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An Bunachar Náisiúnta Téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge
The National Terminology Database for Irish
aga · algal · alta · Alvá · a/a
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GAalga fir4
gu alga, iol algaí
ENalga s
pl algae
mataí móra algaí gléghlasa ar snámh
large mats of bright green floating algae
Torthaí gaolmhara Related matches
Gluaiseanna breise Auxilliary glossaries
breach of obligation
sárú dualgais
marine macroalgae; seaweeds
macralgaí muirí
standby duty
dualgas fuireachais
cryptographic algorithm; cryptologic algorithm; encipherment algorithm; encryption algorithm
algartam cripteagrafach; algartam criptiúcháin
amalgamation; merger
cónascadh; cumasc
burden of proof; onus of proof; onus probandi
dualgas cruthúnais
reversal of the burden of proof; reverse onus
aisiompú an dualgais cruthúnais; dualgas cruthúnais a aistriú
rights and duties arising out of a family relationship, parentage, marriage or affinity
cearta agus dualgais a eascraíonn as gaol teaghlaigh, tuismíochta, pósta nó cleamhnais
CERDS; Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States
Cairt um Chearta agus um Dhualgais Eacnamaíocha Stát
the Deputy Chairman shall ex officio replace the Chairman in the event of his being prevented from attending to his duties
Gabhfaidh an Leas-Chathaoirleach ionad an Chathaoirligh ar bhealach ex-officio mura mbíonn an Cathaoirleach in ann freastal ar a chuid dualgas
breach of duty
sárú dualgais
duties of committees
dualgais na gcoistí
1905 Effects of Marriage Convention; Convention relating to conflicts of laws with regard to the effects of marriage on the rights and duties of the spouses in their personal relationship and and with regard to their estates
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le hEasaontachtaí Dlíthe a bhaineann leis na hÉifeachtaí atá ag an bPósadh ar Chearta agus ar Dhualgais Céilí agus i dtaca lena nEastáit
Convention concerning the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers and Persons in War on Land
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cearta agus Dualgais Cumhachtaí agus Daoine Neodracha le linn Cogaidh ar Talamh
Convention respecting the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers in Maritime War
an Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cearta agus Dualgais Cumhachtaí Neodracha i gcás Cogaidh Mhuirí
the duties devolving upon them
dualgas a thitfidh orthu
before taking up his duties
sula rachaidh sé i mbun a dhualgas
upon taking up its duties
ar dhul i mbun a dhualgas dó
Protocol Instituting a Conciliation and Good Offices Commission to be Responsible for Seeking the Settlement of Any Disputes which May Arise between States Parties to the Convention against Discrimination in Education
Prótacal chun Coimisiún idir-réitigh agus cúnaimh a thionscnamh a mbeidh de dhualgas air réiteach a lorg ar aon díospóidí a d''fhéadfadh teacht chun cinn idir Stáit is páirtithe sa Choinbhinsiún i gcoinne idirdhealaithe sa chóras oideachais
principle of segregation of duties
prionsabal dheighilt na ndualgas
SCNWA; Sealing Commission for the Northwest Atlantic
Coimisiún um Shealgaireacht Rónta an Atlantaigh Thiar Thuaidh
duty to behave with integrity and discretion
dualgas chun bheith ionraic discréideach; dualgas chun bheith ionraic stuama
products obtained by hunting or fishing
táirgí a fhaightear trí shealgaireacht nó trí iascaireacht
duty to notify
dualgas maidir le fógra a thabhairt
fiduciary duty; fiduciary obligation
dualgas muiníneach
burden sharing
comhroinnt dualgas
solidarity in burden-sharing
dlúthpháirtíocht i gcomhroinnt dualgas
sting operation
oibríocht chealgach
duty to refuse to testify; to be prohibited from giving evidence,
cosc a chur ar dhuine fianaise a thabhairt; dualgas chun diúltú fianaise a thabhairt
BSA; burden-sharing agreement
comhaontú comhroinnte dualgas
reverse the burden of proof; reverse the onus
dualgas cruthúnais a aistriú
duty to behave with integrity and discretion
dualgas chun bheith ionraic discréideach
perform duties loyally,discreetly and conscientiously
dualgais a chomhlíonadh go dílis, go discréideach agus go coinsiasach
official carrying out the duties of Registrar
dualgais an Chláraitheora á gcomhlíonadh ag feidhmeannach; dualgais an Chláraitheora á gcur i gcrích ag feidhmeannach
algae biomass; algal biomass
bithmhais algaí
algae bloom; algal bloom; water bloom
blás algach
hours on duty
uaireanta ar dualgas
call duty; call-out; hours of duty on call
glao-dhualgas; uaireanta ar glao-dhualgas
work content
dualgais oibre
job content
dualgais poist
microalga; microphyte
algaculture; algae culture; algoculture
saothrú algaí
conveyance obligation
dualgas iompair
duty schedule
sceideal dualgas
duty sheet
bileog dualgas
split turn
dualgas dhá sheal
alga, growth inhibition test; algal growth inhibition test; algal inhibition test
triail ar chosc fáis algaí
asymmetric algorithm
algartam neamhshiméadrach
compulsory disclosure; disclosure; duty of disclosure
dualgas nochta
affirmative duty; positive obligation
dualgas dearfach; oibleagáid dhearfach
algo trading; algorithmic trading; automated trading; black box trading
trádáil algartamach
spuirse bhándealgach
professional liability insurance for risks during performance
árachas dliteanais ghairmiúil le haghaidh rioscaí dualgais
blue-green algae; blue-green bacteria; cyanobacteria; Cyanophyta
algaí gormghlasa; cianabaictéir
non-attached microalgae
miocralgaí neamhcheangailte
unialgal culture
saothrán aonalgach
single day free of duty
lá amháin saor ó dhualgas
FDP; flight duty period
tréimhse dualgais eitilte
duty of an expert to carry out his task conscientiously and impartially
dualgas an tsaineolaí a chúram a chomhlíonadh go coinsiasach neamhchlaon
duty to consent to sexual intercourse
dualgaisí an phósta
duty of assistance; duty of support; duty to support
dliteanas an teaghlach a chothabháil; dualgas cothaithe
family rights and obligations
cearta agus dualgais teaghlach
rights and duties of parents; rights and obligations of parents
cearta agus dualgais tuismitheoirí
parental responsibility
caomhnóireacht; cearta agus dualgais tuismitheora; freagracht tuismitheoirí; freagracht tuismitheora
responsibilty to maintain and protect a child; responsibilty to safeguard and promote child's health development and welfare
dualgas cúraim leanaí
duty to provide help and comfort
dualgas cúnaimh
duty to adhere; duty to cohabit
dualgas chun chomhchónaigh
duty of fidelity
dualgas dílseachta sa phósadh; dualgas na dílseachta
price coupling algorithm
algartam praghschúplála
Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Journalists; Munich Charter
Cairt München; Dearbhú maidir le Cearta agus Dualgais Iriseoirí
alkali metal amalgam
malgam miotail alcaile
whole ore amalgamation
malgamúchán lánmhéine
high-frequency algorithmic trading technique
teicníc um thrádáil algartamach ardmhinicíochta
brown algae; brown seaweed; brown seaweeds
feamainn rua
Dún Dealgan (fir1)
General Duties Section [Units and Sub-units: Naval Service]
an Rannóg Dualgas Ginearálta (bain2)
be available for duty
bí ar fáil chun dualgais (br)
barbed wire entanglement
tranglam de shreanga dealgacha (fir1)
unfit for duty
neamh-infheidhme chun dualgais (a3)
dereliction of duty
faillí i ndualgas (bain4)
devotion to duty
dúthracht i mbun dualgais (bain3)
lucht dualgais (fir3)
dualgas (fir1, gu: dualgais, ai: dualgais, gi: dualgas)
duty in aid of the Civil Power
dualgas i gcabhair ar an gCumhacht Shibhialta (fir1)
light duty
dualgas éadrom (fir1)
orderly duty
dualgas sealaíochta (fir1)
week-end duty
dualgas deireadh seachtaine (fir1)
field security duty
dualgas díonachta machaire (fir1)
tour of duty
seal dualgais (fir3)
on escort duty
ar dualgas coimhdeachta (fr.r.)
excused duty
saor ó dhualgas (fir1)
fatigue duty
dualgas giotamála (fir1)
faithful discharge of duty
dualgas a chomhlíonadh go dílis (fir1)
fit for duty
infheidhme chun dualgais (a3)
guard duty
dualgas garda (fir1)
during non-duty hours
le linn gan bheith ar dualgas (fr.r.)
manual of staff duties
lámhleabhar dualgas foirne (fir1)
medicine on duty
íoc ar dualgas (bain2)
miscellaneous duty
dualgas ilghnéitheach (fir1)
amount necessarily expended by him in the execution of his duties
méid a chaith sé ó riachtanas i gcomhlíonadh a dhualgas (fir4)
neglect of duty
faillí i ndualgas (bain4)
nursing duty
dualgas altranais (fir1)
duty officer
oifigeach dualgais (fir1)
pilotage duty
dualgas piolótaíochta (fir1)
onus of proof
dualgas cruthúnais (fir1)
frithcheilg (bain2, gu: frithcheilge, ai: frithchealga, gi: frithchealg)
duty order
ordú dualgais (fir)
range duty
raondualgas (fir1, gu: raondualgais, ai: raondualgais, gi: raondualgas)
duty roster
uainchlár dualgas (fir1)
sand duty
dualgas sláintíochta (fir1)
police duty
dualgas póilíneachta (fir1)
staff duty
dualgas foirne (fir1)
presidential duty
dualgas uachtaráin (fir1)
probationary duty
dualgas promhaidh (fir1)
detail for duty
sonraigh chun dualgais (br)
discharge a duty
comhlíon dualgas (br)
be on duty
bí ar dualgas (br)
be excused duty
bí ligthe saor ó dhualgas (br)
relieve from military duties
cuir ó dhualgais mhíleata (br)
rest off duty
bí ar scíth ó dhualgas (br)
resume duty
fill ar dhualgas (br)
take duty
téigh i mbun dualgais (br)
absence from duty through illness without medical certification
neamhláithreacht ó dhualgas de dheasca breoiteachta gan deimhniú dochtúra (bain3)
intelligence liaison officer (duties)
oifigeach (dualgais) liaison faisnéise (fir1)
barbed wire
sreang dhealgach (bain2)
comhcheilg (bain2, gu: comhcheilge, ai: comhchealga, gi: comhchealg)
comhcheilg (bain2, gu: comhcheilge, ai: comhchealga, gi: comhchealg)
call out the Reserve for duty in aid of the Civil Power
gair amach an Cúltaca ar dualgas i gcabhair ar an gCumhacht Shibhialta
duties of officer superintending firing point
dualgas oifigigh a bheidh ag maoirseacht ag an bpointe lámhaigh
otherwise than in the course of his official duty
ar shlí seachas i gcúrsa a dhualgais oifigiúil
absence from duty through illness permissible under subparagraph (i)
neamhláithreacht ó dualgas de dheasca breoiteachta, is incheadaithe faoi fhomhír (i)
amalgamate messes
cónaisc bialanna
erect barbed wire entanglement
cuir suas tranglam de shreanga dealgacha
excuse a soldier from duty
lig saighdiúir saor ó dhualgas
facilitate him in the execution of his duties
éascaigh dó a dhualgais a chomhlíonadh
impede a soldier in the execution of his duties
cuir bac ar shaighdiúir i gcomhlíonadh a dhualgas
be temporarily incapacitated from performing his duties
bheith éagumasach go sealadach ar a dhualgais a chomhlíonadh
obstruct a soldier in the execution of his duties
cuir bac ar shaighdiúir agus é ag comhlíonadh a dhualgas
report his arrival for temporary duty
a theacht ar dualgas sealadach a chur in iúl
suspend an officer from duty
fionraigh oifigeach ó dhualgas,
take over the duties of fire picket
gabh dualgais phicéad dóiteáin de láimh
duties of officer superintending at the butts
dualgais oifigigh a bheidh ag maoirseacht ag na stopacháin
duty officers' maps
léarscáileanna oifigeach dualgais