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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
competence of the Member States
inniúlacht na mBallstát
organic phosphates; organophosphates
Member States of the European Union
Ballstáit an Aontais Eorpaigh
split axle test
tastáil scoilte acastóra
track test
tástáil raoin
trichromatic coordinates
comhordanáidí tríchrómatacha
testate estate
eastát tiomnach
Standing Committee of the EFTA States
Buanchoiste na Stát CSTE
Community reference laboratory for residue testing; EU reference laboratory for residues of veterinary medicines and contaminants in food of animal origin
Saotharlann Tagartha an Aontais Eorpaigh um Thástáil ar Iarmhair de Chógais Tréidliachta agus d'Éilleáin i mBia de bhunadh ainmhíoch; Saotharlann Tagartha an Chomhphobail um Thástáil ar Iarmhair
EOTC; European Organisation for Testing and Certification
Eagraíocht Eorpach um Thástáil agus um Dheimhniúchán; EOTC
absolute majority of the votes cast
tromlach glan de na vótaí a caitheadh; tromlach glan de na vótaí arna gcaitheamh
minutes of the sitting
miontuairiscí an tsuí
serum neutralisation test; SN test; SNT
tástáil neodraithe séirim
International Seed Testing Association; ISTA
an Comhlachas Náisiúnta um Thástáil Síolta
conformance testing; conformity test
tástáil chomhréireachta
Court of Justice of the EFTA States; EFTA Court; EFTA Court of Justice
Cúirt Bhreithiúnais Stáit CSTE
flowering of the culture of the Member States; flowering of the cultures of the Member States
borradh chultúir na mBallstát
mantas; rays; skates
roic; roic na caille; sciataí
lobsterettes; true lobsters
isotope scan; nuclear medicine test; radioisotope scan; radionuclide scan
scanadh raidiseatóip
coast-down; coast-down test; coast-down testing
tástáil luasmhoillithe saor-rothlaithe
cis-trans test; complementation test
tástáil comhlánaithe
GPMT; Guinea-Pig Maximisation Test; Magnusson and Kligman Maximisation Test; Magnusson and Kligman method
tástáil uasmhéadúcháin ar mhuc ghuine; tástáil uasmhéadúcháin Magnusson agus Kligman
MESA; MEST; Mouse Ear Swelling Assay; Mouse Ear Swelling Test
measúnacht at chluas na luchóige; tástáil at chluas na luchóige
Organisation of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture
Eagraíocht na Stát Ibéir-Mheiriceánach um Oideachas, um Eolaíocht agus um Chultúr
test of controls
tástáil rialuithe
predictive analysis; predictive test; predictive testing
tástáil réamhfháistineach
substantive testing strategy
straitéis tástála substaintí
agreed minutes
miontuairiscí comhaontaithe
Convention Abolishing the Legalisation of Documents in the Member States of the European Communities
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le deireadh a chur le dlisteanú doiciméad i mBallstáit na gComhphobal Eorpach
Agreement on the Application between the Member States of the European Communities of the Council of Europe Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons
an Comhaontú maidir le Cur i bhFeidhm Choinbhinsiún Chomhairle na hEorpa maidir le hAistriú Daoine faoi Phianbhreith idir Ballstáit na gComhphobal Eorpach
Convention between the Member States of the European Communities on Double Jeopardy
an Coinbhinsiún idir Ballstáit na gComhphobal Eorpach maidir le Contúirt Dhúbailte
health attestation
fianú sláinte
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organisations or between International Organisations
Coinbhinsiún Vín maidir le Dlí na gConarthaí idir Stáit agus Eagraíochtaí Idirnáisiúnta nó idir Eagraíochtaí Idirnáisiúnta
exchange rate policy; policy with regard to rates of exchange
beartas ráta malairte
ab intestato; intestate
díthiomnach; díthiomnóir
aptitude test
triail inniúlachta
Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community, of the one part, and the countries parties to the Charter of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (the State of the United Arab Emirates, the State of Bahrain, the Kingdom o
an Comhaontú maidir le comhar idir Comhphobal Eacnamaíochta na hEorpa, de pháirt, agus na tíortha ar páirtithe iad i gCairt na Comhairle um Chomhar idir Stáit Arabacha na Murascaille (Stát Aontas na nÉimíríochtaí Arabacha, Stát Bhairéin, Ríocht na hAraibe
United States dollar; US dollar; US$; USD
$; dollar; dollar na Stát Aontaithe; USD
Charter of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf
Cairt na Comhairle um Chomhar idir Stáit Arabacha na Murascaille
Agreement between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of checks at their common borders; Schengen Agreement
an Comhaontú idir Rialtais Stáit Aontas Eacnamaíoch Benelux, Phoblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine agus Phoblacht na Fraince maidir le seiceálacha ag a gcomhtheorainneacha a dhíothú de réir a chéile; Comhaontú Schengen
Agreement between the Member States of the Council of Europe on the issue to Military and Civilian War-Disabled of an International Book of Vouchers for the repair of Prosthetic and Orthopaedic Appliances
Comhaontú idir Ballstáit Chomhairle na hEorpa maidir le Leabhar Dearbhán le haghaidh Deisiúchán Fearas Próistéiteach agus Ortaipéideach a Dháileadh ar Dhaoine Míleata agus Sibhialta atá faoi mhíchumas de dheasca cogaidh
European Agreement on Regulations governing the Movement of Persons between Member States of the Council of Europe
an Comhaontú Eorpach maidir leis na Rialacha lena Rialaítear Gluaiseacht Daoine idir Ballstáit Chomhairle na hEorpa
ACM; Multilateral Agreement Relating to Certificates of Airworthiness; Multilateral Agreement relating to Certificates of Airworthiness for Imported Aircraft
ACM; an Comhaontú Iltaobhach maidir le Deimhnithe Aeracmhainneachta; an Comhaontú Iltaobhach maidir le Deimhnithe Aeracmhainneachta i leith Aerárthaí a Allmhairítear
Revised General Act for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes
an Gníomh Ginearálta Athbhreithnithe maidir le Réiteach Síochánta Díospóidí Idirnáisiúnta
Declaration Recognising the Right to a Flag of States having no Seacoast
Dearbhú ag Aithint Ceart chun Brataí ag Stáit gan Chósta
migration test
tástáil ascnaimh
aid granted by States; State aid
cabhair ó Stát; státchabhair
Optional Protocol concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes
Prótacal roghnach maidir le Réiteach Éigeantach Díospóidí
Protocol to the Conference of the Representatives of the States Parties to the Convention on Fishing and Conservation of Living Resources in the Baltic Sea and the Belts
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gComhdháil d'Ionadaithe na Stát ar Páirtithe iad sa Choinbhinsiún um Iascaireacht agus Caomhnú Beo-Acmhainní i Muir Bhailt agus sna Beilteanna Danmhargacha
Artiodactyla; artiodactyls; cloven-hoofed animals; cloven-hoofed mammals; even-toed hoofed mammals; even-toed ungulates
ainmhithe crúbscoilte; artadachtalaigh
CERDS; Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States
Cairt um Chearta agus um Dhualgais Eacnamaíocha Stát
Committee of Governors of the Central Banks; Committee of the Governors of the Central Banks of the Member States of the EEC
Coiste Gobharnóirí na mBanc Ceannais
Convention concerning measures to be taken by the Member States of the Western European Union in order to enable the Agency for the Control of Armaments to carry out its control effectively and making provision for the due process of law in accordance wit
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le bearta a bheidh le glacadh ag ballstáit Aontas Iarthar na hEorpa a chumasóidh an Ghníomhaireacht um Armálacha a Rialú rialú a fheidhmiú go héifeachtach agus foráil a dhéanamh maidir le próiseas cuí dlí de réir Phrótacal Uimh. IV
Convention concerning the International Administration of the Estates of Deceased Persons
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Riarachán Idirnáisiúnta Eastát Daoine Éagtha
Convention concerning Fishermen's Certificates of Competency; Fishermen's Competency Certificates Convention, 1966
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Deimhnithe Inniúlachta Iascairí
CITES; Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; Washington Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Trádáil Idirnáisiúnta i Speicis Fauna agus Flora Fiáine i mBaol; CITES; Coinbhinsiún Washington
Convention on Transit Trade of Land-locked States
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Trádáil Idirthurais na Stát Talamhiata
Convention on Decisions to Rectify Civil Status Certificates
an Coinbhinsiún um Chinntí chun Teastais Stádais Shibhialta a Cheartú
Convention on the Free Issue of Certificates of Civil Status and Exemption from the Need for Legalisation
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Teastais Stádais Shibhialta a Eisiúint Saor in Aisce agus le Díolúine ón Riachtanas Fíoraithe
Convention concerning the Right of Association and the Settlement of Labour Disputes in Non-Metropolitan Territories; Right of Association (Non-Metropolitan Territories) Convention, 1947
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an gCeart Comhlachais agus le Réiteach Díospóidí Saothair i gCríocha Neamhchathracha; an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an gCeart Comhlachais agus le Réiteach Díospóidí Saothair i gCríocha Neamh-mheitreapholaiteacha
Convention concerning the Exchange of Official Publications and Government Documents between States
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Malartú Foilseachán Oifigiúil agus Doiciméad Rialtais idir Stáit
European Convention for the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes
an Coinbhinsiún Eorpach maidir le Réiteach Síochánta ar Dhíospóidí
Convention concerning Labour Inspectorates in Non-Metropolitan Territories; Labour Inspectorates (Non-Metropolitan Territories) Convention, 1947
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cigireachtaí Saothair sna Críocha Neamhchathracha; an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cigireachtaí Saothair sna Críocha Neamh-mheitreapholaiteacha
Convention for the Settlement of certain Conflicts of Laws in Connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le heasaontachtaí áirithe dlíthe a shocrú i ndáil le billí malairte agus nótaí gealltanais
Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees concerning Higher Education in the States Belonging to the Europe Region
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Staidéir, Dioplómaí agus Céimeanna a bhaineann le hArdoideachas sna Stáit sa Réigiún Eorpach a Aithint
Convention on the Conflicts of Law relating to the Form of Testamentary Dispositions
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Neamhréireacht Dlíthe a bhaineann le Foirm Diúscairtí Tiomnacha
Convention for the Establishment of a European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites "EUMETSAT"
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hEagraíocht Eorpach a bhunú chun saitilítí meitéareolaíocha a shaothrú "EUMETSAT"
ACP Group; ACP Group of States; African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States
Grúpa ACC; Grúpa na Stát san Afraic, i Muir Chairib agus san Aigéan Ciúin; Grúpa Stát ACC; Grúpa Stát na hAfraice, Mhuir Chairib agus an Aigéin Chiúin
AAMS; AASM; Associated African and Malagasy States; Associated African States and Madagascar
AASM; Stáit Chomhlachaithe na hAfraice agus Madagascar
minutes of signing; protocol of signature
prótacal síniúcháin
AGCC; Arab Gulf Cooperation Council; CCASG; Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf; GCC; Gulf Cooperation Council
Comhairle Comhair Stáit Arabacha na Murascaille
ICSID; International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
an Lárionad Idirnáisiúnta chun Díospóidí Infheistíochtaí a Shocrú; ICSID
Economic Community of West African States; ECOWAS
Comhphobal Eacnamaíoch Stáit na hAfraice Thiar; ECOWAS
landlocked and other geographically disadvantaged States; LLGDS
Stáit thalamhiata agus Stáit eile atá faoi mhíbhuntáiste geografach
aquatic invertebrates n.e.i.
inveirteabraigh uisceacha nach n-áirítear in áit eile
Committee of Permanent Representatives of the Governments of the Member States; Coreper; Permanent Representatives Committee; PRC
Coiste de Bhuanionadaithe Rialtais na mBallstát; Coiste na mBuanionadaithe; Coreper
mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications
dioplómaí, teastais agus cruthúnais eile ar cháilíochtaí foirmiúla a aithint go frithpháirteach
European plaice; hen fish; plaice; plaice-fluke
leathóg bhallach; Pleuronectes platessa
Raja rays; skates
roc; sciata
Council minutes; minutes
miontuairiscí; miontuairiscí na Comhairle
GDS; geographically disadvantaged States
Stáit faoi mhíbhuntáiste geografach
OAS; Organization of American States
Eagraíocht na Stát Meiriceánach
Statutes of the World Tourism Organisation
Reachtanna na hEagraíochta Domhanda Turasóireachta
Outer Space Treaty; Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies
an Conradh ar na Prionsabail lena rialaítear Gníomhaíochtaí Stát i dTaiscéalaíocht agus in Úsáid an Chianspáis, lena n-áirítear an Ghealach agus Reanna Neimhe eile; an Conradh Cianspáis
Partial Test Ban Treaty; PTBT; Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water
an Conradh lena gcoisctear Tástálacha Arm Núicléach san Atmaisféar, sa Chianspás agus Faoi Uisce; an Conradh Páirtchoiscthe trialacha
Recommendation No. R (87) 15 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States Regulating the Use of Personal Data in the Police Sector
Moladh Uimh. R(87)15 an 17 Meán Fómhair ó Choiste na nAirí maidir le húsáid sonraí pearsanta san earnáil phóilíneachta a rialáil
Concluding Document of the Vienna Meeting 1986 of Representatives of the Participating States of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, held on the basis of the provisions of the Final Act relating to the Follow-up to the Conference; Vienna Concluding Document
Doiciméad Clabhsúir de Chruinniú Vín 1986 d'Ionadaithe na Stát Rannpháirteach sa Chomhdháil maidir le Slándáil agus Comhar san Eoraip, arna chomóradh ar bhonn na bhforálacha san Ionstraim Deiridh a bhaineann leis na torthaí a leanann ón gComhdháil; Doiciméad Deiridh Vín
Representatives of the Governments of the Member States; RGMS
Ionadaithe Rialtais na mBallstát
Basel Convention; Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal
Coinbhinsiún Basel; Coinbhinsiún Basel maidir le Rialú Gluaiseachtaí Trasteorann Dramhaíolacha Guaiseacha agus a nDiúscairt
United States; United States of America; USA
na Stáit Aontaithe; SAM; Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá
the financial contribution to be made by the Contracting States
ranníocaíocht airgeadais a dhéanfaidh na Stáit Chonarthacha
tomato concentrates
tiúchán tráta
the Commission may decide...if it notes...
féadfaidh an Coimisiún cinneadh...má thugann sé dá aire ...
progeny testing
to the detriment of other Member States
chun dochair do Bhallstáit eile
original Member States
Ballstáit bunaidh
laws of the Member States
dlíthe na mBallstát
Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States; ICSID Convention
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Díospóidí Infheistíochtaí idir Stáit agus Náisiúnaigh Stát Eile a Shocrú
OECS; Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States
an Eagraíocht um Stáit i Muir Chairib Thoir; OECS
weighting of votes
ualú vótaí
oral testimony; written testimony
fianaise ó bhéal
the dates laid down for import
na dátaí atá ceaptha don allmhairiúchán
OCAS; Organisation of Central American States
Eagraíocht na Stát Meiriceánach Láir; OCAS
action brought by States
caingean a thionscain Ballstáit
representatives of the Contracting States
ionadaithe na Stát Conarthach
the Contracting States represented and voting
Stáit Chonarthacha a mbeidh ionadaithe acu agus a vótálfaidh
UEAC; Union of Central African States
Aontas Stáit Lár na hAfraice
sensitive sectors of Member States' economies
earnálacha íogaire gheilleagair na mBallstát
to stabilise (dithionites)
cobhsaigh (déthionití)
in their capacity as Contracting States
ina gcáil mar Stáit Chonarthacha...
at the latest
ar a dhéanaí; ar a dheireanaí
Agreement between the Member States of the European Communities on the Simplification and Modernisation of Methods of Transmitting Extradition Requests; San Sebastian Agreement; Telefax Agreement
Comhaontú idir Bhallstáit na gComhphobal Eorpach maidir le simpliú agus nuachóiriú modhanna chun iarrataí ar eiseachadadh a tharchur
Georgetown Agreement constituting the Group of African, Caribbean and Pacific States
Comhaontú Georgetown lena mbunaítear Grúpa na Stát san Afraic, i Muir Chairib agus san Aigéan Ciúin
Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies
an Comhaontú chun Státghníomhaíochtaí ar an nGealach agus ar Reanna Neimhe eile a rialú
Convention determining the State responsible for examining applications for asylum lodged in one of the Member States of the European Communities; Dublin Asylum Convention; Dublin Convention
an Coinbhinsiún lena gcinntear cén Stát atá freagrach i scrúdú iarratas ar thearmann arna dtaisceadh i gceann de Bhallstáit na gComhphobal Eorpach; Coinbhinsiún Tearmainn Bhaile Átha Cliath
currency in circulation; notes and coins in circulation
airgead i gcúrsaíocht
Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes (1907)
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le réiteach síochánta díospóidí idirnáisiúnta (1907)
test of resistance to detonation
triail friotaíochta in aghaidh madhmadh
Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in their Relations with International Organisations of a Universal Character
Coinbhinsiún Vín maidir le hIonadaíocht Stát ina gCaidreamh le hEagraíochtaí Idirnáisiúnta de Chineál Uilechoiteann
1905 Effects of Marriage Convention; Convention relating to conflicts of laws with regard to the effects of marriage on the rights and duties of the spouses in their personal relationship and and with regard to their estates
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hEasaontachtaí Dlíthe a bhaineann leis na hÉifeachtaí atá ag an bPósadh ar Chearta agus ar Dhualgais Céilí agus i dtaca lena nEastáit
Convention concerning the Minimum Requirement of Professional Capacity for Masters and Officers on Board Merchant Ships; Officers' Competency Certificates Convention, 1936
an Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an íoscheanglas inniúlachta gairmiúla do mháistrí agus d'oifigigh ar bord long trádála
interest rate on money market; money market rate; rates on the money market
ráta margaidh airgid
abatement rates
ráta lacáiste
particulate matter; PM; SPM; suspended particles; suspended particulate matter; suspended particulates
cáithníní ar fuaidreamh
single-dose toxicity test; single-dose toxicity testing
tástáil tocsaineachta aon dáileoige
draft minutes
exchange of notes
malartú nótaí
residence permit having the latest expiry date
cead cónaithe leis an dáta éaga is déanaí
bid challenge; bid protest; challenge; protest
statement for the minutes; statement in the minutes
ráiteas sna miontuairiscí
1990 Schengen Convention; CISA; Convention Implementing the Schengen Agreement; Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of checks at their common borders; CSA; Schengen Convention
an Coinbhinsiún lena ndéantar Comhaontú Schengen an 14 Meitheamh 1985 idir Rialtais Stáit Aontas Eacnamaíoch Benelux, Phoblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine agus Phoblacht na Fraince maidir le seiceálacha ag a gcomhtheorainneacha a dhíothú de réir a chéile a c; Coinbhinsiún Schengen
Vienna Convention on Succession of States in respect of Treaties
Coinbhinsiún Vín um Chomharbas Stát maidir le Conarthaí
Conference of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States; IGC; Intergovernmental Conference
CIR; Comhdháil Idir-rialtasach
Convention between the Member States of the European Communities on the Simplification of Procedures for the Recovery of Maintenance Payments
an Coinbhinsiún idir Ballstáit na gComhphobal Eorpach maidir le nósanna imeachta a shimpliú d'fhonn íocaíochtaí cothabhála a ghnóthú
Agreement between the Member States on the Transfer of Proceedings in Criminal Matters
Comhaontú idir na Ballstáit maidir le hAistriú Imeachtaí in Ábhair Choiriúla
When Member States adopt those measures, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such reference on the occasion of their official publication. The methods of making such a reference shall be laid down by the Member Stat
Nuair a ghlacfaidh na Ballstáit na bearta sin, beidh iontu tagairt don Treoir sin nó gabhfaidh an tagairt sin leo tráth a bhfoilsithe oifigiúil. Is iad na Ballstáit a leagfaidh síos na modhanna ina ndéanfar an tagairt sin
Convention between the Member States of the European Communities on the Enforcement of Foreign Criminal Sentences
an Coinbhinsiún idir Bhallstáit na gComhphobal Eorpach um fhorghníomhú pianbhreitheanna coiriúla coigríche
tunicates; urochordata
Acquired Rights Directive; Council Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the safeguarding of employees' rights in the event of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of undertakings or businesses
an Treoir um Chearta Faighte
delivery dates
dátaí seachadta
arsenites and arsenates
arsainítí agus arsanáití
anti-asthmatic cigarettes
toitíní frith-asma
the conditions agreed to by the States
na coinníollacha arna gcomhaontú ag na Stáit
to rule on any disputes
tabhair rialú ar aon díospóid
including the votes of the representatives
lena n-áirítear vótaí na n-ionadaithe
fixing of rates and conditions of carriage
socrú rátaí agus coinníollacha iompair
to charge (rates)
bain amach (rátaí)
Convention Providing a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes
an Coinbhinsiún lena leagtar síos Dlí Comhionann le haghaidh Billí Malairte nó Nótaí Gealltanais
Convention on the Stamp Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Dlíthe Stampa i ndáil le Billí Malairte nó Nótaí Gealltanais
universal plates of iron or steel
pláta uilíoch d'iarann nó de chruach
to guide and facilitate action by Member States
treoraigh agus éascaigh gníomhaíocht na mBallstát
materials-testing reactor
imoibreoir tástála ábhar
... organisations to which Member States may have recourse
aon eagraíocht ... a bhféadfadh Ballstát dul ar a hiontaoibh i
the Governments of the Member States are invited to ...
iarrtar ar Rialtais na mBallstát ...
rates and conditions involving any element of support or protection
rátaí agus coinníollacha nach bhfuil tacaíocht nó cosaint ar bith ag roinnt leo
Introductory Notes
provided that ... equal treatment is guaranteed in Ireland to nationals of the original Member States
ar chuntar ... go ráthófar a gcothrom de chóir in Éirinn do náisiúnaigh na mBallstát bunaidh; ar chuntar ... go ráthófar cóir chomhionann in Éirinn do náisiúnaigh na mBallstát bunaidh
order that application of the contested act be suspended
a ordú go bhfionrófar feidhm an ghnímh a chonspóidtear
the Community reiterates its appeal to all its citizens
impíonn an Comhphobal ar a shaoránaigh athuair; tathantaíonn an Comhphobal ar a shaoránaigh athuair
fertile wastes
iarmhair thorthúla
welding and weld test
táthú agus tástálacha ar ábhair tháite
treatment of radioactive wastes
dramhaíl radaighníomhach a chóireáil
work at piece rates
obair ar thascrátaí
work at time rates
obair de réir amrátaí
metallic ores and concentrates
mianta miotalacha agus tiúcháin mhiotalacha
cigarettes of dark tobacco
toitíní dúthobac
ray; skate; skates and rays
Charter of the OAS; Charter of the Organisation of American States
Cairt um Eagraíocht na Stát Meiriceánach
Protocol Instituting a Conciliation and Good Offices Commission to be Responsible for Seeking the Settlement of Any Disputes which May Arise between States Parties to the Convention against Discrimination in Education
Prótacal chun Coimisiún idir-réitigh agus cúnaimh a thionscnamh a mbeidh de dhualgas air réiteach a lorg ar aon díospóidí a d''fhéadfadh teacht chun cinn idir Stáit is páirtithe sa Choinbhinsiún i gcoinne idirdhealaithe sa chóras oideachais
irrevocably fixed exchange rates
rátaí malairte atá socraithe go neamh-inchúlghairthe
CIS; Commonwealth of Independent States
Comhlathas na Stát Neamhspleách; CSN
Arab League; LAS; League of Arab States
Léig na Stát Arabach; LSA
Charter of the Organisation of Central American States
Cairt um Eagraíocht na Stát Meiriceánach Láir
Mexico; United Mexican States
Meicsiceo; Stáit Aontaithe Mheicsiceo
ARE; United Arab Emirates
Aontas na nÉimíríochtaí Arabacha
Federated States of Micronesia; Micronesia
an Mhicrinéis; Stáit Chónaidhme na Micrinéise
United States Virgin Islands; US Virgin Islands
Oileáin Mhaighdean na Stát Aontaithe; Oileáin Mheiriceánacha na Maighdean
conformance-testing services; CTS
CTS; seirbhísí um thástáil chomhréireachta
Treaty between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Member States of the European Communities), the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland, ; Treaty concerning the accession of the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland, the Kingdom of Norway and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the European Economic Community and to the European Atomic Energy Community
an Conradh idir Ríocht na Beilge, Poblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine, Poblacht na Fraince, Poblacht na hIodáile, Ard-Diúcacht Lucsamburg, Ríocht na hÍsiltíre (Ballstáit na gComhphobal Eorpach), Ríocht na Danmhairge, Éire, Ríocht na hIorua, agus Ríocht Aonta
irrevocable fixing of exchange rates
rátaí malairte a shocrú go neamh-inchúlghairthe
co-ordination of the monetary policies of the Member States
comhordú ar bheartais airgeadaíochta na mBallstát
Amending Protocol - Amendments to the Convention for the establishment of a European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites ("EUMETSAT"), of 24 May 1983
Prótacal Leasaitheach - Leasuithe ar an gCoinbhinsiún maidir le heagraíocht Eorpach a bhunú chun sochar a bhaint as satailítí meitéareolaíocha ("EUMETSAT"), an 24 Bealtaine 1983
ECCAS; Economic Community of Central African States
Comhphobal Eacnamaíoch Stáit Lár na hAfraice; ECCAS
equality of votes; tie
comhionannas vótaí
Protocol on accession of the Government of the Portuguese Republic to the Agreement between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of controls at their
Prótacal i dtaobh aontachas Phoblacht na Portaingéile don Chomhaontú idir Rialtais Stáit Aontais Eacnamaíoch Benelux, Phoblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáíne agus Phoblacht na Fraince maidir le seiceálacha ag a gcomhtheorainneacha a dhíothú de réir a chéile, ar
Agreement on the Accession of the Portuguese Republic to the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the
an Comhaontú maidir le hAontachas Phoblacht na Portaingéile don Choinbhinsiún lena gcuirtear chun feidhme Comhaontú Schengen an 14 Meitheamh 1985 idir Rialtais Stáit Aontais Eacnamaíoch Benelux, Phoblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine agus Phoblacht na Fraince
Protocol adjusting the Agreement on the European Economic Area; Protocol adjusting the Agreement on the European Economic Area between the European Communities, their Member States and the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein, the Kingdom of Norway an
an Prótacal lena gcoigeartaítear an Comhaontú ar an Limistéar Eorpach Eacnamaíoch
peaceful settlement of disputes
réiteach síochánta díospóidí
ECOMOG; ECOWAS Ceasefire Monitoring Group; ECOWAS Military Observer Group; ECOWAS Monitoring Group; Military Observer Group of ECOWAS; Military Observer Group of the Economic Community of West African States
ECOMOG; Grúpa Breathnóireachta Míleata i gComhphobal Eacnamaíoch Stáit na hAfraice Thiar
CBSS; Council of the Baltic Sea States
CBSS; Comhairle Stáit Mhuir Bhailt
contest; design contest
comórtas deartha
static testing
tástáil statach
Convention on the Law Applicable to Succession to the Estates of Deceased Persons
an Coinbhinsiún um an Dlí is Infheidhme maidir le Comharbas ar Eastáit Daoine Éagtha
illegal transboundary traffic in hazardous wastes
gáinneáil neamhdhleathach trasteorann ar dhramhaíl ghuaiseach
mixture of wastes
meascán de dhramhaíl; meascán dramhaíle
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty; Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty; CTBT
Conradh um Chosc Cuimsitheach ar Thrialacha Núicléacha; CTBT
Dispute Settlement Understanding; DSU; Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes
an Comhaontú maidir le Rialacha agus Nósanna Imeachta a Rialaíonn Réiteach Díospóidí; an Comhaontú um Réiteach Díospóidí
the issue of health or plant health certificates
eisiúint deimhnithe sláinte nó deimhnithe folláine plandaí; eisiúint deimhnithe sláinte nó deimhnithe sláinte plandaí
INTAS; International Association for the Promotion of Cooperation with Scientists from the New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union
an Comhlachas Idirnáisiúnta um chur chun cinn an Chomhair le hEolaithe ó Stáit Neamhspleácha Nua an Iar-Aontais Shóivéadaigh; INTAS
Agreement between the EFTA States on the Establishment of a Surveillance Authority and a Court of Justice; SCA; Surveillance and Court Agreement
an Comhaontú idir na Stáit EFTA maidir le hÚdarás Faireacháin agus Cúirt Bhreithiúnais a Bhunú
Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, and Ukraine; PCA Ukraine
Comhaontú Comhpháirtíochta agus Comhair lena mbunaítear comhpháirtíocht idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus a mBallstáit de pháirt, agus an Úcráin den pháirt eile
Agreement on partnership and cooperation establishing a partnership between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Russian Federation, of the other part; PCA with Russia
Comhaontú Comhpháirtíochta agus Comhair lena mbunaítear comhpháirtíocht idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus a mBallstáit, de pháirt, agus Cónaidhm na Rúise, den pháirt eile
Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States and the Republic of Moldova; PCA with Moldova
Comhaontú Comhpháirtíochta agus Comhair idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus a mBallstáit agus Poblacht na Moldóive
economic needs test; ENT
tástáil riachtanas eacnamaíoch
Convention drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on simplified extradition procedure between the Member States of the European Union; Convention on simplified extradition procedure between the Member States of the European Union
an Coinbhinsiún, arna tharraingt suas ar bhonn Airteagal K.3 den Chonradh ar an Aontas Eorpach, maidir le nós imeachta simplithe eiseachadta idir Ballstáit an Aontais Eorpaigh; Coinbhinsiún, arna tharraingt suas ar bhonn Airteagal K.3 den Chonradh ar an Aontas Eorpach, maidir le nós imeachta simplithe eiseachadta idir Bhallstáit an Aontais Eorpaigh
Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States and the Republic of Kazakhstan; PCA with Kazakhstan
Comhaontú Comhpháirtíochta agus Comhair idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus a mBallstáit agus Poblacht na Casacstáine
Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT)
an Prótacal ar Phribhléidí agus Díolúintí na hEagraíochta Eorpaí chun Sochar a bhaint as Satailítí Meitéareolaíochta (EUMETSAT)
Agreement on the Accession of the Republic of Austria to the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the
Comhaontú maidir le haontachas Phoblacht na hOstaire leis an gCoinbhinsiún lena gcuirtear chun feidhme Comhaontú Schengen an 14 Meitheamh 1985 idir Rialtais Stáit Aontas Eacnamaíoch Benelux, Phoblacht Chónaidhme na Gearmáine agus Phoblacht na Fraince maid
roadworthiness test
tástáil ródacmhainneachta
Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Tunisia, of the other part
an Comhaontú Eora-Mheánmhara lena mbunaítear comhlachas idir an Comhphobal Eorpach agus a Bhallstáit, de pháirt, agus Poblacht na Túinéise, den pháirt eile
Agreement on the Status of Missions and Representatives of Third States to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
an Comhaontú maidir le Stádas na Misean agus na nIonadaithe Tríú Stát chuig Eagraíocht Chonradh an Atlantaigh Thuaidh
Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes (1899)
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le réiteach síochánta díospóidí idirnáisiúnta (1899)
Agreement on provisional application between certain Member States of the European Union of the Convention drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union on the use of information technology for customs purposes
an Comhaontú maidir leis an gCoinbhinsiún arna dhréachtú ar bhonn Airteagal K.3 den Chonradh ar an Aontas Eorpach maidir le húsáid Teicneolaíocht Faisnéise chun Críocha Custaim a chur i bhfeidhm go sealadach idir Bhallstáit áirithe den Aontas Eorpach
schedule; schedule of due dates; timeframe; timetable
BEPG; broad economic policy guidelines; broad guidelines of the economic policies of the Member States and of the Union
mór-threoirlínte beartas eacnamaíoch; mór-threoirlínte bheartais eacnamaíocha na mBallstát agus an Chomhphobail
Caribbean Forum; CARIFORUM; Forum of the Caribbean Group of African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) States
CARIFORUM; Fóram Ghrúpa na Stát san Afraic, i Muir Chairib agus san Aigéan Ciúin; Fóram Mhuir Chairib
BTWC Review Conference; Review Conference of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention; Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention; Review Conference of the States Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction
Comhdháil Athbhreithnithe an Choinbhinsiúin maidir le hAirm Bhitheolaíocha agus Toscaine; Comhdháil Athbhreithnithe de na Stáit is Páirtithe sa Choinbhinsiún maidir le Toirmeasc ar Fhorbairt, Táirgeadh agus Stoc-Charnadh Arm Baictéareolaíoch (Bitheolaíoch) agus Toscaine agus maidir lena nDíothú
Interregional Framework Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Southern Common Market and its Party States, of the other part; Interregional Framework Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and Mercosur
an Creat-chomhaontú Idir-réigiúnach idir an tAontas Eorpach agus Mercosur; an Creat-chomhaontú Idir-réigiúnach um Chomhar idir an Comhphobal Eorpach agus a Bhallstáit, de pháirt amháin, agus an Cómhargadh Theas agus a Stáit Chomhpháirteacha, den pháirt eile
Other decisions (Adopted without discussion. In the case of legislative acts, votes against or abstentions are indicated. Decisions containing statements which the Council has decided may be released to the public or explanations of vote are asterisked; t
Cinntí eile (Arna nglacadh gan díospóireacht. I gcás gníomhartha reachtacha, léirítear vótaí in aghaidh nó staonadh. Is trí réiltín a chuirfear in iúl cinntí arna nglacadh le ráitis nó míniúchán ar vótáil ar shocraigh an Chomhairle go bhféadfaí iad a eisi
Convention drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, relating to extradition between the Member States of the European Union; Convention relating to extradition between the Member States of the European Union
an Coinbhinsiún, arna dhréachtú ar bhonn Airteagal K.3 den Chonradh ar an Aontas Eorpach, a bhaineann le heiseachadadh idir Ballstáit an Aontais Eorpaigh
Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the status of their forces
Comhaontú idir na Stáit is Páirtithe i gConradh an Atlantaigh Thuaidh agus na Stáit eile atá rannpháirteach sa Chomhpháirtíocht Síochána maidir le stádas a gcuid fórsaí
Additional Protocol to the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the status of their forces
Prótacal breise a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú idir na Stáit is Páirtithe i gConradh an Atlantaigh Thuaidh agus na Stáit eile atá rannpháirteach sa Chomhpháirtíocht Síochána maidir le stádas a gcuid fórsaí
Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the State of Israel, of the other part
an Comhaontú Eora-Mheánmhara lena mbunaítear comhlachas idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus a mBallstáit, de pháirt, agus Stát Iosrael, den pháirt eile
Agreement among the European Atomic Energy Community, the Government of Japan, the Government of the Russian Federation, and the Government of the United States of America on cooperation in the engineering design activities for the international thermonuc
an Comhaontú idir an Comhphobal Eorpach do Fhuinneamh Adamhach, Rialtas na Seapáine, Rialtas Chónaidhm na Rúise agus Rialtas Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá maidir le comhar i ngníomhaíochtaí a bhaineann le dearadh innealtóireachta don imoibreoir trialach teirm
Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Azerbaijan, of the other part; PCA with Azerbaijan
Comhaontú Comhpháirtíochta agus Comhair idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus a mBallstáit de pháirt, agus Poblacht na hAsarbaiseáine den pháirt eile
Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Armenia, of the other part; PCA with Armenia
Comhaontú Comhpháirtíochta agus Comhair idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus a mBallstáit de pháirt, agus Poblacht na hAirméine den pháirt eile
Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Kingdom of Morocco, of the other part
an Comhaontú Eora-Mheánmhara lena mbunaítear Comhlachas idir an Comhphobal Eorpach agus a Bhallstáit, de pháirt, agus Ríocht Mharacó, den pháirt eile
device for self-testing
feiste féintástála
Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a partnership between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Uzbekistan, of the other part; PCA with Uzbekistan
Comhaontú Comhpháirtíochta agus Comhair lena mbunaítear comhpháirtíocht idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus a mBallstáit de pháirt, agus Poblacht na hÚisbéiceastáine den pháirt eile
2000 EU MLA Convention; Convention established by the Council in accordance with Article 34 of the Treaty on European Union, on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Member States of the European Union; Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Member States of the European Union; MLA Convention; Mutual Legal Assistance Convention
an Coinbhinsiún um Chúnamh Frithpháirteach Dlí; an Coinbhinsiún um Chúnamh Frithpháirteach in Ábhair Choiriúla idir Ballstáit an Aontais Eorpaigh
Common Understanding on the principles of international cooperation in research and development activities in the domain of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems between the European Community and the United States of America, Japan, Australia, Canada and the
Comhthuiscint maidir le prionsabail an chomhair idirnáisiúnta i ngníomhaíochtaí taighde agus forbartha i réimse na gCóras Monaraíochta Cliste idir an Comhphobal Eorpach agus Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá, an tSeapáin, an Astráil, Ceanada agus na baill sin de
commorientes; simultaneous deaths
báis chomhuaineacha; bás a fháil san am céanna; fáil bháis go comhuaineach
Baltic Sea States Subregional Cooperation; BSSSC
Comhar Foréigiúnach Stáit Mhuir Bhailt
Interim Agreement Between The United States of America and The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Certain Measures With Respect to the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms; Interim Agreement between the USA and the USSR on Certain Measures with Respect to the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms; SALT I agreement; SALT I Interim Agreement; Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
an Comhaontú Eatramhach idir Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá agus Aontas na bPoblachtaí Sóivéadacha Sóisialacha maidir le Bearta Áirithe i ndáil le hAirm Ionsaitheacha Straitéiseacha a Theorannú; Comhaontú Eatramhach SALT I; Comhaontú SALT I
SALT II; Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty; Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms; Treaty on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms
an Comhaontú idir Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá agus Aontas na bPoblachtaí Sóivéadacha Sóisialacha ar Airm Ionsaitheacha Straitéiseacha a Theorannú; an Conradh um Theorannú Arm Straitéiseach; SALT II
START I; Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty; Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms
an Conradh idir Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá agus Aontas na bPoblachtaí Sóivéadacha Sóisialacha ar Laghdú agus Teorannú na nArm Ionsaitheach Straitéiseach; an Conradh um Laghdú Arm Straitéiseach; START I
START II; Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty II; Treaty between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms
an Conradh idir Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá agus Cónaidhm na Rúise ar Airm Ionsaitheacha Straitéiseacha a Laghdú agus a Theorannú a Thuilleadh; Conradh II um Laghdú Arm Straitéiseach; START II
right to refuse to give evidence; right to refuse to testify
an ceart diúltú fianaise a thabhairt; bheith i dteideal diúltú fianaise a thabhairt
SIDS; small island developing States
SIDS; stáit oileánacha bheaga i mbéal forbartha
Protocol to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a partnership between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part
Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú Comhpháirtíochta, de pháirt, agus an Úcráin, den pháirt eile
Protocol to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a partnership between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Russian Federation, of the other part
Prótacal maidir le Comhaontú Comhpháirtíochta agus Comhair lena mbunaítear comhpháirtíocht idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus a mBallstáit, de pháirt, agus Cónaidhm na Rúise, den pháirt eile
principles common to all Member States
prionsabal ar comhphrionsabal é ag na Ballstáit go léir; prionsabal is coiteann do na Ballstáit uile
Protocol on asylum for nationals of Member States of the European Union
Prótacal maidir le tearmann do náisiúnaigh de chuid Bhallstáit an Aontais Eorpaigh
Protocol on external relations of the Member States with regard to the crossing of external borders
Prótacal maidir le caidreamh eachtrach na mBallstát i dtaca le teorainneacha seachtracha a thrasnú
Protocol on the system of public broadcasting in the Member States
Prótacal maidir leis an gcóras craolacháin phoiblí sna Ballstáit
reweighting of votes
na vótaí a athualú
Convention establishing the Association of Caribbean States
an Coinbhinsiún lena mbunaítear Comhlachas Stáit Mhuir Chairib
ACS; Association of Caribbean States
Comhlachas Stáit Mhuir Chairib
skates; skates and rays
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States; This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in the Member States in accordance with the Treaties; This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in the Member States in accordance with the Treaty establishing the European Comunity
Beidh an Rialachán seo ina cheangal go huile agus go hiomlán agus beidh sé infheidhme go díreach i ngach Ballstát
GRECO; Group of States against Corruption
Grúpa Stát i gcoinne na hÉillitheachta; GSE
EGs; employment guidelines; guidelines for employment policy; guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States
TF; treoirlínte do bheartas fostaíochta
Economic Partnership, Political Coordination and Cooperation Agreement; Economic Partnership, Political Coordination and Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the United Mexican States, of the other part
an Comhaontú um Chomhpháirtíocht Eacnamaíoch, Comhordú Polaitiúil agus Comhar idir an Comhphobal Eorpach agus a Bhallstáit de pháirt, agus Stáit Aontaithe Mheicsiceo den pháirt eile
Final Act with regard to the: <br> - Economic Partnership, Political Coordination and Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and its Member States of the one part, and the United Mexican States of the other part, and <br> - Interim Agreement
Ionstraim Chríochnaitheach maidir leis an méid seo a leanas: <br> - an Comhaontú um Chomhpháirtíocht Eacnamaíoch, Comhordú Polaitiúil agus Comhar idir an Comhphobal Eorpach agus a chuid Ballstát de pháirt, agus Stáit Aontaithe Mheicsiceo den pháirt eile,
1996 Protocol to the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, 1972; London Protocol
Prótacal 1996 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún um Chosc ar Mhuir-Thruailliú trí Fhuíoll agus Ábhar eile a Dhumpáil, 1972; Prótacal Londan
Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, of the other part
an Comhaontú Eora-Mheánmhara lena mbunaítear comhlachas idir an Comhphobal Eorpach agus a Bhallstáit, de pháirt, agus Ríocht Haisimíteach na hIordáine, den pháirt eile
Further Additional Protocol to the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the status of their forces
Prótacal breise eile a ghabhann leis an gComhaontú idir na páirtithe i gConradh an Atlantaigh Thuaidh agus na stáit eile atá rannpháirteach i gComhpháirtíocht na Síochána maidir le stádas a gcuid fórsaí
Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a Partnership between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and Turkmenistan, of the other part; PCA with Turkmenistan
Comhaontú comhpháirtíochta agus comhair lena mbunaítearcomhpháirtíocht idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus a gcuid Ballstát de thaobh amháin, agus Tuircméanastáin den taobh eile
mites and ticks
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization; CTBT Organization; CTBTO
CTBTO; Eagraíocht an Chonartha um Chosc Cuimsitheach ar Thrialacha Núicléacha
Member States shall determine the penalties applicable to breaches of the national provisions adopted pursuant to this Directive. Those penalties shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive.
cinnfidh na Ballstáit na pionóis is infheidhme má dhéantar na forálacha náisiúnta arna nglacadh de bhun na treorach seo a shárú. Beidh na pionóis sin éifeachtach, comhréireach agus athchomhairleach
Protocol to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a partnership between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Moldova, of the other part
Prótacal a ghabhann le Comhaontú Comhpháirtíochta agus Comhair lena mbunaítear comhpháirtíocht idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus a mBallstáit, de pháirt, agus Poblacht na Moldóive, den pháirt eile
Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals
Lámhleabhar um Thástálacha Diagnóiseacha agus um Vacsaíní Ainmhithe Talún
Hazardous Wastes Protocol; Protocol on the Prevention of Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal
Prótacal maidir le cosc a chur ar thruailliú na Meánmhara i ngeall ar bhogadh dramhaíola guaise thar teorann agus ar dhiúscairt dramhaíola guaise
whitespotted guitarfish
giotáriasc bánbhallach
ADR; alternative dispute resolution; out-of-court dispute resolution; out-of-court settlement of disputes
malairt modhanna chun díospóidí a réiteach
ACP-EC Partnership Agreement; ACP-EU Partnership Agreement; Cotonou Agreement; Partnership Agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States of the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, of the other part
Comhaontú Comhpháirtíochta ACC-AE; Comhaontú Comhpháirtíochta idir Comhaltaí Ghrúpa Stát na hAfraice, Mhuir Chairib agus an Aigéin Chiúin, de pháirt amháin, agus an Comhphobal Eorpach agus a Bhallstáit, den pháirt eile; Comhaontú Cotonou
Working Party on Foodstuff Quality (Certificates of Specific Character)
an Mheitheal um Cháilíocht Earraí Bia (Deimhnithe de Thréithiúlacht Shonrach)
duty to refuse to testify; to be prohibited from giving evidence,
cosc a chur ar dhuine fianaise a thabhairt; dualgas chun diúltú fianaise a thabhairt
whitespotted conger
eascann choncair bhánbhallach
pignose grunter; SNW; white steenbras; whitesteenbras
garbhánach bán
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Oileáin Bheaga Fhorimeallacha na Stát Aontaithe
simulation of a stress scenario; stress testing
tástáil struis; tástálacha struis
Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, of the other part
an Comhaontú Cobhsaíochta agus Comhlachais idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus a mBallstáit, de pháirt amháin, agus Poblacht iar-Iúgslavach na Macadóine, den pháirt eile
EU-Croatia Stabilisation and Association Agreement; Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Croatia, of the other part
an Comhaontú Cobhsaíochta agus Comhlachais idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus a mBallstáit, de pháirt, agus Poblacht na Cróite, den pháirt eile
Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Arab Republic of Egypt, of the other part
an Comhaontú Eora-Mheánmhara lena mbunaítear comhlachas idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus a mBallstáit, de pháirt, agus Ríocht Haisimíteach na hIordáine, den pháirt eile
Documents referenced in the text are available on the Council's Internet site (http://www.consilium.europa.eu). Acts adopted with statements for the Council minutes which may be released to the public are indicated by an asterisk; these statements are ava
Doiciméad a dtugtar tagairtí dóibh sa téacs, tá siad ar fáil ar láithreán gréasáin na Comhairle (http://www.consilium.europa.eu). Is trí réiltín a chuirfear in iúl Gníomhartha arna nglacadh le ráitis le haghaidh mhiontuairiscí na Comhairle ar féidir iad a
Asia-Pacific Group; Group of Asia and the Pacific Small Island Developing States
an Grúpa de Stáit Áiseacha
African Group; Group of African States
Grúpa na hAfraice; Grúpa Stáit na hAfraice
agreement in the form of an exchange of notes
comhaontú ar mhodh malartú nótaí
Plan for the management of the external borders of the Member States of the European Union
an Plean chun teorainneacha seachtracha Bhallstáit an Aontais Eorpaigh a bhainistiú
Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Lebanon, of the other part
an Comhaontú Comhlachais Eora-Mheánmhara idir an Comhphobal Eorpach agus a Bhallstáit, de pháirt, agus Poblacht na Liobáine, den pháirt eile
Dublin Regulation; Regulation (EC) No 343/2003 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an asylum application lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national; Regulation (EU) No 604/2013 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one of the Member States by a third-country national or a stateless perso
Rialachán (AE) Uimh. 604/2013 ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa agus ón gComhairle an 26 Meitheamh 2013 lena mbunaítear na critéir agus na sásraí lena gcinntear cé acu Ballstát atá freagrach as scrúdú a dhéanamh ar iarratas ar chosaint idirnáisiúnta arna thaisceadh; Rialachán Bhaile Átha Cliath; Rialachán ón gComhairle lena mbunaítear na critéir agus na sásraí lena gcinntear an Ballstát atá freagrach i scrúdú iarratais ar thearmann arna thaisceadh i gceann de na Ballstáit ag náisiúnach tríú tír
Agreement between the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) and non-member States of the European Union on the participation of the latter in the Community arrangements for the early exchange of information in the event of radiological emergency (Ecu
Comhaontú idir an Comhphobal Eorpach do Fhuinneamh Adamhach (Euratom) agus Stáit nach Ballstáit iad den Aontas Eorpach maidir le rannpháirtíocht na Stát sin i socruithe an Chomhphobail maidir le malartú luath faisnéise i gcás éigeandáil raideolaíoch (Ecur
High Level Group of Member States Representatives on Disability; High Level Group on Disability
an Grúpa Ardleibhéil um Míchumas; Grúpa Ardleibhéil Ionadaithe na mBallstát um Míchumas
CTBTO Preparatory Commission; CTBTO PrepCom; Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization
Coimisiún Ullmhúcháin CTBTO; Coimisiún Ullmhúcháin Eagraíocht an Chonartha um Chosc Cuimsitheach ar Thrialacha Núicléacha
As regards Iceland and Norway, this [INSTRUMENT] constitutes a development of the provisions of the Schengen <i>acquis</i> within the meaning of the Agreement concluded by the Council of the European Union and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of No
Maidir leis an Íoslainn agus leis an Iorua, is éard atá san [IONSTRAIM] seo ná forbairt ar fhorálacha acquis Schengen, de réir bhrí an Chomhaontaithe arna thabhairt i gcrích idir Comhairle an Aontais Eorpaigh agus Poblacht na hÍoslainne agus Ríocht na hIo
This [INSTRUMENT] constitutes a development of the provisions of the Schengen <i>acquis</i> in which the United Kingdom does not take part, in accordance with Council Decision 2000/365/EC of 29 May 2000 concerning the request of the United Kingdom of Grea
Is forbairt é [an Ionstraim] seo ar fhorálacha acquis Schengen nach nglacann an Ríocht Aontaithe páirt iontu, i gcomhréir le Cinneadh 2000/365/CE ón gComhairle an 29 Bealtaine 2000 maidir leis an iarraidh ó Ríocht Aontaithe na Breataine Móire agus Thuaisc
This [INSTRUMENT] constitutes a development of the provisions of the Schengen <i>acquis</i> in which Ireland does not take part, in accordance with Council Decision 2002/192/EC of 28 February 2002 concerning Ireland's request to take part in some of the p
Is forbairt é [an Ionstraim] seo ar fhorálacha acquis Schengen nach nglacann Éire páirt iontu, i gcomhréir le Cinneadh 2002/192/CE ón gComhairle ar 28 Feabhra 2002 maidir leis an iarraidh ó Éirinn páirt a ghlacadh i gcuid d’fhorálacha acquis Schengen.* Dá
European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union; Frontex
an Ghníomhaireacht Eorpach chun Comhar Oibríochtúil a Bhainistiú ag Teorainneacha Seachtracha Bhallstáit an Aontais Eorpaigh; Frontex
International Instrument to Enable States to Identify and Trace, in a Timely and Reliable Manner, Illicit Small Arms and Light Weapons; International Tracing Instrument; ITI
ionstraim idirnáisiúnta a chumasaíonn Stáit chun mionairm agus airm éadroma neamhcheadaithe a aithint agus a rianú go tráthúil agus go hiontaofa; ionstraim idirnaisiúnta rianaithe
This [INSTRUMENT] constitutes an act building upon, or otherwise related to, the Schengen <i>acquis</i> within the meaning of Article 4(2) of the 2005 Act of Accession.
Is é atá san [IONSTRAIM] seo ná gníomh lena gcuirtear le acquis Schengen nó a bhfuil baint ar shlí eile aige le acquis Schengen de réir bhrí Airteagal 4(2) d’Ionstraim Aontachais 2005.
Framework Decision on the European arrest warrant and the surrender procedures between Member States
Cinneadh réime maidir leis an mBarántas Gabhála Eorpach agus na nósanna imeachta um thabhairt suas idir na Ballstáit
Asylum Procedures Directive; Directive 2013/32/EU on common procedures for granting and withdrawing international protection; Directive on minimum standards on procedures in Member States for granting and withdrawing refugee status
Treoir 2005/85/CE maidir le caighdeáin íosta i ndáil le nósanna imeachta i mBallstáit chun stádas dídeanaí a dheonú nó a tharraingt siar; Treoir 2013/32/AE maidir le nósanna imeachta coiteanna chun stádas cosanta idirnáisiúnta a dheonú agus a tharraingt siar; Treoir maidir le Nósanna Imeachta Tearmainn
assay blank; blank; blank analysis; blank determination; blank experiment; blank test
International Organisation of Masters, Mates and Pilots; MM&P
Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta na Máistrí, na Mátaí agus na bPíolótaí
plaque neutralisation test; plaque reduction neutralisation test; plaque reduction test; PNT; PRN
tástáil laghdaithe plaice
UAS; Union of African States
an tAontas Stát Afracach
NDA; NDE; NDT; non-destructive assay; non-destructive examination; non-destructive test; non-destructive testing
tástáil neamhscriosach; TNS
preliminary test
peak resolution test
triail taifeach buaiceanna
sensitivity test
tástáil íogaireachta
overload test
tástáil rólódála
alpha analysis test
triail alfa-anailíse
one-way test
triail aontreo
EIA; EIA test; ELISA; ELISA test; enzyme immunoassay; enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
measúnacht imdhíonsúiteachta einsímnasctha
alimentary canal; digestive tract; gastrointestinal tract; GI tract
conair ghastraistéigeach
complement fixation test
tástáil fosúcháin chomhlántach
RBT; Rose Bengal plate test; Rose Bengal test
tástáil rósdearg Beangál
bacteriological test
tástáil bhaictéareolaíoch
rates of utilization of funds
rátaí úsáide cistí
amended rates
rátaí leasaithe
garden and park wastes (including cemetery waste)
dramhaíl pháirce agus ghairdín (lena n-áirítear dramhaíl reilige)
attest function; certifying of accounts
deimhniú cuntas
substantive test; substantive testing
tástáil shubstainteach
audit test
tástáil iniúchóireachta
minutes of the hearing
miontuairiscí na héisteachta
administration; administration of an estate; administration of estates; administration of the estates of deceased persons
eastáit daoine éagtha a riar
decorrelation of rain on two nearby sites
dí-chomhghaolú báistí ar dhá shuíomh chóngaracha
satellites with common on-board resource
satailítí le comhacmhainn ar bord
serological test
tástáil shéireolaíoch
cervical smear; Pap smear; Pap test; Papanicolaou test; Papanicolau smear
smearadh as an gceirbheacs
subacute toxicity test
tástáil tocsaineachta meathghéire
single-blind investigation; single-blind study; single-blind test; single-blind trial; single-masked study
turgnamh dall aonair
faecal occult blood test; FOBT
tástáil fola folaigh san fhaecas
sex-linked recessive lethal assay; sex-linked recessive lethal test; SLRL test
measúnacht ar ghéin mharfach chúlaitheach ghnéasnasctha
testosterone propionate
próipianáit téististéaróin
eye irritation test
tástáil ar ghreannú na súile; tástáil ar ghreannú na súl
road test
tástáil bhóthair
assay method; test method
modh tástála
blind experiment; blind study; blind test; blind trial; blinded study; masked study
turgnamh dall
intestate share
scair in eastát díthiomnach
asset sensitive to variations in rates
sócmhainn faoi réir athruithe rátaí; sócmhainn faoi réir athruithe sna rátaí
emission testing; emissions testing
tástáil astaíochtaí
last will and testament; will
uacht; uacht agus tiomna deiridh
legal capacity to test; testamentary capacity
inniúlacht tiomnaithe
heir ab intestato; heir on intestacy
oidhre ab intestato; oidhre i gcás díthiomnachta
heir entitled under a will; testamentary heir
oidhre tiomnach
attested copy; certified copy; certified photocopy
cóip dheimhnithe; cóip dhílis dheimhnithe
dates and times of the sittings
dátaí agus amanna na suíonna
oral testimony
fianaise ó bhéal
minutes in which the evidence of each witness is reproduced
miontuairiscí ina n-atáirgtear fianaise na bhfinnéithe
issue of banknotes
eisiúint nótaí bainc
central banks of the Member States; national central banks
bainc cheannais na mBallstát; bainc cheannais náisiúnta
convergence of interest rates
cóineasú rátaí úis
recovery test
tástáil aisghabhála
haemagglutination inhibition test; HAI; HIT
triail ar chosc haemaighleanúna
Charpy impact test; Charpy test; Charpy V-notch test
tástáil Charpy
ESTI; European Solar Test Installation
an tSuiteáil Eorpach um thástáil feistí fótavoltacha; ESTI
TES; thermal energy storage; thermal storage
Programme for technical assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States; TACIS
an Clár um chúnamh teicniúil do Chomhlathas na Stát Neamhspleách
Decision of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council
Cinneadh ó Ionadaithe Rialtais na mBallstát, ag teacht le chéile dóibh i dtionól na Comhairle
market in the hiring out of video cassettes
margadh fruilithe físchaiséad
falsification of origin certificates
falsú deimhnithe bunáite
mechanism for monitoring CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions in the Community; monitoring mechanism for anthropogenic CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions not controlled by the Montreal Protocol in the Member States; monitoring mechanism of Community CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions
sásra faireacháin astaíochtaí CO2 agus gás ceaptha teasa eile sa Chomhphobal
basic slag; metallurgical phosphates; phosphatic slag; Thomas phosphates; Thomas slag
slaig bhunata
product testing
tástáil táirge
trade between States
trádáil idir Stáit
dominant lethal assay; dominant lethal mutation test; dominant lethal test
tástáil le haghaidh sócháin mharfaigh cheannasaigh
Baltic countries; Baltic nations; Baltic States; the Baltics
na Stáit Bhaltacha
Community Reference laboratory for milk and milk products; Community Reference Laboratory for the analysis and testing of milk and milk products; EU reference laboratory for milk and milk products
Saotharlann Tagartha an Aontais Eorpaigh um Bainne agus Tháirgí Bainne
Community Reference Laboratory for salmonella; EU reference laboratories for the analysis and testing of zoonoses (salmonella)
Saotharlann Tagartha an Aontais Eorpaigh um Anailís agus Thástáil ar Zónóisí (salmonella)
Directive concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources; The Nitrates Directive
an Treoir maidir le huiscí a chosaint ar thruailliú de bharr níotráití ó fhoinsí talmhaíochta; an Treoir maidir le níotráití
Member States shall adjust any State monopolies of a commercial character
déanfaidh na Ballstáit coigeartú ar aon Státmhonaplachtaí de chineál tráchtálach
the contracting States
na Stáit Chonarthacha
to influence directly imports or exports between Member States
imir tionchar díreach ar allmhairí nó ar onnmhairí idir na Ballstáit
to influence indirectly imports or exports between Member States
imir tionchar indíreach ar allmhairí nó ar onnmhairí idir na Ballstáit
products originating in Member States
táirgí de thionscnamh na mBallstát
products which are in free circulation in member states
táirgí atá i saorchúrsaíocht sna Ballstáit
work at piece-rates
obair ar thascrátaí
a union of States
aontas Stát
Member States shall increase the aggregate of the global quotas so established
méadóidh na Ballstáit comhiomlán na gcuótaí comhchruinnithe arna mbunú amhlaidh
countervailing measures applicable to trade between member States
bearta frithchúitimh is infheidhme maidir le trádáil idir na Ballstáit
the Commission shall consult the Member States concerned
rachaidh an Coimisiún i gcomhairle leis na Ballstáit i dtrácht
to authorise the Member States to take the measures needed to remedy the situation
na Ballstáit a údarú na bearta is gá a dhéanamh chun an cor a leigheas
counting of votes
comhaireamh na vótaí
present Member States
Ballstáit láithreacha
ACP countries; ACP Member States; African, Caribbean and Pacific countries; African, Caribbean and Pacific States
Ballstáit ACC; Stáit san Afraic, i Muir Chairib agus san Aigeán Ciúin
BBAT; Brucella-buffered antigen test; buffered Brucella antigen test
tástáil antaigin brucella maolánaithe
hare with multiple votes; multiple vote share; share carrying extended voting rights; share carrying multiple voting rights; share with plural voting rights
scair ilvótaí
intradermal tuberculin test; intra-dermal tuberculosis test
triail tiúibeircline indeirmeach
agar gel immunodiffusion test; AGID test; Coggins test
triail idirleata imdhíonach le glóthach agair
blocking ELISA; blocking Elisa test
triail ELISA bhacainneach
fluorescent antibody test
tástáil antasubstaintí fluaraiseacha
HA test; haemagglutination test
tástáil haemaigleanúna
virological test
tástáil víreolaíoch
virus isolation test
tástáil aonraithe víris
intestacy; intestate succession; statutory intestate succession
comharbas díthiomnach
testamentary succession; testate succession
comharbas tiomnach
allowance in kind; payment in kind; perquisites; remuneration in kind; wages in kind
íocaíocht chomhchineáil; liúntas comhchineáil; pá comhchineáil; peorcaisí
performance testing
tástáil cruthachtála
beefing performance testing; meat performance testing
tástáil ar chruthú feola
concentrates; feed concentrate
beatha thacúil; dlúthbhia
torthú bláthra
account closing date; balance sheet date; date to which the balance sheet relates
dáta an chláir chomhardaithe; dáta dúnta cuntais
first Council Directive to approximate the laws of the Member States relating to trade marks
an chéad Treoir ón gComhairle maidir le comhfhogasú dhlíthe na mBallstát a bhaineann le trádmharcanna
International Organisation for the Study of the Old Testament; International Organisation of Old Testament Scholars; IOOTS; IOSOT
an Eagraíocht Idirnáisiúnta um Staidéar ar an Sean-Tiomna
range finding test
tástáil raonaimsíochta
parametric test
tástáil pharaiméadrach
oc curve of a test; operating characteristic curve of a test
cuar oc tástála; sainchuar oibriúcháin tástála
inspection by attributes; method by attributes
cigireacht de réir tréithe; modh de réir tréithe
analytical portion; test portion
blank solution; blank test solution
tuaslagán bán
distribution free test; non-parametric test
tástáil beag beann ar dháileachán; tástáil neamhpharaiméadrach
power curve of a test
cuar fuinnimh trialach
acoustic fatigue test
fuaimthástáil strustuirse; tástáil strustuirse fhuaimiúil
air pressure heat test
tástáil teasa faoi aerbhrú
calibration test
tástáil ar chalabrú
Cartesian control
stiúir Chairtéiseach
Cartesian coordinates
comhordanáidí Cairtéiseacha
confidence tests
tástálacha muiníne
controlled test
tástáil rialaithe
crushing test
tástáil an bhrúcháin
design evaluation tests
tástálacha measúnaithe dearaidh
discrete frequency test
tástáil ar bhun minicíochta scoite; tástáil mhinicíochta scoite
drop test
tástáil titime
Erichsen ductility test
tástáil insínteachta Erichsen
flight flutter test
tástáil eitligh le linn eitilte
flight readiness tests
tástálacha ullmhachta chun eitilte
flight test; test flight
tástáil eitilte
flight test vehicle
feithicil tastála eitilte
Jominy test
tástáil Jominy
live testing
tástáil bheo
test errors
earráidí tástála
development flight; test flight
eitilt tástála
ultrasonic testing
tástáil ultrasonach; triail ultrasonach
bowel flora; enteric flora; flora of the intestine; gut flora; intestinal flora
flóra na stéige
patch test; test patch
tástáil phaiste
treasury certificates
deimhniú státchiste
development sites
láithreán forbraíochta
decline in short-term interest rates
titim i rátaí úis gearrthéarmacha
bills discounted; notes receivables
bille lascainithe
chromaticity coordinates; chromaticity co-ordinates
comhordanáidí crómatachta
dynamometer test
tástáil dinimiméadair
invisible character; non-print character; non-printable character; non-printing character; non-printing symbol; whitespace character
carachtar spáis bháin
no-challenge clause; no-contest clause
clásal toirmiscthe agóide
noting for protest
fógairt fordhearbhaithe
work at shift-work rates
obair ar rátaí sealoibre
aptitude test; skill test
tástáil scile; triail infheidhmeachta
Environmental Protection Agency; EPA; United States Environmental Protection Agency; US Environmental Protection Agency
EPA; Gníomhaireacht na Stát Aontaithe um Chaomhnú an Chomhshaoil
endurance test; fatigue test; fatigue testing
tástáil strustuirse
airborne particles; particulates
cáithnín aeriompartha
waste compatibility test
tástáil chomhoiriúnachta dramhaíola
waste reactivity test
tástáil imoibríochta dramhaíola
votes cast
vótaí a chaitear
preliminary tests
interest rate term structure; term structure of interest rates; yield curve
cuar toraidh
model franchisee; pilot franchisee; testing franchisee
saincheadúnaí píolótach
pilot franchise; test franchise
saincheadúnas píolótach
registration of verbal notes; verbal note registration
clárú nóta bhriathartha
test of innovations developed by chain
tástáil nuálaíochtaí arna bhforbairt ag an tsraith saincheadúnas
new products test
tástáil táirgí nua
model shop test; pilot-shop test
tástáil siopa phíolótaigh
dlúthán; tiúchán
single test result
toradh aontástála
probe gas; search gas; test gas; tracer gas
gás tástála
test oil
FDA; Food and Drug Administration; United States Food and Drug Administration; US FDA; US Food and Drug Administration
údarás bia agus drugaí SAM; US FDA
abortus Bang ring test; milk ring test; MRT; ring-test
tástáil fáinne
tástáil fillteáin
copy testing
tástáil téacs
split run test
tástáil ar chothromas idir fógraí
aided recall test
triail chuimhne chuidithe
blind product test; blind test
tástáil dhall
bronze mannikin; spermestes cucullatus
mainicín umhaí
anaplectes rubriceps; red-headed weaver
fíodóir ceanndearg
drop test
tástáil titime
ODS; ozone killer; ozone-depleting substance; substance that depletes the ozone layer
substaint ídithe ózóin
debit notes from suppliers
nótaí dochair ó sholáthraithe
rebates and allowances on purchases
lacáistí agus liúntais ar cheannacháin
rebates and trade discounts on other external charges
lacáistí agus lascainí trádála ar tháillí seachtracha eile
rebates,allowances,discount granted
lacáistí, liúntais, lascaine arna dtabhairt
tástáil téacs
advertising charges; advertising rates
muirir fógraíochta; táillí fógraíochta
bronze diabetes; congenital pigmentary cirrhosis; haemochromatosis; hemochromatosis
test glass; test tube
promhadán; triaileadán
didymus; orchis; testicle; testis
gastrointestinal coordination; intestinal coordination; peristalsis
dipstick; test strip; testing strip
slat tumtha; stiall tástála
tuberculin test; tuberculin testing
tástáil tiúibeircline