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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
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Iompar » Feithiclí ciallaíonn "inneall adhainte comhbhrú" nó "inneall AC" inneall dócháin a fheidhmíonn de réir phrionsabail na timthriallach "Díosal"
Transport » Vehicles "compression ignition engine" or "CI engine" means a combustion engine working according to the principles of the "Diesel" cycle
cartús a bhfuil an príméar i lár an bhoinn 2. arm tine atá in oiriúint do chartúis den chineál sin.
1. cartridge having the primer in the centre of the base 2. firearm adapted for such cartridges.
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
compression ignition engine
inneall adhainte comhbhrú
self-ignition; spontaneous combustion; spontaneous ignition
advance curve; ignition advance curve; timing advance curve; timing curve
cuar idir adhaint agus luathú
ignition loss; loss on ignition
caillteanas ar adhaint
MIE; minimum ignition energy
íosfhuinneamh adhainte
SI; spark ignition
engine misfire; misfire; miss
loiceadh adhainte
positive-ignition engine; SI engine; spark-ignition engine
inneall adhainte deimhní
C.I. engine; compression ignition engine; diesel engine
inneall adhainte comhbhrú; inneall díosail
ignition coil
corna adhainte
altitude relight
athadhaint le linn eitilte
high energy ignition unit
aonad adhainte ardfhuinnimh
flammable substance
substaint inadhainte
highly inflammable liquid
leacht an-inadhainte
gas appliance; gas-fired equipment; gas-fired installation
fearas gáis; fearas gásadhainte
flammability; inflammability
run-on; self-ignition; spontaneous ignition
firing order; firing sequence; ignition order
seicheamh adhainte
burning point; fire point; ignition point
adhaintphointe; dóphointe
approval of compression ignition (C.I.) engine
cineálcheadú innill adhainte chomhbhrú
Extremely flammable gas.
Gás fíor-inadhainte.
Flammable gas.
Gás inadhainte.
Extremely flammable aerosol.
Aerasól fíor-inadhainte.
Flammable aerosol.
Aerasól inadhainte.
Extremely flammable liquid and vapour.
Leacht fíor-inadhainte agus gal fhíor-inadhainte.
Highly flammable liquid and vapour.
Leacht an-inadhainte agus gal an-inadhainte.
Flammable liquid and vapour.
Leacht inadhainte agus gal inadhainte.
Flammable solid.
Solad inadhainte.
In contact with water releases flammable gases which may ignite spontaneously.
I dteagmháil le huisce scaoiltear gáis inadhainte a d'fhéadfadh uathadhaint.
In contact with water releases flammable gases.
I dteagmháil le huisce scaoiltear gáis inadhainte.
In use may form flammable/explosive vapour-air mixture.
Agus é á úsáid d’fhéadfaí meascán inadhainte/pléascach gaile-aeir a chruthú.
Can become highly flammable in use. Can become flammable in use.
D’fhéadfadh sé éirí an-inadhainte agus é á úsáid. D’fhéadfadh sé éirí inadhainte agus é á úsáid.
Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.
Ná spraeáil ar lasair gan chosaint ná ar fhoinse eile adhainte.
Eliminate all ignition sources if safe to do so.
Díothaigh gach foinse adhainte, má tá sé sábháilte é sin a dhéanamh.
command wire improvised explosive device; CWIED
feiste phléascach sheiftithe le cábla adhainte
ignition burner
dóire adhainte
misfire detection
brath loicthe adhainte
spark-ignited lean-burn gas engine
inneall gáis ísealdó spréachadhainte
gas-diesel engine
inneall díosail gásadhainte
multi-fuel firing gas boiler
coire gásadhainte ilbhreosla
ignition circuit
ciorcad adhainte (fir1)
advance the ignition
luathaigh an adhaint (br)
spontaneous combustion
dóchán uathadhainte (fir1)
compression ignition
adhaint chomhfháiscthe (bain2)
ignition distributor
imdháileoir adhainte (fir3)
dummy igniter set
gléas adhainte bréige (fir1)
self-igniting grenade
gránáid uathadhainte (bain2)
adhainteoir (fir3, gu: adhainteora, ai: adhainteoirí, gi: adhainteoirí)
igniter set
gléas adhainte (fir1)
ignition cap
caipín adhainte (fir4)
ignition point
adhaintphointe (fir4, gu: adhaintphointe, ai: adhaintphointí, gi: adhaintphointí)
ignition coil
tochardán adhainte (fir1)
means of ignition
ábhar adhainte (fir1)
cells in series
cadhainte ina sraith (bain)
adhain (br, abr: adhaint, aidbhr: adhainte)
adhaint (bain2, gu: adhainte)
advance the ignition
luathaigh an adhaint