; principle of continuity
gnóthas leantach; prionsabal an leanúnachais
ICCPR-OP2; Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty
an Dara Prótacal roghnach don Chúnant idirnáisiúnta ar chearta sibhialta agus polaitiúla, ar mhaithe le pionós an bháis a dhíothú
logistic support; logistical support
tacaíocht lóistíochta
NAMMCO; North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission
an Coimisiún um Mamaigh Farraige san Atlantach Thuaidh
taxonomic identity; taxonomic name
ainm tacsanomaíoch
Treaty between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nort; Treaty concerning the accession of the Hellenic Republic to the European Economic Community and to the European Atomic Energy Community
an Conradh i dtaobh aontachas na Poblachta Heilléanaí le Comhphobal Eacnamaiochta na hEorpa agus leis an gComhphobal Eorpach do Fhuinneamh Adamhach; an Conradh idir Ríocht na Beilge, Ríocht na Danmhairge, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, Poblacht na Fraince, Éire, Poblacht na hIodáile, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg, Ríocht na hÍsiltíre, Ríocht Aontaithe na Breataine Móire agus Thuaisceart Éireann (Ballstái
Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Hellenic Republic and the adjustments to the Treaties
Ionstraim i dtaobh choinníollacha aontachais na Poblachta Heilléanaí agus oiriúnuithe na gConarthaí
Treaty between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Hellenic Republic, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the United Kingdom of; Treaty concerning the accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic to the European Economic Community and to the European Atomic Energy Community
an Conradh i dtaobh aontachas Ríocht na Spáinne agus Phoblacht na Portaingéile le Comhphobal Eacnamaíochta na hEorpa agus leis an gComhphobal Eorpach do Fhuinneamh Adamhach; an Conradh idir Ríocht na Beilge, Ríocht na Danmhairge, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, an Phoblacht Heilléanach, Poblacht na Fraince, Éire, Poblacht na hIodáile, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg, Ríocht na hÍsiltíre, Ríocht Aontaithe na Breataine Móire agus Thu
important interests in common
comhleasanna tábhachtacha
Agreement on Cooperation in Research, Conservation and Management of Marine Mammals in the North Atlantic
an Comhaontú maidir le Comhoibriú ar Thaighde, ar Chaomhnú agus ar Bhainistiú na Mamach Farraige san Atlantach Thuaidh
crann piostáisí
ICCPR-OP1; Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Prótacal Roghnach a ghabhann leis an gCúnant Idirnáisiúnta ar Chearta Sibhialta agus Polaitiúla
geographical remoteness
iargúltacht gheografach
International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation; OPRC Convention
an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta maidir le hUllmhacht, Freagairt agus Comhar i dtaca le hOla-Thruailliú; Coinbhinsiún OPRC
Additional Protocol to the Convention concerning the International Exchange of Information relating to Civil Status
Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún maidir le Malartú Idirnáisiúnta Faisnéise a bhaineann le Stádas Sibhialta
Additional Protocol to the European Convention on State Immunity
Prótacal Breise a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Eorpach um Dhíolúine Stáit
Protocol of Amendment to the European Convention for the Protection of Animals Kept for Farming Purposes
Prótacal lena leasaítear an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Cosaint Ainmhithe a choimeádtar chun críocha Feirmeoireachta
Amending Protocol - Amendments to the Convention for the establishment of a European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites ("EUMETSAT"), of 24 May 1983
Prótacal Leasaitheach - Leasuithe ar an gCoinbhinsiún maidir le heagraíocht Eorpach a bhunú chun sochar a bhaint as satailítí meitéareolaíocha ("EUMETSAT"), an 24 Bealtaine 1983
Protocol amending the Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Land-Based Sources
Prótacal lena leasaítear an Coinbhinsiún chun Truailliú na Farraige ó Fhoinsí ar Talamh a Chosc
Offshore Protocol; Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution Resulting from Exploration and Exploitation of the Continental Shelf and the Seabed and its Subsoil
Prótacal maidir le cosaint na Meánmhara i gcoinne Truailliú a tharlódh mar thoradh ar Thaiscéalaíocht agus ar Shaothrú na Scairbhe Ilchríochaí agus an Ghrinnill agus a Fho-ithreach
Protocol to the Convention on the Elaboration of a European Pharmacopoeia
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún maidir le Pharmacopoeia Eorpach a Mhionsaothrú
First Protocol on the interpretation by the Court of Justice of the European Communities of the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations
an Chéad Phrótacal maidir le léiriú Chúirt Bhreithiúnais na gComhphobal Eorpach ar an gCoinbhinsiún um an dlí is infheidhme maidir le hoibleagáidí conarthacha
Protocol Amending the European Social Charter
an Prótacal lena leasaítear Cairt Shóisialta na hEorpa
Protocol of Accession of the Hellenic Republic to Western European Union together with an Annex
Prótacal Aontachais na Poblachta Heilléanaí le hAontas Iarthar na hEorpa agus Iarscríbhinn ag gabháil leis
biorearrach tuaisceartach
shoveler; shoveller
spadalach tuaisceartach
host Member State
Ballstát is ósta; Ballstát óstach
host country
tír aíochta; tír is ósta; tír óstach
Convention on the Accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic to the Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters and to the Protocol on its Interpretation by the Court of Justice with the
Coinbhinsiún ar aontú Ríocht na Spáinne agus Phoblacht na Portaingéile don Choinbhinsiún ar dhlínse agus ar fhorghníomhú breithiúnas in ábhair shibhialta agus tráchtála agus don Phrótacal ar léiriú an Choinbhinsiúin sin ag an gCúirt Bhreithiúnais, maille
Protocol on accession of the Government of the Portuguese Republic to the Agreement between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of controls at their
Prótacal i dtaobh aontachas Phoblacht na Portaingéile don Chomhaontú idir Rialtais Stáit Aontais Eacnamaíoch Benelux, Phoblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáíne agus Phoblacht na Fraince maidir le seiceálacha ag a gcomhtheorainneacha a dhíothú de réir a chéile, ar
Agreement on the Accession of the Portuguese Republic to the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the
an Comhaontú maidir le hAontachas Phoblacht na Portaingéile don Choinbhinsiún lena gcuirtear chun feidhme Comhaontú Schengen an 14 Meitheamh 1985 idir Rialtais Stáit Aontais Eacnamaíoch Benelux, Phoblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine agus Phoblacht na Fraince
Protocol No 10 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Prótacal Uimh. 10 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint
Protocol No 9 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Prótacal Uimh. 9 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún chun Cearta an Duine agus Saoirsí Bunúsacha a Chosaint
Protocol adjusting the Agreement on the European Economic Area; Protocol adjusting the Agreement on the European Economic Area between the European Communities, their Member States and the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein, the Kingdom of Norway an
an Prótacal lena gcoigeartaítear an Comhaontú ar an Limistéar Eorpach Eacnamaíoch
Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty
Prótacal um chosaint comhshaoil a ghabhann leis an gConradh Antartach
Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic and North Seas; Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic, North East Atlantic, Irish and North Seas; ASCOBANS
an Comhaontú maidir le Céiticigh Bheaga sa Mhuir Bhailt, san Atlantach Thoir Thuaidh, i Muir Éireann agus sa Mhuir Thuaidh a Chaomhnú; ASCOBANS
arctic fox
sionnach Artach
hawk owl
ulchabhán seabhaic tuaisceartach
Convention on the accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic to the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations opened for signature in Rome on 19 June 1980
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le haontachas Ríocht na Spáinne agus Phoblacht na Portaingéile leis an gCoinbhinsiún maidir leis an dlí is infheidhme maidir le hoibleagáidí conarthacha arna oscailt lena shíniú sa Róimh ar an 19 Meitheamh 1980
Protocol for the accession of the Portuguese Republic and the Kingdom of Spain to the Treaty of Economic, Social and Cultural Collaboration and Collective Self-Defence, signed at Brussels on 17 March 1948, as amended by the "Protocol modifying and complet
Prótacal i dtaobh aontachas Phoblacht na Portaingéile agus Ríocht na Spáinne leis an gConradh um Chomhoibriú Eacnamaíoch, Sóisialta agus Cultúrtha agus um Féinchosaint Chomhchoiteann a síníodh sa Bhruiséil an 17 Márta 1948, arna leasú leis an bPrótacal le
1925 Geneva Protocol prohibiting the use in war of chemical and biological weapons; CBW; Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare
Prótacal maidir le húsáid gás aisfisceach, nimhiúil nó eile i gcogadh, mar aon le modhanna baictéareolaíocha cogaíochta, a thoirmeasc; Prótacal na Ginéive (1925) a thoirmisceann airm cheimiceacha agus bhitheolaíocha a úsáid i gcogadh
Protocol on Road Signs and Signals
Prótacal um Chomharthaíocht Bóithre
Queensland or Northern hairy-nosed wombat
vombat clúmhshrónach tuaisceartach
mantled howler or Guatemala howler monkey
moncaí uallach bratach
spectacled bear or Andean bear
béar spéaclach
southern sea otter or California sea otter
dobhrán mara deisceartach
Southern elephant seal
rón eilifintiúil deisceartach
Northern pudu
púdú tuaisceartach
Dalmatian pelican
peileacán Dalmátach
Northern bald ibis
íbis mhaol thuaisceartach
Esquimo curlew
crotach Artach
slender-billed or long-billed curlew
crotach gobchaol
red-spectacled amazon; red-spectacled parrot
pearóid dheargspéaclach
Rio Apaporis (spectacled) ciman, Apaporis river caiman
cadhman spéaclach Rio Apaporis
Atlantic sturgeon
bradán fearna Atlantach
star cactus
cachtas réaltach
aztec cactus
cachtas Astacach
Northern naked-tailed armadillo
armadailín earrnocht tuaisceartach
Arctic bramble; Arctic raspberry; nectarberry
dris Artach
technological backup
cúltaca teicneolaíoch
consequential damage
damáiste iarmhartach
Protocol to the Convention on Insider Trading
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún um Thrádáil Chos Istigh
principle of speciality; rule of speciality; speciality rule
riail na speisialtachta
pre-normative work
obair réamhnormatach
Act of Accession
ionstraim Aontachais
Torremolinos Protocol of 1993 relating to the Torremolinos International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels, 1977
Prótacal Torremolinos 1993 a bhaineann le Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta Torremolinos maidir le Sábháilteacht Soithí Iascaireachta, 1977
the corresponding bodies shall work to strengthen contacts between them in an organised and regular manner
oibreoidh na comhlachtaí comhfhreagracha chun na tadhaill eatarthu a neartú ar dhóigh eagraithe rialta; oibreoidh na comhlachtaí comhfhreagracha chun na teagmhálacha eatarthu a neartú ar dhóigh eagraithe rialta
static testing
tástáil statach
publish its intention to give a negative clearance
foilsigh a intinn imréiteach diúltach a thabhairt
ancillary liquid asset
sócmhainní leachtacha coimhdeacha
HNS Convention; International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea; International convention on liability and compensation for damage in connection with the carriage of hazardous and noxious substances by sea, 1996; International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea, 2010
an Coinbhinsiún idirnáisiúnta maidir le dliteanas agus cúiteamh i gcás damáiste i dtaca le hiompar substaintí guaiseacha agus díobhálacha ar muir (IMO, 1996)
pilot exercise; pilot project; pilot scheme; pilot study
scéim phíolótach
Protocol on Arbitration Clauses
an Prótacal um Chlásail Eadrána
liquid egg
ubh leachtach