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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
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Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
common rail
ráille coitianta
differential interlock; differential lock
glasáil dhifreálach
inertia braking; overrun braking
coscánú forthiomána; coscánú táimhe
LC; Lord Chancellor; Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain
Ard-Seansailéir; LC; Tiarna Ard-Seansailéir na Breataine Móire
Egyptian Organisation for Human Rights; EOHR
an Eagraíocht Éigipteach um Chearta an Duine
CDU; Christian Democracy Union; Christian Democratic Union
An tAontas Daonlathach Críostaí
Christian Social Union; CSU
An tAontas Sóisialach Críostaí
CDM; Christian Democratic Movement; Christian Democratic Party
an Páirtí Daonlathach Críostaí
Christian Social Party; PCS
An Páirtí Sóisialach Críostaí
mandate for negotiations; negotiating mandate
sainordú caibidlíochta; sainordú don chaibidlíocht
for reasons of confidentiality
ar chúiseanna rúndachta
legislative initiative
tionscnamh reachtach
vitiated consent
toiliú truaillithe
INI report; own-initiative report
tuarascáil féintionscnaimh; tuarascáil INI
confidential procedure
nós imeachta rúndachta
CDA; Christian Democratic Alliance; Christian Democratic Union
An tAontas Daonlathach Críostaí
right of initiative; right of legislative initiative
an ceart maidir le tionscnamh reachtach; ceart tionscnaimh
verification of credentials
fíorú na ndintiúr
Lord President of the Council
Uachtarán Tiarna na Comhairle
preferential arrangement; preferential trade arrangement; PTA
socrú fabhrach
prudential regulation
rialáil stuamachta
multiannual programme
clár ilbhliantúil
PFE; potential future credit exposure
neamhchosaint fhéideartha todhcaí ar chreidmheas
preferential child sex abuser
drochúsáideoir gnéasach ar túisce leis leanaí
Community initiative concerning economic and social regeneration in urban areas; Community initiative concerning economic and social regeneration of cities and of neighbourhoods in crisis in order to promote sustainable urban development; URBAN II
tionscnamh Comhphobail maidir le hathghiniúint eacnamaíoch agus shóisialta cathracha agus comharsanachtaí a bhfuil géarchéim iontu d''fhonn forbraíocht uirbeach inbhuanaithe a chur ar aghaidh; tionscnamh Comhphobail maidir le hathghiniúint eacnamaíoch agus shóisialta i gceantair uirbeacha; URBAN II
Community Initiative for rural development; Leader+
Leader +; Tionscnamh Comhphobail um Fhorbairt Tuaithe
potential exposure
nochtadh féideartha
Croatian Democratic Union
Aontas Daonlathach na Cróite
ACAT; Action by Christians against Torture; Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture
ACAT; Gníomhaíocht ag Críostaithe i gcoinne na Céastóireachta
CDU-CPP; Christian Democratic Union - Czech People's Party; Christian Democratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party; KDU-CSL
An tAontas Daonlathach Críostaí - Páirtí Phobal na Seice
Christian National Union; ZChN
Aontas Náisiúnta na gCríostaithe
First Lord of the Treasury
Céad-Tiarna an Státchiste
CDPP; Christian Democratic People's Party; HCP
Páirtí an Phobail Dhaonlathaigh Chríostaí
citrange stunt virus; citrus tatter leaf capillovirus; citrus tatter leaf virus; tatter leaf virus
víreas stialldhuilleoige an chrainn citris
rule on preferential origin
riail maidir le tionscnamh fabhrach
Irish Translators' Association; Irish Translators’ and Interpreters’ Association; ITA; ITIA
Cumann Aistritheoirí na hÉireann
Egyptian tortoise
toirtís Éigipteach
ESMI; European Spatial Metadata Infrastructure
Bonneagar Meiteashonraí Spásúla na hEorpa
SCLC; Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Southern Leadership Conference; Southern Leadership Conference on Transportation and Nonviolent Integration
Comhdháil Cheannaireachta Críostaí an Deiscirt; SCLC
UATUC; Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia
Aontas Cheardchumainn Fhéinrialaitheacha na Cróite
martial law
dlí airm
DCMI; Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
DCMI; Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
CEA; Croatian Employers' Association
CEA; Cumann Fostóirí na Cróite
EITI; Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
EITI; tionscnamh um thrédhearcacht na dtionscal eastóscach
GAAS; generally accepted auditing standard
caighdeán iniúchóireachta a bhfuil glacadh coitianta leis
evidentiary item; item produced in evidence
rud a tugadh ar aird i bhfianaise
negotiated procedure after prior publication of a contract notice; negotiated procedure with prior call for competition; negotiated procedure with prior publication; negotiated procedure with publication of a contract notice
nós imeachta idirbheartaíochta ina bhfoilsítear iarratas ar thairiscintí roimh ré
negotiated procedure without prior call for competition; negotiated procedure without prior publication; negotiated procedure without prior publication of a call for competition; negotiated procedure without prior publication of a contract notice
nós imeachta idirbheartaíochta gan iarratas ar thairiscintí a fhoilsiú roimh ré
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Ambasadóir urghnách agus lánchumhachtach
Minister Plenipotentiary
aire lánchumhachtach
initial aid; launching aid; starter aid; start-up aid
cabhair thosaithe
new cocoyam; new coco-yam; yantia
cabáiste cairibeach
essential oils
gentian root
fréamh an cheadharlaigh bhuí mhóir
berseem; Egyptian clover
seamair Éigipteach
initial depreciation allowance
lamháltas dímheasa tosaigh
conclusive force; evidential value; evidentiary effect; evidentiary value; evidentiary weight; probative force; probative value; probative weight
luach fianaiseach; ualach cruthúnais
preferential creditor; preferred creditor; privileged creditor; senior creditor; senior lender
creidiúnaí tosaíochta
pay gap; wage differential; wage gap
bearna phá; difreálach pá
directives for negotiation; directives for negotiations; negotiating directives; negotiation directives
treoracha caibidlíochta
micro-prudential measure; prudential measure; prudential requirement; prudential rule
beart stuamachta; ceanglas stuamachta; riail stuamachta
initial vocational education and training; IVET; IVT
gairmoiliúint tosaigh; oiliúint tosaigh
prudential control; prudential supervision
maoirseacht stuamachta; rialú stuamachta
initial teacher education; initial teacher training; ITE; ITT
oiliúint tosaigh múinteoirí
HEI; higher education establishment; higher education institution; tertiary education institution; third level educational institution
institiúid ardoideachais
essential validity; material validity; substantive validity
bailíocht ábhartha
multiannual framework programme
clár réime ilbhliantúil
own-initiative opinion
tuairim féintionscnaimh
Credentials Committee
an Coiste um Dhintiúir
negotiated procedure
nós imeachta idirbheartaíochta; nós imeachta idirbheartaithe
partial invitation to tender
iarratas páirteach ar thairiscintí
DA; differentiated appropriation
LD; leithreasú difreálaithe
NDA; non-differentiated appropriation
leithreasuithe neamhdhifreáilte; LN
chapter; negotiating chapter; negotiation chapter
caibidil idirbheartaíochta
negotiable instrument
ionstraim shoshannta
MTN; multilateral trade negotiations
caibidlíocht iltaobhach trádála
maximum equilibrium catch; maximum sustainable yield; MSY; potential yield
uastáirgeacht inbhuanaithe; uastoradh inbhuanaithe
Outer Space Treaty; Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies
an Conradh ar na Prionsabail lena rialaítear Gníomhaíochtaí Stát i dTaiscéalaíocht agus in Úsáid an Chianspáis, lena n-áirítear an Ghealach agus Reanna Neimhe eile; an Conradh Cianspáis
Partial Test Ban Treaty; PTBT; Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water
an Conradh lena gcoisctear Tástálacha Arm Núicléach san Atmaisféar, sa Chianspás agus Faoi Uisce; an Conradh Páirtchoiscthe trialacha
e.g.; exempli gratia; for example
e.g.; mar shampla
diazo naphthionic acid
aigéad dé-asanaiftianach
conscientiously and impartially
go coinsiasach neamhchlaon
negotiable certificate
deimhniú inaistrithe
duly substantiated request
iarraidh chuí-réasúnaithe
essential element
eilimint riachtanach; eilimint shár-riachtanach
to enter into negotiations
téigh i mbun caibidlíochta; tús a chur le caibidlíocht
on the initiative of ...
ar thionscnamh ...; ar thionscnamh ó ...
differential allowance
liúntas difreálach
SDI; Star Wars; Star Wars program; Strategic Defense Initiative
SDI; Tionscnamh Straitéiseach Cosanta
by negotiation
trí chaibidlíocht; trí idirbheartaíocht
circumstantial suspension; occasional suspension
fionraíocht imthoisceach; fionraíocht ócáideach
initialled by the President
agus inisealacha an Uachtaráin leis
African and Malagasy Common Organisation; African and Mauritian Common Organisation; OCAM
Comheagraíocht Afracach agus Mhalagásach; Comheagraíocht Afracach agus Mhuiríseach; OCAM
by negotiation
trí chaibidlíocht; trí idirbheartaíocht
Agreement between the Member States of the European Communities on the Simplification and Modernisation of Methods of Transmitting Extradition Requests; San Sebastian Agreement; Telefax Agreement
Comhaontú idir Bhallstáit na gComhphobal Eorpach maidir le simpliú agus nuachóiriú modhanna chun iarrataí ar eiseachadadh a tharchur
Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies
an Comhaontú chun Státghníomhaíochtaí ar an nGealach agus ar Reanna Neimhe eile a rialú
Convention concerning the Partial Revision of the Conventions Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its First Thirty-two Sessions for the Purpose of Standardising the Provisions regarding the Preparation of Reports ; Final Articles Revision Convention, 1961
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le páirtleasú na gCoinbhinsiún arna nglacadh ag Comhdháil Ghinearálta na hEagraíochta Idirnáisiúnta Saothair ag an dá sheisiún is tríocha tosaigh ar mhaithe le caighdeánú na bhforálacha a bhaineann le hullmhú na dtuarascálacha ag Co
Convention for the Partial Revision of the Conventions Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at Its First Twenty-eight Sessions for the Purpose of Making Provision for the Future Discharge of Certain Chancery Functions; Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hathbhreithniú páirteach ar na coinbhinsiúin a ghlac Comhdháil Ghinearálta an EIS ina céad ocht seisiún is fiche
Convention concerning Termination of Employment at the Initiative of the Employer; Termination of Employment Convention, 1982
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Foirceannadh Fostaíochta ar Thionscnamh an Fhostóra
Agreement on the Preservation of the Confidentiality of Data concerning Deep Seabed Areas
an Comhaontú maidir le Caomhnú Rúndachta Sonraí a bhaineann le Limistéir de Ghrinneall na Domhainfharraige
2-methoxy-2-methylpropane; methyl <i>tert</i>-butyl ether; methyl <i>tertiary</i>-butyl ether; MTBE
éitear búitileach treasach meitileach; MTBE
spatial planning
pleanáil spáis; pleanáil spásúlachta
preferential duty; preferential duty rate; preferential rate; preferential rate of duty
dleacht tosaíochta
growth potential
acmhainneacht fáis
residential property; residential real estate; residential real estate property; RRE
réadmhaoin chónaithe
customs value; customs value of goods; dutiable value; value of goods for customs purposes
luach custaim
Community initiative for rural development; LEADER
tionscnamh Comhphobail um fhorbairt na tuaithe
Community initiative concerning border areas; Interreg
Interreg; tionscnamh Comhphobail maidir le réigiúin teorann
differential allowance
liúntas difreálach
partial permanent invalidity
buaneasláine pháirteach
EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement; Open Partial Agreement on Major Hazards (EUR-OPA); Open partial agreement on the prevention of, protection against, and organisation of relief in major natural and technological disasters
Comhaontú EUR-OPA maidir le Mórghuaiseacha; Comhaontú Páirteach Oscailte maidir le tubaistí a chosc, cosaint ina n-aghaidh, agus fóirithint a eagrú i gcás mórtubaistí nádúrtha agus teicneolaíocha
contrary to the essential interests of its security
contrártha do leasanna bunúsacha a shlándála
in essential respects
go bunúsach
substantial purchases
ceannacháin thábhachtacha
substantial relaxation in the rules ...
maolú substaintiúil ar na rialacha...
to initiate action
tionscain caingean
to initiate research
taighde a thionscnamh
to initiate
lithium hydroxide
hiodrocsaíd litiam
lithium hydride
hidríd litiam
exclusive or partially exclusive licence
ceadúnas eisiach nó páirt-eisiach
lithium carbonate
carbónáit litiam
lithium chloride
clóiríd litiam
initial ceiling
uasteorainn tosaigh
lithium fluoride
fluairíd litiam
to initiate a procedure
nós imeachta a thionscnamh
impartially and conscientiously
go neamhchlaon coinsiasach
initial period
tréimhse tosaigh
price differential
difreálach praghsanna
to differentiate
multilateral initiative
tionscnamh iltaobhach
to act on one's own initiative
gníomhaigh ar do chonlán féin; gníomhaigh ar do thionscnamh féin
the undersigned Plenipotentiaries
na Lánchumhachtaigh thíos-sínithe
on the initiative of
ar thionscnamh
to safeguard the essential interests of the Community
leas bunúsach an Chomhphobail a choimirciú
essential oils of citrus fruits; resinoids
blátholaí as torthaí ciotrais; roisíneoidí
potential for additional non-inflationary growth
an acmhainneacht forás neamhbhoilscitheach breise a ghnóthú
increasing its growth potential
a hárach foráis a mhéadú
the Community shall take as its basis for negotiation the provisions ...
beidh na forálacha ... mar bhonn caibidlíochta ag an gComhphobal; glacfaidh an Comhphobal, mar bhonn caibidlíochta, na forálacha ...
the essential interests of the Member State
leasanna bunúsacha an Bhallstáit
Croatia; Republic of Croatia
an Chróit; Poblacht na Cróite
consequential amendments
leasú iarmhartach
ODP; ozone-depleting potential; ozone-depletion potential; ozone-destroying potential
acmhainn ídithe ózóin; ODP
global warming potential; GWP
acmhainneacht téite domhanda
an Udmairt
South Ossetia; Tskhinvali region
an Oiséit Theas
initial margin
éarlais tosaigh
macroprudential risk; systemic risk; system-wide risk
riosca macrastuamachta; riosca sistéamach
Donostia–San Sebastián; San Sebastián
Donostia-San Sebastián; San Sebastián
2-methyl-2-ethoxypropane; ETBE; ethyl tert-butyl ether; ethyl tertiary butyl ether
éitear búitileach treasach eitileach; ETBE
EGI; European Growth Initiative; European Initiative for Growth
Tionscnamh Eorpach i gcomhair Fáis
initial maturity; maturity at issue; original maturity
aibíocht tosaigh
CEI; Central European Initiative
CEI; Tionscnamh Lár na hEorpa
inertial guidance system; inertial navigation equipment; inertial navigation system; inertial navigation unit; INS; INU
córas loingseoireachta támhúla
preferential tariff measure
beart fabhrach taraife
Dalmatian pelican
peileacán Dalmátach
aleutian Canada goose
gé Ailiúit
Committee on Negotiations with Intergovernmental Agencies
an Coiste um Chaibidlíocht le Gníomhaireachtaí Idir-Rialtasacha
consequential damage
damáiste iarmhartach
Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela
the depletion of catch potential
ídiú na n-acmhainní iascaigh
provisions which are substantially reproduced
foráil atá atáirgthe go substaintiúil
organise statistical work at appropriate administrative levels and duly observe the need for statistical confidentiality
obair staidrimh a eagrú ar leibhéil riarthacha iomchuí agus riachtanas na rúndachta staidrimh a urramú go cuí
tertiary education
oideachas treasach
Final Act embodying the results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations; Marrakesh Final Act
Ionstraim Chríochnaitheach a chorpraíonn torthaí Bhabhta Uragua den Chaibidlíocht Iltaobhach Trádála
substantiating document
doiciméad a thugann bunús leis an éileamh
Community initiative concerning urban areas; URBAN
tionscnamh Comhphobail maidir le ceantair uirbeacha
initial application
iarratas tosaigh
Community initiative concerning border development, cross-border cooperation and selected energy networks; Interreg II
Interreg II; tionscnamh Comhphobail maidir le forbairt réigiúin teorann, comhar trasteorann agus gréasáin fuinnimh roghnaithe
rare disease
galar dílleachta; galar neamhchoitianta; tearcghalar
the models must be differentiated
ní mór idirdhealú a dhéanamh idir na múnlaí
confidentiality agreement; NDA; non-disclosure agreement
comhaontú rúndachta
total cation content
cion iomlán caitian
Final Act of the United Nations Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Status of Refugees and Stateless Persons
Ionstraim Chríochnaitheach de Chomhdháil Lánchumhachtaigh na Náisiún Aontaithe ar Stádas Dídeanaithe agus Daoine gan Stát
penal institution; penitentiary
foras pionóis; peannadlann
preferential payment
íocaíocht fhabhrach; íocaíocht tosaíochta
MIP; multiannual indicative programme
clár ilbhliantúil táscach; MIP
IFPS; Integrated Initial Flight Plan Processing System
Córas Cómhtháite um Thúsphróiseáil Pleananna Eitilte
bona vacantia
bona vacantia
SECI; Southeast European Cooperative Initiative
SECI; Tionscnamh Comhair Oirdheisceart na hEorpa
ceadharlach buí mór
natantian decapods n.e.i.
déiceapód natantia nach n-áirítear in áit eile
joint initiative
tionscnamh comhpháirteach
proposal or initiative to build upon the Schengen acquis
togra nó tionscnamh chun cur le acquis Schengen
tertiary prevention
cosc treasach
negotiating box
bosca caibidlíochta
FAQ; Frequently Asked Questions
ceisteanna coitianta
DCI; Defence Capabilities Initiative
Tionscnamh na gCumas Cosanta
blackfin icefish; Scotia Sea icefish
oigheariasc dubheite
greater lizardfish
laghairtiasc mór
brushtooth lizardfish
laghairtiasc mórghainneach
initial operating capability; initial operational capability; IOC
cumas oibriúcháin tosaigh; IOC
IMD; initiating directive; Initiating Military Directive
an Treoir Mhíleata Thionscnaimh; treoir thionscnaimh
differentiation principle; principle of differentiation
prionsabal na difreála
risk assessment of potential crises
measúnú riosca ar ghéarchéimeanna féideartha
Initial Planning Guidance
Treoraíocht Tosaigh Pleanála
Instrument Amending the Constitution of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994)
Ionstraim lena leasaítear Bunreacht an Aontais Idirnáisiúnta Teileachumarsáide (an Ghinéiv, 1992), arna leasú ag an gComhdháil lánchumhachtach (Kyoto, 1994)
Instrument Amending the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994)
Ionstraim lena leasaítear Coinbhinsiún an Aontais Idirnáisiúnta Teileachumarsáide (an Ghinéiv, 1992), arna leasú ag an gComhdháil lánchumhachtach (Kyoto, 1994)
status as a potential candidate for EU membership
stádas mar iarrthóir féideartha ar bhallraíocht san AE
EU-Croatia Stabilisation and Association Agreement; Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Croatia, of the other part
an Comhaontú Cobhsaíochta agus Comhlachais idir na Comhphobail Eorpacha agus a mBallstáit, de pháirt, agus Poblacht na Cróite, den pháirt eile
Lord's Resistance Army; LRA
Arm Frithbheartaíochta an Tiarna; LRA
financial framework; MFF; multiannual financial framework
CAI; creat airgeadais; creat airgeadais ilbhliantúil
residential micro CHP; residential micro-cogeneration
micrea-chomhghiniúint chónaithe
Geneva Accord; Geneva Initiative
Comhaontú na Ginéive
CBDR; CDR; common but differentiated responsibility; principle of common but differentiated responsibility
comhfhreagracht atá difreáilte; prionsabal na comhfhreagrachta ach atá difreáilte
4-[(4-dimethylaminophenyl)-phenyl-methyl]-N,N-dimethyl-aniline; crystal violet; Gentian violet; hexamethyl pararosaniline chloride; methyl violet 10B
vialait chriostail
differential thermal analysis; DTA
anailís theirmeach dhifreálach; DTA
differential scanning calorimetry; DSC
calraiméadracht scanacháin dhifreálaigh; DSC
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative; EU ambassador; permanent representative; PR
TNG; Trade Negotiations Group
an Grúpa um Chaibidlíocht Trádála; GCT
W; West
an tIarthar
multi-infarct dementia
néaltrú soithíoch
ICLEI; ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability; International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives
ICLEI; Rialtais Áitiúla ar son na hInbhuanaitheachta
ADAPT; Adaptation of the Workforce to Industrial Change; Community initiative on adaptation of the workforce to industrial change
tionscnamh Comhphobail um an lucht saothair a oiriúnú d'athruithe tionsclaíocha
International Assets Valuation Standards Committee; International Valuation Standards Council; IVSC; TIAVSC
an Chomhairle Idirnáisiúnta um Chaighdeáin Luachála; IVSC
RCI; Responsible Care initiative
Tionscnamh Cúraim Fhreagraigh
DDR; differentiated discount rate
ráta lascaine difreáilte; RLD
partially untied aid financing
maoiniú cabhrach páirt-neamhcheangailte
partially untied aid credit
creidmheas cabhrach páirt-neamhcheangailte
partial supplier
soláthraí páirteach
differential between financing options
difreálach idir na roghanna maoiniúcháin
PDI; potential daily intake
iontógáil laethúil fhéideartha; PDI
3-tertiary-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole; 4-methoxy-2-tert-butyl-phenol; butylated hydroxyanisole; butylhydroxyanisole
búitil-4-hiodrocsanasól 3-treasach; búitilhiodrocsanasól
partial polyglycerol esters of polycondensed fatty acids of castor oil
eistir pholaigliocróil pháirteacha d'aigéid shailleacha pholaichomhdhlúite d'ola ricne
protective strip
stiall chosantach
interstitial fat
saill scáineach
preferential margin
corrlach fabhrach
growth potential
cumas fáis
initial capital; initial fund
caipiteal tosaigh; ciste tosaigh
marketable monetary instrument; negotiable monetary instrument
ionstraim airgeadais indíolta; ionstraim airgeadais shoshannta
essential amino acid; indispensable amino acid
aimínaigéad riachtanach
exponential phase; log phase; logarithmic phase
pas logartamach
inertia brake; overrun brake; overrunning type brake
coscán táimhe
androgen antagonist; antiandrogen
preferential tariff measures
bearta fabhracha taraife
preferential tariff treatment
cóireáil fhabhrach taraife
non-preferential origin; non-preferential origin of goods
tionscnamh neamhfhabhair earraí
preferential origin of goods
tionscnamh fabhrach earraí
partial relief
faoiseamh páirteach
GAAP; general accounting principle; generally accepted accounting principles
caighdeáin chuntasaíochta a bhfuil glacadh coitianta leo; cleachtas cuntasaíochta a bhfuil glacadh leis; cleachtas cuntasíochta a nglactar i gcoitinne leis; GAAP; prionsabail chuntasaíochta a bhfuil glactha leo go ginearálta
breaker strip; protective breaker
stiall chosantach
tertiary structure
struchtúr treasach
market potential
acmhainneacht chun margaidh
frontal lobe dementia; frontotemporal dementia
néaltrú maotháin tosaigh
circumstantial evidence of concertation
fianaise imthoisceach ar chomhbheartú
differential attenuation effect
éifeacht an mhaolúcháin dhifreálaigh
differential reflectivity of the rain
frithchaiteacht dhifreálach na báistí
spatial structure of rain
struchtúr spásúil na báistí
conditional exponential law
dlí easpónantúil coinníollach
exponential behaviour of the variate
iompraíocht easpónantúil na hathráide
preferential treatment
cóir fhabhrach
interest rate differential; interest rate spread
difreálach rátaí úis; raon difríochta i rátaí úis; raon rátaí úis
flotation; flotation on the stock market; going public; initial public offering; IPO; stock market launch
tairiscint tosaigh don phobal; TTP
masurium; technetium
cassiopium; lutetium
equivalent inertia
táimhe choibhéiseach
residential building
foirgneamh cónaithe
Lord Derby's flying squirrel
iora eitilte an Tiarna Derby
general authorisation; general credentials
údarú ginearálta
prudential standard
caighdeán stuamachta
Sarmatian stage
an tréimhse Sharmátach
to bring an action; to bring legal proceedings; to initiate legal proceedings; to institute legal proceedings; to introduce legal proceedings; to take legal action
imeachtaí a thionscnamh
defendant on whom an application initiating proceedings has been duly served
cosantóir a ndearnadh doiciméad tionscanta imeachtaí a sheirbheáil air go cuí
application initiating third-party proceedings
iarratas tionscanta imeachtaí tríú páirtí
application initiating proceedings
iarratas tionscanta imeachtaí
FITC; fluorescein isothiocyanate
isitiaicianáit fluaraisine
cation-exchange column
colún catianmhalartaithe
cation exchange resin; cation-exchange resin
roisín malartaithe caitian
substantia nigra
substaint dhubh
essential product
táirge riachtanach
agreement in negotiations on compensatory adjustment
comhaontú sa chaibidlíocht maidir leis an gcoigeartú cúiteach
non-preferential commercial policy instrument
ionstraim neamhfhabhrach beartais tráchtála
application for the initiation of an investigation
iarratas ar thús a chur le himscrúdú
request for confidentiality
iarraidh ar rúndacht
non-confidential summary
achoimre nach bhfuil faoi rún; achoimre neamhrúnda
SDT; special and differential treatment
cóireáil speisialta, dhifreálaithe
substantially equivalent obligation
oibleagáid atá coibhéiseach cuid mhaith
disclosure of confidential information
faisnéis faoi rún a nochtadh; nochtadh faisnéise atá faoi rún
negotiation of specific commitments
caibidlíocht ceangaltas sonrach
Negotiating Group on Movement of Natural Persons
grúpa caibidlíochta um ghluaisteacht daoine nadúrtha
accession negotiations
caibidlíocht aontachais; idirbheartaíocht aontachais
harmonization of non-preferential rules
rialacha neamhfhabhracha a chomhchuibhiú
Committee for implementation of the multiannual framework programme for actions in the energy sector
Coiste chun an cláir réime ilbhliantúil maidir le gníomhaíochtaí in earnáil an fhuinnimh a chur chun feidhme
ENVIREG; Regional action programme on the initiative of the Commission concerning the environment
Clár gníomhaíochta réigiúnach maidir le tionscnamh an Choimisiúin i dtaca leis an gcomhshaol; ENVIREG
Community initiative to promote equal opportunities for women in the field of employment and vocational training; Employment-NOW; Employment-NOW (New Opportunities for Women); Employment-NOW Initiative
Fostaíocht NOW; Tionscnamh Comhphobail chun comhdheiseanna a chur chun cinn do mhná i réimsí na fostaíochta agus na gairmoiliúna
Multiannual programme(1991 to 1993)for developing Community tourism statistics
Clár ilbhliantúil (1991-1993) chun staidreamh Comhphobail turasóireachta a fhorbairt
Multiannual programme for the development of Community statistics on research,development and innovation(1993-97)
Clár ilbhliantúil chun staidreamh Comhphobail a fhorbairt maidir le taighde, forbraíocht agus nuálaíocht (1993-97)
Multiannual programme of Community measures to intensify the priority areas and to ensure the continuity and consolidation of policy for enterprise, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises, in the Community
Clár ilbhliantúil de bhearta Comhphobail chun na réimsí tosaíochta a threisiú agus chun leanúnachas agus comhdhlúthú an bheartais fiontraíochta a áirithiú sa Chomhphobal, go háirithe i measc fiontar beag agus meánmhéide
expenditure for the initial establishment
caiteachas ar an bhunaíocht tosaigh
substantial alteration of the competitive structure
athrú substaintiúil ar an struchtúr iomaíoch
product differentiation barrier
bacainn mar gheall ar dhifreáil táirgí
GATT multilateral trade negotiations
caibidlíocht iltaobhach trádála CGGT
partial suspension of duty
fionraí pháirteach ar dhleachtanna
contract negotiated away from business premises
conradh a idirbheartaítear in áit seachas an áitreabh gnó
flexible multiannual financial framework
creat airgeadais ilbhliantúil solúbtha
agreement on the harmonization of non-preferential rules of origin
comhaontú maidir le rialacha tionscnaimh neamhfhabhair a chomhchuibhiú
IF steel; interstitial-free steel
cruach agus gan aon scáineadh ann
undifferentiated non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
liomfóma neamhdhifreáilte neamh-Hodgkin
inertia reel
partial unemployment; short time; short-time work; short-time working; work-sharing unemployment
obair ghearr-ama; páirt-dífhostaíocht
limited-slip differential; LSD
difreálach teoranta sleamhnaithe
potential alcoholic strength
neart alcóil féideartha
potential alcoholic strength by mass
neart alcóil féideartha de réir maise
lithium hydroxide
hiodrocsaíd litiam
hypo; sodium thiosulphate
sóidiam tiasulfáite
stiall thraipéasóideach
residential mortgage credit; residential mortgage loan
iasacht mhorgáiste áite cónaithe
tertiary boycott
baghcat treasach
credentials; letter of credentials; letters of credence
litir dintiúr
notice of initiation of an anti-dumping proceeding
fógra tionscnaimh maidir le himeachtaí frithdhumpála
partial-flow-dilution system
córas caolúcháin pháirtsreafa
the enterprise dimension essential to Community growth
gné na fiontraíochta is sár-riachtananach don fhás Comhphobail
statistical confidentiality; statistical secrecy
rúndacht staidrimh
with complete impartiality and independence
le neamhchlaontacht agus neamhspleáchas iomlán
a dominant position within the common market or in a substantial part of it
ceannasacht sa chómhargadh nó i gcuid mhór de
to conclude the negotiations
caibidlíocht a thabhairt chun críche
to determine by negotiation
cinneadh trí chaibidlíocht
preferential agreement; preferential trade agreement; PTA
comhaontú um thrádáil fhabhrach
potential competitor
iomaitheoir ionchasach
to initiate an infringement proceeding
imeacht um shárú a thionscnamh
negotiable warehouse receipt; warehouse warrant
barántas trádstórais; fáltas inaistrithe trádstórais
confidential accounting
cuntasaíocht faoi iontaoibh
limited review of financial statements; partial audit; restricted audit
iniúchóireacht shrianta
cost of acquisition; historical cost; initial costs
costas stairiúil; túschostas
dock warrant; negotiable warehouse receipt; warehouse receipt; warehouse release; warehouse warrant; warrant; WR
barántas duga; barántas trádstórais
partial cost system
córas um chostais pháirteacha
marketable security; negotiable instrument; negotiable security
ionstraim shoshannta
ex gratia payment
íocaíocht ex-gratia
soil moisture tension; soil suction; soil water potential; soil water suction; soil water tension
súchán ithreach
interstitial absorbing coating; interstitial opaque coating
bratú teimhneach scáineach; bratú teimhneach súiteach
Egyptian vulture
bultúr Éigipteach
Egyptian goose
gé Éigipteach
contagious agalactia
agalaicse ghabhálach
freely negotiable share
scair soshannta go neamhshrianta
negotiation of credit
caibidlíocht chreidmheasa
procedure on complaint or on the Commission's own initiative
nós imeachta de dhroim gearáin nó ar thionscnamh an Choimisiúin féin
differential ratio
cóimheas difreálaigh
good of a kind in general supply
earra de chineál atá ar fáil go coitianta
activated partial thromboplastin time; APTT; partial thromboplastin time; thromboplastin time
am trombaplaistine páirteach gníomhachtaithe; APTT
2-methoxy-2-methylbutane; methyl tert-amyl ether; TAME; tert-amyl methyl ether; tertiary amyl methyl ether; tert-pentyl methyl ether
éitear meitileach aimileach treasach
DIAL; differential absorption Lidar; differential absorption light detection and ranging
ionsú difreálach LIDAR
Eagle's Minimum Essential Medium; EMEM; MEM; Minimal Essential Medium; Minimum Essential Medium Eagle
meán riachtanach íosta Eagle
quaternary ammonium cation
caitian amóiniam ceathartha
coefficient of partial correlation; partial correlation coefficient
comhéifeacht pháirt-chomhghaolúcháin
partial regression coefficient
comhéifeacht pháirtchúlaithe
sequential sampling
sampláil sheicheamhach
derivative thermogravimetric analysis; derivative thermogravimetry; differential thermogravimetric analysis; differential thermogravimetry; DTG
teirmi-mheá-mhéadracht dhíorthach
inertia braking system
córas coscánaithe táimhe
automatic celestial navigation
loingseoireacht réaltach uathoibríoch; uathloingseoireacht réaltach
ballistic inertia reel
támhspól balaistíoch
catenary curtain
stiall chaitéineach
celestial-inertial guidance
treorú támhúil neamhaí
celestial navigation
loingseoireacht réaltach
circumferential gas bag wires
sreanga imlíneacha le haghaidh málaí gáis
circumferential outer cover wires
sreanga imlíneacha seachtracha
differential ailerons
ailearáin dhifreálacha
differential pressure
brú difreálach
inertial autonavigator
trealamh támhloingseoireachta
inertial guidance
treoraíocht thámhúil
inertial space
spás támhúil
inertial velocity
treoluas támhúil
inertia welding
táthú táimhe
initial approach area
limistéar ascnaimh thosaigh
initial erection
ardú tosaigh
initial force
fórsa tosaigh
potentiating effect
éifeacht neartaitheach
conloss; consequential damage; consequential loss
caillteanas iarmhartach
evoked potential; evoked response
freagairt dhúisithe
ohmic overpotential; ohmic overvoltage; resistance overpotential; resistance overvoltage; solution ir drop
róvoltas friotaíochta; róvoltas ómach
confidential data
sonraí rúnda
partial unemployment benefit; short-time working benefit
sochar dífhostaíochta páirtí
potential activity
gníomhaíocht fhéideartha
potential pollution
truailliúchán féideartha
land management; land use planning; resource planning and development; spatial planning; town and country planning
bainistíocht talún; pleanáil agus forbairt acmhainní; pleanáil bhaile agus tuaithe; pleanáil spásúlachta; pleanáil úsáide talún
partial payment; payment on account; progress payment; running payment
íocaíocht de réir dul chun cinn
minor; minor canal; tertiary canal
canáil threasach
balance sheet of potencial franchisee; check-up on potential franchisor
clár comhardaithe saincheadúnaí dóchúil; measúnú ar shaincheadúnóir dóchúil
potential market appraisal; potential market estimate
meastachán den mhargadh féideartha
potential franchisee; prospective franchisee
saincheadúnaí ionchasach
franchisee initial investment
infheistíocht tosaigh an tsaincheadúnaí
essential nutrient
cothaitheach riachtanach
chafer; strip
medical confidentiality
rúndacht leighis
symplasm; syncytium
sincítiam; siomplasma
lymphocytoma; SLL; small lymphocytic lymphoma; well-differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma; well-differentiated lymphocytic malignant lymphoma
potential alcoholic strength by volume
neart alcóil féideartha de réir toirte
tertiary packaging; transport packaging
pacáistíocht iompair; pacáistíocht threasach
initial margin; original margin
éarlais tosaigh
beginning inventory; initial inventory; initial stock; inventory brought forward from previous year; opening inventory; opening stock; starting inventory
stoc tosaigh
economic potential; economic strength
acmhainneacht eacnamaíoch; poitéinseal eacnamaíoch
to be as familiar as possible with the requirements of potential users
bheith chomh heolach agus is féidir ar riachtanais na n-úsáideoiri féideartha
distribution; spatial distribution
dáileadh spásúil
foreseeable liabilities and potential losses
dliteanais intuartha agus caillteanais fhéideartha
Egyptian ophthalmia; granular conjunctivitis; granular ophthalmia; military ophthalmia; trachoma
Alzheimer dementia; Alzheimer disease; Alzheimer sclerosis; Alzheimer's disease
galar Alzheimer
differential diagnosis
diagnóis dhifreálach
Hand-Schüller-Christian disease; Hand-Schuller-Christian syndrome; Hand-Schüller-Christian triad; multifocal unisystem Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis; normal cholesteraemic xanthomatosis
galar Hand-Schüller-Christian; granalóma eoisinifileach ilfhócasach
interstitial cell stimulating hormone; luteinising hormone
hormón lúitéinitheach
generic name; INN; International Nonproprietary Name; recommended International Nonproprietary Name; rINN
ainm cineálach; ainm cineálach ceimiceach; ainm coitianta; an t-ainm neamhdhílseánaigh idirnáisiúnta; ANI
clotting potential; coagulability
dipstick; test strip; testing strip
slat tumtha; stiall tástála
sequential model
samhail sheicheamhach
ticket strip
stiall ticéad
wayside initiated emergency braking
coscánú éigeandála tionscanta ó thaobh bealaigh
partially unemployed
dífhostaithe go páirteach
exponential smoothing
smúdáil easpónantúil
partially balanced incomplete block design
blocdhearadh neamhiomlán páirtchothromaithe
cationic dye
ruaim chaitianach
essential requirement
initiation and promotion assay; initiation-promotion assay; initiation-promotion experiment; initiation-promotion test
biologic capacity; biologic potential; biological capacity; biological potential; biotic potential; gross biologic capacity; gross biological capacity; gross reproductive capacity; reproductive capacity; reproductive potential
poitéinseal bitheach
negotiable B.L.; negotiable bill of lading
bille luchta inaistrithe
clean negotiable bill of lading
bille luchta soshannta glan
essential goods; essentials; necessaries
earraí bunriachtanacha
potential user
úsáideoir féideartha
product differentiation
difreáil táirgí
semantic differential
difreáil shéimeantach
window strip
stiall fuinneoige
initiation rite
deasghnáth tionscnaimh
geographical labour mobility; geographical mobility; spatial labour mobility; spatial mobility of workers
soghluaisteacht gheografach
Li-ion battery; lithium-ion battery; swing battery
ceallra ian litiam
dutiable good; dutiable product
earraí indleachta
initial margin requirement
ceanglas éarlaise tosaigh
consensus estimate; consensus forecast; consensus service data; market consensus
réamhaisnéis na coitiantachta
elephantiasis; lymphatic filariasis
antiarrhythmic; anti-arrhythmic; antiarrhythmic agent; anti-arrhythmic agent; antiarrhythmic drug; antidysrhythmic; anti-dysrhythmic; anti-dysrhythmic agent; anti-dysrhythmic drug
oibreán frith-neamhrithimeach
vascular dementia
néaltrú soithíoch
formal education; initial education; regular school education and university education
oideachas foirmiúil
sequential measurement cell
cill thomhais sheicheamhaigh
inertial dust separator
deighilteoir deannaigh támhúil
differential refractometer; differential refractometry
athraonmhéadar difreálach
profile droplet separator
stialldeighilteoir braoiníní
rare species
speiceas neamhchoitianta
sequential indicator
táscaire seicheamhach
controlled-potential coulometry; controlled-potential coulometry method
modh cúlóiméadrachta an phoitéinsil rialaithe
potentially dangerous abandoned site
láithreán tréigthe a d'fhéadfadh a bheith contúirteach
potentially dangerous site
láithreán a d'fhéadfadh a bheith contúirteach
inertia selling
díol gan iarraidh
Freely negotiable credit
creidmheas soshannta go neamhshrianta
Confidentiality agreements
comhaontú rúndachta
residential care
cúram cónaithe; cúram cónaitheach
round of negotiations
babhta idirbheartaíochta
negotiable documentary credit
creidmheas doiciméadach inaistrithe
partial guarantee
ráthaíocht pháirteach
2,6-ditertiary-butyl-<I>p</I>-cresol; 4-methyl-2,6-ditert-butyl-phenol; 4-Methyl-2,6-ditertiarybutylphenol; butylated hydroxytoluene
2,6-búitil-p-créasól déthreasach; hiodrocsatolúéin bhúitilithe
greater lizardfish
laghairtiasc mór
brushtooth lizardfish; large-scale lizardfish
Altener II programme; Altener programme; Multiannual programme for the promotion of renewable energy sources in the Community
clár Altener II; clár ilbhliantúil chun foinsí inathnuaite fuinnimh sa Chomhphobal a chur chun cinn
Community initiative concerning transnational cooperation on spatial planning; INTERREG IIC
tionscnamh Comhphobail maidir le comhoibriú trasnáisiúnta ar phleanáil spásúlachta
Community initiative concerning the restructuring of the fisheries sector; PESCA
PESCA; tionscnamh Comhphobail maidir le hathstruchtúrú na hearnála iascaigh
Nanotechnology Information Devices initiative; Nanotechnology Information Devices research initiative; NID
an Tionscnamh Taighde um Ghléasanna Faisnéise Nanaitheicneolaíochta
PRISM; Progress Report "Initiatives in the single market"
PRISM; Tuarascáil ar an Dul chun Cinn maidir le "Tionscnaimh sa mhargadh aonair"
Christian Union
An tAontas Críostaí
ESI; European Stability Initiative
ESI; Tionscnamh Eorpach Cobhsaíochta
initiated aggression
ionsaitheacht thionscanta
spatial repeatability
in-atrialltacht spásúil
residential parking permit program; residential parking permit programme; RPP
clár cead páirceála d'áitritheoirí
potential competition
iomaíocht ionchasach
potential competitor
iomaitheoir ionchasach
initial costs; start-up costs
costais tionscnaimh
essential facility
saoráid riachtanach
negotiated plea; plea agreement; plea bargain; plea bargaining; sentence bargain
margáil pléadála
Transregional EU-ASEAN Trade Initiative; TREATI
Tionscnamh trádála trasréigiúnach AE-ASEAN
preferential origin
tionscnamh fabhrach
residential mortgage backed securities; RMBS
urrús le taca morgáistí cónaithe
multiannual Community programme to make digital content in Europe more accessible, usable and exploitable; the eContentplus Programme
an Clár eContentplus; clár ilbhliantúil Comhphobail chun inrochtaineacht, inúsáidteacht agus insaothraitheacht an inneachair dhigitigh san Eoraip a mhéadú
EU Energy Initiative; EU Energy Initiative for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development; EUEI
Tionscnamh fuinnimh AE; Tionscnamh Fuinnimh AE maidir le Díothú na Bochtaineachta agus Forbairt Inbhuanaithe
Interactive Policy Making initiative; IPM initiative
tionscnamh um cheapadh beartas idirghníomhach
Joint Technology Initiative; JTI
Comhthionscnamh Teicneolaíochta
research potential
acmhainn taighde
<i>Cyprinid herpesvirus 3</i>; carp interstitial nephritis; CNGV; CyHV-3; gill necrosis virus; KHV; koi herpes virus; koi herpesvirus
KHV; VHK; víreas heirpéis koi
Framework Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Croatia on the general principles for the participation of the Republic of Croatia in Community programmes
an creat-chomhaontú idir an Comhphobal Eorpach agus Poblacht na Cróite maidir leis na prionsabail ghinearálta i dtaca le rannpháirtíocht Phoblacht na Cróite i gcláir Chomhphobail
partial interim review
páirt-athbhreithniú eatramhach
Green Paper - European Transparency Initiative
Páipéar Uaine - Tionscnamh Trédhearcachta Eorpach