Torthaí beachta
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(of contraception)
The establishment of a European Maritime Transport Space without Barriers has been announced in the freight logistics action plan of 18 October 2007, the Communication on the future of Europe's maritime policy and the Commission Communication "Strategic options for European shipping and for the European maritime transport system in the horizon 2008-2018".
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
blocking buffer
maolán bacainneach; maolán blocála
liquid-phase blocking ELISA
ELISA bacainneach sa phas leachtach
non-depolarising neuromuscular blocking agent; non-depolarising NMBA
oibreán bacainneach néaramhatánach neamh-dhípholarúcháin
barrier minefield
log mianach bacainneach (fir1)