Torthaí beachta
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Torthaí gaolmhara
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Rail wagon with a demountable subframe, fitted with devices for vertical handling, to allow the loading and unloading of semi-trailers or road vehicles.
A basket default swap is similar to a single entity default swap except that the underlying is a basket of entities rather than one single entity. There are several types of basket default swaps. The popular ones are first-to-default, n-th-to-default, n-out-of-m-to-default and all-to-default swaps. With a single entity, a credit event is usually a default of the entity. With a first-to-default swap, a credit event occurs the first time any of the entities defaults.
Gluaiseanna breise
Auxilliary glossaries
second basket of the Helsinki Final Act
an dara ciseán d'Ionstraim Chríochnaitheach Heilsincí
basket of gases
bascaed gás
basket of currencies; composite currency; composite of currencies; currency cocktail
airgeadra ilchodach
burner basket
cuasán dó
basket wagon
vaigín lóid
first-to-default basket product
táirge bascaeid don chéad mhainneachtain
basket product
táirge bascaeid
fixed basket of equities
bascaed seasta de ghnáthscaireanna
Army basket ball championship
craobh chispheil Airm (bain2)
basket ball
cispheil (bain2, gu: cispheile)